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Franco Soviet Pact Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the WAR NEW MILITANT Strikers Reject Union Busting Peace VOL. 1, NO. 21 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY II, 1935 PRICE CENTS suite enthusiasme trayal of the Chinese revolution Dutch Party Allard Leads shameful capitulation of the Gains Seats Illinois Jobless In Elections On Capitol Dillon Spikes Flint Strike Vote; Slurs Toledo Workers and there are not able come to be By JAMES CANNON The military Alliance between the Soviet Union and the French government, formally effected by the signing of the mutual assistance agreement on May 2, raises fundamental problems of the present epoch 20 Workers Party Pickets Arrested in Muste Rallies TRIM SCABS before the advanced workers of the world in the sharpest form.
Demonstration against General Motors It was precisely on the question Support NEW YORK, May Twenty Workers Party and Spartacus Roland Sounds of war, which is only the other Youth League members were arrested here today while picketing the side of the question of proleGeneral Motors office on Broadway, between 57th and Esth Streets. For Auto Strike Led by Sam Gordon, managing editor of the New Militant and Al tarian revolution, that InternaFighting Note tional Social Democracy conDasch, organizer, over a hundred workers participated in a picket line flung around the building, shouting Support the summated its historic betrayal Toledo Chevrolet Strikers, Smash General Motors Company Unions 400 Cheer Speaker to At Big Meeting in 1914. Will Stalinism, hand and other militant slogans.
Echo in Inspiring in hand with the unregenerate After forty five minutes of picketing, the demonstration had attracted a noon day crowd of 2, 000 onlookers expressing their ap Meeting reformists, lead the masses to a Resume Strike Truth similar catastrophe in the improval and tying up traffic in the immediate area. squad of 25 uniformed police headed by a plainclothes captain, several mounted NEW YORK. Solidarity struck as Union Prepares to pending war?
officers and two radio cars were soon rushed to the scene. Without the keynote of the Workers Party military alliance between any previous notice, the captain seized Gordon and placed him under meeting in support of the Toledo Spread Battle arrest.
Chevrolet strikers.
the Soviet Union and one The picket line could not, however, be broken up in this manner.
Beginning with a stirring mes.
BULLETIN or more capitalist countries As the ranks reformed in single tile, Gordon, guarded by the captain sage from a comrade direct As we go to press, word comes against others is not the main from the firing and two uniformed officers, held a ten minute speech, calling attention from Toledo that the Chevrolet mained unabated through the enquestion here. In the absence to the heroic struggle of the Toledo strikers and appealing to the strikers have rejected the comtire meeting which ended with the pany peace proposals by an of support in the form of revo workers assembled to support the strike. He was then promptly whisked into a nearby store by the police and held for the patrol singing of On the Line by the overwhelming majority. The eleclutionary movements in the wagon. Al Dusch, leading the line of march at this time, protested entire audience of tion conducted by the Decapitalist countries the Soviet The hall at Irving Plaza rang against Gordon arrest and was immediately pulled in to join the partment of Labor, showed a vote Union might have no alterna latter.
with applause as comrade Cannon, of 1, 251 against acceptance and tive in the event of war. That chairman of the meeting, introduced Undaunted by these tacties, the line reformed once more, taking 605 for. The strikers are only Muste as the representative jubilant at their victory. The such a policy is deemed necesup the chant Free Our Prisoners. Thereupon the whole squad of of the Workers Party in the Toledo militaney of their ranks has been sary now only testifies to the cops charged into the ranks and ran in 18 additional pickets into strike. It did not take long for strengthened all along the line.
the patrol wagon which had pulled up in the meantime.
weakened position of the Soviet this ovation to re echo once again in Magistrate Court, on 54th Street, where Attorney Mendel Union which ensued from the Special to New Militant Lurie of the Non Partisan Labor Defense represented the prisoners, in response to the vivid picture of the picket line painted by the Na Above is part of the mass picket line that daily forms around the catastrophic defeats to which TOLEDO, Ohio, May 35, 000 the 18 were immediately released because of insufficient evidence, tional Secretary of the General Motors Chevrolet plant in Toledo, and has so tightly closed it General Motors workers, on strike the Comintern under Stalin while Gordon and Dusch were paroled for a hearing at a later date. Reviewing Toledo Tradition down that no one enters without permission of the picket committee.
ur affected by plant closures due to domination has led the internaWith rapt attention the audience lack of necessary parts, marked tional working class. The belistened as comrade Muste described the background of the strike, the time today as they awaited the outcome of an election to held here killing speed up, the spy system and tomorrow under the auspices of the the company unions. Especially inDepartment of Labor to determine Japanese imperialism. The teresting here was the report of the state of mind of the Chevrolet strikers desired to accept the Comintern in Germany, suppleworkers during the great Auto Lite proponts and return to work or strike of last year. Here it was BULLETIN to again reject them and continue menting the treachery of Social stated that at that time the work DETROIT, May Burke Cochrane, Workers Party organizer, and their strike for union recognition Democracy, prepared the coners, under the influence of the Com Sam Beck, Spartacus Youth Icader, were arrested today while picket and a signed contract, ditions for a Hitler offensive pany union propaganda, tore uning the Chevrolet plant here. The police interiered after some hours After a week of decisive and millagainst the Soviet Union. The From Holland comes the gratify SPRINGFIELD, May Led leatlets calling on them to support of militant picketing with banners demanling support for the Toledo tant action in which the Toledo strike. The company officials feared that the banners and slogans pact with the French governing news that our sister party there, hy Gerry Allard, chairman of the the embattled Auto lite men.
strikers tied up almost the entire shouted by the marchers might have a bad effect on plant workers.
Only a year hnd elapsed, Muste the Revolutionary Socialist Work four county organizations of the ment takes place on the basis ers Party, has gained mandatos Illinois Workers Alliance, more formed one of the tightest picket Chevrolet division of General Mopointed out, and these same workers tors and spread the strike to Cleveof these defeats!
in the provincial clections held re than 1, 000 unemployed demonstrat The Soviet Union agrees to cently.
ed at the state a capitol for the im lines the country has ever seen. So ing of the Bulek locat in Plint sut Washes Hands land, Atlanta and Norwood, tight in fact that Knudsen, vice day night Francis Dillon suc Francis Dillon, national of defend the territory of imper What makes this simple plece of mediate resumption of relief.
With 200, 000 human beings fac of Inquiry into Minor organiseerd dole nutomobile in diese ialist France with the troops of seems apparent is the fact that of ine imminent starvation because of Jimmy Rolland, chairman of the by refusing to allow the rank and Kidnap Outrage ballot booths and curbing the forced to secure permission from ment for a strike Monday morning.
strike from the pleket lines to the the Red Army in return for a all the parties standing in one form the policies of Harry Hopkins and Strike Committee, before he could Ale to speak from the door, he railcorresponding promise of the or another on a working class basis Governor Horner, for whom the is enter the plant.
roaded through a plan to wait on French government regarding. it was the one upholding the ban suance of relief is a political footWarns Against Dillon a government election in Toledo of The scene of fascist hooliganism Flint who had previously voted to the territory of the Soviet that made the most decisive gate attention from the political pay scription. Muiste warned or the per time when 35, 000 workers were tomary habitat, Californiato the in workers Coining at a has shifted last week from its cus go on strike yesterday.
Dillon Accepts Seab Terms Union. Such an agreement The election was called for by trioteers.
could be made only because the its mandates by three. The Social The Communist Party increased Allard and committee of five mind come on the scene to spike the Motors, calling off of the Flint ert Minor and Donald Levinson, Dillon following a meeting held heads of the Soviet government Democratie party lost one.
interviewed the governor and destruggle or failing that to trim strike in favor of an election is lawyer sent by the to defend here by a company union group last do not, or feel that they can.
not, rely on the European sains. but when it us understood opera para reale suficient funds to battle has thus far steered clear of the strike and to break the lighting the result of a clash in which an Commerce which was attended by sheriff and two unemployed work some 10 men, most of them formworking class to come to its that they have been heavily subei. state. Only in this way, it was tuctor, salaostuste, and that is not Until Dillon spoke, the crowded ers were shot dead, were kidnapped er employees of the Toledo Choven defense. But in that case it is dized by Hitler funds, thus enab pointed out would the jobless become special quality in the Chevro hall of Buick auto workers called by the hands of hooligans and Let, strike breakers and necessary to say: the heavy deling them to set up a huge prope saved from Indescribable suffering. let workers, but to the presence of loudly for strike Monday morning, beaten, This group, organized by the feats inflicted on the working 80 surprising as it might seem at ernor told the men.
ganda machine, the results are not m powerless to act, the gov and influence of the revolutionary At every mention of the Toledo sitting in a car parked in the officials as a scab herding agency class movement by the policy first flush.
party, the Workers Party. If a foreign enemy were invad of Stalinism have weakened the This was the first election caming the state, you would find a way driven home when a telegram re lon representative, and An instance of this fact was feet and cheered. Until Hart, DNP. on the night of May 2, Minor on the precise terms accepted by Dillon and Levinson were forced out of Dillon.
Dillon, together with Edward Me.
Soviet Union and compelled it olutionary party in Holland. Like asked, and the smug executive beledo was read by the speaker. In atrike meeting and the sentiment head with a blackjack, pushed into Grade hunnista nit secretary, o federa: to depend on the flimsy strue the Workers Party in the United in to squirm in his chair, the unit was disclosed the fact that was for picket lines Monday morn separate Cars and triven into the ciliator, jammed the decision to States, the came about as employed leader raised his voice young comrade who had distributed ing. lesert by the kidnappers. The in ture of a pact with imperialista fusion of two cure of four as a war is present right now in Warning the strikers of the comutrike sentiment when he said, m wife of one of the workers held for all but three of the eight strike France.
labor movement. Again sharply: An enemy just as potent a leaflet of the Workers Party Hart Introduced the first anti scene was witnessed by Mrs. Bartol. hold the vote down the throats of mandates is only a beginning. It this state.
That is the blunt truth and docs, however, show clearly that In that suave manner which strike officials. After presenting ther you men go on strike but with eral others connected with the hours of continuous verbale punda pany moves was held prisoner by not so much concerned with whethe murder of the sherift and sev. cornmittee men after almost seven the workers ought to know it. what to others seemed only as an makes a virtue of evasion in an Marxist argument, the telegrim new set up all around for Amerl.
ing on these new and inexperienced But the Stalinists, true to their idea is steadily but surely impress swer to the demands of working read, he succeeded in convincing can labor. He turned to tutnre union men, The next day Minor and Levine Dillon followed this maneuver to ing the workers and leadin all over the world the Fourth In committee that the only hope was tents of the handbill and securedican labor and made no mention of 30 miles from Gallup by an Indian strike by addressing a meeting of ternational marches on.
them blind folded to the abyss, the raising of the sales tax from unanimous consent for the distri. tomorrow strike, although a copy Guide, Tohe, who helped them to the Buick local at Flint of the do not talk this language.
They Wildcat Miners Boo two to three cents.
bution of it. The crowd roared of the contract of immediate de his home and later to the hospital United Automobile Workers Federal This answer, in the opinion of with cheers and laughter.
mands they were to strike for was where they were taken.
Ovation From Crowd qualified observers, throws the enBoth of Labor Union in which he so in the hands of every Buick auto them were badly beaten.
Imperialists as advocates of Solons at Hearing state ure om biere the snarling potented out that where there on the other te real the meeting with three news were promised crew days, the kia Flint workers trom taking strike On a rising crescendo Muste worker at the meeting.
represented the sentiments and The authorities of New Mexico Nighting qualities of the Toledo peace and represent the pact with them as a victory for republican and democratic Parties socialism, an advance, etc. Sand Coals trucker who operate as a method of alleviating sutter pealed to the workers present to booed the HARRISBURG, Paover. reporters and cried napping still fresh in the minds of action pending the results of the That is a lie, a deception, a mines in which the whole family ing. it follows the well worn rule continue the good work thus far Throw them out. Calls for an the public, the Federal authorities Toledo vote. In his remarks, Dillon fraud! By such perfidious engages, trekked into Harrisburg of transfering the burden from begun in picketing General Motors expulsion vote were dented by the protests pouring in the rigmarole definitely implied that the Toledo With called the Toledo strike a circus, methods the French workers where a hearing was held on a bill thousands of miserable unemployed ottices and salesrooms. Por a full chairman and Dillon spoke two minutes the chairman tried in speech which followed was nicely of pretense gone through, the in strikers were yellow, had called for can be dragooned into the that would deprive them of the to thousands of other slightly lesswain to make himself heard over calculated to destroy strike senti. Vestigation of the kidnapping re the election and wanted to return trenches to fight for peace transportation of coal.
right to use the highways for the miserable employed workers.
loving French imperialism; the prolonged ovation accorded ment not only in Flint but for all mains a closed incident as far as to work, and told the Flint workers Ilearing the report of the com.
The bill was introduced by Repmittee, the 1, 000 demonstrators de they cannot be led into a revo resentative George Holstrom of cided unanimously to organize a The cheers and hand clapping on against General Motors, and to cerned. More outrases have oc rolet workers had proved they were Several days serious and would not go back lutionary struggle to overthrow Lehigh who labelled the truckers state wide march on the capital and substantial as comrade Cantom in it contained the following points in two automobilesenlled with on the Flint workers.
as bootleg miners. The object of to camp on its steps until the rellettroduced the unique feature of auc Sensing the enthusiasm of the vigilantes went through the work 5, 000 Rally Support the bill would require every inde stations are reopened.
The answer to this infamous pendent miner and tracker to get tioning off a few score copies of Buick workers for the Chevroleters district of Gallup and fired What position should the a special permit to use the highway.
OAKLAND. Cal. Longthe first issue of Strike Truth strikers in Toledo, Dillon promptly shots at the homes of some of the slander was given yesterday by the more than 1, 000 Chevrolet workers French working class take in the passage of the bill would make shoremen at Crockett refused to brought from Toledo. As high as took credit for the strike of Local defendants.
The federal authorities claim on the mass picket lines, the enthuthe light of the military pact? it necessary for each trucker to work when the Watson live Mack copy and the total reached over a strategy for fighting General Mo that Minor and Levinson were not slastic meeting of 1, 400 union strikThat is the main question for resulting from vehicle accidents. ed by nonunion crews. The longFrance at the present time, and it is obvious that the bill was in shoremen struck in sympathy with where they didn think we would legally transported. When is announced the company propuls, HOUSTON, Tex. FP. Deputy strike was Toledo. We fooled them. abduction legal? Mr. Cummings of and a muss meeting Toledo labor will very likely be the main troduced at the behest of the coal striking oil tanker seamen.
the Department of Justice does not tonight which Jammed over 6, 000 sheriff s, declared by Wilbur Dickey, Now the Toledo strikers are put question later in America. That barons of the state who hope by The strike has nothing to do with International Seamen Union agent, ting up a magnificent fight. He state Being beaten, slugged and workers into the Civic Auditorium is the heart of the problem of the presence of the holesteroskelade there to ceste seri kempore ke te se ties to be working in connection with took full credit on himself for the forced to go to hospital is een in support of the Chevrolet strikers the coming war as it will be entrare pe from the es el met water ou enter employed at the bis the shipping company arrested Toledo strike but failed to mention dentely a mermale conditions on the and for the continuance of the presented concretely in those guarding an intrusion on the profits charge of disturbing the peace. went out he had in his pocket a there to defend workers in the At the huge mass meeting tocountries which are lined up in of the coal barons. There are over ALLENTOWN, Pa. FP. The The men were seized when they general automobile strike vote clutch of capitalist justice, night, at which Dillon was the the same bloc with the Soviet 500 truckers are de la merning wock old strike of ribbon workers attempted to board the tanker which he never used. Ile failed to Workers organizations all over principal speaker, he put forward Union.
a livelihood through this method. continue to spread, according tore Brandywine to get their clothes, mention that the strike in Toledo the country have protested the kid a complete class collaboration point The Workers Party alone ed down, the bill itselt torn to delegates of the United Ribbon Dickey. Trouble arose when the Or that Norwood came on the pick ican Civil Liberties Union is on his the employers in which he boasted has given a clear answer to this pieces by Michael Demchak of the Workers and the American Federa captain of the Brandywine and an et line without asking Dillon. way to Gallup to conduct an inves of his impartiality, and spoke of the question in its Declaration of Workers Party and thrown at tion of silk Workers in Allentown. official of the Norworthy docks Point was railroading the gov tigation and to help in the defense company proposals which offered Principles. We say, with Lieb feet of Representative Holstrom. All but three small Paterson, tried to keep the strikers from the ernment election through and tell of the ten miners held on the the workers even less than they had Truckers speaking against the bill shops are shut down, while ship, and one striker was injured ing the men to go back to work framed up charge of murder. before the strike, as offering some knecht and Lenin: The enemy were applauded and cheered with at least 50 of the Allentown area when he fell while trying to dodge (Continued on Page 4) gusto.
is tied up, delegates stated. a blow, Dickey explained. Continued on Paco READ THE NEW MILITANT (Continued on Page.