CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismHitlerIV InternationalNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

May Day Manifesto of the WP LEFT. JABS Phone: Algonquin 9068 ponents SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE line the Chevrolet strikers will have to watch NEW MILITANT out for flank attacks from Washington and with which merged stabs in the back from Green, Dillon and Co.
THE MILITANT This is the real danger. There will be fatal he weekly by the Workers Party of the consequences for the strikers at Toledo if they tion! Every city a union town! Every factory began to lay the foundations of a socialist (Continued from Page 1)
and capitalism, took political power, and then Weat 18th Street, Now York City forget it.
The infamous Auto Labor Board, or new a union factory! Every industry a union in society. There is no other way out for the Estered u Nond clase mail matter at the Pout Oce government agency of the same perfidious qual dustry! united nation wide trade union workers of the United States and of other By BILL SHERMAN New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
ity, can be relied to try, with suave and movement!
oily promises and treacherous intrigues, to The rights of the workers. free speech, free Both the Socialist Party and the Communist MAY DAY IN BRITAIN ZAMES CANNON. diter trick the strikers out of a victory and maneu press, freedom of assemblage, freedom to or Party, the Second International and the Third tions for King George silver mu Taking time off from prepara KARRY HOWD. Ansolate mitor HAWTHORNWINNER. Business Manager ver them back to work empty handed. Re ganize, strike and picket are systematically International, have proved in recent years bileo (which the Labor Party wp member Akron! Green and Dillon will un violated. The end of this process has been their utter inability to organize the masses for ports. sach labor leaders as Lana SUBSCRIPTION RATES doubtedly attempt to take over the negotia witnessed in countries where Pascism has de defense against reaction and Fascism. They bury, who voted for 50, 000 pounds In the United States 00 per year: 050 a month. tions and trade away the workers rights and stroyed every vestige of freedom, every inde have organized defeats, not victories for the 250, 000) for the king festivities, Canada and Foreign. 50 per year: 00 di monthe.
win mouth some phrases about workers.
undle Rates: Two canta per copy.
interests. Again, remember Akron! From all pendent institution of the workers and farmers. nocialism in our time. Leaders of their militant energy, courage and sacrifice the Au the unions, all the wnemployed organiza mighty gain of the past year, which we the British Communist Party alVol. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1865 No. 19 Chevrolet strikers will reap only the bitter tion, all the farmers organizations, all ashes of defeat if they trust the Auto Labor political parties and groups of the working new revolutionary party in this country, the government, will no doubt reiterate celebrate on this May Day, is the birth of the most stered into silence by Mos Board or any other agency or representative class, the Negro masses roho in all these mat Workers Party of the United States. Born th battle cry of that stalwart StalToledo and May Day of the Roosevelt administration. After all the ters are subjected to the most ruthless attack, directly out of the great class struggles of Inist, Harry Pollitt: We are ready TOLEDO, one of the brightest spots of the sad experiences with the National Run Around, must fight to the death against every encroach 1934, out of the union of the forces which led to kles King Georget that will in the automobile industry especially, this ment upon their rights, against every tendency the historic battles of Toledo and Minneapolis, will be the major speaker at the labor map that was drawn the scene of action. Cutting straight through more insidious, but no less treacherous, agency 1934, is again ought to be clear to the Toledo workers. toward Fascism!
the founding of the Workers Party marks the May Day demonstrations to the the net of deception, intrigue and betrayal of betrayal is precisely the official machine of come to manhood, the capitalist powers are In 1985, as the children born in 1914 18 end of the period of splits and disintegration heart of the Bloody Empire, where, which government and misleaders of labor have the of in the revolutionary movement. Unity of THE we are told, they are marching woven around too many unions this year, the The one and only absolute safeguard against feverishly preparing to slaughter them in an VANGUARD WORKERS IN THE REVO steadfastly to socialism.
workers of the Chevrolet plant have taken the both is a firm resolution of the local union other world war. The supposedly liberal and LUTIONARY PARTY will be the basis for MAY DAY IN BERLIN mandin. Chat is the way. And the participe its own settlements nat is high tihe, adyway. ing a leading part in this betrayal of humanity. for the final struggle to overthrow capitalism. en Ponte Prenosi u leur hom May Day on orders of Hitler. The. press will prison tants who led the magnificent battles of 1934 the status of second class citizenship in the building program in the entire peacetime his sister parties of the Workers Party of the muster as an enthusiastic demon is an assurance that the strike will be waged the ret oful. And to assert the right to Panthelistory of this nation in order that the interests have been established. Together they ar: Entration for Naziath, the real wola with militancy and skill. The struggle begins own affairs with the same autonomy enjoyed be protected and advanced. The masses every possible moment, of THE NEW, FOURTH heard only in secret meetings de working for the establishment, at the earliest of Berlin proletariat is stified in concentration camps or prison, or to the international holiday of the working Madame Perkins and similars is overdue. ist war, organize to overthrow the governments FUTURE VICTORIES OF THE WORK mana. In Russla, from these class. The example and spirit of Toledo will strike of federal union conducted militantly that make machine fodder out of men in time time in Cuarist. and Ger quicken the footsteps of marching labor on the picket line and settled by the union of peace and cannon fodder is time of war.
throughout the entire country on this day.
cret meetings will rise the lendermembership itself, without the nefarious asThe Toledo strike is a direct challenge to ship of the mannes, which will put sistance of Green and Perkins, is precisely General Motors, the great moloch of the autoIn order to break the chains of poverty, unForward march! With hope, with faith, Hitler in a place reserved for him, what is needed now to put hope and heart into employment and tyranny that bind us, we must with unshakable determination Forward to side by side with the one time pow.
mobile industryerin one of its key plants. the newly organized workers everywhere. To first break from our minds the chains of False mighty struggles! Forward to Victory! This ortal Cbar.
NORMAN MINI strike strategy comes to grips with the masters the Toledo militants, unless we are greatly of entrenched capital. These features invest Against wage cutting, for a decent standard The elght Sacramento organizers mistaken, are the people to do it.
We cannot rely for the righting of our of living, for security against unemployment, found rollty of being militant on the strike at the Chevrolet plant with national The Chevrolet strike begins after a series wrongs upon cooperation with the bosses. accident, sickness, and old age!
significance. Here is the setting for an epic of demoralizing experiences in the automobile Their interest is profit from our labor. Our San Quentin. Included in the dght For the six hour day and thirty hour week! 18 Norman Minl, whom the Daily battle. The bosses, sensing the unbounded industry, and the latest debacle at Akron. It interest is freedom from wage slavery.
possibilities of a spreading movement, have is also somewhat late in the auto production We cannot count upon cooperation from and picket!
For the unlimited right to organize, strike Worker denounced as stool ple eon, otc. Under a barra. of cribrought up their heaviest batteries. Armed season. But over against these handicaps the the Roosevelt administration thugs are mobilized and the daily press screams ticism from without and within the strike has in its favor a local leadership of italist government.
any other capFor the 100 percent unionization of the Stalinist ranko, the Dally Worker with paid advertisements to poison public opin demonstrated intelligence and audacity. These workers in every industry!
has ceased its slanderous attacks ion. The strikers responded with a mass picket are the very qualities needed to lead great mass We cannot trust trade union leaders who For a united trade union movement!
on this courageous fighter. It has not, however, withdrawn its sanline that shut the plant down cold and a daily movements and to spread them. The bitter tell us to count upon the cooperation of our For solidarity of the employed and unem ders, nor apologised to its renders ing around at Toledo, but a swift sudden blow! restlessness under the intolerable conditions of paper of their own, Strike Truth. No stall discontent of the masses, and their impatient enemies, the bosses and the bosses government. ployed!
for its William Randolph Hearst We cannot gain plenty and security and The boys out there believe in action. You have life and labor, also speak for the possibility of peace under this capitalist system, nor by any nothing but misery, insecurity, brutal oppresAgainst the capitalist system which offers methods of attacking political op to lay it on the line for them.
spreading the strike.
reform of it. Capitalism leads to Fascism and sion, degradation for the masses. The strikers can expect every resource of JUSTICE IN NEW YORK The bosses stand in mortal dread of such a War. We must smash capitalism and build a For the unity of the workers of every race That Justice like God moves the profit swollen auto barons to be brought prospect, for neither they nor anyone else can Workers World. into play against them. The press will lie and prophesy where a spreading strike movement and of all lands against their oppressors. in mysterious ways its wondere to perform 18 again evidenced by the slander, and the murderous thugs, in and out may stop. With these factors on their side the Eighteen years ago the workers in Russia For the Workers Party of the quashing of the indictment charg For the Fourth International!
Ing Louis of uniform, will attack them with gas and club Toledo strikers can well enter their struggle pointed the way. Under the leadership of the McNally, formor Bup and gun. But far more dangerous than these with hearts undaunted. The eyes of the work revolutionary party they demolished czarism For a Workers World!
erintendent of the City Home for Dependants, and his wife, with direct instruments, as the tragic experience at ers of America are on them this May Day. conspiracy to defraud. The judge.
by the bones, by Tobin, by the direct agencies of the employers the govern parade is e marching behind them with confidence Tobin Revokes But they were rather liked by the clearing the McNallys, stated that quashing the Indictment, and workers of 674, and that is what all the circumstantial evidence counts with these boys in the millless labor leaders who stand at the head of the have put themselves in the vanguard of the Union Charter tant leadership of 674 who remained discloses is the manipulation of While fighting it out on the picket Greetings two avaricions individuals exercisAmerican labor movement this First of May.
more than ever for militant unioning undue influence over feeble(Continued from Page 1) ism in Minneapolis and the Northminded woman of 76 to obtain from west.
her all her worldly poseeons.
Toledo Strike of supplies from company sidings, the active rapport of the entire these wolves in sheep e clothing.
574 Remains Firm That, according to the judge, was was prevented by militant action of organised labor and unemployed Following behind the citizens New methods were tried to ser TO THE all that the McNallys ah, so he the plekets.
movement in Toledo, and by wpread. Alliance and Tobin came the arate the workers from the leaders.
quashed the Indictment. The aged woman, Mrs. Matilda Beecher, company bas not yet been launched. Other tuto content. The oplon men leta (ence then the mimeograph mouth propaganda arend the rumors was the widow of a Spanish AmerIt is expected that General Motors in the Bingham Stamping, Logan ing machine are looked upon rath that 574 or its leaders are ready ican War veteran. Her savings of (Continued from Page 1) will shortly pour millions of dol Gear, Auto Lite and other plants unfavorably in 674) in which to break the agreement made at lars into Toledo in an effort to are preparing to march in a body once more the famous Rank and the conclusion of the strike, and New Militant money she recelved as a pension ains odered the workers by the smash the strike and the union to the ald of the Chevrolet strikers File Committee without any rank prepare for a general strike in sovernment, was transcompany proposals and feebly at Every strike breaking whenever the call is given. and Ale called for the removal of May. new organization was ferred to the bank account of the tempted to dlacredit the strike by from bombardment of vicious On May 1, a United Labor Dem the rike lendership and of the formed, made up of preachers, busMcNally infant son. It will be labeling the progressive leadere a propaganda, through efforts to dis netration, called by the Joint Ac officers of Local 674. This was one iness men, representatives of bosses recalled that the same McNallys extremiato demanding closed rupt the unlon from within, to out tion Committee representing the of the many united fronts in which organizations and last but not least, FROM were charged with having an ex.
shop although the closed shop has right marderous violence by a huge Toledo Building Trades Council, the participated and did not officers of the local of The saflor act as a surgeon in the Home not even entered into the dispute. army of armed thugs and profer Lucas County Unemployed League set to first base. The leaders purpose of this Committee of 100 for Dependants, cutting out ulcers slonal strike breakers, 1s antieland Workers Alliance of Lacas of 074 were thoroughly disliked by was to And the facts and bring with a Jack knife. He was paid in Bens Aggressive peted.
Morale of the strikers is very Counts, and the Committee of 2, almost everyone by the vigilantes, about friendly relationship between chewing tobacco, though the city To Publish Striko Daily representing the entire organised employers and employees. Mem. East Side, Branch did appropriate money for proper Rh and not even plant officials The union to preparing to meet labor movement in Toledo, will be bers of 674 were approached to get medical and surgical services. Me were permitted to go through the this attack by the issuance of its held. It is expected that this dem will bave three fold purpose, to rid of the leaders and to Nally stalwart supporter of picket lines without the sanction own dally paper, The Auto Work onstration will be the greatest out raise the slogan for a thirty bour Ise the local which came into disthe Democratic Party, always linof the strike committee. Efforts of em Spark. exposing the boss lles pouring of workers in the history week with no reduction in weekly repute before the bosses The ing up the entire vote of the Home the company to move freight cars and disruptive tactics, by gaining of the city. The demonstration pay: to force a show down with workers of 674 did not bite, but for Roosevelt, Smith, etc. An exthe Lucas County relief authorities stood with their many times tested cellent example of Amorlean nonthe ten week general FERA and proven militant leadership alien, non Communistie, rugged in strike; and to support the fight of The United Front dividualistic practices and politics the Chevrolet workers with But the united front against of the for Hearst to write about.
solid mased strength in action of unionlam did not figure with the all Toledo labor.
real rank and Ale of Minneapolis, AND UNITY John Little of the Young Comwhich rank and Ale considers 574 ORA Raly on Own Strength the teacher of labor in the fight munist League, begged for unity of the working people on May The militants in the union for labor rights in the Northwest.
Day. This is the same John Little They are rallying around Local 574 eine erhalen te beleb, indicarence car and its militant leaders to give the Branch 3, West Side 28 October lastema deonte seconde have succeeded in carrying to the thele lives.
unfon men the fact that the strike Young People Socialist League will have to be fought out to the But where is the Communist that they should break united bitter end; that no reliance of any Party! They are also taking their front already established with the place in this united front from Spartacus Youth League. At every sort is to be placed upon ment agencies for mediation or ar above which the four Greets move the Stalinists make for a bitration and that the rank and prescribes. In the evening of united front, their past and pres.
Ole of the union are to condnet 22, while the meeting of 574 war ent tactics form the best arguments 15th. Street and Irving Place their own strike and make their in progres a new mimeographed for the reactionaries to oppure own terms of settlement.
leaflet was distributed in front of THE them on. We, who constitute the the union headquarters. The ComWorkers Party, fought for nuited Already the pressure of the labor munist Party, in this leaflet, went front of organization to organizasituation in the auto industry and the whole way with the Citizens tion when the Stalinistes denounced AUDITORIUM the stand of the local union has Alliance, the Committee of One New Militant it as counter revolutionary.
forced an endorsement of the strike Hundred, Tobin and the local labor have today in our ranks pot a few from Bm Green with a promise of fakere. The leaflet pointed out the former and members full support from the of many misdeeds the leaders of who were expelled by the StalinGreen, however, fell into charac. Local 674 repeating all the old AND 1sts for urging a united front of Meeting Halls For All Occasions ter following his endorsement and stale slanders and declared that the and the against Hitpromise by stating that there is the full responsibility of this the Der while it was yet powstble to grave danger that the strike might revocation of the charter) lies upon stop him. On the other hand, every spread throughout the automotive your leadership, although they Workers Party time a Stalinist opene his mouth Telephone ST. 0580 Industry. This would be a grave forgot to explain why the Citizeps for united action, he has to eat danger to the auto barons but the Alliance would be so anxious to every word he uttered on the ques sign of a great resurgence of Am. get rid of these leaders and why tion from 1920 to 1981.
erican Inbor.
Tobin would revoke the charter of of the the union, if the leaders had been MAY DAY GREETINGS guilty of betraying the interests of FLORENCE WYLE Los Angeles PAUL LUTTINGER, the workers. The union memberH. SHAPIROLON Angeles DANIEL LUTTINGER, ship couldn understand this logie, WEST 18th STREET FEEBIS Los Angeles either. That is why they are stand.
SOPHIE SLAVIN Los Angeles Washington Square North Ing solid behind the leaders who New York City PHIL TAPLIN Los Angelee 2 and 8 Except Sundays are under attack of the bosses, the IDA ALTAN Los Angeles labor fakere and their left allies EVERKIT Los Angeles and Holidays the Communist Party, BILL MONROE Los Angeles in of trot then reorganWorkers Party in the and the same that as late IRVING PLAZA govern We