SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1935 NEW MOLITANT PAGE ditor ITIZENS ALLIANCE TOBIN bere. They prepared the ranks for the conspiracy, Heed the Call of Toledo! May Day March Biggestin Yearse con banner.
the labor movement, tied with a thousand NEW MILITANT threads to the ruling interests, are incapable LEFT with which is merged of any real struggle against them and comTHE MILITANT pletely devoid of any faith in the masses. They Puted weakly by the Workers Party of the interpret and not without good reasonJABS West 15th Street, New York City Phone. Alongata 9058 every serious struggle of the workers against the bosses as implicitly a struggle against them.
Lered as rocond lass mall matter at the Pout Once By BILL SHISRMAN New York, ander the act of March 8, 1879. These struggles are bound to increase and POLICE HERO JAMES CANNON.
multiply, there is no other way for the workers Philadelphia, April Nicholas Scafidi, a policeman who recel ved HARRY HOWE. Anaoclate Miter to protect themselves. The Government will HAWTHORNN WINNER. Business Manager then throw off its mask of benevolence toward the Bok award of 1, 000 for brav.
ery in 1928, was sentenced today to the unions and come out openly as a strike SUBSCRIPTION RATES: serve from to 20 years in the breaker. The labor betrayers will supplement LOCAL Western Penitentiary for robbery.
In the United States 00 per year: be six months. News item. Canada and Foreign. 50 per year: 00 slx months.
this policy by wholesale expulsions of individBundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
ual militants and whole union organizations.
574 FASCIŚT FUTURE FORETOLD It is absolutely impossible to have a correct SATURDAY, MAY 4, 7935 Mussolini, fat and comfortable, Vol. No. 20 trade union policy if this perspective is not spoke to 15, 000 Italian workers on taken into account.
April 28. know you well. read in your eyes what are your Local 574 Under Fire Again The case of local 574 is a test of the capacmost intimate hopes and your spirity of militants to cope with one of the key it. know you are not looking for The revocation of the charter of Minneapo problems of strategy in the trade union movea comfortable life.
lis Local 574 by Tobin, the reactionary presiments.
dent of the Teamsters International, and the Alert militants in all parts of the AS RARE AS ALBINO FROGS country are bound to follow this development Socialist Party is a party of attempt, by this simple trick, to outlaw the closely to see how the attack is met in Minnenthe workers. It is a revolutionary union, coincides with a new conspiracy of the polis. Local 574 showed the world how to party. Each party member bosses to rob the Minneapolis labor movement must have his voice in the formaof the gains made in the great strikes of 1934. odds and to come out victorious. The simple conduct militant strikes against the heaviest tion of party program. He must Local 574 was beyond all question the leader have the right within the party to chronicle of the great battles under its agitate for changes in management, and the inspiring and organizing force of the banner in 1934 would constitute a handbook in program, in tactics. But be resurgent movement which put trade unionism of modern strike strategy. And from all apmust confine his efforts to party on its feet in Minneapolis. Naturally, therecircles. No Socialist carries his fore, the new maneuver of the notorious Citipearances the Minneapolis militants are also party differences to the capitalist setting the pace and showing the way for a zens Alliance, operating this time through press. No Socialist ever splits correct and effective struggle against the exhis ticket. Every Socialist is stooge organization known as the Committee first and foremost a discipline proof 100, is directed first of all at the strong pulsion policy of a reactionary. boss serving officialdom.
pagandist for socialism. Editorial, hold of unionism represented by Local 574.
Socialist Call. Would someone give the habitat of such a Socialdet Party The new conspiracy was pretty well shattered Two simple rules govern their strategy, each and such Socialists described by premature exposure and the savage counter of equal importance.
Around these parts they are attack of the progressive union forces. Tobin as rare as albino frogs.
perfidious action is designed to bolster up the First, they do not take the treacherous atsagging front of the Citizens Alliance, and tack of Tobin lying down. They do not capitTWO OF KIND Me an Morgan ain taxable, most probably was taken in direct agreement ulate or give way to despair. They are not say the headlines quoting Dutch with this malodorous association of union taken by surprise; the iron militants of Local Schultz. The comparison of Schultz haters.
574 knew long ago that Tobin and his ilk are with the big fax dodger, Mor.
nothing but class enemies disguised as labor gan, is certainly apt.
The issue presented here is one of paramount leaders. Nothing but treachery was expected RED OR GREEN BANNERSI of Tobin.
importance to the labor movement of MinneAmong the many leaflets issued applis, for its fate is directly involved in the by the Communist Party and its outcome of the new attempt to isolate and and it satellites, the one issued by the Irish Workers Clubs deserves spedestroy the mighty local of Drivers, Helpers offensive to mobilize the labor movement for the fight in good time. The fixed policy at Continued from Page 1)
the workers to march on May Day 1934, is to break 574, then crush the other Minneapolis is to fight for every position and made complete, the union got a signed agreement with the firm, to Union Square under our green unions one by one; and from the standpoint of not to give anything away. Without this spirit and the company union was smashed. Continued from Page 1)
the bosses it is a pretty good strategy. But no real progress is possible anywhere in the The comrades of the did not go to sleep after that culminated and at this point the AGAIN PEACE this is all too obvious, and the wide awake labor movement.
great effort or become arm chair philosophers trying to live on enthusiasm of the workers was con House votes 407, 806, 261 Bill for unionists of Minneapolis understand it clearly.
They rallied around Local 574 in the strikes the Teamsters International and the of few progressives in the unions around them. Tirelessly they the marchers to fold up their ban hocked to measure Parts for the news Second, the union does not run away from the glory of the fight that was past. Patiently they gathered a siderably dampened by the maladrolt arrangements which required navy of treaty strength. Every of last year and helped to carry it to victory. merely because a panic stricken bureaucrat threw themselves into every struggle that occurred. Eagerly to responder police supervision the shops, 56 airplanes and an increase From all accounts they are responding to the present onslaught with the same essential soli the expulsion, and announce their intention to to deepen their knowledge both of the theory and the practical park proper with their ranks broko 11. 877 in personne. Headlines darity. This gives the brightest prospect for fight it out at every step and through every tactics of the revolutionary movement. Steadily their convic The meeting in the mark itself says 66 other ships are being built another brilliant labor victory and another channel of appeal, up to the highest bodies of tion of the fundamental role of the revolutionary party grew. proved to be a harmless concert with tends from a PWA allotment, formidable advance of the cause of unionism the of Thus the tradition of militancy was built up in the Auto which, except for the speech of At a speed unprecedented in world mobile Workers Union in Toledo and to a large extent in other Comrade James Cannon, was en preparing for war.
in Minneapolis when the smoke of the present battle clears away, Meantime they take their case to the Central unions. As Oliver Myers, business agent of the Electrical militant, fighting spirit of the workLabor Union in Minneapolis, appeal directly Workers Union in Toledo, stated at the recent of con ers displayed throukhout the par Beyond that, the attempt to outlaw Local to every affiliated local union for support and ference in Washington which was passing resolutions as usual aden The reformist leaders of the Phila. in 574 is a matter of profound concern to the aid in their fight for reinstatement, and pre and letting it go at that: We don do things like this in Toledo, unions and of the Socialist Party labor movement at large, especially to the unpare to carry the fight to the State Federation We strike the damned job. We don come down to Washing their respectability and patriotions of newly organized workers. The latter, of Labor Convention. The answer of Local ton, we go on the picket line.
ism to the park commissioner and attempting correctly to exist within the frame 574 to the command of a tyrant to get out of Distrust of trade union officials who try to make the the enpitalist city government than work of the general labor movement represent the International and the of is an workers believe that their hope lies in cooperation. with the Mayo Day celebrations. That in PHILADELPHIA, May Not in ed by the of are confronted with a words but by stirring action did the dilemma. If they trust to the policies and the locals of the International and the of Board, was built up at least among the more progressive wiu to victory pervaded the ranks Workers Party, Phila. Branch show leadership of the official heads of the of unions generally, especially the unions of Min workers. Local union officials like Ramsey who played a ques of the unions on the march and left how much it desires the unity of they get nothing but the run around. Their neapolis and the State of Minnesota. tionable role in the Auto Lite strike were undermined.
them grumbling at the kowtowing the working class. The bander of tactics of their leaders in the park the Workers Party flew proudly on strikes are headed off by shameful capitula This tactic goes hand in hand with an orWeek after week demonstrated that a revolutionary party itself.
the platform in Reyburn Plaza tions masked as settlements or, if strikes ganizing and recruiting campaign to bring such as the with a sound trade union policy is a tower of Cannon Alone Stresses Struggle throughout the whole day. From break out, they are cut to pieces and betrayed every eligible worker into the union, a militant strength to the workers. Not one strike was lost in Toledo this The bitter experiences of the steel, textile, campaign of agitation against the conspiracy past year. The Auto Workers Federal Union 18384 alone Comrade Cannon introduced the twelve o clock noon when together auto and rubber workers, to mention only a trade unions, the Party marched of the bosses and the traitor president of the gained thousands of members, signed contracts with every im only note of revolutionary tenor in with the Socialist Pa few outstanding examples. all testify to the Teamsters International, and a notice to the portant automobile parts plant in Toledo, and substantially Bulshing himseite. Crom Antonini, Into the square, until three o clock, truth that the new unions have nothing what world that the union, which was build into improved conditions.
Waldman, Norman Thomas and meeting the Workers Party banner ever to gain on this road. The workers are power of labor at the cost of great sacrifices That is the background of the strike that broke the apathy company by stressing the struggle was side ny side with the banner beginning to realize this in increasing num and not a little blood, is going to fight to the and peace of the automobile situation last Tuesday and made cd and expressed by the heroic Tben amid the hush that followed character of May Day as represent of the other labor organizations.
bers. The Toledo strike, now spreading to last ditch to maintain its position as the union it impossible for Wm. Knudsen himself to get into the Chev strike in Toledo, He warned against other points, is proof of a deep seated determ of the Minneapolis Drivers, Helpers and In rolet plant until strike chairman, Jimmy Roland, granted per the war preparations of the capital the closing of the meeting comrade ination of the workers in the new unions to take side Workers.
mieropane and in the wame of the things into their own hands and to act on their To the crucial struggle which has now begun the Workers factor working for peace is the rev Party invited the fiftien thousand account.
With the present mood of the laboring Party pledges anew its fullest support. As write these words, thriomay stresle for Libeover workers to stay and participate in On the other hand, the unions which take the masses who are animated more and more by a union member comes into the room to report that the strike plause greeted his remarks. The the communist Party demonstra course of direct struggle to enforce their dethe feeling that they have nothing to lose, such meeting tonight cheered and cheered again when the telegram speaker for the was cut on tion which won scheduled on Bey mands, as Local 574 did with such exemplary spirit and tactic is the prescription for labor of Morris Lewitt, District Organizer of the pledg by Antonini in abject deference to burn Plaza from until o clock.
the command of the park commis Several hundred Stalinista booed militancy, run straight up against the irre success and advancement. The bosses andling support and telling about the picketing of General Motors Sloer.
when Comrade Roberts started to concilable antagonism of the reactionary bu their agents in the labor movement who have offices in New York by the was read. Well do we know sloner to stop speaking after speak but his stirring apjeal for reaucracy. If Green, Tobin and Co. cannot provoked the new struggle in Minneapolis may that if this strike attains its objective and brings General the expiration of the time limit unity of the working class changed prevent strikes they try to break them; if they get the surprise of their lives. There is the Motors to its knees a great step will have been taken toward the leaders had supinely agreed to those wery boost finto cheer and cannot control the unions they try to outlaw making of a magnificent labor victory there that day when the giant American working class rises in its of the Workers Party gathered at at epe val went up am che them.
which can be no less an inspiration and a guide might to smash capitalism.
Germania Hall in evening to crowd.
to other unions than the heroic strike victories The Strike Committee has outlined a sound policy: round of the day with a celebra When the meeting was over the What is happening at Minneapolis today of 1934. The Minneapolis militants are writtion fitting for the day and for the Party and its sympathizers marched No going back to work except on the basis of a signed party, which embodies its essential in the Communist Party parade for will be repeated on a wide scale in the next rise ing a bright new chapter of labor history which contract giving genuine union recognition.
of the class struggle. It is sheer utopianism will take its place in the text book of the strug Direct negotiations between strike committee and manage for the Spartacus Youth League Fourth International, the to expect anything else; the part of wisdom is gle against capitalism and its agents in the ment no turning over of authority to negotiate to government and Comrades Camon and Comrade Trotsky, and many other to understand what is coming and to prepare to trade union movement. In 1935 as in 1934 boards or union officials in Washington.
for it. The case hardened agents of capital in Minneapolis and Toledo lead the way.
herated the cowardly tactics of the and to the interested thousands Extension of the strike to every General Motors plant in reformists in the park and stirred that lined the road of the rade.
the country.
those present with appeals to in the end of the parade was just workers will 5, 000 in Cleveland solidity together when common Debate on WP vs. SP settlement activity on a national scale.
Establishment of machinery to coordinate the strike and crease thelr activity and carry the as dramatic as had been the events militancy of the party more deeply of the whole day. The parade was into the ranks of the unions, so that to end in a park several miles from May First Parade spectate emphasize. Dy are carende Scheduled in unions, the unemployed leagues, am working class organizations, practice them will be release to mendom four abremet them Papier We call upon our Party throughout the land, upon the such tactics and the leaders who Reyburn Plaza. In military formNathan Gould. He was the only Which Party for American La who mentioned the word to provide genuine, constant and enthusiastic support to the real and inherent fighting spirit of rades and their CLEVELAND, May Ap speakerAll the others man bor? Workers Party or Socialist strike. Respond to every call from the union for help! Assist the workers.
marched into the park. The path proximately 5, 000 workers turned on both sides was lined with thonout to Public Square to celebrate aged to avoid it some way or other. Party. be debated Thursday in manning the picket lines! Call upon any General Motors The Communist Party parade, sands of Communists and their May Day. It was real united front demonstration, the first that the Workers Party as the revolu He started out by referring to afternoon at P. at New York plants still working to come out on strike! Picket the sales which had to be carried on separ sympathizers as the Party marched University. Washington Cleveland has seen for some yars.
Square rooms and offices of General Motors! Refuse to buy any Gen ately because the sectarian and in behind their banner. In the censplitting tactics of former years ter of the park the column came to The Socialist Parts, the Communist tionary Workers Party of the Unit. Main Building room 581.
eral Motors products, automobiles. Frigidaires, etc. still makes the mass of the workers a halt at attention. silence Party, the Workers Party, the ed States, and proclaimed prole Murray Baron, leader of the For a victorious strike!
wary of a united front with them, spread over the park.
tarinn revolution as its ultimate Militants, will defend the A comrade and several rank and file unlons participated in the meeting at For decisive defeat of the anti labor policy of the auto and enables the reformist leaders stepped from the ranks. He raised aim, while meantime fighting for and Joseph Carter, administrator to sabotage every move for united his hand and Long live the WorkPublic Square and the parade that better conditions for employed and of the International Workers School mobile barons. action, brought together abouters Party rolled through the park.
followed through the main streeta unemployed and for the struggle will present the program of the For a fighting national union of automobile workers. against Fascism and War. Workers Party.
50, 000 and culminated in a mass Again he raised his hand. Long Workers in steel, textiles, rubber, automobiles, mining, meeting at Union Square. The live the United May Day thundered The speakers stressed the impor Comrade Gould talk was loudly The debate is under the auspices every great industry, hear the call of Toledo!
pacifism which the Communist to the sky, with the cheers of the tance of the fact that a real united applauded and the whole affair of the NI. chapter of the StaCommunist Party comrades who front of labor had been accom must be considered as a definite dent Leagoo for Industrial DemoMake the Chevrolet strike the signal for a general series Party leaders introduced into plished and that the should serve victory for the genuine united front cracy and the Discussion Club. An of assaults upon the Roosevelt starvation policy and entrenched on or of the same kinders that of the could no longer hold back their de interested are invited.
American capitalism! old guard at Central Park. all working class parties.
May Day Unity and many of the city