AntifascismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMussoliniNazismPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

15 Points of Father Coughlin LEFT JABS of labor.
MATUIDAY, APRIL 13, 1935 NEW MILITANT PACE a complete victory. The social democrats and NEW MILITANT the so called communists merely echo the diswith which is morged satisfaction of the conquerors when they hail THE MILITANT this incomplete victory is a defeat. This attiPublished weekly by the Workers Party of the tude betrays the miserable slavishness and West 18th Street, New York City Phone: Algonquin 9058 helpless prostitution of their position. They Analysis of Program of Detroit Priest Reveals Fascist exult in the fact that the victors haven gobbered as pocond class mall matter at the Pout once bled them up altogether.
Trend in Fundamental Aims and Method New York, under the set of March 8, 1879.
This Changing World And how did they fare in the elections? The The average Stalinist must stand JAMAS CANNON.
reports say: the social democrats held their in awe as he views the vast changes. Mitor HARRY HOWE. Associate Editor own and the communists lost. That is far Ry DAN EASTMAN remedy indeed. As for nationaliza) boards to supplant unionism en in his own world. The social HAWTHORNE WINNER. Bulness Manager more indicative for the international working The platform of Father Cough tion of natural resources: what tirely. That is what he calls pro fascist of yesterday is the class class than the camouflage of a Nazi defeat lin League For Social Justice are natural resources? In an inter. tection brother of today. The of SUBSCRIPTION RATES with which these two miserable bankrupts try Liberty of conscience and ed view Father Cougblin admitted Point No. 10 Necall of non pro company and fasolst unions beIs the United States 00 per year: 68e six months to cover up the fact.
ucation Canada and Foreign. 50 per year; 00 six months.
that he did not include mines Inductive bonds: another higgling come militant workers organiza living annual wage.
natural resources, By natural re financial reform. He speaks of tions. Red revolutionary unions Bundle kutes: Two cents per copy.
Coming after the show of abject impotence they displayed in the Saar, the revolutionary currency, and natural resources. Nationalization of banking sources, it seems Father Coughlin the heresy that profits or interest are buried with Browder slogan mends those natural resources should be gained from non produc seize the ware houses. The unitVol. SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1935 No. 17 workers can only be strengthened in their de Private ownership of all other which are already in public bands: tive borrowings, such as war and ed front from below is as dead as termination to rid themselves of these two property.
water works, generating stations, relief bonds. Just how the govern the dodo. The labor party which parties of illusion and betrayal. Without Control of private property etc.
ment would raise money for reller yesterday was denounced as a deNo offense Intended Spotlight on Akron it it did not issue bonds and paylusion and a snare, is now the road falling prey to despair they will unfailingly for public good. Government banking.
Point No. 4Private ownership Interest on them Father Coughlin to revolution, etc. etc. In Soviet draw the only conclusion left for fighters: To Congressional control coin of all other property: does not mention. Perhaps from diplomatic affairs it is even worse WILL the rubber workers strike? American prepare for real struggle against Fascism and are Father Coughlin bastens to re silver speculation, inflation Sir Austin Chamberlain, who yes8. Cost of production plus a assure the capitalists that he has Point No. 11 Abolition of tax terday was the very symbol of Im.
Feverish preparations are reported from straining every force toward the speedy creafair profit for agriculture, no intention of appropriating their free bonde: Whatever might be the periallst hatred of the Soviet UnAkron the elements of a small scale civil war are present. The situation is loaded with Labor unions under govern factories, mines or forests under value of this measure, let it be re ion, is now quoted approvingly by tion of the Fourth International.
ment protection.
the head of nationalization. corded that Fatber Coughlin has Soviet leaders. God save the dynamite not only for Akron but for the 10. Recall non productive Poinnt No. Control of private not besitated to invest in tax free King is played in Moscow in honor bonde, prope tire country.
public good: Father bonds, as we have already men of Captain Edex, arch conservative 11. Abolition of tax free bonds. Coughlin runs back to reassure the lioned in connection with the ac leader of the British Tory fascist If the 30, 000 rubber mill slaves break the Reversion to Type 12. Social taxation.
workers that the private property count of his speculations in 1938. government. These rapid changes chains then the first major strike battle of the 13. Simplification of government. he has just granted to the capital Point No. 12 Social taxation are reported to have affected year will shatter the illusory peace of 1935. COMING events cast their shadow be 14. Conscription of wealth in ists will be controlled for public What is social taxation? If Father Bronx Stalinist to such an extent Next to the textile strike it will be the biggest war.
good. By a new NRA perhaps. Conghlin means income taxes he that he was found in front of the Those who lived through the pre war days single struggle under the New Deal. The first 15. Human rights preferred to Point No. Government bank might say so. Of course he doesn Prospect Workers Club raising his strike in a basic industry, Akron will give the being stirred again well know how true this and today watch the witches cauldron of war property rights.
ink: This is just repetition of mean any such thing, in fact he glass to the health of His Brittannic Consummate Hypocrisy point No. 3, for what reason wel doesn mean anything at all. By Majesty, Earl Browder and our own signal and point the way to the workers in aphorism is. Point No. Liberty of con don know, unless Father Coughlin social taxation he hopes capitalista beloved leader, King George.
automobile and possibly steel. Courage and will know he memng sales taxes and audacity in rubber and the million headed laWith equal force these words apply to the who stands for liberty of conscience to pod out his platform with repescience and education: catholic ran out of harmless planks and had workers will think be means. Diplomatie Dress social democracy.
come taxes. gag to fool the scis Reports of the Berlin visits of bor movement will follow the lead in a move being prepared again and the official apology. Is unalterably and everlastingly op Point No. Congressional control ser bill, and nothing more.
The betrayal of 1914 is is a hypocrite. The Catholic Church Litions Sir John Simon and Captain Eden ment which will spread like wild fire against posed to liberty of conscience, as of colnage. Repetition of point Simple Government and the visits of the latter to Mos.
the NRA.
now, unlike the pre 1914 days, is ready long the Spanish Inquisition, which tore, No Shona When Father Cough. Point No. 13 Simplification of cow and Warsaw are covered in The Akron workers are long suffering, pain advance of the outbreak of war.
racked and tortured men for their lin gets hold of an idea he uses it government. The simplest form of great detall in newspapers every tient until they can no longer endure it. Labor The latest issue of the New Leader carries beliefs, bears witoess.
for all its worth: Congresional government, we remark. is dicta where. Apparently not in the words boards, regional and national decisions and ler. This caption is a direct quotation from fronte de la toolice and a close friend congress debes in the mettere for modis of the diplomats but in their dress As for liberty of education: this control of coinage is not in itself torship. Puseisen itself is not very a scarc headline saying: No Peace with Hit is tudeed consummate hypocrisy a reform. All depends on what complicated are we seek the real import of counter decisions if the workers anywhere an appeal issued by the Executive Committee or William Randolph Hearst. Since they Point No. 14 Conscription of these visits. Thus, arriving in Berknow that NRA means National Run Around, of the German Social Democratic Party from the Year One the Catholic Church ooty At best currency reform is wealth in war. If Father Coughlin lin, Sir John and the Captain wore minor matter that in war, civilian clothing, but were met by strike is the activity of Mrs. Francis Perkins. class but to the world. presumably on the maintain a monopoly on education, effect on the basic economic fillae million are starving on relief there dressed in somber black. The pac The rubber trust means to smash unionism in the worst way. Arbitration under these cir diplomatic parleys.
occasion of the initiation of the international bly stamped on the impressionable is no conscription of wealth; but inst character of the Bloomin so that Catholicism might be fodeles of capitalism. Fair Slavery ir ten million are being slaughtered Hempire and the warlike aims of cumstances, under the same set up that has so Point No. Cost of production in war, then there is reason to con Hitler are apparent. In Moscow The road to peace, continues this mani tion is hypocrisy from Catholic plus a fair profit for agriculture seript wealth. The idea of con Captain Eden arrived wearing long held the workers at bay, can yield noth festo which the New Leader says may well but when that Catholic contem. We are temptel to ask, 80 what? criting wealth is nonsense unless soft black hnt and a cloth top coat, ing but more promises and a crushing blow to prove historie. ies over the destruction of plates with friendship and approval we remark that everybody in it is the workers who do the con but immediately changed into a Morgan, is for scripting or expropriating. Other long fur coat and a Cossack AstrakIt becomes increasingly clear as the days go Superficially considered this is indeed a very liberal tencher, that Catholic is sim Falr protits for agriculture ete. Trot merely a campaign slogan it is imperialism for the Soviet Union the existing despotism. There is no other. ile attacks of William Randolph chudine Hearst on every sort of lukewarm Living amal wages. and wise, if conscription of wealth is ban headplece. The love of British by that the danger to the rubber workers comes from an enemy within the ranks of labor radical declaration, especially as it comes from ply insulting his audience when he when it is merely a matter of talk. plan to chepen the cost of war was evidenced by that swift change.
In Warsaw Captain Eden was wel itself. That enemy is the bureaucracy at the those whose capitulation made this despot pretends to support liberty of edw How is rather Coughlin going to for bankers and profiteers.
head of the of and of the rubber union ism possible.
ention, obtain this cost of production plus Point No. 15 Human rights pre comed by a party of officials wear.
What is significant here is the fact that this The Wages of Slavery a fair prot? And bow big a proferred to property rights. There is ing top hats with the exception of itself. Against it the workers must be vigilant plea is addressed to the world, a cuphemistic Wake: What Is living annual thought, unpaid lahor, or the time which really does prefer human Point No. A living annual titik fairy Profits are weone economy, the socialist economy, Foreign Secretary, Col. Beck, who to the last. The treacherous silence of Pres.
wore a black derby. The absence William Green in the face of a situation that way of saying the international capitalist wage Many workers live on the worker toilx gratis for the boss welfare to property rights but a top hat on Beck cranium cries out for the maximum support, is charac English: War. The motive: despotism.
class. The appeal is No peace or in simple four hundred dollars a year. How can any profit be afr? Byther Coughlin is 10 socialist, on showed that his welcome was perteristic. If allowed his way this Baptist genOn February 1034, Father intensifying the AAA, which has the contrary, he wants to continue sonal and that the Polish govern1o prefer the human rights of the ment was not according an official tleman would be conent to leave the Akron world have drawn swords, the social demaer the provisions of the NRA which certain extent in the case of the cab labor employed on his Shrine warm welcome to Eden and his strike still born. In the automobile and the Thus when the imperialists of the entire Coughlin enlled for a change in succeeded along these lines to would fix minimum wages at soc rich capitalist farmers?
by raising their wages from slavery policies. This nonsense is solemnly coal situations labor was left high and dry by ten the day of the conflict. It does not call on an hour he said, slavery urges them, with France at their head, to hasand maximum hours at 30. 40c Coordinated Unions (400) to FC (Nemi slavery or bu written by highly paid capitalist writers in Europe and cabled across the course pursued by Green and Co. Strike the working class to war on its own capitalism Point No. Labor unions ander man rights. It is not ly chance that Father At this time his Sbrine of the government protection: Now we are and the struggle that goes with strike is as to America. Its purpose is to cover up the cold blooded war prepara foreign to them as it is to capitalist govern exhorts one capitalism to make war on another.
but in the spirit for which it is so noted, it Iittle Flower was being construct Betting to the core of the matter. Conghlin platform is a closer tions of all these cynical hat changel by seab labor, Labor unions are under government copy of true fascist program, as ment officials. They fear it even more.
As if the capitalist class of any other coun increase the wages of men working Italy, in every fascist state. Ingram of any other American demaHe announced that he would protection in Germany, Austria, it appears in Purope, than the pro ling statesmen.
will take the sad consequences, as it did in the The New York Mayor Commit automobile industry. There is no other road.
or freedom! Profits, the maintenance and ex Vlower, by 10 effective the next government protection of trade the assistance of the Catholic For months on end the rubber workers have day, thus setting the minimum mions, protection against higher tension of profits, is their one criterion. Ger wake at 5e an hour. The Shrine wages, shorter hours and strikes, program, and the Catholic Church tied a report of thousands of Church in the preparation of his tee on Unemployment Relief is.
many today threatens to upset the division of was about half finished when he protection been promised and stalled, stalled and promº spoils demanding a greater share for itself. ide this move. The workers con in half doubles working hours and it is persecuted in Germany it is relief allowance for food, clothing that ised. Their faith in the union was fast diminwage is already an old hand at Fascism words. The report stated that the ishing until the recent strike talk filled the air.
Capitalist interests that dominate the French tinued on the forty and forty eight slaughters strikers, Father Cough true but in Italy it gives tacit sup and shelter was too low, so low in In Wits active during the period tort to Mussolini, in Spain it gives fact that the unemployed were and Italian nations are ready to embroil the bour week, It has now leaped to a new high. The world in blood y conflagration so that this pry, what is 55c? IC Soc is a fair mobile industry appeared imminent. Portugal it practically owns the traps, dress in a while thous of bureaucrats cannot again postpone this shall not happen. few questions: 11 40e is slav when it strike in the Detroit auto open support to the reaction, in forced to live in condemned tre strike without undermining this confidence for ands of their children suffered from Should such a war break out it is as certain Does rather Coughlin think that workers from independent union minimum, is 15e a living wage? He was active in protecting the fascist government, etc. etc.
a long time to come.
It remains to be seen whether malnutrition. The Mayor went into as tomorrow that they (Mussolini too. will by employing scab labor be is helpism, and from a strike. Just what Father Coughlin has not appeared action at once. Ho set up a stoo!
gressives for the tion is indeed tremendous. The fate of their Point No. of workers can.
cte. The very same shibboleths employed banking currency and natural re we quote the Detroit Times at tore It remains the head to relve anonymous and organizations and the future of unionism in once before, only now Der Fuchrer substitutes sources. Nationalization of bank this period. Make the Department oveloping to be seen whether the masses still other complaints against relief the left will not chisellers. chiseller being the basic industries will be gravely affected by for Der Kaiser. The social democracy were ink is remedy proposed by mouey of Labor a real power, says Father choose their course and their lead anyone who tries to eke out a starthe struggle and its outcome in rubber. Vicloyal funkeys then. They are preparing for cranks. Instead of having bank Coughlin. Let it take over the ers, will not carry through the Amvation relief allowance by any other sident part of the time and functions of the same role again, in other cabinets but for means. This bureau is my own collective bare erican revolution, and cast down tory for the bosses in the struggle, or by means the same rulers.
of an indefinite postponement of it, will herald of mais admitted that whoenee site cranks expect to save capitalism is now trying to 611. Let it sup. The choice is plain: a workers so more ruthless attack on unionism than the But, says the German social democracy by buying the bank presidents sen ment the E of entirely, ciety or concentration camps decoris his own or just another adoption workers have to date experienced. Victory for and this but is the necessary face saver tators all of the time. strange Father Coughlin wants government ated with holy holy crosses.
from the city bankers, it certainly the workers and a new day will unfold for is false and unjust to hold the whole German resembles the rest of his family. It them nor ithide hy their vaults.
has that friend of labor smell organized labor.
This fake maneuvering on the Labor Backs to it.
part of the companies has served as Federation of Labor is a step in the right dia boomerang against the bosses, br.
Anti Fascist Meetings rection. Let its example be taken up everyA significant parallel may be drawn here cause it angered the workers and March 1034. Socialist Party and between the social democrats and their war drove them voluntarily into trades minions hold anti Cascist where and transferred from paper to life. And idol Woodrow Wilson. Did he not proclaim federal mion. Terrific speedup, let the support go side by side with the insismeeting in Madison Square Garden. Continued from Page 1) differentials in wages and unbear. Continued from Page 1) Sneakers list includes Mayor LAtence that the strike take place. This is half in his war message to Congress that the of the giant General Motors Corpable working conditions have aided the battle.
had no grievance with the German people, but The company has been importing Guardin, Matthew Woll and As an evidence of the growing to the workers desire for genuine herd of scabs and strike breakers, and trade union leaders. The Stal rather with the irresponsible despotism that progressiveness in the union, the organization.
who are quartered on company inists broke up this meeting in wild ruled over them?
enlored sweepers in the Chevrolet Jim Holand, Chevrolet employee, property. Last week Bomd plot disorder, charging that rascists and The Danzig Elections The declarations are the same, the results Want were brought into the Federal who famous for his one man was discovered at the plant, and Social Fascists were speaking are the same and even the actors are the same.
Auto Union along with the fellow picket line on the Chevrolet plant the Jaclede company fost no time and Communists barred.
white workers last June whereby he compelled the in advertising it in all the capital April, 1935: controlled THE press is almost unanimous in its evalu Philip Scheidemann, traducer of the German Over 400 of the new union men company to reinstate him after he ist pers. The plot looked sus League Against War and Fascism ation of the election results in Danzig as a proletariat and butcher of the Spartacans is appeared today in the plant this had been fired for joining the union, picionsly like the work of one of and Civil Liberties Union hold antidefeat for the Nazis. Soberly and realisticnlly the true inspiration of this manifesto. On July mornfus wearing their red union is the acting chairman of the Chevthe drunken gun toters who swarm fascist meeting in Madison Square Speakers list includes a speaking, it is, however, only a temporary 9, 1933 be declared in the New York Times: workers from the wallses Overland Among the union members who complete fatinre so far as sts en Methodist bishon. Republican. com check on Hitler drive to integrate the Ger It must be the task of the entire world to plant are likewise joining the Fed have taken an active part in organ. Cal effects were concerned. As the gressmen, Farmer Tabor representman speaking territories into his Third Reich. paralyze these adventurers (Hitler, Goering eral Auto union. With the addition ixing these key plants have been Gas Honse Worker remarkea: ative, Gorman of the che As several of the foreign correspondents re and Co. That this may not exclude a bloody of these two major corporations, several Workers Party members.
Organization of the Toledo Chev unman. Who saw the bomber? company trayer of the textile strike. promark, the decline of the Nazi vote in the presi civil war is self evident.
the entire auto parts and producWho reported finding the fessors, social workers, and other dential clections of 1932 was also deerned a Learn from the past! These people have controls pole de excepting rolet Dantels of major importance omh? bomber Hired by the ens liberals, but no Pakers company to uncover bombers. Was Why didn Hathaway lead the cm defeat for the Brown Shirt forces in its time. changed their fatherlands temporarily. They will be unionized.
Looked at from the point of view of political remain, however, staunch as before in their The rush to the genuine union mission parts for the Chevrolet not, that wonld spoil the plot.
this plant produces all the trans the guilty one caught? Of course ontled bosts to capture the plat perspective, the present incident is no more support of capitalism in war as in peace.
has followed the calling of an elec Cor. Demands for a hour day, Or does the Stalinist change in One Seab Fifteen Cops line leave to Methodist Bishops indicative of a trend than was that of 1932. To be against Hitlerism inside Germany and tion, by the Detroit Auto Labor 30 hour work, mon recognition and Republican Congressmen such The Nazis fell short of their goal, which outside of it is to be for class war and against Overland plants on April 9, for the up to be presented to the Chevrolet ceiving the protection of the police. Tittle matters as the struggle was the immediate Gleichschaltung of the imperialist war in every land, as well as in supposed purpose of determining company. It is very probable that very service call is now answered against war and fascism?
Hanseatic city. But the figures show that they Germany itself.
which group the workers wish to the intensive inton drive is the not by one repair man, but by one gained an increase of over 30, 000 votes above Lamentations, and appeals to world capital represent them in collective bar prelude to a strike which will break send repair man and fifteen police. another little item the company can the amount they piled up the last time. Yet, ists to launch a democratie crusade against saining. This election was engin in the immediate future.
MAY DAY RALLY charge up to its fight against un the Socialist and Stalinist newspapers join Hitler is not merely a pitiful confession of Sered by officials of the two plants, NEW HEADQUARTERS ionism. Like all scabs, the st Dancing, Skits, Refreshments with the others in rating this achievement as a bankruptcy. It also reveals that the social were non union, and the Auto Labor With the paint still wet on the Louis brand has behaved badly, Saturday, April 27, at P.
failure! In so doing they show that they are democracy is helping whip the working class Beard, in an effort to foist company walls, Branch on Tuesday beld its brandishing pistols and guns, and entirely under the sway of the enemy spirit. into shape for service in imperialist war. unionism upon the workers. The first meeting its new headquar menacing the safety of all in their Presentation of May Day Banner From the Fuchrer standpoint it was a Seventeen years have passed since the end of these elections, which it aid not headquarters have been taken jointThe vicinity.
by Workers Party to at 2, West 15th Street failure, because he had concentrated all his the last world war, but the Second Internation call for, and has flatly stated that ly with the Manhattan branch of FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE Admission 150 forces, his best organizers, his best orators for al is still playing its despicable role!
its members will not participate in the Spartacus Youth League.
IDIODISHI cuts raske responsibility of the militants and pro. to The pledge of support by the Cleveland which the best portion of the people suffer Toledo Auto Strike Looms Gas Workers the