EngelsItalyLeninMarxSovietStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers Party

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1935 Comments Central Labor Union Backs Local 574 11. Jobless March on Capitol Reject Pact in de ser recordement de meest gestional the eventos tema it Food.
Letters to the Editor Beeing On Life, Liberty (Continued from Page 1) appropriations began to announce and Pursuit of Unanimous Appeal retter og for a periode 15 while he has to Boston Dressmaker Calls for Effective came out simultaneously with the that some money was on hand. The No union shall have the right roaring banners on the hunger hunger marchers had exerted presHappiness per capita tax due the Internationhad been appropriated for the Great Federation Knifes Unemployed al Union each month.
el chairs. The strike was called Lakes Daval station. Other items By BILL REICH MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Without This would have set up a small As a desperate resort to underBy RAYMOND for the purpose of forcing agree told of millions being expended for mine the threat of the unemployed one dissenting volce the Minneapo office with a secretary in charge Privileged Classes.
BOSTON, May general ments on the contracting shope.
Its Central Labor Union voted last who could have done little more stoppage in the dress industry was all shops, with and without Yet, when the unemployed petl Olander, boss parrots and officers We have privileged classes in week full support to Local 574 of than collect dues and would have called here yesterday with about agreements, have been called out tioned the Governor of the state for of the State Federation of Labor, this country. said Miss Alice the Truck Drivers in their battle resulted in the quick and decisive 2, 000 workers responding. Although what is most necessary now is for redress in the face of famine and issued a vicious denunciation Mertz, New York reller supervisor for reinstatement in the interna liquidation of the union and would this strike comes at the tall ond of the strike to be settled in short or wholesale destitution, they were against the Minois Workers Allin explaining the 90 per week. sal tional. motion to continus 1574 have reduced it in a few short the wehson, the conditions which der since the season will soon be told in no uncertain terms that a ance and came out in favor of the den gestel here and husbandek. Sal delegate on the Central Union wae weeks to its former impotent post surround it and led up to the unton over. And of greater significance even on an income tax was campe: sales tax. Soderstrom, a Republic Relief recipients in Clinton County, defeated only after an appeal from tlon.
Pa. were told by relief investigat the chair, on the ground that such. Second: the policy followed by dressmakers.
All sincere and active workers must bovels and shacks of the jobless, member of the Illinois Emergency ors to go and steal coal. As a motion would lay the Centra! the present leadership, that is For the past year conditions in be banded together and an intensive whimpering children starved. This, Reliet Commission, again stabbed relief funds are cut off and 1, 300, 000 Unton itself open to expulsion by throwing every available force into the dress industry have been rapid organization drive started. Only perhapes, is constitutional. the militant labor frovement in the people face starvation, the Illinois Green, the field.
Find Charges False ly rolling down hill, The little such preliminaries and then a de Learn Political Lesson back with an irresponsible charge legislature adjourned so that mem1. To check and finally defeat Sained in the May strike two years termined struggle will lead to im. The unemployed the state that the jobless were allied with The vote was taken after a re the bosses plan of wholesale dis180 after the signing of the code proved conditions.
Derby. The 90, 000, 000 that the port by a committee of three ap crimination. That this was abso learned the political lesson of their the Chamber of Commerce.
was fast disappearing. The union government loaned Charles Dawes pointed by the Central Union to in lutely necessary the record of the on its part did nothing to organize life. They were taught that the At the same time wben the hung (and which will never be repaid) vestigate the charges made by Dan membership lists month by month the unorganized who were madergovernment of Illinois, like its big er marchers, tattered and hungry, would take care of Illinois relief Tobin, reactionary president of the will show mining conditions in the union b) To set up a steward system shops United States, was a government of these two arch labor traitors were needs for nearly a year. An Tuternational. Tobin charges, the evicted share cropper with his pal committee found, were unjust, and and build a well knit block of acon February 15 the agreement Rubber Strike a class the capitalist class. eating in ritzy restaurants, sleeping lusion after illusion were dispelled in swanky hotels and consorting lid wife, rickety children and meain some cases completely unfound. tive organizers in the different firms with the employers expired. The and the unemployed should realize with the very enemies of hungry ger pile of furniture was seened. It was shown that 574 hnd and sections, e) To take care of the wounded essary It conditions were to be imstanding by the roadside near mide tremendous sacrifices to pay by now that a program of action men and women, many of whom By FERGUSON must assume definite political charare members of the Federation of Shreveport, La All were wearng per capita tax, althou men and their families, to pay of proved and the unorganized re AKRON, May 13. The first milli aeter it victory is to be acquired. EVERY MAN KING buttons. faced with extraordinary expenses, gradually the most pressing golia cruited for the union. Insistent de tant step in turning back the tide The marchers carried banners. ness Again well elled to witLabor. We were well fed mands were volced at local meet of reaction in the rubber workers labor aristocrats strike, the expenses of negotiating bills, to maintain a suitable han ings that preparations be made and unions was taken yesterday by the Starve, the slogan of the fighting spitting in the face of the masses 678, 000, 000 for croproduction and penses consequent on the hospital. 2) In the meantime to pay to the administration dallied and post Tire and Rubber Co. when by The AAA has expended to date with hundreds of employers, the ex. and headquarters machinery set up for strike. But locked out workers of the India National Unemployed League was who were desperately trying to adopted as the most popular banner avert a calamity of famine. 191, 000, 000 to purchase crop sur.
ization of workers wounded in the the International every cent postponed on the pretext that the time yote of 141 to 33 they flatly resected of filinots hunger arms. We Want pluses. President Roosevelt last.
week signed a bill appropriating the widows and families of those and scattering the membership, we wypocrisytlega declared that that the company be turned back Work The value o mesmo med Down They experienced some necessary 00, 000, 000 for sed loans to farm killed, etc. etc. In spite of all these which is the source of all funds.
Klauss, having pleaded with We Want Shelter were others les. They ll march again. They Shoot Us Down, Pax The Rich. political lessons. They rehearsed in ers. Food prices have risen 34 expenses, the local paid over 3, 000 e) In this way to lay the basis the workers could not be depended into an open shop one of the simple Immediate strug percent in the past year. The Conto the last 15 months. It was point for the liquidation of au debts to on in these hard times and would great emotion that the closed shop. among a hundred or more banners will march in larger numbers, bet The union militants struggled the only one in the industry, was carried by the marchers.
ter organized and knowing more country have so many people been behind in per capital tax without In connection with debts to the desperately against this policy but ruining India business, that the AAA states: never before in this minion had licet Previous years the the International, as well as other not support a strike.
consumers of India tires (bearing Strangely enough, after Horner about this thing called the class unable to buy food and the simple action from Tobin.
International It was pointed out by to no avail.
At conferences between manufacthe union label, no longer would had issued a statement of not one struggle. In the meantime the fight Tobin charge that the union the union that During the paet 18 necessities of life as in the past The jobless will refuse two years. Secretary Wallace had overstepped its jurisdiction months while the work of building turers and the union about twelve buy them on account of their cent, and Hopkins not one thin continues dime for the jobless, the Illinois to starve in silence. They will re was answered by evidence showing the union was in progress no strike of the bosses agreed to sign the problems regarding by jo badlanerkeney Relief Commission came fuse to be satisfied with a bean head of the AAA, says: Prices are The company, admittedly not excessive; the increase in the louished the Ice Drivers, the Bakery Indeed, any stance, organizasacrice for them in this offer as financial shape as a result of bitter across with 200. 000 as a sop to order.
that 574 has voluntarily relin benefits or other financial ail or old agreement. There was no great price of food products has only Drivers, the Laundry Drivers, the tional or otherwise, was received the agreement had remained a dead price wars between the large cor the unemployed. Other counties kept pace with the rise in national Brewery Drivers, etc. etc. although from the Internatonal.
letter hitherto. At a mass meeting porations, expects to receive a 190. through rich donors and special READ THE NEW MILITANT.
Income. Although farmers called to ratify these negotiations 100 loan from the Reconstruction SUNIMIEOKINIUM MMOMIMIMIONAMIMI bet.
comprise 25 percent of the popular such actions went against the considerable opposition was voiced Finance Corp. if labor difficulties thew. for hele ve dig en onts the figures in the case of the Brewery Drivers, What to Attend rank and flers. They were con la receron open shop research cent of the national income. Pro the union leaders, not wishing to break up the industrial union of the ers present. As was to be expected. Once again the rubber workers corporations for 1934 are: National fits reported for food processing Brewery workers actually went Friday, May 24, 30 PM. Tbe However, the stage was set in ad witness the role of the government inom HUDBUDILIDINIO Dear Editor vance and Hochman, International in the class struggle.
Situation in Fascist Italy. At President, was the last speaker.
HEARTED SUPPORT NOW CAN Biscuit Co 26, 692, 000; National against the advice of Tobin who, Having temporarily broken the So was hanging on a subway PRODUCE THAT TYPE OF Fruit Co. 21, 200, 000: Armour merely to gather the extra dues, 420 19th St. between Ave. soft soaping in his own inimitable morale and exhausted the treasurstrap Monday morning, and read PAPER!
Co. 19, 446, 000; Borden Milk Co. pressed for a jurisdictional Aght 136. 000: National Dairy Co With the Brewery Union Readin Usti Ave Adresion reethony style, Hochman dilated on the de, ics of the big rubber unions, Cole on the front page of the New York bave three more to get on my Against Tobin charge that the 13, 603, 000. Corn Products Refining Co 21, 207, 000; Stores Anaheial secretary of the union was Saturday, May 25, 8:30 Dance and the agreement, begged for patience Izer in rubber, was rushing off to of oflicials here (Tole. ll get them somehow. One stunot bonded were presented docuentertainment at Branch head until the opportune moment, urged Toledo to make an empty pledge of do) are irked at the influence which dent, one housewife, an secre (two year period) 13, 219, 000.
quarters, 120 19th St. Given by that the workers wait for the New moral and financial support of Muste of the Workers Party tary, a machinist and a pal of his Increase in food prices have raised ments, including the bond itself, dated last November, when the Branch W. and Help York strike after which conditions the rubber workers to the auto appears to have with the left wing (vocation unknown. a printer and the average cost of feeding a soldS. and Br. raise its rent would automatically improve in strikers. He left behind one of his members of the strike committee, a shop foreman comprise my catch necessitating an extra allotmented out that a copy of this bond was Saturday, May 18 Grand Opening Boston.
er from 371 cents to 50 cents a day, secretary was elected. It was pointhenchmen who merely advised the so step all over the gent toes in to date. shall go gunning for a and Housewarming of BrownsFilled with disgust the workers India workers to use their own appreciation, and say Atta boy school teacher, a minister and slui 6, 000, 000 per year to feed the army on file in Tobin own office Take Immediate Steps ville Branch and Spartacus Youth voted for the agreement and left Judgment about voting down the right out loud, and several people give the tenth sub to an unemand navy. Commissioner OsAfter voting support, the Central League, 1776 Pitkin Ave. near the meeting with disappointment, open shop proposal. Again the look at me, and the gent gets up ployed friend, instead of Stone. Entertainment, Dancing the prevailing sentiment.
borne of the New York State Fish rubber workers see the bureaucrat and gives me his seat maybe he Goin to Town. Now isn that Hatcherles complains that because Union took Immediate steps. and Refreshments.
of the increased cost of liver he committee in fothree pois a natedre to Friday, May 24, 8:30 What worse those were the dressmaketa crucial moment. The India rubber Which doesn have much to do all Mae West will always be Mae cannot feed the trout adequately. in Washington, to fight out the case is the siteaning of the Franco worked without agreements. Wages, workers can depend only upon their directly with the Manager request West, while that sub might make on its merits and demand the reSoviet Pact? At 1776 Pitkin Ave, were anything the workers could own strength on the picket line, and that write something for the New a member out of a good Deminstatement of local 574. near Stone. Brownsville. Speak bete Lock outs and reorganizations the support given them by the large Militant campaign, but thought scrat!
Helen Fortney, 138 lbs. of Lake In presenting its case local 574 er. Arne Swabeck were regular occurrences. But the and militant Unemployed League d mention it anyway. After all, How about it? All together for Geneva, Wis. advertixed for a job contrasted the policy of Tobin and New Milltants and New Interna union did nothing, calmly awaiting at Mogadore. influence of the. does de a final two week drive!
as bodyguard. She received 18 pro the polley of the union: tools can be purchased at: posals of marriage, one offer of a. There were two lines open the return of prosperity. Only when CARA COOK In the big rubber unions plans prend a mighty lot on the New Mili.
NEWS EXCHANGE talk became rife that the union was are being pushed to test the recent tant too, job. It must be phoney, she re to the unton after the strike. First: Former Manager, 29 8o. Main Street, Akron worthless and that members would sell out agreement by understand the sub campaign marked. Franklin Jr. and John It conla have followed the policy New Milltant demanding Roosevelt, sons of the President, indiented by president Tobin in his CONVOTIONERY STORE stopying dues to it, were the bu wage increases for the cleaners and is only so so, and there is only half West Market Street, Akron reaucrats stirred out of their swiv. elevator men.
a month left. Personally like to are in the market for summer jobs work under pressure at the last WORKERS The boys are willing to do almost tion, had fought Dillon and his strated the power of organized labor rades are planning to send minute, and perhaps many comProtect Yourselves Against the summer John taught polo at a sumHauards Life Jolo the mer camp and Franklin Jr. toured kept the strike committe time after of workers, willing to fight, can 1, but there will have to be some WORKMEN SICK DEATH Europe. Eighty percent of the time from capitulating to the pres successfully cripple a giant organ tall hustling!
BENEFIT FUND OF THE industrial firms in the will sure of the government, the pressixation like the Chevrolet Corp. Visiting headquarters hear ru not hire new workers over 40 years and the General Motors officials, in the Strike mors of an enlarged paper, a daily, 1884 1985 of age. The mnjority decision (Continued from Page 1)
had personally spread the strike to The methods by which the pro a bi monthly supplement, eight Organised, managed by and for of the Supreme Court bullifying muste, who has been in Toledo as Intions, and sought to take over position to the of bureau gressives in this strike were organ pages, etc. And apparently the the Railroad Retirement Act states. Sisting the local branch in develop the leadership of the strike from crats, was indeed the spark plug of workers with only one purpose It does not follow. as con ing the forces and strategy of the the elected strike committee.
to render protection to members tended, that a man of is inetti union progressives in the strike.
the entire fight. He fought in his more stuccessful and wide spread is not having quite adequate sup Knifes Roland attempts in the future Although port in pushing the paper from the and their families, and to sup cient or incompetent. The facts in grim bulldog honest fashion to the He shonted Mutste won feed you!
port all endeavors and struggles dicate a contrary conclusion.
But the strikers didn know, or bitter end, but he seemed in a daze most of the strikers were new un branches and membership as a score of votees hurled back, rhaps didn understand, these during the entire meeting. Only 24 ion men, the militants were drawn whole. It my guess that if this for the improvement of tollers, Neither will you!
thing. They didn know Schwake years old, he did not as yet possess job on this. real floor machine, 100 percent success, the New MI together, Bill Prior did a splendida campaign were to approach closely About 50, 000 members organwas betraying Jimmy Roland, their the skill and knowledge to offset nexperienced as it was, was devel: tant would immediately come out Schwaka Rats for Dillon ized in 350 branches. Reserves Ex Senator George Wharton Per fighting chairman of the strike the maneuvers of Dillon. His very opel, and it put up magnificent larger or more frequently 3, 400, 000.
per shaved his mustache of 10 Despite Dillon years standing in order to play the cajolers brow beating it is tants. They didn know that it fair play betrayed him, For it was battle when all the circumstances With a larger paper, its characDeath benefit graded accord regular series ter inevitably Improves. In my own ing to age at entry. Sick Benefit Philadelphia pugeant. In an uncovered In his purpose of smash tive in the organizing of the proers to permit Dillon to speak. He of leaflets were issued to the strik case, for example, it hasn been paymests from 360 to 900 to men and women, according to a version test. Dr. Thorning the strike, had it not been foruressives in the local after last did it in the sense of demonstratingers by the Workers Party. These easy to sell the New Militants classes.
dike of Columbia University, found Schwake.
xear Auto Lite strike, in ousting to Dillon what democratic unionis were eagerly read and were tremen she is in the wilds of Worcester, While slips of paper wore being tamsey and Bossler, the former mens. And then Dillon thanked dously effective in suggesting to Mass. open shop, middle class Monthly assements from 45 sons tested would spit at the pic asset out for ballot intended to reactionary leaders, and putting him by kniring him and the strikers essary course to be pursued in the larger paper would be more com the strikers practical and nec minded city. But am sure a to 20.
ture of George Washington for record a secret vote a maneuser Schwake in as business agent. Thes in the back For further information apply 10. 000 Half the younger unes to catch the weak sisters in the didn know Schwake was inexperstrike. Key men, rank and file prebensive and complete in its viewto Main Omee: would do it for less than 10. All union put over by the pressure of ienced and vacillating and that he Progressives Organize leaders, were educated and trained point and presentation of news, and 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, were jobless.
the executive committee of the hall been run for office with the The results of this strike cannot in parliamentary procedure, strike so easier to promote, Only WHOLESociety Notes.
local which has been stringing promise that he would accept the be termed an utter defeat, however, tactics, and militant unionism. For couldn toud to Anne drunk bucking the progressives on the like Ioland. When Schwake turned lost their finest opportunity to date handicaps, it seemned as though the Dance, Entertainment and Games ed Brandon Smith, husband of Amne to the mike and pleaded with the tail the props were knocked from to fure the auto farens to their progressive would carry the day This year the production season Cannen, textile and tobacco heir strikers to accept the proposals. He confused. Their contidence in the Out of this fight has grown, a is almost over. But the seeds of Saturday. May 25th 8:30 was climb for living with him. The wives and children going hungry ittion was shattered. Many faltered auto unions who have demonstrated ism which the has succeeded only reason married him was to the strike continued further, he ar as he spoke all through the vote conclusively their power and abill in implanting in the minds of the get a Home retorted Aune Bransuel that they weren strong taking. Only after the vote was to the struggle they put one in auto union members will bear fruit.
420 EAST NINETEENTH STREET At a meeting of the Chevrolet given by balm by the court. The 987 epite the fact that the strikers hnd ly adjourned did they begin to real porary defeat, has already aroused local held tonight, thousand un Branch Workers Party and Spartacus Youth League forced the company to terms on time that they had voted for some progressives in the auto unions ion men cheered the President of Fucked pioneers being transplant.
ed to the leart of Alaska revolted point after point in the course of thing they did not want that they throughout the country. Tonight the local when he said: In three DANCING REFRESHMENTS GAMES abord ship when they were given the strike. be minted to Dillon had leen fooled and tricked. these progressives are planning to weeks you won more than General Hat Check 20 Cents buttered bread rather than indt threat to lift their charter.
Several hundred of the most millet together, to lay out a national Motors has granted any group of viduslats of butter. Elsie de Schwake swung enough of them tant remained in the hall for an program, to organize, train and workers in twenty years. What Wolfe, actress, considers her bath to carry the vote for Dillon. Until hour after adjournment. They were discipline themselves more thor can you do in another six room the crowning glory of a life he spoke, the strikers were dead. nighting mnd. They wanted to hold oughly.
months! Build the union for the devoted to beauty. Moonshine and set against acceptance. But Schwa another meeting to reconsider. They Moreover, this strike has proved next. fight. Walter Gunthrop, glamour, wbite orchids and rock ke was the man whom they regard wanted to return and man the to the auto workers that the auto President of the Central Labor crystal, silver tissue and white furs, ed as one of their own trusted lead picket lines despite everything. In barons and corporations are not in Union of Toledo, denounced the reflected in many mirrors that is ere, it was he they had voted for this group were the best fighters, vincible. small handful, com settlement as a bastard affair whose my bathroom. The books are in in the Auto Labor Board election the most self sacrificing the picket paratively, of Toledo strikers, mill. mother was Francis Dillon. MidDISCOUNTS FROM 20 50 the form of dolphins. The faucets one month before. All during the captains, strike committee members. tant and determined, forced Gen wife at the birth James Wilson, are the heads of swans. The car strike he had presented himself as But it was too late. For the moeral Motors to negotiate with them. Green personal representative, he Including works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, etc.
pet is of white velvet. The electric a militant, although behind the ment demoralization had set in. The directly, against all the previously men Many second hand books.
lights are mother of pearl in a descenes he went along with Dillon, majority of the strikers had dis declared policy of General Motors. pledged themselves to stick in the Write for New Catalog Just off the Press, sign of oyster shells, There are fought the progressives under cover, Mersed, most of them in disgust. They won some concessions, even union, throw out their false leaders, Always white tlowers, sometimes prevented the publication of the They were weary of body and torn though mengre and apt to be with and build the organization toward PIONEER PUBLISHERS great sprays of white orchids. strike bulletin, helped keep strike in spirit. Some of the bravest of drawn if the union men fail to push a tight to finish with General 96 Fifth Avenue, New York City Ninety percent of American farm funds from the strike committee. them wept.
forward their organization and Motors ers still perform the Saturday night tried to start a red scare and preOPEN UNTIL P.
Jimmy Roland had given the fight every attempt to violate the rtual in a galvanized wash tub. vented the distribution of hand real militant leadership and directermsFurther, they have demon READ THE NEW MILITANT.
anything selon le monde Auto Progressives in Toledo e consertended to action here comes to hele route en betrouvent now and Team Organize After Partial Defeat Patriotism.
at May Book Sale The una!