CommunismEnglandHitlerLeninMarxNazismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers Party

PAGE 7 NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1985 Comments Mass Picketing is Effective in Militant Joins IN THE UNIONS Workers Party On Life, Liberty FERA Workers Strike in Ohio and Pursuit of in Fort Wayne Happiness Radio Workers Are uns been voiced that might. the Newssellers Picket to the nece of workers Party PEACE ON EARTH: In June Fighting For One continues lead to dissention.
Press; Organize amor enterteciperul policies ng membership steadily and the Childing trades. Realistic indus 150 battleships and 5600 planes Nation wide Union clientens ist ein Perleic demand Union; Make Gains srcing these policies in action. am ranks were unable to bear the bur means the unity of the building organization.
By KARL LORE The American Flint which sus, isdiction over loggers, lumbermen kende publication in 1932 after and sawmill workers? Is there any by 23 years of continnous activity, is logical connection? The answer, with ils aunin. It is the organ of submit, is in the negative.
By BILL REICH prevent policy of the. of Ter Comrades, the American Vint Glass Workers Practically the entire membership After careful study and consider unionThe of the Three Unions in One Plant How correct the position of the will maneuver over 50, 000 squnre miles of Pacific Ocean in the most for a unified national organization convinced that the Workers Party den. Improved conditions in the workers. Lumberjacks have no extensive naval games in peace PHILADELPHIA. Some time which by the way is shared by is the force that will really organ union and in the industry generally more place in the carpenters union time history. The government es last year the membership of Radio officers and members of the union On the FERA strike front, the ixe the workers of the United caused the come back.
timates the cost at 1, 250, 000. and Television Workers Federal alike is illustrated by conditions past weck has been one of militant States into a powerful revolutionthan the Sheet Metal Workers, for In July the Japanese navy will Unionism in glass has contrib example, would have in the organLabor Unions 18368 and 18369 suc in the Victor plant in Camden, mass action. Thursday and Friday Aty movement.
play games over the same area. cessfully prevented the of nted interesting and valunble pagesization of the steel workers. The piysical and material from breaking them up into craft The Lovestone Group position to the history of American labor.
where three groups are trying to saw flying squadrons. organized function: a so called Independent ly Frank Buck of the and for the reform of the official Com Glass workers were among the first HUTCHESON.
impossibility of war in the present groups and by their determined union; the Radio and Metalworkers Liens County descend on munist Party and the Third Inter to hoist the banner of actual grave circumstances appears stand succreded in getting federal Union (probably the strongest) and three major work relief projects national leaves only one road open And now witere hus the complete sedative connell motive We need not look for the manifest to all of us, states Pope charters The 1he of The latter, however, and open shop construction Jobs to them and that is the road that Plus XI in the latest encyclical.
Both unions are organized strict seems to be content to wait until on which seabs were being em must, if the line is principally ad 1x on an industrial basis, No. 18368 in the various departments 51 of ployed, and shut them all down hered to lead them back into the ustry. The National Window Glass conclusively proven as in this Ind Carpenters have two representa tives on that august body. TutchGOOD WILL TOWARD MEN: for the Philco plant at Front Street the workers have decided to affili. tight. On two occasions the pickets ranks of the official CP. am of cson, president of the Carpenters is Workers which at one time comDr. Clarence Barbour, President and Allegheny Ave, and No. 18308 te with it and then taking them defied police interference and re the opinion that the official pletely dominated its trade wwas staunch old guarder, and this is of Brown University. asserts for the plant at Street and Alin. With one industrial union in moved shovels from the hands of cannot be reformed and cannot be forced to disland in 1928 because hand of the die hards in the Federan obvious move to strengthen the Such a thing as the crucifixion logheny Avenue, the former having the field on a national scale, that reluctant scals.
ho for rallying the workers the introduction of new machinery could not bappen today. The influ. approximately 1, 600 and the latter organization would represent a real No action ence of Christ life has had an honi 000 members. The healthy power that could not so ensily FERA strike was taken by the emation. And those elements who see oward a state wide loentionary struggle The Workers Party is the neces ship unnecessary.
rench its highly skilled memberthe need for industrial organization elevating effect on the moral lite spirit and sound judgment among trondwinked by the radio interests ergency conference of the state sary force to unite the revolutionhave gone along on the basis of anof all mankind. Says Julius the membership has manifested it. Dor by the o. officialdom Federation of Lahor held in Col ary forces for positive revolutionother horse trading arrangement Stretcher, Naxi Churchman: It! well repwatedly in questions of sati cither, and the latter is perhaps the umbus, Ohio, April This development is all the more should stamp Christ as a Jew Discussionary work and action. The purely GLASS. aries, etc. Later in the year they real reason behind the opposition on the Hoor of the conference on oposition groups have outlived The American Mint Glass Work important because it comes on the would stamp him a criminal realized that in order to be and regainst such a move.
their usefulness.
all matters concerning social legis ers Union is also a craft organiza heels of a report that Inmber work Christ was just as im Jewish as main effective it would be necessary This new and unspoiled blood in lation was limited The recent capitulation of two hours, the, tion. It failure to know in this ars in five western states are preHitler. Karl Marx, the rene. to create a national organization on the radio unions, as well as in ot ber Ende, who never did a tap of work an industrial basis. So they ask groups, with their sound instiner Which prevented the strike from NEC of the the withdrawing last erial is a reflection of that ring to strike. Has Hutcheson of whole states (Indian and Ore being discussed. conference with fundamental weakness in its struc been given the job of controlling in his life; who never believed a the or for at national con for the needs of the day would be Stillman, federal administra son plainly shows the reformisture. It is one of the Inst of the the situation?
plagiarist, who stole all his ideas, fons, including the various indepen the top officials. As a matter of committee from the Joint Action for revolutionists to carry on work card themselves more as social and ional union of their own. Rauek in The lumber workers need a naas you know if you have read his dent groups that have sprung up fact, this new blood might become Committee of the PERA strike, re words, deeries the Rev. John in other places, to discuss the mat. the instrument (especially if other 1990 the Timber Workers Union vealed that the new works relief It is for the reasons that nomie organizations of labor.
Kelly in loving kindness at Calvary ter, which had been organized during industries would experience similar program would not go into effect in pply for membership in the Work Early in 1934 when a number of Baptist Church, New York, of Fakers No Help While on the west coast Sister er arty. hope through the Nderal Labor ons merged with the war, counted ten thousand Workers Party in Fort Wayne to the Window Glass Cutters League members. But It collapsed in 1922 At last a conference was called to the organization, make it a real ollo until June or thereafter.
Widespread disorganization and do my share to unite the revoluto organize the Moderation of In the last yen and a half spon Flat nounces had a dream direct with the of were lett out. und inendentally unseat the swivel confenstone test being revenue antech the tionary forews in the workers Party Gast Workers, the Flint Class place in many sections and the taneons organization has taken In a crusade abonnet Communism. the very aims which the union covered positions. And what could cry by stillman. Substantial in mates for a revolutionary program. Attempt to build a real budustrial workers have reinized into Fed At the time wanted to accomplisl, namely unt le more obnoxious to those great creases in direct relief promised by With Communist greetings HOME SWEET HOME: Since thention of organizations in the union in the industry. The Federal Unious.
If the Lucas about 30 much locals exist.
mou like Bilt Green, Matt Woll, Clarence Benedict, new HAIRY 11. CONNUR tion is the most promising develop, Federation rently wants to do the the depression at least 83. 484 fam dio industry through ONE indus. John Lewis, etc. Once the County relief head, on April Fort Wayne, Ind. ment that has and in this field illes have been forced to double trial mion.
job it will organixe again on the workers recognize these deeper ren during a demonstration of 1, 200 for a long time. Its roots are in up, in Pittsburgh according to a The conference, which took place sons for the constant sabotage of workers massed inside the relief the giant plants of the industry and chosen by the workers themselves.
war time is with a leadership recent survey. Cinemaet ress in Icember to Buffalo, decided to their work by the of Loth headquarters, have since been de Spartacus Starts spirit Rrems to be militant.
Colleen Moore doll house costly to the of for a charcials, they will also see their way mied. Benedict stated on the fol 135, 000 to construct. It is fitted to for. National Organization and clear for further and even more de lowing day that he had misunder.
National Tour LUMBERMEN.
with every convenience known to to make a decided effort to organ termined action.
stood the new regulations and The Brewery Workers Union of selence. More than 10, 000, 000 ive the industry. Again the great Fight Inside the of that increases will go into effect There is a good deal of loose Portland, Oregon has been barred homes in the 11. are not equipped moguls of the of showed Any attempt to seccle from the only for work relief. This increase The following is the itinary of thinking in the labor and radical from membership by the Central with bnths. John Rockefeller their backwardness when they op of is wrong and must be is bribe to some of the mem. Nathan Gould. National Secretary movement on the subject of induslabor Council on the ground that recently donated 2, MHO to erect such a move on the grounds opposed by all really progressive ployed to get them to return to of the Spartache Youth League often been to create structures that the juriul tettonal decision of the the union has refused to abide by a gothie rice in New York to that the radio unions had not sufli and militant forces. Rather a de VERA Jobs and break the strike. APRIL house historie relies of the cient funds. But they were very termined light must be put up by Announcement was made today Philadelphia 20, 21, 22, were so twieldy that they broke last iwo conventions of the of mick to ask for the regular assess the progressive elements to keep that 156 salaried flunkies, attached. 800, 000 people in New York State College 23 dow of their own weight. Indus. The Brewery Imion, they charge, still live in miserable tenements ments to the of the pinion on the militant course on to the Luens County work relief trial unionism does not mean Pittsburgh 24, 25 luis boycotted breweries which declared illegal since 1962. Tand The workers are beginning to which it started. The demand for administrative start, have been Youngstown, Ohio 20. 27. 28 29 merge organizations which have no maintained agreements with other lords im Wilmington, Delaware stiut wonder whnt afiliation with the a charter for a national organislashed from the payrolls as the real reason for being together. Regional Conference 27. 28. labor organizations. Alvaney of the water of 79 destitute tam of is good for if they cannot tion must be pressed with all means strike has left them with nothing Cleveland 30, May It is even more puzzling when Johnson, grand mogel of the Broth ilies when relief authorities refused set any aid from it in organizing at the dishwal of the unions. The to do. All those fired had been MAY the executive Council of the Ameri erhood of locomotive Engineers, to appropriate money for rent. the industry. Why could not the industrial character of the union holding down their jobs as a result Columbus 2, 3, can Federation of labor pulls a luis won reverxal of his convie. of RC some of its ample must preserved. The member of political tie ups, while tens of Toledo tim of this kinel. Those gentlemen tion of having misimlied funds of BLESSED ARE THE LITTLE Ctomtertake such a driver ship must guard constantly against thousands of worthy relief clients Detroit, Mich 7, have shown themselves in the past the defunct Standard Trust ComCHILDREN: Pamilies on relief The motion of the of introduction of customary of and unemployed were in need of Chiengo, 111. 10, 11, 12, 13 (Rex few months to be anything but many. He was Chairman of the produce 250, 000 children ammually.
retrats that the unions must go methods of collaboration with work.
ional Conference 11, 12. friendly to industry organization. Bonre. The United Textile. Jean Leopold Duplan, hend of ont and organize their own men the bosses, building a reactionGillespie 15. 16.
The whole trend, in fact, has been Workers is sending a truck equip.
Pennsylvania largest silk mill pager resources and after which the ary machine inside the union.
News Boys Organizing St. Louis, Mo. 17.
in the other direction. Why there. ped with lond sinking apparatus triotically beasts: founded my of will graciously deign to There is only one way that will The Joint Action Committee, Kann City 18, 19, fore, did the last session of the ex. Through the Southern states to all company in 1998 when saw hun It then pay their per capita dues lead the workers to victory deter following a mass meeting held in Phoenix, Ariz. 29. 23 ecutive unelt grant the Brother their organization campaign in dreds of healthy childre ll coming is rightfully looked upon with scorn mined, militant ACTION.
the Central Labor Union hall Sat Los Angeles, Calil 24, 25, 26, 27 Rool of Carpenters and Joiners jur. Dixie.
ont of the doors of schools. In les urday afternoon, April 6, of which (Regional Conference 26. take this than two years we had two thouArt Prels, organizer for the Toledo members and friends Fresno, Cal. 28 branch of the was chairman, San Francisco 20, 30, 31, June the looms. brought occupation threw a mass picket line of 200 JUNE: tant circulation as one of the first for the hands of girls and womenabout the offices of the Toledo Salt Lake City, UtahLeads Sub Drive for most important ones. He called folk. The National Education News Bee and Toledo Blade, lead Minneapolis, Minn.
Association reports that 3, 000, 000 ing capitalist dailies here. Occa Chicago, Il1. 11, 12, 13.
Sinds. Only you in the field can children, one eighth of the total Detroit, Mich. 29, 30, YOUNSTOWN has made excel make this plan a reality. The school population, suffers from de By BILL STREETER plans of the committee for stil meeting that members of the News JULY: lent progress in the past week. Eround work must be done nowfective eyesight. Malnutrition The first regional conference of further expansion and summer Merchants Union, employed by the Toronto, Canade 2, 3, With a score of 90 at this writing nickly. This time next week should among school children has increased the Spartacus Youth league con work.
publishing concerns for street sell Bufalo, and the prospects of 100 by the wee hundreds of new subs and The report on New York City hy ing, had been fred by both papers 30 percent since the beginning of cluded its sessions last Sunday time this is printed it puts to shame pledge in the business Office the depression. At prescut 18. portion of a district committee for night with a hotly contested elec. Comrade Streeter took up the act that morning for union organizaMAY DAY RALLY Buch active centers as New York. To the branches which are ahead cent of American school children the New England district. From in relation to the decisions of the severely beaten by two thugs emivity of the five New York branchestion and one member had been and SOCIAL Chicago, Boston, Toledo, Detroit on the drive keep up the good are undernourished.
Dancing. Skits. Refreshments There latter are still active in work. Elfort is needed every day the opening remarks by Comrade National Convention on building ployed by the News Bee.
Saturday, April 27, at P. bringing up the rear.
of the week. To those which have LABOR: Chevrolet Motors is reStreeter to the adjournment and broad revolutionary youth orgEfforts of street corner newsPresentation of May Day Banner Allentown has also forged abend been behind wake up!
warding 24 loyal and faithful the singing of the International, anization. It was pointed out that by Workers Party to at and now stands at 44.
workers averaging 71 years of age the central note of the whole con the New York membership has per sellers, the most exploited West 15th Street, The list up to date follows: with free trip to Washington, force was an enthusiastle reco grown steadily and that it is now group of workers in the city, to GOOD WHAT TOATTEND ADMISSION 150 to visit shrines. The snition of the phenomenal growth predominantly composed of young organize into a union have been ation Ans: Spartacus Youth League Yommstown 914 of the League and of our prospects workers: results of a NIRA Labor Board 74 working and un met by all types of Plenty wood 50 elections up to March 15 show 67 for the future. Delegates from ontmployed, and 20 student. The and terror in the most two weeks.
FAIR New York City of town branches and from New industrial, educational, cultural Commissions and bonuses from Just Off the Press percent of the workers in favor of Allentown 44 April 20, Saturday P.
bona fide trade unions and only 30 York alike listened with real sat and other activities were dealt with sales paid to these men average not The Suppressed Akron 40 West 15th Street. third floor. percent in favor of company un isfaction as Comrade Gould, Nation and were claborated by delegates more than per week. The TESTAMENT OF LENIN Cincinnati 4004 Spring Frolic and Chess Exhibition.
of has refused a charter to the al Secretary, reported that in the in the discussion ions. Majority rule in colleeDavenport 4094 Jazz! hot drinks. If yon don tive bargaining is American and four months since our first national Reports were heard from New news merchants on the grounds With two explanntory articles St. Louis 094 dance, there will be an exhibition of unethient, states Harriman. convention in December the number ark. New Inven, Allentown and that no provision has been made by LEON TROTSKY onisville 40 simultaneous chers by a well known President of the wited States of branches had grown from twelve hiladelphin on the problems and for this particular type of worker, 100 ench 00 per undred Minneapolis 378 player. All who wish to participate Chamber of Commerce.
Minis. to twenty five and the membership activities confronting their respect and besides they could not afford Worcester 300 should reserve wards immediately to pay dues. Bill Prior, jumped from 175 to 420: an in ive localities, ters Union. Local No. has ap Salt Lake City 30 ly enl ing Fred Nash. XX8.
organizer and rep crease of 144.
plied for membership in the AF WHICH PARTY FOR THE Comrade Larry Cohen, represent. member, who POOR April 26, Friday, 8:30 Ameri.
of The city of Bethlehern, Pa.
Comrade Gould. National Secing the New York District of the resentative for the news merch AMERICAN WORKERS?
Philadelphia 22 ca Role in the Coming War.
recently purchased three armored retary. explained how the workers Party reported to the con ants, spoke before the Central LaCharleston 20 Tietters to Worker Correspondent Swaker: Max Shuchtman. Sunny ad taken hold of the organference on the work and function bor Unton delegate meeting Inst police cars.
New Haven 20 maid Auditorium, 277 Kingston Ave.
izaion from the first day, how the ing of the party, He dealt extens. Thursday night and secured a unby MUSTE VERY POOR (near Kastern Parkway. Brooklyn THE STATE OF THE NATION: first month had been spent on dev ively with the relations of the animous vote of the to back 5c each 50 per hundred San Francisco 15 Auspices: Platbush Branch Relief workers in Lee County, Ala: Iloping and consolidating a nation Party to the Spartacus, and an this new newssellers union 100 PIONEER PUBLISHERS New York 125 April 27, Sat. evening Dance by receive weekly. Francis al apparatus. The National Com. swered many of the questions raised physically, morally and financial 96 Fifth Avenue, Boston 129 be Marbush Branch at Cordoba Davis, chairman of the United itself into bureau of publica very favorably received.
mittee then proceeded to turn by the delegates. His report was ly.
Gulfport 21 Hall, 12 Crown St. Brooklyn (near States Rubber Co. receives a sal As a result of the picket line Toledo 124 Franklin Ave. All Brooklyn comary of 125. 000 annually. an intions for internal information and The first regional conference of Saturday, April 6, the circulation WORKERS Newcastle 10 rades urged to attend and bring the Spartacus Youth League, by the managers of both papers met with crease of 18, 000 over his 1931 sal. the building up of an organizationPaterson their friends.
10 Protect Yourselves Against the al understanding among the mem healthy and active character of its Bill Prior and the News Merchants ary. One year ago Jay Pugh of os Angeles 98 April 26, Friday, 8:30 Open ForHazards of Life, Join the bers. He went on to present the discussion, by the promising reports Union committee today, and made Lincoln, Nebraska, was sentenced to RO Chicago um: The Danger of War and the Se of the delegates, and by the election an agreement to reinstate at once WORKMEN SICK AND DEATH serve two years for stealing bread years. Hungry. William Ackers of a district committee to carry all union men fired, to pay medical Cleveland European Arms Situation. Speak to feed his children.
700 St. Louis er: Ludwig Lore. Branch nt its Upon being of Syracuse, stole two chick out the plans and perspectives laid bills and compensation to the union parolled le stole 100 is of coal to ens. He was given a 24 year prison down, makes a determined and de man who was beaten up, and to reNewark new headquarters, 4:20 191h St.
Kansas City May Ant. 8:30 PM. Branch hent his home. He must return to sentence. George Horace Lorl finite step towards its goal of befrain from any further victimiza Organized, managed by and for prison to fish the first sentence mer receives 100. 000 per year for coming a broad, mase revolutionary tion or discrimination against union workers with only one parpose: to Pittsburgh 596 Housewarming and Dance. At new. Haxel Forbes, 24 year old denti vilting the Saturday Evening Post. youth organization Columbus headquarters, 420 East 19th Street.
frice heirs, has an income of. The Metropolitan Life Insurmen.
Detroit Everyone invited.
render protection to members and 000 day EVEN WORSE Minneapolis The average anee Co. paid nearly 5, 000, 000 in amount of direct relief in the uicide claims in 1934. This was their families, and to support None of the following have been May 1, Wed. P. May Day Is 66 per family per week. In 500. 000 less than the peak year onder vors and struggles for the heard from: Celebration at Branch Headquar.
Kentucky the average is only 45 of 1932. Ellward Rybicki of improvement of tollers.
Biloxł. Buffalo. Dickson City ters, 631 3rd Ave. Grant Dunne, per family. On April 18 the the New York Department of Labor Wayne. ola. Moun Car principal paker, Social hour and mel. Oakland. Springfield, Stann. refreshments to follow. Adm. 150 Treasury paid 375, 000, 000 hax drawn up plans for transport350 branebes. Reserves 400. 00 Interest to holders of 43 Liberty ing destitute Harlem Negroes back ton, Throon. Washington. Winston Wednedeny evenings at PM. Bonds. Prof. Giacchino Pulom to the South. Mechanical cot Saturday Evening, April 20th Death Benefit graded according to Salen. Waukegan Champaign, Regular Public Lactures on workage at entry. Sick Benefit Pay Virden ba, honor graduate of the Universton pickers are developed to such ing claxs problems at Branch lead ity of Milan And former teacher in a stage that they could efficiently ments from 360 to 900 to me: There is no excuse for such neg quarters. 31 3rd Ave. Admission the Union City, high school. displace two or three million human WEST 15th STREET (Third Floor)
and women, according to clasa lect and it is about time that all free.
died of starvation, being too proud cotton pickers in the South.
Monthly assessments from 45e to down should get busy measuring up those from the top of very poor New Haven to ask for relief.
Auspices. New York District Membership, of the William Things seem to have gone back 20.
April 24, Wednesday P.
to the standards set by the branches. Muiste will speak on Coming Lewis, president of the Owens 11 since went away, says Charles DANCING Admission 250 CRESS For further information apply to at the top of the list.
Inois Glass Co. Increased his sal. Schwab upon returning from a Labor Struggles and the Also ary from 59. 000 to 100, 000 in two ninth stay on the Riviera.
Mein Omee: In last week issue Comrade Julius Bert man on Why left the 714 Seneca Ave, Brooklyn, Muste directed an appeal to all At Fraternal Hall, 19 Elm St.
Youngstown Br. ask of ungmenting the New Mili.
en First Regional Conference of SYL Marks Real Progress 1884 1985 Spring Frolic and Chess Contest hont 60. 000 members oren ataca