BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Of New York Unemployed heads, Toledo in Grip LATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE as unity. the real political blows are directed Akron Labor NEW MILITANT against left wing tendencies in the party.
Starvation Faces Millions with which is merced What is the political tendency of the dominLEFT. Set for Siege THE MILITANT ant leaders of the party which is so extravaPublished weekly by the Workers Party of the gantly and so falsely advertised as the JABS West 16th Street, New York City Phone: Algonquin 9068 party of revolutionary unity. They have (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1) year for a family of five. Durmade it clear long ago for those who judge aid in crystallizing resentment heat. It also revealed that 24 ing the year 1934 the average Home Huntered u mocond class meil matter at the Post Office actions politically and report them honestly against the companies. The mem percent of the families were crowd Reliet Bureau allowance for cloth. British Bourgeois Hypocrity New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. It was written in deeds once again at Buffalo. ories of Toledo, not over 100 milesed together so that there were more ing was 18. 20 It is our aimcult privilege to be The Oklahoma Guardian, that priceless repre workers in fresh in Akron than two persons per room, ex Clothing Inadequate JAMES CANNON. Editor sentative of Detroit Declaration socialism, the torch bearers of ordered free cluding the kitchen. rapid increase in membership Month after month appropria dom in Europe ald Stanley BaldHAWTHORNE WINNER. Business Manager The gives over its columns to a campaign for a has beartened the onlons and given allowance for 386 of tons originally intended for cloth win, actual leader of the British these families was being supple ing were subetequently assigned to government. Why so modeert? Why third party to include Huey Long and the them mach additional strength SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In the United States 00 per year: 650 six months.
LaFollettes and carries articles from the facile While they are still far short of the minted definitely from the food meet the additional food and rent only Europe? How about India?
And why forget the Canada and Foreign. 50 per year; 00 six months.
pen of the democrat, Upton Sinclair. That is percent of the workers were in the percent of the familles on relief to the rolls. Occasional and in war to bring ordered freedom for Bundle lates: Two cents per copy. with the of the revolutionized of then. the long promised were using money sorely needed adequate allowances for clothing the peddlers of oplum and religion party, there is no censure for Ameringer. The action is finding a warm welcome for food to keep a root over their work a particular hardship in tam in China? Uriah Heap should have Vol. SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1935 Alles where there are small chil entered politics. He have been a No. 15 Na Leader dares at this day, after Germany among the workers. One local In still other cases it was dis dren who need clothing in order to great statesman, almost the equal and Austria! to present the Scandinavian the last two weeks.
covered that the family was meet attend school.
of McDonald or Baldwin. on the Firing Line socialists in the governments of capitalist Support of the organised auto ing additional rent from boarders survey of every Home Rellot States as comrades in arms. There is not even workers has been pledged and union and part time earnings. Upon dis precinct in the city resulted in ad. Britain, Hltler and Peace The London Times, commenting THE pages of this issue of the New Militant suggestion of criticism from the party lead undone and Detrott at the walkout at let Division proceeded to deduct has never been able to allow suti on the recent moves of Hitler, saya: are alive with direct reports of labor action ership. But the five Buffalo party members, the same time. Along with this, the such income from the family rellet clent funds to cover even the bar Though Hitler action to intro on many fronts. Everywhere the American work appealing to the against their expul rabberworkers will need the back budget, thus making it necessary est necessities in clothing for either ducing conscription was most pro ers are stirring. The third great strike wave sion, are cynically referred back to the State ing of all organized labor through for more families to turn to the adulta or children. The fallure to vocative, the deed has been accomunder the New Deal is in the making. From Executive Committee the very body which out the country in the forthcoming food allowances to make up the provide clothing has been a vital panied by words strongly expressivo all indications, the strikes breaking out in instigated their expulsion! And mention the would greatly strengthen unionism factor in the breakdown of the of peace. Whatever happens the Thus resulting, although the re morale of the unemployed. No man statesmen of Europe are now at various parts of the country are simply pre appalling fact that there are people of Trot throughout the country.
liminary skirmishes which presage the deeper skyist. that is, revolutionary Marxist tenden It to the duty of class conscious malnutrition and sicknem, demand employable or seek work if he is be consoling to the cando fodder and more widespread labor rebellion to come cies in the party as Oneal did accusingly at workers everywhere to do thelr ut ing a larger food allowance, and in not decently clothed.
Ls peace minded in this sense, that in the next few months. And what is of excep the meeting and Norman Thomas promptly party at Akron has been prepared Bureau Just as much as if they had mer the little food spolls for lack peacefully than by violence. to The report goes on. In sum she would rather get her way tional significance in the situation is the active retorts: Point them out to us and we will kick por het strite and will be in the origially permitted the family to of Ice. In winter the relief buraculents sense rattlesnake to veritrole of the members of the Workers Party in them out. In these acts of omission and com forefront of the struggle.
supplement its relle allowance. But fails to maintain a proper supply able pacifist.
the struggles now under way and in the course mission the political tendency of the leaders of such an economy is far beyond the of coal. The misery and oppression ability of the penny clutching reprises in an overwhelming mountain. The Great Engineer Tries of preparation. Our reports are not written the party of revolutionary unity is revealed.
resentatives of capitalism who ad in the office; they come direct from the firing All this is not to deny that there are proThere are 245, 000 families on minister relief.
rellef now. There are at least Comeback line, from party members in the midst of the found political causes for the internal strug The private agencies include. 325, 000 more who will be foreed self imposed silence to defend fun Ex Prerldent Hoover breaks actions.
gle in the Socialist Party. At the bottom of of Strikes Bandar clothing slowance in their con olio su the months ago In the strikes at Los Angeles, Fargo and the whole conflict is the impulse of the prolechamental American principles News Items. This is the same guy Toledo three of the hot spots at the moment tarian and youth sections of the movement for who said in 1928 that if he was (Continued from Page party members are in the forefront, playing a revolutionary policy. But these elements Only a Spark Is Needed elected President with the help of an active and, to a certain extent, a leading have not yet clearly formulated their program a new high when the organized God we will be in sight of the day part. Our comrades are on the job at Akron (Continued from Page 1)
when poverty will be abolished in where a great rubber strike impends. At St.
is why their sentiments can be exploited so street to roar its defiance of the adherence to revolutionary Marxist principle reveals its patent have sabotaged him. And lest we these United States. God must Louis they are busy in the preparations for a shamelessly; that is why they are made into open shop bosses.
y enormous superiority over phrase mongering, lack of prin forget in March 1980 this selfstrike of gas workers. In cooperation with pawns of an unprincipled struggle for place is in the air. Several unions are ciple and playing with principle. It is in the struggle against same American fundamente los 18 and other progressive and militant forces they are and position.
standing by, waiting for the call imperialist war that the big parties and the big institu neck to work. He continued to leading the turbulent left wing movement in the The Buffalo comedy warns the revolutionary to action. The Central Labor Union tions, built up on a weak or rotten foundation, crumple like a feed the starving American workIllinois coal fields. Party members are the elements again to formulate their own program bus metto consider general house of cards.
ers with similar statements until mainspring of the Unemployed Leagues, the and begin a real fight on principled lines. Such strike. All of Toledo is tense with he found himself flat on his Ammost imposing movement of the unemployed in a fight will necessarily be directed against the born resistance of the conservative What can be expected of the Socialist Party in the formerican fundamental principle at the entire country which only recently held a present pseudo left majority of the as leaders of the central bodies can of leadership in the struggle against war? Worse than noth His recent statement was read bestate convention in Ohio with 400 bona fide well as against their reformist kin of the old stem the tiden ind then with the ing! Right at this moment, when the sound of war drums before the California Republican Asdelegates.
Guard. It will reject out of hand the treach createst difficulty.
come ominously louder, the parties of the Second International sembly and enthusiastically cheered. Hoover never had a chance when This remarkable activity in the class strug formists and labor fakers masquerading as resentment over the results of the so hated by class conscious workers during the war of 1914 publicaniska tromus maleter die erous formula of unity with scoundrels, re kes that has been gathering with are preparing to play the same despicable part that made them he was president, sobbed the Rethe times and a magnificent prospect for the socialists.
tionary program of the socialist workers will wave Words has come that the in the government, taking over in advance the job of mobilizing were gassed and bayoneted at revealing itself, from the start, as the party be: Revolutionary unity. Break with reform enten det er flerede har en la reate the working class for the capitalist powers that be and restrain Washington. Today with the Roof of action. That road will lead unfailingly to ism and reformists and unite with the revolu wide scale. Bil Truax, President ing them from revolutionary action. In France, as in other eventcer, leven House to hopes torties a rapidly increasing strength and expanding tionary forces the Workers Party! of the has addressed a let so called non Fascist lands, the socal democracy is preparing comeback.
influence of our party. Clarity of principle ter to the State Federation of a to head the war recruiting drives under the slogan of Defend and resolute, energetic action this combination is the formula for victory. Our activity The Paradox of New York mittee, be set up to initiate a state democracy against Hitler Fascism. as the Allied social Justice In Harlem wide strike on FERA projects. The patriots of 1914 defended France and Russia from German An 18 year old Negro girl under this sign during the first period of the NEW YORK CITY contains one of the demands of the In this pro Kaiserism and their Entente brothers under the skin defended screamed when she saw a boy being party existence has already brought gratify greatest anachronisms of modern times. Dosed strike action adopted at ito Germany and Austria from Russian Czarism and Japanese au was arrested and taken before ing results and has started the party on the It is at once the richest and poorest city in hour; the thirty bour week for Magistrate Rinaud. This most right road. Nothing can stop us if we stick the land.
common labor and the highest preBlind also would be the worker who trusted to the Stalinist learned and upright judge said he to this line.
Here is concentrated the greatest wealth in Welling rate for skilled labor, and party to conduct an effective struggle against imperialist war. ad not think she screamed with all the universe.
others which cover conditions of the crew which has lost one battle after another, which has or three days.
destroyed the revolutionary and labor movements in one country The Socialist Party Crisis Here are amassed the croesus treasures of As has been indicated above, the after another, which has made an art of capitulation, is hardly Harmless Substitutes All Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and Astor.
IF THE Socialist Party is turning revoluthe one to lead a fight under the conditions of war. The party Yerba Mate is a harmless subtionary, as some conscientious people beHere the 400 form an aristocracy as tradition they established in the lieve and some conscious deceivers maintain, with envy.
would make the kings and nobility of old green in the forefront of all activities, in Hitler took over power, and which made such an ignominious you a copy of Goldman booklet great Auto Lite strice. They are which retired from the field without the firing of a shot when stitute for coffee and tea. With nothing happened at the Buffalo meeting of Here lies the center of the Morgan empire and sunchen and litt load in poste abler in a sterner test. The party which cannot think or act Advertisement in the Socialist the contention. On the contrary, the reading whose money power holds the million masses Blving the party a reputation that for itself, which is a mere puppet of the Soviet foreign Ofice Cabule The Bachazla. callbete el embar body of the party demonstrated once again at it well can be proud of.
will not be able either to combat imperialist war or fulfill the stitutes turning the other cheek Buffalo that it has sufficient political affinity in Wall Street and its symbol is the almighty Members on The capital of the United States is in truth elementary obligation of class conscious proletarian: effects the organ of the militants in the with the reactionary Old Guard to overlook tively defend the Soviet Union. The party which has already and is as pacifist in its attidollar.
its splitting provocations and allow six weeks committed itself in part to the piratical League of Nations, and tude to the hard boiled Old Guard longer for a reconciliation. At the same time New York as is commonly known has the Stand in Trial in whole to the misleading pacifist nonsense about disarme as the New Leader, organ of the the showed no less hostility to revolu largest population of any metropolis in the ment as a preventive of war, will wilt and collapse at the first on the Mhitants. harmless subtionary ideas than that which animates the world and the plutocratic 400 form but an (Continued from Page 1)
serious moment.
stitute sums up the entire policy Old Guard itself.
infinitesmal portion of it.
of the militants and the Socialist report by the Mayor Committee on Un of the proletariat, a soviet governAnd what else was to be expected from this employment, of how the other half. the ment, but only an abstract Work of Marx and Lenin in the anti war struggle be emphasized. The pamphlet.
Now more than ever, therefore, must the basic principles call, to say nothing of Goldman the overthrow of capitalism by revolutionary poor, of have and have not. sane observer partially saved by the testimony of tionary principle, of the consistently pursued class struggle. Thomas Offers The honor of Communism was imperialist war can be conducted only on the basis of revolumeans to be incompatible with membership in from Mars would rub his eyes with incredulity Jack Warnick and Caroline Decker. All talk of fighting imperialist war which does not proceed from the party was not a reversal of position or over this striking comparison. Here they are promising stand. sald that he the need of utilizing tire crisis of the ruling class for the purOlive Branch betrayal of principles previously held by the summarized: majority. The party leaders were had been among the instigators of pose of carrying the class war into its camp and ending the (Continued from Page 1)
simply reaffirming the Detroit Declaration as One million wage workers are unemployed. the Workers School, that the work war by overthrowing the imperialist war mongers. is so much membership in the party called they understand it, and not as pseudo lefts New York in 1930 is unemployed.
One out of every three workers employed in ers must be organized and elven a wind. All talk of class war against imperialist war is so much upon the New York State Commit and apologetic ex communists explain it. Louis With their wives, children and other de He stated that the workers would of mobilizing the workers NOW, TODAY, in their every day the constitution permitting Yipeels tlon for the proletarian revolution, more wind unless it is based upon a correct revolutionary policy to to accept the Declaration of Waldman, spokesman of the old Guard and pendents the grand total of those affected by have to get this education in thelr battles, in their unions, in their strikes, for a growing move 18 years or over to Join the party champion of bourgeois democratic socialism unemployment is 37 percent of the entire popu own school because being um ment against the capitalist enemy.
without one percent discount, branded the ac lation of New York City.
tion of the as a capitulation to the The struggle against capitalist war is an extension and the basis of party discipline with suspended Yipeel organization on never be Old Guard. That, however, is an unjust accu 245, 000 are on home relief.
Of the 666, 000 unemployed families only miseducated in the capitalist con enhancement of the struggle against capitalism not something out obliging them to support any sation. The left reformists in control of the trolled schools.
apart from it. They will not fight capitalist wars who do not particular party paper; called upon Another 325, 000 stricken families haven National Committee only remained true to applied or can get near the government dole. to the left of the others and even in the road and that means the Socialist Party. They will clance to the Socialist Party of Decker took up a position much NOW fight capitalism and its labor lieutenants at every step the New Leader to pledge its altheir own color by their motion to purge the party of the troublesome reds. Red is not either EIGHT (8) cents is the allowance a certain stage of the struggle not be able to fight capitalist wars who are not NOW able to the and, if this is complied their color.
soviets might be set up.
fight capitalism and its labor lieutenants, who by their stupid pension of the Socialist Call. The per person per meal.
What are they fighting about. the per It is therefore not unnatural that 18. per able showing on the part of the themselves and that means the Communist Party.
What is the cause of this miser and opportunist policies actually aid the latter to consolidate Old Guard was given six weeks in which to act on this decision.
plexed and disappointed radical workers in the cent of New York school children are suffer defendants? It les partly in the Socialist Party may well ask themselves. Not ing from malnutrition. That is, one out of cowardly testimony Sam Darcy today, then the latter demands a militant working class party of the reorganization of the IndiAmong other matters dealt with If the fight against war demands a fight in the class war at the meeting was an endorsement over principles, but rather over methods of every five border on starvation.
coping with the radical sentiments of the And piling suffering on misery, the allow. munism and lald down the line for this class war. The fight against imperialist war, which now rified radicals of the based testified as an expert onCom capable of organizing, coordinating, planning and carrying out and state organization. The untersocialist workers which have been given a powerful impetus by the debacle of social reance for rent is so meager that i7 percent of the others. It also lles in the con clouds the whole world horizon, boils down basically to the work this action on the precedent set by the families on relief were using food money taslon in the minds of these mem. of redoubling and multiplying tenfold all energies to build up the Left In 1919: decision was formism in Europe and the sharpening class to keep from being evicted.
struggle in the United States. Not over roads New York is indeed the capital of the world were committed by the old party consistent Marxism, the Workers Party of the United States, Labor Party though not taking im what Communism really 18. They the revolutionary party of the working class, the party of made to propagate for a Farmer to power in the struggle against capitalism, in poverty as in wealth. This it is because program to the policy of revola and the Fourth International which it heralds.
mediate steps in its organization.
the majority is no less devoted to it most graphically epitomizes capitalism itself. tonary unlons of united front and The five Buffalo party members democratic methods than the Old Our news story on the Mayor report re from below, of social fascism, of cism, no unemployed councils. the Townsend Pension groupe. who appealed to the against but over power in the party. That is why the fers to a large section of the jobless as a slogan ot soviet power. But all of the Communist Party in California front like this the defendants only the state Committee that 18. to unemployed councils, and a central They all realize that the policy of Faced with an ebrapt change of their expulsion were referred to struggle against the old Guard centers around reservoir of miserythem know that there are no more is now a labor party based on Sin carried out discipline and went the body which directed their exorganization questions and such abstractions Let us add, a combustible reservoir of revolt. rovolutionary unions, no social fasclalr EPIC, on the Utopians, on along with the new line.
pulsion in the first place. 0 0 0 0.
SPEAKER: Max Shachtman THE CRISIS IN THE SOCIALIST PARTY Saturday, March 30, p.
Labor Temple 14th St. 2nd Ave.