CapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 15 PRICE CENTS NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1935 ONLY SPARK IS NEEDED!
Strike Struggles Grip Toledo Akron Workers Set General Strike Unions on Strike Shuts DownLA ForSiege in Rubber Hat Industry the bosses.
of the hitherto maintained armed truce, which is the closest spokesmen that the battle will be lowed six weeks to comply with efforts of the Regional Labor Board chance to stand up before the world rams of the Minneapolls and textile a real one.
THE inevitable world carnage is drawing near with a speed and precision that is reminiscent of the months that preceded July 1914.
Hitler Germany has taken the last defiant step in denouncing the provisions of the Versailles Treaty which were calculated to keep the vanquished for of the Allied powers in a state of Joint Action Committee Established virtual disarmament. Not only has Der Fuehrer proclaimed that universal conscription is once more to be introduced, but March of Labor Takes the Field; Germangeriye demands of the other powers the right to increase Bosses Import Thousand Hired Thugs Morale of Workers High Members Active expand it, and to make her a dominant ses power once again, As Strong Picket Lines As Union Girds for First at leas the North Sea.
Surround Shops BULLETIN other factor was the inexperience TOLEDO, Ohio, March 25. The Test in 20 Years of the leadership of the Milk Fascist Italy, using its African punitive expedition and BULLETIN eight day old milk drivers strike Drivers Union, which is comthe highly charged European atmosphere as its pretext, has LOS ANGELES, Cal. by wire. ended late tonight when 350 up paratirely new body, and their announced that it intends to put additional hundreds of thouBULLETIN. After four days of pleketing lon men Toted 277 to 48 to accept failure to understand the possisands of armed men in the field.
the morale of the milliers is AKRON, 0, March 28 (By wire) Big three unions are delayis sky the agreement dmwn up earlier Nlities of the situation. An or in the day by the Toledo Milk ganized high and the strike in an excel Schussnigg, chancellor of Austria, has asked the European ing strike action pending approval from of on overwhelm Centru alve force in the lent position.
Distributors Association, Union Unlon could have powers for the right to multiply the armed forces of the counIng strike votes at the Goodrich and Firestond plants.
The militant work of the block representatives and the Toledo successfully mobilized support for try to the point where it will have 200, 000 men at its command, The Goodyear has been granted the right to take a strike vote ers section has proved very ef Regional Labor Board. The the idea of broadening the strike with corresponding increases in arms and equipment.
this Sunday.
fective in keeping shops closed. agreement provides for increases along the lines advocated by The French Chamber of Deputies has voted almost unanimembers of the and the UnSupport has been promised by 3, 000 deputies have been sworn in by the companies and organ of wages ranging from 14 to 24 other labor unions in town. Ful percent for the lower paid men employed League. The organizamously for a sharp increase in military credits.
Ined into Vigilante committees. The bosses are preparing for a long fillment of this promise would Adjustment of the wages of the tion of the progressive labor Once more the fuse has been lighted that may blow up the slege.
garantee speedy victory. higher paid men ls to follow. The forces will be given an Impetus powder barrels of the Polish Corridor, for which Germany is An effective demonstration or worse feature of the agreement by the present experiences.
By JACK WILSON ganized by Sam Myers in the is a provision leaving the re emnow renewing its claim, and Memel, where the antagonism bei AKRON, March 24 Akron rubberworkers wions were swiftly Downtown shopping section gave ployment of strikers arrested and. TOLEDO, Ohio, March 21. Totween Germany and Lithuania is only a formal expression for a mobilizing their growing forces this week for a walk out on Monday, testimony to the power of the convicted on charges arising from ledo is seething with labor revolt.
the deeper antagonism among all the rival imperialist powers of the April 1, in what promises to be the moet bitter struggle of labor for their strike activitles to strike front. It also called forth The enuldron of discontent which its rights since the grent strikes of last spring and which should mark loud squeals from the bosses and option of the employers. Under caught the eyes of the entire countheir seabby friends.
such a provision the most mili try last year is overflowing again.
the rise of a great strike wave this year.
tant strikers can be victimized. Five strikes are in progress at The whole continent is being overrun by the diplomatic Unions at Goodyear, Goodrich and Firestone plants, the big three By SAM MYERS The failure to develop the seri this writing: advance agents for the more substantial and ominous ermed of the tire industry, have made strike plans and are preparing to be LOS ANGELES. When this story tlment for sympathetic strike a 1500 FERA workers in a gonsees daylight 1, 200 milliners will forces. From London to Paris to Berlin to Vienna to Budapest the spear head of an industry. wide fight against the arrogant and no tion and to secure a better agree eral walkout on all projects and the Balkan capitals and to Warsaw and Moscow the lines tortomolong hair clembend long recognition, abolition of the company strike tor union recognition and have quit their benches in a generalment can be attributed to the 800 milk drivers in 23 dairies pressure exerted by the conserva 650 metal workers closing down are being kept feverishly busy with the activity of wire pullers unions and a 30 hour work. These have been insolently turned down better working conditions.
tire section of the Central Labor the four plants of the Ameriean who are setting the stage for the impending war, jockeying for by Goodyear. Firestone and Goodrich are expected to follow. After several weeks of negotia Union and representatives of the National Comost favorable positions and the greatest and most potent set to begin at Los Angeles, Cal. where tions with the millinery manufac Teamsters International An 500 building trades men workof confederates.
turers Association it became obviing on the docks of the Empire The imperialist rulers, themselves subject to laws of devel thelr most important plants outside the big three companion maintain Thomas Offers ous that the losses never intended Construction Co. Members 25 grocery employees of the to renew the old agreement or come opment beyond their control, are plunging headlong into a new of Akron.
to a new one. The milliners had Overmyer Wholesale Grocery Co.
world war, and dragging the masses of the working people along Scabs Ready Olive Branch but one resort the strike. They At the suggestion of members of with them, as the cannon fodder to be sacrificed on battlefields Take Stand in the Workers Party Jolnt Board of have taken it and mean to win.
The companies have already hired up to in order to determine which of the imperialist bandits, or which hause from strike bre, kingolare che To Old set of them, shall exercise the more dominant position in world sheriff with a large stock of tear urd emer wreated an agreement from Sacramento the activities of the various strikes and direct picketing. This Joint finance, in world markets, in world polities. The friction among gas bombs, and are planning to run On March 20 this agreement exBoard of Strategy includes reprethe competitors for leading position has reached that overheated in seabs, it necessary to smash un of the National Committee by the tivities throughout the state and the In face of the flagrant defiance pired. Emboldened by vigilante ac sentatives of the striking unions SACRAMENTO, March 28. This and Sam Pollock of the Joint Ac stage where the tiniest spark throws the accumulated tinder Lonism once and for all, company Old Guard, including its rafusal promises to Captain Hybes Red week the LL. ended its defense tion Committee of the FERA strike into blazing flames. Yesterday, the preliminary shifting for spokesmen have admitted position exploded a bitter civil war in Greece. The day before sealth temple in one day the show cause why the New York agreement in dispute over the righe aicalismanse by putting all of its previously established is composed yesterday, an incident provoked a full sized military expedition passed and hundreds of workers feorganizea, the National Commalt sich vor a work ist another rights re: over three months of testimony by Trades Council, the Lucas Country against Ethiopia. Tomorrow, the contest for Memel, or an have been laid off, the unions are terrar lite Buttalat meeting annast stored by Mehek bosses although incora stato stool pigeons and of reading Unemployed League and the Relief episode in an even more obscure locality, may prove to have determined to make a stie reels from the theory of Bittleman Workers League.
the significance of a Sarajevo the last straw to break the back them and it is openly predicted by Socialists. The old Guard is al have come to naught.
week end, delayed final action in porated in last year agreement.
the case and attacked the Left wing Negotiations with the bosses and Browder and Stalin, the de The March of Labor Last minute tendants were finally given the Flying squadrons, the battering that world capitalism can ever come to a peaceful situation.
With striking force, which must cut to the very heart of The fact that the unions have not the demands; the expulsion have proved futile. The workers and tell what they stood for. strikes of last year, are the official every workingman, it is being demonstrated that modern inn more than afty percent of the 80, 000 hore volutionary socialists is an are on their feet and will set them on the subject of their immedi. strike method in the current Toledo the line ate a. perialism cannot even approach a solution of the social and torios in their membership is exof them told of called the March of Labor.
This March of Labor which fconomic problems that wrack it, without flinging the million pected to their werober on the to making me helista de Socialiste parece tion alone will tronco the brakes to their bitter struggles with the po headed masses into a horrible massacre carried on with all the walkout is begun since the plants ularly since it came close on the terms ifee, the growers or the charities might also be called the Drive for very effectively.
cruel refinement of a diabolically exterminative war technique. We kesin other prevent anyone from New York Yipsels from their office Dan Tobin Rats on Victory consists of a mass picket Erading Fundamentals line which concentrates on all the entering on the second or third and the suspension of the organiz Bat on the question of the pro vital and danger points of the varletarian revolution they gave full tous strikes. In two run ins with thing that may or may not appear in the remote future. The established on the first shift at compromise in the internal strug Fargo Drivers Button to come into preformed prose by the content Co. coming war is at the very top of the order of the day in policy of the Communist Party. Alployed Overmyer Grocery sle was possible with the present Ranks Remain Firm most everyone of them became in, and the large dairyoestatuhshem emite Europe.
City Tense and Expectant composition How it will start is really a matter of little moment city, predominantes anion is born in the New Militant editorial, The The is tenseThe entire proletarian revolution.
leadership of Comrade Sam Pollock FARGO, Last week the Capitalism is naturally pregnant with war of conquest. Any character, can be swung to film Socialist Party. March 16, 1985.
Martin Milson, section organizer and other members, and Tim charter of General Drivers Local of the said he never talked McCormick, militant Socialist and spark may touch it off at any time. The fact that Hitler asks solidarity with the strikers it al The New York question was the 371, Fargo, was revoked by Daniel about revolution, only the Ameri leader of the Relief Workere for re armament rights in the name of the Holy War against determined and militant course is main point on the agenda of the Tobin, president of the Teamsters can revolution and the principles League, success attended their efBolshevism, that he pretends to put himself at the service of Persebay bribed strelom pengeruniform was adopted by en majority e vote, tion, the striking union was world imperialism in the role of a super Wrangel. that he really scabs will try to work and will be with Hapgood and Daniels ab expelled from the Fargo Trades essity of the revolution was taught closed Jack Crane denied that the Dee driven from the job and the plants wants to begin Germany imperialist re expansion by extermin suarded by the oat of town thugs. staining from the left, and Oneal and Labor Assembly On Saturday a glant mass March ating the Workers State does not mean that if the war started call for National Guarda la felt abstaining from the right. The Tobin attack on the workers, the Hougardy, section organiser, of Labor is being called. All of as a reactionary crusade against the citadel of revolution, it to be a matter of a day or so after declalon made advocacy of armed labor hating Fargo Forum, at denied that the Communist Party Toledo union labor will parade would end that way. Quite the contrary. The conflicts in the the strike is called. And this will insurrection incompatible with Tobin request, printed statements wanted to set up the dictatorship through the city. The morale and camp of the imperialists make a war among themselves inevit. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page Continged on Page 4)
able, regardless of the manner in which the hostilities commence.
Nor is it conceivable that the imminent war could be confined to the Old World. The first lesson of the last world war was that there could no longer be a purely European war. The evolution of world politics since 1914 has only accelerated the draw every cash determine the actual needs of food allowance adequate for let allowance for healthy persona is not sufficlent to maintain thelr the first place, no war in which the Soviet Union existence reau wes its budgets as inflexible that it was found barely adequate health. They become sick. The would be at stake, is thinkable without the participation of Is Finding of Mayor Committee schedules, regardless of the facts in three precincts, and inadequate allowance which originally de Japanese imperialism. In the second place, no war of such of the case. In addition, part of in the remaining thirty prestroyed their health is then used as scope is thinkable without the participation of the world ens employed in New York City have applied for relief. On Feb. discounts its value to the client.
One of every three wage eartbasis for their sick allowance.
veals less than half the unemployed the home rellet budget is still pala cinets.
the Under the present food budget mightiest imperialist power: the United States.
Thus the Insufficiency of their alin 1930, one year after the crash, this year there were only 245, 000 the allowance to each person 1s lowance is twee visited on them, There could be no greater self deception practiced in the is now totally unemployed!
Malnutrition Rife eight cents per meal.
familles on relief as compared with once while they are healthy and American working class than that which consoles itself with the This is only one of the truly apostol ble total as seen above of was first set up a committee of ex When the Home Relief Bureau The report Ineludes a table once when they become sick. This illusion that the United States will not enter the coming world palling figures revealed in the 6, 000 showing the percentage of malnu system is nicely calculated to drive trition (starvation in plain a person either to death or Insanity.
war! American imperialism has interests in Europe and Asia report of the Mayor Committee on To quote again: Approximate ule of minimum food allowances words) found among school chil The thirty four precinct adminly 325, 000 families in which wage far too vital to its preservation and expansion for it to allow unemployment made this week.
which would maintain health stan dren. It is startling to find the them to be affected by the outcome of a new world war without approximately 1, 000, 000 unemploy.
The survey shows that there were carners are unemployed but not dards it every penny were well figure 13 percent even in 1927. It istrators with one exception report ed that the home relief rental alon relief constitute a reservoir (A its own, that is, America active and direct intervention.
spent. Due to lack of funds the increases to 21 percent in 1932, lowances were not sucient to ed wage earners in March of last reservoir of misery) from which Bureau could not apply the sched with a slight drop in the last two It is precisely in this connection that the direct problem of year.
meet the average rentals in their With small increases the a constantly increasing number ule, and frequently granted only years districts. The maximum home the American working class arises. In the struggle against im asure remains substantially the will, as the reserves of these fam one half the minimum requirement. Quoting again: Under a ruling relief rent allowance is 25, while flies and their friends and relaperialist war, as, basically, in all other important struggles, There are approximately one and tires an exhausted, beforeed to Let us quote the report: In October 1993 a new food allow made in the past year an additional average rents in most districts the central axis of working class policy revolves around the half workers in an average New ance was set up which allowed the allowance for food is made to in were reported to be from 30 to 40 then current minimum standards. dividuals for whom a special diet a month.
need of fighting its own ruling class. More than ever, imperial York City family, so that the 1, 000, The Mayor Committee made a. This schedule has been contin has been recommended elther by a To get an accurate picture of ist war puts the question of the principles and policies of this. unemployed wage carners live further report on the quality of ued up to the present time, although physician or a clinic. The extra the housing situation the homes of fight in the most acute and inescapable manner. Evasions and in 868, 000 families. The size of the relief now extended. We shall a committee of experts recommend allowance, however, is based on the 201 home relief families were half heartedness which are sometimes possible in normal little over font. Thus the number needed, the treatment that part of ance be increased to meet the 11 liet food allowance is adequate, 80 palling conditions. Many of the times, become impossible in the struggle against war. Every of persons directly affected by the the reservoir which has already percent increase in the retall food that here again the actual increase houses were old law fire trap perty, every group, every tendency, is here put to its bene dosta interviste in the of Interviews with the adminis The Sick Allowance the 2, 201 families studied bed no It is in the struggle against imperialist war that 67 be estimated at 2, 644, 000 volent government recelves: percent of the entire popula Private agencies use their bud trators the thirty four pre Perhaps the tall meaning of private toilets, 647 had no steam of New York Oity. Continued on Page 4)
gets as guides with the provision cinets throughout the city showed these formal phrases is not quite To date, the report further re that a case worker must in each that in only one precinct was the clear. In plain language: the re (Continued on Page 4)
Starvation Faces Million New York Jobless pendent world system from which none of them into escaper den ReliefInadequate, ConditionsAppalling en detergenting one hele intaining health bene anteriores