BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismParis CommuneRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVictor SergeWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAAK NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1935 IN THE UNIONS Juror Affidavit Flays Sacramento Verdict Horse Trade Uncovered; Parties Unite Goldman Calls forNewTrial Against War NERO FIDDLED While ROME BURNED NO ROC FUNDS FOR WAR POOSEVELT FISHES While the UNEMPLOYED STARVE PURPOS Boston Conference Prepares Joint May Day Celebration By KARL LORE Pickets White House The old Wobbly spirit seems to clothing industry of the city he be alive again in Cleveland these supplied strong arm men to mandays. string of strikes in small handle the girls who walked out.
stove, metal barrel and machinery His agency has been in the thick of plants, of foundry workers and every important labor struggle (Continued from Page 1) Norman, 100 percent Stalinist, this charwomen, has culminated in a since. His latest employer is the gave to Goldman, rag says that the Jury (which It border dispute between the really important walkout of 1, 200 Laclede Gas Company which has The local population is stiu dihas repeatedly called a Fasclat Central American republics of employees of the National Screw hired him to smash the strike of Costa Rica and Panama, both com Company. The fight has been cargas workers.
vided into those for and those juryhad consideration for her. pletely dominated by American Im. ried on with the usual agressive against the verdict, but there are perialism, Is threatening to lead to tactics. There have been Such acab herding agencies are few people left who regard it as an armed struggle in that region, continuous arreste, a bomb scare ARE YOU INTERESTED anything but a political horse trade in these problems?
The Talamanca zone is in dispute was cooked up, more than a dome common enough. There is an angle With the exception of a strip one of the organizers and active com which lifts it out of the ordinary having nothing to do with law or The Housing Question in America.
mile wide bordering the coast, mitteomen have been clapped in the run. Late in 1983 it was whispered evidence. Infuriated reactionaries.
Strikes on the 1935 Horizon.
which according to Costa Rican jus, held for 48 hours or more and in the inner circles of the trade unpartly deprived of the benefit of American Trade Union Problems.
law must remain national property, then released without any charge ion movement of St. Louis that a judicial covering in the anti union the disputed zone of Talamanca is being made against them. The unprominent union official, car of one In a Billion Dollar Industry.
drive which culminated in totally in the hands of the United ion charges that the company vio of the most powerful building the criminal syndicalism indictment, The Problem of the Labor Party.
Fruit Company. The causes of the lated an agreement for a ten per trades organization in the city, are renewing vigilante activities.
The Roosevelt Security Proconflict therefore can be traced to cent raise when the Associated Inowned a one third Interest in Ahn.
They have threatened the lives of gram, imperialist interests which in Cen dustries, an employers organizacris little business venture. It is several acquitted defendants and Marxism: Science or Method?
tral America more than almost any. tion, promised to help in breaking a line of inquiry which it might be have ordered all of them out of where is Stalinism Leadieg Rus where else will tolerate no restric up the organization.
well worth while to follow up.
tions on their domination. patri sia?
otic hysteria is now being canned COME BACKY NECKTIES MERGE Stalinist Prisoners Reconsider The Abolition of the Bread Cards by the professional scribblers and Does it mean that the Industrial Since in the Soviet Union.
Mentire is being subjected to Stalin the Theoretician.
other patriots of both countries. Workers of the World are due for the organized necksharp pressure from his bank and united front manifesto has been a comeback? Will the traditions of wear makers bave been organized other forces to get him to say he The Political Situation in Spain.
issued by the working class organ Lawrence, McKees Rocks and Mes into a Federal Local of the aba Range come to life again in of At present there are about gave his statement out of fear of Why the Snar Was Lost. 000 organized, all of them in the Red terrorism! Prosecutor McAling for a conference of all anti revived Wobbly offensive? The evi New York market. Efforts to spread Lessons of the Paris Commune.
Hister, who is filling the local press Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg.
imperialist organizations of Panadense is against it.
the union to Chicago, Philadelphia with stories that he and several Many of their best elements have ma and Costa Rica. The appeal 18 All these questions are dealt jurors have been threatened with with in the MARCH ISSUE of Aigned by the workers Party sone elsewhere. The band facts of and other centers have not been death since the verdict; has sent (Marxist Leninist) of Papama the present day scene in the labor successful. The Federal local form agents to all jurors demanding THE NEW INTERNATIONAL (standing for the Fourth Interna movement are against them. The cramped their style. No sizeable statements against McIntire. West 15th St.
tional. the Communist Party of fundamental confusion in regard to war chest could be Becumulated The convicted defendants are PITTSBURGH HEADQUARTERS Panama (Third International. the the function of political action with which to do the job. In recent years the industry has shown an which cracked up the old movement, Communist Party of Costa Rica back in the County Jail, where 40 prisoners are sick from poisonous All friends and sympathizers of (Third International. the Marx works with even sharper emphasis ever increasing tendency to leave ian Socialist Party of Panama (Re today. Outside of the Cleveland that about 7, 000 more workers are tood. All eight express the hope the Workers Party are inivted to that there will be a united appeal visit the new headquarters of the formist. the of Costa Rica situation, the IW. has played a struggle The Stalinists (trade union center. and the Ten prominent part in only one other unorganized, chiefly in these outBy SCHLOSBERG set prestige for the Workers Party, Ants League of Panama. The ap Among Pittsburgh Branch of the side centers.
place. In the early stages of organ them look sheepish at any mention located at 564 Sixth Ave, at cor.
BOSTON, April provisional but we want to have a bona fide peal ends with the following cate ization in the Detroit auto plants, of their endorsement of the s of Wyle Avenue.
First of May Committee was or united front May 1st demonstration Last year the local applied to attacks on Norman Mini who is gorical declaration. representing all political views. ganized here composed of the Soby an effective strike. But the the Amalgamated Clothing Workers once again in jail with them. All cialist Party, joint board of the In The amendment was carried by a Whatever may be the outcome is out of the Detroit picture for affiliation. In February the exsaid a friendly sood by to Goldman Just Off the Press and to Solow, who has served as ternational Ladies Garment Work 21 to 18 vote. committee of eight of the proposed border settlement, today and its place has been taken ecutive council of the American The Suppressed California representative of the ers Union, Joint board of the Amal was elected, including three memwe work not follow our recan Federation of Labor. In Cleve transference of the charter to the of Costa Rica and by the Federal locals of the Ameri Federation of Labor approved the Panama since December, when they TESTAMENT OF LENIN samated Clothing Workers, joint bers of the Workers Party, comboard of the Cloak Makers Union, rades William Konikow, Schlos spective capitalist classes if the land itself, as a matter of fact, they, and by the end of April it left today for the East. Caroline With two explanatory articles joint boord of the Cap Makers Unberg, and Chiplovitz.
conflict should lead to a war. In form but a tiny part of the entire is expected that the local will be a Decker has asked that if and when bail is set pending appeal, the ion, and the Workmen Circle.
such a case, the proletariat of by LEON TROTSKY Blumfield, district organizer of body of organized labor. It was functioning branch of the Amalgaeach country will regard it, its estimated some six months ago that mated. use its bail funds for her 10g cach couference was held Sunday, the and Weber, secretary of inescapable duty to fire not a over 100, 000 workers were organagain. 00 per hundred March 31, where the following or the came to the first confer single shot at the class brothers ized into of unions in that strong progressive group has ganizations were represented: sevence and displayed their typical at on the other side, but to turn its The latest Western Worker, how city. The figure has no doubt fal been functioning for some time in ever, denounces Mini, class war WHICH PARTY FOR THE en unions, seven branches, titude. After three hours con arms against its own ruling class len since, but not enough to affect the local union. In the AmalgamatAMERICAN WORKERS?
and six Workmen Circle branches. terence with them, the representa which stays at home.
prisoner now facing sentence of the picture to any considerable ex ed Clothing Workers the Oght for The delegates of the Left Wing ortives of the Communist Party stat14 years in San Quentin. It states Letters to Worker Correspondent tent. Against the imperialist war!
union democracy and militancy ganizations who sent delegates to ed. Speakers of the Workers Party that the jury recommended probamust be kept up. The Progressive by MUSTE tion for him because he concili the conference, such as the Work and the Communist Party Opposi For a Workers and Peasants RAT AGENCY Unionists of America, to wbich ated the prosecution, Obligated to be each 50 per bundred ers Party, the Spartacus Youth, tion should be excluded.
workers Ahner is coming up in the neckwear progressive Students of Harvard University explain how come the jury also PIONEER PUBLISHERS and also a representative of the SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT of the present crisis. For the revolutionary way out world. At one time he had a hard group is affiliated, has a real job recommended probation for Lorine 96 Fifth Avenue, job keeping his head abovo water. to do.
Communist Party, who came and Labor had exposed him in Milwauacted as an angel for a united front of all labor organizations, were not kec, in Dubuque, Iowa and in other BRIEFS cities where he had carried on his sented However, four members of Okey dell, leader of last sumthe Workers Party were seated rotten trade as head of an indus, mer militant onion strike at Mctrial spy agency which furnished Guffey, Ohio bas kept up the work.
Circle and the Ladies Garment Workers Union. Three of these breaking purposes. The union or ization of agricultural workers in comrades were in the leading ganization campaign hit St. Louis Northwest Ohio, Southern MichiBy SOL STEVENS Editor of New Militant: ve sacrificed so much for the committees of the conference.
war struggle and the the and the Ahner Detective Engineer gan and Eastern Indiana. HeadAt the present the chief task of building of the Industrial Union, On April 13 and 14 the New question of a national uniform for Detective Engineering Agency be quarters have been established at the leaders of both unions in the they must realize one thing we At the beginning of the confer York New England section of the the organization, are some of the gan to lap up the gravy. When the McGuffey.
tur trade is to pass the blame for must face the truth that maintainence 27 delegates supported the ex Spartacus Youth League will meet problems to be taken up.
Amalgamated Clothing Workers treme reactionary attitude of the in its first regional conference. This We are coming to this conference and the International Ladies Garthe situation facing the fur working the Industrin! Union outside April 20, Saturday Party and the Socialist conference is of great importance with the report that the has ment Workers Union struck the Social. Bronx Branch, ers on to someone else. It is par the American Federation of Labor Right wingers of ticularly difficult for Ben Gold and can lead only to the elimination of Party and 15 were with the pro to the and the thor doubled its membership nationally the other leaders of the Fur Work the Left wing in the trade. There gressive elements, but after a dem ough analysis of the activity of the since its first national convention ers Industrial Union to explain is only one way open to us thereonstration of the practical attitude last four moirths, the gains and the last December Based upon the their new and sudden passion for fore, to enter the of as an of the comrades of the Workers mistakes, will characterize the con discussion of past achievements PIONEER BOOK NOTES unity. Leaflets are issued which autonomous local, and thereby Party, an amendment was mnde by ference Delegates from about 15 plans will be laid here for future explain nothing. Speeches are unde maintain our units.
our comrades that the conference branches. comrades from the field work.
We have just unearthed 100 copies of THE PERMANENT REVshould confer with all radical orby past masters in the art of speak as well as those engaged in local The Spartacus Youth League is OLUTION (750) and THE STRATEGY OF WORLD REVOLUing but fustead of dealing with cd my views then. They still donde united front for a May demThese two paragraphs represent ganizations and organize a bona work, will mect to deal with the on the march on the road towards TION (25. Both have been out of print for quite some time. It their own past zigzag course they and they also polut the correct oustration problems facing the League, building a mass revolutionary youth your library doesn contain a copy of these books now is the attack those who for years had a The Workers Party, to which the organization. The Regional Con. time to get it.
course for the union to follow. The correct position on the question of leadersbip of the. has (It should be mentioned that the is politically subordinate, ference will be the first step to reThrough special arrangement with the publishers of Trotsky unity.
wasted years, THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, we are able leaders of the Right wing told us will send delegates to the confer cord our gains and plan our work.
They haye put obI have been charged with advisence, to assist the comrades in Then we march on! All eyes now to offer, for a limited time only, the three volumes of this great ing the liquidation of the TW.
stacles in the way of unity. Their that if we did not fight to have the work for 00.
methods of struggle have played Communist Party recognized, our their disenssions and plans. The on the Regional Conference.
That this statement is untrue is Our recent American Youth Congress, wrWIANIE We have recently imported a number of books from England into the hands of the reactionary delegates would be seated.
known to all, including Gold leaders of the International This answer was: We did not come to the coming Student Strike, the anti that have not been available on this side of the Atlantic for many WORKERS and Winagradsky. That the sud runst be clearly understood. The a year. Every student of Marxism and the movement should bave den spin around which they were greatest obstacles the Spartacus Starts tional Tour Protect Yourselves Against the given by their party has made furriers today are, on the one hand, a copy. They are: Hazards of Life, Join the THE STUDENTS MARX, by Edward Aveling. 75 them dizzy, and they might be exthe bureaucratic clique in the InKARL MARX, by Achille Lora. 75 cused if it weren for the fact that ternational and, on the other, the The Spartacus Youth League is (Regional Conference 27, 28. WORKMEN SICK AND DEATH THE BOLSHEVIK THEORY, by Raymond Postgate. 00 the very existence of a union in g sag Communist Party leaders of initiating a national tour. The rep Cleveland 30, May BENEFIT FUND OF THE SELECTED ESSAYS, by Karl Marx the fur market is endangered by the resentative of its National Commit MAX. 00 1894 1935 CONDITION OF WORKING CLASS IN ENGLAND 1844 their nonsense. Let us look over Who are the liquidators) The tee. comrade Nathan Gould, will Columbus 2, 3, the record.
Organized, managed by and for by Frederick Engels. 75 Is it necessary to quote material rond proposed was the road of cover every city where we have Toledo Also the following Recent Books: branches in a Detroit, Mich. 7, workers with only one purpose: to unity, the road of merger. This and ASPECTS OF DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM Symposium to show where Gold and the Com read was denounced by the coast to coast four across the coun Chicago, Ill. 10, 11, 13, 13 (Reg. render protection to members and munist Party stood? Every fur by Levy. John Macmurray, etc. 75 ional Conference 11, 12. last year as social fascist. Retry. Branches are urged to make worker knows that for years they their families, and to support all THE OUTLOOK OF SCIENCE, by Worrall. 00 immediate preparations for meetcently the Communist Party has an Gillespie 15, 16.
denounced not only the Interna endeavors and struggles for the ISSAYS IN THE HISTORY OF MATERIALISM, by George nounced to the world that they are ings, affairs, etc. as outlined in the St. Louis, Mo. 17 tional Furriers Union but the whole Plekhanos. 50 Kansas City 18, 19 improvement of toilers, THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMUNISM, by Macinurray. 00 of Las Fascist. social for the merger of independent un circular lettors sent out by the naPhoenix, Arix. 32, 23 About 50, 000 members organized lo KARL MARX, by Raymond Postgate. 50 Fascist. acab agencies. com. ions with the of unions tional office pany unions. etc.
wherever possible; failing that they Los Angeles, Calif. 24, 25, 26, 27 350 branches. Reserves 3, 100, 000 Anyone who The following is the route of the Two great novels that every workers should read spoke against this view was a tarare for joining the of as lour. Regional Conference 25, 26. Death benefit graded according to MAN FATEC, by Andre Malraux (Reg. 60) 00 individuals. Their past policy made APRIL Fronto, Cal. 28.
get for the famous spitting squad.
age at entry.
Sick Benefit pay. FONTAMARA, by Ignazio Silone (Reg. 50. 00 San Francisco 29, 30, 31, June From this position, from bloody unity impossible. Their present New York 13, 14 (legional Con. 11NE: ments from 300 to 900 to men All books post paid to any part of the criminal battle. from denuncia policy leads to liquidation. op am for fraternal coference)
Salt Lake City, Utah and women, according to classes PIONEER PUBLISHERS tion, the leadership of our union one both.
Newark, NJ. 15. 16 Minneapolis, Miun. 7, 8, Montbly assessments from 450 to turned overnight into advocates of operation with the members of the 96 Fifth Avenue, International Union now and for Dickson City, Pa. 19. 20.
Chicago, 10. 11, 12, 13.
unity with our brothers in the Philadelphia 20, 21, 22.
Detroit, Mich 20, 30, of Did they really expect that continuing our campaign for unity For further information apply te State College 23 JULY anyone would take their sudden little truth telling and self criti Main Office Pittsburgh 21, 25 Toronto, Canada 2, 3, change seriously? It will take cism by Gold would be his best 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, months of work, months of friendcontribution to that campaign. His Youngstown, Ohio 26, 27, 28, 29 Buffalo, ly collaboration with the furriers failure makes it necessary for the in the International, to break down rank and file to speak up all the the impression which years of Stal louder. RABINOWITZ.
To New Readers inist misleadership has given in the fur market. The fur workers with WHAT TOATTEND called our attention to the case of Malraux, who were asked to interRichard Bloch and Andre Serge himself was taken to bed in and ontside the must with a high fever.
be reeducated.
a Victor Serge, because of his decid vene, failed to do so. They also The Barbusses, the Gides and An editorial in the Militant, ed Trotskyist leanings.
were silenced. Why was Serge sent other such Friends of the Soviet March 24. 1934, put forward the April 13, P. Spartacus Jam Two years ago Victor Serge, auto Siberia? Now that the two years Union, have not said a word. It is position of the Communist League boree at W. 15th St. Dancin enthor of The Year One of the Rus have passed are they intending to rather to the workers of the var3 Months for 25 Cents of America (which later fused with tertainment, refreshment. Entrance sian Revolution. The Conquered prolong his exile?
ious countries we must appeal to the American Workers Party to by hat check, 15 cents.
City. and many other revolution For seven years the Stalinist bu prevent the death in exile of such form the workers Party of the April 19, Friday evening, Thea ary works, was arrested and with reaucracy bas been tormenting a man as Victor Serge.
This special rate will apply when FOUR OR MORE such United States. This editorial ad ter Party, Workers Party benefit out the slightest trial was exiled Serge in 1927 they even went to Those who knew Victor Serge, as subs are sent in at one time. Effective up to and including vised the Industrial Union to im Waiting for Lefty and Til the for two years to Orenburg in the the lengtbs of imprisoning him. a militant revolutionist in CatalonApril 30, 1935 Less than four subs at one time at regular rates.
mediately put forward proposals Day Die. Tickets on sale at middle of the Central Asian Step Since that time his wife has fallen la and in Russia before Lenin Get together with your friends and send in dollars and subs for unity similar to the proposals District Office (60 to 65. Thes. No clear indictment was ever prey to a very grave mental illness, death, those who know the revolu to the Business Manager: put forward now. In a letter pub April 20, Saturday eve Spring brought to justify this sentence.
and his son, who was to join him tionary works of the author of lished in the Jewish Day, Nov. 13, Frolic and Chess Contest. Dis At the so called Congress of Sov at Orenburg, is equally ill from Men in Prison know that Victor NEW MILITANT 1933, stated. trict membership W. 15th St. 3rd iet Writers not one single voice was malnutrition and hardship. Serge could never be an enemy of West 15th St. New York City No matter how painful it may floor. Everyone invited. Pald Red raised for one of its best writers to telegram received several the Russian Revolution.
be for the furrier masses who Cabaret tickets honored at door. whom the owes a great weeks ago andounced that Victor Vietor Serge Must Be Freed!
Furrier Says CP Dizzy Turn North Eastern Regional Threatens Existence of Union er delectate de moet Confab to Map Future Course for at the stood poisoned to formation consectetur elde prise Special Club Offer An Appeal for Victor Serge The NEW MILITANT