AnarchismAssassinatBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalKirovLeninLeninismMarxismPamphletSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class
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Pionner Book Notes

SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE MARCH OF EVENTS May Day, American Born in 886 Question Box tre HOUR much Bolshevik Leninists for men fell as low May Day Greetings By JACK WEBER Tremendous Strikes THE CLASS STRUGGLE IN revolutionary program to lead the Knights of Labor FRANCE workers along the road to power. For Hour Day Sprang Up Almost The lull in the storm that oe This traction has gradually become curred in France with the advent a force in the left wing of the Shook Nation Over Night By WEAVER of the Mandin government, glvey and has won over to its views NEW YORKevery indication of coming to a a large section of the revolutionary The May Day demonstration of years later, the commission proved QUESTION: Are not the two clous Flandin himaelf stated, on workere in the Federation of the 1886 the climax of a mighty mass as impotent to settle any labor dis Stalinist theories, socialism in taking office as premier, that his Seine, both youth and adult. The movement for the eight hour day putee as the present Labor Boards. one country and social fascism government would be the last ex progressive nature of the entry of which reverberated throughout the The strike was Anally broken by contradictory and mutually experiment in bourgeoia democracy. this traction into the ranks of the length and breadth of the nation.
orders from Powderley.
elusive, since the first led to unit That experiment, as could bave Is about to be tested in the It was followed shortly after by Such was the state of the nation ed fronts from above with Chiang been predicted in view of the gen. forthcoming national convention of the Haymarket bomb explosions on May Day 1886. Despite the eral crials that struck France only the Socialist Party.
and the legal crucifixion of the efforts of the Knights of Labor and Kai Shek, Purcell, ote, whereas the latter prevented it from go little more than a year ago, and in Chicago Anarchists. It had been of leaders to sabotage the view of the International political ROLE OF THE BOLSHEVIK preceded by a series of strike struging into a united front with the demonstration, thousands of worksituation with its threat of world LENINISTS gles unmatched in their extent and era quit their jobs on the appointed Social Democracy against Hitler War as moment has proved At this Congres the Bolshevik militaney.
ANSWER: The contradiction bour and proceeded to give an un here is only apparent. Do not for recognised failure. More and more Leniniste will present their pro The American worker of 1985 forgettable manifestation of their clearly the question is poned in gram in the form of resolutions. would have found himself in a bitclass strength and solidarity.
get that the united front with it Pranee: the malvation of bankrapt They will review and sum up the torly familiar atmosphere in the The First May Day erala from above, Le. the Amcapitalism through the setting up history of betrayal of the Second daya of 1888. The industrial and sterdam Congress, place dur The demonstrators gained their ing the epoch of social fascism.
of vlolent and brutal fasclat dic and Third Internationals that inancial crisis of 1884 had been most conspicuous success in Chicatatorship, or the seluure of power brought about the victory of fas followed by all the catastrophic go. It was estimated that over ismin one country. le, the subIn reality the theory of socialby the proletariat for the estab cism in Germany, Austria, etc. in consequences of capitalist crials.
80, 000 men had left work on May ordination of the international pro lishing of the communist society. stead of the ushering in of Commu Idle industries, bankrupt railroads, Day and as a result of their demwith the aid of big finance caplniam, and they will therefore call suspended banks and brokerage onstration the packing house work letarian revolution to the national tal, the fascist forces have been for the formation of the Fourth houses, falling prices for farm comclosing their ranka in preparation International to lead the workers modities had brought two yours of eru had been granted their demand Interests of the Soviet bureaucracy.
for the coming coup etat directed to victory. They will demand a hard times, intolerable misery, and for an eight hour day with no re expressed by the subordination of duction in pay.
the various official Communist partowards the overthrow of the Third complete break with the bourgeoi a steady lowering of living condiThis victory stimulated the fight ties to the policy of the Soviet for French Wepublle and with the sun sie, with the truce government of tions to the tolling magses. Ac of savage repression of the organ. sacred union and instead of this cording to the head of the Bureau izations of the working class. Col policy of the lesser evll of support of Labor, over a million men had and provoked police repressions, the stalinists actions. By hook or Then came the memorable events, crook their aim is to prevent poiltonella Rocquo, head of the War ing bourgeois democracy against been thrown out of work by the Veterans organleed in the Croix de Cascian, policy that can only lead summer of 1885. Wages were being the shootings, the bomb outrage ical changes, even if such change the trials and executions that have comes from a proletarian revoluFeu, has become the recognized as in Germany to the defeat of the mercilessly slashed. The average of new found strength came into gathered momentum leader of the reaction. Already be proletariat, a ten hour day in the conflict with the die hard opposl Powderley was impelled to order Haymarket.
that entered the annals of history astion since, having no faith in the success of such revolutions, thelr has a large private armed force will propose the taking of power by textilo as tion of the bosses and the paciflem the Knights not to participate in chief fear is that the peaceful Knights of Labor Declines said to number three hundred thou the united front in the form of the 25 and rarely went above two of their leaders, however, produc the demonstrations.
bullding of socialism will be dieThe Haymarket explosions and turbed.
sund ready to do his bidding. As Workers and Peasants Government. dollars a day in any line of working situations that could only be Meanwhile, the strike wave rolled the vacillating treacherous polles in the other countries where fas Coming at this critical period in Women and children were getting resolved by strike.
Depending upon conditions the cism has arisen and achieved power, France, the Congress of the only ality to eighty cents a day.
on, reaching its crest in the strike of the Knights of Labor leadership strategy which they therefore por In the summer of 1885 strikes of the railroad workers on the Mis broke the back of the strike move se involves making united fronte la Rocque is alded by the upper may prove momentous, not because Workers Roused to Action began to explode in one industry sourl Pacific system controlled by ment.
bureaucratie strata of the army of any possibility of reform of the As soon as the workers recovered after another. 100, 000 members of Jay Gould, the most notorious of Pistol, ritles and ammunition dis but rather because of the from the first paralyzing blows of the Amalgamated Association of the money monarchs. Early in 1986 Torn by internal dissension, the make united fronts under any er appear from the armories for the struggle that will develop between the depression, they began to rebel Iron and Steel Workers around the shop mechanics bad tied up all Knights of Labor began to decline cumstances. Social fascism and Thus the French press stated re congress and the support given to tions laid upon them by the owners ened wage cut and won. The ed a wage cat. Their victory red way to the relgn of Samuel Gomare merely the theoretical formulause of the freclat armed bands. the rights and the lefts at this against the unendurable depriva. Pittsburgh struck against a threat the trame on the road and prevent us rapidly as it had grown, giving the united front only from below cently that the annual inventory of the advocates of the Fourth Inter of industry. Spontaneously, almost Knights of Labor led five railroad to the formation of numerous lodges pera and the craft bound pure and tions, whether conscious or uncon the Versailles armory bad shown national. If the question of organ overnight, they felt the need of or strikes during 1886 and won four and Ansemblies of the Knights of simple untonism of the of scious on their part, of the fact that the disappearance of 336, 400 rifle ic unity between the and the gantention. At art thousands, and of them easily Labor on the line Candidates pat forward by labor the Stalinists never had any intencartridges and 1685, 000 revolver bul. is raised at this Congress, the then hundreds of thousands Inspired by these victories.
ranks of the gained in short order and with littles of the workers and the increas but there political successes did any theories have been better cul tickets showed remarkable strength tion of trying to seize power In lets. If French tradition is any Bolshevik Leninists will expose streamed into the Alarmed by the aggressive tac in the elections later in the year Germany. As results show, could criterion, then the fascists are pre completely the reactionary basis Knights of Labor, as the unorgan tle organization, workers every ing power of the Knights, the man not compensate for the defeats on culated to maintain internal polltparing for a military dictatorship proposed for such unity by the ined workers tlocked into the where throughout the country agement and recelvers of the Rail the economic field. They were the cal peace in Germany and not line to be set up by a sudden blow. Stalinist bureaucracy as well as by of in the early months of the joined the vast army of strikers road determined to have a show last spasm of this mighty updurge tertere with the peaceful building the leaders of the Such or Roosevelt administration. By 1886 THR RANKS OF THE WORKERS Fanie unity can only prove progrethe Knights tombered over 700, 000 The strike wave assumed unprece down to decide who was master of the working class. Later in the of socialism. The danger to the working class sive if it is based on the complete members and was growing so rap in Pennsylvania, 20, 000 bituminous second striko in March 1886 by the gains of the packing house dented proportions. Coke workers in the house. They precipitated a year after another abortive strike is rendered all the more acute, as Marxist program of the Bolshevik 1dly and conducting such aggres, miners in Pennsylvania, Maryland. Aring a union officer for attend workers were lost and the ten hour the Marziet knows, by the lack of Leninists. This program calls for sive struggled that its general of West Virginia and Onto 10, 000 tex Ing a meeting of the order. The any restored a revolutionary party in France at the armed defense of the organiza. icers with Terence Powderley tile and boot and shoe workers in local head of the Knights, Martin this critical Junctare. In place of tons of the working class against at their head were refusing to New England, 4, 000 nall makers, Irons, accepted the challenge and Nevertheless, the year when May such a Marxist party, serving as the attacks of the fascist bands, for charter new locals, fearing that the workers in dik mille bakeries, called the men out to protect the Day was born in the fire of the the vanguard and the rallying force the building of the workers militia, new members would get out of pastry shops were out fighting for right of the union to exist. Al class struggle and baptized in the for the inevitable struggle, there for a militant struggle of the armed hand, exist two centrist parties led by workers to break up the fascist The Knights of Labor, which eight hour day. Not an issue of ductors, and brakemen, organized the text when the American workunion recognition, living wages, an though the engineers, firemen, con blood of the Haymarket martyrs reactionary bureaucracies. The bands, for united front policy to dominated the American pressure from their rank and file defend proletarian democracy, the movement from 1877 to 1887, was of 1888 that did not contain refer come out, the Knights succeeded amples of its courage and capacity membership and from the masses broadest type of democracy, and in most respects the superior of its ences to strikes, boycotts, walk in tleing op 6, 000 miles of railroad for militante struggle; the year when the fight for the eight hour into a united front against fascism, cracy represented in bourgeois par of Labor. Although exhibiting cuts, is the testimony of one his state and federal troope had been day was hailed by workers through But the Stalinists and the Social liaments. To confine working class symptoms of immaturity, inconsistorian.
TO THE ists have both hamstrang this unit activity now, in France to parlia tency and confusion in its aims, it used to break the bloody rallrond out the world marks the coming of ed front by their policies of turning mentarism, is to doom the workers was an all inclusive trade union or demonstration on May for the methods were brought into play.
The agitation in favor of the strike of 1877. This time different age of the American working class.
1896 will always remain a memit to the service of bourgeois de in advance to defeat by la Rocque cantation, admitting all workera eight hour day had been spread by on April 22 President Cleveland Prable year in its history a mile: mocracy at the very time when this and his bloody hordes. All power and even farmers, small shopkeep the radicals among the working asked Congress to appoint a ted stone along the road to its conquest democracy is about to crumble. to the Trotskylsts and their revers and professionals into its ranks. class the Socialists and Anar eral commission of three to arbi of power.
NEW Only the Bolshevik Leninist frac olutionary program which offers the It proclaimed its intentions to make chists. against the opposition of trate differences arising between tion of the the of French workers the key to their the worker class conscious rather the official labor leaders. As May the laboring classes and their em France) has advocated a clear cut situation!
than craft conscious and to com DAY approached, the movement (ployer. When it was set up two bine all the scattered batallions Phone GRA. 9622 MILITANT of labor mighty boet in one grand HONNUMMITAMINHIQUHUHMITOMOTIOKUNTIQUITATIONEM THE said Carter, the youngest and one of the working class in its motto, PIONEER BOOK NOTES of the moet rectionary of the an injury to one is the concern om. Martel, one of the hold of all and Powderley even dared to IOIHIHOITOORIUMICINNAMORATE out quartet, refused comment. er call for the abolition of the wage The first in the series of popular tempt should be made to see that coept to my that he was through system pamphlets to be issued by the every member and sympathis(Continued from Page 3) with the case. Kalth and Shannon, The Knights and thelr leaders Workers Party is off the presser gets a copy of this important 140 West 4th Street recommended for probation, which the other holdoute, apparently aid not always live up to their pre The title is Which Party for the pamphlet.
Bet. Washington Sq. 6th Ave.
Branch he has refused. fused to make any statement. Uncepts of class solidarity. They in American Worker? by Maste. The DECLARATION OF PRINJeror Wants Sympathy willing to come out in support of spired bloody battles against Chin It sells for 5c. Branches should CIPLES AND CONSTITUTION of The Best Chicken Chow Mein When McIntire finished, be McIntire, they were too remorseful to workers in the West and base send their orders in immediately the Workers Party is still not suflooked at us. tell you, gentleto attack him.
With Glass of Beer or Wim y repudiated the Haymarket mard with an eye to large sales on May ficiently read by he wide circle of Who is McIntire? He was in the tyra, canaing a split in the ranks Day.
men, he said. will never forget workers with whom members what have done.
will always National Guard seven years. Por of the organisation. On the other The publication of the Sup come in contact. This is evidenced and Many Other Tasty Dishes MAY DAY GREETINGS haunt me. never faced harder 27 yean bo was in the office of the band, the Knights opened their pressed Testament of Lenin bas by the sharp drop in sales in the At 260 problem. and don know that State Adjutant General. He is a doors to Negroes, women, and the created quite a stir in Stalinist last two months. Every Branch SCAMMEL, Allentown, With Beer, Wine, Tea or Cotree YRANK COLLINS Anestown Schoed Meinure words. Suddenly recently gave him a diamond stud nored by the existing craft unions never read Lenin letter demand reach as many workers as possible FRANK PANEVAD town, the trony of our situation became ded watch charm which is his and later by the of ing Stalin removal from the post with the message of the Party.
ROSE YONIESCE Allentown apparent: proudest pomelon. widower, The officers of the order favored of general secretary of the party.
arbitration and Here at. by. boycotts und Te whole friend, and Goldman Indebted to a bis Sacramento bank, frowned upon strikes as a method tity of these pamphlets at hand.
whom altent had just been con. He loves the American fag, he goes of struggle The militant moods of They are exceptionally interesting deemed to incarceration in San to church, he is utterly ignorant of the rank and dle and their feeling in view of Trotsky explanatory Quentin, being asked for sympathy the meaning of radicalism, he is articles dealing with the struggle. by one of those who had voted or was) Respected Member of what about Gallagher or the LD. in the party during Lent last to read them there!
the Community tbat middle clan who expressed in open court brazen days and how the legend of TrotCould Sleep Nights community which, polaosed by the Indifference to the fary thoughts skyism was concocted by leading On the following day Jack WarnHearst and McClatchy prees, want and feelings?
members of the Ick and I, along with Bert Hened a convletion.
Pretre Counts Most The political significance of The man of the Workers Party. were The Jury The truth 1s that, even in polit. Kirov Assassination (10c) In adin my hotel room when McIntire Martel 15 a salesman for a large teal cases, the action of the jury mirably dealt with in the pamphlet came in. For an hour or so we musical Instrument house Shan can rarely be foretold. prine by that title written by Leon Trotheard the same complaints over Don, the smartest dreeser in Sac ipled well reasoned, moving argu sky. The brazen attempt of the agata. no sleep, the penge of ramento, is a businessman. Mrs. ment by the defense counsel, and Staliniats to link the Workers Par Fully Equipped for any Social Occasion, Meetings Large or Small rempore, confusion. could see Keith Is the mother of a policeman. sin more the activity of the popty (through Comrades Muste and that Jack whose wife, after all, It was these three who stood back glar mases outalde the court (pub Cannon) to the plot makes it of the had been convicted and who might of McIntire until MeIntire himself. llc meetings and other impresive, utmost importance that every classbe expecting a little nympathy him pounded for hours by the com perlous manifestations which event conscious worker study the signlRestaurant, Bar and Grill well was growing tense.
munity. whose influence reached wally impinge on the jury con ficance of the amalgam cooked up Mr. McIntire, said Warnick, Into the jury room in a thousand cloumens and may give to some by the Stalinist scribes. An at what are you going to do? ways, gave in.
the courage to vote their convie What can do? want to undo This quartet helped sentence in tions rather than what the middlethe damage. want to get things nocent people in violation of its class community wants) may result right. Depecially regarding Deck own convictions. They gave in to in a defeat of the reactionary forces Large Hall Accommodating 1, 200; Smaller Meeting Rooms; Sound Grootings to the er and Mini. the community. But it was they behind the prosecution. Do you want to help these in who held out for 68 hours, Support the Defendants Equipment; Electric Transmission and Vietrola; Bowling Alleys.
NEW MILITANT nocent people get a new trial? Iforced 118 ballots, who produced As it is. Melntire, who felt that at such acquittals as came about there was little popular pressure LUNCHEON 30cv 11 AM to P. Oh, only could, would do it was one of them who later, by for acquittal and who admits he from the anything to the world, McIntire the affidavit proving the comprom was very antagonfetle toward AtDINNER 50e. to P.
awet ime, drove a great breach into the torney Gallagher of the gave Jurors Condemn Statement prosecution came and took them. And now he wants sympathy Philadelphia Sunday He left to attend a Masonic meet bloom of reaction victory.
Ing and came back to my room Was this a vigilante jury? If there! Let us be a bit stony hearted Iube that night. Goldman, Wam were on it. men lacking in learning, about McIntire. True, he is no Evening Forum 160 Third Ave.
let ad Hanman were there again. lacking in subtlety, lacking even in vigilante. True, he feels bad: he Tolephone St. 9130 M:Intire dictated a statement. In courage, but not lacking in a desire PRVO the morning he alped it before a Ito And way out for the defend Ithrotten verdict. And now prosecution is hitting him into motary. Goldman read it to the data, what about the Western the bargain. But any spare sym Grand Fraternity Auditorium court Worker, othelal organ of the Com pathy can well be reserved for the The afternoon paper carried manist Party, which having put the eight workers he convicted. and 1000 Archet, Philadelphia statements by eight jurors con Jory down as hopelem vigilantes, should be expressed in the form of demntng Melntire action, His proceeded to pablish Insulting cart active suppore of the appeal strugterrible conscience was always getoons and wisecracks about them? gle already under way. Sacramento de este profeet vendit, polo seu desened the most dates Juror Weeps Dragon Inn Davenport, Iowa Germania Hall