BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyFascismFranceIndividualismPrivate PropertySocialismSovietStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1935 99 IN THE UNIONS Comments Strikers Reject Union Busting Peace Spread Strike Dillon Stifles Is Task Ahead Flint Action Youth.
We By KARL LORE On Life, Liberty How the Tables Were Turned When as well informed and cau of he voted his 200, 000 members and Pursuit of One year ago Toledo Chevrolet officials were looking out of plant tious an observer of the labor scene in favor of the infamous motion which is smashing the Brewery Happiness windows extremely irritated, as Louis Stark of the New York Workers Union, Berry of the Print They were watching Jimmy Roland marching around the factory Times writes that Organization of ing Pressmen and Howard of the By BILL REICH kates with picket signs on his back. one man plcket line around a a bloc of industrial unions futo a Typographical Union may be in factory employing 500 men!
separate national labor federation favor of industrial unionism for the (Continued from page Continued from Page 1)
Brazen, insane, unprecedented but successful. The Regional concessions. Not one word did Labor Board decided in his favor. The company ignored the decision, Monday morning. The meeting. WAS regarded as an eventual other fellow but no such silly proItalian boys start military train. Dillon mention of spreading the but the one man picket line was too much. It might be contagious.
roused itself and howled: We had possibility in labor circles today. Iposals ever get to first base in their ing at eight. 120, 000 war strike to Flint and other placer, in So Jimmy was rehired.
an election last year! How about we will do well to lend a second own international conventions babies in France are called to which course lies the only possibil Roland was no slacker in those days His efficiency had won strike! Dillon was in a tight spot, some time that the industrial union serve in the army. Military ity of bringing General Motors to for him a company offer of foremanship Union conscious even then, training is made compulsory in terms. He largely skirted the To he spurned a job that would make him a watch dog over his fellow would have to come here tonight issue was coming to a bead and Fireworks.
that the Federation faced a major Chinese high schools. 100, 000 sold ledo strike and the issues involved workers.
to ask you to strike tomorrow mornThere is some fire behind all the lers turned out annually. in it by a pompous oration in which It was then the company was organizing one of the famous em Ing. The workers in the crowd crisis in its solution. The shelving The CCC enrollment is enlarged to he spoke of industrial democracy.
ployee representation plans. Jimmy entered the company union to listened to him again. didn of the campaign in steel, the war smoke bowever. May it be the well 600, 000. Army officers For a advocate Justice, equity and many other convert it into a real one, General Motors would not stand for that militarization of the fine sounding but empty phrases think Knudsen would accept a gov. against the brewery workers, the known ambitions of John Lewis complete ernment election but he did!
splitting up of the metal miners which are involved here?
and Roland was fired. The one man picket line baffled them and be camps. Says Roger Babson: His only references to the vote tomored that Lewis wants to sit in was rehired. But not in the production department. He would conforced to accept a government ranks and the increasing drive number of years it has been ru The CCC camps are becoming hot morrow was in his last sentence, in against the industrial structure of the seat which Bill Green warms so taminate the others. Good Lord, never!
election. beds of radicalism. If these young which he was forced by the sentithe Federal Labor Unions was men are not soon absorbed in legit. ment and temper of the workers to They put Roland in the office, although he knew as much about The crowd was doubtful but he bound to create deep seated revolt. gracefully at the present time. At each Federation convention it has imate industry they will become a declare himself against the Com clerical work as a Kentucky mountaineer.
played up this Knudsen move to been denied by the Mine Workers Fate was against Mr. Gulliver, however, and the plant was break the union as a great victory.
revolutionary army.
ny proposals.
nonetheless infected with the unholy virus of unionism. Workers afterward said to your Progressive Lewis. chief. But John protests too Knudsen Won Negotiate much to be convincing. And when If they only could have foreseen.
correspondent: Why. that what The question of another labor the 1985 convention opens its new Collective Bargaining. Even should the union win by a Two thousand men were marching around the factory gates. Knudsen wanted all along It gives Federation is a serious one. Duex sions at Atlantic City in October we substantial majority. William Suddenly they stopped. well dressed gentleman wanted to enter William Knudsen, vice president Knudsen, vice president of General him a chance to say over again: a real basis exist for such a move? may see fireworks and an open the plant. The picket captains shook their heads. Orders are that of General Motors tells Federal con Motors, has stated that the company This union doesn represent all Louis Stark sees the initiative for rupture in the ranks of the oflicial no one goes in. But, but, he stammered enraged, m Mr. Knudsen, sume negotiations with strikers at committee or with any of the work own this plant.
election it time to deal with the Lewis of the Mine Workers in congrateful. When thieves fall out. Sorry, mister, orders are orders, they replied, but you can the local Chevrolet plant while the ers until they return to work. Noth see the chairman of the strike committee, mebbe he ll help you. in the middle of a strike? think Junction with the unions of metal strike is on.
The National ing has been gained by the strikers Textile Labor Relations Board rules through this vote, even should they And who should the chairman of this strike committee be? Dillon been fooled by Knudsen, or and printing tradesmen. Such Lumber.
Jimmy Roland. is playing his game.
that mills need not rebire union win.
phalanx might, he believes, swing Instead much valuable time Point in Dillon speech was the new mass unions of alumiuum, Some weeks ago we reported that workers where strikes are lost. has been lost.
the Brotherbood of Carpenters and Twenty one strikers were arrested an insult to the Toledo strikers. He rubber and auto workers into line In Legrange, Georgia, when they at. Inents from Flint, Cleveland, De Joiners had been given jurisdiction Representatives of many auto business agent of the union whose operation of the Scab plant there said: We don want to support behind it.
previous activities in the strike hagdally publication of the strike pub those boys till we know if they over the 130 newly organized locals tempted to prevent the eviction of troit and other nuto centers ad been in line with the policies of lication, Strike Truth (which recan business. He suggested that acts lends little hope that such a suggestion was made that at least one of their number from a comA realistie examination of the lof loggers and timber workers. The dressed the meeting. No positive Dillon, made a verbal about face appeared today. although written pany house. By picketing and indication was given by these dele and declared: In 1934, Toledo a different editorial staff and the Toledo strikers were just put development lies close ahead, No part of the motive for such action boycotts Los Angeles housewives gates that they would take strike workers made history with the But lacking the militant tone and conting on circus, and he yelled. Don strike! Wait for the elec progressive is going to get unduly was the need to take care of growlowered meat prices 6c per pound. action in the event of a successful tle of Chestnut Hill (Auto Lite cut policy of the first one. direct tion! We don want excited about the prospect of an in ing strike sentiment in the north. Striking is a bad way to get outcome of the vote for the union strike. We are prepared to make negotiations between the strike support west camp what you want, advises H, although they pledged 100 percent another such historic battle al committee and the company, and stand! It was clear to all present by Lewis and Berry, as an imthose boys til we know where they dustrial Federation of Labor beadDevelopments of the past few Mencken to striking office workers moral support.
though we don know what name other vital strategie points. An of the American Mercury magazine that Dillon insinuated the Toledo Provement over Green and Woll as days confirm this view. May had Roland Fights Capitulation it will go by until after it is won eagerly read leaflet, covering this strikers were yellow. Ry this time leaders of a craft formation. Nor been set as the day for a general Every large strike in the na Ho further stated that in a confer program, was distributed at the half the Buick workers had walked with the possible exception of the ised their support on the day be tion in the past year has been sold cant retnarks made through the enThe ontstanding and only signience with the management, when mass meeting this evening.
out by Federal mediators out of the hall in disgust.
atrs tire long meeting were the straight not make an exception in its na told that the General Motors could metal miners and the brewery Core the walkout Abe Muir, viceRoosevelt purchases Julius Bloch forward and militant proposals of Lion The single possibility of saving. The final point of the meeting workers, anxious to leave the Fed president, of the Carpenters stated picture The Striker to hang in Jimmy Roland. progressive chair tional policy for a group in Toledo, the strike from the impasse which before a vote, was made by Hart. eration ranks. The astute Sidney that a general strike was unlikely the White House.
man of the Toledo strike committee, make General Motors change its tions of Dillon and his clique lies go to work Monday, we have to ing Workers has labored too hard of closed mills reopen on Monday.
he had remarked, We are going to it has encountered through the ac Some auto worker yelled: If we Hillman of the Amalgamated Cloth and that expect to see a number who directly urged the Flint repre: policy, starting in Toledo.
in the progressive and militant work on scab transmissions! Hart and too long to crash into the Fed The closed mills were those shut sentatives to call a strike in Flint forces in the union here, backed answered that a few days work on eration. The influence of the down by advance strike action of Chancellor John Bowman of lishment of a national strike comimmediately, called for the estab Workers Party Active up solidly by the entire Toscab transmissions would do not has made him a key figure the workers. Latest news indicates Mellon University of Pittsburg mittee and a national conference of has been extremely active in this themselves and forcing through a men but Hart defended the making of breaking with the craft moguts ing however, and that the sabotage The Workers Party branch here ledo labor movement, organizing harm. This angered several union in the NRA machinery and the risk that the strike movement is spread Tools who make speeches on con. to strike the entire company, and forces to counter act the weak the strike throughout the entire men. Dillon himself took the floor the Ladies Garment Workers can not be able to check its develop troversial subjects.
Fifteen stated that the Toledo Chevrolet kneed and conciliatory policies of auto industry and will permit of no and backed up Hart on making to be distinguished from any other ment. Over 12, 000 are reported states and the District of Columbia strikers would not return to work the of top officials and is settlement in Washington or by the scale transmissions, have passed oath of allegiance laws unth a settlement had been made putting forward a program calling of top leaders. If this were angry but Hart prevented at the last convention of the down will involve about 75, 000 men.
The workers member of the Executive Council. out as write. complete shutfor teachers, co Professors Norbert for all the other workers on strike for the spread of the strike, an im. policy is not carried out, the won any worker from spelkemetot Massachusetts Institute of Technolin other cities.
Roland points were greeted of Toledo strikers to Flint and will be undermined and with it the down and appealing for peace. Finnew ones and establishing a soning district committee.
of college reds that undergraduates were all remarks which had the strike action, a caravan of striking of establishing real untonlsm in was put to vote in the ball empty radicals are headed in the wrong slightest color report by the Party representdirection, ative, George Papeun, was next on militaney made by auto workers to Mancie to rally the that stronghold of American reachall and without discussion milThey are a continuat any of the speakers. Fred Schwake. Muncie workers and to prevent the tion, the automobile industry.
Confab Held embarrassment to their well wish roaded through the meeting.
the agenda. Comrade Papeun stressed the fact that the LA ers. An Indiana college pro fessor kidnapped himself. Over should serve as a recruiting ground 60 of the world population is crash, those who were hit by bank, wealth must be distributed, even for the that more attention be illiterate. Mississippi foreclosures and live in the shadows through the intervention of the govpaid by Party members to the of economic insecurity but know ernment, in such a way that every and that comrades who are mem 40, 34 per year for the educatie of By SLAVIN a white child, 15 for a colored.
that wealth is available in abund. laborer who cooperates in producYOUNGSTOWN, April 28. The bers of both organizations should In Georgia the ratio is 35. 42 to 38.
Coughlin Eschews All Radicalism; glamor of middle class panacea, to enjoy, according to his merits, And In Father Coughlin political the things which we are capable of ment that the is fast becomwitness to comrade Could state The student report, given by comSociety Notes.
organization many of them in growing and of manufacturing asing a mass youth organization.
Offers Age Old Panaceas as Cure All rade Brody. Anished the business Marion Davier spent more than doubtedly expect to find a haven. a nation.
Delegates from Akron, New Cus of the conference. In the report it 50, 000 in preparation for a house To make it attractive for them he Classes and Production tle, Columbus announces that its national council Youngstown, rewas pointed out that since the party planned in honor of William Hearst 72nd birthday.
By ARNE SWABECK Makes Bid For Farmers, Workers and its state commmittees will be Yes. only when labor power sported on the progress made the contains both workers and stu.
Forty men in Wallace, Nebraska Not to be outdone by the Kingcomposed of appointed representa applied to capital can the process number of members gained since dents attempts should be made to coordinate the activities of both pledged not to shave until it rains fish, Father Coughlin has taken a Roth Coughlin and Long are now tives of what he calls various of production take lace; but this is the National Convention of the. Thyras Amos, Dean of Women step ahead in the formation of making special efforts to obtain groups, such as labor, farmers, vet not the union that Coughlin pre and the work conducted among sections.
The conference endorsed the farmer and labor support for their erans, small manufacturers, youth sents it to be and cannot be such the young workers and students.
stated that Ralph Turner, onsted This while Huey Long went to lowa movements. William Collins came and possibly certain specialized in a union unless the social relations State College, a newly organized stand opposing separate stuliberal professor. dressed like to receive the acclaim extended to to Coughlin Michigan state condustries. Of course, this is the of capitalism are abolished and probranch, reported that its leddent organizations, and unanimousjockey and spotted a pertectly him and his third party project by Kention, officially delegated by the characteristie middle class approach ductive industry socialized. The the students Strike volently. Duroches st. day Association. But it is really gether with Edward Kennedy, Sec groups and avoiding any open ac constitutes the economic structure comrade Shachtman speaking at the ted to the District Committee: good dinner party by arguing to the convention of the Farmers Hot Act Executive Council to or defining Interests by business sum total of relations of production numbering some 1, 000 students with The following were elec of society. These relations are to meeting The Columbus Ernst of State College, Watson of Louis Cardinal baseball player, not to be understood as a matter retary of the National Farmers knowledgement of class lines.
swore ont warrant for Doris of competition between the two. non from Chicago. Among the Among other outstanding points day capitalist relations, based on Branch participated in the strike at Columbus, Hawley of New Castle, Smith, garment striker, charging just listen to what Father Coughly were william Lemke of North Da noting that the Marine rational ownertion of labor. This is the rear 000 students struck against war Slavia Perengstowjon The conference adjourned with while he escorted his scabbing wife competitor by the press. Well, kota, co author of the Lemke Frax ship that is government ownership foundation on which rises the legal and fascism.
The conference opened with the the singing of the International.
through a picket line. Alfred Hicht neked dara ding things abert Connery Jr. of Massachusetts and currency: power, light, oil and foundation of the government. Con report of Nathan Gould, National HIMNICHINUIENNICEMINIQUITANIC Shegolihin, unemployed, was killed He has never angeb enception who is co author of the Connery anturar gens, together with the God sequently all government interven Secretary, on the growth of the or He pointed of from a New York store.
Thirty about him to which he could take will in addition to being Chairman ownership of all other property and strengthen the system of exploita out that the increased its 1111 ONNUMINOINHIMINI thousand London unemployed dem. exception.
of the House Committee of Labor. of upholding the right to private tion and to protect the owners of membership 144. organized new May 11, Saturday even. Dance, onstrated in protest to King Says It Is Not a Third Party George jubilee. The annual This set up fits in well with the property: yet it is to be controlled wealth against those who have branches, established a functioning entertainment and games for the tomorrow. which issue and is issuing benefit of the Toledo strikers. Given Income the brolish Royal family that his organization is not a polittion. In this program the right or speaking of in this connection is not Coughlin says, will not be socialism. bulletins and instructions to the by the New York District member is nearly 3, 000, 000 ical party: it is not a third party, labor to organize in unions is pro Just personal property such as the intervent while therefore heated the call for an international St. Everybody invited. All who can State of Nation.
he says. According to his plans it claimed and it is insisted that it is homes, radios, cars or toothbrushes, shall intervene is to take share through a number the duty of the government to pro but private property in the means be a Soviet government and to youth conference of all youth secare urged to bring chess sets. There of so called state conventions sim Says Hamilton Fish: No pres lar to the one held in Michigan last tested interests of Westh. But of private property that coughlin eschew. all radicalism.
tect these organizations against the of production. But it is this form make his stand more clear he adds: tions moving towards a new youth will also be refreshments and Would international, to be held in Paris drinks. Admission 25c.
ident has fumbled the situation so week, and Coughlin maintains that when bron diensting. Coughlin alas belleves in that secures for the own distribution of wealth enabling sometime in December May 17, Friday 8:30 Simon things The District report followed. Williamson will speak on The De ments have impoverished the people, provide a vittle more articulate ex tutel strikecanda 19. kodlica ting a lot of laboreIt secures for them the which we produce as a nation be slavin stated that two new branch cline of American Individualism.
inereased unemployment and destroyed business confidence.
pression so that the representatives the protection he demands means right of acquiring profits which also thinkable on any other basis?
That es had been established (Columbus at 850 Westchester Ave. near ProsTotal profits of 136 industrial correo ile back home want.
in Contos may know what the form of actual state control, in carries with it the power of the sup is excluded and this exposes the and State College. new members pect) Bronx.
porations for 1934 were 982, 000, cluding compulsory Arbitration pression of the laboring manges. In fraudulent position from which the gained, among whom are young May 17th, 8:30 Geo. Clarke 000, an increase of 64 over 1938. lends to the whole scheme an out tion, Coughlich has promised that clares for the abolition of tax ex the support of the working classes opportunities exist to build branch. ther Coughlin at 420 1906 This sounds modest enough and since his Michigan state conven the same program Coughlin de Machiavelian Shepherd appeals for steel workers, and showed that good will speak on Huey Long and Faoutstanding companies next step will be the organiza and the fact Mannhattan. Aus: Branch 1, 1, 200. 000 unemployed are de back home are to be reinforced. The state. Will they respond to bik upon the ownership of wealth and welopment when the American that help should be given Toledo Any worker desiring to get in prived of relief in Tilinois. They But in the shaping of his party the forts? No doubt many of them the capacity to pay and together working class is displaying in bril and Cleveland where branches touch with the Akron Branch can stituted in relief headquarters for provisions whatever for democratic demander, but it is not likely that ation of taxation. His program is and militant qualities in powerful carried on as yet. The future work WORKERS PARTY of Box 221 ment employees receive incomes in in full the sixteen points of Cougherement protection for their so this is precisely what allows him proclaiming that strikes are abso consolidating the branches, organAkron, Ohio lief wages in rural Alabama are as can belong. His organization tener if the present strike action emotions of all classes. they fons after last year sell outes per to play on the feelings and the lutely unnecessary and that the system to aim for is not socialism.
low as 60 per week. State scheme enlls for the appointment by of the Toledo Chevrolet workers is The direction of his national politSenator George Woodward of Penn him of a national council of twelve an indication of the mood of the Coughlin Explains His System ical organization will be the oppo Dance, Entertainment and Games sylvania advocates a state sales tax persons. Further appointments to other automobile workers they can The political padre explains the site. Its actual role can therefore to help the unemployed. Such a be mind Benefit for the measure would save him 77, 000 will create state committees, rang unionism.
by this national cincil be expected to decline that kind of system that he is aiming for as fol. be none other than, under the cover lows: believe that the economic of the panaceae offered, to sidetrack system of tomorrow will not be that the working class from its path to in Pennsylvania live in constant again will appoint their own sides. Real Appeal is to Petty Bourgeoisie type of socialism which desires to revolution which alone can guaranfear of starvation as the state legis. Nowhere are elections provided for, Otherwise the appeal of Father nationalize not only natural resoure tee a distribution of wealth that lature refuses to provide funds. and der Fuehrer Coughlin will Coughlin, the same as th seal of ctive industry. will enable the laborer to enjoy the Saturday Evening, May 11th Dr. Schnable. Kansas City Soon announce his selections for the Huey Long, is addressed essentially Nor will it be capitalism wedded to things which we produce as a na chemist, finds that grass is more wational council. hierarchy much to the lower middle class, to the the theory of private financialism tion.
At West 15th St. 3rd Floor nutritions than spinach, carrots or more complete than that of the small businessmen, the farmers and and production for a profit. It will lettuce. 600, 000 unemployed in Catholic church and ominously re the petty bosses. good many of be a new system based on the he Brownsville headquarters reAtspices: New York District Membership of the Missouri are threatened with being miniscent of the fascist structure of those among them who in former, lief that wealth is not money, but opened at 1776 Pitkin Ave. Brook Admission 25C cut from relief rolls as the legis organization is here in prepara times managed to save up for that wealth is created by the union lyn, Open Forums every Fri lature fails to provide funds. tion.
rainy day and since saw the bank of capital and labor; and that this day night, Socials every Saturday.
In Youngstown In the Name of God Ical demagogue and harken to the share of it which will enable him beld here on April 27 and 28 bore work at the expense of acToledo Campaign but