WARI NEW MILITANT The Enemy Is In Our Own Country Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 17 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1935 PRICE CENTS Labor Rallies to Aid of Akron Strike ROLL, TIRE, ROLL!
NO veloped the armed strength of a nation may be, the coming war, like the last one, will be fought by the masses who are compelled to employ the weapons of warfare.
But before the workers of all nations can be driven to the trenches, their minds must first be poisoned with chauvinist gases, the bayonet of lies and misrepresentation must first rip out the bowels of their class solidarity.
In the last war, the masses were led to fight for Pan Slavic czarist expansion in the name Solidarity Pledged by Cleveland Detroit Juror Hits Verdict in California of the struggle against Japan Goldman Appeals for Kaiserism; the enemy of the New Trial as Deal Is Uncovered Intervention of Perkin Threatens to Continue the National Run Around.
எனக க RUBBER STRUKE. Labor Supports St. Louis Gas Workers Strike Toledo Auto Strike Looms verdict.
ese autocracy and German LATEST STRIKE ASPECTS AT GLANCE The Cleveland Federation of Labor and the Metal Trades CounRussian workers was in Tocil have formally pledged their support to the Akron rubber workers kyo and Berlin. The German union, worker was called on to defend Dillon, of auto head in Detroit, announces that the Junkter fatherland from in the event of a strike in the Akron rubber factories we are preRussian barbarism and French tence was not passed today upon SACRAMENTO, April Senpared to give support. Impartial observers, say press reports, are practically uman revenge. his enemy was in. the elght workers convicted of erim imous that the walkout (in Akron) will be under way before the Moscow and Paris.
inal syndicalism Monday. Judge present week is ended.
Secretary of Labor Perkins has stepped into the Akron situation, In most countries, the offi Dal Lemmon schedule was up cial Socialist parties turned reset when, on the motion for a new conferring with company officials, in hope of averting the strike of rubber workers.
cruiting sergeant in behalf of trial, Albert Goldman, attorney for By JACK WILSON the imperialists. It required instead of limiting himself to dry the Non Partisnn Labor Defense AKRON, April Akron 30, 000 rubber workers stand poised and the immortal Karl Liebknecht technical arguments, exploded a ready to strike against the provocative attacks of the Goodyear, Goodto exclaim: The enemy is in bombshell which forever destroys rich and Firestone companies and establish union recognition. Certain. outstanding facts this week indiour own country! In 1917, the validity of the guilty verdiet in cate that the rubber struggle is the the Russian masses learned the the minds of all but the frame up most important political event for meaning of these words. They prosecution and the court.
the working class since the New turned on their real enemy, for a new trial, Goldman denounced Opening the defense argument Deal they took power, they brought the verdict as an illegal horse trade.
The strike is purely defensive in character. Insolent rejection of all the war to an end in their way. The crowded court was electrified of compromises, lay offs, The working masses are now when he read an amdavit by a wago cuts and every other means being mobilized for imperialist judge immediately discounted GoldThe of antagonizing labor have been war in the same way. Only, man argument, but broke off pro.
used by the rubber barons to protoday it is not the Kaiser who credings to seek legal authority not voke a strike.
The National Manufacturer Asis forcing a war upon us. to grant a new trial. Court will Trick SettlementRejected sociation, pushed by Dillon, Read his place has been taken by reassemble April 10 for further argument. Goldman having left. SACHitler Ladies Auxiliary and Company, the Wall St. bankers, directing this offensive. The Does Fascism mean war? cago In the meantime, the judge ramento today for his home in ChiIs Organized 3, 000 armed guards, the barbed Yes, but only because Fascism has refused to set bail.
wire fences, the sand bankenmeans the rule of capitalism ST. LOUIS, April The striketrenchments these are the forces The affidavit impeaching the of gos house workers goes into its of repression which the capitalists organized in the nakedest, most builty verdict especially in the cases second week with ranks former are bringing to play.
dictatorial and murderous way of Norman Mini of the Workers thrin over, with mounting enthusi Major Battle of 1935 It is imperialist capitalism that Communist Party, is signed by asm, and with wider and wider The purpose of the industrialists produces war, be it organized Howard Melntire.
is plain. They want to smash the An ncount.
as an autocracy, a constituant, he worked 27 years in the State The strike received fresh impetus union completely and show the tional monarchy, Fascist Adjutant General office and is a last Saturday with the endorsement working class that the drended open of the St. Louis Central Trades shop is here to stay. defeat for state, or a democratic repub Past Master of the local Masons, lic.
who last week presented him with Council, bringing the entire organ: the workers in rubber would have ized labor movement of St. Louis antion wide effects. It would mean The social democrats are NcIntire held out for 118 ballots a diamond studded watch charm.
behind the strikers. The decision that the capitalist offensive against merely repeating their old role before agreeing to a horse trade on came after several prominent offi the workers was succeeding and when they shout about the need Miniatul Decker in order to get a cials of the visited the offices the American proletariat was being of the workers defending the of the Laclede Co. in an attempt lefeated in its first major combat democratie countries against Continue Fight for Death and Destruction Jurors Tlsreatened Men Flocking into to buy the ground for a settlement. with capital in 1935.
the issue of the Akron situation the Fascist aggressor. Pietroces when binde behet prove the Scottsboro Boys Peace Record of 1934 Chevrolet Union fused even to interview them is the right to organize. The capThe Stalinists are merely ention, finally gave in because of Labor Movement In Support italists want to drown this tunda lending a helping hand by irents lvy other jurors. During During 1934 throughout the In handing down its unanimous world 2, 400, 000 men and women BULLETIN The support of the Central Coun. mental right in workers blood.
Furthermore, the whole future of creating illusions about the the deliberations. Foreman Rack cil greatly strengthens the strike, decision to set aside the verdict in died of starvation and 200. 000 (By Wire to the New Militant)
League of Nations, about dis line and Mrs. Mary Perry, in bringing over wider circles of the the American Federation of Labor the Scottsboro trial, giving a new men and women committed sul TOLEDO, April Despite armament as a cure for war, struments of the prosecution, de cide because they had no further labor movement to the aid of the is involveul. Green, having definitetrial to Clarence Norris and Hestrike ly committed himself to a strike, is about the capitalist powers opposed convicting everybody on Supreme Court performed politwood Paterson, the United States means of existence.
instructions from the of At the same time the social that do not want war and the two counts. They threatened noticul act of the highest significance.
to the workers not to participate The Laclede company, frightened playing his last card, being pushed order which permitted and conby the smeness of the daily strike by circumstances to such a posle capitalist ppwers that do want only Mehtire, but Juror Mrs. Clara The Supreme Court gave nothing in the election at the Cheyrolet doned this state of affairs bulletin, has begun a campaign of tion. All the of class colwar. Keith, whose son is traffic con. from the goodness of its heart or evolved as a remedy to alleviate plant in Toledo arranged by the slander against the union in paid laboration has falled. The capitalthis misery the peculiar device Auto Labor Board, 1, 326 men Does this mean that it is and Juror Jackson, former from the mere formal excellence advertisements inserted daily in ists bave insisted on class struggle, of destroying voted for the of and only matter of indifference to the railrond worker who lives off of it juridical brains. Seething the capitalist press. The bulletin feeling sure of themselves. Elther 1, 000, 000 wagon loads of wheat Fully unrest among the Negro masses, 508 voted for no affiliation. Only be answered the company lies as outright capitulation and ruin in workers whether or not they conscious of the state failure to and, to a degree, its organized ex207. 000 train loads of coffee a handful failed to vote at all. Propuenly as they appeared, making rubber and elsewhere or a fight are ruled by Fascism? Not at nke ano, McIntire nevertheless pression in the Scottsboro campaign 516, 000, 000 pounds of sugar Organization sentiment is running it embarrassing for the company faces the of and it seems course, to have chosen to fight.
to continue all! Just because we are ready surrendered after a light lasting 06 has bumped square into the oppres50, 000, 000 pounds of rice high, and the workers are flock50, 00. 000 pounds of meat.
ing into the Federal union. Acto fight tooth and nail for the hours, and a horse trade was arsive exploiters and discriminators wonen auxiliary, organized one or two more maneuvers can be expected. Probably Green will apranged. Steel, in The ost. tion talk is heard everywhere and last week, which includes the wives, right to organize, to speak, to againt the Negro population. The McIntire nflidavit was given peal to Roosevelt directly, but It decision of the Court is a political Negro people and, lest any of these a strike appears likely in the im. daughters, sweethearts, and sisters doesn seem possible that he can meet, to publish our press, to voluntarily to the defense in order, reverberation of that collision.
mediate future.
of the strikers, is doing fine work control the rank and file, who want strike, to picket, to fight for as he stated, to set a new trial for in feeding the men, in assuring improved conditions apd for mocent people. Immediately after The victory is only a partial one. so astray. intimidation open and By ART PREIS wiiter distribution of the bulletin, Sentiment Militant TOLEDO, April Organizand in raising money to support the verdict he sought out Attorney The scene shirts back to Alabama concealed lynch threats will be freedom from capitalism we Goldman in the lobby of the latter where, in a new trial, the ruling sed against them.
The rubber workers are rapidly stand intransigcantly opposed hotel to tell him about the horse class will try another maneuver in Now, it ever, real victory is not ation of the production and skilled the strike.
and office workers in the large To Settlement Rejected seeing the entire political aspect of to the imperialist war. These trade. Ile shed tears of shame and their attempt to railroad the Scotts foror. The De has always been edo plant of the Chevrolet Motor are precisely the rights that wert. Next day he encountered boro boys.
the ent in the boot yet so near Corp. is proceeding rapidly follow a settlement proposed by the The union unanimously rejected the situation. This will be a minor revolution. is the sentiment are curtailed or abolished by on the street Jack Wamick, nequit As a result of the Supreme Court and yet so far.
of many rank and filers.
ing two jammed and enthusiastie Mayor Committee last week, a decision Governor Bibb Graves has Only a mass movement enn save mass meetings conducted by the settlement which bore all the ear organizer in rubber, has himself Coleman Claherty, of even the most democratic red defendant, Norman Mint fa ordered a revision of Jury boxes in the Scottsboro boy s!
Toledo local of the United Auto marks of a company lawyer work, countries the minute war is de LL. to whom he told the same Alabama. The prosecutor. now The Supreme Court will not and mobile Workers Federal Labor Un Under its provisions declared that the key to the entire clared.
story. On the second day after the Lieutenant Governor Knight. has cunt not save the boyr!
union men labor situation is in Akron. If the ion.
could have been fired wholesale for Many battles were fought in verdict, he sought ont Solow and promised a new and Ironclad case The alone cannot save the Over 900 workers have attended organizing. Not only that but doom of the open shop in steel, auto rubber workers win, it spells the the class war to win these Warnick in the former hotel room. It is obvious the state will now try boys! Only by building a mass de the meetings and it is expected that there was no mention of seniority and other industries. He says the rights; battles are fought every to unde his Action. As a result be siving the boys any better chancements represented with rights of this Saturday. This is one of demands that the service charge restrength behind the Akron day to preserve them. We will composedl a statement, which he Some Negroes may be allowed on criticism. can the Scottsboro boys the most successful attempts which be revoked, was completely nex not surrender them lightly. We then ware to before it notary and the jury. They will be drawn from be finally freed.
has been made to unionise a plant lected.
workers will fight to retain them, in the (Continued on Page 2) the thin middleclass stratum of the The Scottsboro boys shall not die. Continued on Page 4)
The working class is showing (Continued on Page 4)
only war the working class can amazing, militancy. Flying squad rons, military squads, outlining of support the class war bestrategie spots in the companies cause we need them to defend fortresses for such the factories ourselves better against the are these and other strike weap.
daily attacks of capitalism, beons are being utilized and will On April 12, at 11 thou snecess and effectiveness of the In every school where it has any the strike.
the pacifist channels into which the play a prominent role in the battle.
cause we need them for the sands of students throughout the demonstration. No small measure foothold the while affirming In Franklin Lane Tigh School, local strike committee was leading While newspapers and preachers spcediest and most effective country will go out on strike of the responsibility for this can be its support of the strike, has at Brooklyn, where the administration the strike and calling on the stu. in particular penchers. cry overthrow of capitalism!
avainst war and fascism. The re. laid at the door of the Young Peo tempted to correct false slogans attempted to avert a strike by per dents to avert the danger. In Penn against the workers, the workers It is Hitler who crushes the conteon Friday will be an indica. Ples Socialist League and the Young advanced, has analyzed for the suading the students to call it after State College the locals. calmly continue to get ready for a tion of the strong anti war senti Communist League. Proper guid students the nature of imperialist school hours, we were active in branch issued militant leaflets callGerman proletariat. It stiff battle which can only be de and ment on the part of the student ance and leadership can be given war and has pointed out the only getting the students to agree to ing for support of the strike Linscribed as impendling civil war.
will be American capitalism youth. As a militant anti war only by the working class through method of ending it revolutionary walk out at 11. In members coln lligh School Lers have The workers ranks continue to that exploits the American manifestation the strike should re its organizations. The Spartacus struggle against capitalist war. In of the in conjunction with issued the first bulletin which an krow The strike vote proves that.
working class and reduces it to ceive the support of every student Youth League, realizing this nec mang instances the slogans raised the student League for Industrial alyzes the war question and calls Scabihing will be done only by gagged and fettered serfs.
and worker and their organizations. essity, appealed to the and are purely pacifist and entirely dis. Democracy called an anti war rally for support of the strike few misguided workers, if they can It will be an indication of the dis the for a national united tort the role of the students in the at which they demanded that Prof. Throughout, though criticizing set in. It doesn seem likely that The enemy is in our oron illusionment with capitalism fake front of political working class anti war fight, helping to spread Sidney look be allowed to speak wrong policies and slogans and at they will country!
pence promises and the determina youth organizations to give leader the illusion that the students can at the strike mass meeting. This tacking all attempts by the organ Of course, the of has Ever greater numbers of tion not to be cannon fodder for the sbip and support to the strike. To conduct their struggle entirely in was in protest against the National izations in the official united front promised nation wide support. This workers will realize this pro next imperialist war.
date no answer bas been received. dependently of the working class. Student League policy of allowing mechanically to control and com promise must be made a reality.
found truth.
It is unfortunate that such a The strike committee is in the Where the slogan Against War only people who agreed with their inate the local united front com Otherwise the struggle of the Akron strong expression of student opin hands of the Socialist the was raised, Lers succeeded in line to speak. In City College of mittees, the has asserted its workers against the entire capitalIt will immunize them against ion should be misguided and divert. Stalinist and the Methodist some cases in making Against Im New York members of the support of the strike and assisted istic structure will be made more the poison of chauvinism. ed into channels which will mar the Youth Council.
perialist War the central issue of fraction issued leaflets exposing in the preparation for it.
to strike Nation wide Strike Against War Stirs Students