CapitalismFascismFranceGermanyItalyKronstadtRussian RevolutionSocialismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

MURRAY APRIL 211985 NEW MILITANT PASŁ3 Capitol In Every City and in Every Nation News History of May Day Letter Strikes, Demonstrations, Revolution Battles in Chicago and in Milwaukee The First May Day Hollywood Fury that woulder of plebello Corod by Machine Guns In Ohio Strike an. suurese property.
the New Deal Paradise Summed Up 18, 000, 000 peoplo depeudent on emergency relief.
10, 000, 000 people on relier work.
It is not often that alms are re1983, 14, 500 persons fatally Let us Remember the Martyrs of 1886 viewed in the columns of the New By JACK ELDER injured in industry. 65, 000 perMilitant. The truck WASHINGTON, To the May Day, as a day of revolution. But May Day cannot be downed. lu song sustained permanent injury.
opinion The first of May, the workers in world. Following is a brief rethe Hollywood cinema industry, de pair of the Brain Trust econo ary labor demonstration, was born every country a few true revolu 3, 000, 000 persons over years mic planners, the cotton textile in America during the struggle for Louists worked to celebrate muy of age (one half the total de wernational holiday, is still regaru sume of the turnout in various etwally so banal as to make com.
ed by many workers in the Uniteu e of the country culled from the ment at all quite unnecessary. But mess grows worse from day to day, the eight hour day.
Day as it should be celebrateu.
pendent on others for their sup Suales as something forelyu, im May 2, 1880, issue of the New York when Hollywood sets out to present Caught between the croisires of port.
In Germany On October 7, 186, the bederu.
the NRA productiou curtailment In Germany Karl Liebkuecht, ulNearly 1, 000, 000 of these ou a slice of He as it is lived by a ported to these United States by a Tribune lut of foreign radicals. This is code and of the AAA plowing under lion of Organized Trades and Le public or private relief.
Chicago: There is no exaggeru section of the working class in the must alone against the Prunu. Pres. Roosevelt Commit not so at all. The idea of Muy Lion in the statement that wourcely country one has to at up, take agreements, the industry is much vor, meeting in Chicago, drew uyguverument, against opposition of sicker than it was when the New un audacious resolution: Duy are a native to the America u idustry in the city bus escapeu notice and give warning.
tee on Economic Security)
Resolved, that eyght hours suis own party, organized the mus workers as the Boston Tea Party. LCİL cuormously otected Deal urut set forth to relieve it Aure iu Berlin, the workers prulesLVU Muy Day milituut working lan two thirds of all muuuluctur way the workers live or act; nor is For what is presented is not the from the surfelt of compolation constute boya qay web Le weuseloss war; the germs of the Claudio product that the workers oling und overproduction. The whole irom May 1st, 1886. We reestablishments closed. Keuit the way workers should live and uerman revolution of 1910 uuu commend to all labor org. za the United States have exporteu tough carried in parades story of cotton textiles under the act under given circumstances but 1920 were born in the war le other countries were together WALL St. Louis Al plumbers out ou the way Hollywood and its barong New Deal is a perfect object lessou ons that they so direct LABAN May Day celebrations.
ther class brothers over te strike. 7, 000 turn out (Luru want the workere to live and bein the futility of planning experi Law as to conform with us uecision by the time mou.
May Day la 1917 ments in an economic order based world they have taken up uuu pro Jay Gould hauged in to have Aud in Russia in 1917, Alay Day uuunced it their luterutama uu Philadelphia Street cur com Chicago Center of Struggle on proti rooking.
Cute uſ auge. Nay Day lut was sulidurity.
Such a presentation is the recentis threaten use of culoruly released and much touted Alm The center of the eight Lour day wilestone on the roud from beb True, the AAA program has suc movement was Chicusu. Broty November, ouwenoud authorities lave evolved novel wruly muguucent. All sectius COLUMBUS, Ohio. The countywe birst May Day in bustury Wussen go out.
Tue response of the workers to workers as scubs meu guvut. Black Fury dealing with miners ceeded to raising raw cotton prices, elly rated the light tum capitalism to the workers method of preserving peace. Whou the labor movement respondeu.
and their union and boss and which was its primary objective augue, formed for the worstate. The workers truly strikers of the Columbus packing nurules and torchligut process work Why demonstrate for the situations honestly, that is, the conCucina. About 1, 000 vut.
their hired thugs.
But this success bas been uchleveu use of pushing the eight wuur was at the American unas y Co. who are out four bundred were lield in dozens of atembuur duy.
Detroit:About 300 workurs que Were the Alm to deal with these at the expen of hysical volume it was auto soudureatened to tear it down pace by strong, displayed some home spun any sections of the country le with the following consequences we the largest and most impiece Tom Mooney were execut militancy in treating acabe, the auamong others: Uutold thousands of trious as the uppu. wuu.
Coucord, Wouleues who hire thugs from scab ugen, flict between miners and their boasshare croppers, driven from the soldaluy 1st approached. Ou the suuruun www. Men out ou strike. Species rol car thorities retaliated by ordering workers won the right wur way wu. President 10. 000 rounds of muchiue gun ama tremendous victory cousiderius policemen bired cies to supplement their own coal reduceduay before May Day 1864, 26, 00 WIB by the direct Impact of and Iron police, the picture would looney Seul munition. Sheriff plantings, have been utterly expro workers were moullied, merely Lowence.
the fact that a 10 or 12 hour buy Anderson St. Paul and Minneapolis: Au mark milestone in the develop nounced that he was armimewus wurmul and in many lusal plumbers in Lwin Cities vuit WER. ment of the motion picture art. But priated. Because landlords have a practise demonstrativa, u sort oL his After the War Lue Liblicul sun up to sub duwu ruve Demand worker no further use for their services, preliminary rally. Ou Muy Duylu 1918 and 1919 May Duy was preserved, with machine guns!
deputies so that peace might be workmuy unfortunately it does not. Nor could prevailed.
crease in pay.
those share croppers are deprivea uself over 0, 000 workers turew celebrated in every country of the it me Remember the Dead be expected.
ther one and only resource owu their tools and came out ou world by innumerable music of Louisville 5000 word meu Neither Sherite Anderson nor the ou the trst day of May of cuch, uraded the street bere un may labor power. The New Deal has the streets. Black Fury tells the story of workers. The post war revolution chief of police iu 1850 the first congress of Leary upeurge was in full swing any too popular year the workers also comLARNOR nothing better to offer them than Pittsburg. 3, 000 cout me how the miners are incited by an with the strikers. When the police ale the death of those who wuruk wreater strike wuleks company agitator in the union who exposer the Bankbead bull, which aims at bucuud International adopted muy the streets of Berlin, Paris, como, chief, Kundts, came around to insu und died for wetter auuuuu tun percent increase in pusthe misery of the workers and calls bading them to the soil, in pelaut buy, and instructed all its sectius, Moscow, Vienna, were overlows vestigate he was greeted with book or decent lite bere u care Milwaukee:Over Suw wen vul upon them to defy the half a loat communities, ou a subsistence busi.
iu all cities and all countries on with workers, parading, bue with and cat calls from the pickets.
Furticulurly do we keep in memoryuu wrake this diretul aluy.
policy of thelr timid leadership.
Plantation owners, for the time the appointed day to demand of the hope bude martyrs of our cus Who Baltimore. 2, 00 curpulus This worker who makes the most being, wujuy larger incomes secstate authorities the legal reduc Back to the Of four hundred and fifty men in were murdered wu outcome of strike for eight hour day walu militant speech in the course of the tion 17 of the law notwithstanding, tion of the working day wektu Eveu in America which the plant four hundred are out the events which took place in the crease in pay.
sim turns out to be plant of a the plantation owners have not seen hours.
The company has succeeded in hir ulu Haymarket in Chicago on suy the Day. WUKU your disne Akron :The new eight Lour lunscab agency. He works in the it to share more than a microscopic May Day Comes to France cities there were puring a few scubus, but has been un 4, 1886. Elewhere in this issue which went into effect bas cusu ranks of of organized labor to foment portion of the benefit payments France, the home of revolution, anders and demonstrations. In Cleve able to make any deliveries. The ot the New must you will feau creat excitement. Isustuess meu trouble, thus enabling the Ank with their tonant. But the pluwurst took up the banner. Tu loucaud 20, 000 turned out.
strike is for a closed shop.
Que was about their struggle.
LEVI deprowed. Workers are we ency to cash in when a strike is tation owners themselves face where were monster strikes through killed and several hurt incluses MDOMONIE Here let ue devote bit of space muding ever greater and greater declared. The grievances being dark and uncertain future.
The out the industrial sectiou ut Luo with the police.
10 the martyrs of Milwaukee, www mereu in pay. Where WALL legitimate the men go out on strike share of world trade cotton North. The goverumeut, tertul ou which the United States bas relin the workers, called out the army of 1919, 1920 was not fululicu. wuukou workingmen, But the promise of the Muy buys WHAT TO ATTEND Little remembered even by working at all lead to asks the Philadelpunu in deflance of the unlon leaders.
Clase organizations. Thuge Chamber of Commerce.
The scab agency then notiflee the seven Ist May Day in Union Sq.
countries: Braxtl, India, China, the workers after eight days. Axulu, but falled in Germuny, in aus Branch Housewarming and Dance uy the militla for backing up a suure Work mine owners that they are ready May 4, Saturday, 8:30 them, were shot down in cold bluvu New York:20, 000 im UDIO to send in scabe and special armed WARCHA MULO deputles to protect properly. The pority of the cotton belt wus buss out of the futurles und muusa defeat. The loanl years came upon at new headquarters, 120 10 declared few days after. Tuvumuy sugar bowo wurke trum nice sort of guys who stand asbaust Any Day demonstration by a wrike square with torches blasing. SLIK mine owners are shown to be really torically based ou the export trade.
Thus export trade the curtainment. a the government called uurtbem. Fascism triumpbeu iu Ilay. St Dancing, refreshments, entersauds of Milwaukee workmgmt, Brooklyn reculve truuduus ova the army. Fourteen workers were in Germany, in spalu, America tainment, chese at the thought of trouble. No vioprogram has taken heroic steps to killed and many wounded.
and checkers rollers the vast majority of them, uum as they enter the square tenee, they plead, just protect our slaughter.
the prosperity lulled the work veryone lovited.
In Italy weru out leaders the streets whout workingmen with false promises In 1808 in Italy the whole work Then there are a few striking May 3, Friday, 8:30 What their demands for a shorter work wrong in German, Bobomu na Higher peloen for raw cotton bave lus clans came out to protest the workers are celebrating in larger the 5, 000, 000, 000 Bil Means for you them. The New York Trib. dressing Day Said Jim Swton au scenes of police brutality. Of course the cost of living for work rise in the cost of bread.
workers in ra Uniw the real Iron and coal police are an und farmers in general. It is were continuous battice with the then during the driving duys between Avenue There numbers than ever before, tvem. McKinney. 420 East 19th St.
une of May 6, 1850, in its report Square: not even so much as seen wielding not the manufacturers, in the last army trom April 27 until the 1884. The eyes of the workers might up) Auspices Branch 1, jects to show that the militia bad and 1st Ave. very evidence on surrounding ou.
stated the following: There was brom St. Louis to New York, nightstick. It only the agency analysis, who pay the processing of May. Lo Florence, Lagloru, throughout the world are turucu from the Missouri Pacitle to the police that do all the dirty work.
taxes. These taxes are pussed on and Pavia oighty were killed with hope toward America. We Third Avenue Hallway, Irum In an effort to rescue girl from with abatement to the time con un ughuing the troupes At Milau ou bave been backward in celebratius AKRON NOTICE Aired low and with Inteut tu kiu Hoxie to Hart the labor organ being pawed by one of the special samers. There results a redistribu May where the barricades were our own anniversary; we shall New Milltants and New Internaas one of them expressed it. izations of America are untou thugs one of the striking miners, tion of income for the benefit of erected in the streets, over 100 make up for that backwards tiotals can be purchased at: But their death was not in vuin. exchange with such otuer who didn want the strike in the plantation owners and at the exwere killed. In Naples a state on the mass and spirit of our culebraThe eight hour day for which they their material as well as moral first place because he solid behind penge of the working class. seige was proclaimed. The workers tion. This year and the years to NEWS EXCHANGE bled and died Anally became a support. It is not redorm mth the half a loat unlon, is killed. His won their demand, the pricu otcome will see May Days that will 29 So. Main Street, Akron reality or at least much of 44 twentieth century you want mor trlend, who has been on a jag beCONFECTIONERY STORE make the greatest pale, uuul aliy reality as powelble under capital Equally fatal to the public wel. bread was reduced, on May stretching of your arms up to the cause his girl ran off with a cop. West Market Street, Akron ism. Not all the episodes of the Intinite but in tangible and just decides to avenge his friend death.
fare have been the consequences of In Russia will come that day when the proinitial first of May turned out in settlement and that you want He learns that his friend wanted the NRA. Minimum wage rates In Russia during the years 1902, phecy of Spies, Haymarket inurtyr, CORRECTION tragedy. It was by and largo have very soon. There was the have gone up under the cotton texthe men to stay out now until the The Pittsburgh Branch bread le code in theory, on paper. Butu, 04, 05, the years of rising revo shall be fulfilled: Our silence shar day of Inspiration. Such a day rod terror in 173, we are having old agreement was reestablished in weekly warninga huve declined. Iulion, May Day was the best speak louder than the voices you quarters of the is located has year after year given greater the black terror now hundreds the industry. Getting himself a lot 516 Sixth Avenue.
enthusiasm to workers all over the of men arrested at the beck of of dynamnite and bread bo prepares Baal wagou have gone down. Speed: tor tierce battle omens of the strangle today.
revolution of 1917. In 1902 grunt rotteu representatives of the ju for a single handed slege of the and stretch out have been diciary and thrown into prisous. mine. And so by blowing up some panked to the last oxtrene. Job opart in Bula, martial law de Terrible is the right said Mira sections of the mine and threaten1908 34 beau to Louis XVl. Terrible is ing to blow the whole damn mine to the periodic renewal of machine outbreaks In Sarator.
the right say we to those who to pieces the bosses finally give in hour restrictions. The usual dood were killed and 400 wounded in are now striking to crush freedom the New Deal steps in and arreste of discriminatory discharges and demonstrations at Slatoust, encouuof action and tree speech. We the trouble makers, the leaders layotte hus followed in the wake of Lors with troopu in factory demonutrations in Nizhni Novgorod. lu will no longer be disregarded by Section Ti.
the scab agency oh yes, and the window, Melatire and Mrs. Kelth. been fuvolved, but who, having mercenaries in uniform and girl who ran off with the copre Kronstadt was CP Vigilante is another juror, seualled to come heard the evidence, can comprehend scolastirolu In ermine. Tonight turns to the arms of Mr. Muol and 1904 the Arsenal Cotton textile employers, during burned in protest against war. in the early days of the code at least 1905 the revolution was in full in. We sat with them for about an on what basis the jury decided to the cause of labor may look dari presume they lived happily ever hour and a half while they talked, nequit Warnlek and convict LorOnly Human made money band over flut. They blast. In Warsaw alone there were Jack Warnlek, one of the six de were able to do so because prices seventy five thousand workers ou. but tomorrow it will be bright after.
ine Norman? Who can explain how and triumphant.
Bored abruptly, while labor conta strike, of whom 72 were slain in After All fendants who had just been ac they came to convict Mini and acI think that the synposis of the quitted, being present during the guit Kirkwood? Of the three de the first May Day speeches mude any workers from wasting betwo remained virtually stagnant. In battle with the police and army.
Historically the above is one of story should be enough to caution latter half of the talk.
their pursuit of profits, however, the May Day During the War (Herbert Solow, newspaper fendanta McIntire and Keith were in America or anywhere in the bits on this drunken jag into the cotton textile employers cut their The Great War intervened. The correspondent and editor, is one Bellored Defendants Innocent determined to acquit, Decker and own throats. Under the stimulus of Second International betrayed its of the founders of the NonBoth jurors declared that at the Mind were convicted (Mint being can be repeated today, May Day, horse opera or a musical the real world. Swinton speech in 1850 class struggle. Pick out a good soaring pelcon, inventories piled up. trust to the working class. Durius Partisan Labor Defense, and was outset of the trial in November, Instead of clearing out the inven the war the official parties coun its special representative in talthey determined to eliminate pre 1936, 60 years later, with much movie of the class struggle in Am (Continued on Page 5) greater hope tories by allowing prices to drop selled the workers to pass over ifornia during the Sacramento judice, and that when they went of its tullallment. erica is yet to be born, the cotton toxtile industry cut down May Day, to obyerve it in peace. trial. to the jury room at the end of production. Consumer resistance March they desired to acquit all 14 to high prices did not abate: InvenBy HERBERT SOLOW defendants on the two counts retories plled up some more. More YOUNG SPARTACUS OUT! Eight young men and women maining in the Indictment. Above curtailment to maintain high price level. gued. Continued congum The monthly organ of the Sper have been sentenced to San Quentin all, they were convinced of the in. be nocence of Caroline Decker, Noror roletane. Continued tallure to tacus Pouth League, Young Sparlor one to fourteen yeu doar out Inventories. Still more tacus is of the preus. Articles cause they dared to orguuize fel man Mint and Jack Warnick. On FROM qurtallment. And so on ad naus concerning May Day, the Yipuels, low workers in the rich agriculture the first ballot they voted to acquit On cam.
Student Strike, etc. are featured. al valleys of California and to Pet Chambers on count one The paper surveys the entire youth strike for higher wages und better the second ballot two other jurors The latest development la vigor movarcent with a clear Marlian working conditions. The Jury resolned them in this stand. Subse ou lobbying by the cotton textile analysis. Get your copyright quired hours to reach a verdict. quently the vote on some defend Little more than hours later, ants who were eventually convicted, occusing tax. They threaten to away.
Juror Howard Melntire dopored stood six to sl.
will strike of cápital, to close before a notary that the verdict in McIntire went on to relate that AND BOOKSHOP down thelr mills, unless the gov.
WORKERS arament dipe Into the Work Relief the criminal syndicalism case was the Jury majority at first wanted not based on law or evidence but to convict all defendants on both funde to pay the plantation owners Protect Yourselves Against the was the outcome of a borse trude counts. Juror Mrs. Perry, for ex their benefits. No matter 96 Fifth Avenue, which in the Jury room.
ample, expected that the job would Thy the controversy turns out, the Hazards of Life. Join the Attorney Albert Goldman, Chica take an hour. When Juror Jackson worker loss. If the present wystem WORKMEN SICK DEATH Socialist retained by the Non showed inclinations toward acquitBooks of All Publishers continue, workers are taxed dir BENEFIT FUND OF THE Partisan Labor Defense ou bebuli tals in some cases, he was called ectly for the benefit of Cotton Belt Landlords.
1884 1935 of Norman Mini, a member of the Red. He was reminded that the textile manufacWorkers Party, moved for a new the Southern Pacific Rallroad penturen prevall, relief money will be Organized, managed by and for trlal for all defendants on the basis sion, of which he lives, can be re diverted from the support of the workers with only one purpose: of McIntire attulavit. Judge Lem: Deatedly dinned into the ears of voked. The majority slogan, reHmo landlorda to render protection to members and their families, and to sup the new trial motion of Grover the minority, was: The communWhile share croppers are kicked port all endeavors and struggles Johnson and Laon Gallagher, attoru ity wants a conviction.
of the land; while textile mill op for the improvement of tollers.
ays for the International Labor DeTrading In Lives erativa go Jobless; while America About 50, 000 members organ fense. The Judge said that the Melntire could not refer to the share of the world cotton trade ized in 350 branches. Reserves verdict to legal even though a com compromiso which terminated the dwindles; while spindles and looms 3, 400, 000.
promise. It seems that about the hour conflict without shedding shut down; while high clothing Death benefit graded accord only illegal way to reach a verdict coplous tears, in which Mrs. Keith By LEON TROTSKY price impone a heavy burden on ing to age at entry. Sick Bepeat of guilty in a labor case to to shoot Joined him. They gave up a little the wigo earner purse, the New paymests from 200 to 200 to crap for it. Whatever the higher of wha they VOLUMES he told us Dual plunges ahead blindly as be men and women, according toll, courts may have to say about this, and we gave up some of what we for Wallace blares forth a de the story of the Mentire afidavit wanted. We made a compromise, Reg. Price 10. 00 classes.
four of the AAA; Richberg proMonthly Assessments from 45c Interesting and Illuminating.
trading of people we thought indaime his faith in the NRA. The Docent in order to get everybody Our Price to 20.
Wrouble of the cotton textile 10McIntiro Talks acquitted on count one and some For further information apply Swetry tro shunted off to an inHalf an hour after the verdict acquitted on both counts. Nobody estigating committee whwoso reto Mala Office: wa Ncorded the writer, accompan voted exactly the way he felt on 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, mendations, nine chances out of led by Goldman, walked past a all 08. 306.
Hewl be utterly lanored.
Sacramento hotel Prom a lobby! No crap shooting seems to have. Sacramento Juror Weeps.
Greetings PIONEER PUBLISHERS Special May Day Offer The History of the Russian Revolution 500