AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismImperialismIndividualismLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

MARCH OF EVENTS The American Approach Question Box SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE cracy in the trade unions. And nowhere can one and people with ability to have their minds anged for them instantly and By JACK WEBER By AJ MUSTE to come. Lenin party too seemed painlessly, to declare that black is Imperial Jubilee.
talism, In short, the King exists as the term American Approach Adapting Marxism to stream or events and the front of the boss, than in the American a last resort for the defeat of the bas been often used but seldom To the American 1917 opened. It would actually section of the Third International.
If one can overcome the natural proletarian revolution. It is for carefully analyzed. When a phrase have been worthless but for its dis Thus it is essential for these feeling of nauser on reading the that reason, to have a social stab. is thus used, the inevitable result Class Struggle By WEAVER cipline, its grounding in theory, its mass workers and leaders to whom presy accounts of the celebration of Miser, that the tradition of mon is that different people attach die twenty five years of parasitism of archy is maintained. Thus every ferent meanings to it. In raising the advice if we did give it. The Because it did not try to win the ments for the Party, to learn in SAMUEL N, King George, there are valuable so often the monarchical shield is a discussion as to the real meaning alive and intelligent ones among masses by any cheap device, it ac turn the indispensable role of Question: Do you not think that political losons to be learned from exposed to published view. it is of the termina recent article them are eager to learn more as tually won the mense is the abdisciplined, revolutionary party in here in the the further logical such circuses The British monar furbished and polished so as to per. Modern Monthly, March 1936, For revolutionary theory. am toldjective situation developed to the the struggle of the working class development of the class struggle chy is part of that vast parapher form rependently its hypnotic func An American Revolutionary Ap that one of the ablest of the young crisis point.
today and in its final emancipation (strikes, etc. will lead to a spon nalin of English imperialism for tion. But behind this shield can be proach. Comrade Budenz has workers in the former who Assimilating Activists They must learn to work in an or bypnotizing the working class. clearly discerned the cold and cal rendered a service. He states that would not and could not join the One thing that we might expect sanized way and to express their taneous overthrow of capitalism, so without such a hypnotism, the proculating cruelty of the bourgeoisie! his thoughts are set down for the Communist Party, nevertheless for from the America me emphasis pech dissent, which often may be well that we should concentrate our en own eyes and not through those Labor Party.
consideration of honest thinking months secretly took every leaflet action and experimentation is a founded in an organized way, with tire efforts in the economie field radicals. further disenssion of and statement that he drafted to a comparatively large mmber of in the Party. If they do not learn (trade union, unemployed organiz.
provided for them by the capitalist ruling class. The creation of il It is not only the direct instru.
lusions is the function of a vast ments of capitalist power that serve bas recognized in the most authori: ian viewpoint. That was not an Parts must welcome them, assimi are either condemned to futility The Workers Party of the that it was correct from a Marx. radical movement generally in the least influence of the Party, they ations, etc. Answer: This question raise the apparatus supported by the bour to create illusions among the work tative way open to it the impor unsounds Instinct by any means! Iate them, learn how to utilize their the end, or are drawn into the ranks entire problem of spontaneity seoisie: the hourgeois press, the ers. It is also the reformist labortance of a realistic approach to the Lenin who has the most coloseni qualities to the atmost, make them or the service of the trade into the masses, which is by no means the monarchy. With the aid of false idea that the King stands not capitalism in the u. namely, because history to his credit was con for the expression of their militant uppened with plenty of them se Thirty three years ago Lenin. En these weapons British imperialism for the ruling class but for the setting it down in the Declaration stantly and profoundly occupied energies, cuncate them or it will the American movement or worse his pamphlet What is that he is part of a common civil the King may at the proper time at its founding convention. Accord say the least, it did not seem to sertion, it not tatal, handicap. ists or even Fascists make happened vocates of spontaneity; audio arena ization, that he has a common fa become all the elements of state ing to that Declaration the primary affect adversely his practical etti Thousands of these militants har with a number of promient Italian can think of no hetter at therland that there are higher force and coercion epitomized and task of the Party and of the Amer ciency as a revolutionist!
never been able to accept things in life than material class sumined up, MacDonald and those ican working class is the defeat There is even place for a certain parliamentarism, They have tried The Vanguard interests and the class struggle. By of his tik still in the Labor Party of the enemy at home the over division of labor in the revolution the in many cases and given it from his writings of that time. Where is there today mass All those who talk about fexager means, further, of bourgeois demo offer their allegiance to the King throw of the capitalist governmentary movement.
cracy completely controlled and as the representative (chosen by of the In carrying out that makes a contribution to theory or been in any working class party or trade union movement which under about exaggerating the role of the The man who up. Thousands more who have never movement of workers, except theating the importance of ideology.
manipulated by the rulers, the whom. of the entire nation. The task the Party is pledged to use history, who can teach young work group are coming along in the new its present collaborationist lender conscious elements, etc.
lazie that he actually has a share in reformist betrayers can arouse only American tradition and history drama for battlesong, is not neces must recruit the most intelligent, as a model to be copied, or where movement can work out and wiling his own slavery and exploit the utmost disgust and ioathing and to adapt its strategy and tac sering to be treate of the Party young workers into the ranks out is there tourishing progressive rendent ideology for itself will not let this occasion, a celebra the working class. The bourgeoisie tles to the concrete situation and because he never organized any the Party. We must win, keep and movement in the unions themselves, the workers take their fate out of Role of Monarchy.
tion of their preservation as a rul the line up of class forces in the steel workers or educated a scab develop inspiring leaders of mass except where there is some polit the hands of the leaders. But in ing class Europe, pass without on a picket line, any more than a struggles. They are hard to find ical party or group to give contin this they are profoundly mistaken.
The bourgeoiste foster carefully taking full advantage of the wave Theory and Practice picket captain who carries out the and to replace if lost.
wity, perspective and drive? The To supplement what has been said the illusion that the King is a mere of patriotism evoked in the middle ed the American approach have is disqualified for membership be country pioneer experience and Some of those who have advocat tasks assigned him by the Party As a natural outcome of the Party must express itself in mass. we shall note the following organizations and mass work; but profoundly true and Important ut not rule. So long as the proletariat on the patriotism and rearmament interferece to the Martian and Tentation about Bonapartlam or the the and their leaders har forts very life uponnese porno figurehead, that he reigns but does classes to force a general election counter posed it, either openly or bg cause he cannot carry on a dispus tradition, movements per resolt in equally does the mass work depena terancea by Karl Kautsky.
remains acquiescent to bourgeois issues. The Jubilee will be utilized inist approach. According to them permanent revolution with one of bad a strongly anarchistle tinge.
izedconscious, disciplined, revolu Many believe that Marx as rule, so long as there is no threat to prepare for war. Part of the you have to take one or the other the Party intellectuals, Comrade Budenz correctly calls at tionary vanguard.
serted that cronomic development the monarchy remains seemingly a lishment of a conservative govern the viewpoint of the The It may not be amiss to follow and the class struggle create, kot The Lunatic Fringe tention to this fact in his article.
anarchism only the conditions for Socialist mere feudal tradition, quite harm ment. Recent political signs in very sume section of the DeclaraIt is not without significance that these comments on There are beste various brands the heroes he mentions are setter through a step further. Anarchism production. Inut also, and directly is o geois democracy. In reality the Ker of a new labor government just referred states that The the severent condemnation of re Phillips, and that he writer with a The job is to overthrow les) of its neresity. In this ruling class is far sighted and in coming into power to the next of the is founded on the great sponsible revolutionists One conthe highly organized capitalist connection Socialist consciousness conducting the defense of its power oral election. With the help of principles of revolutionary theysists of those who participate in elation of being free from the against the possible attacks of the Mucimald the bourgeoisle will do practice stated by Marx and the endless gab fests in corridors leading strings of any radical Both state and to construct a highly or in represented as a necessary and ther the destructive or the construc class struggle But this is ac working class the capitalista resort everything in their power to pro Lenin and tested by the experience and enfeterias which are supposed er Church. This impatience or ninel cialist society. For el direct result of the proletarian the straint sive side of the task anarebism is lutely untrue. Of course. Souvent capitalists may fear the present scale, above all in Russionsonly are carried by (Both rear in the first line is taken. Thus if the back of these false lenders stand precisely these principles that we les, only words and phrases disconservative American trade union workers begin to see through the the working masses, demandling de propose to apply in a fearless, realsaons which will never contribute ists exhibit the tendency in strikes onder cleeply the brilliant and the enme way as the class strigule heavy veils cast over reality by the cisive steps towards socialism. Let istic fashion to the American scene anything to revolutionary theory, The Fallacy of Individualism devastating comment of Trotsky of the proletariat has, and in the after pointing out that Prince Kro same way as the latter emerges propagandists of wage wlavery. In the masses once learn to the end Insofar as this tradition of frer mitkin, anarchist leader, opposed from the struggle against the capmocracy to thank the bourgeoiseThe lesson that reformism is not certainly not going counter to Marxalk xpreces ever contributed to dom makes for resistance on the the revolution and trecute Tous italist«reated werty and misery there is always the House of Lords ing but a form of betrayal, and Neither one of them regarded their lage gatherings ever added anything reaucracy in the economic or politiples of liberalisin can have a real the class struggle arise side by side menepong, then there is finally the ers for revolutionists who can lead by heart and repeated mechanicnt ary criticism. Theory is no substi domination of the Party by a la police system. Anarchism is an arises out of different premises.
monarchy which can be made in them to victory and who can show 1y. Both emphasized the impor by the divine right of capitalism them how to defeat fascism that tance of taking into account the tical work; much less is talk such useful and precious thing. The police. But just as pure oxygen is arise only on the basis of profound the prerogatives of outright, rene grows more and more as a threatene, economie, technological factors rades in the Party, and with Marx. anarchist is that his revolt does not without the police principle means ern economic science des as well tionary dictatorship. Under capi to the workers.
in different countries.
and the The American approach does or those who use Marxian writings It takes the form of individual pro caricature of liberalism, anar. ns, suy, modern technology objection, Ichism as a whole has shared its proletarint can create neither the not in and of itselt give us a set of who have a pat, abstruet, mechan. elvil disobedience, putting one. fate. Like every sect which found one nor the other, no matter how PIONEER BOOK NOTES term itselt sargest that we call formula from the books to sit on record, withdrawal from its teaching not won the actual much it may desire to do so: both proach the American scene with apply to every situation, and who society as in Thoreau case, a development of human society, but arise out of the modern social proJohn upon the reduction absurdity or cess. The vehicles of science are Only about 30 sets of THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN certain principles which we want to not a Marxlat. We can share also Brown case, etc. But this is for one of its features, anarchism cx not the proletariat, but the BOU RIVOLUTION are left at the special price of 5, 00. If you intend make effective there. We must the contempt who read them side with it are found, consent moment when the social contradie. italics. It was out of the heads of getting a set how is the time to act.
make it clear, then, of some of our com the most part futile, and side by poles like a soap bubble at that CEOIS INTELLIGENTNIA (K. s what these rades for those principles are. they We have just received a small quantity of the following books ciples of Marx and Lento the conselves as fully qualified to pontify the most extreme regimentation tious arrive at the point of war or members of this stratum that mod ern Socialism originated, and it cate on the most complex and fun and conformity. Witness the auto revolution.
from England Specially priced for quick disposal.
ceptions of the class struggle of SOREI Reflections on Violence damental problems of the working amamo way they who communicated it to the state as the executive commit e. 00 BEER History of British Socialism (2 vols. 00 the more intellectually developed class movement on the other side tee of the ruling class, of the nature of capitalist exploitation of the shown any capacity to contribute of the globe thongh they have never HYNDMAN Commercial Crises of the 19th Century. 1, 00 Letters to the Editor proletarians who, in their turn, introduce it into the proletarian clan FAIRCHILI Labour and the Industrial Revolution. 00 workers, of the role of the working anything to the solution of the struggle where conditions allow POSTGATE The Workers International. 75 done, clare in modern society, of the rev. simplest problem under their own DICHAMWITOWWWWWMW that to Thus, Socialist AVELING Brief History of the French Revolution. 00 olutionary method, the character of noses. Most eagerly do we join in COHEN God and the Universe. 00 the workers state. ete. set forth in putting in his place the May 7, 1938, Abramowitz of the Socialist Law. consciousness is something intro our Declaration of Principles is who has read a few books and upstart Dear Comrade Editor: critique of Eddington, Jeans, etc.
yers Association, and Irving Glick duced into the proletarian class LEVY, Science in an Irrational Society.
another set of principles being ad We would like the use of your house, who volunteered their legal struggle from without (von Aussen vanced? If the latter, then we must gards it as his prerogative to look those of your readers who made taken a few courses and who repper to express our thanks to services without charge. Hineingetragenes. and not some thing that arose within it spontanThe last batch of the MILITANT for 1963 und 1934 have just have a clear statement of what the down from Olympian heights upon possible our liberation from a state Since our release we not only cously (urwuchsig. arrived from the binder. They contain important articles on all principles are, before any talk of workers who have performed colos prison sentence of two to four have to face the blacklist of the the world shaking events of the last period. Trotsky penetrating applying them in the cansal tasks in the actual class strug years; and compelled a reversal of Hotel and Restaurant owners, but Since there can be no talk of articles before and after the German and Austrian events will also mean anything.
be found in these volumes.
gle. Activists who encounter this the conviction in Judge Corrigan the leadership of the union co oper an independent ideology being de No well informed worker should be Lenin Realistic Approach without them. Price reduced to 1, 25 per volume or 2, 25 for both.
If we are speaking of a realistic clusion, however, that theory is progressive trade unions and all of ers) in keeping us out of work anders in the process of their movenient application of Marxist Leninist dangerous. It is a case of youth the political parties and groups in with the unemployed. In the four then the only choice is: Either WE CAN SECURE ANY BOOK IN PRINT. Send us a list of fundamentals to American condi or glands or something like that. resulted in our present free months since we are out of fun bourgeois, or Socialist ideology.
your requirements.
tions, then it is correct to speak not Responsible theoreticians and re dom.
neither of us has worked on a union There is no middle course (for huonly of an American, but of All books sent post free.
sponsible activists are not ene job more than one and a third manity has not created French, British, Chinese, etc. ap mies, not thin skinned individuals were among the victims of the hotel days work, and Robins was given clety torn by class antagonisms You probably remember that we weeks. Gras has been given six ideology, and, moreover, in 80proach, le, of taking into account who cannot stand criticism: they strike of Jan Feb. 1934. The strike, a steady job where he worked there can never be a non class or MAY CLEARANCE the special conditions with which are comrades who have much to although lost, succeeded in closing for a week and a half and closed above class Ideology. the revolutionary movement is con tench each other.
Hence, to Many Books Reduced Up To 50 fronted in each country. And it is The American Pragmatism the restaurants in midtown and out at the time he had to go to court belittle Socialist ideology in any downtown hotels, and the heavy for retrial.
then important at this point to ob One other point may be touched financial loss suffered by the hotels way, to deviate from it in the PIONEER PUBLISHERS BOOKSHOP serve that it was Lenin who gave in this connection. Americans, we brought a demand for reprisal the world the supreme example to are told, are 96 Fifth Avenue, New York City not interested in against the unions and we were the workers Party for its invaluable lot of thik about spontaneity, but We would like to thank the slightest degree means strengthen There is date of this fearless, realistic, yes theory. They are pragmatists, ex victims who went to state prison.
experimental, reckoning with the perimental; they want action. Rethe spontaneous development of the a given coun membering that there are excepFraternally, retical conditions From prison we wrote the Prolabor movement leads to its becom try at a given historical momenttions to all rules, and a good many visional Committee for Non PartH, ROBINS ing subordinated to bourgeois ideal which is not to imply, as we shall to some, it seems to me that in the san Labor Defense and asked them GRAS 08.
Where is the of Going?
have occasion to point out later, main this point is a valid one. We to raise the question of an appeal How far can the labor movement that Lenin had a nationalistic out have already pointed out that this from the sentence and fight for look or philosophy.
clevelop without the introduction There runs through the article of can dispense with theory or ford Labor Defense raised the question does not at all mean that the Party our freedom. The Non Partisan WORKERS In Steel of Marxian consciousness? To Mike Tighe has expelled the progressives.
this Lenin answered. The hisComrade Budeux contempt for to despise it. Precisely because we of forming the Robins Gras Defense Protect Yourselves Against the theory expressed in vigorous and are dealing with a working class Committee with every political tory of all countries shows that Hazards of Life. Joln the the working class, exclusively by In Rubberpicturesque language. Radical which certainly to date has not ac party and grouping in and WORKMEN SICK DEATH Claherty and Green sold out the workers on the eve of a strike parrot talk of the other worldly quired it working class philosophy all responded to the appeal. That its own efforts, is able to develop BENEFIT FUND OF THE only trade union consciousness, e.
in Akron, breathren, the futile pyrotechnies or world view, which is disposed is, all except the Communist Party, it may itselt realize the necessity of other worldly theoretics, and to work by rule of thumb, try first The Hotel and Restaurant Branch 1884 1985 for combining in unions, to fight In Automobiles Tontifical theorology which is par. this and then that way out, hall of the Amalgamatel Food Workers, Dillon and company take pains to prevent the spread of the ugainst the employers and to strive alyzing effective radical action, Roosevelt today, Long or Coughlin which fell under leadership of Com Organized, managed by and for Toledo strike are excoriated. Precisely because tomorrow in a period when the munist Party leaders. wrote us workers with only one purpose: to compel the government to some very vigorous head thumping pace of development is exceedingly in prison that they had tried their necessary tabour legislation, etc.
to render protection to members In Minneapolisneeds to be done, it is to be regretswift and the cholee between Fur best for us but could not aid with (All emphasis in above quotations and their families, and to sup are in the original)
Dan Tobin has revoked the charter of Local 574, spearhead of ted that by the manner in which cism and the working class revolu anything but their solidarity. The port all endeavors and struggles these things are said and by what tion may have to be faced very soon membership of the union forced a last year strike struggles.
for the improvement of tollers. Lack of space, which has requiris left unsald in the article in ques the Party must have a clear con change of policy and they finally About 50, 000 members organed that we extract only important How Should Revolutionists Fight the Betrayals of the of tion, the way to left open for veryception of the forces at work and joined the Robins Gras Defense ized in 350 branches. Reserves parts from Lenin work, does not Bureaueracy?
serious misunderstanding.
the basic trends, must not dissipate Committee. 3, 400, 000 permit us to further develop this Is a new Federation of Labor on the Order of the Day?
How Advise the Youth?
its energies and lose the confidence The appal was successful in the very important subject. However, Lack of revolutionary theory in of the masses by falling prey to Appelate Division, the judges were Death benefit graded accordlet it suffice for the moment to Special lecture by ing to age at entry. Slck Benefit point out that about 15 years ago payments from 300 to 900 to James Cannon ern world is exactly the same as and from which the masses will unanimous in setting aside the verthe Italian proletariat was brought, men and women, according to want of a compass in mid ocean presently turn away in disgust, dict, and criticized the conduct of Editor of the New Militant by the logic of the class struggle, the trial judge in denying classes.
to an actual seizure of the factoShall we advise our young workers must not get bottled up in a blind trial. We were fremst us a fair and students not to study the his alley. The Party must be sure of from prison Monthly assements from 45c ries, but, because there was no SUNDAY MAY 12, P.
tory of class struggles and the itself, able to endure opposition week later.
to 20 Marxan consciousness, le, a strong theory which is based upon an an even apparent Isolation from the This favorable result was due to For furtber Information apply IRVING PLAZA HALL, 15th St. and Irving Place revolutionary party did not exist, alysis of that history? Tell them masses, not bargaining away for an the loyal working class support our to Main Once: the workers did not know what Auspices. New York District, Workers Party of that this is only a waste of time? easy and brief popularity, its chance dommittee received and the really 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, to do and Mussolini now site in Fortunately, they would not take to lead in the crisis that is certain splendid legal work of Abraham the saddle. 60