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On the Flying Trapeze

NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1935 the need of employment and regardless of the need Hearst Calls the Tune.
REVIEWING THE NEWS Watchdog of Capitalism BED MOTY JESTIGAT SACRAMENTO DEFENDANTS, NPLD Statement on Sacramento Case lir On the Flying Trapeze FDR Kicks Green Co.
of Pool, clothing and shelter for the masses.
NEW MUTANT Planned economy means the exact opposite. It with which werged mens first of all the total elimination of unemployTHE MILITANT ment. But that possible only under Socialism, only rubbed weekly by the Worten Party of the After capitaisen te overthrown and the working clan has taken power.
By BILL SHERMAN Wed 16th Street, New York City Phone: AL conguta OBB That to our goal.
Intered second class mall matter at the Post Onice New Militat sub for the Beat de Toth, ander the act of March 8, 1879.
Title Hb. 15 is the deadline for titles JAMBO CANNON, Kaitor Two tearful titles by Taylor. LARRY HOWE, Amodato Daltor TOHN Lewis barks again. Read and Weep and The HAWTHORNE WINNER Busness Manager This time he barks for William Randolph Weekly Weep. Among other, Hearst. Hearst wants to bead up the reactionary Kaisbane for Hrintune, By ibe SUBSCRIPTION RATES: forces in the country and hog tie labor.
Way. Now that You Mentholt.
In the United States 00 per year: 65 six months.
Mr. Lewis yappings in behalf of the Hearst camCALIERALA High Spots and Otherwise, Side Canada and Foreig: 50 per year; 7Be she months.
paign appeared in Hearst New York American, on lights on the Class struggle. ovbundle Bate: Two conta per copy.
February re! Wagon, False Alarma, LAYW down on Highepote, Lie Detector, Nothing could reveal more clearly the true nature Vol. BATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1985 No, Unexpurksted, and the following sud worth of the President of the United Mine Work letter: ers of America Dear Comrade Sberman: but Mr. Lewis fears the rack and file coal digger vapor of unreality has always hung Danger in Sacramento They are becoming more militant, and they are apt to over America. Added to this obgot him in had with the big business boys the cool noxioux condition was the practsDANGERS threaten the sacramento defense. We operators. They might even dump hon overboard, cally free distribution of American must be on guard.
should the opportunity arise! This explains why the Baloney the daily new. Today The Non Partisan Labor Defer, since its entry great leader accepts money from Hearst and lets American workmen we becomlut into the case, in support of all the defendants has loose a broadedde in the Hearst campaign against feel up with it and the vapor is pursued a clear, principled and straightforward militant coal miners, whom he labels agitators and fost condening to cold water. The policy. This policy has been based on the following reds.
atmosphere really stimulating, platform: In some coalfields, particularly in West Virginia Your column, catalyst to the ve1. Win cquittal for the defendants. Fight out and Kentucky, sheriffs and company guomen make a por mtt have otting ante. No tbe us on its read heue the right of labor to or practice of bustling agitators out of the county and take the liberty to get a few canlo and prevent the State from hilding the real giving them grim warnings. Lewis recounts this mex: here 06: Real World Imse by turning the tried into a Red hunt. There with satisfaction. But to suit Hearst, Lewis lies. World ax ls. Amer the Real.
by dhaw in the support of the trade unions and the He tells the Hearst readers that the coal miners, True News. That M, ComradeWorking loss generally. Maintain a solid work not the company gunmen, are responsible for this!
ly, Bros NY.
Ing elan front before the capitalist court.
less than two months ago deputy sheriffs in Har.
As result of the vigorous efforts of the Non lan, Kentucky, entered a hotel and beat up two Tomy Maloy, Labor lander Partian labor Defense, the case was raised from A, organizers who were holding conference.
the dump where the International Labor Defense lu identifyiug himself with the Hearst campa It was the larka buquet over held in the Slevens Hotel, Chicago had left it, ball was secured for defendants who had John Lewis reveals himself again as an enemy Judges. Joltee mpos, and arep bleen lying in Jall for six months, and the case itself of labor. He is, indeed, one of the well paid watch resentative of the Tepl. ut was brought publicly before the working class. dogs of capitalism.
Latur. repentative or Tame united front agreement, embodying the poul many Hall, jolloinn. Lubor fol tion, with the Workers Party, the Socialist Party The following statement on the We rudest lwy bringing from or will NMHK manyers, business men. gaugater all and the Communist Party all partkipating, was forpart it has played the defende Ten Mal mally entered into, and had an excellent prospect of Chicago the experienced labor wt other way we have sided the gun were well represented of the 17 workers being tried in Cortwy. Allwri Guldan, to defend eral depende cate loy, lead of the Chicago Moring broadening rapidly.
Sacramente under the criminal Mini tid to cooperate in the de 0:1 the suggestion of American Pleure person nieu. was leav In the midst of the trial, tbe Stalinists broke ibr THE resolution adopted at the Central Committee syndicale laws of Califoros reus a whole we raised 8, 200 Civil Liberte min otheals, Couluto attend the 1930 Britala united front agreement, and are now carrying on a meeting of the communist party beld Jan. 15 to has been laund by the Non Par. to! and liberated Jack Warnlek Perences begun weerst werk 180 Trader Inson Congre repreru slanderous and vicious attack against the LD.
18 is an Interesting, yta anazing dorument. It deals tisan Labor Defense Fd. Note and the Workers Party. Nevertheless, the LD.
with three points the trade union question, the and Caroline Decker after they bud. Sen Prancies, resulting in the art of the of and tile spent six months in the wretched setting up of united defense mach. Priends and admirers had gath refused to allow the solidity of the defense to be united front and the labor party. On each of them broken the executing a right about face. The man hitherto active in the New York caterigu Which is brought to the LL. several Inbor unions, tot him with 26. 00 for bile In this trial, all the machinery of the capitalist on the dying trepeze has nothing on the Stalloists labor movement, was called into Sacramento trial to public attention the sorinis Party. the Workera per Ajudge hailed Tommy clan from the blare of Hearst publicity to intimidation of the Jury to organization of vigilantes to when it comes to flying throngh the air with the the sacramento cane by Norman In other states and stimulated trade Party of the 11. to which Mini Malloy Humbansador from the Kreatest of ense tontimony of the most conemptible stool pigeous 18 Mini, one of the defendants now unions and other organizations to belongs, and the cornmunist Party ben citizens of America to the being used to conviet the defendants. The provocaFor years the Has asserted in the facing a long term in San Quentin. voler opwition to the pution Allgemwol was reached covering of Burow. special song, Lion is extreme, and it takes tim political judgment wions are company unions, that they must be who was not in second with the workerk uilty of organizing plans for a meeting bli Bon Voyage Tommy Malloy was smashed and that independent revolutionary unfons wide sud practiv of the Com union. We have arranged a neexity Campaign, fundraising the written and kill for this slow.
to stand up against it. The provocation of the State, inust built all along ibelio. Anybody who obmonist Party and the International eting in New York at which pro arring from art of factional is The Chicago FEDERATIONIST in and out of court. must be met by principled working class defense. If the defense attorneys al jected wit counter revolutionist, social fascist, Labor Defense minent lon lenders, writers and sex, the calling of a brond saww lyrical in describing the event.
wiring conferene, etc.
Tommy went to Europeaine back low themselves to play into the hands of the State te Now everybody must go into the of. and the revolutionary unions must be liquidated.
in their conduct of the trial, they will jeopardize the The defendants were gratified tolto denonnee and to face au to indictment for repraes to mur.
learn that they were to have the der. He could always lent the fate of the defendants, prevent the real issues from For years the united front from below was the being made clear, and antagonize mass support on policy and with It went the great theory of Utori, merely of the usual tbe Pacife Coast.
social fascism. But in the latest pronunciamento Crne. of nocent legal rap but two of us erat Let the LD. and the Communist Party, take there is not word about this dominant tactic and (Continued from Page 1)
leading theory of the last decade. Toward overboard!
warning. We will Aght with all our strength to prethe masses mevking wrganization cle and we organization, but while gangster Friendly and adulr than the ensive and deceptive sex rouse which might appeal for aldand Tommy Malloy is dead. He of genuine and broad unitiei de ers presented him yesterday with sluks from a wedloff whol kun, In dealing with the Social Demorats, the cornradssociation company wnions. serve the unity of the Sacramento defense. But we the Cal. They Maker their all on are not going to stand idly by wblle Staliniam leads are now instructed to avoid the replacement 440 for the Associatest Automo the working class to another in the long series of argument by abuse.
the valence of Hosevelt. The whole beber movement and all progresive elements. Our or was one of the later ondern Bit Workers of America, 3, 124; for optikeressive policy of antion carried ont ilx obliga a exter racketeer thut dominated Just Inst year an indepenchent Federation of Labor the 2: And for the nization was the farthest from tions to this unite defense in every the of land still dominates. Typical presentative of the Atalinist led defeats.
For the acquittal of the Sacramento defendante!
had to be built in the Anyone opposed was au Mechani tucation Society. 314 their minds and to engage in a ser For Inber Hight to organize!
a large section of in. Str. Hon voyRoux strukke for organization en uate stalin. Now it is inadvisable to put the quen House the elections and adFor united defende!
tirely to be avoided. Willing 10 The Communist Party redage Tommy Mally. May your fel tion of foruring Independent Federation of Labor ved the workers to cure the benefits or Stion is delegates, lowever, after rated low prasittel Inbor fakers www delicately put at that!
For years anyone who talke! Labor Party pate huy ferred in appeals to the varmebes of faith, and despite meryl you.
ci mane ly other groups lous branches of the latter Hele There is, however, a differ.
Was counter revolutionist, ere. He was preventinsdae in voting in plant elections tons Heard Mebiuery. Ir il WiN hoc for the sake of unity, eliberately Wil! Well!
the workers from rushing into the Now the clear then, it should at least smashed the mid defense. Ata. We know that the AF. is OON we will enter the third year of the New propostes to take the initiative in forming for auton and in tighting for clear now that these birds fun committee meeting January 28, Deal polleles pompously beralded again and Labor Party, though it is hard to tell brough the union. By the methods of the for again as a method of planned economy. With every forkof words they just what the concrete pra mer It is safe to say thinta uuton tion for the purpose of covering op acting premtly orders from Brate would never be established. It is the cooning measuv put over on New York, they violated everyer in the mily Worker. Evident, step taken in this whole scheme one note is repeatedly dinned into our eers: Business is on the road to reDoes this amazing resolution of the CP. in which true that the pressure of capitalist the onions Inder these condition it was despite the unity was of Dr.
the other delegates. This they did this worker doesn helieve what be ready in the Tally Worker, which covery. What do actual fact revenly in recent years thrown overord, in which, there hal the workers Luding their back to MIETfully and ihe orieurke Hiedley of the Civil Lab and over again thr uri. Is very single one of the leading police of the party exploitation and the intense speed up system remalus in other use; very interal that the pitalist in for five years to repeated over Following upon the heels of the came the fore, the utter failure of the party is inplied, does it erties Union and two of the La bo organization with FM the the and all the losser ven prenent.
tures. In tbe main they were all part of a general contain any traightforward leninist Admission of Over the neinbly lives under nur ORIVA veni letoralization tends who were the leadership and hol werkers this failure? Does it have anything to say about veillaner of foremen ou superlu has become a life iind death mattery frankly designed to scheme designed to strengthen monopoly capital at insofar as their heavy profits are eneration of any delegate will Son.
the havoc wrought in the American labor movement, according to their desires. Their concerned because the lying to rept Communist Party or the expense of the working class.
It is true there have been certain signs of what is in the defense work, by the lusa ne disruptionis and job is at stake, and they have no le redreboy experience habit in die ders, was laid down ax au ultima XATIONAL JIG NAW called an upward trend in business. Most impressive Adventurons tactics of the Roleh In the record of net profit kring made by the monoOn of the repudiation Striking for union recognition is tries enter the union they seek to egutes cult for united front poly corporations. The Analyst of January 11 in. of its entire past programe the comes toward an entirely diferent matter. It turn them into instruments under the leadership of the the year old Armor Labby Holman forms us that for 190 companies representing the basic and key industries in the country, the net prothe intense exaud They thus drove all and suicide Nuit Reynolds, tobarclaiming to be the revolutionary vanguard and leader brings out the fighting qualities struggle against of the American working class. Everything we that the workers porses and it infits were 320, 635, 000 for the first niue months of ploitation. The directors of the Hon. delegatex yut. including coleir, wat kranted 6, 000, 000 1994. This compares with 182, 096, 000 for the same have done is wrong: the American workers have stills into them a fighting spirit. his corporations therefore force they could command into molte socialist arty, Workers Party, income of Kanually by period in 1983 for the same complex. Profits were Non Partisan labor Iwfense, All Acourt decree. JUST BABIES: Accordingly the almost doubled in 1934.
Tow: therefore we are the only safe guides, the only ty of mass numbers becomes a powtion in the High revolutionary party. And anyone who now dares toerful factor and oluintes the fear overnment, which during the ATI and prepare to furticipate in ment. bwk lets on child care.
of. union ulserver present ll send you the labor DeparlBut what happened to the unemployed? The stat.
NRA erive appeared in the role isties of the of which cannot at all be said stand for what we strod for yesterday is a counter of the job that ex at stake. Workers the answer of dward NeGrady.
revolutionary Hain of Kinu! That 10 Piaggerate, presents the following picture, acThe Communist arty and the Ans Neretary of Lawr, to the argument today. move forward by action and in the benevolent sentrality to utonie united front defense.
cording to its own finally revised figures: It gives a ibe direction of Western Worker. seeking to shift ple of a West Virginia ruter total number of unemployed in November 1934 of In thinking that the American masses will fall directly for their union. Even the emphasis one 11, 469, 000 which is 429, 000 higher than its figures for such an amazlug performance, they once again flerve Ouslaught they meel from its al role of wervink monopoly posibility for this fortunate wife who wribed the Appelling insult those mannes.
Elven for the same month in 1933. Net profits are The workers will not forget the employers which cu strike tends Enjuictions, car and wel het sted what hapened on January and death in the fundat company rising and unemployment is increasing. Such are the what destruction has been wrought these many years to stiften their resistance ly the so called Communist party.
They realzo But this is all assuming that the need uldiers are ready to burk The rul truth can be testified town of that state Hotmily by delegates present results of the business recovery under the New Deal. the leopard dospite tbe talcum power he has sprinkled rukule for Ruitlan. This is More than ever ise old free of communist Party can unions give actual leadership in the up.
FASHION NOTH08 Of course, this has nothing in comoon with planned on his spots. Everywhere they are flocking to the economy. It is capitalist production for profit wrung out of the purplus value produced by the workers banner of those who long since polnted out the dean imperative prerequisite. Precy of organization and struggle is rol, but also by the members of more than 2100 years those who are employed. Any expansion that takes structive and ruinous role played by the Precisely this is what has been lacking cessary Ir the trade unions are il Literte lion and Mr. Clothes Nald Mrs. Harrison place is on the basis only of capital investments are flocking to the banner of the Workers Party of In the automobile industry In to meet the offensive successfully cork of the thikland Labor Collam, recently vutid America bewi where the rate of profit is the biggest regardless of the the revolutionary vankar of the American other waste Industries and this is Bulut is not the policy of Green all of whom were present as drewell women. Mehr Rembuck advertisex de rour sacks me 88.
what has enabled the diretors of and company. There whould not servers, excellent for making itiderwear monopoly capital together be any illusions that the Roced with ZACK TOUR children shirts, e. Arkansas eifically to the above liberal en to city fur number of years be kick the of leaders in the on their or change of their their executives lu Washington to rift will mean a chatge of polley eyelical, therein Father Coughlin comrade Josh Panekwho was children weet hors made of diswas appointed, in 1926, to the post pants. For this situation the Fed true that they cannot remain in Di Tarty and joined the Workers relations with capitalism.
found the nucleus for his sermons It is expelled tly from the tommi. candled auto ir on soelal evils.
tion whleb he still holds, by Bishop whole responsibility eration officials themselves bear the mindful of the rank and the pres Party is about to start at national TOY WORKERS STRIKE IN Father Coughlin was born Charles Gallagher of the Detroit Docese.
sure for wet on the rebellion tour. The schedule of his visits is SECOND WEEK: GAINN WON They had nothing more to offer Edward Coughlin, of Irish parenta, Thai is brewing behind this pres PowN XEW YORK, MebeX. The stur (Continued from Page 1)
at Hamilton, Ontario, in 1891. He sure, but the orientation is to crush ing to their own good pleasure. was educated in parochial schools, Thu, Pri, Feh. Nullo, y. ted tay workers have wow enteret The Socialista wrongly assume the rebellion. Attempts to outlaw and later under the Basilan order XI. kuu. Mon. Wb. 10 11 the second week of their strike strikes will follow in an orl to Detroit, Mich.
The pleket line is still unbroken the right of property to be of mere of monks. During the course of throw demoralization into the and the flying squads are functionhuman Invention. repugnant to his education he showed great inTues. Wol. Thurs. Pell. 1:9 13 ing with the same effectiveness as the natural equality between menterest in social and political prob.
and, preaching the community of lems, and doubtless regaled his It is not decided in advance that 14 Chiago. III.
at the beginning of the strike this will NUCN. The American Fri. Wh, 15 16 Toledo, Two of the largest shops, in the goods, declare no one should endure mind with the above and other even workers are getting into lighting Sun Monday, Tues. Pel. 17 18 19 union before the strike. have re poverty meekly, and that all maymor entertaining papal dictums.
WHICH PROGRAM FOR mood and learning how to deal with Cleveland, Ohio turned to work with all their de with impunity sela upon the pos. It might be noted that while those who henay them. The policy wedday. Feb. Akron, Ohio metods runtel. The rest of the sessions and neurp the rights of Father Coughlin never ceases to InAMERICAN TAROR of Green uud tumpany forestad Thurs. Ph. 21. olumbus, Ohio workers will demanding the wealthy.
veigh against international socialPrt. Nal. Feb. Yonngunion regnition, increase in wages ows deep going it udbreak ups It More Profitable ism. internationalism and on e of LA warning 110W TOWN. hin and furty hour week. More wisely and more profitab this very date (Jan. 21) against en is timely so that these break up Xun. Mon. Feb. 94 97 1timrk.
The boswe asociation has ly. the church recognizes the trance into the world court as an For communist Party (Opposition)
existence of inequality amongst Instrument of International bankFor Worker Party of may become only operation of Iust come out into the open and the officialdom from the rank and agreed to deal with the inlou.
men, wh by ture unlike in ers himself an American HEYWOOD BROUN, Chairman any event the preparation MEMBERSHIP MEETING The ANC latou been eeu mental endowment and strength of cltisen by birth, zor, so far as for the struggle with the trade un TUESDAY, FEB. 12th AT SP.
continuously for the past few days.
body, and even in amount of for can find by naturalization. He was SUNDAY, FEB. 17th, 1935, 2:30 ion bureaucracy is now duty of joint membership meeting of few of the who have already tue (even. and she enjoins that born in Canada and remains a Canall real progressive elements. The all the New York branches of the signed up with the untou. The the right of property and of its adian.
Hooner it is prepared for in an ef. will take place this Tuesday boses are beginning to crack All IRVING PLAZA AUDITORIUM, 15th St. Irving Place disposal, derived from nature, Father Coughila career begins fective manner the more assurance evening, P. Feb. 12 at Irving that is needed now is one last coushould in the use of every indivi properly with his installment as Tickets can be purchased in advance of this date at: there will be that the ranks of the Plaza Hall. The National Secro rertent effort to suit the box dual remain intact and inviolate pastor of the parish of Royal Oak. Thereln, says Mugglesbee, a little town some twenty miles WORKERS PARTY OF THE ILS. West 15th 91. New York City trade unions will remain uuited Gary, Muste, will give an In. And nuake them recognize the un and that the separation or the splita mate reported his recent national lon demand another sycophant blographer of outside the industrial elty of DeAdmlaslon 35 Cents will be only from the reactionary tour. Adonission to this meeting the Radio Denco, ferring spe trolt. After wandering from city ocialdom will be by membership book only. JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY.
Father Coughlin Re echoesPopes Debate Tanks in Jay Lovestone Muste