NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 16 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1935 PRICE CENTS THE CRIME OF SACRAMENTO Akron Rubber Strike Impends Court Convicts Guilty of Organizing CITY TENSE not only against the individual victims but against the entire DAILY STRIKE BULLETIN in Sacramento Goodyear Vote filij wel en termek against labor right: GAS HOUSE WORKER AmidRedScare Overwhelming ristorms Eight militant al pay for that reactionary victor GAS WORKERS STRIKE 100 EFFECTIVE For Walkout SERVICE SHOCK TROOPS Lupp STRIKES Scottsboro Boys Granted New Trial NY Left Wing AN EDITORIALE The conviction of eight leaders and active workers of the Cannery and Agricultural Workers Union, and consequent Modern Strike Strategy a working class of America, against all forces in the country working for a better and happier future.
painfully acquired in generations of bitter struggle and sacrifice. Reaction, conspiring in the dark to thwart all the aspiraNEL 1877. Warted Use tions of the oppressed people for a better life, has scored a Jury Aquits Six in Compromise After with the loss of several years of liberty. The workers everySixty Six Hours By JACK WILSON where will pay for it in their struggles against exploiters 11. While AKRON, Ohio, boldened by the precedent.
LACLE DE COMPANY GAS HOUSE WORKERS ON THE FIRING LINE DESCONTINUES FREE STRIKE CRUSHING BLOW WITH THE UNDON SACRAMENTO, April The Akron, seat of the rubber Industry, Those guilty of the Sacramento crime are, first of all, the Sacramento trial has come to an became more of a war camp daily industrialists and bankers of California, their cover organizaThe firsday walk weed to be the working Can Ho Worker Striking a wide end. Eight of the defendants, in this week as Goodyear, Goodrich Khaled Pime tion, the Associated Farmers, and their agents, the prosecuting cluding Norman Mini, were con and Firestone tire companies preThursday Wed. The day victed, and stand to receive sen attornies, the court, the vigilantes and deputies, the police and There are pared a huge force of deputies to fotballenge their way there will tences of one to fourteen years.
smash any strike, the rubberworkthe hired stool pigeons the whole state apparatus of represLee Leeuward Six were acquitted.
ers were gaining strength but were wie we were sion and oppression.
The deweg The jury deliberated for sixtyin danger of making fatal errors in Accomplices in fel by eers Schwarted Ropere em the crime are the cynical and corrupt rubber their battle against the six hours, taking one hundred and e forte leaders of the Communist Party who shamefully subordinated carde preseler Www eighteen ballots before it reached barone. strike vote at the Goodyear a decision.
the interests of the defendants to an internal party factional betere they port het every beperti UE RAM local The defendants will be sentenced overwhelmingly for struggle against them, and sacrificed the class interests inLe Can Cora walkout, according to a survey, and Thursday by Judge Lemmon on volved in the case to sectarian considerations in the struggle We were we areLa labor was heartened by the large At the same time an appeal for a The these against another party.
new trial will be heard.
number of workers who voted. Although the local seldom bad over They played down the historic case and robbed it of the Those convicted were Norman 1, 000 at the largest rallies, nearly national prominence which was its due; they kept the defendMinl, Pat Chambers, Caroline three thousand cast ballots ants members of the Communist Party! in jail for six STRIKE PAPER GOES Decker, Nors Conklin, Martin Wil WOMEN ROLE IN NORMAN MINI The Goodrich and Firestone locOVER months before the trial, refusing to provide bail for them; they Lorene son, Albert Houghardy.
als, always considered much strongNorman, and Jack Crane.
broke up the united front movement of defense and protest; Those acquitted were Jack Warn.
er than the Goodyear union, are while the trial was on they slandered one of the defendants, ick, Fred Kirkwood, Harry Col expected to show greater strength in their strike vote this Sunday Norman Mini, who is distinguished only by his superior intellilentz, Lee Hung. Mike Plesh, and and should pull out more than half genee and integrity; they imposed courtroom tactics on their Huffine.
the plants, which have nearly attorney which worked exclusively to antagonize the jury and The verdict beers out our state 20, 000 workers.
jeopardize the chances of the defendants.
ment that the trial was primarily Danger in Strike Delay directed toward smashing the Despite all this the jury had to deliberate 66 hours before ricultural Workers Union. The The first danger that confronta reaching a verdict. Four jurors held out for acquittal, finally eight convicted were the leaders of the Akron workers is the posibility the union, the men the state was Is Victory for Negro that they will be induced by WIconsenting to a horse trade which convicted eight out of fifteen really out to get.
liam Green, president of the defendants. powerful united defense movement, an intelligent of L, to accept a compromise some courtroom policy and a loyal attitude toward all defendants of the eight convicted, two, Nor Rights; Struggle Must thing like the auto code agreement man Mint and Lorene Norman, re would undoubtedly have brought a different result at SacraBe Continued Tacties of the national of ceived the jury recommendation mento. The American working class will do well to probe this chlefs so far have been purely thome for probation.
After four years of almost unin of trying to club Congress into The jury came to deadlock, the tragic experience to the bottom. The day of reckoning will MASS MEETING TONIGHT, 8:00 ELECTRICAL WORKERS HALL come for the capitalist perpetrators of this crime and also for plants who were fixed by the terrapted mass pressure from work passing the unsatisfactory Wagner their accomplices, the perfidious leaders of American Stalinism. Following the example of Minneapolis Drivers Local No. 574, the hanks and farmer capitalists helders and working class organiza bill through strike threats.
striking pus boose workers of St. Louis are publishing their own out for conviction, while the bona tione all over the world, the United Waiting too long before actually daily peper. faeimilio of the second number of the Gas House fide jurymen beld out for acquit States Supreme Court has granted striking in order to fulani all cialism if not the revolutionary Worker appears above.
tal The final verdict was com Taywood Patterson, Scottsboro de has already been one important a new trial to Clarence Norris and of constitutional requirements way to power. Politically the Hoan. Thomas de week pass by and more delay will whole Sacramento police fendants Leaves YPSL madores e for closer tot Oncol St. Louis Gas House Workers force was mobilized in and around The verdict was based on the tend to cause a downswing in the strike sentiment Meanthe court house during the time the legal fact that in the court where rising Marxism. split with the latter jury deliberated. The atmosphere the defendants were tried Negroes while the companies ship carloads And Joins WP will not make Thomas and Foo Answer Bosses with Strike was tense with the red scare were berred from jury duty. The of tires out and stock all their stirred up by the presense of the exact legal point upon which the warehouses in event of a shutdown.
The company tacties continue to clalist Party a revolutionary organpolice and by the flaming attacks decision is apparently motivated is ization.
in the capitalist papers.
the following: be that of provoking labor. Nre Resign as a Group, in Police and Scabs Fail again, as in the case of the Minne Two of the jurors, Interviewed Whenever by any action of a stone, ordered by the National LAThe statement cites the entrance Protest against NC of the Belgian Labor Party Into To Terrorize Strikers; a powerful weapon in its posses to the last for acquittals but com ture, through its courts, or through company union, instead orders apolls Drivers Local 574 labor has after the trial, said they held out state, whether through its legislabor Relations board to drop the capitalist coalition government as Decision at Buffalo Two Unions Offer Aid a warning sign as to the preparestrike vote to be taken by the comalon. daily organ to combat the promised under pressure.
They its executive or administartive of tions of the Labor and Socialist InAlthy lies of the kept press will be condemned Gallagher provocative fieers, all persons of the African pany union.
ST. LOUIS, March 30. Swiftly shield and spear in the current tactics, saying that there might race are excluded, solely because of Company Maneuvers Twelve young ternational for a new war on the socialists have been more than four (there their race or color, from serving side of the national capitallet class and secretly Federal Union of Gas strike.
This follows on the heels of have constituted the New York left repetition of the betrayal of House Workers, No. 18799 struck The Grand Stall were two others)
and they could as grand jurors in the criminal similar moves by the two other wing group of the Young Peoples 1914 can only be counteracted by well prepared blow for the right to For elghteen months the Laclede have resisted the pressure. They prosecution of a person of the Africompanies whose company unions the organization of revolutionary organize. In this battle against Gas Company stalled the young admitted the convictions were a can race, the cqual protection of voted overwhelmingly against a Workers Party and Spartacus parties of the Fourth International the profit forging Lacede Gasco Gederomonton, slefusing the ones compromise torced by the anti red the law is demed to him, contrary strike. Thim was done for propathe first answer of the revolution That is why they today, when war the Gas House workers have taken their rights. As far back as Dec. sentiment in the elty.
the Constitution of the United sanda purposes as full page news ary socialists to the treacherous may soon be a reality. Join the up the cause of the entire laboring 1934 the Regional Labor Board States.
paper advertisements claim that Workers Party and the Spartacus population of St. Louis.
decision of the meeting at bended down a decision recomix Helps Win Strike ly a minority of workers want to only Victory for Negro Rights As one man the gas workers foling the right of the union to barstrike, according to their ballota!
Buffalo declaring the advocacy of Youth League Unquestionably this decision is of Two citizens committees have revolutionary views to be Incom Struggle Against Reformis lowed the call of the union to blaze gain collectively as the representa CHARLESTON, Va. After tremendous importance insofar as been publicly formed for the pur.
Socialist Party patible with membership in the as a presenteou with bare views of the the very heart of open shoppery. Gas Company bad damned the the International Association of ment yet made with regard the course, alleged liberel ministers, Even as the 16 days of battle representatives of it is the most unequivocal statepose of averting a strike. or We call upon those who do not tive of stepe we are taking to give serious with the exception of a few incor public and the workers providers. y Machinists (A. Of L) called on right of Negroes to serve on furies and prominent business men head public mass meeting to welcome the young socialists into the consideration to what we have said. rigible bootlickers the entire staff they now damned this decision the local Unemployed League to where members of their race are the list of potential strike breakers.
From the For months the case dragged on ranks of the Workers Party and For we are convinced that only on of Laclede son strike.
The on trial. As such the victory can Union leaders refuse to give any the Spartacus Youth league will the program of revolutionary Marr main office to the coke plant to the The workers were patient. The help them in strike activity.
local responded to a man. The not be too much emphasized for it date for the actual walkout on the be held at Irving Plaza, Sunday. ism, and through the medium of the street department and the meter che came before the National LA picketing was intensified. Five represents a milestone in the strug April 14 at P. Dave Atkins revolutionary parties of the Fourth readers the picket line marches for bor Relations Board which upheld days after the League was called gle for Negro rights in America.
theory that it would harm labor the decision of the Con in the strike was settled successchances, although it could hardly Jullus Bertman, Manny Garrett, International can we defend the its rights.
The to There la danger, tempt continued as the company Daily Strike Bulletin Joseph Carter and James Cannon immediate interests of the working will spenk.
class and bring about triumphant Even as the workers left their attitude. And to top it all they cally and complete victory for the five other boys who are still though, that this is but a camerorganized handed the workers the notorious flage and no official strike will be (Continued on Page 4)
The statement of the young Bo world socialism. We are no less Jobs the union headquarters WILS Employee Representation Plan Valley was realized clallats clearly explains the reasons conduct a serious struggle against tions having been completed before firing of the oldest employees for convinced that those of you who humming with activities, prepara Intimidation failing, terror, the Rank and File Restless herence to the Workers Party and reformism in all its forms win the plant was strack. So effective membership in the union was be In that event, even the rubber the They record their re companies think that a spontaneous gun.
peated warnings against the old join the Workers Party and the with the declaration of the strike rank and fle movement will carry out the plans. In fact, the comGuard, the majority of the National Spartacus Youth League. came the immediate asuance of a Committee (Hoan. Thomas) and The signatures are: David At dally Strike Bulletin.
took the only means to avoid the panies have taken every possible kins, member of the 7th The Gas House Worker. name abject slavery: struggle In this precaution to prevent spontancentrist Militants.
their criticisms of the vacillating. Bronx, two year: member of of this bulletin, has been the expect the support of the entire case of the eight Albert Les strik out on top. strike was called on week, so restless is the mood of greeted encounter the union can rightfully L, Circle Sr. Bronx, years with enthusiasm by the men ont MINNEAPOLIS, April The which the union delegation came cous walkout belng effective this Analyses Confirmed Julius Bertman, member of plcket lines. Already it has served publle in St. Louis which has been ers who are today serving 80 day the spot.
the rubber workers, ment were completely confirmed ber of Circle 12 Srs. Bronx, to new militancy and struggle. Here for years. Our analyses says the state. Tth Bronx, two years; mem as a solidifier of the rankenspur suffering from exorbitant gas rateo Jall sentences for Illegal entry is The most serious defect of the Seized for Rioting by the decisions of the Buffalo Ave years.
of special interest to the NorthEdward Dawley, out Agency Active west labor movement because it of the delegation were arrested on and again good strategy was not few hours later three members rubber workers is the lack of er.
perienced strike leaders as time meeting of the National Committee Circle Manhattan L, two wwwwwwwwww of the and the victory re years; Evelyn Doram, Circle That the record of the company poses sharply the duties of labor charges of rioting. The next day used to swing all labor behind the SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION ports spread by the leaders of the Manhattan, one and a half years.
is perfect to date is indicated in lawyers to their clients; and be two more were arrested. Attorney pending struggle. This seems to New York Militants.
Frances Levinsky, Circle 13 Sra.
Watch the number after your its summoning of the dark forces cause, out of this case grew the Baker of Mankato was asked by be overcome by the aggressiveness of reaction to smash the strike. Al dismissal of Julius Emme, pro the Albert Lea local to take the of the workers At Buffalo the majority of the Manhattan, seven months; Marion name on the wrapper in which Ahner, notorious sub agency, is gressive trade unionist, from bis Rse. The four other delegates national committee retreated from Berkowits, Circle Srs. Bronx, your paper is malled. If the Issuance of a proclamation for now in negotiation with the com post as scretary to the Minnesota were arrested during the next two bidding mass picketing, depotizing their plan to take immediate de three years; Sam Roth, Circle 13 is the many for the purpose of furnishing Industrial Commission situation weeks, the case finally coming to ot hundreds of unemployed includclgly eaction against the Old Guard. Srs. Manhattan, one and a half as They gave them six weeks in which years; Edward Rogen, Circle Sra.
means your sub has expired and strike breakers. Tabor organiza which is causing most widespread trial on Feb. 18.
tlons in St. Loula are preparing to reverberations within the Farmer In the meantime, Fosso, the of barbed wire fences and other ing National Guardsmen. erecting to consider a compromise proposal. Bronx, three years; Alice Malek, this is the last issue you will scatter this outfit to winds. Labor party and the trade union right wing president of the Inde military precautions shows that the At the same time a heavy blow circle Srs. Manhattan, two years; rocelye until we receive your ro newal this time a serious political one. Coorge Fleischman, Circle Senpendent Union of All Workers, struggle will be a bloody one as It is under police protection that movement in Minnesota.
this seab aegney is operating. The If you will send your renewal was directed against the true revo iora, one year; Freda Lapedas, CirOn Monday afternoon, Feb. 4, a came to Albert Les and eased Baker workers refuse to allow any scabe police chief has ordered all for delegation from the Albert Len out of the picture, telling him (un to work while companies are de lutionary elements, that is, against cle. Srs. Manhattan, two years.
several issues in advance it will loughs suspended and increased the local of the Independent Union of truthfully) that the Albert Lea termined to break the picket lines.
those who favor the revolutionary Save work and expense in the office and insure your recelving Coree from eight to twelve hdors.
period of active duty of the entire All Workers called on Mr. Potter union had decided to engage at overthrow of capitalism. Accord. JOBLESS DRIVERS ORGANIZE ing to the majority revoluof the Potter Foundry Company. tories Gallegher and Goldie in MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Unem the paper without interruption.
tionary socialiam bas no place in ployed drivers, helpers and inside Unless you do so you will InevitOn the other hand, labor is in The visit was due to a sudden cam stead. Gallegher is. staunch Regional SYL Conference ing behind the embattled Spaign of discrimination against Farmer Laborite, Goldle is lawyer the and the Or as workers of Local 574 met here re ably miss some issues. No sub house workers as can be seen in unfon members by Mr. Potter. Pot tron. Minneapolis who has fune REGIONAL CONFERENCE t: revolutionary Socialists can re employed organization. large the an seriptions can be back datod. the assistance given them by the ter was most unsympathetic during tioned for years in various labor Back issues will be supplied at of the Spartacus Youth League Filling Station Operators and the the short discussion, and suddenly cases.
the regular rates plus postage To Be Held April 13 14 main in the Socialist movement mass meeting was held. An Action Automobile Workers. Two unem called for a group of scale who Attorney Baker, and all who District No. One: New York, New only if they not propagate a and Organization Commitee of 15 Please cooperate!
ployed organizations and members were standing nearby armed with knew anything of the case, were revolutionary program! For what was selected to draw up a program. Business Manager.
Jersey. Machusetts and Pa.
of the Workers Party are also co clube to throw the delegation Contributions should be sent to is the essence of revolutionary so plan of action and list of demands.
NAND operating out. skirmish followed in (Continued on Page 4)
BII Streeter, o called.
Albert Lea Strikers Duped by et van to grampen to the antes False Lawyers. Serve 60 Days number after your 16 it