PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1935 terror plus the most vicious edito IN THE UNIONS Fargo. Labor Struggle That Rocked the Northwest Hial berrage laid down by the local 1500 Bootleg Coal Miners Organize Hte cute prin detergente entre les seves that they are one beings. Maps National Tour ization.
try to one press at the beginning of the strike, one paper approvingly quoted a religious old woman as saying, Miles By KARL LORE Dunne should be taken out on the prairies, stripped to his underwear One of America oldest indus duct in the unions, advertise it in and made to walk bare footed back trial unions is fighting for its life. the labor press and do its best to The threat comes not from the em sell it to the labor movement in to Minneapolis.
Since the following article was ployers had been waiting. strenlution referring to the Tergo vigil.
written, several new developments MT. CARMEL March 24. ployers primarily but from the of general. That is a good business ficialdom of large and powerful proposition for small companies was blowing, and three hundred antes as hired thugs. demanding Just a word as to the Fargo emhave taken place. The sixteen deputized vigilantes, armed with that the strikers be accorded their ployers. They have recently organ About 1, 500 bootleg coal minero craft internationals who want to who are unable to carry on any defendants have at last bsen released on bail after the most fan clubs and ar bandles, quickly as lawful rights, that all arrested be ined themselves as the Associated jammed a ball in this city to lay advertising campaign of their own.
e permanent tear it to pleces.
tastie obstructionist taeties on the der the direction of States Attorney circulate petitions demanding the end documentary evidence is avail organization and in preparation for The organized brewery workers it is good business, however, only part of Judge Paulson. An Inves Bergeson, they were directed to the recall of Bergsson got under way. Asle proving that they have received a mass demonstration of 15, 000 in have always been at odds with as long as the number of union lariver. Approaching, they waved One of the arrested pickets, Citizens Alliance in carrying on April no little help from the Minneapolls dependent miners at Harrisburg on craft unionism. They always stood bel firms is rather small. The instubbornly for the right to organ side track on the labor market is State Legislature surprised no one their clubs and yelled provokingly, Ernest Falconer, shot and killed their fight against the unlon.
ize workers in and around lost when a great many firms roc Bootleg coal mining has be Why don you start some himself on his release from Jall.
breweries into their ranks. At the ognize the union and use its label able to the Union. The special thing? to the pickets. The vial. Unable to comprehend the forces come an extensive industry in 1983 convention of the American on their products. In order to sell strike bulletin has been succeeded lantes closed in and arrested 18 of which held him in their grip, herd per. One of the unioniste bad the thousands of unemployed coal dis rected to turn over their toamsters, and to make it attractive to manuOne incident will show their tem. these parts, involving hundreds of Federation of Labor they were di the unton and the label, therefore by new tablold weekly, the Gate the strikers. On 4th Street South City Labor Review, official organ were 14 more pickets walking to ed into fall like a common felon, misfortune to lose child fewers and doing an annual business electricians, engineers, etc. to the facturers, the union must keep it.
weeks ago. The undertaker refused that runs into millions of Local 173. Fargo Defense wards the river. These were also he became despondent and took his bury the child without a cash This form of individual appropris. endum of the membership of the tant activities or organizing cmdollars. respective craft unions. refer self small, refrain from any millmovement has been initiated in arrested and carted off to jail, payment. For ten days the dead tion, by which the jobless miners Brewery Workers turned down the palgas.
Minneapolis along non partisan charged with rout. an ancient Packed Jury child lay on a slab in the mortuary lines under the guidance of mighty charge dealing with an act in the Local 574, and has already sue direction of a riot. which was strike trials began. By the follow. ployers approached the man and panies, has become a dire threat to vention reaffirmed its previous de On Wednesday, February 18, the Finally an emmiesary from the em ing coat on land owned by the com Pote. Last year A of con Metal Trades ceeded in mobilizing public opin taken out and dusted off for the oc ing Tuesday the case went to the told him credit would be advanced One of the most intelligent renelon for the Fargo strikers and casion.
cision but the brewers still refused tionaries in the of is un.
what is more important, bas Jury, hand picked by the law and for the burial if he would qult the the profits of the coal barons.
The TAberal Governor George to split their ranks.
doubtedly John Frey, president Tear Gas for Children raised some cash to finance the of the Metal Trades Department of appeal which the union defend The body of special police then guilty was brought in, and on Feb. then stepped in and paid for the Karle gave these thosands of the Federation. Frey is especially ants will make to the State Fumarched on the onion hall, located William Cruden and Austin burial. The man is still out on otherwise sobless miners the cold War shoulder in arranging and extend Now the craft unionists, led by doncerned to find a way to stem preme court.
on the second floor of a building Swalde, president and secretary of strike.
ing Invitations to various interests Dan Tobin of the International the rising tide of industrial unlonon First Avenue. It was learned the union were sentenced to siz Local 178 is by no means beaten. affected by this lusty depression Teamsters Union, have begun a ism which threatens the Jobs of so today in Fargo, it is necessary to a local business man, bad taken out other picket. The other thirteen (sbades of 674) st111 appears. Aulate policy on coulbootleg cities Jurisdiction strikes have been Metal Trades Department. He has To understand what is golng on later that the owner of the building, months at hard laborban Wastone special dally strike bulletin Industry for a conference to form war to the death in a number of many of his fellow officials in the paint in a sketchy background.
riot insurance the previous Friday. were given two months. In the case troupe of union wrestlers and box ging. called. The Teamsters officials developed the idea of joint agreeSince the days the labor meldende children, plus coabout was at 1, 000 each, as the unton at line nearby communities to raise neho neplan on soop dered oners to force craft workers out of sar Industry night substitute teorie movement in parte has been dor men. An FERA class in labor his torneya prepared to appeal the case money for the strike fund. All the the state capital in hundreds of the ranks of the industrial union. Justry organization on a senuine mant. But the strikes of General tory was in progress, taught by a Drivers Local 574, Minneapolis, had seventy year old man, Mr. Aasgaard. jailed have not yet been released. eted with immense signs, reading of assembled miners will demon the Teamsters Union, fing any workers at the Butte Mines of the As these lines are written, those roads leading into Fargo are pick coal trucks. There the thousands The boss signs an agreement with basis. The strike last year of the September 1934 Miles Dunne of the wombeat wanne was accomplished by humb hess sympathizers, only to be tenced tor 44 Months. Don Trade Aniste fight should the state and ery workers organization and hires med en as die begins. More recente de on this General Drivers Local 173, Fargo, the window. second bombard ey Bergeson. That the latter is be Pestilenice Stalks the streets of with their only source of livelihood izations.
men has signed an agreement with the Sinclair Refining Company to act as business agent at the latment was made and then officers ginning to feel a bit nervous, bow. Fargo. Trade in Your Home ter request.
Thomas In Spokane, Washington, the un which covers all of its afiliated the Immediately things began to hum. trance to the street. The prisoners has moved to dismiss the cases of ties Union and the Non Partizan ant Governor and Michael Heart locked out as a result. The distriet Industry: Local councils are being formed a gauntlet from the hall en ever, is shown by the fact that he Town! The American Civil Liber the of and now Lieuten on workers are all on strike or are unions which have workers called for Farge and Moorhood. gering from the stairs, eyes stream. officer and the 14 charged with rout. cue to assist in carrying the 22 now seeretaten te Mines The Earle announced that a new stunt wit to which all labor organizations in day of hard picketing musued, foling from the effect of the gas. Sevlowed by a ten day truee. Local eral of the men from the hall were Despite five weeks of this legal pai to the state supreme court.
cabinet were accused of selling he tried. An organization called the the field may affiliate. Grievances 173 came out of the strike victorld beaten by the vigilantes. Altogether, out the miners and working in the Brewery Inside Workers is to be and negotiations with employers interests of the coal companies.
formed. All Brewery workers in are to be settled in a matter similar Spokane must belong to it if they to that used by the system federaa minimum wage of twenty dollars cluding three boys (one of them.
The most significant feature of want to work. It a light to the tons of railroad shop crafts. At weekly plus commissions, an agree. Towell Cruden, son of the Union the meeting, however, was the finish. And if all forms of union best it is a shoddy substitute for ment for collective bargaining, sen president. marshalled into line and number of hitherto unknown lead ism are wiped ont in the struggle the real article. The oll fleld workdority rights and no discrimination. marched to Jail. This last batch initiating a national tour. The rep The Spartacus Yonth League is (Regional Conference 27, 28. ers who have sprung from the it can be helped. Jurisdictional ers need genuine industrial organThe union switched Cleveland 30, May rank and file in the battle to pre rights must be upheld. erve their means of existence.
toward organizing the coal and officer. The books and records of resentative of its National Commit MAY: Columbus 2, 3, Mike Demchak acted as chairman Union Label transfer workers. Inside of a few the union together with the office teo, comrade Nathan Gould, will Toledo months, the workers in these indus furniture were selzed by the vigil cover every city where we have of the meeting and was elected No one will disagree with the WHAT TOATTEND branches in a Detroit, Mieli. 7, trles had signed up almost 100 perantes and turned over to Bergeson. and temporary president of the organ proposition that the marshalling of coast to coast tour across the coun Chicago. 10, 11, 12, 13 (Res ization.
cent. The union approached the The union hall was padlocked.
ional Conference 11, 12. labor purchasing power behind Branches are urged to make Organizations of the Independent union made products is desirable.
employers and asked for a contract.
April 7, P. Harlem Mass Thus 95 strikers were arrested This was coldly refused, and on that day. When General Drivers immediate preparations for meet Gillespie 15. 16.
Coal Producers Association have the worker pay envelope can he Meeting on recent events there at January 22 the Fargo coal and 574 in Minneapolis leamed of the ings, affairs, etc. as outlined in the St. Louis, Mo. 17 800 members in Shamokin, 600 in a real weapon in the fight to en Union Hall, 200 135th St. Speaktransfer drivers went out on strike. arrest, it offered to replenish the circular letters went ont by the na. Kansas City 18. 19.
Kulpmont and 600 in Atlas. Mt. trench unionism. The Union Buyers: McKinney, Muste.
The tional office.
laid down three princi Fargo picket Ilnes. Governor hoenix, Ariz. 22 Carmel is expected to have a branch ers Clubs which have been organ Simon Williamson, chairman.
Free pal demands: union recognition, no Los Angeles, Calil 21, 25, 26, 27 of approximately 1, 100 members. ived in a number of middle western The following in the ronte of the Moodie of North Dakota promptly discrimination, and a uniform scale stated he would moet outsiders Tour (Regional Conference 2, 26. Organizers are now in Shuylkill cities are steps in that direction. Muste will speak in Brooklyn on Fresno. Cal. 28 County preparing for April of wages.
sent into the Fargo strike three APRIL: All too often, however, the union America Role in the Next War.
San Francisco 29, 30, 31, June meeting is to be held on March 28 label is turned into a racket which Auspices Flatbush Branch. Place to Vigilante Trouble Shooting New York 13, 14 (Regional Con JINE: to give a permanent character to actually works to the detriment of be announced later through District Following is a calendar of events The prisoners were held for bonds ference)
Salt Lake City, Utah the organization.
further organization. union like Office.
since the strike was called. Early totalling 47, 000. By the end of the Newark, 15. 16 Minneapolis, Minn.
This is to be followed by a con the United Garment Workers, for Sunday afternoon, January 27, a week only 46 remained in custody April 13, P. Spartacus JamDickson City, Pa. 19.
Chicago, Il 11, 12, 13 vention when the majority of the example, will approach a boss with boree at W. 15th St. Dancing, engroup of pickets went down to a of the court, and picketing was Philadelphia 20. 21. Detroit, Mich. 29. 30.
coal mining communities are or the proposition that he allow or tertainment, refreshment. Entrance nearby river to persuade an fee cat again proceeding. In the meantime, State College 23 JULY: ganized which will unity the canization in his plant, in order to by hat check, 15 cents.
ting crew to come off the job. This the state legislature which was in Pittsburgh 24. 25 Toronto, Canndai branches and elect an executive get the use of the label. The union was the signal for which the em session in Bismarck, passed a resoApril 19, Friday evening TheaYoungstown, Ohio 26, 27, 28, 29 Buffalo, NY committee.
in turn promises to push bis proter Party, Workers Party benefit. Waiting for Lefty and T11 the the receipts from his Radio league silver is a Christian concern.
Day Die. Tickets on sale at in the bank, the usual procedure But a storm was brewing Confor receipts from so called char gress authorized an investigation April 20, Saturday eve. Spring Itable enterprise, had been specu to determine just who held the Frolic and Chess Contest, Dislating with them in motor stocks, largest amounts of silver in the trict membership. W. 15th St. 3rd to the tune of 111, 000, losing 13, United States. The gold lobby in floor. Everyone invited. Pald Red Between Speeches Coughlin Engages 000 on one deal alone, 13. 000 gath Congress, judging from their own The following statement of five leading members of the Communist Cabaret tickets honored at door.
In Practical Business o His Own ered, according to the Father own souls, had a keen suspicion that the Party in Porterville, Cal. speaks for itself. The document is a classic: story, from the hard earned nick silver lobby was not entirely dis comment would be superfluous. Porterville is in the heart of the Cali TOUR TO THE By DAN EASTMAN els, dimes and quarters which his interested that there might perhaps fornia orange belt. The now defunct Cannery and Agricultural Workers We shall sketch the events of ing exhausted the home market, appreciative listeners contributed. be allver speculation larking the Union (wrecked by the had one of its strongest centers here.
Spend THIS Summer in the Father Coughlins life through the flees to foreign markets, where We might note for future refer back of all this Christian Inflation The statement follows: Join the Writers and days of Roosevelt rise, election, coolle wages offer hope of restoringence that other moneys were in ism. They were right.
Artists Group sailing on the and the launching of the NRA. The profits vested in tax free government Porterville, California Brittanic June 20th. 67 days for All Roads Lead to Wall St.
events are not important, but as That Father Coughlin should bonds. This investment, safe enough March 27, 1985 379. Special features at no exThe investigators reported in revealing the character and tactice single out an obscure example of in itself, 18 Interesting in the light District Committee, tra cost: Russian Linguaphone of the ambitious priest in his effort imperialist exploitation in a world or Father Conchlin platform, of April, 1994. Guess who held silver District Thirteen, Lessons and Chess Tournament Communist Party en route and in Moscow. Bob to become an American Hitler. where literally thousands are pro which one plank comes out unequl in quantities of 25, 000 ounces or.
Brown, o the New Militant, Later we shall consider his prominent in the news every day, in vocally for the abolition of tax free more? Frank Vanderlip, founder Eram, and see not only its fallings, clines as to suspect that some mo bonds. We must also note that the of the Committee for the Nation, bership books with the exception of comrade Lo who burnt his up West 15th St. New York City.
which are numerous, but that tive other than high Catholic patel stock brokers who handled the Fa: Cord, member of the Committee. There is no use talking, or for you to try explaining things any ther Coughlin hitaselt hardly takes ot indignation prompted his sudden ther account were the firm of for the Nation and financial slant longer, because you bureaucrats make it impossible for us to work his own program seriously.
Attack on Royal Dutch shell and Harriss and Vose of New York of the automobile evlation and like bolsheviks. Besides this, you re not just a bureaucracy but you re Just Off the Press In the spring of 1931 Fether its un named American co plotters who will turn up again in this bis Shipbuilding businesses loverett bankrupt to boot. The terrible mess you led the Cannery and Agricul.
The Suppressed Coughlin found himself, as a re.
Perhaps it was that group of tory along with the Vanderlip Rand Sanders, Chairman of the Republie tural Workers Industrial Union into, which resulted in its complete TESTAMENT OF LENIN collapse, is positive proof of your bankruptcy.
sult of his persistent attacks on financiers centering around the Committee and several other not can National Committee, Harriss With two explanatory articles And then the way you are now trying to get the of to give socialism and the red serpent, Vanderlip Rand Committee for the ables, including none other than Vowe, New York stockbrokers, and by LEON TROTSKY you a charter here in Porterville for the agricultural workers is about broadcasting over a national hook Nation, who moved the Father to the Chairman of the Republican. the Radio League of the Little Flower, which topped them all as crazy thing as we can think of. You call a inceting, clect party 10c each up to an audience running Into indignation. Perhaps the Royal Party. 00 per hundred millions He had become a polit Dutch Shell neglected to invite For God and Silver with 500, 000 ounces held on mer members as officers, and then expect the of to give you a ical figure of some importance, a this little groupe sure that a The New Deal In Money, written Terlip, whose Committee sponsored This book, reads the preface of old frlends together again. Van gin! Truly astonishing: all our charter when your tactics are as plain as the nose on your face to Ready April 10th figure which various capitalist any case we can everyone. Do you think the of is going to give the CommunWHICH PARTY FOR THE cliques were not long in enlisting ther Coughlin and the Vanderlip by Charles Coughlin himself, 11 Coughlin Christian attacks ist Party a cherter? We suppose you ll be getting out a leaflet in a AMERICAN WORKERS!
in their services.
couple of weeks exposing the of There no hope, you re Rand Committee have had some dedicated to those person who still gold, Harriss and Vose who helped done for.
Letters to Worker Correspondent Lubricating an Oil Plot high old times together on other persist in believing that man de Coughlin lose 13, 000 in specula And top all this off you want us to organize a Labor Party.
by MUSTE One week, out of a clear sky. deals.
What do you think we are anyway?
5c each Father Coughlin delivered a tirade 50 per hundred Father Coughlin supported Roos sentiment from the Priest own tion in automobiles, and the Radio Father Coughlin own We quit. And we re going to apply for membership in the Workers PIONEER PUBLISHERS egalust three companies, two Am svelt in the 1982 elections, attack: pen, and a fitting caption for the corporate child!
erican, and one the Royal Dutch Ing Hoover for having favored the next chapter of his life.
Party. Its program is going to develop a real vanguard in America. 96 Fifth Avenue, Only once during his entire carFather Coughlin never succeeded Shell, who were conspiring to re big investors over the little. The (Signed) JAMESON strict American oil production in attack now appears a little ludi leer has Father Coughlin been en in explaining away this incident, COLLINS favor of the Venezuelan fields. He crous, since Roosevelt carried ticed away from his modest home. His defense we quote from the New PITTS WORKERS MRS. PITTS revealed suspiciously accurate the favoring of big investors over his 750, 000 Tower of the Little York Times of April 20.
He pointed out that in a speech knowledge of the transactions little to a point far beyond Hoover Flower. On the evening of DecemMRS. OLLIE COLLINS Protect Yourselves Against the whereby this conspiracy was poor efforts. For charity sake we ber 9, 1933, he consented to give a the previous December he had said, Hazards of Life, Join the formed.
may suppose that Father Coughlin Lecture at Madison Square Garden When at times contributions to the WORKMEN SICK AND DEATH It is reasonable to suspect that in 1982 was not aware that the in New York, a lecture on money. Radio League of the Little Flower BENEFIT FUND OF THE Father Coughlin obtained his in. sovernment if it is to support capt. He spoke under the auspices of the surpass current expenditures the 1884 1935 He negtrade at the request of, some Amer support big Investors over little Nanderlip Rand Committee for the surplus is temporarily invested To New Readers Organized, managed by and for His speech, as were and are all lected to show how a gamble on ican oll company which was getting that even he himself, Father Cough workers with only one purpose: to rooked on the Venezuelan deal. lin. prime minister of God uld do his speeches on the money problem, silver was a safe investment, and How otherwise could he have had nothing more it capitalism was to was for the abandonment of the further neglected to show how render protection to members and inside advance information, and continue than favor monopoly cap gold standard and the monetization marginal investment always contheir families, and to support a wby otherwise should he light on ital over small investors. For of silver: in short, silver inflation, sidered a risky business under any endeavors and struggles for the this specific deal, relatively ob charity sake we may suppose that the old greenback scheme, the root circumstances, made his investment improvement of toilers.
scure and unimportant in an im he was too stupid to realize this, of ninety percent of past mid weg any safer. The fact is that he perialist world? Why a Venezu but even stupidity will not explain tern political insurgency. Father gambled, and gambled us wildly as Months for 25 Cents About 50, 000 members organized to elan oll plot, when he might as his continuing this stand to the Coughlin, however, introduced a possible, covering 300, 000 with 350 branches. Reserves 3, 400, 000.
well attack the oll and tin plot be present day.
new note of righteous Christianity 20, 000, as he reveals when he says, Death benefit graded according to hind the the Amer Making Charity Pay into the matter of inflation. Not This time purchased 500, 000 This special rate will apply when FOUR OR MORE such age at entry, Sick Benefit paycan companies involved in the Braz There is a question we would only was it reprehensible to believe of silver with an investment of subs are sent in at one time. Effective up to and including ments from 360 to 900 to men April 30, 1935 Less than four subs at one time at regular rates.
Illan cotton plot, or the nitrate plot like to ask in this connection: Is man more precious than gold. and 20. 000 through the arm of Harriss in Chile, or the antimony plot in an investment of 111. 000 a big in when Father Coughlin talks about and Vose.
Get together with your friends and send in dollars and subs and women, according to classes Monthly assessments from 16 to to the Business Manager: China, or the sugar plot in Cube, vestment or a little investment? gold he means gold specifically, he He further neglected to clarify 20.
or any other of thousands of plots The question is not without pertin is not talking in biblical terms the connection between his marginto restrict American production in ence. After the bank crash in De about wealth in general, but as he al investment and his mobilisaNEW MILITANT For further information apply to favor of foreign? Plots that are troit, in the spring of 1933, the himself said, send a call for the tion of all Christianity for the re2 West 15th St. New York City Main Office: the recognised and regular proced Detroit Free Press revealed that mobilisation all Christianity storation of silver. But that hard714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, dure of finance capital which, hev Father Coughlin, instead of putting against gold; the restoration of ly needed explanation.
The Cross of Silver Five in California Quit Besede ponekad And Join Workers Party Special Club Offer The NEW MILITANT