AssassinatCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismKirovLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPamphletRadekRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Should Revolutionists Build Labor Party?
this Credits for Russia. Slogan for Labor Feb PAGE NW NILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1935 Fond Workers Bare Union practically at will, and gradually NOTICE all companies protected by the Metropolitan association are being In last week New Militant Alliance with Schultz Gang allowed this privilege?
Comrade Louis Breler in the 4th As soon as the Sherman Cafinstallment of his History of the eterias broke with the old United National Unemployed League An Example of the New Trade Union Policy of the politan, the strike was called off by dealt with the question of unity.
Comrade Breler article does Communist Party the union with a 90 day period for capitalist dictatorships in reality. tions.
By HUGO OEHLER New reforms were the negotiations?
not represent the position of the Workers Party. The Party Leftward moving workers who Since the rise of Hitler and fascism price to be paid by the capitalists Considering the past of Coulcher (Introductory note by Joseph Zack) ning with 1929 and continuing to a have broken or are in the in Europe this has become plain as the lesser evil to maintain position on unity will be put The Food Workers Industrial few months ago, Williams and and Co. would it not be fair to of breaking with the past aresor everyone to see power. Developments have shown forth in an article by Comrade Union (split off in 1920 by the Com Goldstei acted as open strike allow the rank and Ale to decide ing for weapons of struggle to the Capitalist Decay that such concessions, especially Max Shachtman in a forthcom munist Party from the Amalga breakers for the bosses association whether it wants this kind of a left of the Democratic and Repub But the post war period revealed since Hitler seized power, can being issue of the New Militant.
mated Hood Workers started as in the cafeteria industry.
united front?
lican parties.
another striking fact in regard to wiped out with the stroke of a pen.
an ideal Red union. With less Jules Martin who acts as a politiWhat about the recent Silver Cafeteria settlement, whereby the Reform and utopian movements the Labor parties and the parties The sweep of developing Ameri rope it was not even budding in than 2, 000 members it endorsed the cian behind the scenes for the new and middle class movements as of reform.
can capitalism enabled her to buila America bloomed and withered Communist party and addressed Metropolitan bosses association, shops are being divided 50 50 bewell as fascist movements are Developing capitalism could grant a whole network of special means in Europe before its American demands to the borses that could and is the real theoretician and in tween the Industrial Union and its springing up and taking root in the reforms, and such were granted to of bribery without the aid of a counterpart had a chance to walk not possibly be obtained without spirer of this united front, is one the workera into one union, or is minds of the discontented masses the degree of the pressure of the large layer of labor agents within upright.
the widest organization of the big capitalists in the trade.
who know by hard experience that working class, and the labor leaders the workers ranks. While a rela The radical political movement! This policy brought the union Dave Krumholz, organizer for the into two unions with the bosses it a process of systematic division something is wrong.
of the reactionary trade union tively small number of skilled of American origin was first land close to liquidation. The food workEvery prolonged depression in movement and the labor party workers was placed on a high level, reform movement in the forties ofers wanted a wnion: by traditie Aletropolitan, is his lieutenant.
playing one against the other and These, then, are Rubin allies.
the bureaucrats maneuvering the the past increased the political ac movement held them up as special the masses of American workers, the last century, next an agrarian and as a result of their experience with the American Federation of Every progressive worker in the workers, each group blaming its and utopian movements spreine up tained for the working class. But born workers within the country, lowed by a more confused and he Labor, they were inclined to join food industry knows that the or sins on the other?
on the heels of economic and social the post war period marked a deep and the colonial people, paid the terogeneous agrarian movement in an independent union. The writer, ganiverso culs 18 and 342are. If these are the methods, have we dislocation. These movements were ening of the decay and decline of band of robbers super profits. This the first part of this century. The then secretary of the Trade Union connected with the Dutch Schultz not a right to suspect the purpose washed away with the first signs capitalism. Many of the leading was not a dificult problem for the urban middle class that was henten Unity Council, in 1981 endeavored mob.
for which the special monthly taxex of the return to prosperity. But capitalist nations were in no post American capitalists due to the back hy monopoly cayditaliem joined to reorganize the union to suit the It is also an established fact that are being collected in the Industrial the present crisis continues. Gov. lion to grant further reforms. In conntry natural resources and forces with it and produced the needs of the rank and file. Jack in April, 1983, the books of Lacal Unton? Is it not for the same per ernment and private measures to end the very life of the different high degree of exploitation of labor.
varions hybrid morements such as Rubin became secretary The millions of American work the Farmer Labor parties and the Today, with the swinging to over to Jules Martin, who worked 302 collected monthly work tion of the working class becomes period demanded that they reduce ers were unorganized and labor La Follette movement.
the right, Rubin, along with Gold, hand in hand with Dutch Schultz, tax? Why don we get a regular worse and discontent increases and take away concessions from the participation in politics was conafter a conference between the gang and aboveboard accounting. This article will be continued Potash and others, wants to be in The strangling of inner democrain the next issue of the New line with the party or perhaps a and Local 302 officials in a midtown realized and Roosevelt plans imperialist powers on the worlailed to the two old parties.
While step or two ahead. In the name hotel. To this day special monthly sy gees hand in hand with much yolfor the forgotten man are more and market for capital investments, social reformism tourished in En Millant.
of flexibility and practicability. taxes are collected in locul 302 tle. Poud workers, be on guard!
more stien as plans for the forgot commodities and raw material.
they are introducing class collaborwhich so directly to the gang ten financiers and industrialists. Every concorsion wrung from the the of La policy is sure to and itestaurant Association is the WHAT TO ATTEND ruin the independent mene ns the offspring alliance between of the labor Prty is brought for an entirely different basis than the ward again. As yet it has not taken previous reforms. The reforms in policy of Red unions did before. of Officials and gungsters root in any substantial section of the period of capitalist growth were It is very well to be practical and it was the old United bosses asso Philadelphia the working class nor has a crys. used to bribe art of the working to take advantage of quarrels be ciation which inspired the creation Feb. 10, Sunday, P. Grand tallization taken place. However, class to enable the capitalists to tween losses and labor fakers but of luxal 302 in 1923 in order to Fraternity Building. Open Forum: the new opportunist right turn of have a free hand against the maBy TESS HUFF Carist and Kerensky debts, except that at the expense of the workers break the cafeteria wtrike led by Will Finism come to the the Communist International and jority of the working class and the In a newspaper, among the let through an adjustment of claims. and the prestige of the instone its sections and the issuing of the colonial people. The most outstand ters to the clitor, recently ran the workers union created by the old skool Meanwhile the Soviets need ma the union is to live in a whion. Amalgamatel Fool Workers. The saker: Xol instructions for a labor Party camins representative of form during crown letter something like this: chinery, and more inchinery, and interests, the stalinist Interaction or wised by the Dutch Feb. 23, Saturday, P. Card paign bring the subject to the forehis period was the second Inter Iar Editor Why doesn the the Anterican factories are halt must be halted.
for clarification.
national United States grant the Soviet Un. idle. And this is a ridiculous situes into joining the new Metropoliarty, Alice Workers Party. At Labor Parties and Reform Reform Base Disappearing ion long term credits, so she canation, to say the least, By a Group of Progressive Food tan association, with an initiation Ward Unemployeil Lengte Hall.
14 No. 4th Street.
In the period of capitalist devel The economic base of reform par. buy American milde machinery, Now is a good time (while Roos Workers tee of 500 Into this unholy alNew York City opment the labor Party took roots has been wiped out by the which is needed in the Second Five evelt is planning male work for Mystery, telephone conversations hancr, the leaders of the Industrial in European countries and played conititions of capitalist decline. But Year Plan? The capital gools in the unemployed, at low wages) for in Rubin office, conference of How the Unity Works in Practice West 120th St. or. Tenex Ave.
man Union have entered.
Feb. 9, Saturday, P. Housewarming Party, Harlem branch, 29 its role as the handmaid or reforms, was not a uniform process which ensurex in the. are at a low the Unemployed Leagues and all envers only the top as the concession for class peace accomplished this condition. In bb and men nevel work. The Sov workers organization in the counthe Communist Party is in on the The old United box claSome of thon, which was working with the strike Struggles in Steel, Anto and Feb. 10, Sunday, P. Coming through the policy of close collabor America the whole pro Tagged iets want credit. What is the trou try to raise the slogan of trade secrets, and not all of it.
with Russia.
These reforinist labor movements Irmanent miserable conditions in a newspaper, last week, was: make mchines for Russia at union clever delicate politics must be of is being bruken cently returned from a national Open the factories, these insiders think Rubinis atlicials of the International Union Rubber. Spruker: Muste, retook on different forma in various confronting the American workers better from a business man. Thwaigex! Nothing stands in the way played in secret. Others are dis. Wy the manipulations of the Dutch tour.
Parties based upon collective mem crisis weris at far deeper levels in us. was getting very little trade street. The trade is so badly needed is suspicions a suspicion that may want to get the real gravy for Temple, 14th St. and 2nd Avenne nations all the way from labor Mine the beginning of the present inw man complained that the of credit but the claims of Wan satistied. The active rank and tile Schull gang and Jules Martin, who Fel. 18, Friday evening. Labor bership through trade unions and Europe even before the first world from Russia and ended by saying: that we must say, to hell with Wall are into a hurricane.
themselves and keep the Interna Porum. Anxpices, Branch No.
other workers organizations to the war. At the time diplomatie relations Street! We have to remember, On the other side of the alliance, tione union out. By Social Democratic movements of the elimination of the economic were extablished between our govhowever, that Wall Stdeet has anFeb. 15. Friday, P. John Coulcher and do quite a bit ofrol of labor, and the citing conit, of Wright. Do the Workers Need talking which wrcolates down to this, bonnes association, they expect a Labo arty?
Individual membership. In the pre mediate liquidation of these bat Rusu would Nind 10 billion Cyurist debts and that is the fear the misses as rumor. To calm the to work the reket both ways, at 1981 19th Street, Brooklyn.
have of reform parties did not mean ornment and Russia, it was said other thonght in mind, beyond the Boro Park Br.
war period they constituted the he progres and liberal opwition. The parties had developna dollars for American goods. This of seeing the increasing wwer of class conscious element, the myster the expenschleily of the workers. Feb. 16. Maturday night, Germanparties championing the cause of into complex systems and definite Was absolutely untrue and our gov the Soviet Union.
les are finally theorized into a What can you workers think of in all, Red (baret and Dance.
tabor, humanity and what not. In parts or the perstructure of capiernment should break of relations umited front And Nince there the united front policy of the An interesting program has been the post war period these parties allem whose organizational and with Russia immediately.
are still sonno doubts, Stachel, of it it so caxily become a cover arranged. Get your tickets in adbecame the left covering of the capideological structure could not be the Political Burean, is for these maneuversy Nome will vaner and save 95 cents. Need International Workers Bit Mixed Up italist governments for the roorkheil so easily. Even after their brought to the Central Opera House Mly, leal among them, what do we in this issue.
ganization of Europe and for the economic base was lacking these Well, it appears the matter is a School Term Near meeting (Dec. 17, 1934) to declare care as long as we got something 17, Sunday, 2:30 PM. Irvprévention of the extension of the reformist mirties served as the in bit mixed up, you may see. Init kosher out of it Now Real, a leader of ing Plaza bate on Which ProOctober revolution.
They were struments Xave European capli cidentally, the businessman failed REGISTRATION What is this United Front?
the top traction, darling of the gram for American Labor Speak Isbor government in name but talism from the proletarian revoluto mention credit, and no nation The united front that Stachel molisters who was replyN: Muste and Jay Lovestone.
can carry on trade without credits. Registrations for the classes of It is true that the Soviet Union the International Workers school est about is a gentlemen un brought up on charges of corrupti St. Louis Socialist Finds needs machinery and wants credit.
are rolling it. From present signs derstanding lehind closed doors, practices, and whitewashed Beal PHILADELPHIA Likewise it is true that capital the maximum quotas for some of between Rubin, Stachel, Coulcher, Bets something out of it.
But how WORKMEN SICK DEATH Some Pertinent Questions BENEFIT FUND, Inc.
unters. It is also a fact that since school officially open on chruary of Laxals 302 and 16 and the day of diplomatie recognition. 18, Register immediately. Send the Industrial Union. The rank and file know very little about it.
Is it not fact that in the SherGRAND BALL in November 1988, trade with us or the school balletir.
Why? Because it is a shady, un terms of which are not known to man Cafeteria settlement, the exart SP is Hopeless, He Says. In Martin Leaves Mia has steadily declined.
The radox becomes more and CLASSES principled alliance between the and Weisbord Group To Join mor klaring. the more you con The variety of classes makes it trial Union and one of the racket leaders of the Food Workers Industhe rank and file, the following conditions exist. The wages of the workers sider the case. The fact is that possible for all to take one or more cering gangs in the food industry Entertainment am resigning from the Social time the CLS. could not tolerate the United States not only needs courses. Elementary classes in in control of Toonis 10 and 302, camins 14 to 10 per week have Nature Friends. Puljer Orchestra Party of the ihe only party in other words if you didn agree credit powers it doesn know what B Marxism and Marxian politain horses taksociation in the song that they are far below standUnited Workmen Singing Societies which at the present time offers the with the leader your criticism was to do with. At the same time Rus Economics, American history, Am cafeteria and restaurant trade.
working class effective and realistic treative.
sin, of all the major nations, is erican labor history. The course in This racket into which the InThose who worked during the Having landoned the position probably the only one which stin Trade Union Strategy and Tactics dustrial Union got hooked through strike and were accepted into the Saturday Feb. 16th pero me writes Burfeindthat the cus was the one and has a clem credit slute. Se the is intended for active trade union Rubin and Stache could not stand job while the militants among the KENSINGTON LABOR LYCEUM of St. Louis.
my truly, Trotsky ist group and proletariat took power in 1917, and ist. The courses in History of the daylight cause it is not in the strikers are being wedded ont one 2915 24 North Second St.
Another comrade, Martin, for that Trotskyism in the Leninism started out on a grand scale to Three internationals, Philosophy of interests of the workers.
merly of the Wetsbord group. Joins today (see jumphlet What is build up Russian economy, requir. Marxism and the History of the Unity In 1935 by one? Thus far the union has Continuous Dancing. Orchestras The Workers Party because it is the Trutskyism. by Bush) Weisbora ing big orders of machinery and Russian Revolution are for more done nothing about it.
Program begins at 7:30 only party working effectively for now counterpurus Trotskyism to goods from any and every corner of advanced comrades.
Let us examine a bit the united The company hires and fires Admission 25e, Including Wardrobe a new international of labor.
front allies of Rubin and Stachel.
Leninism, in the same way that the the world, every debt contracted Their letters follow in full: Invaluable for members of the Radek and Coulcher, of LLLLLLLLLLLLL Stalinists do has been paid when due. And at Workers Party and Spartacus lenders of Local number 16, durSt. Louis, Mo.
Only a few months ago Weisbord the present moment, despite the Youth League is the class in Oring the general hotel strike in 1933 GAMES DRINKS ran to the conference called by world depression. Soviet capacity ganization Principles to be given took out an injunction against the SUPPER January 29, 1935 Comrades: Citlow for the formation of a new for payment is greater than ever by Martin Abern. Note that the Amalgamated Food Workers. It is he experience of the world labor Party and the CLS. having Today Gitlow is in the So before.
time of this class been changed naive to suppose that suudenly RED CABARET DANCE movement since the war convinced Why the Deadlock? to Monday evening, to 8:30 they have turned honest labor lend.
me that social democracy and relit. Weisborl remains with his For members of the Spartacus ers, working for unity!
fornism can only lead the workers camily of nine, the fruit of three has happened since the Roosevelt Youth League and Workers Party Dance Numbers, Singing and other Entertainment We also know that Williams to defeat and fascism. My exper und half years of independent Litvinot talks in Washington, in representatives to youth commit. and ineus Goldstein, officials MAX SHACHTMAN, Master of Ceremonies ience in the Socialist Party has many work History and of the Industrial Union, after getunvinced me that the has not Although many comrades were in 1983? Why did credit and trade tees, the course much talked of then and badly Problems of the Youth Movement of E of Loon 02, after get abatidoned reformism: that, both favor of sending a delegation to the needed both countries, not ma should be very valuable ting what they wanted three Saturday, February 16th pm wises continually with Wformists was held on this subject, and not the answer has to do of course locally and nationally. it compro Cnity Convention, no discussion heriotike months ago forced their members SCHOLARSHIPS back to work under old conditions GERMANIA HALL und reactionaries on the political an obrerver was went. with polities, Several scholarships are being in spite of the fact that the houses and trade union felds and in its There are my reasons for lestving The answer is that the Roosevelt offered to trade mion locals, nem had conceded the majority of the ww ranks and that it is hopeless the Litvinoft talks, which were appar ployed groups and branches of the strikers demands.
144 East 16th St. near 3rd Ave.
as an instrument of revolution, due kept the Teclaration of Prinsently so amiable. turned out in Spartacus Youth League. To de Only a year ago there odlicnls exto its unbroken imdition of com ciples adopted by the new parts misunderstanding. a misunder fry the expense we call upon our pelleil 12 opposition members who in advance 49 At the door 750 promise and the weak kneed char convention, and apply for member standing on which both nations are friends to contribnte generously carried out inside the of.
acter of its rulled left wing. ship in the Workurs Party. What standing pat. Roosevelt, and Wall International Workers School, at the major part of the Industrial Tickets at International Workers School, West 15th St. am therefore resigning from ever shortcomings exist in the new Street, still insist upon the pay West 15th Street, New York City. Unlon program. In short, Irginthe Socialist Party and joining the party can be ironed out within the ment of debts owed by the Carist Workers Party of the the wounds of ixirty democracy. Every and Kerensky regimes. This was stily party which at the present one claiming to work towards the the money, innch it, advanced time offers the working class effec ervation of the Fourth Internation by American capitalists, which was INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL The PIONEER PUBLISHERS tive and realistic leadership on the al mastime that only by joining used to finance the various White basis of a correct program. the Workers airty and becoming armies in their unsuccessful at.
First Year Winter 1935. Beginning Feb. 18, 1935 announces the publication of two new pamphlets JOHN BURFEINDT active in It can they contribute to tempts to overthrow the young proMONDAY, 8:30 Workers Party Fundamentals. Borkeson THE KIROV ASSASSINATION waris this goal.
letarian government in 1919 21.
MONDAY, 8:30 PM. Organizational Principles Abern.
By LEON TROTSKY January 22, 1935 E, MARTIN The Soviet insistence, however, is MONDAY, 8:40 10:00 Elementary English Becker (The first time in English)
Comrades: that the White Fouse talks were MONDAY, 8:40 10:10 American History Fells Morrow.
WORKERS SECURITY As a member of the Communist WEDNESDAY, 8:30 Marxian Economics (vol. Oebler of another tenor. Both debt claims, SOME RECENT BOOKS League of struggle, worked to PHILADELPUTA, Hob. Anthove of the US against Russia, WEDNESDAY, 8 30 American Labor History Muste Correspondence of Marx und Engels 75 wards the creation of a new revolu thuy lumuglia, president of the all those of Russia against the WEDNESDAY, 8:40 10:10 History of the Three Internation1. 26 Marx, Engels and Marxion, by lanin als Shachtmen.
tionary party and a new (411) In National employed League, in a claims which grew out of AmFenerbuch (new, revisal Lition. ternational talk on The Roosevelt Security erica Intervention in Russia in THURSDAY, 8:30 Trade Union Strategy and Tactics Swxbeck.
BOOKS BY LEON TROTSKY Weisbord incorrect in saying Program Kunday erening, pointed 1921, when the sent expediTHURSDAY, 8:30 Philosophy of Marxism Grote.
History of the Russian Revolution (Reg. 10. 00. 50 that the fusion of the CLA and out the effects of the Program on tionary forces on Russian soil and FRIDAY, 8:80 History and Problems of the Youth MoveMy Life (Reg. 50 the 1x similar to the entry the unemployed and employed and against the proletarian govment Gould.
Lenin. 00 Communist League of France workers of the country. He showed crument) were to be mutually adinto the LO. In the United how In each instance every step in fusted Inter date. Meanwhile FRIDAY, 8:40 10:10 BC of Marxism Jack Weber.
ther 00 FRIDAY, 8:40 10:10 History of the Russian RevolutionWhither Russia. Towards Socialism or (apitalism. 00 States. Pourth Internationalist the program meant another lower. normal trade relations were to go Wm. Duncan.
Problems of the Chinese Revolution. 00 party has been founded by the ink of the American standard of forward Ten sessions for each course one evening a week.
What Next for Germany. Paper 0; cloth. 65 merger of two Independent uroliwag.
Since the day of recognition the Fees: 00 per course, payable in three installments: at time The Only Road for Germany Ramiglia explained that where American government has stood pat, apere: cloth.
on a Marxist basis.
The leadership of the CLS. the National Inemployed League making no attempts either to negoof registration, and two 50c installments within weeks.
Communism and Syndicalist with its sectarian attitude and bn. Was strongest as in Ohio and Pen tiate a settlement of the claims or The International Workers School is ready to give any additional Soviet Economy in Danger.
reaucratic domination, tried to nsylvania, the relief authorities to establish a basis for trade and classes it a mioimum of Afteen workers request it. For further In Defense the Russian Revolution.
suelch criticism of Weisbord it found it impossible to put over long term credits with Russia. And Information regarding the school, get in touch with Jopeph Carter, The Spanish Revolution in Danger.
terpretation of many principle their schemes for pauperizing the Russa refuses of course to obligate School Administrator, at West 15th Street, New York City.
96 Fifth Avenue, questions by saying that at this workers.
herself for the payment of the Workers Party Is Realistic for the best embed de munca per 10