NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 18 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1935 PRICE CENTS Labor MarshallsForces forBannerMayDay Raw Deal Put Over In Akron The Betrayal in Rubber And the Road Ahead Eight Are Union Turnout to Sentenced Be Biggest in Years On Coast First May Day Finds Workers Party in Workers Party Unions in Mein tion red collective Resentment Is Bitter Over 110, 000 Out in a slicula not be sentenced Trickery of Settlement Student Strike Against War BY JAMES CANNON which left the rubber workers bewildered and Forefront of Important Labor Battles Green Co. Surpass vanizing work and preparation the rubber task of the hour. The rest will follow.
AKRON, April 15. After 18 months of or helpless at the decisive inomnent. This is the Two Refuse Mercy; All Records For By MUSTE workers went to Washington to get union rec As in the case of nearly all of the new mass ognition, the 30 hour week and the abolition of unions which have sprung up in the past two Scorn Court in All reports about May Buy preparations indicate that more Ameri Treachery the company unions, They came back with the years, the mass of the members at Akron, incan workers and more trade imions will particule in deinonstructions recognition of the company unions, no mention cluding even the best elements of the local leadSpeeches this yer than ever fore. These workers are more militant, more free By ART PREIS of the 30 hour week and a pledge, signed by crship, entertained the greatest illusions about from blusions, more in the mood for new advestures than at any AKRON, April 14. The great their representatives, to surrender the strike the policy and role of the government in the SACRAMENTO. Cal The eight vions period. For the Workers Party of the observing its first strike involving 35. 000 Akron rub weapon while the courts dispose of their case situation. They thought the government was militant workers who were convict May my this is the most significant feature of this year celebration.
ber workers, which was to set the and the rubber production season slides down on their side and depended on it to help them. Im were sentenced for indetermin. Its meaning must be clearly wnderstood. It must be tied to the spark to the 1935 wave of strike to its low point.
This was a fatal miscalculation which ought ate terms of one to fourteen years fullest extent in all species and discussions on May Day, as well as struggles in America, is over before It was a deliberate, cold blooded betrayal to be clear enough now.
by Judge Dal Lammon last Saturister betrayal of organisl labor by the auto, steel and textile run around all over The policy of the government all along has day, after he had denied a motion to all our work in the ensuing months. Thalf century ago American William Green and his lieutenants. agnin, with fancy trimmings. Scientific treach been to stail and delay action, involve the for a new frial.
The Judge refused to consider the workers, onged in desperate and roup of militant progressives. Cry reached its peak in the experience of the workers in a labyrinth of hearings, appeals and davl of juror Howard McIntire, dramatic struggles for the eightour clay. maile the First of May a few weeks, led the opposition bat rubber workers, but in the furious reaction of negotiations, and paralyze the preparations obtained by the In when Jabor holiday. The idea was taken ile and, only after bours of desper the rank and file to this perfidy if it is harn for a decisive battle until the peak of the pro he swore that the verdict was not To March With 11p. few years later by workers in ate lighting, was defented by the essed to a searching analysis of its technique duction sontson had passed. Then, at the de. the expression of the jury actual other countries and presumably better organized official machine. there is the making of a powerful movement cisive moment, Madame Perkins misused the compromise, a horse trade.
May Day became the International which finally showed through the for genuine unionism which can set the pace for confidence of the workers to shift the scene Agreement by a series of deceptive the entire country. As view the affidavit, said the Labor Day of the 118 sociations manenvers and outright railroading, away from the picket line to Washington. udge it means absolutely nothwhich gather round May Day An open struggle on the picket lines the There the stage was all set and the infamous to me the furor is prvelnded from May Day United Frontserternationalism, revolution This progressive tendency, which anti militarism. class solidarity, has been greatly strengthened and only place where any of the new unions can Concluded in Other ary of the working clarified by the events of the last really be consolidated and recognized. is what they wanted with the government, sal opinion of the jury foreign matneid not sponk here. hours will find clear to lie out of the question at present: the strike has on it. No wonder they are jubilant. TG ter in a courtroom!
Cities Before the Crisis Graham, Goodrich vice president, said: The Those sentenced were at Chambeld by the Akron branch of the been knocked in the head as effectively as May Day ceased, however, to be Caroline Tecker, Norman April 17, at which James Nuggers at the stock yards, armed with sledge. Agreement puts everything back in the same is: Mini. Lorene Norman, Jack Crane.
The Workers arty and the observed generally by the American their workern. For at time, in certain of Martin Wilson erons und Supportera ein neuem the larger citior, foreign speaking and outline the next stews in the unions are dizzy from the cruel blows which ence. He was right, and so was Harold, and Norn Conklin.
The Game of Delays have been dealt to them in the past weck end, Goodrich union delgoate to the Central Labor Refuise Probation front of their headquarters, Tom demonstrate in consider Wext 15th Street, for the huge ale mbers: Innt eren they be The impwing of the treaclierous but they are not dend by a long shot. The roar Union, when he said: The agreement doesn Lorne Norman and Norman Mini May First parade and demonstracame in large measure apathetic agreement upon the rubber workers of militant protest und denunciation, which give us a thing.
who both received a recommendaduring the hectie boom friod from This section of the parade and the breaking of the strike by rose from the floor at Sunday menibership But the most important feature of this tion from the jury refused to ask will he lendled by eight large period Americal workers shunned 1924 on. In the main during this the E. of officinldom followed for probation before the judge.
and the a carefully designed course. The meetings, is the sign of unconquerable vitality, Strike, which has been looming for the promise of recovery from the crucl defeat. fact that the government put it over, just as agreement that doesn give us a thing is the feel. said lorene Norman, en party and the Spartacus Youth May Day. They Ilieved the prothat an application for probation League.
pa ganult of the ho press and of eighteen months ist, was delayed This will take time. What is possible right the government put over similar deals on the would be an idmission of guilt, Besides the general slogans of their own reactionary trade union months after month on the urging now, and what is needed, is a searching inquiry auto steel and textile workers. This is the therefore will make none in this the united front, numerous other leaders that Max Day was for of the of Officials, even into the entise of the defcat; a probe of the or any other court.
iloats and slogans are being jure ly defined the rulings of the Na complicated system of maneuvers and tricks (Continued on Page 4)
Norman Mini. after sumimarily jured. The Spartacus Youth League who did not appreciate the fact refusing apply for prolation was in uniform will march along with that the American working class tional Labor Relations Board that asked the question whether the Workers Party. Workers Party was something unique and led a an election be held on the matter he could advance any reason why May Day buttons are alrendy being charmed life of perpetual prosper of representation for old. special May Day manifesto ty mder special brand of cap italisin. 15A, model.
bargaining When the government Yes, he said. Our standing In being issued by the National The crisis has put period to all further demonstrated its unwilling here is no nccident. Our conviction Committee.
ness or inability to enforce its own IN the logic of the class struggle. Ten thousand copies of the that. It is clear that there is nothruling, these officials continued to But the same class struggle that re special May issue of the New ing unique about American capitalpoint to the government as the sults in our conviction will some Militant will be sold and distributism. clear certainly that it leads agency from which union recogni part of Goodrich workers walked out cursday generate an irresistible wave ell along the love of march. no charmed life. As a decline, tion might be secured instead of Inside Story of the in, looking lout and humiliated that will sweep everything this band has been secured, which world capitalism it is in to the mass strength and militant Claherty had won over the Battle in Rubber court and this state represents will liven up this section of the and in its decline brings untold sufaction of the workers.
trongest local union.
Unions Last Minute Promises Spartacus Youth League way forever.
With this knowledge rade, and along with the other fering on the masses who in this The Rout at Firestone Following an overwhelming vote we can face our sentences confident features will make the Workers and of boundless resources and an Firestone was next. Shouts of Plays Militant Role. because we know that the fu Party Spartacus Youth section and have in five brief years seen thelr surpassed productive machinery by the unions last week in favor By JACK WILSON Letrayer, sell ont, down with the in Demonstrations fure belongs to us.
of strike, a last hour course of delenonstration. of bitter threats, more curges Friends and supstandard of living cut in halt.
The railroading of the sell out and cloquent speeches by progreslay was pursued by the of porters of the party are asked to Rising magnificently at the first leaders in order to give the forces Terkins, Secretary of Labor and won walk out and you boys can Schools and colleges all over the igreement arranged by Francis sives but to no avail. Goodrich NEW YORK. April 12. 110. 000 American of the pational government and the AF. of renucracy on do it alone. Why not be sensible. country engaged in the second and Xtudents from high NUL is Active semble at the headquarters earlis wortunity the American workers local press a chance to get into Organizations Represented great advances in organization and full play. Every effort to set a Akron big three rubber workers Thruout Ohio The Workers Party is represented Ponght a series of important batdefinite strike date was deliberately more Inter. Three hours of this web out the excentive committee of the thes. the course of these strugbrushed aside. While still urging Lotusy auto code agreement or any and the Firestone workers gave up history. nited May Day Labor Conference, les one illusion after another bas the workers to prepare for action. liam Green to President Roosevelt partial list of the demonstrabeen ruthlessly dissipated.
made np of representatives of the ALLIANCE, Ohio, April 16Pour leading trades unions, Socialist tions showa 000 at Brooklyn ColThe New Dent has not brought the officials implanted in the minds Goodyenr workers were better lege 000) at Columbia. 4, 000 at hundred stark County Unemployed arty. Workmen Circle back prwrity. The dont as to of the inexperienced union members and his other agents of capitalism.
the belief that a strike might still Twenty workers at the Goodyear your days ago the progressives City College 000 unter Collongners forces through coal orders, Comunist Party (Opposition. etc. whether capitalism can be reformed be averted and that the demands ocul walked out, balf sick, hall ralized what would be done. They lose at Chicago University, Wire to Governor Davey demanding which meets regularly every sat is iting deep into the minds of the for union reeognition might be se crying, Saturday. April 13, when began organizing for fight. 000 Ohio State. 000 at Wes coal in 24 house: or vle! Davey urday at in the Council Room workers cured through the intervention of they received report that Green, ports of the Goodrich meeting came upiece at Minnesuta. Michigan, torn Reserve, about two thousand sent coal!
of the International Ladies GarShort. ut Proves la Trap The XRA proveul not to be a Francis Perkins and the prossure Coleman Claherty (his rubber or in and Inflamed the workers. The topkins, Penn State, West Virgin ment Workers nion at West 16th of the government.
sanizer) and the Goodyear, Good meeting began at the same time as WAYNESBURG, Ohio. April St. Plans for making this year magic gate to union organization.
As late as twelve hours before the rich and Firestone local presidents Firestone Regular business took in. Cornell, Princeton, etc. etc. Lucal No. Stark County Unem May Day parade and demonstra The conviction that it is neless to signing of the actual agreement, had signed an agreement in Wash an hour and then John House, have 10 list of the various high waynesburg The workers, mass York, were pushed forward at the tion or tunny capitalist govern These among the colleges alone. We moyed Leagne supporting strike option the largest ever held in New lexik to the Roosevelt administraClaherty and other organizers bola ington which cave away the right president read the agreement.
ly proclaimed through the press to strike. didn abolish the com. progressive from the rear im. schools, but in New York City the picketing defying injunetion. Other last meeting of this emittee, bela ment to give genuine support to that they would agree to nothing many mions and left all jurisdiction mediately made a motion to repud figure runs into many thousands Ngu wind pickets For union Naturday, April 13 Rekts of fighting imong going ground.
less than an election conducted by in labor disputes to a government inte the agreement signed. House united front committee which was The Student Strike Committee a recognition committees on publicity manifesto, Trade union leaders. committed the Department of Labor off the board, not yet selected and having ruled it ont of order and said the directing the strike, por el millslogans, organization, etc. etc. were to cooperation with the bosses COLUMBUS, Ohio. April 11 given.
and the government, Bell companies properties, in which no power to enforce its decisions.
approach would have to be a posthe companies would unconditional Nothing Is Too Low tant course, fighting all attempts Ohio Unemployed Lengne organiza The plan calls for two huge maront strikes, we seen to be enoper itive motion.
ly recognize the group securing the While company union men jubi.
of the authorities either to outlaw tion campaign on the way: six sides, one starting from 15th Std ating indeed to keep the loss on Bold Faker the strike. or at least to convert it county conventions in six days. taking in all unions political par topind the workers under and majority vote. It cannot be doubt lantly said, Why it gives them Then barrage by progressives into rlor rence discussions.
ed that the terms of the final set nothing. and the rubber barons placed throughout the ball sent Truar, president OUI. at conven ties, and fraternal organizations that won sinks in.
tleinent were well known to Green, smiled, an aroused rank and file tone scurrying to cover.
In New York the high school tions of Auginize, Putnam. Wil meeting in that territory. The other In the presence of such harsh Claberty and Co, even while these prepared to fight the trencherous bust any guy in the face that says intimidated in an attempt to kill Says Truax. Other conventions in ll students were muzzled, bullied and liams. Wood. Hancock counties, will form up in the dress market realities hunk loves its hold. The nisleading statements were being betrayal in the Sunday meetings. want this agreement or that the strike. mits and line. State will le organized solid: 101h and will comprisel bunk of the inilitarists and supermade to disarm the workers and But they didn know to what slepths sold out. You boys decide this, school unrdx harrel doors, leaflet no time to loose.
the bulk of the workers in the patriots. The birk of the red dre trade. Both parades will end intitors The learst campaign has Jeave them unprepared for the last the Imreaucrats would stoop in an he temporized.
crushing blow effort to smash the strike. They distributors were rushed hy footin a monster mass meeting at the faller flat among the workers. The We ve had 18 months of boards. ball and ritte teams, adrested by found out.
NEW LEXINTON, Ohio. April 15. Mall in. entral lark Plays Claherty Game of bureaucracy got no This is full of loop holes, Claberty police and suspended by school an. The Perry County Unemployed where with new angle was the role of the Strikers to Participate its latest attempt to Claberty, reduced and shifting has betrayed us. This means pro horities, Communist Party in the Akron be. unensily from foot to foot, had portional representation. We won the dentonstrators engaged in bat eting closing down all projects. Ianyes, thousands of placards, and fact they themselves have to try At Tarvard and Chiengo Langue on strike today. Mans pick Flonts luy the score, dozens of oust radicals from the unions. In trayal. During the last and most searcely finisheil reading the 80Critical days lending up to the de called agreement when a rank and or Francis Perkins. progressives dents.
want to depend on the government les with hands of reactionary stu Against cut from 50 to the per one hundred thousand marchers now to put on a radical cover.
bacle, the in effect collaborated filer At Goodrich, shouted, Where argued while the Goodyear workers The size and militancy of the tion. The unemployed answer the est and most coorful May Day par home that that will convince the They collaborate with Socialiste, hour. For new rolle administra are expected to make this the larg with the of officials, and you get the guts to bring back that cheered them on.
strike this year marks a definite Roosevelt wage ent program with ade in the history of New York. workers that they are progres in return for an indirect endorse god dazoned sell out to us? to the recognized progressive leader step in advance for the American mass action.
ment from the of leaders thunderous applause of other work got up. He took the agreement from student movement.
The International Ladies Garment Nive HR anybody. On occasion An unfortunate withheld all criticism of the obvi. ers. More criticism was burled as House hands. He could barely feature, however, which can only Workers Inents are providing bands. emagogues collaborate, at FORT WAYNE. Arnold Johnson, pennants, arm bands and banners in effect. with communists, ous step by step course of treachery. Claherty retreated and finally sat nk be was so indignant. He be overcome hy further education Secretary of the National Unem for their marchers. The Amalgan di Coleman (laherty in Akron The non aggression pact with a down apparently defeated.
vengeance henchmen then began their work. It not worth a damn. This is made was the distinctly pacifist any, April 12. Over 200 listened them. Unions in the fond, the strike!
His threw the agreement on the floor, on the basis of the advance already ployed League. spoke here on Frimated Clothing Workers are ont to recently when he was willing out Claherty, Bul Green personal Smooth tongues argued, we must what think of it. Shouts of ap nature of the demonstrations. attentively as Johnson outlined the milding and other industries promagent and chief figure in the be support our leaders, and similar proval encouraged him. then the In only a few schools and col program of the The Allen ise a xplendid turnont. Five thouRalical Thought Gaining trayal, was several times played up blather. It seemed to do little telephone rang. Firestone boys tege where the Spartacus was ac. County is reorganizing and a sand striking National The workers in ever increasing in the Daily Worker during the past good. vote was called About are giving in, looks like they ll ap. tive did the demonstrations present state convention of the is workers and their families will radical solutions for thelr problem.
Biscuit numbers are becoming interested in week in militant role. His state one third of the Goodrich workers prove the agreement. The speaker the real cause of war, and the rev being called in June. Harry Conform one of the most important They will march this May Day ment that he was not going to raised their hands in approval. The almost bawled; other progressives olutionary solution for it.
fight the communists, etc. was chairman said: It evidently has became sick in the pits of their anti war work must and will see has announced that an intensive thousand copies of a May Day man. Workers arty, with other parties side with the Future ner, the president of the sections of the march. One hundred prondly side by passed. No negative vote was an expansion of the revolutionary drive is to be made in Northern (Continued on Page 4) taken after the meeting was over (Continued on Page 4) clement.
Indiana in the next three weeks. Continued on Page Continged on Page 4)
unions this week put to shame the thie is just foothold, we ll get Targest intiwar strike in American Re He won.