PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1985 IN THE UNIONS Comments August Upswing is Strategic Mpls Council Time for Silk Union Victory For one Union Thorough Preparation is Vital. Organize Nationally, On Life, Liberty By KARL LOBE and Pursuit of The workers at the Toledo plant gantsed labor. The unions can see of Chevrolet have walked out in them far better than the legions of the first major revolt in the industanciam.
Happiness try since a general auto strike vas NATIONAL GUARD By BILL REICH knocked on the head by the Hon Jindra, member of Mt. MorBy Rallrond Worker orable over a year ago. Itre (IIL) local of the TypographiSWEETNESS AND LIGHT: MINNEAPOLIS, April 20. On is hard to imagine a better place cal Union was an anti militarist.
Ohained in a standing position in Raise 500, 000 Strike Fund, Publish Strike Pa per Now October 23, 1932, the Minneapolis for the show down to come. The Kable Brow Co. printers, are deeply the hole of a Carolina prison for Railrond Council wae organized by auto workers showed their milli interested in the national card 12 cold January days, Woodrow By FELIX GIORDANO rect tactics are of vital importanee, approved of stoppage following eleven volunteer members from six tancy last year. The working close band and their employee IN Shropshire and Robert Barnes suftered frozen, gangrenous feet which Goods Department of the American Eron su recorrecta por do the manda to the bomen! Empty threats Council composed of volunteer rally to the plekket lines. The un do not enllet and play in the band had to be amputated. Convicta Federation of Silk Workers in Pat mediate situation and of the per not only can have no effect apon and elected delegates from the var. employed are organized in one of Jindra, although a good mudelan, at the Terms prison farm chopped erron, the membership was conspectives ahead, otherwise no the bosses, but may easily force the lower local unlons in the city. The the best Unemployed Leagues in atd not join. He was gred in July of bands and feet to escape going tronted with a burning Leste: the amount of militaneya pribavallunion into a poaltion where it may alm and parpone of the Rallroad the United States. And the leader 1928 but the union had him rednole kovine overheat all countries open approvince of a national strike bu Above all it to convential to choose une to the elite meten en derrota moneda de tento progetting the ship of the local automobile work, stated two days later Ing of Alcatras Federal Prison four union demands, should the manu struggle, that to to my, to strike ample, what action are we forced rullroad workers together during Ramsey some months ago is a mill trumped up charge, was ordered present divided condition.
tomato have gone insand from facturers refuse to accept them. When the borden are weakest and to resort to should the bosses open that he prendered der kender the this in brutal treatment. National Theme demands as well as the pro the blows of the anion are most et 1y flout the union by ignoring our tant one and has been putting the reinstated by the local but dented Brondcasting Company sound exposed strike have been submitted rective. The best possible organ demanda!
back up work. Now he is suing for reinPat most antiquated trade union struc Go to it boys. The workers of statement and 10, 000 back wages deltght radio fans: dripping maple the perts have developed new nolues to for approval to all other locals of Ixed strike initiated during the mends with a general strike in 106 country are today maintaining the trim ever since.
slack Mason gives the bosses the eraon at the present time? Then, ture in the world. In no other in the nation are looking to you to because he charge. conaptrSyrup resembles the plopping of Needlew to say, these demands best chances of playing their chier under no condition should the undustry on thin slabe do we find the raise the banner of unionlam high acy wrongtully to bring about the blood trom a fresh wound, splitting will not be granted by the manu weapon wearing out the workers ton put itself in a position where it workers organised into 21 separate over the feudal barony of General discharge of the plaintif because head of cabbage with a cleaver facturers of their own accord. The through a drawn out struggle. In might be forced to strike when the and autonomous unions. This use Motors. You have recued it from of his continued refusal to particicannot be distinguished from split strike which today is as yet a silk, the most seasonal industry in bosses wish.
less and extremely expensive are the dirt in which a cowardly labor pate in or become a member of Ang a skull, cracking raw spare threat, will have to be fought to textiles, it is of primary importance What Must Be Done! ngement is driving thousands of leadership dragged it.
Kable Brothers 129 Infantry Band.
the crushing of humorrow.
to strike at the very beginning of We most PREPARE now. This workers out of the railroad unions BANKS YELLOW DOG UNIONS man bones. Two employees of! Every silk worker must of nec the busy season. That is why it means in the first place that we and keeping other thousands Do we throw our bats in the air Warm weather seems to be bad the Pennsylvania Health Depart. esalty look to the impending strike. would be only adventariem to in must obtain the sanction of the from Joining. And although there ment have been dudicted for redat. In the light of these circumstances tiate the struggle in the weeks imparent organizations and secure has been a union on the railroads when we hear that large New for company antonism. Right after mg old diphtheria anti toxin and a number of questions arise.
since 1864, the industry is now only York bank has recognized the Book the news that the company outfit mediately ahead, the period when their tall support for the strike.
keepers, Stenographers and Ac at the East Pittsburgh plant of Tv welling it for use in charity cages What are the possibilities for a the industry is at its lowest ebb. This means that in the meantime about 50 organized.
comes word that the Chesapeake really effective strike? What are all indications point today to the we most raise the necessary funds This backward condition of the countants Union and has signed an Westinghouse has boomeranged, HIGHER LEARNING: The De our chances of victory? What must latter part of August the begine for the strugklo, a war cheet or at railroad unions naturally reflects agreement with it providing for a scale, Ohio Railway Clerks Association partment of Superintendence of the we do to beat sasure victory?
Ntional Education Association The correct answers to these the best time to enforce the union raised through assessing the memnunions are literally infested by closed union shop, overtime and has been forced to give up the short to the Brotherhood Ballway voted overwhelmingly against the questions bear vitally upon the demands and to strike.
bership, sponsoring affairs for that swarms of overpala ofletals who vacations? We do not Not, at any rate, when that plon. Clerks. At Plttsburgh the company tacussion of controversial social outcome of the strike itselt. We Only last Wednesday, our General purpose, setting up committees act as a dead weight or that many etbjects in the classrooms. Five shall therefore analyze the stur Manager, Williams, speaking be throughout the country to solicit This top heavy onclal bureaucracy owned by the Amalgamated Cloth wage increase all around with stuck brakes on the movement. Per bank is the Amalgamated bank, union modestly asked for a 33 3 boys arrested in a school strike at tion and answer them one by one, double time for Sundays and holiWilkes Barre, Pa. were accused of Need of Organization that in hle trip through Pennsyl liberals. In this way we shall have has gradually entrenched itself in ing Workers of America. Its employees should, of course, be organ days and equal pay for equal work power behind all kinds of Englaws molesting the children of scabs.
From the national standpoint a vania he found most of the mills the necessary funds for the fight.
the white collar men and women. for women. The biggest piece of Director Roscoe Ingalls of Los An really imposing and effective re. shut down, and the rest curtailing An equally important prekinulory obligations, secret work, and worked on this basis too long and company fall in a long time comce relee Junior College blew atin sponse to the strike call demands production and in the process of steps the initiation of perles of bankrupt leadership must have this too exclusively. It has become from Kankakee. Illinols, where emwhistle into the campus amplifier the expansion of unionization of sutting down. And yet Williams preliminary regional conferences in to drown out pacifist speakers. This the slik Industry to every feld.
the various territories, for the par artificial protection for its own pre sort of genteel racket, union ployees of the Bear Brand Company falling, he turned on the sprinkler This applies particularly to Pennpose of unifying the organizational servation. Otherwise it would be which organizes almost exclusively are being forced to shell out their among the office workers who are hard earned to pay for gasosystem and called the thote squad. sylvania, where even the last con Two co eds were badly beaten. eral textile strike efther did not PlentyWood and steps for the strike. At these con unable to maintain itself at the themselves employees of union line and extra wages to a gang of ferences committees should be el pense of, and against the interest When we hear that the spotters and thugs who have been ected to carry out the work relat and welfare of its membership bas takon steps to organize the hired to protect the workers from walked out in protest to anti union towns, or lasted only for a day or Youngstown Tieng to the one trike preparation and The Minneapolis Rallroad Conn. Chase National or the National City union organizers.
sentiment of teachers. President two. In this territory there is no collaboration with the union lead cil has been organized to meet this Bank we promise to get excited and BRIEFS McCracken of Vassar objects to union as strong as in Paterson, for ership. These regional conferences situation in the railroad unions. It to get excited plenty.
students Joining the picketline in instance, and in several centers campaign is gaining momentum In spite of a poor start the sub There is collusion among manusbonla culminate in a special Na has adopted a definite program of all of which does not mean that facturers to defeat collective barnearby garment strikes. Dr. there is no union at all despite the every day. Two branches have al.
Lonal Convention of the needed changes in our union struc the union is in the best possible gaining according to the Hartford, Freeborn of the University of most miserable and unbeard of con ready passed the 100 mark and general strike.
devoted only to the question of the ture. Dodies and leadershirent position to do a real organizing job. Conn. Central Labor Union, and a California, after years of diligentations prevalent.
No town in Penn. all indications are that they are not are building the Council movement Ever since its formation many general strike may be the answer.
research, discovered that orange is sylvania is more than afty percent Anished yet. PLENTYWOOD was Strike Organ Needed Now around this program, which is in years ago it has functioned as ai. The International Ladies Gar the favorite color of houseflies. He organized, and, worse yet, the lars the first branch to achieve 120 as strument throughout the period of An immediate and necessary in brief as follows: local (Federal Labor) Union of the ment Workers Union has asked Set up Railroad Councils at term of There has been no na Oglethorpe University stopped ized. Allentown, one of the key TOWN came along with a new the strike is a national anion organ, present 21 unions to get to ers to undertake a real drive amous Shortstop of the St. Lonis Cardin day later YOUNGS preparation and especially during inals to permit members of the tional organization of office work take action against Leo Durocher, Baseball Commissioner Landis to to run out of town visiting rod towns in the industry. has approx. batch of subs and made the same which sball in every sue popular gether to discuss and take action on the white collor men and women. als. His wife is scabbing at the spring football practice long enough radi imately 1, 000 union men out of cal professor. It was a most re some 7, 000 workers. Nort ampton, srade. These two branches are ize the union demands and build up their problems At the last convention of the F. Forest City Mfg. Co. and Durocher freshing exhibition of good, old only seven miles away, with three showing the way for the backward support for the strike. Such an We pose the question sharply for of in San Francisco the delegate himself is doing his damndest to fashfoned Americanism. remarked og mille, has no union at all. In Industrial centers, organ must be established at once. ONE union in the railroad industry of the introduced a get unlon members to go back to President Thornwell Jacobs.
Haxelton only a few mills are con DAVENPORT has made the grade The struggle of the employed silk instead of 21.
We propose that the leadership tion to grant the office workors of resolution requesting the Federa work. Organized labor goes to trolled by the unton, with almost of 70 which 18 also an excellent workers must not be separated from FEARLESS JOURNALISM: The no organization at all in the most showing. More returns are expected the dally problem of the unem of the 21 crafts foln in a movement the nation a regular international baseball games, the union reminds newspaper publishing business is important mill in the industry, the daily from there.
Frank Collins of ALLENTOWN take the initiative and directly ala railroad workers who are now in to the Executive Council.
ployed. All locals must to organize that 50 percent of the charter. The question was referred tional Union of Mu, Mine and the only industry that refused to Duplan. The throwsters in and Smelter Workers is getting ready dgn an NRA code abolishing child around Scranton are hardly union has sent in 19. subs for the month in the organization of the unem the company unions or in no unions Certainly the time is ripe for such to put the axe to the union bating labor. Newsboys are little mer ined as yet. Such is the situation thus far and the indications are ployed. In this way the unem at all.
a step. Office workers have been Phelpe Dodge Corp at Bisbee, The Council program provides organized into Federal Unions in a Arizona. Peaceful preparations for chants say the publishers and that prevails in the most important that he will carry of the individual ployed will be assisted in securing should not be deprived of the val district of the industry, Pennsyl. prize for Aprill under some other relleta de clown bond will be notab for Joint strike action instead of wood many places. There is an the last eighteen months have con nable education of selling papers on vania, where, we must not forget him. He challenge all comens and and the strike will be assured of and propose one Joint strike ballot of the need of solidarity with or is necessary.
It been so clearly the duty of news is located. What happens in eas threatens to roll up a larger score their support.
for all railroad crafts when neces Throughout the preparatory per eary to take strike vote. We papers to think long and work de tern Pennsylvania will to a large there is any danger of losing first votedly to bring suggestions to men extent make or break the pending place. In fact, he threatens to do lod as well as the strike itselt, an stand for lower salaries for the MAY DAY GREETINGS in public oflice, blah blahs Grove strike, both regards its effec so anyhow.
elements must be drawn into active officials and lower dues for the Bethlehem, Pt.
GREETINGS Paterson, President of the American tivence and striking power. The There have been some other participation. In this way present members. Abolition of gaplaws, ob Bethlehem, PA Society of Newspaper Editors In Arst thing that must be done, there change on the more board since ing solid front. There can be no llentions and secret work, and for joint trade union action for the six Bethlehem, TO THE annual convention. survey by fore, is an intensive drive for union last week. Here is the new list: the Children Bureau of the De organization, preparing for and EXCELLENT At the same time, there must be hour day without reduction in eamRB Bethlehem, PLENTYWOOD partment of Labor reveals that the leading up to the strike. Only 120 no changes from the present policy Inge. Watch these columne for average weekly earnings of news this is done can the strike be really YOUNGSTOWN 120 of carrying on a guerrilla wartare further reports on the Railroad New Militant Boro Park Branch DAVENPORT boys in 1984 Was 41 for 15. effective.
of individual shop strikes to obtain Council movement.
70 hours, approximately 8c an hour.
Perspectives GOOD and to maintain union conditions.
WORKERS PARTY Unionization alone 18 no guaran Worcester 50 Only If we realize these concrete proposals will we be able to lend MAY DAY GREETINGS FAIR SALARIES: There are no pock tee of victory, Militancy and corSO. SIDE BRANCH our struggle to successful conets in shrouds, crled Widow Mary ARTHOR BRICKLEY, Allentown 44 GREETS clusion.
Gallagher, Bethlehem Steel StockAkron 40 ARCHER How York City These steps must be realised. It CHICAGO LOCAL holder, in protest against the enor. Love. Death from excessive walkCincinnati 40 The Is the duty of all the dit workers OLGA Now York City motis salaries pald to Engene Grace, ing. was the verdict. InvestiE. St. Louis 40 who recognise the urgency of this Dentist Now York City Charles Schwab and other officials. Bators recently found 45 of Ivar Louisville 40 NEW MILITANT program to get together in each 30 DAVIDOBY Now York City Forty four thousand men get 67 Kreugar 300, 000, 000 match forSalt Lake City local as an organized body for the POOR BRICKNER Now York City Headquarters an hour by the sweat of their brows tune. Boy triplets were born purpose of translating this program 1850 Brd STRERT of the while three officers draw 8480. 000, to Mrs. Walter Kiser in an abandPhiladelphia 249 into action.
JOHN BECK New York City Brooklyn, Charleston protested Stockholder Cothland. oned schoolhouse near Somerset, 20 Once again the most important Waliamsporter Now York City There are no rich men left in the Pal. The father was removed from New Haven point on the agenda is the formation old sense reliet rolls when gifta reached 50, the word, says Charles St. Louis 20 of a genuine left wing nationally in Schwab, but we have made up for the limit of cash allowed relief reMinneapolis 413 the silk union. Only the left wing.
that in happiness. Stockhold clpients in Pennsylvania. PennVERY POOR organised on the basis of this proer of the Pennsylvania Railroad sylvania legislators receive 2, 600 a Chicago 16 gram can lond the general strike to proposed a 15, 000 increase to the senerlon. Born to Mrs. Nicholas Gulfport 16 victory.
Sutts, on relief at Johnstown, Pa. 60, 000 salary of President AtterToledo 16 bury.
triplets. The solid gold dinner San Francisco 15 branches woke up to the fact that service King George of England New York 121 the farmers of Montana are makCORBCION: Says Governor Cur is valued at 16, 000, 000.
Boston 12 ing a better job of construction ley of Massachusetts: Unless gov. made himself a serviceable set of Crouch, unemployed, of Milwaukee, Pittsburgh 11 work than the proletariat of the arment aid is given the textile inNewenstle 10 metropolis.
TO THE dustry not a spindle will be turnfalee teeth from plaster of paris and Paterson 10 The standing of the other branch Ing in New England in six months. pieces of broken china.
Govern Los Angeles 93 es leaves much to be desired. Here. The National Association of or Davoy of Ohio requested an apCleveland 70 is the actual number of subs sent Manufacturers accuses the Ameri propetation of 18, 000 for the purNewark In: NEW MILITANT can Pederation of Labor of coer. Pat back and aow belly have chase of oriental rugs for his office.
Kansas City Boro Park cion and deliberate fostering of Detroit Bronx strſke talle to influence legislation the South. Last year the govbecome luxurles in many parts of Columbus Central. James Sinclair. President of New York, as has been pointed Side FROM the Fall River Cotton Manufactur tion for military salutes. An ging behind in the campaign. We ernient spent 20, 730 on ammuntout several times, is woefully las Flatbush ers Association declares he will go Associated Press reporter, mistaken Harlem West Side tax and asserts he will close his out of Birdsong. Arkansas.
mill and discharge 750 employees When John McCullough, Arkansas in protest against the levy.
MORALS DEPARTMENT: Mae sharecropper, attempted to get the law on two plantation bosses who MAY DAY West Jauda movie decency cam raped his 15 year old daughter he paigns: never took sex serious was beaten up and evicted from his 1y. she says, helped put it back morable shack. Heiress Doris GREETINGS In proportion. Arch Bishop Duke is peeved because Mahatma Glennon of St. Louis, leader of the Gandhi won see her and explain FROM Legion of Decency, condemna scanty his philosophy of life in a few athletic costumes as a vulgar pd worde. More than 660, 000 famgan tendency to indecency. Illes are affected by unemployment SOCIETY NOTES: At the wed in New York City. Mayor LA St Louis Branch dtog of General (Blood Purge) Guardia banishes hurdy curdles NEW HEADQUARTERS. 420 19th STREET Goering, Premier of Prussia, Gen fron the streets and orders Civic eral of Avintion, Chief of Secret Virtue (the statue) removed from HOUSEWARMING AND DANCE Police and Master of the Hunt, to City Hall Park. The chickens Workers Party actress Emmy Sonnemann, brides of Charles Settles of Bowle County, SATURDAY, MAY 4, at 8:30 motoren of the Adolph Hitler was best torpedoen. If another war docen man. Edward Riley. hitch break out, my hens don break out, her from Denver, collapsed in the my hen don know their business, Plum of the City of Brotherly says Charles Workers Party May Day Greetings 11.
10. to al rather than pay the cotton for a union organizer, was chast think It is about time that the BRANCH ONE,