NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 20 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1935 PRICE CENTS Toledo Leads Revolt of Auto Workers Illinois Confab Settle the Strike on the Picket Line, On the Job! Fights Threat To Stop Relief Not in Washington, Strikers Slogan the May Day March Sub Getters, Biggest in PostWar History As the sub drive enters its fourth Section Voices and lot more with competition 3, 000DelegatesGather FLINT INVADED Heed the Call of Toledo! FIGHT SPREADS Solidarity with Toledo has established himself as the un In Huge Four County at Building disputed leader of the sub hustlers Meeting By MUSTEJamesville, Atlanta Local Votes Support for the month of April. His envl.
TOLEDO, April 30. As this editorial is written on the NEW YORK, May More than able record was a score of 25 full AUBURN, IN. April 28. Nearly Plants on Strike 100, 000 trade unionists and mem year subs. The prize goes to him. three hundred visitors and delegates eve of May Day in Toledo, the picketers march up and down for Daily Paper bers of working class organizations From everywhere in the country assembled at the Miners hall here on the line at the Chevrolet plant where not even a telephone marched in the biggest May Day we hear reports of the activities of the four county section of the Ini Toledo Chevrolet strike contatttee in our headquarters rings and a new and exciting report comes Sunday, at a conference called by Totoddih Related chin terms of the operator is permitted to work. Every few minutes the telephone Special to New Militant Heading the march were the Workers Party. Everywhere the nola Workers Alliance. Sangamon, yesterday entered Flint with a sin from the rapidly extending battle front: Norwood General massine storm clouderkty through TOLEDO, Ohio, April 30. Switt the updated to the ende stranden the lines concernant colour members are Morgan counties were represented set support a strike from that Motors Plant Out One Hundred Per Cent. All Cleveland Gen volt ehere spreading darkly through quarter. Arrested by the police at eral Motors Plants Shut Down For Lack Of Transmissions. domain of General Motors CorporAmerica and the International struggle. As the lines draw and The conference laid plans to com. labor headquarters, the whole squad Flint Balks Plan To Take Toledo Work There. Will Take ation. Moving with precision dies Garment Workers Union, the conflict sharpens, the workers bat the threats of Gov. Horner to was immediately released on prex Strike Vote Tonight. The Mechanics Education Society of speed and power seldomover Hundreds of locals of other unions need a voice to lash out against the close down all the relief stations sure from local labor bodies.
fell into line behind them, carrying lies of the kept press. The dally in the state. The Democratic maAmerica (independent union) Will Not Work On Scab Ma sive and militant strike committee militant banners proclaiming the strike papers are the union volce. chine in this state 18 maneuvering The Brlek local in the Flint terial.
struggle to the bitter end against The New Militant is the political at the expense of the unemployed plant of General Motors notified of the struck Toledo Chevrolet The contingent of the Workers the periodients issued by other sec Lature to pass a bill increasing the and those of the Toledo workers May Day as significant for the American labor movement as leader. twice today landed lightvoice. The most casual glance at to force into line a stubborn legle the bosses that if thelr demands Not since the Haymarket year of 1886 has there been a plant, headed by Jim Roland, bril Party of the and of the youth tons of the labor movement will sales tax from to 8c. The bill were not more they would strike this May Day of 1935, marked by a strike which already inning blows nainst the massive eita: organizations, the Spartacus Youth confirm our assertion that the Net is being militantly fought by labor, Monday morning.
League and the Young People Soc Militant leads in Marxian direction liberal and unemployed groupe from The S. Independent volves 15, 000 automobile workers, by the prospect of a general del of Sloan. Rascob, DuPont und lallat League lent color and and political clarity.
one end of the state to the other.
strength to the whole march with Most important is that the New The conference went on record material from Toledo will be band beginning of the show down fight over the recognition of Oblo, and the Chevrolet assembly auto union in Detrott, announces no strike against at least one great automobile corporation, by the Co. and forced the shut down of the their flying red banners and their Militant finds a similar appreciato stage a mass state march on the led by its men while strike fs going unionism in the basic industries of the and Fisher Rody plants in Norwood, vigorous songs of the internationaltion among the thousands of strik capitol within seven days after Gov. on, movement. Time and ing, union and unemployed workers. Horner closed the rellet stations.
How does it happen that the workers of Toledo again act Ohio, suburb of Cincinnati.
again the strains of the Interna No miracle will accomplish this. Committees were elected to cooper4. conference of the 23 anto decisively and take their place in the vanguard of labor battle?
Riding rough shod over the stalllocals of the of to take up How explain the differences between the constant postponement Green and his official machine, the ing and cowardly policies of Bill ed in the city streets as the marching and sell praise will lead the ganization. The conference also joint strikte action and their portal of action in Detroit and in the steel centers, the sell out of Toledo strikers, acting through er proceeded uptown form 15th workers to a condition where it is went on record asking for the payization into an industrial union, as Street and Eighth Avenue. Trem just as natural for them to read ment of rent or taxes, 30 and 30proposed by Jim Roland of Toledo, the strike of rubber workers in Akron before it got under way, their local strike committee, have endous crowds greeted the dem the New Militant every week as it hour week on all relief work, etc. is being discussed for this coming and on the other hand the brilliant achievement of the Toledo already sent strike calls to all locals onstrators, Ining up by the tens is now for them to buy the daily The conference also voted unani Sunday workers in shutting down the key plant of General Motors and Federal Labor Union in of thousands along the sidewalks capitalist press every morning. mously to endorse May Day as In flying muad of Chevrolet within one week bringing out over ten thousand workers plants informing them of the 100 and returning Justily cheers and greetings What we need is pluggers, of the ternational Labor Day.
type of Frank Collins. More Frank One of the features of the conAnderson, Indiana to take up con in other centers with them? Such things do not come by acci ercent walk out in Toledo and inBoos for Hearst structing take similar steps As the workers ranks neared the Collins means more men and wo ference was a militant speech by tact with workers in plants dent.
immediately. Swift moving strike building which houses the Hearst men, young and old, inside and Hugo Oehler, now organizing for there.
the party.
On May Day 1934 the Auto Lite strike in Toledo was dead action is expected to close plants in the Illinois Workers Alliance in publications, on Eighth Avenue in The job is comparatively easy. Illinois, Comrade Oehler receiveders in the Cleveland Pisher Body on its feet because the officers of an infant Federal union pas Mint, Mich. St. Louis, Kansas City.
of derision gave vent to a storm of nothing compared with some of the and demands were made for him to sata the men there would not re: of could and would teach them no other course. By mili many other towns shortly. genarreate ovation from the audience plants shut down several days ago, sively submitted to an injunction and the leadership of the Janesville, Wis. Tarrytown, x, protest against Workers Enemy tasks our party members face on No. ch contingent that passthe picket lines. Reports from tour the five countries that we turn to work until the Toledo strike tant defiance of that injunction the Lucas County Unemployed eral auto atrike, without sanction ex vied with the others in making some of the leading hustlers have ning he was called nearly a hun was settledd.
League and the branch of the Workers Party of the Bill Green, is in the making.
felt its deep hatred for this dispens it that it doesn take overmuch dred miles north to deliver a speech 2, 300 Cincinnati work cooperating with activists in the union revived the strike and Flint Takes Strike Vote er of reactionary venom against the lung exertion to persuade a casual at another mass conference of the ers remained solid in their sympa: paved the way for that night in May when ten thousand workers As this is being written, a strike Soviet Union and the American re subscriber.
New Militant reader to become a unemployed at Galva, III.
thy strike called to aid the Toledo of Toledo stormed the Auto Lite plant, drove the sheriff depu Buick local, in Flint. Rep The conference was presided over olutionary labor movement.
vote is being taken at the walk out.
Solidarity with Toledo Rut it needs a little punch and aby Its regular Chairman, Gerry Al we go press, news ties to cover, fought the militia. Thus a partial victory was resentatives of this local conferred block further ur, at the central heate the tube et de reporter efter Tony scremin, Kinenid Progressive reaches us that the Atlanta plant wrung from defeat. In the succeeding months that victory was today with Toledo strike leaders (Continued on Page 4)
oration, the sector of the parade lape, they end to go out and get miner, is secretary and Kenneth has voted for a walk out, practically certain.
Shipley, an unemployed electrical which included the Workers Party them.
worker, 18 vice chairman of the The management of the Cleveland and the Spartacus Youth League Let have a little action! And four county conference of the 11Fisher Body plant forestalled imturned into a ten minute demon let our party members show the linois Workers Alliance.
stration of solidarity with the em way! The delinquent branches and The conference decided to hold da purposes and shut down the enbattled Chevrolet strikers in Tol comrades and there are too many another tire factory. They denied this was edo. For fully ten minutes the air of them now are urged to put their vibrated with an immense chorus of shoulders to the wheel.
TOLEDO MILITANTS DISTURB materials from the Toledo plant.
volce shouting Support Toledo Speed it up! Only one month WASHINGTON LOBBY Cleveland representatives of the Chevrolet Strikers, Down with left! At the end of the trail are By JACK WILSON By PAT MURPHY Wall St. Oppression Is at auto union appeared this afternoon AKRON, May. The beGeneral Motors Company Unions prizes for the champion and capital, WASHINGTON, Toledo Inand other militant strike slogans for the party!
terrupted the peaceful proceedingstrayal of the rubber workers by OMAHTA, April 27. The strike of in Toledo and informed the strike Bottom of New Revolt As the P. column entered year 00. months 65c. of the of conclave in Wasb the American Federation of labor some 400 employees of the Omaha committee that the Cleveland local and Couneil Bluffs Street Rallwayers demands are met and that they is on strike until the Toledo atrikColumbus circle, headed for the Xpecial combinations are listed ington which would have preferred bureaucracy had three significant The first audible signs of revolt Company, seeking higher wage will not return to work even should Central Park entrance, the ranks elsewhere in this issue.
to lobby in the corridors of Con results this week which are contin against the new fake Independ and a closed shop, entered its sth the attempt to start up the lining up in military formation begress for the demands of labor.
hind the banner reading Workers NEW MILITANT Party. For the Fourth In West 15th Street Fresh from the pleket lines at after the sell out agreement was Imperialism resounded around ployees continued to picket car plant again. Picket lines are being ternational resounded with a vol. New York, General Motors and in the FERA Coisted recently on the big three the world this week as e Filipino burns in Omaha and Council Bluftsstablished and strike tactics amlley of cheers for the new Interna. Comrades: strike, a delegation came to Wash locals here.
fighters fell in an insurrection led lar to that now employed in Toledo In Omaha they have put a few Ington where the declared purpose tional, for the International of Please enter my name for one of the smug bureaucrats was to a closed shop of the of Lwaltles resalted from battles fought heavy protection screens covering The India Tire Co. which has by the Sakaalista party. The cas cars in operation. These cars have will be used 1, 700 Out in Norwood Lenin and Trotsky.
year, 00; six months, 65c.
Leaders Kowtow to Cops pass a few resolutions in support union, locked out two hundred by Sakdalistas and constabulary the entire car. From four to eight The 100 percent walk out in NorAt the park entrance on West Name of the Wagner Bill, the Black Con workers employed there when the detachments at Cabuyao and Santa Police ride each car, also a squad wood, Ohio came as a result of the 72nd Street, the parade was finally Aditress nery Bill and the Guffey Bill, ap union made wage demands last Rosk in Laguna Province while car follows each tram. Every means personal appeal to the auto workers point a lobbying committee and go Saturday, thus coutinuing the cap other cinshes occurred in outlying is taken to intimidate the strikers there made Sunday by Jim Roland home. Continued on Page 4)
italist offensive against organized areas of Luzon Island, Manila, the aua encourage the people to ride and Bill Prior, experienced strike. State.
Met with the direct challenge of labor in the tire industry.
capital, wah cut off from the inter the trains. But the citizens as a man and organizer of the first mass industry to President Roosevelt to Coleman Claberty, of tor for several hours.
whole are very indignant and repicket lines around the Toledo Highlights of May Day on Union Square abandoneell legislation in any way rubber organizer, who acted with The Sakdalistas have been car fuse to ride.
plant. In his appeal, Roland urged sympathetic to labor, Bill Green William Green to railroad the rying on an active campaign The sheriff of Omaha has mobil. the Norwood workers to walk out comrade who left the tame and atultified May Day Concert at could only regretfully look back on agreement on the rubber workers, against the Commonwealth Conized all available material to act first and then wait for Bill Green Central Park to seek revolutionary inspiration at the Stalinist Union the past and declare: Better ten began a terrife red scare in the stitution which is to be subjected as strike breakers. The company upproval. Bolstered by the example Square demonstration sends us the following unforgettable snapshot thousand times that Congress ha locals in an effort to intimidate to a plebiscite on May 14. The has apparently run out of local the Toledo strikers, the Norwood of the high light of this affair, which, if not so revolutionary, was at lenst unique. The description of this hilarious novelty is taken it should be used as an instrument progressives who are trying to parts of radical aerarian anti im men, and they have resorted to sm workers took his advice and 700 perialist orientation has conider porting men who have been dis walked out this morning. The from the New York Herald Tribune. Comment on our part would be of persecution of those who believed Less than ten percent of the able following in a number of prov. charged from the service here in present total of strikers is about superfluous. There is no need to gild the Lily of the Valley. Here in it.
workers in the Goodyear union ap inces and had three representatives the past. Some of these were dis 13, 000, with 000 in Cleveland and is the clipping: Matthew Woll reported for the peared at the Sunday meeting in elected to the Phillipine Legislature missed for serious offense. The 2, 300 in Toledo.
Major Divine, the little Harlem Negro who calls himself Central Labor Union is going to an extraordinary development in God, atole the show from the Fourteenth Street mortals with the enough he spoke of the possibility ingaway from the content because The Phillipine revolt follows protest Monday morning to the city the strike is the resolution of the aid of two thousand of his black angels and cupids who had of labor being misled by con their disappointment.
close on the heels of the intensive council about the sheriff hiring, for Toledo strikers, adopted last night, marched to the Square while he rode in a limousine with a liverled gress. It was noted at the gather India Tiro Workers Fight Back agitation around the issue of indescab work, former city employees to call upon all General Motors em chauffeur and footman. stuffed dove of peace perched on the ing that Mr. Woll, of strikebreaking pendence or statehood for Puerto who are now on pension. ployes to strike and to set up a nathe radiator of the car.
fame, forgot to mention the reneThe India rubber workers have Rico, and is another indication of The car barns are surrounded by Lonal joint action committee comA grinning brown skinned man of middle age, arrayed in a pink tion of the workingmen in factories set up strong picket lines around the extremely precarious internal police and armed sluggers posed of representatives of all shirt and brown sult, Father Divine spoke briefly into the microIn Council Blunts not a tram strike committees to act as a naphone and aroused more applause than all the other speakers.
their right to strike was crippled Unemployed League and have re colonial possessions, due to the et moves. Public sentiment is all with tional negotlating committee for Peace be to every one, mid Father Divine by the hamstringing provisions of fused to permit even company off fect of the Cuban revolution on the the strikers. And the strikers are the entire strike. The resolution Peace, father, his disciples shouted.
the Wagner Bill.
cals to enter the plant.
Spanish speaking colonial countries determined to win. We talked to turther urges that the contract de Good health and good will, said Father Divine.
In contrast to this glorified NRA Although normally 400 workers as well as to the economic situa one striker who had 21 years serv. manded in Toledo, or one similar. Thank you, father, was the rewponse.
sponsored by the labor skates, the are employed at the plant, seasonal tion prevalling in the colonies ice and in case of disability would be made the basis for the national Unify yourselves with righteousness and justice.
Toledo delegation exploded its decline in the industry reduced the themselves, where the crisis has be eligible for a pension or 21. 00 demands and that an agreement be Amnen, father.
bombshell. Disgusted with this personal to half that number. penetrated to still greater depths a month. He said, We are fight made that no settlement be made It was a strange speech for Union Square perpetuation of the National Run Following an article in the Sum than in the United States proper.
ing for our very existence. If we except on a national basis with no Father Divine was not a Communist, he explained, but had Around and slek of begging at the mit county Labor News by Sher.
lose, then It looks like we will have local to return to work until every agreed to join with his followers in a demonstration against war back door of Congress, Oliver Meyman Dalrymple, Goodrich local MEXICO CITY (FP. About to go on rellet, but the morale of local screes to re o return and Fascism. The banners carried by his followers were more con ers called for direct action. Voicing president, charging the Communists 800 striking miners, members of the our men is holding strong. We are Dillon Tries to Stem Tidn cerned with Father Divine than with current Issues. Some of them the ever growing sentiment of the with being disrupters, ete, Clah Mining and Metallurgical Workers out to win.
One serious menace to the healread: workers in the country for bola erty has appeared at the local Union of Mexico, have decided to thy conduct and development of the Father Divine 18 God.
steps, he demanded that the leaders meetings and threatened expulsion start on a hunger march from the NEW YORK (FP. Unemployed strike has been the attempt of the Father Divine is the Illy of the valley.
quit playing around with the type to every red discovered state of Jalisco to Mexico City to workers in March 1935 numbered of L, through its organizers Father Divine is the light of the world and the bright and writer and called upon the labor The attack and red scare obvt. bring their case to the attention of 9, 700, 000, according to the employ. Taylor and Francis Dillon, to shining star.
antons to get on the pleket line. ously are to divert the attention of Pres. Lazaro Cardenas.
ers National Industrial Conference seize the reigns of the strike from There is no space where Father Divine 18 not. Gag rule was the opinion of the rubber workers from the well The strikere have been out since Board. This is a decrease of 125, the strikers themselves and their Over 20, 000, 000 people can be wrong. Thank you, father.
the Toledo delegates on the proced out and swing the resentment of reb. 8, when the Amparo Mining 000, or percent from the preced elected committees. Las Friday 17th Assembly District God has truly come to earth, Father ure used by the conference, strong the workers from Claberty to the Co. and Pledra Bola, Inc. refused ing month, but an increase of 386. night Dillon spoke before mass Divine.
ly reminiscent of similar action in progressives when they begin at to sign collective contracts and ad 000, or percent, over March Akron and Detroit.
tacking him openly.
just wages and working conditione. 1934. Continued on Page 2)
Claherty Hitsat65 Killed as Public Backssacione lo profesori conference at Auburn Akron Rebels Filipinos Rise Omaha Strike me modelo elements City.