SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Stalinis Treason in France kages in every power that too Big Crowd At Cannon Meetables de progress themelore Stalin Laval Communique very loyalty to their union, upon the desire of NEW MILITANT the new unionists to be a part of the of with which is merged in order to put over a brazen piece of autoTHE MILITANT cracy, which violated the most elementary The working masses are search the socialist fatherland; we will Published weekly by the Workers Party of the principles of democratic unionism.
ing the political line which will West 15th Street, New York City More openly and more sharply every fight prevent war, or if the war breaks Some Startling Quotations from Nutrionary war against the social Phone. ALgonquin 9058 ist fatherland, the red army of for unionism is a fight against the present reac proletariat, will accomplish the Humanite of Paris the Soviet Union by every means, Entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office tionary leadership of the labor movement. In overthrow of the capitalist regime, and we will struggle for the de at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. every strike we must from the outset make it which is responsible for war, and wish to conquer war. Human consideration, the system Inventh feat of GERMAN IMPERIAL ite, April 4)
ed by Laval would limit itself ISM AND ITS ALLIES, for the one of our principal tasks to expose it and substitute the socialist regime for JAMES CANNON. Editor it.
Péri and Pertinax defeat of to an We wish to show merely by q110agreement that Germany HARRY HOWE. Associate Editor undermine whatever confidence the rank and Blum rates Pertinax, of the Echo might carry on its Eastern prowar against the Soviet file may have in it. That it can be done was tations from Humanite the datly de Paris, among the awkward jects, that France would lend no Union.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: proved in Toledo. The Chevrolet strikers Mon paper of the Communist Party of friends of the Populaire, assistance, but at the same time We will aid by every means, In the United States 00 per year; 65c six months. day night, after having read the New Militant Peance, which can easily the vera April 21) because, bourgcois real would offer no opposition. even by the sacrifice of our lives, Canada and Foreign: 50 per year; 00 six months.
the victory of the Soviet Socialist issues with the exposure of the Akron sell out political line of the Communist Intion of an alliance with the Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
Union in its war against all those and Dillon performance at Flint on the picket ternational toward war.
Peri and the of France, from who attack the land of socialism.
Vol. SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1935 No. 22 lines that day hooted with derision at Musso The International line of the 3rd from the point of view of relative the point of view of the national force, without attaching any im interests of the Soviet bureaucracy, The proletariat is no longer to lini Dillon attempt to whip up a red scare International is thus defined in the wortance to vagne promises. Per and Pertinax from the point of view struggle for the defeat of its own sixth condition of admission. All parties desiring to affiliate tinax is solely concerned with of the mational interests of the bour imperialist government, but for the Lessons of the Toledo Battle against the with the III International must French interests. If he were gloisie advance, in fact, the same defeat of German imperialism and its allies. Continued from Page 1) The next most important factor in the denounce not only social patriotsolely concerned with Russian in political line.
terests he would no doubt write as It, as Thorez has informed us In other words: the French proism, but social paclism with its successful fight was put up against the partial undoing of the Chevrolet strikers was Peri, true Friend of the since July 1934, it is the Commun. Letariat will go to war band in of bureaucrats in the automobile situation the organizational and political inexperience falseness and hypocrisy as well writes: ists who love their country well, it against German imperialism for the of the strikers themselves and their leaders. the working class that without Others believe that Laval than ever before.
together with John Simon would their country, the bourgeoisie, are is known as national defense.
That General Motors knew whom it was of the marvelous battle put up especially by revolutionary overthrow of capit. be disposed to replace the project the traitors.
fighting is attested by the fact that when Flint Jimmy Roland and some of his collongues we alism, no international tribune of of an Eastern Pact by an Air Al This is just what Cachin informs occasion of the municipal elections The appeal of the on the was threatened with a strike despite all the have already spoken. Nothing can dim that arbitration, ne debate on the rollance open to all the signatories us in an article for April 10, in confirms us (l Humanite, April 21. efforts of the company and the of to achievement, yet there were defects which must cratie reorganization by the of the Locarno Treaty, the which he concludes: and the Little Entente. They The most saered duty of the prevent it and the General Motors controlled be avoided in the future. The importance of League of Nations, can preserve We shall tear of the masks proletarians of boast of having obtained the subentire world humanity from Imperialist war.
of the exploiters of the country, newspapers in that city launched a vicious making a fight for a militant daily bulletin was is the defeat of aggressors against port of Poland and of Germany That was the line of yesterday.
not sensed and the Strike Committee backed the worst enemies of the French campaign of red baiting and incitement to viothe Soviet Union and the defeat for this system.
Today, since the has been down on it too readily when the union execu reconstructed (after the expulsion Well, without a second thought people, without failing in our of all the aggressor allles.
lence, it was directed against the Workers duty of defending the peace and The communists want the UNtive at Dillon behest vetoed the idea. Tech of the Leninists) on the dogma of we can say, this system has nothParty and its national secretary.
bread of their victims.
IFICATION OF ALL ing to do with peace. Those who FRENCH nical details such as regular strike committee Socialism in one country that is That the of bureaucrats shared the Cochin, who is a past master MEN, who work in the factories, support it would precipitate the meetings, secretarial service, etc. were neglec to say, independently of the worla company view as to the enemy to be feared is very rule of cannons which the when it comes to traitors, is not docks, offices, stores, laboratories, ted. The calling of a conference of all striking revolution, the international line of attested by Francis Dillon petulant exclamamasses wish fully understood by the true patri schools, universities, and the the 3rd International is the followavert at any cost. Aggression will not be discour otsas appears from his denuncia workers of all nationalities and tion when the Chevrolet workers barred him locals was too long delayed. When Roland for the tion of Taittinger: races who share the same suffer.
the Strike Committee at last got the call out, from speaking at their meeting: Let Muste Defense of the peace policy of the aged if the sole risk to the ag. Taittinger, the fascist, divulgressor is the risk of not being ing and the same hopes.
proposals to Dillon was in a position to countermand it. consisting run their union for them if they want him.
actively assisted. Passivity by ges with impunity official diplo There we are, twice warned.
matie and military communicaitself is an encouragement to ad Blind are the workers who do not The power of the reactionary forces in the disarm addressed to the imperialist tions which he receives in his of labor movement, and the length to which they acts against any aggressor.
immediately draw the correct les The Party and the workers must neverventures ficial positions on the various sons and the consequences thereof. In the concrete case under underestimated.
theless frankly face the fact that the strike would go in betrayal, was The Peace Policy of the committees in parliament Thus. From La Verite, Paris)
was only in a very limited sense victorious. Strike Truth was the greatest weapon of the The political line is based on the he furnishes Hitler with new arGeneral Motors was compelled to negotiate strike. It was a fundamental error to allow it following promise: there are impor.
guments for rearrument, and carialist nations interested in pence, directly with the Strike Committee clected by to be suppressed.
ries coals to the fires of fascism and others interested in war, across the Rhine. patriot who the rank and file. The Automobile Labor Board conducts himself in such a treas.
was clubbed into unconsciousness. Wage inWhat next? For the Chevrolet workers, We must know. says Pérl in creases were obtained. They are small when loyalty to the union. No tearing up of union powers who are not interested in advocates repression ainst the anti fascists!
the cost of living and General Motors profits books. Closing of ranks, so that General Mo war will assure reacte entrough NEW YORK Victoria Hall at From which we conclude that the (Continued from Page 1)
are taken into account. Real union recognition tors will understand that they are dealing with promises of mutual assistance or Irving Plaza was packed to the country. at present under the lead relentlessly that no resistance and definite assurance that a quictus will be workers who have been tested and hardened in if they will fall into line with the doors last Sunday evening to hearership of the bourgeoisie, does not is to be offered when war bethe fires of experience, who intend to build an conceived by Hitler.
comrade James Cannon spel: on understand where its real interests gins. The Social Democrats of put upon the company union was not obtained.
Questions of seniority and abolition of the cver stronger union, and who will fight at the From this flows the whole lime Where is the of Google.
Germany and France voted for Take éri again in the lecture was interrupted several merit clause are left hanging in the rir. drop of the hat against any attempt to dis of the ci Most deplorable is the fact thone Toledo work criminate against active unionists or to revive without formula alonesan make brought in the stommodate te the country, the undertakes in teu tive Governments on the Fourth times while additional chirs sewe makes no effort to conccal it trom the war credits of their respecers who have marched in the vanguard so often a company union. We know that this is the warlike enterprise mest dimice arrivals sade To the res ue of French cul of August, 1914. Following under the present system? The Comrade Cannon reviewed rent iure.
and to whom General Motors workers in Nor spirit of the Toledo workers.
that they became recruiting developments For the militants in the Toledo Auto Union best formula, it is evident, would the labor move If the proletariat, according wood, Cleveland and Atlanta had pledged not ment the expansion of the A1 to return to work until Toledo got its union and especially those in the Chevrolet plant who be the general or partial disarma of Lions since the inception of have now 10 Marx, has no fatherland they sergeants for the war.
ment proposed and defended by as internationalists The Social Democrats darcontract Toledo workers at the critical moin a few days were developed into such an inthe NRA, the contradiction between something to defend: that is the ried out their historic betraval ment permitted themselves to be thrown into telligent, courageous, dashing force, the task the other powers. Falling agen the needs of the workers in the mass production industries and the cultural patrimony of France, the under the slogan, Defense of now is solid organization. That organization cal reluction of armaments confusion and to vote to go back to work bespiritual wealth, the works of its craft form of organizatio:1, the be artisans, its workers, its artists, march on the same path under the Fatherland. The Stalinists fore settlements Ind been negotiated in these must not be merely local. Through the contacts they have made in other centers, naINTENTION OF RENOUNCING trayalso the A, of lendership and its thinkers. Humanite, other plants. That was indeed a defcat and a the Soviet government and the and the new expulsion campaign April 13)
the banner of Socialism in humiliation.
tional organization of progressive automobile proletariat of all European coun.
Against the militant and progres unionists must be built. The time is ripe for it.
in other words: if the proletar. One Country. The content of tries with it believes a system of sive elements, the threat of Lewis Hat has no fatherland, neverthe The Toledo workers were subdued not by This will give notice to Dillon, to Fred Schawke, pacts whereby the signatories to secede and form a new feleration Les Top alumatlardan sonra on the actions and the results are of industrial unions. After antal for some time the French patrithe same.
General Motors and not from any lack of cour the business agent who buckled under pressure, agree to boycott an aggressor nalysis of the Lawis maneuver and many Lenin in his time denounced age and militaney on their own part, but chief and all their ilk that this was the first round stacles in the way of war. We after showing that the progressive Cuchin and Vaillant Couturier the League of Nations as a ly by the perfidious treachery of Francis Diland that in the next they will not merely be must see things as they are and fon, the chief representative of the A, of hanging on the ropes but down for the count. Feelize that any other contractual comrade Can. com power yene in Latintors Humanite, their sailles Peace as a brigands bureaucracy in the situation. The lowest forms No lesson of the General Motors strike, 80 The Announcement of Treason Under these conditions what is should the radical workers lead!
peace and the breeder of a new of trickery, the most brazen intimidation, were brilliant yet so far from attaining the results the task of the can. To join Soviet movement for a new federation of From such equivocations can war. Stalin joins the League employed by him. For public consumption he that the courage and spirit of the workers had diplomacy in an attempt to com bor The speaker said this question for the proletariat, the and its Army to defend the status quo come nothing but treason. Ilappily of Nations and pledges the Red pretended to urge the Norwood committee to carned, is more basie than this that the province the various imperialisms call their men out in support of Toledo. Priy gressives in the unions must learn, must disci which are interested in peace of must be answered decidedly in the various sections have just adver established by the Versailles without any ately he told them to throw copies of Strike pline themselves, must organize, must become partnecessity of mutual assistance tentohe me le porte contined their trenson, The following shows how the or serious movement among the work. The duty of the proletarint in Lenin said: turn the imperhas told the story of how he literally forced the In the eyes of General Motors, of the san of the French CP, goes about crs in this direction and said that case of war is outlined in the fol ialist war into a civil war.
Flint workers to stay in, condoned their work of bureaucracy, of the press of the nation, 1985 (From Humanite, April radicals and deprive them on the low our apprendre isolate the lowing appeal of the European Stalin says: Do not interfere ing on scab transmissions, and insinuated that the Workers Party is in the vanguard of the But what then does the Na possibility of influencing the real We salute the progress made with the military operations of development of the labor movement, the Toledo strikers were yellow and unworthy battle for unionism in the automobile industry. tional Union Government of in the military field by the only The militants must fight the rear your own capitalists.
of support. His henchmen beat up a Toledo We must, we shall, meet the challenge which France think of the attitude of. Down with perfidious Stalunion militant in Flint.
that implies. Branches in the auto centers the National Union Government tionary policies of the reactionary Inforcing the red army of work inism. It is no longer a officialdom, but this can best beers and peasants, a true guaranThis mouther of phrases about democratie must redouble their work, recruit, project secret that Laval is lending his done by fighting at the same time tee of peace, we salute every Long live the watchword of America and the democratie of told themselves into the struggle. New branches ear to Hitler propositions. Does for the unity of the trade union strengthening of the frontiers or Karl Liebknecht the watchmovement. This policy holds good the Toledo strikers, the strike committee, the must be built where we have as yet no base. he believe that an accord with the word of the Fourth Internaunion executive board, BEFORE THE VOTE The National Committee must map out a com Nazis against the Soviet Union also in the fight against expulsions aperial in the present cases of the steel tional: Monday night that if they did not vote to ac prehensive plan of action based on careful and ism? Is he forgetting that the workers and lacHI 574 at Minne St. Louis Gas The enemy is in our own cept the company compromise proposal, he constant study of the industry. All of us must mass movement against war and polis, country!
would withdraw the union charter! This is toil and sacrifice to raise the material resources for the defense of the Soviet Uncomrade Cannon took occasion to his notion of democratic procedure! Thus needed for the task and to make ourselves the lon is much stronger in France point out again that the trade un Election Battle when the Chevrolet strikers had barred him trained revolutionists who can eventually lead than in England. Has he already forgotten the ion policy advocated by comrade from speaking at their meeting correctly so the workers of the United States to the assault time, not so distant, when the Zack is not the policy of the Work(Continuer from Page 1)
in view of the slimy role he had enacted he upon the citadels of company unionism and French imperialist government ers Party. party that wants to the daily strike paper was able to pacify the mass move be taken seriously in the labor certain Republican hack, Mr played, desperately and despicably, upon their open shoppery!
ment of the workers and soldiers movement today, he said, must Fasteridny, the City Engineer, decid.
for the dietatorship of the prole raise the slogan: Deeper into the ed to cut a gas line with seab labor (Continued from Page 1)
tariat only by stopping immedi. of unions! The policy He arrived on the day in question assembly and organization for the ately the war against the Sovi representeil, for example, by com at the pit where the cutting was to workers: use of public are for ets!
radle Eack, who joined the Workers le made with a carload of police meetings ani demonstrations with The Sacramento Bee wins the sel had threatened red terror in the swarm of loathsome creatures In other words, if French im Party, is. and cannot be the and a scalumber, a certain Shaw, out police interference.
Pulitzer prize for the year best the event of convictions!
whose hissing and buzzing dominperialism wishes to survive the war, policy of the Workers Party. An Follows an analysis of the Farmthe advice of impression was sought to be created Meanwhile the scab bad gone er Labor Party, its inability to fulnewspaper reporting the prize is the closing argument by Attornated the jurors deliberations. ict it lend an ear awarded by a board of editors and my Albert Goldman of the Non Par. For its efficiency in wielding the pupils of Stalin, let it conclude that Zack entry into the party down and another Union Brother all the tasks of the working class, professors of journalisin, on the ad lisan Labor Defense so profoundly reactionary poison pen and bending a pact with the Soviet Union. signified the adoption of his trade standing on the opposite side of the the attainment of the socialist 80vier of the publishers of big capt affected several jurors that they to its ends the talents of its kept To help Laval understand, union policy. This is not the case ditch tried to persuade Shaw nociety. The Farmer Labor Party is to scab. Easterday thereupon lost bot truly a revolutionary workers talist newspapers, such as Adolph Beld out against Ochs of the Times, whose recent hours. When he can OF G6 reporters, the Bee sets the Pulitzer Peri becomes positively lively and at all.
he was rize and thousands of capitalist pressing want to take this opportunity his head, and running around to party, nor can it become one. It cleath. Karl Radek of the Commu siven a hand written note by a Bce editors envy the achievement. In the name of the Franco to say very decisively that the opin where this brother was standing, will not serve the workers when nist International tells us, should reporter explaining that for ren There can be no over estimation British Entente, Pierre Laval has ions expressed by comrade Zack in he tried to push him into the ditch the big hosses decide to take away be hy newspaper men of sons which will be obvious, the of the importance of the workers lent himself to those criminal his controversy with the on Ile succeeded in setting his bar the rights which are looked in every report in the Bee would not repre own press to counteract the poison evasions which we have so often the trade union question are not our ance, but went down into the ditch by the people as constitutional position. This ought to be made with him; and whereas this Brother guarantees. The Purmer Labor Not even Hearst notorious Sansent what the reporter really rens of the bosses kept Journalists denounced here and which we must denounce today more vigor clear there is the slightest mis. landed on the water main, Easter Party puts its faith in parliamentFrancisco Examiner printed more mort Goldman argument honestly. tant alone, with its honest, aceur ously than ever.
conception about it, for the trade clay flopped right into the mud hole ary debate, which the capitalists cent Sacramento criminal syndical it was afraid of awakening symate weekly reports, gave a true Everything indicates that Lar: union question is indeed the key at the bottom of the ditch. so have shown they will abandon the pathy for the defendants and complete picture of the Sacrit ism trial than did the Bee.
al has given up the Eastern Pact question of the approach of a revo made a rush at this Brother and moment it goes against them. Workers of Minneapolis: Elect For example, when the defense defendants, their des constituent and the boot the New Mili: and mutual assistance. The Min lutionary party to the masses. Our made a prisk att him with the relied ister of Foreign Affairs has delib conceptions the trade union ques hammer. The Brother, sitting as the Farmer Laborites to office but Icounsel told the jury that a convictions and counsel, created the atto Viper!
erately renounced the only form tion are the generalizations of a tride the water main, saw him com watch their every move, do not trust tion would be used by reactionaries mosphere in which reactionaries on ula capable of preserving peace very extensive experience in the ing and let go with both feet, catch them. They will serve the workers to renew terrorism against workers the Jury could bulldoze Juror Me CLASSICAL LANGUAGE and putting a stop to armament. American labor movement, as well ing the sent square in the fuce and movement only if the workers or(a prophesy which came true a few Intire into a horse trade which sent Yale student specializing His deplorable attitude earned as in the international field. The sending him reeling into the mud Kanizations force them to.
days after when the cops told Mike Innocent workers to prison and gave classical languages has been ar him the felicitations of the Volk position of the Marxists on this role with City Engineer Ensterday. The leaflet concludes with an apPlesh, an acquitted defendant, to an impetus to reaction. The Sacra rested at the Colt Arms picket line ische Beobachter yesterday. But question have been tested a thou. When these two worthies final al to join the Workers Party, to get out of town or be beaten up. mento Bee, which might better hen Hartford, Conn.
it will rouse against him the an sand times, No new inventions are waded out of the mud hole they build the revolutionary party and the Ice reported that defense cou enter the Sacramento Viper, led He called the boss a skunk, ger of all those who sincerely needed.
were a sight for sore eyes.
the revolutionary International, Treaty.
in connection with those are on Strike is Solid In Minneapolis The Pulitzer Prize for Poison Pens SPEAKER: Max Shachtman War and the Stalin Laval Agreement Sunday, May 19th, Sip: