will PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1935 Comments St. Louis Gas Capitol News Letter Miners Honor IN THE UNIONS Workers Stand The Meaning of the Wagner Slain Fighter In On Life, Liberty By KARL LORE The ight at the Colt Patent years. long step toward the and Pursuit of Firm in Strike Bill Noose for Labor Mass Funeral sem er eins bitarted achievement of the element core Happiness By BILL REICH Second Month of Fight BY JACK ELDER Finds Picket Line Solidate committee on Education and He Incapable of getting its orders Wisdom in Washington.
WASHINGTON, The Sen history has been a notorious paraly to Protest Mabie Murder trade union movement of New Eng ent unlons to the industry. But Trade Commiseton throughout its Swarm into Springfield paketin some time its sont Leather Workers, brought into be The strategy board of the Home OS noot and Shoe land stayed outside.
The New Deal ls delicate social Labor has just concluded its proSPRINGFIELD, Hve thou Hartford Central Labor Union has and the ST. LOUIS. It is now more than onged series of hearings on enforced by the courts. There is surgery, third economy some a month dnce the Gas House work. 1968: Wagner ens went on strike Demanding as bi to outlaw no reason to suppose that the Na sand pickets, members of the Pro threatened a general strike and 21 Workers would have no part in where between Individualism and one of their major demands themittee will report the measure out be anything more than a uke part trom this city after they had failed been secured from the state Federcompany unions. No doubt the Com tlonal Labor Relations Board would gressive Miners unton, retreated thorization to go ahead has already the unity movement.
Early in the year conference Socialism. declares Professor Tug closed shop they are determined to well to a New York group of teach stay out until that and another favorably; but that should hardly 1stle, except where hemstringing of to stop the Woodside mine of the ation of Labor. No strike in some beld in Washington of every imers. As a result of acquiring demands are granted.
be a cause for rejoicing among the labor la concerned.
Peabody Coal Co. from operating time has recelved the financial supportant labor group in the industhousands of farms through mortThe sudden swarm of pickets was port from unions in Connecticut and try and including the Boot and Shoe rank and file of the labor move Among the things that have con ment.
gago foreclosures, the Metropolitan tributed to the successful carrying Those who got enthusiastic about precipitated by the murder of Edris Massachusetts in particular, that agreed on the necessity of unifica tion. The United Shoe and Leather Insurance Company is the farmer on of the strike, we quote from the Labor Relations BlI forget Mable, a Progressive miner. Mable this struggle has called forth.
who benefits most from AAA croDone of the issues of the Daily Strike invitation to the of to en orders of the Board would be epdown by Ray Edmundson, Aion recognition Months of negotia minimum hesls tor amalgamation, First, the bill a written is an that, in the last analysis, all the and several other miners were hot The issue is the basie one of un Workers posed three points as a 300 checks for corn, hogs, cotton the strikers themselves and the ever before in the complex arbi federal courts. The courte, not the restriction. On March It received Bulletin, are: The solidarity of tangle itself more thoroughly than forceable and reviewable by the state president, and two other com tions left the union just as much a They called for progresive and wreat destroyed or not raised. spirit of the rank and file. Not a trational machinery for which Sec pady gunmen, who broke up an the soup as ever. The company union democratically controlled by board, would finally decide whether Easter day affale at the miners would not recognize the right of ite its membership: the right of refer. The Sao Paulo (Brazil) cotton single union man has gone back to tran na lam responsible. The. er or not an employer was forcing hall, employees to organise Into unions of endum und recall with officials elcrop WAS 450, 000 bales last year. work since the beginning of the of has plunged into the present company unfong on his bired hands. Hundreds of miners come from their own choring. powerful and ected by referendum and regular for this year due to the look the St. Louis Central Trades Cou To the accompaniment of one mor convinced enemies of the labor county to join the picket army. For is very much on the job and has But the Boot and Shoe couldn ander policy of the United States. cll in not permitting the union pipe later meeting of their Mions of dollars of American trades to be utilized by the com and Co. have succeeded in suppress of the union busting, open shop field, sleeping on floors, eating up sentiment for a city wide walk Executive Board called on the ne al victory after another, Green movement, no more ready puppets days they swarmed around Spring done more than its share in stirring take it.
gotiations for the unity and, in ef. Brazilian cotton ginning industry. Public the spectacle of one set of stel workers, nutomobile Workers in the United States. What the Anally misleadership on the part of particularly interesting angle tect, invited the membership of the. The House of Representatives union men acabbing on another. aluminum workers, soft coal work. Judges did to Section Ta ia the the right wing caused them to leave to the Colt strike is the revealing other groupe to join them as a sub3.
approved 400, 000, 000 for the Navy The support of the gas cosuminglers, and so forth.
Welrton and the Belcher cases, they in disgust.
picture it paints of the NRA swiD stitute for amalgamation.
which will make it the strongest publiq.
in the world. This is purely a The distribution of gas is being when enacted.
tunity to see the bankruptcy of the the government and if Uncle Sam defense measure, declares Represeriously hampered. Water has ten is prima facle innocuous, it is Keck leadership. From the outset were to withdraw its orders, the sentative Cary of the Navy Appro seeped into the gas mains to the likely to be deadly poison to the An attempt was made to at least of the march Keck second lieuten company would be in priations Committee. special extent that the gas supply is cut right to strike before the Senate The official Administration att ants were telling everyone not to The strikers demanded that the would end the bitter night be bad way. come to an understanding which 3, 500, 000 children in school was company becoming desperate it. Do not forget what happened vealed by the present draft of the connection with the picketing as it away for violation of Section 7a. Secan thermal meeting held. com keep off in many parts of the city. The Committee gets through rewriting tude on collective bargaining is re turned down. The first victims One more the most hearted the tree: to 2928 in 1984. The original measure to renew the National In: might result in their arrest The The National Labor Board ruled to of HOLC foreclosures were Mrs. tures of the strike to date was the dratt of the Labor Disputes bill ex dustrial Recovery Act for two years miners were flabbergasted at such that effect and, according to the Starch 15 at which several officials the. Unions were present, lock, widows of Kansas City. Trades roting financial support to strike. The rewritten version the Ta verbatim, notholes nothing what officers in a union were for products should have automatically report the United Shoe and LeathS60, 000 of PWA funds were used in the Gas Heruse workers. The local National Industrial Adjustment Bim normant les cons, the orale cleanette, besides drawing handsome salarien, ceased. But Donald Richberg rushed Worker, sort of gentleman the construction of a mechanical unions have agreed on a voluntary brain at the University of Pennsyl sument of cent day from proportional representation, and all an impressive affair vanla. 300, 000 citizens of Swit. each union member in the city. Third, the Labor Relations Bm the other devices which Richberg Fully ten facturer fair haired boy once agreement was suggested whereby each organization would undertake zerland petitioned for a New Deal delegate from the Carpenters union in its present form) is not an Ad Johnson, Perkins, Wolman and thousand miners and the Women more. He has refused to notity not to interfere with the organizafor that nation.
of the tion activities of the other. Mr.
offered an amendment to the effect ministration measure. Despite the Roosevelt were able to contrive Auxiliary members marched sul government departments that all union men have their gas wishful thinking of of with the help of anti labor employ enly for three miles as an escort to facts and purchase of Colt Mara (chief of the Boot and shoes the cortege. sixty five plece band goods proceeds merrily.
even sent a letter to all his locals xhut off until the strike is settled. sympathizers, President Roosevelt ers.
America the Beautiful.
from Gillesple, Wilsonville and is not in favor of outlawing com The amendment was carried.
in which he declared that where Benld played at the rites. It took Weakness.
there was evidence of an organizBayonets glistened, bands blared The Gas Company is fighting a pany unions. It may sult the Pres.
patriotic airs and six army planes lesing battle says the Gas House ident convenience for the time be ECONOMIC SECURITY. over an hour for the huge funeral procession to pass one given point.
The strike is a militant one and ing campaign by an independent whirred over the City of Brotherly Worker, the Daily Strike Bulletin, Ing to let it be supposed that he Meanwhile, the whole ambitious Mable was employed in one of the labor movement seems remark group, no special efforts be made observance of Americanization Day. to carry on its business by employee. But if the President does this, mic security (for which the work father of five children. Although there is a serious weakness in the Love as 10. 000 soldiers marched in in one of its Issues. It has tried looks on the measure with a kindly program for guaranteeing econo the Progressive mines. He was the ably well unted behind it. But to discourage or disrupt them.
The 103rd Field Artillery, the Citying scabs. It has employed thugs he does so because it is another ers of course are expected to pay) an avowed right winger he had situation which, though not appar No Gentleman. Police and State Troopers were in to terrorize the strikers. It has neat device for bamboozling the has come to a standstill. The en great courage and most all the hot ent as yet, may do great harm be But Mr. Mara turns out to be no the line. 261 people were ar triod to frame up our union on a Innocents of the of lend tre melange of unemployment instruggles found him in the heat of fore the last chapter is written rested for panhandling on the crude bombing gas. And finally ership.
There are four unions in the Colt gentleman. The United now charges streets of New York last year. it has resorted to mass arrests of Suppose, however, that the Sen. rest is headed for the scrap hear came from many parts of minoto plant which are conducting the that the of Lunion, with the erican Legion and Assit Sec. of War them nothing. the ground is without rewriting it substantially. gone througb, empowering the this worker, the 18th Progressive Federal Labor Unions wbich takel busily engaged in trying to persuade The State Commander of the Am pickets. But all this will availate Committee reports the bill out After all the Works Relief bill bas by the hundreds to pay tribute to strike jointly. Two of them are approach of the slack season, is manufacturers to break their agree Woodrin be the principal leiug cut away from under their supruse the further miracle that President to battern down awese rate miner to die in the long mine war. others are craft locals afiliated to sign up with the Boot and shoe.
ization celebration In Uniontown, Victory still depends on our future the President tacit opposition bill defines 50 a month per family MONTGOMERY, Ala. FP. American Federation of Labor in in Haverhill, Mass. they have in Pa. 700, 000 relle recipients struggle. The Union will fight What of it? What the bill does is as a living wage. That is econo. Ten hours a day in the cotton chop ate the activities of these four, aduced the Exemon She Company in Pennsylvania live in constant on till the onmpany brought to to create the equivalent, for un mic security enough for any wage pring season, instead of 14 and 16, legislature plays football with re. our demands are granted.
by reorganizing and discarging the The Trade Commission for unfair ciological principles of the New Ipers Union of Alabama, Georgia sentation on this Council, however, United members Other bosses are lief funds. America Good Unio practices. The Federal Deal.
and Mississippi Will Union is launched to sell Union stands firm.
representation. The craft loents bein coaxed to move from their anti American agitators. Says lead which represent a mere handful of present locations for the same purer Joseph Day: Americans will do the talking on the subject of The Workers Party in Toledo and, pated in a May Day celebration. the Colt workers, neverthelese have pose. The Boot and Shoe offers America; not only in publie halls Detroit held mass meetings Sunday Muste has received a special to a vote equal to that of the two Fed lower wages and more docile labor.
and Monday nights respectively. vitation from the Joint Action Com all along which embrace the un union label to get contracts with but in the streets from soap bores and.
and from any vehicle around which presentation was given by Comrade tion. Art Prels and Bill Kitt, Un conflict among the unions. But organization work, they have used a crowd may assemble. 600, 000 Muste of the issues in the strike, employed League and mem Chicago relief recipients are cut of its national significance and the bers will also speak.
this punk Imitation of industrial the prestige and the buying power from emergency rations while polcourse to be pursued in order to So far, the predictions of the what it really is.
unionism must be shown up for of the organized labor movement to Sticians play football with relief Inevitably it will set up a neat little racket all of funds. Continued from Page 1) trust, have played up Taylor and achieve victoria his warning on New Militant are coming true. It produce division and weakness in thelr own. The movement for unle meeting of the strikers here and Fred Schwake, business agent of the dangerous influence of the appears that Toledo and the Cher the ranks. The issue must be fication is proceeding, however. The of bureaucracy has bad a power rolet strike with his usual clasa collaboration the union, as the acknowledged The State of the Nation. line spoke in glowing terms of the leaders of the strike. This is not national strike wave. progressive and militant elementa tinuing negotiations. It is probable that a real united organization will Despite the efforts of the capitale the present militancy and cor. In the unions everywhere.
The motion picture Black Fury vice president of William true. Although these individuals be too strong for the bureaucrats of was barred from Chicago because Knudsen, declared that Francis have certain influence and are ist preus in Detrolt and other autorect tactics are carried though, 11 the Federation union to withstand.
the strike scenes might give people Perkins and President Roosevelt doing all in their power to gain centers to keep news of the Toledo the present avowed policy of the Shoe Workers. be workers to have taken real hold in this one The amalgamation movement seems ideas. Ten St. Louis PWA were behind labor, that the mem control, the definite authority lies strike from its pages, word is strikers to settle this thing on the One union of the workers were seriously burned bers of the Auto Labor Board had in the hands of the strike commit spreading rapidly. Toledo strikers nicket lines and not in Washingwhen gas Ignited in a sewer is merely tricked and betrayed tee which is increasingly strength managed to evade Michigan state ton is maintained. there is the It has been the goal of all intel Industry at least. May Its tribe inwhich they were working. Or Roosevelt, and termed the strikeening its influence by its correct police and Detroit police for a softs strongest possibility that the strike ligent unionists in the industry for crease.
chid sales for 1935 are greater than an action, protest and misun and militant tactics.
clent length of time last Friday to will finally engulf the entire auto for the corresponding period in derstanding on both sides.
Strikers Demand Strike Paper place a brief plcket line before the industry, spread into other major 1929. Though Jacob Pulanaky Knudsen returned Dillon com Strike Truth, the official bulGeneral Motors office building in industries and lay the basis for a EMPLOYMENT GAINS LESS WASHINGTON (FP. Employprofeet workersot Allentown. Pas pliment by a blast in the next morns metin of the Chevrolet strike. com. Prethit and various com. plantation which no power of the bosses mentega ne bi bile print by bereid on the job, relle officials forced arbitrary and lawless act, charg. after the first edition due to the Purther action in Detrolt was halt and their government will be able less than those of last year and are 80 slight as to be of little TO THE of deportation. on the second any acting against the wishes of the Schwake and Co. on certain inex: who were banter released. Words LANG HEARSTIAN SOCIALIST posed to work, says Pres. wm. New Militant the McKeeport Tin Plate Co. Many with the union nor even meet with that it was communistic, ete. By Mechanics were distributed to five officers of the would sign no contract committee by spreading rumors Detrolt district organizer of the The latest exhibition of one of Green of the American Federation Educational workers in the mill receive 80e an union committee until the men unanimous vote mass meeting that the has passed a res the Old Gourd of the Socialist Intest job statistics May FROM hour. More than 7, 000, 000 wax returned to work.
spent by 13, 500 divorce seekers in Despite Dillon attempt to Influed that Strike Truth be pablished terbale sent from struck plants and er in or outside of the socialist to their jobs from Pebruary to March while the number still out Reno during the past four years, ence the strikers by his misleading from now on. Already demands companies. This followed the ac runks turn sick with dingust.
Harlem Branch. Condemned diphtheria anti statements to rest their case with are coming from all parts of the tion of the Toledo local of the We refer to the series of articles of work approached 11, 500, 000, be toxin was used for charity cames in the government, the strike commit country and from workers in other in adopting a resolution to man or should we rather sty Alth reports. In April trade union re Pennsylvania. An airplane waste and the strikers are insisting on plants in Toledo for bundle orders the picket lines If they are called. running in the Evening Jourports for the first part of the month Workers Party uned to rush fresh serum to the nothing short of genuine unton rec of Strike Truth. There is talk so militant are the Toledo strikmal. Not even a lurid minded editor show decrease in unemloyment ognition, a signed contract and of publishing a strike Themen tsers that bort even the Toledgement of a Hearst Sunday magazine sup afecting only Ivo tenths of one percent of the membership. Last la calryman. Prince, direct negotiations with the com national auto strike paper. permitted to enter the plant. The plement could have confured up 80 year employment increased by 500, of the Boston Industrialtat, condemns Humany.
here that the Auto Labor Board meeting tonight greeted the tele forced Rousing applause at the mass plant manager. Gulliver, was much horror and indecency to sat1000 in March, and April gains were ey Long Share the Wealth plan Great fortunes are a trust and has the approval of Roosevelt and gram from the workers Party in mittee to get permission to enter thrill seeking clientele.
responsibility. don know that that it was who personally wrote New York that its members were the plant. Nine company police. sense of respect for the tastes there is a man in the United States into the Automobile Code the no pleketing the office building who had remained inside the plant of our readers forbida ns to quote WORKERS Flatbush Branch who has done more il bullding torious merit and proportional in New York. Telegrams from the at the time of the walk out, were at length from these atrocity stor America then Mr. Mellon. He had representation clauses. Strikers Ohlo and National Unemployed Marved out by the refusal of the tes. Just scanning of the heads Protect Yourselves Against the the courage to take riska. His only thenselyes point out that it was leagues pledging support also met strikers to permit food to be sent and sub hende should give one an Hazards of Lite John the mistake was to go to Washington. Roosevelt who forced the renewal a hearty response. With the spread into the plant. They had to submit inkling us to the tripe Mr. Lang WORKMEN SICK DEATH Greets. All Fuey tong meetings are the Anto Corle against the untee the strike the strikers are reputo being searched before leaving the Is dispensing with the good whes BENEFIT FUND OF THE now opened with the new song. versal protest of organized labor dating all efforts on the part of plant and speeding back to sale of his editors, Abraham Cahan and Every Man a King.
and who could, if he would, remove Taylor to deny useful and sympaterritory in Detroit. For the first Willy Randolph Hearst. 6, 000, 000 1884 1935 THE the so called traitors from the thetic support from other unlong time in labor history, strikers were Dead in Ukraine. Eat Children, Auto Board.
and workers organizations.
For paid while marching on a picket Grave Opened. Red Army Sol.
Organised, managed by and for State of the World. Tries to Divide Workers several days Taylor and Schwake line when on the insistence of the workers with only one purpose: Herbert Lawrence, chairman Taylor, Green puppet and tried to start red scare in anstrike committee pay booths were Turn Bandits, etc. ete.
New Militant to render protection to members This hysterical yapping at the of Vickers, Ltd. munition makers, machine man, has been here for the effort to undermine the progressive set on one side of the company first workers state, the Soviet Unand their families, and to sup port all endeavors and struggles status: Orders on hand are antis past week trying to usurp the lead leaders of the strike. The over fence and as the strikers marched lon, will undoubtedly defeat its own AND for the improvement of tollers.
factory. as he announced an in ership of the strike and localize it. whelming devotion and loyalty of by their pay checks were handed to ends. But it marks again the nec crease of 23 in the number of He had been in Toledo previously the strikers to their elected leaders, them through the fence by a sprcial vity for vigilance and revolution About 50, 000 members organ: Workers Party workers employed. Led by pre for five months attempting to divide who proved their ability and integ group of office workers selected by ary mobilization for the defense of Ized in 350 branches. Reserves lates in red and purple, 50, 000 pil the solid and powerful union herenity, forced Taylor in the meeting the strik committee. In this way the Soviet Union. Only an aroused 3, 400, 000.
grims prayed for peace for three into many different locals in each tonight to make an elaborate speech the strikers avoided returning on International working close can Death benefit graded accord. of the days and nights in the famous plant, the divisive and ruinous craft of endorsement of the strike com company property Pulaul that defense!
Ing to age at entry. Sick Benefit Lourdes Grotto. Pour and policy of the old line of Lmittee as he is trying desperately May Day United Labor Dem. The national committee of the payments from 380 to 900 to half million starving Chinese are borges. The local union would have to stand in the good graces of the onstration will be held here tomor. Socialist Party has issued a state men and women, according to reported living on roots and bark. nothing to do with his policies be strikers.
row called by the Joint Action ment criticizing Lang and disclaim classes PAUL LUTTINGER, American mllonaries are per core. His efforts here now are further call is expected to be Committee, composed of the Toledo ing responsibility for the articles. Monthly ments from 46c plexed what to do with 9, 000, 000 dangerous in view of the lack of sent throughout the country to all Building Trade Council, Unem. The Multants have called for DANIEL LUTTINGER, to 20.
left by Ella Wendel to a Chinese experience of the Chevrolet work other locals for a nation ployed League andd Workers All Lan expulsion from the party. As y further Information apply Woblacion Square North acbool of 50 students.
The local press, always anxious of all strike committees and groupe Union bas endorsed the demonstra has preferred charges against his wide conference of representatives ance. The Toledo Central Labor preventive stop James Oneal to Main Omice: FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE to select labor leaders for the planning strike to be held as quicktion, the first time in many years collegue that they could pass 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, 3 and 8 Recept Sundayı NEW MILITANT workers whom the employers can ly as possible in Toledo.
that organized labor has partiel Woht sentence.
and Holidays danger of being cut off while the kneestill our battle is won and fair labor practices. of the Federal earner who can eat the fancy 80 nre demanded by the Share Orop. Plant council WAN set up. Repre. to get out from under its agreement trade Settle the Strikeon Picket Line Notin Washington, SayStrikers Greetings appeal to the strike comfy the depraved tastes of breater than those of this April ers