Tobin Lifts Charter of Drivers Union, 574 Toledo Strike Solid; Auto Plant Paralyzed MAY DAY WORKERS PARTY 30 HOUR WEEK Beat Company Union in Calif. Toledo as to workers who meet Auto Election Broad Unity For May Day In Allentown First of May Manifesto of the Workers Party of didates.
JOINS WITH CITIZENS ALLIANCE STRIKE PAPER TO BE PUBLISHED But Thousands of Truckers Swear Fealty Militants Active, Promise Real Fight, To Local Leaders in Reinstatement Fight No Fake Agreement; Bosses Frantic By FERRY MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. April 25. Local 574 of the General Drivers, Ry Wire from Muste Helpers and Inside Workers, which during 1934 began to write a row TOLEDO, April 25. Strike ranks solid. Plant tied up tight as militant labor history in Minneapolis, was again thrust into the fore drum.
front of the labor struggle. This time, however, the fight which is to Strikers preparing to vote down General Motors contract.
be waged by 574 is against a united front extending from the Sentimene is for finish fight against company unionism. Cithens Alliance, new reactionary bosses Committee of one Militant battle will establlsh firm majority for bona fide uniom, hendred. Tobin, President of the Truck Drtvers International affinning the right to collective bargaining Union, remetionary labor leaders in Minneapolis, to the An attempts of the company to provoke trouble have been crippled The Aght was brought into the by effective union action.
First issue of the strike paper, called Truth will make its bow open on Monday, April 14, when in Friday an undated letter 674 was in March with the formed by Tobin that its charter had been revoked: the reason given On May Day in Special to New Militant for the revocation was non payTOLEDO, Ohio, April 23. The first militant thrust of the nation ment of per capita tax. Tobin All trods and sympathizers auto workers against the ramparts of the giant General Motors communkention was read, on Mon of the Workers Party in New Corporation began here today with the walk out of all of the 500 day evening, to a meeting of be York are urged to fall in with employees of the Chevrolet Motors Co. Toledo plant. Organized in the Automobile Worker Federal Labor Union, Local 18384, whose repro tween 200 and 1, 000 members of the the contingent of the union. The workers, who success New York May Day parade.
sentatives recently secured over 90 percent of the votes in the Ante Labor Roard clections, the Chevro fally battled the forces of police The party section of the and specials: who drove 1, 500 march will form in front of let workers marched out of the armed vigilantee from the Market West 15th Street 15th Street plant in a body and formed male picket lines which quickly succeedPlace during the strike in May, and Fifth Avenueat 12 noon 1934; who fought on the picket line ed in sbutting the plant down cold.
until their demands were met, and Take your place with the the Citizens Alliance was to the tone and tenpo for the great revolutionary party of the its knees these vallant workers workers in the march of New strike wave of 1934 in the Autonow beard Tobin statement out York unions and labor organ Lite strike of last May, may agnin lawing them as union men. Some izations on May 1st.
have the distinction of touching of truckers heard the letter with a the strike bomb shell which will pitter curne against the reactionary Workers Vote for AFof have national repercussion Topleaders of the International, others notch company officials, including (and they appeared to be in the Despite Extensive William Knuddson, executive vice president of General Motors majority) felt that the new atFink System tempt to disrupt their ranks will and Coyle, president of Cherbe repulsed and that the union will rolet, flooded into Toledo yesterday come out of the Aght stronger than OAKLAND, Cal. April 20. desperato effort to delay or ever.
Balloting under the supervision of divert strike action which threatFight for Relnstatement the Wolman Board, two thousand ens to spread throughout the autoworkers in the Chevrolet and Fisher motive and other major industries.
Officials of 874 in speaking to the membership pointed out the Body plants here voted their em Progressives in Leadership need of fighting for reinstatement Monster Parade to Voice phatte opposition to the company unions. In the Fisher Body plant Leadership in the strike rests at in the International, if necessary Important Labor the company unton received only present in the hands of young, to appeal to the convention, One by eighteen percent of the total vote militant and progressive elements, one the workers who, tested in Demands strikes of 1004, became the leaders and at Chevrolet this minority was led by Jim Roland, chairman of a still smaller thirteen percent. the Chevrolet union group and bead of 574, showed that the interest of ALLENTOWN, Pa. Sixty nine the workers in general and of organisations representing At Chevrolet the of can of the strike committee. Other milmore thor of Minneapolls in particular, than 8, 000 workers have joined in aidates received a majority of 462 Itanta who stood in the forefront of will be best protected by retaining a solid united front for the biggest gling for the eight hour day made the First of capitalist violence in the strikes of this past affiliated and company union caning an outstanding role in the Fifty years ago American workers strug heroic workers who were killed by ruthless out of 976 votes cast, over the nn Just year historie battle are playthe charter, and continuing the way Day demonstration that Alstrike. leading and organding the Alght against the bones and against lentown has ever witnessed. Among May labor holiday. Later the workers of year. These dead shall not have died in vain!
the rectionary gang of the Inter the organisations participating are other lands made May Day the International The vote indicates the determin plckets, arranging publiety. tradinThe thousands in other lands who have died ation of the workers to have bona ing militancy and decipline into the The workers were not easily con. Party, the Socialist Party, the Legles of the toilers and to do homage to the Fascist hutchers, we salute on this May Day. necessity for a genuine union. This tool, as part of the of the Workers Party, the Communist Labor Day a day to commemorate the strug this year at the hands of reactionary and fide representation and further in Tanks and developing effective Mines dicates a growing ability to see the of mass strike strategy.
Words of Vincent and Grant Dunne, the coveriem. Tredepletion de su martyrs who had fallen in those struggles; a Their blood shall fertilize the soil out of which becomes clearer in light of the fol aleted in the New Militante April The strike came swiftly, as prewm Brown, of Dobbs and workers, the United Ribbon Work day of protest against nationalism, militarism new forces shall arise to crush reaction and lowing facta erat, the existence 13, following the presentation of the others of the executive, that no cters, and many other union group and war; day symbolizing the solidarity of Fascism!
fort be apared to gain the favorable unknown to most of the workers Chevrolet management last week vote of the delegates to the Central monster parade will be formed labor the world over regardless of nationality, Labor Union and thus to prevent which will mareh past the principal color, race; a day of defiance of labor foes To the workers in capitalist jails and Fas until two days before the election which was turned down on every the expulsion of 574 from the local tablereden nok endas Condensare and oppressors; a day to march and to sing of cist concentration camps, to Tom Mooney in and then they were reached only major clause in completely matters be held cheating in the rest of brotherhood, of hope, of the ultimate victory, San Quentin, to the latest capitalist frame up the workers have had no organiza of the contract. a huge meeting of aplta tax is not pald, up to the been made for the dismissal of all and truth shall reign!
There was no dental that the per of the InternationalA requeut has of workers world in which plenty, justice in Sacramento, to the victims of race discrim tional experience: third, the bosses the Chevrolet workers was bold and ination such as the Scottsboro boys, and to all used all available methods of intim a strike vote taken. The vote was Anancial ability of 674, which after schools for the day. Many workers the victorious strikes of last sum. plan to call a one day strike The boss press and other capitalist agencies, class war prisoners everywhere, we shout our idation, sided by their notorious unanimous in favor of strike, ale May Day Manifesto has been and reactionary labor leaders as well, taught greetings. Surely they will hear even in the and extensive spy system. The though the actual moment for the berita te crashing a burden of large drawer up to be distributed to be vere American workers for many years to shun the feet, the singing voices of the May Day dem union voters meant safely be placed committee.
innermost cells of the vilest jails the marching stool plecon organization is so ex calling of the strike was left up to debta, increased in the conduct of worker the onstrators, Fellow workers, comrades, we shall in that category.
the strike. The fact, known to all demands are: eign and to regard themselves as set apart The militancy and solidarity of For the complete unionization from the workers of other lands, lendinga not cease to storm these prison walls that hold. If the correct tactics are used the Chevrolet workers no worried out to the meeting that two work of all workers. IN UNITY 18 Charmed life of perpetual prosperity under you now until we have battered them down and the union will have strength enong the employers that they voluntarily ers, Henry Ness and John Belor, STRENGTH.
set you free!
were murdered by the strike break For the right of collective new capitalism. Today in 1985, after six seasonal decline begins. direct requested another conference with But the hour of contact campaign by organizers, in a last desperand that about 50 pickets were shot. and plcket effectively.
unspeakable suffering on masses in the plants must be embarked imme This Arst recorded instance The local considered it as its duty Against Mayor Lewe pro United States and all other capitalist nations struggles than ever before, must we gird our diately. The stool pigeon system of the untouchable General Motors to care for the families of the mur clamation Imiting picketing.
dered workers and to pay for the For CASH RELIEF and a 50 and which has clearly revealed that this capi selves on this May Day.
hospitalisation of the wounded percent increase in relief allow talist system is everywhere in decline, greater Serving the interests of the capitalists, the sible for the workers to join the representatives of a genuine unton.
ones. These emergency factors had ances.
numbers of American workers than ever before, Roosevelt administration has launched through many instances the mere presence Company Conditions been submitted to Tobin himself in For a se car fare and free thousands upon thousands of trade unionists its Public Works program, a vicious assault of a worker at a meeting has. ro Counter proponnis of the company letter sent last October, asking transportation of the children of the who have never in the past participated in a upon the standard of living of the American sulted in threats of discharge for a percent wage increase for HAI, which request was never denied for the abolition of toll on May Day demonstration, are pouring into the masses. Wage rates are being completely un actual discharge workers in the lower wage bracksince the letter remained unan. the sth st. bridge.
streets. Brushing away from their eyes the dermined. As many as possible are to be Any tendency to rely on Federalets, alluted by a deceptively worded vision which would lower the swered up to now.
Board arbitration, in the cases of Against all sales taxes and webs spun by the bosses propaganda, they struck from the relief rolls so that they may discharged workers must be firmly wages in higher brackets 10 per Tobin Real Reasons for steeply graduated income tax. are making May Day their own again. We of be forced to take work from private employers opposed. The season will soon be sent were personnelly relected by the Of course everyone knows that Against the destructive poll. the Workers Party hail with joy this evidence at any wage. Hundreds of thousands of young drawing to a close because of the non payment of a probe che la competiceler main purpose of all the world, against the capitalists of all vation Camps to prevent them from organizing will be one of the determining tae mortyor Elektrooniline the unter the charter of 574 was revoked, not cles of the Roosevelt administration that the feeling of solidarity with the workers men are to be forced into the Civilian Conserwant a union and correct strategy fatly refused to sign any contract The time element grant genuine non recognition or in the bucket for an International For the repeal of the Flyn the world, is growing in the hearts of our to demand a decent standard of living, to train fors in the success or failure the clause, or to consider the unton with a treasury of between three Sedition Act and all criminal syndi fellow workers.
them to break strikes and shoot workers, to unlon, hence a correct Organiza demands for a minimum wage of and four millions. but because callsm laws. For the freedom of 70 cents per hour.
In the year that has passed since May Day, prepare them for service in the next war. tional campaign must be started local 674 is becoming too militant, speech and press.
Already the daily pre Is begin and its laders too dangerous to 10. For the unconditional re 1934, the workers of the United States have Employed and unemployed must united with without delay.
all the members of the latest unit lenge of all political prisoners: Tom fought on many field Toledo, Minneapolis, out delay for a nation wide struggle for the ning to poison the air with mislendOn Monday evening, April ed front. During the strike, the Mooney, the Scottsboro Boys, the Milwaukee, Kohler, San Francisco, Portland, six hour day, the thirty hour week, against ing stories, misquoting strike lend employers more than once declared Sacramento prisoners, the Fargo the textile towns of North and South! In the wage cutting against the share the misery 29, the workers of Brownsville ers and confusing the regues. Isthat 4674 Is but its leaders workers, etc.
will hold a united front rally timation that the papers are prepared to launch a red scare are radicals and Bolsheviks.
face of opposition from the czars of American program.
11. For equal right for Negroes industry refusing to recognize the elementary in preparation for the city Tobin, in the magazine of the Inter and the foreign born.
shortly in an effort to dlacredit the The sharpest struggle is being waged by the wide May Day demonstpation. strike revealed in headlines national (July 1934) pointed out 12. For the 30 hour 30 dollar right of workers to organize; of the deceit of employing class against every attempt of the that the Communists and radicals week; with upton rates where they the Roosevelt administration which had led the The rally will start at 7:30 and news Items today. The Toledo who are bobbing up, here and there, are higher.
workers to organize. At the least hint of a at Pennsylvania and Sut. Chamber of Commerce has swung masses to believe that it would protect this strike, machine guns are mounted in American ter Avenues and the demonautomatically into line behind In our newly organized local unions. were very prominent in the ment Insurance Bill.
13. For the Lundeen Unemploy right; of betrayal at times by their own union factories. The answer to this must be a strators will march to Hopauto barons with large scare bead kingon and Pitkin Avennes.
strike of Local No. 574 and called Aga tinste imperialist war and leaders: yes, faced by police, militia, machine nation wide campaign of organization. Every ada denouncing the strike Speakers from all the amill page company ads appeared today upon. our people to beware of the division of relief funds for war guns, the workers have marched on!
worker into a union or unemployed organiza ated organizations will ad which played up the outstanding (Continued on Page 6) préparations We pause on this May Day to salute the (Continued on Page 6)
dress the workers. Continued on Page 6)