Conferences Prepare May Strikers Duped Day in and Chicago CAPITOL NEWS LETTER MATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAC party as the center of revolutionary unity, Albert Lea NEW MILITANT That is the augury of its future as the party with which tmerged of the revolutionary masses.
THE MILITANT bed weakly by the Workers Party of the Welt 15th Street, Now York City Phone: Algonquin 9068 Tom Mooney Appeals (Continued from Page 1) Decision to hold a number of to take up each organimation for parades on May Day, all converg ately. As a result of the fight The desperate financial condition of the insistent that the arrested men ing into a huge demonstration at made by the militant socialists and ered u recond clase mall matter at the Pout Omice New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
Mooney Molders Defense Committee, overburd should stand trial on the charge of some central point, likely Union the ers, the workers Party, ened with expenses and debts by the drawn out inciting to riot and exonerate Square, was the most important de represented by Albert Glotzer, was JAMES CANNON BY JACK ELDER HARRY HOWE. ate Baitor to wire appeals to sympathetic labor organ Goldie, however, felt quite other fraternal bodies, etc. held at the while the of Committee HUMAN AND DIVINE.
Editor struggle, has prompted Tom Mooney himself themselves from the ridiculous ac velopment of the conference of seated, through a vote of 49 to 29.
cusation. Fosso, Gallegher and trades unions, political parties, The Lovestoneltes were also wated, HAWTHORNE WINNER. Busines Manager izations and publications for immediate sid. wiscThese three prevalled upon Rand School, Thursday, March 28. Was anseated by an overwhelming WASHINGTON Philip Murray, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: The New Militant has received this appeal and the Indicted men to agree to plead The conference was called by the vote.
puppet vice president of the United In the United States 00 per year; 65e six months. gladly transmits it to its readers herewith: guilty to the lesser charge of New York Local of the Socialist The conference then rejected Mine Workers and plant tool in Canada and Foreign. 50 per year; 00 slx months. The New Militant, legal entry rather than to fight Party, which is controlled by the an almost unanimous vote, a united the bands of Lewis, gets a job with undle Rates: Two cents per copy.
the rloting charge, Fosso stating right wing, Old Guard. West 15th Street, New York: The in front with the Staliniste, who came the NRA. Appointed to memberthat the had no money to vitations were carefully restricted before the conference with a plea ship on the National Industrial Re Vol. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1935 No. 16 Our Defense is pennilers. Absolutely fight the case. After much argo The Workers Party, Communist of unity.
covery Board, he will herefter sit necessary we raise immediately ten thou ing, the arrested strikers reluc Party (Opposition. and all other The greater part of the meeting side by side with Sidney Hillman, sand minimum to present case to Califortantly agreed to do this, mainly political organizations opposed to was taken up with the character of of the Amalgamated Clothing Fling Back the Challenge! nia courts for financial condition is desdue to their inexperience.
the were not invited. Appar tbe celebration. Four proposals Workers, As of spokesman Olson Rocommendation ently the Yipeels are now included were placed before the gathering in the New Deal primary scheme The impending gigantic struggle of the perate. Our distinguished counsel volunteering services without fee. Won the The case was scheduled to come in that category, as there was not by the provisional committee: 1) for class collaboration of rubber workers unions at Akron, a single Ylpel local represented to hold an open air mass meeting New Militant contribute something non up before Judge Peterso. Hae Militant Socialists were also con 2) to hold march demnstration a man Murray gets his job (which inOhio, center of the tire industry for their toward actual court expenses. Profound with notorious spicuously abuent.
to close with an open air meeting: volves control over a lot of patronBaker, with some other members of the right to organize and to bargain collectively appreciation. Fraternal Greetings.
Delegates from the drove up to St. Paul Party, etc. who and lastly, 4) a Sunday, May 6, 30 forgives and forgets.
Workers 3) to hold a mass indoor meeting age) and the of at once which is leading them to call an industry wide Tom Mooney. and interviewed Olson, telling him attended without invitations, were hour week parade and mass meet strike deserves the support of every class con The National Committee of the Workers ing for another judge. Governor once in addition, the credentials whether the Chicago Federation of chief betrayer of the organized scious trade unionist in the country.
Party considered this appeal at its meeting Olson recommended Judge Senn of committee reported 350 delegates Labor could be induced to partid bor movement from the first day of It forgives and forgets Richberg, Although they are handicapped by certain last week and decided to obligate itself to raise Wapeca, who then set on the case. 100 as a first contribution to this fund. In weaknesses like the passing of the peak proAfter agreeing to hear the plea from the workmen Circle, 100 attending, 78 from the 139 rate. Proposal Adopted Section 7a to date. Richberg, the Glotzer, the of chiefs were saying only duction season, the rubber workers are deter addition, it was decided to urge members and of guilty to the charge of illegal trom local trade unions and Central mined to fight courageously and militantly to in their unions and fraternal organizations and This, then, was what Attorney etc.
sympathizers of the Party to raise the matter enters as the centered the men to 60 bodies, 23 from the Unemployed second proposal for a muss march few werke 1960, was a double overcome these obstacles.
Union, several delegates from the demonstration and meeting was crosser, a traitor, a Judas. They adopted by a majority vote, after were condemning him as the chief The rubber barons in the impending fight try to secure donations to be sent direct to the Gallegher and Attorney Goldie did Angust Claessens was Mooney Molders Defense Committee.
for the Albert Les strikers. secured chairman and ruled that motions Terence also decided to make at Today, once again, Richberg, Green selected constderable discussion. The contenendo collective bargaining will be the spear head of a nation wide employ The recent decision of the United States for them 60 day Jull sentences on whether carried or not would have tempts to involve the and Llewis are pals, members of a ers drive to break the working class in the Supreme Court, requiring Mooney to seek fur charge of which none of them no more force than suggestions to the Amalgamated Clothing Work happy little family.
basic industries.
ther recourse in the Californis state courts two labor lawyers believe they motion for one united May Day endeavor to get these organizations committee. Ars Union in this march, and to The Executive Council forgives This challenge must be flung back to the before appealing to the higher body, imposes did everything possible for the Al demonstration of all political tend to call or their separate meetings and forgets the President renewal employers and nation wide support be given another agonizing delay and heavy legal ex bert Les men. Their whole con encles we made by a representa In order thereby to hold one May of the automobile code. Only a few to the rubber workers. The workers must turn penses on the defense committee, despite the veption of protecting a labor client tive of the International Pocket Day celebration weeks ago, the of leaders this first major battle of 1986 into the opening voluntary services of the distinguished attorn to induce the Judge and the pros: book Makers Union The chief slogan of the confer were crying to high heaven because victory of the working class in forthcoming eys in the case. Mooney needs financial help, plek om der blevet op te ne sudita als culon Pre and con followed. ence will be the national so bour the President acted without paring and the fact that he needs it is sufficient reason and moral implications of a labor stonelte. ILG. to invite the Union wages on relief projects: son Richberg report They were Attempts to smash the strike through terror for every class conscious militant to make a carettes bouwen met het wesentliche Communist Party but not the olemasomplete social insurance support them on their motor clamoring for the suppression of of national guards and hired thugs must be Automobile LABOR term is a mockery when applied to issue.
effort to see that he gets it. There is no cause such attorneys as these. Gallegber manding the floor, discussion was made that additional slogans and of bureaucrata look toward met by a thunderous country wide protest dearer to the heart of the rebel worker, and and Goldie do all the lawyer ing ended by Claessens, who made the demands could be incorporated by the President as its firm friend.
With many delegates de and fascism, etc. provision was Board. Today, once again, the which will serve to check the bosses.
The Workers Party in Akron and through none with a stronger claim, than the cause of while those whom they defend do usual speech, the dlagrace of the executive committee.
all the laboring for pixty days Madison Square Garden. splinter Tom Mooney.
They forgive out the country pledges itself to help rally the Executive Committee Elected and forget the in the county jall. These two law groupe. etc. eto. Both amendment scandal of the recently approved working class and its allies behind the struggle yers closed their whirlwind defense and motion were defeated, though The conference closed with the of the rubber workers.
by presenting bills for 100 a day the motion did get considerable election of an executive committed tobacco code; the paralysis of the labor relations boards; the over Local 22 Elections to put the decisions Into practice for their work.
support. The progressives in the LU. Representatives of political part. celebration. Among the memberance with wage and hour require and to work out the details of the whelming torrent of non compliNew Recruits The smashing defeat of the United Dress were naturally angry at this grossies and groups other than the lot this committee are: Arthur Mac ments; the enactment of the Work From New York City on the Eastern coast 22, International Ladies Garment Workers brothers in Albert Lea. Together menta committee. motion to the Socialist Party, Lederman of ophy of low wager and from California in the West, out of the Union, was a victory of the labor movement Conference, they asked Baker to so and Labor Committee to Labor Pattern of the Workers Commit best of all possible baren ucratic Socialist Party and in the first case over twin evils which are alien to its historic back on the case.
and the so called Communist Party in the purposes and hostile to its healthy develop who, Inddentally, as a man with a down by a small majority. This theme of the Giant for worlds. Wage carpers have nothing second, new recruits for the Workers Party ment.
well developed social outlook, glad question will no doubt be raised the of the Workers CommitThe so called United Committee was just him long to discover that the ments committee.
It didn take and fought again at the arrange ly agreed to this.
and the Spartacus Youth League are reported Administration, its heart in the tee and Albert Glotzer for the right place, has finally recognized in this issue of the New Militant. In both inWorkers Party.
another name for as crooked a combination as charge of Illegal entry was not The New York District of the the co equal status of labor with stances the new recruits to the banner of revo ever set out to cheat and betray the workers even contained in the indictment. Workers Party will The prospects are bright for lutionary Marxism consist not of isolated in under cover of radical slogans. The United Upon this basis he drow up a writ wholeheartedly to make the par Chicago.
cooperate rousing May Day Celebration in management. The problems of undividuals but of groups of militants who, by Committee. claiming to represent the rank oc habeas corpus, Judce Senn bap adeo and demonstration as militant, tion the Workers Party stretchout have been solved. The economic order of the United States conscientious study and the test of diverse ex and file. was nothing more nor less than a discovered an old law which per. Plans are being worked out to and celends to watch for the de has been revolutionized.
perience have convinced themselves of the nec united front of the old club. a reactionary mitted the court commissioner to make the Workers Party and Spar tails of the march and prepare to essity of such a decisive step.
and racketeering group, and the past masters issue such a walth The commis: tacus Youth sections one of the participate under the banners of For where Hillman once sat alone as the of s spokes The drift from the Socialist and Stalinist of the art of union wrecking, disruption and slower then issued the writ and the most lively sections in the entire our Party parties, as well as from the ranks of the dis slander, who have made a racket of radical treed when Judge Senn got news on teorems for the etc. are the man on the NIRB, he is now joined by Murny. Two Jobs in the place affiliated radical workers, toward the Workers ism, the Stalinists. Behind these two unprin of this. The Judge immediately ing prepared. The Collective of one twice as much opportunity out the ation last December, has continued steadily fuddled and confused into thinking that Stal Baker into court and venomoruly demonstration was rent out by the Propagandist and grows in scope. The movement thus far is inism represents Communism. were mobilized. attacked him for his efforts on be Workers Party in letters to the half of the strikers. trades anions and other Unfortunately, there not as of modest proportions and moderate pace, but But, fortunately, not enough to affect the much cause for elation among the Supreme Court Roling paper is not merely a colit is steady and the general direction is clear. result. The dressmakers have learned some Undaunted, Baker, by an incredworkers as there is among Green The advance guard is moving already and thing in the bitter experiences of the recent ible amount of effort, managed to CHICAGO. On Sunday, March lective propagandist and collec and Co. The whole Executive Countive agitator. It is part of all of the of might be that is what is important and significant, for years. They applied that knowledge to their bring the Judge action before the 31 at 10 the Provisional Com an enormous pair of bellows, named to the NIRB for all the difthe movement of the advance guard today her own interests and the interests of the union in State Supreme Court, who ruled mittee of Chicago Labor May Day, blowing every wpark of the class ference that would make on the alds the mass movement of the militant workstruggle and of popular disconWhat the elections of Local 22. 70 percent of the that the Judge was in error in 1tent into a general conflagration.
matters that really count.
ers tomorrow.
has the NRA done so far to reduce total vote was cast for the administration suing the restraining order. Baker plan for a May Day celebration, ke Lenin himwell, mas rashed back to Albert Len and over 105 delegates representing Thus spoke unemployment, increase weekly Utopian short cuts and magic prescriptions slate headed by Zimmerman, That vote is the sought another writ ter of theory and master also in earnings, and to the real income of to create revolutionary mass movements over hand writing on the wall for the Stalinist corpus, which Judge Senn then tions, political parties and youth organizations responded to this the field of practical achievement.
It the symbol of the bellows workers? The answer all of night are no part of our philosophy. We pro racketeering combination in the needle trades. dented.
All, initiated by the Socialist applied to the organ of a revoluficial statistics show is nothing.
ceed from scientific premises and chart our line Incidentally, it sounds taps for Stalinist This, then, is the status of the Party, the the Interna tionary party was ever or any What can the NRA do in view of of development on the basis of the accumulated domination in their last stronghold, the Fur ne at present. Several of the tonal Pocketbook Workers Union, its encouragement to production prisoners will be released on April the a. of the Workmen Circle, where appropriate, it is at this and price control, to cartels and experiences of the international labor move riers.
moment in the United States.
To take the popular discontent monopoly? The answers a moment. The movement that will challenge Amer In supporting the Zimmerman administra in Jall on charge of which they the Jewish Federation of Trade ican capitalism and finally overthrow itment reflection will indicate is stirring everywhere in this counless than nothing The conference opened with an try today, still manifest largely tion the members and sympathizers of the were innocent, and which was not must indeed be a mighty movement of the Workers Party in Local 22 only chose an al it is possible that action may be the manager of the Pocketbook false prophets and mountebanks masses. By this conception we mark ourselves ternative dictated to them by concern for the brought against the court author. Workers Union. He was followed and transform it into a revoluTHE PITFALLS OF LEWISDOM.
off from all sectarians who worship dogmas in interests of the union, No one having the ties for false imprisonment.
by a report of the credentials com The wage conferences between closed circle. But the road to the masses is slightest regard for the needs of the dresstionary conflagration! To en Baker sincere and capable ac mittee, which marked the first able the fighting elements in the the United Mine Workers and the through the vanguard. By this conviction we makers could do anything in the circumstances uvittes om behalf the Estrikens struggle in the conference and be unions to take the leadership in operators are still dragging on.
differ with all opportunists and utopians, with but register the most emphatic condemnation the state, and have opened the May Day. The credentials com steel, automobiles, textiles, rub Outwardly at least the deadlock is all political quacks and their alluring schemes of the unscrupulous Club combination. minds of large sections of the ber, away from the bureaucrats complete. The operators propose to to get rich quick.
mittee proposed to unseat the delewho want to put down the fire continue the wage and hour standIn doing so they did not give an unqualified en working class to an entirely differ gates representing the Stalinist of discontent so that the discon ards of the present bituminous coel Only a revolutionary theory, tested in strugdorsement to the Zimmerman administration ent conception of what a labor of Committee for Unemploytent of the workers with rising code. The union proposes to raise gle and assimilated into the blood of its adhernor withheld their criticisms of it. Still less From now on, said one member and the Workers Party because like in action. ment Insurance. the Lovestoneltes prices and falling incomes, with Wages and shorten hours.
ents, can guide the masses to the revolutionary should they do so now.
sham company unions, with labor.
of the Austin Union a few days ago, these were communist organizavictory. The carriers of this theory are the Will this mean, If no agreement An ugly aspect of the situation is the fact judges in Minnesota will ask a tlons.
hating bossos, may be tanned into is reached, a truly militant strike?
class conscious militants, the workers vana conflagration sweeping the nathat Local 22 has come to be regarded as a worker twice if he is guilty before Unity Wins Out tion like a prairle fire during Not if John Lewis can help it. Intervention on the part of the guard. The party which attracts them today pawn in the Browder Lovestone wrangling for they roel of sentence.
spring and summer! That site and peaceful suspension onby the tens and the hundreds will make its way place in the official Communist Party. AI Emme Dismissal militant socialists led to a motion Is the task of the Workers Party. til such time as coal Inventories to the thousands and eventually to the millions. progressive and militant members of the union at a sectional conference of the another story, and will be presented Militant must be distributed in It was for To achieve that task the New are reduced, is possible. But Lewis The steady recruitment of the most advanced will work as hard to suppress any must oppose. unitedly any attempt to bring Northwest Labor Unity Conference in next week New Militant. increasing thousands It must vigorous strike as be has worked and experienced revolutionary militants from the Progressive Group under the domination beld in Austin on March that Incidentally, the Autin Union has become the paper of the Americen to suppress all coal strikes from the all camps in the labor movement into the of official Stalinism when the Lovestone Brow Julius Fimme was tired off the Job unanimously demanded that Ponso workers. Our field workers, our very outset of Section Ta.
Workers Party is rapidly establishing the new der deal goes through.
be held as secretary of the Minne resign from the presidency for his comrades in the front line trenchsota Industrial Commission. Emme cowardly and stupid advise to the es in the strike areas, our com It should not be forgotten that fact that there were many such lion throated working class of the criticized Judge Senn decision and Albert Lea strikers, as well as for rades who have to meet the ar the bituminous coal code is equipScottsboro Boys Negroes harred who were eligible. United States suggested that heat be put under his general reactionary policies cuments or the slanders of other ped with labor boards in which the It was just about four years ago The Scottsboro Boys Must Be any judge that would sentence in which he is trying to impose on parties and groups, the party M:W. and the operators have Get New Tria! that nine Negro boys were pulled Freed.
nocent men in such a manner. the heretofore militant Independ organizers and members who equal membership. The code very This remark of his was expanded ent Union of All Workers.
meet the militant workers in the definitely limits the right to strike.
raping two white girls. Within a WORKERS SCHOOL NOTES and spread over the front pages of It is possible that the Albert unions and unemployed leagues The code very definitely provides (Continued from Page 1) few days they were sentenced to New Classes: the St. Paul newspapers in a lurid Lea case will be reopened, that the and win them for the party for compulsory arbitration. These death in as breathless legal History of Russian Revolution: manner, the account being written men will stand trial on the original all must be armed with the New provisions were written into the awaiting their second trial, attorn lynching spirit as even the Jimby a newspaperman, a labor spy. charge and be fully vindicated. Militant their work must be code by Lewis and his cohorta for les stated, because they cannot be Crow south had ever witnessed.
Those interested in the history of who had speaked into the Austin The Albert Lea and Fargo ease supplemented by the New Mill tried again on the present indict Victory Not Yet Complete the Russian Revolution are invited conference. This was the excuse have driven home sharply the need tant going in thousands into the the specific purpose of preventing the rank and file workers from getments since all the boys were orig The victory is not yet complete. to enroll for the class which meets that Frank Starkey, a notorlons in the Northwest for a broad labor factorics, mines, stores, offices ting out of hand.
inally named in the bills handed The Scottsboro boys are still be Friday evenings, 8:40 to 10:10 labor faker and a member of the defense movement which can com and workershomes.
down by the Grand Jury. hind bars. Lieut. Governor Knight Henceforth the class will function Industrial Commission (appointed mand the services of experienced Blow every spark of the class JAMBOREE The unanimous decision of the of Alabama says that he will seek under the guidance of Joseph Car by Governor Olson, incidentally and intelligent labor lawyers law struggle into a general conflagragiven by the court stated that the evidence over new indictments to prosecute the ter.
was looking for. Starkey works yers who will be backedd up in tion.
Spartacus Youth Lengde whelmingly proved that it was a cases to their conclusion. This Trade Union Strategy and Tacties: hand in glove with the right wing their courtroom work by the power That means, today, support the SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 8:30 regularly established system in the knight of reaction must be an This class has been reorganized fakers in the State Federation of of a well informed and fighting New Militant subscription cam Dancing, Games, Refreshments Alabama courts to bar Negroesswered. And the way to answer and will function under the guid Labor. Emme was summarily dismass movement. There is a great West 15th St.
from jury duty and that there was him is by a renewed campaign of ance of Karl Lore. It meets Thurs missed from his job withont the field for the Non Partisan Labor National Committee of P, Admission 150 by hat check.
sufficient evidence to establish the mass protest rising from the mill day evenings, 8:40 to 10:10 semblance of a trial. But this is Defense in the Northwest. MUSTE, Secrtary Proceeds for National Tour.
organizations paign.