AssassinatBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarKirovLeninLeninismMarxismNazismPamphletSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1935 NEW MILITANT MARCH OF EVENTS What Now for the Textile Workers?
Question Box sacrifice By JACK WEBER By FELIX GIORDANO more, even if there were a possiTHE STRESA CONFERENCE Any appeal for revolutionary ac The textile workers, who were What happened at Stress was bility of changing the leadership ation of the International proletari poorly organized before the advent Organization of Union Progressives of the took the opportunthis year, the probability of accomforegone conclusion long in advance at is completely ignored while the plishing that change would be very By WEAVER of the actual conference. Hitler Stalinists confine their efforts for ity which the situation offered them and went in for organisation on a be involved of necessits, and in who had shown such militancy in must be built to cope with tbe pres slim. For that change a machine II. NEW YORKsweeps aside the armament clauses race completely to the realm of of the Versailles Treaty, establish diplomacy and maneuvers behind butional scale.
Question: Is it correct to use es Germany complete freedom to the scene. In their efforts to main.
American Hory and traditions Almost overnight the United Ter Solved against them, but they even the face of tremendous old, whort one. Evidently, this new prepare for the next war, and all till their bureaucratic powes in Tile Workers of America, heretofore went so far as to hop for and wel. ad defined the einployers and the chile cannot be built in a day.
come intervention by the govern. militia, these workers could not to advance the proletarian revoluan organization of minor impor ment.
The Only Alternative It was their job to know allow such a brazen betrayal of that the former allies can do under the Soviet Union, they tion, e. was it correct for the tance, saw its membership doubled beforehand how many and who their interests to go unchallenged for the workers. That alternative There is only one alternative left in Ohio to name a chab present conditions is to admonish again and again the interests of Hitler that he had better not do it the working class home and Citial mion of the American Feder have to face, namely, manufactur. It is as yet unorganized, and there they are to change the course of Let would be lacking in elementand trebled, and became an influwould be the enemies they would Rebellion brewed and took form. they must take and make use of it after John Brown?
Answer: The revolutionary moveagain. This time, say the belpless abroad. By their own Illusion that tion of labor.
premiers, we will yield to you but an onduring military alliance Lext time, look out! Strusa thus with imperialist France can stave ary tactical and strategical sense it The workers flocked to the union militin, soldiery, citixens commit per leadership it will yet bring their history from defeat to vie with the idea that manufacturer tees, vigilantes, etc. Instead they some results.
it did not attempt to make use of marks the success of Nazl diploma of fascist intervention by their and worker would meet on the im believed that the strike would line cy in winning England to support willingness to defend the status partial deld of government legislap the workers on one side, and the In every local of the unions, in the revolutionary Heaping Insult on Injury traditions of almost every mill, whether organAnd, as if to add insult to inAmerican History German rearmament for use quo, which means the upholding of Lenin once had ined or not, there are a few ad against the Soviet Union At the capitalism in its bourgeois demo to show greater solidarity tion, and that the one who was able manufacturers, with perbaps a few jury, while the echo of the musketry Cession to remind us of these: and Meals, on the other.
vanced workers who are better able same time Great Britain makes it cratie form at the very time when The American people has a The govern had not yet died away in the to see through the schemes of the revolutionary tradition adopted by strength would reap the greatest ment did not fit into their scheme stroets of Rhode Island towns, the manufacturers and the maneuvers the best representatives of the Amperfectly plain that the reparations this must give way in France (the profit from it, over the magie sig of things, except as an impartial leaders of the published as of the union officialdom. They have erican proletarint, who gave roclauses and the armament ovi. resent key to the International sions of the Versailles system may situation) either to fascism or to nature of the government. observer, with fathesly learnings open letter to the manufacturers been for the most part ineffective, The actual signing of the code toward the masses of down trodden association proposing unity ac isolated scornful. They must get idarity with 18. the Bolsheviks.
Feated expression to their full solbe vold but the territorial changes communism: the Staliniste corrupt which legulized as an American workers made by the war stand. Hitler need the minds of the French workers tion for the purpose of raining together now and organize into This fradition is the war of ltberastandard such wages as 12. 00 per not expect to recover from the Brit with the comme false views.
Welcome to Soldiers markets for the manufacturers!
They week, mnde labor wonder if it had They welcomed ish lion what hns once come under epare the road to defense of the not been tricked into something al solid groups; forget their political. tion gainst the English in the 18th troops, and Let it be clearly understood: racial and all other differences and and the Civil War in the 19th cen.
If German capitalism fatherland and fascist victory together inimical to it. The work forms of visitante stands in the solve the problems of the manufac its claws.
feebly complained of the various union has no business to try to act together in the union for their turies. Letter to American needs to expand, let it be to the by giving the false, opportunist guidance instead were unutisia. They needed south. ut later even they saw turers under any circumstances. To follow. Workers. They must act us henetit and for the benefit of their workerx East. more. They wanted more If they the troops as lint which they could propose such a shameful cooperatIf the revolutionary traditions in If Stresa marks the final rumbo clear understanding and direc. could not get it through legislation, not but he and had been all along: tion at this time of all times! To 11 sell appointed committee to build American History can be a weapon ling of the post war Versailles syslives. Instead of tilizing the then surely there must be som allies of the manufacturers, strike forget the dead that only a controduction in their mion of active necessary however, that one knows and spread the union for the in in the funds of revolutionists, it is united front between themselves other tem for guaranteeing to the victors of getting it, and they breakers in uniform. number the spoils, it significs at the same and the Socialiste for involving the set aliout to find this way. deaths shocked the vacillating and What the moral victory really ami militant policies, to teach their how to make of such weapons: time the weakening of French French workers in struggle against hegemony in Europe. French imthe 13trtist Flandin governThere was, of course. 10 lack of imid officials of the UT Again mounted 10 ik ready established more backward follow workers how with a gun one may commit sutelde clear sighted people who told these a wall of complaints came from riscrimination. further speed up be the real vanguard of the work to carry on organizational work, to as well as shoot an enemy.
perialism feels this keenly ment, which steadily paves the way workers that only through struggle them. Gorman swore by the blood and stretch ont in this industry as They must abandon their posi great deal of skill is required for 11 Facist military coup etat, hence seeks help to maintain her cauti! achieve anything at all. If the dead that the strike would a result of the strike are too well ton of xideline erities and become through decades of propaganda the the Stalinist party actually extends in handling this particular weapon.
TIe dominant note in the wions not end before the focustry wns known to require telling. The aver that the German militarists fear the united front to the supporters specdily became struggle shut down completely, and the the new leadership in their mon capitalist class has succeeded in age wage in the industry is now of the Bonapartist rgime and nothing so much as a military alNew o organization, unwilling to workers on strike took upon them. elow 10. 00 per week.
Progressive Organization Imperative wtentifying itself with many of the therely places the workers at the believe that union leadership is not wel the task of butting it down. ditions of the textile workers are The con liance between France and the soNor is that congh. The coming revolutimary traditions so that viet Union. Thus far this alliance, servber of the bourgeoisie.
always ready to follow the dictates the strike was spreading with ter struggles of importance are goink xuch holidays as the 4th of July, The whole situation in France of the membership, they trusted the ritic momentum.
if anything, worse.
all but consummated, has been The manufactur. Some of the workers, disheart to be national in scope. rogres for example, are usually associated held as a threat over Hitler head.
calls for energetic revolutionary leaders, and to them eners were frantie.
sive elements will not le effective with patriotism and reaction. And major objective, Hitler immediate. tivity including the arining of did not cherish any such illusions. asked more more they asked for till organized today, or are coming tary for the res to conte 10 class holida working. But having accomplished his first leadership and for revolutionary trusted their fight. Some old hands had out were not suficient. They tion. But the majority of them are if organized only locally. It is nec to adopt such a probably be ly proceeds towards the accomplish the proletariat for the breaking up they distrusted that leadership and the army, the wavy the leather back to the union, to try again, to kether with other progressive suicide.
ment of his next object, the separ of scil bands and for the prepar tried to change it. They expected necks.
light anin.
As a symbol of rebellion, howation of France from Russia. That sation to seize power. and the Stalthe support of the new clement in That threat was enough. The nationally into an all embraclus ever probably nothing could be The Road Ahead is the meaning of the vague and inits proved to denounce the real ihr union, which, by virtue of its timorous, weak, inept officialdom of In the meantime the whole. movement that will be able to up more appropriate than the selection formless offer to sign an lastern Marxists who see the situation in being new, was not a part of the the suddenly called off the ratus of the still has made its ply the workers with cun. eren of John Brown. While we can disLocarno jiet without any military all its clarity and offer the only machine td could be brought to strike, while the spirit of the strikmethod which position ren clearer. Both profit nomln. leadership. They are with two assistance classes That offer is correct policy to the French prole tariat a police agents. When his enormous.
roll gainst it. The forment was er was at its highest, when the and employment have increased must come to an understanding ix Brown attempted to 180 in freelog intended to gain time and to hend New workers and old mills that were still being kept sharply in the last year.
Elabor to the policies to be more and the slaves, e. the substitution at off the Frane Russian alliance. In torically the bourgeoisie has members were indignant over the open sked for picket lines. provisions in the codes neither not for the purpose of splitting the venture involving only a handful this move the Nazis have the ferrachel the end of its rope and can fact that some prominent officials Conditions of Truee being serappel altogether, or are unions it rather to maintain the of men, Brown remains a symbol of vent support of the reactionaries of or nothing but the profoundest of ineunion had been really to ne What were the conditions that not being lived up to by the man both France and England. The misery to the workers, the Stalin pi 00 minimum wage: old called on the strike? What truce facturers very existence of them for unless the struggle against slavery, and ridicules the idea of delining antics of the united front to a strug the ground for a change and tried the President of the 19. had threat to the workex standaruls strategies the workers will not re Negrors and whites in his raid on of ist members and new tried to prepare what peace treaty had been signe ployment program is further the unions de change their line of Latticularly because he had both aggressor: The truth about all the le for mediate demands, for im. bring that change about.
The Convention Harper Merry, his name symboloffered to nomine a committee to and is interpreted as such. new main in them much longer.
study the condit tons of the textile movement on the part of organized Lional progressive movement. Let white in the struggle for freedom.
The textile workers need a mixes the unity rigmarole from stresa is that Lo le concessions from the cap the and carno and all its works have been italists. Proposing a basis for or er the of these inten tions the LT. Convention was propose measures to remedy the predicted that this year will wintons, LA gn ont to mild this Brown Body was the marching industry, workers included, and labor is under way reduced by the new events to utter sanie unity in the Socialists that It is freely that be the slogan in the textile 11 is no accident that John Honnonse. Are we coing to bomb is in line with the bankrupt poli silec in ine summer of 1934 ills of the industry. The Winant anther gigantic wave of trikes, cies of the Comintern, the Stalinl aris becate Prance invades GerWhat will probably Gothinission was found acceptable even greater than those of the last we powerful croup all those that song of the Union soldiers, fighting Le 118 consolidate in movement ists would contine the struggle tever he know. The old officials to the manufacturers, and the gen two years. The textile Industry is many waist Russia which was against the extension of conscrip of the were nominated for crul strike was ingloriously called coing to have its share of strikes, one of the progressive wars want the union to be real fight been invaded by Germany in history. Remaining questions sir! And in truth, who will ever tion to two years of service and re election, and were elected by cop ing organization, then let the Mc both local and national. What to be answered in following issues. clamation stop on the outbrenk of a war to this against the war preparations Mahons. the Gormans and The opposition slate The sentiment of the workers is guarantees have the workers that the determine the aggressor Only. to monsier jietitions! Insteart was not even presented.
This in most eloquently proved by the fact their struggles are not going to be Greenn do their we SAMUEL BROCKTONself interest determines the com of uring the workers for a di pite of the fact that up to and exhat the calling off of the strike a repetition of the textile strike of Question: In the pamphlet The binations made in imperialist et attack on the entire capitalist ally during the convention was not its actual end For the 1934. system, the Contmunist Party of nors of position headed by strike continued, now broken. for What must they do. what chung Is Torgler Being Shenking of the situation within France calls for a 1g on hich mit Rieve, or the hostory workers, some time set in a number of the house they not the lines or Victimized by the way out can be found except STALINISM AND THE WAR DANGER Germany the ultra leftist course of and were played up quite a bit oudying a shameful death.
that they will in through the regeneration of the Stalinism was a direct cause of the the very eve of the election. Nor could it be otherwise.
To the working class it must be victory of Hitlerism. In France if Ilowever, if the leadership was workers, especially in the South, is the immediate ank of the work for made clear that Strea is a step the workers are misled into follow nol angel it had at least been had never known of strikes out of ers in all industries, and especially the communist Party of the Sonot towards peace bul towards war. ing the reactionary guidance of the given it very definite task, atew which one could coine with a mor. in the textile unions?
We take the liherty of reprinting viet Union rather than for the Faced with the prospect of imper. Third International, then the ultra Taxk. general textile strike baal victory. If there were a victory If the workers are to see their he following news item from Nour building of a new party in that ialist war and intervention against opportunist course of the burran to take place in America. The they wanted to see it in terms of strikes carried out in a militant. Front, organ of the Socialist Work country?
the Soviet Union, the Stalinists re crats in the present juncture will deadline was set for Neptember letter pay, better conditions, the lighting way, they have Party of Germany. We con Answer: Crities of the Workers veal the depths to which they have prove the cause of the success of is important this point to 30 lour week. If for some unac militant, fighting oruumization to liked for clarity subject Party, attempting to make factional dragged the October Revolution. French fascism.
analyse the forces which moved the countable reason they hnd lost the direct them and guide them. This textile workers and which were re strike, they wanted to know it.
any changes in hours. wages, or sponsible for the strike.
the nited Textile Workers is not which the bureaucrats of the Com capital out of this sentence, have The Lack of Left Wing Very few unions are that today.
International em to be broadcasting the fact that working conditions arrived at As already mentioned, the newly through But the workers were forced to What possibility is there then of treating with criminal lightheart. Trotsky no longer belleves in bulld.
group of employees. But the cmnegotiations with inny organized workers were disappoint realize that there was no other or changing the union so that it will winess, lo xor the least. The article in a new party of the Fourth InSoviet Uplon.
ployers do not oblige themselves to the code.
erl in the New Telas embodied in canization to which they could turn meet the requirements which the aut in the first Aprilie offernational in Were these critics really serious, enter into collective agreements of for feadership in this struggle, no workers must impose? Is there at the paper and here their entire methodology any sort. They do not oblige themLabor Saving and Speed Up other organized group. no Let the present time an immediate pos Further, they were impelled to wing. There was only defeat. sibility of changing the leadership On February 28, Dimitroft es itself. they would have at selves to enter into collective agree take drastie netion by the condi.
sas They acknowledged it, but did of the limited Textile Workers? made a speech in the Moscow Writ least waited for confirmation of ments with the of unions exclusive spokesmen of the wage unemployment which stin prevail. workers who had put so much faith cials of the are elected for Relelistas Fire trial Fions of employment and mostly. Not on themselves to it. Those The answer is evident. The offers Home. In the dealt with the their seumption. Instead of basing According to themselves on a single sentence the By JACK ELDER Carners.
WASHINGTON, DC. As there The rubber workers were about ive been trying to counteract Mandaima DI of recent years the manufacturers in the leadership of their union, la term of two years, and they were the account in the Basler Runderretation of which was in schon, he said among other things: doubt.
was every reason to expect, the In a subsequent article. Trotsky The accused themselves repreto strike because the employers depresseil market by offorts to pro of lendership has short cir went into the federal courts to the cheaper. Newer types of mawanted a colorful political assort states the following. Only the ment. Among them were represent ranguard of the proletariat could there was every reason to suppose the NIIS hunded down some restore the Soviet state to health by atives of various social strata, ten were introduced, the wagex of labor Groot and Co. have led the rubber months ago. According to the terms were cut, the intensity of produconomia dencies and types, etc. On the one ruthlessly cleansing the bureaucraworkers into a settlement which of the settlement, the of Ltion was made to reach a higher Dear Editor: side there were the representatives the apparatus, beginning with the Hicks labor on each and every point. prontises to call no strikes until the pitch.
They could use the bodies for fer of the revolutionary section of the top. But in order to do so, it must The workers have been handed federal courts have passed on the labor had to bear the brunt of Starvation Faces Million New York he made into soap.
In your March 30 isene you state tilizer. They would be too poor 10 working class of the revolutionary set itself on its feet. close its ranks, over to their employers, not in ex.
validity of these orders. If this the new conditions. But labor could Jobless. Why should the rich, According to the papers, Andrew proletarint, and on the other, the and re establish or more exactly, change for a mess of pottage, but means anything. it means that the not continue to bear this burden in magnificent city of New York be Mellon made 200. 000. 000 since tariat the pitiable and tragic fig party, the Soviets, and the trade representative of the lumperole CREATE ANTW the revolutionary what is worse, in exchange for a of has waived the right to definitely mess of words.
strike in the ruliber industry for reached, sooner or later, when there ragged. hungry bipeds? Why should we up that interest without touchure of van der Lubbe. But there wnions. See the New Inter The terms of the agreement ex take at least a year tor the electrife. And since these conditions with their filth and squalor? Why 100 a day, it would take him over a year to come or more. For it will wou be open revolt. Industrial 37 percent of the city be taken up ing the principal, at the rate of was also a representative of the national for March 1935. Emphasis remnant and debris of philistinis mine)
and the spirit of officialdom in the The matter hardly requires furemplify to perfection the bureau tion order cases to get from the existed on a national scale, the house that bunch of ingrates, who 5000 years to do it. Just figure it revolutionary workers movement ther comment, crats infinite capacity for betray. Cirenit Court of Appeals to the struggle that would come against are so inconsiderate as to be in ont for yourselve. But that mass of such a classic type we had with us ing the rank and file into settle Supreme Court.
them must also be national in need and requiring food? Hoover hungry people must be content with in the person of the well known Question: What is meant by the ments which are utter defeats. By mighty quickly get rid of that unserer meal. No wonder there was comrade (I could even say erst slogan of Defeatismar!
in conneccomparison, the Alltomobile set.
Worst of all, the of These were the reasons for the sightly army of bonus seekers, when howl to pink slip the income re while comrade) Torgler.
tion with an tlement of March 1934 was a tri skatex let the rubber workers in general strike. And the convention they were marring the landscape ports. They are ashamed of their After this assertion, which can Answer: The Leninist formula of umph for organized labor. By comfor compulsory arbitration, open. 1934 proved that the saturation around Washington. lle had them unholy possessions at such times.
not help but astonish the initiDefeatism does not mean that the When Thomas Jefferson failed to ated, it must be assumed that there defent of one own country in time settlement of September 1934 was with, there are to be no strikes unparison, the miserable textile strike patent, and unashamed. To begin point hnd finally been reached, the just burned out like wasps without inst straw put on the back of the even speaking to them. What did have the imported Negro slaves has been a break between the Com of imperialist war is a lesser evil the complete victory which Gorman made free he tried to have the munist Party til the Supreme Court passes workers. The delegates to that it matter to him that they had sufof Germany and as compared with the defeat of an said it was on the authority on NLRB e convention were primarily interest: tered the tortures of hell? Those Negro babies as they were born Torsler. who to the best of our enemy conntry, but that a military corder elections In the Interim. ed in having a strike call issued. who had the good fortune to escape mattoreve, and when he failed at knowledge is still in prison. Should defent which comes about 18 The rubber workers were about however, grievances may arise: the All in these delegates wanted a being wounded suffered the indig that he said, tremble for my this le trne. however, then e can growth of the revolutionary moveto strike for union recognition. Ac workers may object to the speed strike not because they know how hity of being infested with lice. comtry when know God is just. and must demand of the an ment is infinitely more beneficial to cording to the terms of the settle up: to starvation wagoe: to violato conduct one most of them were How would the immaculate Hoover Wonder what Thomas Jefferson explanation in which they would the proletariat and to humanity ment, the employers recognize notions of code labor provisions. An inexperienced in strikes but be have liked being in a vermin nest? would say to conditions existing in declare what has happened to their than a military victory assured by union wbatever. They promise. in such grievances, it is provided, cause they had come to learn that But the millionaires money was this land of the free and home of Central Committee member Torg. civil peace. Not only will the stead, to meet with employees and shall be referred to a fact finding only through obtain the things that they wanted. who helped save it were driven out were much better off than the un recretary of the communis frac make up for the damage caused by with chosen representatives of board of three neutral members ap ANY GROUP of employecs. As in proved by the Secretary of labor.
It was not a strike against the em of their camps near Washington employed white people today. Thestion in the Reichstag.
such a defent but will also create automobile settlement, Green ployers: It was primarily strike with fire and tear gas. Therefore were fed. clothed, and housed. They On the other hand, if this public the final guarantee against all wars Co. yield majority rule and accept for certain conditions and changes. the city of New York onght to do were not allowed to have an educa remark of Dimitroff is contined to and defeats. In time of war the The agreement coex 101 may di proportional representation. back This, of course. In the minds of likewise and burn out that million tion, and that is just what is har Torgler behavior in court, which formula of the revolutionary party water on union recognition and ad rectly that the awards handed the workers. Confusedly they knew of hungry jobless people. Do like pening today: anil no donbt there is not impossible considering the must be that of Karl Liebknecht: down by the hoard shall be final that strike involves two parties. William the Conqueror did. Burn vance toward works councils.
is an insidione object in politicians fact that that arme issue of the The chief enemy of a people is in and binding indirectly, however. They were conscious of their own, them out and use that 37 percent of withholding school money. It is to Rundehau. Stalinist organ) its own country.
the terms of the agreement have and were willing and ready to fight land for golf links, new forests, keep the masses in ignorance. Be which reports Dimitroff speech The rubber workers were about this effect. For the of shall anyone that would line up on the flying fields, banging gardens, ar. If there is not some turn to het contains an awal that ends with man who has been in the claws of to strike for collective agreements be released from its obligation not other side.
cades, and anything they saw fitter the conditions of the masses the slogan Free Thaelmann, Torg the Naxis for more than two years which would raise wages, shorten to strike, only in the eevnt that the Leadership Trusts in Washington that would beautify the city. this grand, rich country will devel. gler and all the imprisoned Anti and who behaved no better and no hours, and improve other working employers refuse to comply with But the lendership of the strike Millionaires junk their automo op into what India is, before many Fascista then we would be duty wore than the average type of reconditions. According to the terms the terms of the award. If the em was even more backward than that, biles when they have served their decades. a nation of a wealthy few bound to protest and to condemn spetable revolutionary office holder of the settlement, the employers ployers do comply, then the obliga Not only did they fail to realize purpose then why not junk thel and the balance untouchables. Dimitroff remark and its publica in the could be expected to promise to post on bulletin boards tion holds.
that the forces of government would people who have served their time? Mobile, Ala. tion as rank disloyalty towards al behave.
The struggles What. In other words. Bureaucracy? Bolshevik party Does this mean Capitol News Letter suited the Akron rubber strike as lenge the hole on order their childeren aber a very services Letters to the Editor scope