NEW MILITANT PAGE SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1025 The Negro Worke rs Role in For the American Workers Past May Day Struggles Huey Long Workers Enemy. Labor Day or First?
Share. the. Wealth Can Only Mean Share. the. Poverty As Long as the Capitalist System Endures els en els servering en het walce worker, WwW. Le rekuruu svible uppeus addressed to be com os per you to our college educationale de leave sobe. course, March 16, 1887, one year after the everywhere, of the independent 20 om. By SIMON WILLIAMSON Negro labor around the banner of All class conscious workers, black the class struggle today thun dur Two days a year, ou may first of the workers leaders, Parsons, und ou the tirst alouday in Septem Spies, Fischer, and Angel were ar and white, will parade on May ining the Reconstruction Perlud tuut commemoration of the heroic murtollowed the Civil War, when the ver workers may be seen marching rested and hanged. But the moveto the sound of banda, listening to ment revived. In 1888 the Federtyrs of labor, who in 1880 were American Federation of Labor bud speeches. But what a contrast! ation, now known as the F. of framed by tbe capitalist class veuot yet gained prominence.
Their outward Gause of their activities in the retain their three to four millions Nevertheless, despite we By ARNE SNABECK similarity serves Le called for a strike on May What is the cause of this condi uly to emphasize the profound 1800.
struggle for the elgbt bour day.
In the meantime, in Paris, Ducks the Americau brom the state of Louisianu, muur ve By his calculatiou he has arrived tiou; what is the cause of this un istorical and political duttorunce the second International was According to the records of Jobu mert has anec in organizing Lue where we lodiy boasts of bulding at a surplus deady oupa sta boron equal distribution of wealth? The of the celebrations. Both bulidays Lounded and the founding conven Hayes, then general secretary Duck proletariut, it is cutting some au thu bollow of his bands the paper of 100, 000, 000, 000 to 175, cu use is to be found in the owner are America in origin, both starction hearing of the fight for the of the Knight of Labor, there were wroads to us explored user binuat collection of Sawmakers 100, 000, 000. This surplus he will ship and coutrol of the means of ed in about the fame period ut bour day in America resolved tu over 30, 000 Negrows who were mem voir of uutouched multicy. Auu money can buy, Huey Long has distribute to all families owning production. This system secures the labor doven:eut. Yet it would wupport it. May Day, 1800, was bers of his organization and were a result of the buius a lew LOW Uutinitely entered the scene of less than 5, 000, free of debt, so the right to exploit lubor by les be difficult to find two days cele the first international celebration national Politics. He has the old that each family may have at least in the bounds of the capitalist class Druted for more upposed purposes of the working class. After that, actively engaged in the struggle tormousaud Augrues are kung wur this obt bour day. Their mincipale iu Lug cung Aluy Day le capitalist politicus worried that a muut. This he says will take to the ownerslap of the surplus tancy uud solidarity du all the coulevents.
Tuey staud aguas, watching with no more than 100, 000, 000, 000, lexy On Labor Day the boss cuu the purpose of May Day Wam value produced by the laborer over smile at the parades, smiling with broadened. The International retricts of their fellow workers durThere is doubt Huvut it: the uuticipautuu uud tear the prospects lugu baudsome balance to spare and above what he receives as pride, because they know that the solved that y the short lived period of Negro worker 18 Lu Buru nor radioul party lues again be By ms of the balance he propos wages. This is how protits are ac holiday ie Rit they gave to be should demand improved conditions the demonstration knights, is one of the outstandings we present cainst crisis wing broken duwu sud this time by a to provide for the reduction of quired.
Aloreover, under the con workers out of the kindues ocor the workers in general, and uvents of the labor movement.
the hours of labor so that all may itions of mass production, and in their hearts uus precarious lotus lupuy cry a migh pressure uemagogue.
Though originally that the workere should demand In the Knights of Lavors Coming bis racat CURSUS sutaud this importante employed and have a yearly in order to continue the process of spousored by the Knights of Labor peace among nations, In Cuarist vention of 168, year belore the mutua cus conscious SS. He wuuuy grauduse promises to come for each lumily of not les production, lu other words, suihin 1884, the idea of a holiday for Busia it became symbolic of the La addition he will went only for their bure upkeep the workers gained approval. Om Uberatiou of the people and, u Chicago revolt, Negros respouden moreover, to be share our nis.
u buvor that it was proposed Luluu tue past as a fou cumraue auuuuu people have made weep turuads for all youth, for old use pensions the abundance of wealth available ürst great May Day striko in Cra tion of the proletarian manuelle a Negro organizer be uppoutes lurus brother Huuroring uuer ulsou the politically unconscious and be proposes to care for agricould easily guarantee to each cam cago, Labor Day was made legal aguinst war. May Day has become each of the old slave sa tuwme oppression that can be ruut Working clase luyers.
cultural production in the mineraly, as Huey LOSE But this is followed wuit and it is now a une class wolidarity throughout the a year speciiled in the bible.
ever, tbla request was veterred to caled only by the way u Lu Lu.
Sin Colorado. Other states quickly a political demonstration of workLy income of 500.
the executive board. At the lol Alore and more any way u reviv Out for Bigger Things lluey Long himself claims that oually impossible under the protit Lional holiday. But it also a world.
budowly muey Long lat nis proposals origiuuto from the system and it can be obtained only duy in which workers are herdeu lowing Convention, 1830, lue lug te olu trudition of we amer Kuntul sucretary reported Lucan Labor ovomeut ut lobu. Tu will be in the tins lur next year suurused kousevelt program. Sim when the prolit system is abolished corrupt union ollicials to place of Condooms May Day rapid strides bave been mudu muwe struggled for the engut tour duy president elections. He can ilar to the Roosevelt New Deal For Maintenance of System where they will hear politicians The international charactor May tho South, especially in Virgwiu. woday we are strugging for we didate for leadership in the forma program, the Long proposals have the Carolina, Georgia Huu Alix Lour day and the ave day week, ou via wew miru pirty. It is as their base the mainteuauce and Huey Long proclaims in grandi make promises that are never kept Day has acquired is one of the bumu. The colored people ole ogrol abor is also sururung zur reporwu that the su already to strengthening of the system of cupe lyle or the redistribution of alter election day. two months things the posses fear mout. They south are locking to us, being aber aus, as well as for an audition setter with Father Cougaliu ana talism but with supposed to wealth, but he is equally vocifer later. Therefore the bosses want know they cannot stand before lor organizatiou sud education, au demand. Its exuru dengudus Lor Governor UIBOU Anusota, accrease of the purchasing of ous iu bus proclamations for the the parades to be a such. They united working class. The of bureaucracy, forgetting the militunt tradition which it organizeIUDO, lor too burm Holiday Ass the Huey Long edition appears in a relationship. His program assumes Police bands play patriotic hymns priuciples are answering in their equality. Under this special de tion founded, and having acquired tidelity.
Clube and Bands maud bangs such suburmato de IALAH, to attend a coutereace, Lo much more radical dross. believe the continuation of the right to exte neid lu Dus MOLLUS, Lowat Anayan capitalism, exclaims Loux, but ploitatiou, however, with an intriko But cope don play piccolos on a fat vested interest However, since 1850, the labor wanus as equal pay for your work, movement has met many aut back my discrimination because of race, to consider the lormation of sucu you cunot stimulate it unless were crease of the purchasing power of May Day. They wield clubs. The Day much as the bos. The breakers and disruptere, fear May buying power. You ve got to me maste. stout returns to bond bow are afraid. They hope the Boxecutive Council submitted to the in the organization of Negro work color or previous couditas UL BEI party.
Lucy Long is the most spectacu ave a foundation under the house, Holders in the form of unurned in parades will be a thop. They know 1928 Convention of the E. of the bad tactics of the Americal and complete abollum ol Lycus. uur aud probably as the strongestuud that is a more even distribu comes my continue; so that divi that the workery are celebrating report which read: Hereafter en This bus been partly due to atude, better educational buen uon of wealth.
dends on watered Blocks may be their clan independence and re May will be Beduration of Labor, which prupa etc.
ur le candidates kor leadership of known Dudu and the tow of protita taken viewing their fighting strength. Health Day, the Prouldent Huey Discovery aus Child guted craft union and racial Since the victory of the eight suca party. bortatied already by out of the exploitation of labor may May Day is not a gitt. It wa(Hoover) directed by the remo superiority of the white workers Lour day the labor movement in us uudisputed coutro the state ou yos, capitalism is again to proceed uuinterrupted.
over the black, and in turu brought America has pled turuugua per of Louisiu, nes reaching out for ouvoils abuses corrected.
about a line of demarcation bed or rouction and deleat. immediate political control of other substantiate his claims, the King Tuo other sources for prodts to come strike, as they did for the first time Lutou need by Congress. The crom.
on the shoulders of me Hay tweem skilled and unskild labor object is to create sentiment for half a century ago in America.
youtuern su and apparently en meters very prousely to what und divided the blacks from the market martyrs and their counuWhat is this but the stabilization The F. of was a young year round protection of children.
suele ser un uuch defender of the Justices and economic maladjust of the system of exploitation? To Ashting Organization they known same time May no longer will be whates. The methods of the Autors through the years a new rev. of only played into the hands Lowry structure is being er riguts of the people as Governor ens. Aud surely, there is in the stabile the system of exploitation the Federation of Organized known strike duy. Fwy be ther led to the encouragement ou experiences of the great revolutwu murua! in bus state during the privation and despair on the one power of the class that owns and Aght for the eight hour day was now the main celebrants of Labor national textile strike and put the band tugether with the enormous controls the means of production, the most important question facing Dry, because they know that it is workers have inherited from the the experlouces of Marx and striker wholesale into concentra coucoutratiou u wealto the purthermore, it is well to remem. the working classes a whole. The rick day, and very useful to them.
semi feudalistic system of the old Angels. This editice is the beway Lou camps.
Bourbon South and intensitied great organized Workers Party of me This example is typical of the we unscrupulous demagogu to ap ruou by this economic power Labor was soon to explode like a Labor Day bypocritically glorities mlarust for the whites among the United states the barvinger vi make up and political coloring of our us the saviour Angel. But it which is another way of saying balloon with too thin a shell. 80 the dignity of labor. It blacks. And in further consequence the fourth International of the American capitalist comof these policies of the of Negro and white workers! Unite the suey Long forces. They are id not require Huey Lou what those who own are also those the Federation took up the struggle. celebration of the workers as part taking on the form of a movement wuku tus ducuvety. Nor is he the who rule. They wse their economic At its fourth convention in Octo unity, of which the reactionary it is much more difficult to rally revolutfowary party of America. When as membership of 4, 084. 00 uu tue political scene under the leadership of this new Clubs arst demagogue that has appeared power to build up their political ber, 1884, it resolved that oe MAS magazine World Work could sale, to build up their government 1, 1886 there should be a strike la You have nothing to lose but your have been organized, be claims. Tue Loosevelt program for in and o reinforce MAY DAY GREETINGS, by courts, by favor of the elght bour day. During say: It is like circus day.
uppression your chains!
creasing the purchasing power of police and by military forces, al the following twenty months the But May Day is not a religious NEW MILITANT!
Louw Koosevelt Supporter ile masses las so far brought us ways ready to be used against the movement gained the active support holiday like Christmas or Baster. month to go on the sub campaign; CHICAGO NOTICE Huey Loug began his national. tue promised maguiticeut social workers when on strike or in other of workers and untone throughout Nor a national bollday like the 4th The lulian Spartacus Workers political career as a Roosevelt sup security for some of the unem torms of struggle and on whole the country despite the sabotage of of July or Labor Day. It is some Not to succeed would be Club has moved into its new porter. To the Chicago convention ployed at 00 a mouth maximum serving for the purpose of keeping Powderly, head of the Knights of thing new: workers celebration damn shame!
Leadquarters, 1008 South Ashland that nominated bim cor President which in turn allows all present the masses in gubjection. This Labor.
of defance for which the main CARA 000K, Former Bus. Mgr. Blvd. All comrades are requested in 1882, Roosevelt spoko, declaring: wage standards to be torn down to government, Huey Long proposes That first May Day was most slogan lu Down tools.
to note this change of address Throughout the nation men and luat level. Where would the Huey to entrust with the redistribution succesful in Chicago where 80, 000 workers attended. In Chicago too and to communicate all matters women. look to us for guidance Long program lead toy Needless to of wealth.
hereafter to the above number. and for more equitable opportunity say, in this proposed redistribution. They will not consent to any Pour days later at a demonstrathe bones hit back most cruelly.
The Southern Branches South Philadelphia Branch dloual wealth. To the delegates potly bourgeois utopius advanced quired by exploitation without a exploded, killing a policeman, Four Workers Party these words were just empty the elsewhere and at other timcil tierce struggle. They will not even of the from toric, noble sounding sentiments that did not at all have to be taken wuership Determines Distribution permit the workers to organize Intot to the That wealth exists in this coun unions so as to obtain Living NEW MILITANT seriously, least of all literally. But try in abundance is well known and wage without the most stubborn Huey Long noted the power of the was kuown brore Huey Lous saia resistance. They will not yield their For the New Militant Stationers Union Printers phrase, snapped it up es his own But the distribution of this economic power, as represented by Groet the NEW MILITANT MAY DAY GREETINGS and is now making this the central wealth proceeds according to the their accumulated wealth, or give and other literature Selling to Organizations at point of his program while cam och relations of society. These up their privilege to exploit labor tron on May Day Wholesale Prices paiguing against the government ofure capitalist relations, resting up without a life and death struggle.
WORKERS PARTY OB CANADA alphabet wreckers and apollera.
on the capitalist ownership and Nay more, they we this economic he proposes to cut down all large control of the means of production power to determine who can be Vancouver Branch Kultur fortunes by a capital levy tax to in the Kingtisla plan these rela elected to the public offices and to point where no one person may own Lions would remain, only the wealth dictate the program of those to 39 BAST 14th STREET KENSINGTON BRANCH more than from three to four mil would be redistributed by cutting elected and its execution as well GREETINGS FROM THE New York City lion dollars and have a yearly down on the big fortune and addof the Workery Party come of not more than one more ing to the small comes ouvings and real program of social securA real redistribution of wealth Telephones AL. 8848 8856 Philadelphia PATERSON, BRANCH dollars.
big fortunes is to go into the Unit impossible under capitalism since it can be carried out in no other ed states Treasury. This is to be the ownership and control of the way than by the overthrow of the 1902 5th St Philadelphia ARTHUR SNE88 Philadelphia MAY DAY GREETINGS done by simple process of means of production determines the system of capitalism. That is not SEEGERS, Philadelphia suing a questionnaire for all the form of distribution of all wealth. at all the purpose of the Huey Telephone: FUL 7922 GEORGE WRIDNER Phila.
COOP. WORKERS plutocrats to list their fortunes at So far this has meant and can only Long third party movement. Only their own appraisal and to state to mean ever greater riches for the the working class revolution can DAUB, Philadelphia UNION what sort of holdings they wish to parasites and ever greater impovaccomplish that. PARSONS Philadelphia erishment for those who toil, who have nothing but their labor power to sell and to sell only when the bosses see fit to buy.
one Lerman Bros. Inc.
Greetings to Workers Party Book Store MAY DAY GREETINGS The Cleveland Branch May Day Greetings TO THE NEW MILITANT. Greets.
ABE BEAU Philadelphia SAM ORDET Philadelphia SOL THOMAS Philadelphia PAINE Philadelphia Party Member Philadelphia Friend Philadelphia SILVER Philadelphia LANE Philadelphia SCARF Philadelphia V. STONE Philadelphia Friend Philadelphia GOLDBERG Philadelphia SWIFT Philadelphia BOLEFF Philadelphia Philadelphia JOE BECKMAN Philadelphia TOM HALLIGAN Philadelphia MOLEOD Vancouver, JAMES SIFAKIS, Pittsburgh, Pa JAMES BIFAKIS Pittsburgh NICK LEPIRIS Pittsburgh JOE HINICE Pittsburgh Friend Pittaburgh IRVING OKLIN Pittsburgh FRANK SOLOV Pittsburgh MICHAEL BASIN Puttaburgb SHAPPY Pittsburgh LOUIS BREIER Pittaburgh LIZA BIFARIS Pittaburgh SYLVIA CONRAD Pittsburgla LANSING Pittsburgh The NEW MILITANT Allentown Branch Allentown Branch Onward to a Fourth International!