BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

May First Sees United Front in Many Cities FASCISM Albert Glotzer, man for man and gun for gun, while England may lead to war, while it in, under the present War and the Franco Soviet Pact Rebuild Dental SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1935 NEW MILITANT PACE ing day. It cannot help but alarm every hon The Shrine of the Little Flower NEW MILITANT est revolutionist to the seriousness of the situawith which ergo tion. For, while the mobilization of public THE MILITANT opinion may not be as complete as the Sun Pathod weekly by the Workers Party of the correspondent believes, it is proceeding apace, W 16th Street, New York City with the direct aid of the social democratic Phone: ALEonqatn 9068 and Stalinist parties.
Lored a roond lan mall matter at the Post Othe declaration of ten West European ComNew York, ander the act of March 3, 187smunist parties completely falls in line with the Chicago Franco Soviet pact, and stresses throughout AMORA CANNON CHICAGO, May Several thou. liter LARRY HOWE. Associate Miter only the danger of war from Hitler Germany.
sand workers braved the cold and KAWTHORNS WINNIR. Budince Manage Humanite, central organ of the Communist the rain to celebrate May Day in a Party of France editorial urges support of the demonstration called by the Chi SUBSCRIPTION RATES: cago Labor May Day Conference Franco Soviet pact against the Third Reich, The line of march stretching for a Is the United States 00 per year; be a month.
Canada and Foreign. 61. 50 per year; 00 Lx months.
dressing it up as the 1935 model of the Black blocks, distance of four city marched a distance of a mile and undle Lates: Two cata per copy.
Sea Rebellion of 1919! But even more chara half from the city West Side to acteristic of this revolting turn from revoluVol. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1935 Union Park, the scene of HayNo. 21 tionary struggle against the enemy at home market riot to capitulation before the war plans of the Headed by the Socialist red Shades of 1914 Versailles robbers is the scandalous behavior guard, carrying ten large red flags, the files included such organisations of the French United Front in the Chamber as the Socialist Party, the CRP Europe laboring masses stand in danger of Deputies. We quote from the official record Makers Unions, the Leathergoods of a new holocaust that promises to dwarf the of March 15: Workers Union, the Workers Party, world war of 1914 1918. Turbulent war pre LEON BLUM. am convinced, the Spartacus Youth League, the parations are going on behind the smoke screen Young Peoples Socialist League, gentlemen, and say it weighing my words, the Workmen Circle, the Workers of propaganda. the counter part, in 1935, of that in replying to aggression by Hitlerite Committee on Unemployment and the wave of social chauvinism which ushered in Germany, all the workers of this country will many others.
the imperialist slaughter of 1914.
rise to a man together with all other FrenchThe parade presented a colorful Since the armistice, some hundred and thirty men (Applause from the extreme left and the picture of flags, banners and sloodd diplomatic conferences have been held left, interruptions from the right. gans. The Workers Party file was FATHER headed by a large red banner with each having as its aim the reduction of arma say, gentlemen, all the workers, without COUGHLIN the white felt letters inscribed. ments and the establishment of greater guar having received in this respect any mandate Workers Party of the United States, antecs of peace. The net result of this dip from my Communist comrades who will, no Local Chicago. The Party and the lomatic merry go round: the greatest war tenSpartacus Youth League carried a doubt, explain their own stand from the rossion since July 1914, the biggest peacetime number of posters containing the trum (Interruptions. slogans of the armament budgets the world has yet seen. One expects the social democrat, Leon Blum, In the park an open air mass At Genoa and Locarno, some credibility to repeat his social patriotic performance of meeting was held in spite of a drivcould still be given to the illusion of a peace 1914. But he claims to speak for the Coming rain, Speakers for the trade ful settlement of capitalist conflicts. Under munists as well, and he challenges them to reunion movement, the unemployed the impact of long years of the economic crisis fute him. Here is how Maurice Thorez, leader and the political parties spoke.
Greetings were given by Spartacus and the political upheavals it has engendered, of the French Communist Party, born in the Youth League, through its reprethe whole conference system has collapsed. struggle against social patriotism, refutes sentative Al Garber. The Workers The latest meetings of the statesmen, at Stresa Blum, the social patriot.
Party was represented on the and at Geneva, proved that it is no longer posspeakers stand by MAURICE THOREZ. One can who proclaimed the need for the sible to uphold the status quo established by only express one indignation against the new revolutionary international, the Versailles Treaty without resorting to counter revolutionary Trotskyists and other the 4th International direct and open warfare.
renegades from Communism who present the is Soviet a Kansas City By JEFFERSON RALL jockeys for position with its traditional hypo circumstances, an element of peace, a barrier KANSAS CITY, Mo. May In crisy the masses in every country remain against those imperialist states inclined to re(Continued from Page 1)
WorkersUnion the most imposing demonstration of imbued with the strongest sentiments for peace. sort to force in order to proceed to a revision is in our own country! We reject the treacherous formula labor solidarity seen here in recent times, more than 600 workers gathIt is this most important factor that creates of the Versailles Treaty (Applause from the of peaceful imperialists on the one side and aggressors ered at Crusaders Temple, under the sharpest discord in the martial concert of on the other. No truce in the class struggle, no moderation NEW YORK The four and the auspices of the Kansas City extreme Communist left. the imperialist war mongers.
half week strike of the dental me Group Conference, to celebrate May For the working masses of Europe, the Instead of attacking Blum outright stand of the class struggle for a single day! The answer to imper chanics is over. The strike was Day and to express their determ.
ialist war is the workers revolution. Soviet Union has ever been identified with the for national defense, the Stalinist leader seizes the opportunity of attacking before the parlia But what about the defense of the Soviet Union cry the forced upon the union by the stubined option to the war plans of govern.
cause of peace. For revolutionists it has been venal lackeys of the Soviet foreign office who will turn into bor refusal of the laboratory the Roosevelt starvation mentarians of bourgeois France, those who ment, axiomatic that the peace efforts of the workers stand foremost in the struggle against social social patriots overnight. We answer: An imperialist power owners to grant the closed shop.
Representatives of a number of This will never defend the Soviet Union; its agreement to do so fatherland can be assured of success only when patriotism. How little removed is such miser made clear in the course working class groups, including the accompanied by the most resolute struggle for able behavior from the lynch incitements of the is treacherous through and through; in the logic of the class of negotiations when lawyer Gor: Workers Party, spoke, exposing the don, their representative, informed reactionary base of the present adin yellow socialists against the bold proponents struggle it cannot be otherwisc. The only way for the work the representatives of the Equity ministration, and how any solution suing a National Bolshevik policy, have been wages and hours but that the tempt to find could only mean infinally forced to restrict the struggle for peace burg in 1914?
headed by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa LuxemThat means to fight the war, to struggle from the first closed shop was out of the quer creased misery and degradation for to a military pact with French imperialism.
the masses. The plan for a fightday to overthrow the capitalists and establish a revolutionary This Franco Soviet pact, signed last week, the Conditions of the mechanics have ing united front against the Roose leaders of the Communist International now It must be said without any mincing of workers government which would make a loyal alliance with declined systematically under the Welt war preparations and for an treacherous hounter pose to revolutionary paring right into the hands of the war mong against the capitalist nations. Woe to the French and Amer der views this, the union had to the wo hour week met with an em ers! Under the cloak of a spurious defense of the worried war mongers in the Quai Orsay, the Soviet Union, they are participating ac; ican workers, woe to the labor movement of the whole world, demand higher wages and shorter thusiastic response from the audi hours. The employers replied with ence.
if these simple precepts of Leninism are forgotten.
a vicious attack on the whole ques.
in Downing Street and in every other foreign tively in a mobilization of public opinion As was to be expected, reactiontion of unionism in the trade.
The ary elements were at hand, attempt Can the Second International and the Comintern be deoffice.
that can serve no other interests than those of pended on to arm and prepare the workers for this irreconcil of scabe and gangsters to protecting first to prevent the meeting, and Mobilization of public opinion, so that war, the capitalist governments.
able attitude toward their own imperialists in a war involving them in the course of the strike.
the Soviet Union? By no means.
if it comes, will be accepted with patriotic reThe real defense of the Soviet Union, today But all of these tactics would that any radical talk would bring the wrath of the authorities down have availed them nothing if there on their heads. The speakers insignation, if not with enthusiasm, writes the as in 1917, can be achieved in only one way: The social patriotic position of the Social Democrats in sharp witted correspondent of the New York In the revolutionary struggle for the over the democratic countries is predetermined. They are al the ranks themselves many of the dignantly refused to submit to this Sun optimistically, is now practically comthrow of the imperialist governments. ready taking responsibility for the government in one demo members, new to union organiza ed to speak exactly as they had inThe workers of the world cannot trust cratic capitalist country after another. The social demo tion, and a type of worker who sittended. Consequently, at the conpropaganda agency against here che con Franco Soviet or Soviet American pacts us crats of all countries will be ready to shoulder arms, or more the struggle whead and qult in the rest and ca resten ere beretta munist party has been silenced on orders from long as at the helm of the government in correctly, to call the workers to shoulder arms, the moment early days of the strike.
Moscow. Nothing is left of the old dread France, or the United States, stand imperial the capitalist Fatherland is attacked.
The dental mechanie was just ers, including a Negro worker from With the St. Louis who especially incurred that war would be followed in most of Europe ist robbers who are ready at any moment to The policy of Soviet diplomacy, which has long since sub learning how to fight.
return of Brother Capells from an sans by his militant and courageous the rage of the reactionary hoollby popular revolt. Mr. William Bird in the betray the confidence of their Soviet allies. stituted a reliance on pacts with capitalist powers for the organization trip to Boston to prestand. Plans are being laid to de New York Sun, April 14. The best defense of the workers fatherland toline of proletarian internationalism, and the servile acquiesvent New York strike work from fend the imprisoned workers.
In these all too clear words, a representative day is to spread far and wide among the toil cence of the Comintern in this rotten policy, lead straight to being done there, militant tactics In spite of the police terrorism, of the bourgeois press has summed up the asbegan at the beginning of the third ing masses, counter acting the virus of Social the same conclusion.
week of the strike. In spite of a the May Day rally can be regarded pirations of the capitalist governments; the Democratic and Stalinist chauvinism, Lieb The trumpet of uncritical approval with which the jourterribly depleted treasury, a magas being exceedingly successful, fulfillment of which they await with greater knecht old slogan: The Enemy In Your nalists of the Stalinist press greet the military agreement nificent drive was put on that considering the obstacles stood satisfaction and more certainty cach succeed Own Country!
between the Soviet Union and capitalist France and their at roused the membership and clim in the path of its achievement. This tempt, with utter eynicism, to pass it off as a revolutionary at the very doors of one of the forts of many labor organizations, axed in a fighting mass picket Inc succo was due to the combined efJobless Slugged at Federal Judge Sees victory, sound the warning again in clearer, louder tones. largest shops in the Metropolitan all cooperating in an honest united Uriah Heep? No, area. This and other incidents have front movement which included the given the dental mechanic a real Workers Party, Relief Bureau Doom of Capitalism one country and under the slogan of Defend the Soviet the Communist Abe Cahan!
Union the Stalinists are preparing a new social patriotic ization that the real force that can Party. Socialist Party. American win strikes is nobody but himself. Workers Union (unemployed) and NEW YORK, The LaGunrdi We don know whether Dickens the possibility of the masses making When a Federal judge recognizes betrayal.
This lesson will not so quickly be various other working class groups.
administration in New York is deThe organization of the revolutionary struggle against forgotten.
Workers Party members played veloping a new technique in meet is translated into Yladish. But mince meat out of capitalism, it is the coming war depends entirely on the success of the move Approximately 200 men are work an important role in the preparaing the militant demands of spokes whether he is or he isn Dickens a signal that things are going to ment to liberate the proletarian vanguard from the influence ing in signed shops and a fine tion and conduct of the meeting.
men for the organized unemployed. has created character by the happen of Stalinism as well as Social Democracy.
nucleus of real scrappers went back They established themselves as a John Kuox, the dean of the Demands for relief are answered name of Uriah Heap. This charto open shops determined to carry genuinely constructive force. Coples with the Asts and boots of hired acter has hecome a byword stand United States Circuit Court, ex The slightest taint of nationalism is fatal in the face of on and prepare anew.
of the New Militant and the May thugs.
ing for everything sneaky or hypo claimed before the Harvard Alum war. Those who, for any reason whatever, dally with the Day Manifesto of the Workers last Friday three members of the critical. Perhaps the Jewish mass Association that if Big Business idea of a truce with the class cnemy at home are certain to The dental mechanics have been Party were widely distributed and away from the rest of organized met with much interest and a great land in the camp of the jingoes when the real test comes.
Workers Unemployed Union calledes do not employ the name Uriah continues its insane policy of at to represent a fellow member in his Heap in designating anyone as a tempting to bully the nation into labor long enough to realize that deal of approval from the assem Without a thorough going internationalist outlook a consisthey made a serious error in not bled workers.
demand It is quite possible they submission to its will, It may ex relief at the city reliet hypocrite.
tent opposition to imperialist war is impossible. And the first before affiliating to the largest station, 97 Houston St. The use the name Ab Cahan and with pect to hear a large part of the at least as much justification.
committee consisted of Isidor llar population enving: To hell with duty of the true internationalists is to unfurl their banner body of organized labor. On the New Castle matter of moral and financial aid rison, Elith Storm and Morris Writing in the Forward of April capitalism and all its defenders!
and organize their forces on an international scale, however alone it would have been of enor.
By FRED RAYBURN Varon. They were successful in 7, Mr. Cahan castigates with plous. nd he says. thousands upon few their numbers may be at the beginning. These are the mous value for them to have be NEW CASTLE, Pa. May Over winning their demands and when unction the Day, a Jewish daily thousands of people who once had great lessons of experience written in blood and fire in the longed to the American Federation 800 workers listened to addresses they came down from the executive generally supporting the Demo property and have it no more are offices to a lower floor in the relief cratic Party. The cause for this not willing further to fight, bleed last imperialist world war.
of Labor. That step must be taken delivered by George Papeun of the building they were set upon by attack is the Day criticism of and die for the capitalistic system. Those who have drawn the conclusions from the actual industry is the big question before ton, chairman of the National Un.
about ten hired thugs who were Tang anti Soviet articles.
state of affairs in the international labor movement have pro laying for them.
Who will say that this senlle dog Says Mr. Cahan: The strike eating system is not in a bad way claimed the necessity of a new International, és Lenin did in celebration sponsored by the CoopHarrison and Varen were beaten (National Biscuit Co. is now at when a custodian of private proper New Milltants and New Interna erative Workers of America, a local 1914. Swimming against the current, against unprecedented and kicked so severely that they its height and the Day publishes ty in the person of a Federal judge tlopals can be purchased at: unemployed organization.
required medical attention. Miss the company advertisements regu takes fright that the scissor bill difficulties and complexities, against slander and poverty of NEWS EXCHANGE At the conclusion of the meeting Storm was badly shaken up in the larly. The Forward, naturally, might refuse to get his belly ripped resources in spite of all the advocates of the Fourth Inter 29 So. Main Street, Akron comrade Papeun was invited to stay fracas. Harrison is a brother of (set that, naturally. does not ac open for Andy Mellon millions.
national increase in strength and numbers. They, and they CONFECTIONERY STORE over and address several loculs of Charles Yale Harrison, author of rept such advertisements. What West Market Street, Akron the On Wednesday evening alone, are the real inheritors of the great tradition of Lieb Generals Die in Bed. sad situation, indeed!
vulgar hypocrisy. In the May he spoke before a mass meeting of knecht and Lenin. They are the heralds of the revolutionary The assault took place on city issue of the same forward, edited Thank God, sighs the Judge PAUL LUTTINGER, locals and and was favorably property with the customary po by the same Mr. Uriah beg par these people, of whom there are struggle against war precisely because they are the carriers received. On Thursday, Friday and DANIEL LUTTINGER, liceman conveniently missing. Two don Mr. Cahan there is a quarter 20, 000, 000 or more have not become of the only idea which can arm the workers for this struggle.
Sunday he is booked to address guards who complacently stood by page advertisement from the Gen desperate, and pray that they will Speed the day when the revolutionary internationalists of all Wohington Square North other locals of this organization.
while the thugs were slugging the eral Motors Co, advertising the lat not become so. But this much is His talks, 80 far, on the decay of countries will establish firmer relations among themselves and workers afterwards explained that est model Chevrolet cars. At the certain their minds have become capitalism and the need of workers 3 and 8 hecept Sundays organization have met with favor it was after four o clock and we height of the strike, too. Need any fallow for the planting of danger proceed with practical, concrete steps toward the actual more be said. ous doctrines.
formation of the Fourth International!
and Holidays able response.
other countries. The stalinist diplomats, purus uncompromising struggle which was crs in a capitalist country to defend the Soviet Union is to make they are upling rate this the great idea for at overy proude ns.