WAR NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the Toledo Auto Progressives Organize Applying the Merit Clause Unemployed Leader Jobless Renew Relief March For Showdown GENERAL MOTORS BETRAYAL TOLEDO Lessons of the Great Toledo Battle and the Stalin Laval Communique VOL. I, NO. 22 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1935 PRICE CENTS By JAMES CANNON More poisoned fruit from the reactionary theory of socialism in one country.
Another deadly blow at the international working class movement. new step in preparation Dillon and Co.
for another social patriotie betrayal.
In the joint communique isWreck Chance sued in Moscow on May 15 in the names of Stalin, Molotov To Win Strike and Litvinov for the Soviet Union, and Laval, the Foreign Minister of Imperialist France, the Stalinist betrayal of proleWill Lay Seige to Ill.
Temporary Setback tarian internationalism stands State Capitol Says is Signal to Cement out in fuller measure than ever Ranks Leader before. For a long time it has FRANCIS been clear to revolutionary inBy ART PREIS By GERRY ALLARD TOLEDO, May 11. After three ternationalists that the course SPRINGFIELD, III. May 11, DILLON weeks of magnificent battling, the of Stalin was based on a reHaving staged two marches on the union auto workers of the Chevrostate capital as well as scores of nunciation of the international Bet Motor Ohio Company, whose local demonstrations, the Illinois mars peket lines had stopped the revolution and could only lead Workers Alliance was again ralproduct of Chevrolet transmis.
to the disorientation of the Tying its for this week end for slons and closed down almost the workers in the struggle against another gigantic march for a show entire Cherrolet Corporation, voted down on the relier crisis now face their own exploiters. Now it is last night to accept the offer of a ing this state.
written down, black on write.
fonents an hour wage increase The and other slight concessions and to The fatal leadership of StalGERRY ALLARD in e mass uurge of the jobless was precipitated by the return to work for three weeks in was never so clearly revealed shutting down of relief stations in these inexperienced workers, who as in this infamous communique.
the state as the Democratie admin Ara ve been in the muion but a month, istration maneuvered to force a fought back Wow for blow against It is a warning signal to the St. Louis Gas further levy down the throats of a stubborn legislature in the form of financial might of General Motors, the pressure the givernworld to free itself completely Strike is Solid an increase in the sales tax from ment. the eunning gunin of from the influence of the Stal2 per cent to the capitalist press, They went Ragged, hungry and weary work down to temporary and partial de ers trekked into Springfield last feat at last through the treachery leads them to catastrophe lit Despite Terror week from various sections of the of Francis Dillon, national organanother Fourth of August.
state to protest against the closing wer for the of in the auto Read this paragraph in the ST. LOUIS. Mo. The strike of tax and for improvements in relief of relief stations, against the sales industry, and Freil Sewake, the business agent of their local whom joint communique, as published the mus Gas Monsen Workers standards. march took place they had trusted But they went in the New York Times, Mayranks as firm and determined us through the heart of town to the down fighting 16: Ver short history of the slancapital. While approximately 000 jobless workers cheered speakers In one of the most pectacular Above all, the duty falls det. provocation, and violence who spoke from the huge monument and rousing floor tights ever waged, upon them (the Soviet Union against the union reveals something of Abe Lincoln a delegation was the militant progressives in the of the spirit that has carried the received by the Governor.
union, denoted as Muste men and France. in the interest union through with flying colors.
last hy Dillon, took the meeting and maintenance of peace, The Latelede Company, after rePresent Their Demands might by storm, hooter Dillon from not to allow the means of covering from the surprise attack The delegation presented the de the Civie Autorium at the outset were all the their national defense to of the Nessiot a of the union, hirel scabs and an mands of the demonstrators for re Carlo army of thngs to protect them. The opening of reliet stations, defeat of weaken in any sense. In this verer tearin to pluces the Genempany thugs discovered a bomb the sales taux, abolition of the naeral Motors efter, which falled to regard STALIN UN pilot. When this collapsell the tional guards, clothing for school grant them one important cancesDERSTANDS AND FILCompany had three union members children graduating proper medision, including their demands for LY APPROVES THE NA arrested for possessing Lynamite, cal care, comfortable shelter, for ution recognition, a signed contract TIONAL DEFENSE POL: Although the state refused to pros unskilled and 25 for skilled labor and straight seniority without the ICY OF FRANCE IN cente on so flimsy a charge the men on projects with a minimum of 94 notorious merit clause.
were contined under arrest. The hours and a maximum of 30 hours Lack of Experience KEEPING HER ARMED Ceny obtained an injunction per week, representation on local, All the forces of the General Motors Cor When account is taken on the one hand Their lack of experience and deFORCES 1 LEVEL to picket. The police began masa boards and for a lovy income inent of Labor ace trouble shooter, Edcounty, district and state relief poration, the resources of the Depart of the forces with which we had to work and wire for democracy and the fair REQUIRED FOR SECURon the other hand of those arrayed against us, play which was appealed to by TY.
many things ornnixed attacks on or of the state showed respect for ward McGrady, a barrage from the Toledo we can safely assert that the Toledo militants de strike committee, caused them There can be no misundervlows and endangeringen 10, 000 organized workers, but the down of the Chevrolet transmission plant, and met the challenge presented to them and that to rescind a previous motion which standing of the meaning of families the police began benting substance of his decisions as to im unbelievably dirty trickery and brazen terrorthe Toledo strikers put up a magnificent battle. they had passed excluding all per these words.
to the workers and to their as many as six at one time in the ama servant of the people, not a nation on the part of Francis Dillon, repcral xuto unions in his pocket. Not only, how posals the striker sommittee class enemies.
ever, did he not call a strike but he and his Dillon was reculled into the meetThe hourgeois stink bombed the unten headquare poor one because a few months be Labor bureaucracy, were needed Monday night representatives did everything in their power ng ama ziven the chance to speak interpreting it. Ralph The company their thugsuna troops to the con fields in re most to brow beat and trick the Toledo Chevrolet to prevent it from spreading and to tone down on the agreement which he, Edward Barnes, Moscow correspondent the police all than one hand against Grannical invasion asuinst the weile strikers into voting acceptance of compromise its militaney. The Chevrolet workers had Gama Watsomust Kuulen, es?
of the New York Herald Trib the strike the kept press playing role of the population of the coul proposals. Rejection, advocated by the large joined the union only a few days before the ceutive vice president of Generat une explained it bluntly as fol every serap of anti unton by Hields.
group of militants among the strikers in close strike broke. Very few among them had had Motors, had dextsey last Saturdays teria.
Thousands of Illinois workers touch with the Workers Party branch, would lows: previous union experience. Yet they shut down Dillon had already expired his Strike Paper Invaluable facel actual starvation.
Yet the have meant in all probability a nation wide the Chevrolet plant. They tied up Chevrolet agreement Monday in the daily This is an indirect way.
took the of course, of explaining to During all this storm and stress, one red cent would be further strike against General Motors, one of the most production throughout the country for three press, which featured his statement the daily strike paper has proved expended by the state on relief un terrific battles in the history of class struggle weeks. They brought 30, 000 workers out with urging the strikers to accept the the French Communists that, invaluable in holding the union in the tax against labor bread and in the since the outcome would determine them. They measurably cut down production terms of the proposal. and hinted in the existing circumstances, subversive propaganda diuntons, and of the general public moment 7, 500. 000 was laying idle tries. While a thorough analysis of the dramAt the very the whole issue of unionism in the basic indusof the steel and glass corporations General that the progressives who fought Motors said it would not confer with them until of the elected strike committee but rected to the French military over a thousind subscriptions. More In Chicago formér Vice President atic onslaught of the Toledo vanguard upon and naval forces is they went back to work. General Motors was one, were reds through a vague fifty unions have pledged sup. Dawes played the fiddle to the tune the citadel of open shoppery must wait, it is to the Soviet Union as well as port. In addition many storekeep of the 90, 000, 000 dollars he had already possible to draw the main conclusions.
forced to change its mind. It had to negotiate allusion to those who presume to France.
ers have assisted the strikers with received from the without It is essential that all party comrades and pro concessions.
with the Strike Committee and grant additional without authority to speak in the interests of the workers the lon: That it, precisely, the parfood and supplies gunge of a Soviet Dictatorship.
The lighter side of the strike is enough to carry Mlinois relief bur gressive workers understand the conclusions in Not only was a great automobile corpora Tris public statement was in direct agraph cannot have any other revealed in the following story from den for 29 months. Newspapers order that they may be by so much better tion shaken, bit a more open and more nearly violation of an agreement made meaning. The leader of the (Continued on Page 4)
international proletariat says with the strike committee not to (Continued on Page 4)
equipped for the battles to come. Continued on Page 2)
express himself on the proposed to the French workers: Do not settlement prior to the meeting.
Slug Fulminates at Muste the military preparations of French imperialism: Stalin speak from the auditorium howling Two hours before he had understands and fully apFLINT, Mich. May 14 For that the uition was expelled from proves. the third time in the past two the of The press reported Nothing is to be done to inhim as saying then, before he enMINNEAPOLIS, Minn. The com lines of their election leaflet. After weeks, members of the Buick ALLINTOWN, Pa. May 15. Dr. sicer in the powerful Lehigh Comtered a cab to go to his hotel. Let terfere with military prepara tus clection in Minneapolis will se introducing as the main immediate local here were prevented from Winslow Hallett, treasurer ofty Unemployed League and still Moste run their outfit. If they tions of the French imperial battle to the finish between the task the defeat of the Citizens Algoing on strike through the ac the Allentown local of the American an active figure in the Pennsylvania want an IW, w, or a communist ists. And from that it follows mens Alliance and the candidates of distinguishes itself from the Parmtion of Francis Dillon and his Federation of Teachers and its del nemployed movement, outfit let them have it. They re out. Continued on Page 4)
egate to the Central Trades and the Former Tabor Party. Every er Taborites. The Farmer Labor organizer, Louis Hart.
Labor Council, has been dismissed Crest College for three years, Prev Dr. Tallett has taught at Cedar They re out! disown them.
Three times during his ensuing worker in every trade union in the officials will not and cannot give When a progressive member of from his position as professor of tously, he was instructor in the pyNext Week!
speech Dillon was boned and hissed city is up in arms against the pres the working class any real, lasting the Toledo local, Witbar Patton, psycholey at Cedar Crest College chology department of the Univer demagogy and the hasest lies he ent Citizens Alliance administra benefits these will have to be won In viere of the tremendoustion, headed by Mayor Bainbridge by the workers themselves through with a delegation including Dick because of his labor activities sity of Pennsylvania Myers and Herbert Munson, atHis dismissal by the board of shouted and threatened. His big significance for the internation and police chief Bloody Mike Jo their fighting organizations: the fight for Dr. Hallett rein club was the threat to withdraw tempted to speak at the meeting trustees has been denounced by the al labor and revolutionary hannes, who were responsible durantons, unemployed organizations, here last night to give a report student boily. More than half of statement will be made at the meet the charter of the entire local if the movements of the Franco Soring Local 574 truck drivers strike and the revolutionary workers of the Toledo strike, he was asthe 185 students enrolled at the ing of the Eastern Synod of the Re: strikers did not accept the comof last year for the shooting of fifty party.
iet military alliance and the workers and the death of two. Both college have signed wtitions de formed Church, scheduled for next pany offer. The local has memsaulted by members of Dillon The Party presents its own pro machine, led by Louis Hart. manding his reinstatement.
week, at which the annual report bers in nineteen Toledo plants.
joint statement on it issued by sides are marshalling all their gram although running no inde.
Asked by President William of Cetar Crest College will be pre slowly he ground into the minds Pierre Laval and Joseph Stal forces for the election, on which dependent candidates in this election. Patton was injured about the Curtis o resign, Dr. Hallett re enteil. Dr. Hallett announced to of many of the strikers the foar in, the National Committee of labor movement and the Citixens minimum week.
dny that Dr pends the immediate fortune of the The thirty hour, thirty dollar head when he was struck by a Paul Ried Pontius, that he would smash their un on it the Workers Party is drawing Alliance.
chair. In order to break up the broucht against him. The format president of the Synod, bas prom they did not end the strike.
up an official statement of its In view of the questions at stake works program. ten billion dollar public meeting, Dillon men turned out notification or dismissal, on May 11. ised to fight for academic freedom return for the democratic gesture the lights and threw chairs contained no charges. Pressed for in the college.
of the strikers, Dillon used the foulposition. stata rent, which and of the narrow majority which Unemployment and social inabout. The meeting was broken an explanat the board ac. The Committee on Academic and most undemocratic tactics will deal exhaustively with the will determine the result, the Minn. surance at the expense of employup in confusion.
tion, President Curtis admitted that Freedom of the American Civil Lib. ever devised to force the company problems presented by the al Party has decided to throw its One of the methods employed the strikers Immediate relief of 10 per at the college and that the dismistake action in the case. The Amer throats. He used their very union liance, will appear in the com electoral weight behind the Farmer week with for every dependent by Dillon to discourage strike ing issue of the New Militant. Labor candidates, at the same time action here was to circulate a sal was due to Dr. Wallett promican Association of University Pro loyalty, their desire to maintain An end to red tape in reliet story, played up widely in the inent role in the organized labor fessors has been asked to make an their union at all costs, to betray Readers are urged to give it conducting its own campaign, warn administration: adequate medical local press, that the Toledo movement.
investigation them.
their closest attention and to ing the workers against the danger care for the unemployed.
strike was in control of reds In addition to his position in the Dr. Hallett has asked the Non During the course of his tirade, Full rights of free speech, sve to it that it is disseminated usillusions of Farmer Laborism. communists and professional teachers union, which Dr. Hallett Partisan Labor Defense to mally Dillon snarled an attack at The campaign of the Workers agitators.
as widely as possible.
was instrumental in organizing last support for his case in the labor Party is being carried on along the (Continued on Page 4)
November, he was until recently an movement. Continued Page 2)
Against Mpls. Reactionaries Activity in Labor Movement In