BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE In the Service of His Majesty Question Box If we add Bolshevik Leninists in net Face New Frame Up most has MARCH OF EVENTS By JACK WEBER By ST.
COPENHAGEN. It was not of Norwegian Labor Party Enters Cabinet its productive section. Therefore, in order to create counter weight The Road to Power. cratic bourgeois parties. In short, its own initiative nor by means of Under Domination of Ruling Class to the reactionary majority in par In the current issue of the New he approves of the very process class struggle action that the Norllament, the government ought to By WEAVER Leader appears an article by the which creates Illusions among the weglan Labor Party came to power. occasions, it did not do so at any ourselves against the accusation of Arst of all, call permanent trades Menahevik, Abramowitsch, on Wory and which thement the very port from the Mowinckel govern the king because there is no cause of wanting to transplant the Russmall towns and villages, the farm NEW CASTLEment and all of a sudden the Labor for that but against the mapeuvers slan revolution schematically to ers and fishermen should then be Question: Is not the economy of clallam on the Road to Power. moment wben taacism is making Party found that power had fallen Christian Michelson, Wedel Jarls Norway, we wish to make the fol called upon to elect their delegates fascism, as well as that of the Sov.
Here reformist socialism once more its bid for power and not with iet Union, planned, le, are not the lifts Itu head and tries to create the votes. In every country in of power was it? That is the point ticians carried on in 1906. This it was the duty of the Labor Party forced to surrender In this manner direct, popular capitalists, impression that it may revive and The approaching imperialist war to be examined.
rapidly moving world scene create gremo presentere de arte din controle de majority in the hall, but it is net events that took place in the sum through estra parliamentary strong in majorityises the Norwegian italist nor socialize. Does not the The present government has no derscored or harde westers. It watter its electoral victory in 1988. representation could be created to their wealth to the government way into the government express the will of the overwhelm which operates it for all society, 80 the illusion among those like a ridice. Abramowitsch gives lip ser ertheless parliamentary govern: mer of 1906. But there are no gle and not to wait until the per people. To this congress, the gov. italist nor ramowitach, cast on the rubbish vice to the fact that only the Coreement and will naturally consider it grounds for continuing it now, that Ilamentary constellation heap of history, that it is yet pos of Socialism can prevent war. And its duty, in this question as in all is why we have glven up this dem throw it into its lap.
following measures: the nationaliz this, lead to a planned economy?
Answer: Capitalist production la able to the heart to come into then this social chauvinist adds, sa Stortingo as Tong mit holds its that the party has in no was given complished fact the Labor gov at workers control of production, commodity production, ie, the proof office in the so called democrat only the working class, as the basic up its baste republican principles. ernment has been formed. In the aiming toward the independent ad duction of things for exchange (or le countries by labor parties. Thus power upon which modern Industry made in the Norwegian chamber The above was the declaration Storting there is a small bourgeois ministration of the factories by the sale. and so long as capitalism ex labor governments have come rests, can help win a war should it (Storting) by As for the state police, the edi. minority whose policy undoubtedly workers, the confiscation of the ist, so must the latter. The essence Defense into power in the three Scandinav be impossible to avert it. Thus do Monsen of the Labor government. be utilised to regulate intoxication cent of the Norwegian people the landed estates, the introduction of of this form of production is comMinister torial writer amures us it will only runs counter to the will of 90 per ian countries: the labor party en the reformista guarantee their next ters the national concentration gov betrayal in advance, guarantee na a radically graduated property and petition and the creation of goods The whole program of the Labor and traffic. And therefore every workers, the small farmers, the income tax, the liberation of the for an unknown market It comernment in Belgium; and finally in tional defense to uphold the cap up in these words. The Labor govis how the republiean revolutionary of the past year the Norwegian and debt burdens, the organizationers and sellers, one with the other, government is practically summed thing to in the best of order. That samen, the fishermen. In the fall small farmers from their mortgage petition did not exist between buy England events foreshadow new tallat system.
Labor Party government. True, ernment is nothing more than the Labor party behaves the moment trades union congress met. It gave of immediate relief measures for there would be no way of arriving says Abramowitach, the govern Abramovitsch.
executive organ of the hourgeois power falls into its lap. It does not evidence to a splendid class spirit the needy fishermen, etc. etc. at prices, and the whole basis for ments do not have a majority parliamentarian majority. more even oceur to it that a king can be and demanded the formation of a There can be no doubt that noder capitalism would collapse parliament and hence do place. The second current that given promising situation than this the deposed. The only thing they have orkers government.
the influence of the radical trades planned economy, however, can before themselves the task of im courage to the Menaheviks is the Norwegian bourgeoisie could hardly against the bourgeoisie is that it Importance of Trade Unions union section, such a Workers, be concelved only if competition mediate realization of Socialism. trend of the Stalinist bureaucracy imagine! It continues to deter did not procure a cheaper king for The trades unions 200, 000 Parmers and Fishermen Con between the producers is eliminTheir immediate task is to supply in the Soviet Union. The complete mine the political course in the the Norweglans after the dissolu members strong Norway has a great would support the governated and production organized by correctives for capitalian Suchswing to the right, the concessiong tuture, but leaves the responsibility tion of the royal Swedish Norweg population union members their measures could be laid before the knows the ultimate destination of ment measures. After that, these central management, which reforms can no longer be carried made to the peasants, the blow dealt with the Labor Party. And in their lan union.
to the trades out by capitalism itaell. The job to the real Marxists have gained agitation, the bourgeois par. ips en But what should the Norwegian families, they represent almost a Storting. Should they meet with all goods produced and has the of salvaging capitalism must be the applause of the Menshevika. joy a free and while the labor government do? In order to guard third of the nation Its laboring. rejection by this body, the storting power of controlling the amount performed by the proletariat Abramowitsch encourages this trend party is open to attack from all could be dissolved with the full of products to be made and the through the instrumentalities of and wants to see it go even fur sides.
support of the workers congressmanner in which they are to be its own parties and it is in this ther. After stating that the prob Voting the King Stipend sense that these parties must take lem of power in Russia has not Here are a few examples of the power. that is, take over respon been solved, despite appearances, be government policy as it works out ment come would the govern no longer be capitalism. It is true confidently proceed to that monopoly does away, at least depose the king. The responsibility partly, with competition within ment and the bourgcol, not the greater steps to the right. The The former Mowinckel governSocialist, system of society! democratization of the Soviet re ment had already worked out the for the use of arms could be placed certain industries, but this only aggime. conciliation (through compro budget. Now the Labor government By TROTSKY understood. March 25th Pravda. squarely upon the shoulders of the gravates it by raising the struggle The Betrayals.
mise based upon abandonment of takes over this same budget with the question 16. 212836. He wrote in referring to the Trotskyists and the entielone Tester satiations. com direkten oma e industries to a conUtoplanism) with the basle forces several insignificant changes in the the question of the Zinovlev affair: nobles who actul in concert. uses more than offset by the enthusiasme Abramowitsch knows quite well of the peasantry (read Under capitalism, therefore, and kulaka) and form of concessions to the farmers It would be criminal lightminded much more exact formula: they avian countries as against Gerstrata) is the immediate task in most of the items in the budget nounced his attempts to frame usinstructions of foreign information would arouse in the other Seand in planned economy is impossible s9 many. He recognizes in passing the the problem of the road to power which it previously voted against. In some new affair cooked up bureaus. Thus, in the spent for avian countries and in the rest of that the touchstone to the problem is this: In order to plan economy. severe blow dealt to international in Russia. reconciliation with Truly, a grotesque situation.
by the or its foreign agents Ave days, these miserable falsifiers Europe, Rut these miserable revolution capitalism must be abolished.
Socialism by the victory of Hitler. the Mensheviks is guardedly pro In monarchies it the custom to Stalin has no other method of permit us to see with the naked As even a superficial examinatio.
But he dare not stop to analyze the posed. This would strengthen the deal first with the king stipend. struggle against us.
eye the beginning and the end of Ists of the cannot and will Lieto bod that blow. nor to appor revolutionary government as well While the Labor party wed to move to be sure the threat of such a the new Intrigue, which teuredis not recognize this sure road to the shows, fascism does not stand be tion the responsibility for the as the Socialist proletariat of Eu every year in the past for a reduc new amalgam is hanging over the is not the Inst.
proletarian revolution in Scandin tween capitalist and socialist soel frightful defeat of the German rope. The whole tenor of the retion of the king stipend, this year heads of our friends in the Only consummate idiots could ranks and among the workers is the stock market remains, wage avia. Disatisfaction in the party ety, but 18 capitalist society. that a planned economy is excluded.
workers organized in the strongest marks on the Soviet Union is to the whole storting traction of the its preparation is althy and abom: think that Pravda bas merely growing constantly.
Social Democratic party in the soften the struggle agalust Stalin, Norv. Arbeiter Partei) sable. But that inde til does not shown an excess of polemical zeal so group to give this revolutionary labor remains the banks of the earlies world. He is consoled by the mis to ask further moves to the right voted to a man for the originally hinder from opening the road to gainst the Trotskyists. by add unrest expression, to raise its volce etc, all are in the hands of finance ery to which the masses have been from the bureaucracy, and on this proposed 900. 000 Kroner.
bloody repressions against the driven by the crisis. The crisis basis to promise to defend the so In the same manner, it unant Bolsheviks and their relations.
ing lies and calumnies which are for the revolutionary way out. That capital, as in bourgeois democratic now shaking the edifice of capital viet Union. Such defense of the mously approved the budget for the On March 20, Pravda published Pravda is not Humanite. Behind taction may turn into mistrust for planning consists in the fact that ism to its foundation, empha Soviet Union as would be made by state police which sizing more clearly than ever the the Mensheviks would mean the end even in the budget commission. The Ingrad of old nobles, big Industrial of the Pravda do not write what thus pave the way for Fascist agi ciety had opposed reports on the expulsion from Len: Pravda is the The editors the labor movement as such and the state power, which does nkruptcy of of the Soviets. The founders of the state lice, formerly nick pensated to considerable degree Soviets, Lenin and Trotsky. were white guard by the Labor Party, czarist police officers, in all 1, 074 act on instructions from specific inary grond in Norway is of a transduction, not only one in the med the sts, landed proprietors, Judges and ever comes into their head: they tation. The need for a revolution class which was the means op the defeat suffered by Socialism in convinced that the October Revo made itself particularly hateful to individuals. The report added: stitutions. The March 25th article cendant importance.
phous stato all organisatinns which and parliamentary cretins, mistend the support of a proletarian revo derous assault on the striking for for activity against the state in it was decided to prepare the is still in close alliance might those on the particubloody repressions against the with the revolutfonary P, the trade unions, political parcies.
working class their taking power, thereby forcing the living proof of the degeneration Labor Party is assuming the duty We completely omit here the positionists and since there was no and the so called them to undergo the wretchedness of the October Revolution, its of maintaining the white guard question of how, 18 years after convenient terrorist act at hand, and suffering of a decaying capi downsliding, without that support. in existence.
link this Amsterdam Bureau. Some of these tc. but also directly supprezges talist system, feel compensated. The fallure to give that support Just to show that we haven lost Leningrad more than one thousand bewest extermination of Bolsheviks ople will probably remember how who are ruined under bourgeois Abramowitsches se signs of a re lution in the West, can be laid at quote from the editorial in the Ar. Csarist Russia Does this mean od proprietors, nobles and police to be with a mass party like the of credits, raw materials, etc. On this very mlaery! And when the the defeat of the proletarlan revo our sense of humor, we want to dangerous representatives or cond to the measures taken against the they forsook afirm course towards democracy by more indirect methcrudescence of the class struggle. the door of the reformist socialists. belterbladet by the real leader of that the while hunting down officers.
they propose to play the game once By continuing their historic role, the Tranmael, in which he and exterminating the Leninists, Did they reckon the king the surface, therefore, it may apmore as in Germany, as though Hit they propose to end the last vestiges defends this policy: We speak of new repressions into the bargain also. had not noticed the class enemies?
pear that the capitalists are also ler did not exist, though the of October. It still remains true The royal stipend was estab Or does it mean that the thousand do they merely threaten? We do police officers. The technique is being regulated and as though the have they already taken place or working class had learned nothing that only a revolution in one of the lished by contract before he (the mentioned above did not previously not know that. It is highly possible from its experience. This process advanced countries can mve the king) enme here. He wanted to be represent any danger and had that the cowardly article in the government is being operated in the different, the aim the same of recovery is taking place in coun. search has pravohy malight be The next days and weeks may interests of society, whereas the that is the task, not of the Second we would be legally responsible the Stalinist regime has led to ter fashion, an anonymous obituary those against whom the Staliniat out in the interests of a numerical power, and on a platform of re or the Third, but of the Fourth In for.
formism and coalition with demo ternational for a smaller salary on previous Bloody mass repressions against for those in this posible, that But, it the number of new victime manages to keep it for you can come When the Labor Party voted forlat acts inside the party and to or Leninists who have already trame up was directed this time. small financial parchy which the party youth. In either case, constitution of the Secretariat. the official information leaves no this is only a preparation for bloody is to be reduced to a minimum, it identity successfully in the backWe here are under the impression doubts to the personalities clear that stalinis repairing the expose a new amalgam and its au The only social form, standing between capitalism and socialism, is a completely false relationship of ing was directed: all the 1, 074 in the amalgam with the lettish con March 31, 1935 the dictatorship of the proletariat, forces in the secretariat: a com dividuals belonged unmistakably to sul missed fire o be substitutes Quoted from the Opposition Bul the form of state power in the Sovbination of and Swedish strata of the former ruling classes for it an amalgam with nobles and letin (Bolshevik Leninists. iet Union, and only in that country is planned economy, made realls (Ed. NoteWe have been re International Labor Alliance, the youth leaders against the so called and the Cza. Ist bureaucracy.
able by the expropriation of the quested by the Nation Commit representative of the Stockholm Trotskyites who are faithful pro But five days later, in Pravda of capitalists and landlorde, possible.
tee of the Spartacus Youth Bureau, our representative al oponenta of the Fourth Internation March 25, we already and a new This statement must be qualified League to publish the following found it poetble to utilize this oc this representation reflected accur rests and deportations, it says the al. We could have little to say version on the question of the arbecause a COMPLETELY planned open letter. casion to attack vigorously and ately the relationship of forces of following, word for word: economy can be achieved only in a solely those representatives who the youth organizations constitutSOCIALIST society. The political April 19, 1936 were defending the need of the ing our Bureau. But that is far lats, the Zinovievista, the old princ The foul dregs of the Trotskyconditions exist in the Soviet Union To the International Bureau of for organizing production along ndarmes, all this Revolutionary Youth Organizations. Sore the most authoritative and the real youth forces at the present fuse, which acted in concert in an years ago Stalin bloe of four cob web ridden comrades Sneevlit and Schmidt from the case. When we consideres, counts, ASTIANGH SALAH masteractions 2016. Weberladen ende arama ile mara sac tu toit Lingerie base the one momentos Stockholm time we think at once, in addition attempt to undermine Comrades: outstanding spokesmen for the new founda classes led the workers of Shang and darling protege of the most re separably linked, so that the planbal, on the morrow of their victori actionary cliques in the country, wing, subject to the unknown fucAmerica, youth section of the Work them was not personal but rather in bureau, of the youth section of the Thus, among the 074 people er ons Insurrection, under the broad who together with Butterfly Wutortions and crises of the capitalist The Spartacus Youth Lengtie of International. The attack made on to those already represented on the tons of oor state.
party swords of of is upite the handicap of distance, fol Idens of the new Fourth Interna. of the French youth form. And Zinovievists who acted in aquads which patrolled the streets most decadent and hideous or planned econly if and when the the know completely lows with keen interest the devel. tional ing a part of the Bolshevik Lenin concert with the former ministers with their heavy blades and Maus ments of Chinese hourgeois society. Tsechal upeets free of unknown opment abroad of the movement tor The fact that the representative ist fraction in the which and earth police concerne la sut er was Yang Hu, later rewarded had been specially invited to Mos International Socialet societs vin tional. It was with the sole desire compelled by discipline to vote for ation of the Seine: of the Belgian skyists and Winovlevista completely garrison. Chiet organizers of the even sent a ship down from Vladi become a historical fact.
of participating actively on the in the resolution in favor of the new Youth with deep roots in the Omitted from the official report or attack on the workers during the verstok to hasten them on their way strength of the Soviet Union!
ternational feld in every way pos International places the matter in Nor do we fall to add to these March 20, which gave a preciee en night of April 12 were Hwang (Not long ago one of the foun. Just as delighted as they must be sible that offered a means to further no better light. An attack on the our own organization (the Sparta umeration of all those expelled and Ching Yung and Ta Loeb sen, notorders and best fighters of the Cum: when they contemplate the fact that this most important wort of ne time, that our organization ad. International, from those within its whose influence and strength con the laboratory of amalgams had ti gang world. Since then these country was forced to flee, made his ly harassing them in Northern hered to the stockholm Burean, the ranks, is an act of treachery and is tinues to grow dally as indicated discovered this belatedly and it three men have assumed direct re way to Shanghat and invoked the Kwelchow is none other than Hsueh International Bureau of Revolu not to be tolerated for one moment by the success of our numerous pro carried a correction to the offi sponsibility for the frihtful white aid of the Soviet consulate for pes Toh, the Kuomintang Officer who in tionery Youth Organization. In As the representative of the Youth jects and by the fact that the mem cal Information several days later: terror waged against workers and sage on one of the Soviet steamers April 1927 was sufficiently under order to keep our members actively Bureau, he attack upon the up bership of the organization has been the former police agents, they aver, all revolutionaries in the Shanghal to Vladivostok. His identification the influence of his pro Communist Informed on International questions holders of the idea of the new In: far more than doubled in the past acted in concert with the Trotsky aret.
and the work of the Bureau we ternational (Sneevilet and Schmidt) three months.
ists and Zinovievists, which they have published and will continue to is interpreted as the official postIt is our decided opinion that the had forgotten, God knows wby, five mirthless ironies which have ac police Intested streets. All efforts But under the orders of the Stalin Last month another one of those desperate. But the Soviet officials Central Committee to oppose the publeh, the bulletin of the Intertion of the Bureau and of all the Bureau, if it is to mean anything, days earlier.
threw him out to the mercles of the impending coup of Chiang Kai shek.
national Bureau in the English Youth organizations affiliated to it if it is to continue to serve as an Besides this unexpected correccompanied the theory of socialism by local communist friends to ketized Comintern, the rejected Tangunge. We have taken it upon we wish to state that we dele apparatus for the Fourth Internation, they carry another not un point in China statia escle. Ynny frustrated because, prithee, be Chiang! More mirthless irony stk ourselves to supply all English clate ourselves from and condemn tional, must be immediately reor important qualification, concerning Hu, Hwang hing puns and Tu lacked pasaport in proper order! Nothing can cover the ugly nakspeaking countries with the bulletin most emphatically the intolerable Kanized to take account of these in the scope of the crime. The March (England, Australia, Canada, etc. conduct of the representative of our fluential sections. Accordingly we 20 report says that the nobles and ary 16 at the local Soviet Consulate But Stalin can send a whole stenmedness of this latest proof of the Yueh sen were received on Febru.
For the purpose of independently Bureau at the Parla conference. We demand the immediate addition of the police officers acted in the in General by scraping The smfrking er for Chang Hsueh Irony of Fate whore. cynical contempt in which Stalin with a representatives regard the deepest nection through communications. this fact publicly so that there be Dutch organisentative from the vagueness of this formula is sell. Icoterie of notorious henchmen of was relieved of the necessity of ex countries. But let Stalin entertain Bureau we established regular con repetition of this act. We record namely, a The Chinese Communist Party sensibilities of the workers of other and one from Our attitude toward the Bureru no question of our position the French. The new secretariat able. We have too close at heart Chiang Kalshek, they took their plaining this nauseating perform the butchers of the workers and let and all that we have done in con How does it happen that the offive, we further demand, must be the cause of the International places at the luncheon table, hon ance to the workers of Shanghal the Chinese Stallplats drink the nection with it was predicated upon Stockholm Bureau, founded for the permitted to select its own residence working class and its need for the pred guests of the consular repre for it no longer has access to even better draught and keep silent. The the real sefulness of the Bureau purpose of aiding the movement and its own staff. Naturally we Fourth International to permit any sentative of the proletarian father the smallest section of the Shang Chinese Bolshevik Leninists have to helping to pave the road to the for the Fourth International, by demand at the same time, as being traing, or to lend our name and land.
hal proletariat. Perhape to do! LO SION Pourth Internationalthe necessary gathering together the Youth forees constituted likewise on false prestige as a cover for elements Banquet for Concubine mains of the Stalinist apparatus Inetrumpality for guiding the of the world to ultimately organize basis, the liquidation of the at who attack the aims and policles of And the occasion? Perhaps it was able to broedeset the happy AKRON NOTICE world proletariat to vietory against the remetery capitalism.
New Milltants and New Interna section of the Fourth present useless sub bureau at Paris. these groupe who am the outstand was another one of those affairs, news to the peasant armies, fighting Int. You could nevertheless We request that an answer being proponents of the Fourth Inter like Radek love feast with Pflend desperately for their lives against theols can be purchased at: Having taken these krent steps send as its spokesman to Paris one given at once to our demande. What national.
skl, Justified by Friends of the pursuing Koomlatang forces in NEWS FIXCHANGE forward it is not hard to imagine who demonstrates to actuality such further steps we shall take depends For the Fourth International. Soviet Union on grounds of bigb West China! How the potsent 29 8o. Main Street, Akron our feeling when we learn that at hostility to these basic ideas? To entirely on your reply. The situ For a new revolutionary Youth polles and diplomatie necessity. Leaders would have been delighted CONTEOTIONERY STORE the recent Parle conference of the us the only explanation lies in the lation is at present utterly Intoler International.
No, It was. farewell lacbeon to with the new testimony to the West Market Atreet, Akron Flays Youth Buro Rep.
for Stand at Paris Meet Pouring Salt on the Wounds of China Oppressed Masses. the re