CALIFORNIA May First to Be the premisest eher wenn es potes Raw Deal Put Banner Day MIURDAY, APRIL 20, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE time. Those who fail to point this out to the But this same class struggle that results in our conviction will someday generate NEW MILITANT workers, and above all those who know it and an irresistable wave that will sweep every thing this court and this state LEFT.
with which to merged keep quiet about it, play the part of accomTHE MILITANT places in this treachery.
represent away forever.
weekly by the Workers Party of the When it comes down to a test of strength JABS West 16th Street, New York City the workers, thanks to their numbers and their Phone: Algonquin 9058 strategic position in industry, are much hored u recond elasa mall matter at the Poet Once stronger than the bosses and can easily defeat By BILL SHERMAN New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
them on a local, national and world scale. The WAR IS HUMAN defeat of the rubber workers is not fundamen War is simply human, and Marx ZAMES CANNON. Editor HARRY HOWE. Anoclate ditor tal. They have not been vanquished in a test on this point, as on plenty of others, HAWTHORNE WINNER. Business Manager of strength; they have been tricked, betrayed, SACRAMENTO talked nonsense New York Daily out maneuvered. And, above all, they have News editorial. Plenty of wars, says the News have been fought SUBSCRIPTION RATES: FRAME UP paid the price of their own lack of organizafor the love of Christ or for pure In the United States 00 per year: 66c als month tion.
Canada and Foreign. 50 per year: 00 six months.
cussedness. Some examples might handlo Ratos: Two cents per copy.
The bosses, plus the government, plus the have been given by the editorial, labor traitors, could not have put over the such as the Opium War on China, Vol. the Mexican War, the Spanish Am SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1985 No. 18 sell out agreement if the progressive forces in erican War, the Japanese War in the local unions had been prepared and organManchuria, or again we might ized to meet it. The forces of the enemy mention the human motives, far (Continued from Page 1)
worked like a well oiled machine. The bosses, removed from capitalist greed, that Madame Perkins, and the labor leaders all bronght each and every country inThe Betrayal in Rubber to the World War. Morgan knew their parts and played them at the right human and love of Christ part policy and the role of the government in labor moment and then they all worked in unison to in America entry into that sen disputes. The failure to understand this is railroad the settlement through. The local eral slaughter as another touching what caught the rubber workers off guard and progressives were ready. They were not wrong example tbat proves Marx was.
well organized. And before they had time to American marines out made them casy victims of the run around.
of pure cussedness suppose, The rubber workers, including many of the catch their breath the job was done.
travelled around the world, and best local leaders who are heart and soul for Had the progressive and militant elements in finally got a chance to die for the the union, saw the issue too simply: the workthe local unions thought the thing out more Love of Christ and Rockefeller att Socony Hill, China, in 1928. The ers versus the rubber companies. But experi fundamentally; had they seen through the comence showed that it was much more complicatplicated game of the three team combination. Duponts also show a human touch in providing playthings for those ed. The government run around was also a bosses, Perkins and Green and put the rank wishing to exercise their pure factor in the situation; at the critical moment, and file on guard against the frame up; had cussedness in slaughtering men, thanks to the mistaken faith of the rubber they organized their own forces to take the CAPITALIST women and children.
workers, it turned out to be the decisive factor.
offensive and smash the betrayal the moment JUSTICE WHO ARE THE SOCIAL The rubber companics could never have put it was sprung. if they had done this while FASCISTS?
over such an agreement directly. So the govthere was yet time there would be a different Does the Trade Union Unity ernment, through Madame Perkins, did the job picture in Akron today. The traitors would Jengie support proposals for a for them. The fact that the workers didn have been swept aside by a human avalanche.
labor party? No, it rejects social expect a dirty trick like this and were taken The rubber unions would be enforcing recogfascist proposals for launching labor party, which would be only by surprise prevented them from mobilizingnition on the picket lines and the whole na another capitalist party. Tabor their forces to reject the sell out agreement tional movement of insurgent labor would be Inity, December 1933.
and go through with the strike. In the general rallying around them. The Akron rubber strike demoralization the strike was broken before it would most likely be setting the pace for a IRAPPY NAZILAND!
Puderhorn, Germany, April 11. started and the fight for union recognition lost great national strike wave of far greater proElizabeth Freunderlich, 31 years for the time being. The government had a big portions and potentialities than that of 1934.
old, confessed throwing her two hand in this result.
Let the bosses and their hirelings worry children from a speeding train.
Lesson No. The new wnions must rely about the possible consequences of such a overty was the reason given on their own strength and expect nothing from struggle. The workers have nothing to loose. News item. And Hitler contin.
the government but the run around.
Every experience prover over again that there ues his campaign for more children, and manifestation of racial preju.
but the birth rate continues to de It becomes increasingly clenr as the days is no way to gain anything or to advance the cines, go by that the danger to the rubber workers cause of labor a single inch except by deter10 how the workers will win rower PRESERVATION OF comes from an enemy within the ranks of labor mined struggle. This struggle didn begin in and build a new world against a Over in Akron CIVILIZATION itself. That enemy is the bureaucracy at the Akron this morning, although the conditions Twenty one Sonth and North head of the of and of the rubber union tionalism and for internationalism, American countries signed a treaty were ripe for it. In the last analysis only one last week guaranteeing the proteeitself. These words appeared in an editorial thing was lacking: a serious organization of (Continued from page 1)
The American workers have cer. Continued from Page 1) tion of works of art in time of war.
in last week issue of the New Militant. Simi the progressive forces in the local unions.
Lain peculiar conditions to face and given prominence in a first mage President Roosevelt hailed the lar warnings were sounded in previous articles Lesson No. The militant and progressive and groups, with which they used caly at our peril do we gore that story may by day, as progressive treaty is vital for the preservation in the New Militant and in the March issue of forces in the rubber unions must organize American to associate! Brushing hot now, any more than he was in of the of as a company. treaty possesses a spiritual signi the New International. These were the only around a program of militant action to cleanse away from their eyes the webs spun the Coolidge Hoover era, some mon and its bureaucratic officials Hicance. said the big Navy Presi papers in the country to try to put the rubber the unions of the influence of traitors and con the bossos propaganda, they are inculiar species of animal. He is a us fascists to point ont in un dent. When bayonets rip rip guts, workers on guard against the betrayal which wert them into fighting instruments of the making May Day their own again! worker under capitalism. His in compromising words the openly shells sbatier bodies to bits, and finally overwhelmed them. Yet, it is perfectly workers. That is the way, and the only way, inore the correctness and the criti. workers of all lands. This may at the instead of uttering stroy the men, women and children Thus May Day emphasizes once terest is one with that of the apparent moves toward the betray poison gas rained from the air de clear now that Green, Claherty Co. worked to scrap the company union settlement and get cal importance of the decisions of ray 19:25 gives us an unprecedented any warning or denunciation of of these American countries, let us from the first, and with especial effectiveness a real union settlement, the founding convention of the and priceless opportunity to tle in the betrayers, imparted an air of remember with affection the states at the last, in the complicated frame up maParty on the mass organizations is struggles with the world wide radicalism to these leaders in romen who took time off from pre chine which ground out a humiliating defeat and mass work. We must get into struggles of the working class, to turn for the right to trail in their rition for mass shughter to sigo for the workers.
the wions and the unemployed or teach the lesson of Revolutionary company and gain rospectability the Roerich Pact for the preservaThe Lesser Evil Again inizitions. We must become in. Internationalism. It is well that in the eyes of the workers.
tion of museums of art, etc.
The rubber workers didn see this, at least Browder Swallows His Tongue not with sufficient clarity, and this led to their WHAT stands out in the ranks of the imately bound up with them and the Workers Party of the. is Never has in existence to seize that opportun. Earl Browder, national secretary AGAIN DIVINE AND FORD undoing. These faithless leaders have demonSocialist movement of the world today there been such opportunity to ty of the spoke Friday night to An attack on the spiritual rackis the desire to draw the right lessons from the draw close to the masses, masses For a Workers World strated time and time again that their ideas over pine hundred workers in Aketeer, Father Divine, by Oakley Marching side by side with our ron and deliberately refrained from Johnson in the Daily Worker has and ways of life are alien to those of the strugº terrifie defeats suffered by the labor movement that are in motion, masses bent brothers, sisters, comrades, in the even mentioning Green, Claherty been decisively rejected by the gling and exploited workers. They dread the and Co. In last Saturday Daily Communist Party of Harlem, se thought of struggle. Above all they fear the of the American Socialist Party came into portunity is treason of the Wackest unions and the unemployed or ganizations, we raise the banner Worker, at the very moment when dording to an answer in the Daily power on the wave of working class dissatisgrowth and development of real mass organizThe Wrong Way of the Workers Party and the the entire scheme to brenk the Worker, written by James Ford.
ations of the most exploited workers which faction with the old line reformist policies For revolutionists to draw near Fourth International. We sound strike should have been clear to Ford, according to Olgin, editor anyone with even a pretense of The Freiheit, has a division of lawould bring the fresh breeze of militancy and which brought the proletariat to such catas to the mass does not mean, how forth aguin the historic battle ery of the international revolu class conscious judgment. Browder bor with Father Divine. One hand.
class struggle into the labor movement. Their trophes. But whereas thousands of workers ever, to come down to their level of political development, to cater have showed an intense desire to find the revotionary movement. Workers of issued a statement on the Akron les the spiritual needs, the other field of action is the conference table and their the world, unite! You have noth situation in which he warns the the political needs of Harlem Nelutionary Marxian path, the new Thomas to their prejudices, to take a place deliberate strategy is to trade away the rights ing to lose but your chains! You workers against the government sro popnlntion. In addition it now of the newly organized workers for political Hoan leadership has allowed recent events to The Communist Party having Have a world to gain! Given but not against their own treacher appears that they have also signed crumbs and concessions, legislative favors, appass over its head without making any decisive treated the workers like robots for such a program and such a spirit ous leaders with whom he was in one of those defensive and non agpointments and even outright bribes for themimpression. Their radicalism goes only so ars may now treat them like chil the workers can be confident alliance. These he addrerere in the session ets, BO popular with that Daily Worker with comradely stalinists. And hy the way, has selves. They never lift finger to help a far as they find it necessary to keep the mem dren to be humored and siven a The earth shall rise on new words. So capitulating to the self determination reached the strike, but work like demons to prevent them bership satisfied with what is a fundamentally foxxut true respect for the Communist foundations: bureaucrats was Browder. that point where we have or to sabotage and disrupt them.
reformist course.
worker, and the second will no We have been naught, we shall wmer Tate, an official of Party of Harlem?
This view is reinorced by one episode at the more win the American worker in No, the line up in the struggle of capital and organizer, who spoke from the same te all!
platform, was reported in the Akron labor is not simply, as too many of the rubber Buffalo meeting of the socialist which the ent than did the first, which workers thought, the unions versus the comhas not been given sufficient attention. From has had to be ignominiously abanpanies. It is far more complicated and decep the Bulletin issued on the Buffalo meeting by branded of buren ucrats us May Day in than Browder!
Akron press reports on the morntive. The government, exploiting the illusion of the Revolutionary Policy Publishing Associa social fascists may now embrace them as comrades in arms. Nel(Continned from Page 1)
agreement fully indicated the eximpartiality and even of friendship for the tion (R. we learn that: tent of the rubber bosses bictory. Continued from Page 1)
workers, in reality serves the bosses and de On a motion by Hapgood to picket the ther attitude was based on a realmoralizes the trusting workers with flank at Spanish embassy in Washington, the Estic analysis and neither is a ser ifesto will be issued. Buttons, 108 officials of the Big Three plants ters, leaflets in large quantities are and heads of the company unions stomachs. But they didn give up tacks; the treacherous officials of the of working under the advice of Devere Allen Vice to the working class.
were described as jubilant. One for a while.
The confidence won by respons. wip repared. who is regarded by the as the author inte revolutionists because they masquerading as labor leaders, stab them At the Mall in Central Park, rubber official declared, We don However, after nearly two hours in the back. Madame Perkins put the governity on the Spanish question. voted down the right side by side with the masse speakers from all organizations see what all the fuse was about of demmelation, and when the proment seal on the company union agreement proposal because such action might endanger in their struggles, because they la participating will address the We have always given our employ. Kressives had exhausted thelr amGreen and Claherty put the union label on it.
the then present Lerroux government which, bor hurder than any others to build crowd. In addition it is proposed ces precisely what the terms of munition, a Claberty ite took the floor. More promises, more stickIt took all these deceptive machinations to it was maintained, acted as a buffer to the the unions and the unemployed to bring veterans of labor battles, this agreement call for.
Dragging Through the Courts liy the leaders and govern leagues that confidence so hardly ex class war prisoners, and others, wreck the strike movement of the rubber work coming of Fascism the Gil Robles forces. won is precious. It must not to take part in the demonstration, The terms of the agreement placement. slowly the game became Goldman band will play appropri. company unions on an equal status clear. Workers began to walk out, ers for the time being. The struggle to regain Here, we have, aside from the question of the prostituteil by giving any counten the lost ground has to begin with an under necessity of the demonstration or not, the ance to the Utopian notions of a ate music for the gathering crowd with real unions, contains no guar their faces dead set the pain of and also at intervals during the antee of recognition to the genuine betrayal was clearly evident.
mass meeting standing of this shell game and the cappers theory of the lesser evil all over again, and the Lea Coughlin. an Upton sin union, prevents the calling of a When yosition began to die and come ons who participate in its operations. condemnation that was hurled against the old claror whoever it may be, with Following the demonstration a strike while the infonction cases down, Claberty appeared. very part of the technique of the labor traitors, guard for a defense of such action in the case American about this tactic, that mass meeting of the Workers Party Saint the companies are tried in nicely. timed entranee, of course. He of Germany now becomes the accredited policy having thns gone along with the and Spartacus Youth League will the Ants Courts and through the blended loquently as workers employed with exceptional success in the rubbe held at SPM. May Prst, in Mupreme Court, which may turned their faces in disgust. He ber situation, consists in talking militantly at of the When the can under workers, with big masses, we have Germania Hall. 16th st. and Third trag on for endless months, and winced when someone shouted Be moments when the workers clamor for action take to espouse such ideas, it is high time for movement. we are no longer Avene. good program of music, forbide the holding even of an electrayer. but only momentarily.
The two locals used reason and and even in putting forward individual memsinging, etc. is being arranged. tion until the court decisions are those comrades who really and sincerely wantelated from the moms, and Speakers from the Workers Party banded down.
you can go out alone, he carebers of the machine to play the radical. As to make our party a revolutionary one to lutionary program on this move The unions must now prepare to fully began. Soon the demoralizethe rubber strike movement reached the boiling begin to re valuate the present National ment. Having a yearning for he and will address the meeting ught an attempt to discharge and ion crepit in. Hven progressives point they even declared a truce with the Com leadership. In regard to the Right wing, ing lost in a crowd is a very human KANSAS CITY united front black list the outstanding militants Inoked discouraged, lost in a dark munist Party. In return for this favor the The vote of approval there have long ceased to exist any illusions following quickly. But it is not has been formed around the May and progressive local leaders and broth.
about their social democratic policies. But a distinguishing mark of a revolu Badition to the Workers Party, the and terror which may be launched Conununist Party refrained from criticism of intimidation Tessed by a small majority.
Green and Cluherty at the moment when their in reference to the and their support tionist The Specter of Black Listing Such movements as we following groups: The Left Wing against union men in the plants as treacherous machinations were obviously com crs, illusions still continue to exist and some tuve mentioned do not overthrow Workers Jeft quickly after the Socialists, the American Workers the companies continue their coun meeting. shamefaced, disappointed, ing to a head and when a timely warning of us have been proudly boasting about our capitalisme, und they do amor eu in miom (unempinyed organization. ter drives to smash the union, tears kleamed dimly in some eyes.
against them was most urgently needed. When newly found revolutionary principles. blind alley. Even a very superthe Communist Party, the Contin. Workers Party members in Akron few brave workers openly the claculated blow was finally delivered the What the Bulletin says about illusions of Heinl reading of American history meeting. They has yet been plannen, ing the progressive unionists to top, alihough expulsion was immiworkers were taken unawares. In the general the Militants can casily be subscribed to makes that clear.
as the reactionary city officials con. fight the reactionary of nent. Progressives went home as confusion, disappointment and demoralization It need only be added that the illusions of the Against False Shibboleths sistently refuse a permit for any officialdom, and help renew the one goes to a funeral. The dark the shameful settlement was railronded authors of the Bulletin concerning the re The responsible Marxian party sort of open air demonstration or courage of the union men to con specter of company blacklists, the through the local unions at Akron.
volutionary nature of the Communist party will use the confidence that it wins parade.
ment when he spoke on his own be black shndows of betrayal, the Lesson No. Expect nothing from the and its apologists in the Lovestone camp, are from the masses to exposelo. An indoor mass meeting is plantinue to fight for their union and laughs of company untou men haunted them.
officialdom of the of and its appointed no less pernicious than the illusions which they she fallacies and falsehoods. On ned with speakers on The 30 Hour build it to greater strength by more The of bureaucracy had agents but the most cynical betrayals coery themselves condemin.
it will agitate against every form Fascism.
negotiated an agreement.
belns more maltinet Inside Story of ing follows the reigning och me Rubber Unions