CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxReform PartySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

SUBSTITUTE AMERTIMENT THIS PERMITS THE PRESIDENT TO REGULATE WAOKS ON PUBUC WORKS NT HIS DISCRETION so poke to hear the insistent drive angribe the AF of Leaders Hope for New Gov Sell Out be here to realistic The worker must puud their own polted wanted Board. Want Labor to Confide In Capitalism Currency Inflation War of Today Leads Inevitably to Military War of Tomorrow Progress Seen BOSTON At Pittsburg the SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Who gives William Green the authority to put a Good Work Franklin By Jim Karl NEW MILITANT labor stamp of approval upon this demagogue?
And in doing that to hide the most important facts with which is merged practically all the important facts, about his labor THE MILITANT record Publiabed weekly by the Workers Party of the West 15th Street, New York City Once again, and in the most outrageous fashion, Pbone: Algonquin 9058 Green plays the role of a misleader of labor.
Entered as second class mall matter at the Post Office Conducted by Weaver Friends of Labor at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
THE of has long pursued the policy of Question: Is it true that ditor playing up liberal politicians of the old parties HARRY HOWE.
Olgint, editor of the Freiheit. Associate Editor HAWTHORNE WINNER. Business Manager The Communist Party with its new labor party took a patriotic position during line is beginning to do the same thing.
the war? Can you give proof The other day a few of these politicians gave an Answer: Not only did Olgin, who SUBSCRIPTION RATES: in the United States 00 per year: 68c six months exhibition of how they can be counted on in the is now one of the chief of Stalin Trotsky slayers, pinch to sabotage even the inost elementary of labor Canada and Foreigu: 00 per year: 750 six months.
a patriotic Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
proposals. Wagner, author of the new labor relations position, but he reached beights of bill purporting to outlaw company unions and on eloquence in urging the American Vol. SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1935 which the AF. of today bases all its hopes for workers to shed their blood for No. 14 unionism in the basic industries, Bob La Follette, Morgan profits. Here is a typical white hope of many third partyites, Black, author of excerpt from his writings of that the 30 hour bill. switched their votes in the time We Accuse William Green Senate and thus helped to defeat the McCarran pre The war has lost for the So.
vailing wage amendment to the Public Works Bill cialist world its threatening apUN. of president, sent a letter to the To the last, the of leaders plead for the pearance. It is not a war for enEvening Post in which he says that Long legislaamendment. They should now, logically, be attacking slaving but a war for freedom. One tive record upon legislation sponsored and supported Wagner, LA Follette and Black as betrayers of labor must be blind or insane not to see by labor is thus far 100 percent favorable to labor They are doing nothing of the sort, because they progressive character of this war That is ALL Green sys in his letter to the Post.
have nobody but these same men to depend upon for The world at prevent is not sunk Not a word about the Lane Cotton Mill workers in support of the 30 hour bill and the Wagner labor in the depths of darkness but in a Louisiane where Lamg word is law, kept in a state severe and risky struggle which relations bill.
of peoniuge, their strike smashed by the state forces.
must bring light to out. worn huAnd what assurance have the of leaders manity.
Not a word about the Longshoremen strike last that these men in the pinch will not again back year smashed by the militia in the state where Long different sort of bravery and down? The answer is: Not only is there no assur word in law.
a different sort of beauty calls and Not a word about the utter backwardness of Louisance that they will not back down; it is certain that KA entices: the bravery of the battle.
they will on anything that really matters. Capital lana in such matters as old age pension legislation, ism is no longer in a position to give substantial field, the beauty of people who sacrifice their lives for their coununemployment insurance, child labor.
concessions to the workers. Liberals, for all their Not a word about the way in which Long is skill. good intentions and noble emotions, will simply serve try, for that which their country has declared to be their holy duty.
fully trying to make the workers believe that his Share The Wealth Clubs and Long For President standards of the masses.
enthusiasm poured over the present movement are the road to salvation, wer, a stream of sincere belief in Not a word about the fact that a mere vote for an but not a reformist labor party which also cannot of bill under circumstances where it means the Ideal of freedom. The Ameriplay a progressive role today. The workers must can is firmly convinced that his nothing is enough to get a credit on the of build their own revolutionary party for the overlegislative committee record.
WASHINGTON. will to creamong the workers, Lewis men. He said that his firm had ind 36 country has no egoistic motives in throw of capitalism.
ate confidence in law, on the part tioned one government official in years of dealing with the union, and the present war.
of American workers. That is whom he had no confidence, Roose not once had there been any strikes strenuous task war. But in how Pres. John Frey of the velt close adviser. Donald Rich or lockouts, or any labor disturb it appear many fine sides of both Metal Trades Dept. of de berg, often dubbed assistant pres. anees. The company has found the people and nations. Olgin.
scribed the Wagner bill to streng ident. was given a severe drub arrangement most profitable, he Forward, June 1, 1918. then the National Labor Relations bing.
It is no accident, therefore, that Board, when he testified before the Richberg has sold labor down Olgin occupies bis present position.
Senate education and labor com the river. Lewis said. In his atmittee March 19.
NEW YORK. The world money tle is being fought out, gaining in god standard in 1833.
war is on in full force.
At that Pres. John Lewis of the United titude and his interpretations, be tensity every month Question: What is the signif.
While rapidly grooming their time the price of the pound was as Mine Workers also stressed repeat has driven a knife to the heart of cance of the recent Gold Clause Although much of the battle is low as 50.
edly the idea of confidence in the labor.
firmed forces for the great conflict fought behind closed doors and the The low price of the pound. and government. He asked particularly Frey called for passage of the decision of the Supreme Court?
Is it true that the way to further power name hashim ne the world actual maneuvers are kept secret the even lower price of the Japen that the promised strong National Wagner will to create confidence in powers are fighting another semi ocasional incidents and trends reese yen which has been depreciated Lator Relations Board be made Law as an antidote to radicalism.
inflation is opened by it?
secret war in the money capitals veal the way it is going. The sud Ito an extremely great degree, has part of the Dept. of Labor, in There is no point at which the (Continued from Page 1) Answer: The existence of reach labor more quick clause in contracts requiring that called into action their armies, mmv. British pound from over to let Reports from South America ticular pride (He means the A1 he said, than to be able to The Is instructed also to debts be paid in gold of a certain ies and air forces, but they have put around 75 immediately after the and the Far East indicate that Am of bureaucrats. Ed. point out that the workers are an was a certain weight and fineness make careful check up of the poLondon, pawis kamatomo, New York. such an indicator. Another on salson Threye ulicute, for den mins Dept. of Labor comedenceid. enjoy certain privileges such as itcal, organizational financial and determine ute repudiation of the gold Landon, Paris end Tokyo the bathe Hood of rumors in Wall Street erican industrialists wou soon puu port has confiar el cow the secrete ne pright to organice which the technical considerations involved in permette provision, would autom.
that the Rosoevelt administration the strings that will devalue the of Labor and that goes for who employers enjoy.
a project of such magnitude and tically increase the government will in the not too distant future American dollar even farther. And ever becomes Secretary Labor. Farquharson, national leg importance and account considerably (all gold this country, perhaps to 50e, per twice another method of retaining the United States will always ap therhood of Railroad Trainmen, New Militant as. If. and engender haps lower markets or of gaining new ones will point someone in whom labor has offered testimony in particular sup the results of the check up are cal convulsions, so that the supStabilization Funds probably ble tried confidence. BIL Doak, for in port of the section of the bill pre favorable the is anthorized port given by the Supreme Court The use of gigantic stabilization That method is war.
stance. He also expressed his own serving the right to closed shop un after a referendum of the full Na to the cancellation of the clause Lie confidence in labor board appoint ion agreements. Under the Railway tional Committee to act in the mat removed this barrier.
funds helps the governments to It was necessary, of course, that ments of present and future pros Labor Act, pointed out, the ter of a daily peper.
jockey their currencies into posiidents closed shop was not permitted. The Important decisions were also this be done in an indirect manner.
tions they desire. The British gov. recent issue of the New Millernment has such a fund, estimated Besides asking amendment of the of had 23 such contracts made looking toward the imple and the explains the delay and of the hesitation in finding the proper tant reported that Lillian Monroe, to he above a billion dollars. The bill to put the board in the Labor previously, which were set aside. menting of that portion former section organized, had United States fund, since devaluaDept. Lewis also advocated repre Where minority groupes contract. Declaration of Principles and the formula, since a direct approval of joined the recently. The tion of gold, probably amounts to sentation of of trade unions and they can destroy the conditions of Constitution of the which the cancellation of the gold clause Fresno, Calif. Bee printed a garbat least two billions.
employers on the Non the majority, he said. although action on any organiza would have given a legal sanction led statement regarding Comrade labor members, no matter how well Vice Pres. Helck of the tonal affiliation must be submitted to the repudiation of debts by the Monroe attitude toward Commu these funds in speculation. They The governments can and do use also to the National Convention of the European countries and would have (Continued from Page 1)
mooning, could have no background Axton Fisher Tobacco Co.
nism and the Communist Party.
in the understanding of labor prob. spoke in favor of the Wagner Mul. Party, authorizes the to co stamped as legal the prior claim rights That our readers may know her value, or down, by their buying or each dependent.
can help to push a currency up in less than 10 a week plus for remind me saam Under the present conditions and other countries standing on the of the individual, a operate with groups and parties in of society over the perous preher letter to the editor of the Fres mation aim is, of course, to get exact position, we are printing here selling of other currencies. Each those proposed in the Wagner Bill, CAPITOL same fundamental program as our cedent, which might be interpreted Administered by Workers and Lewis said, there is a situation own, in the elaboration of a comby the workers as the right to exno Bee.
into a position where its large cor.
Farmers where only men who are ignorant plete world program and in steps propriate capitalist private properporations can sell their products as Administration of the insurance of their subject can be appointed NEWS. looking toward the speedtest posty. The approval was therefore Fresno, California cheaply as possible to buyers in is to be boy workers and farmers to boards of this character sible establishment of the new rev siven by saying that such cancel 10 lation was illegal but that nothing other countries olutionary international.
Editor, Fresno Bee under rules preseribed hy the Sec. There Are Exceptions (Continued from Page 1)
Fresno, California The fall of the British pound fol. retary of Labor, through unemploy.
In line with suggestions con could be done about it since the Despite his expressions of contiXr, Editor: www. the United States gold dedi. ment Insurance commissions com dence in the government and bis withstanding the Senate first retained in communications from poretrators of the unlawoul, aet, mer Congress itselfthe only power stressing of creation of confidence solt that the Senate would lons of Holland through its secretary to judge or nullify it.
The article you publish about me and that their depression was still Like the 30 hour week provisions, hold ont It would be a mistake, beverthesenate and the Comrade II. Sevliet, and from per 10, to overemphasize the frapor in your Sunday issue, March 10, severe, previous optimistic reports the unemployment insurance section expres wishes is distorted and incorrect. ask notwithstanding flight of capi covers all types of workers and that you publish this letter in cortal from the pound resulted, and the farmers. It further specifies that Trotsky, the is authorised tance of this legal decision, since, rection.
stabilization fund was not called workers shall not be disqualified They are puppets founded Dutch party, to take the dollar was made prior to such der in cooperation with the newly as evidenced by the fact that the change in the gold content of the Firstly, and let make this clear, tuto play the British government, trom receiving insurance because War Looms operated by one and the same set denounce the bankrupt official other words, nesenting to the of refused to work in place of.
lead in disenssions with the above cision, the existence of the soki parties and groups of an interna Communist Party of America and currency drop in value. With that strikers, at less than normal volt was just a bit of play acting. tionnl program and of steps which clause was insufficient to prevent the Third International a whole drop Britain gained a favorable trade union rates, under unsafe or (Continued from Page 1) for the benefit of the back home 28 misleaders of the working class pasition in the battle for foreign unsanitary conditions, or Notes controlled by the building might be taken toward the setting inflation. With or without the This does not mean however, us you markets which it had not had since hours are longer than the prevail. 500 in 1914 to about 25, 000 intrades union. Having staged their up of a Joint Committee, which in pluton of the court, inflation is and distort it, that denounce Commun. the United States abandoned the ing union standards, or at any un 1918.
Besture, the revolters can now say the beginning would have no ad money and currency as they are ism. The corrupt Communist Party reasonable distance from home.
As stated above, these facts have that the President forced their ministrative functions but would conditioned by the decline of cap has discredited and backened the Unless they gave in. they concern itself with the preparation italism internationally, and by the Birth Control doctrine of Communism as advoPending establishment of the in bees and are being repeated daily. hands Since system, provision is made They are the stock in trade of the can explain, there would have been for basie documents and perhaps the Juggling of currencies as part of publication of an international bulcated and practiced by Marx and for ca hennice when com condemn and des are very much worried at a bin employed at the rate of not be people can be made acquainted with measures raises certain fascinating of them at tale me these con meeting rellet all unrate belief that it enough nounce the Communist Party as tefore the house to legalize the than 10 per week with adds legislation passed to take the pro a month to unemployed wage alt sister groups and parties, and the first place it is living proof de The imminent enactment of the letin Action on the correspondence the struggle of the imperialists for them or if they can be used to get speculations. It is proposed to pay manne where also a full report on extremely significant aspects. In yon must However, the decision has other xtraight: am in wholehearted tion. They really should not be so get this spreading of birth control informa tional for each dependent. Ats out of war the Second World earners who go on work relief agreement with Marxian Leninist frightened. Not even an act of War can be prevented.
This sum. It is assumed, will be to groups and parties moving in our the Marxian concept that laws are Secondly, your article is domi troactive to apply to the congressCongress conld make the law re SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT direction is to be made.
Those who continue to hold schuficient to maintain them in de merely an expression of existing Recognizing the terribly swift facts. the ideal is nothing beliefs are either knaves or incarcency If not in comfort. How race of international developments else than the material world re.
Ited by an overtone to the effect nen parents.
that am finished with the class JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY, able of seeing or understanding low will the payments be to wake and that any day my bring world lected by the human mind, and restruggle. This is absolutely not so.
plain everyday facts. War under carners for whom no suitable hattering events, The author flected into forms of thought. Always shall be sincerely devoted capitalism is as inevitable as the work relief can be found? How ixed the in the interim to take Faced with an accomplished fact, to the struggles of the working Sunday, p. March 24th Ivring Plaza rising and setting of the sun. The much lower will the payments be to a referendum vote of the imclass in our fight for betterment the court rendered a decision com and final emancipation from wage legislated out of capitalism is just The history of the whole Work mediately if some major event such patible with it and maintaining the as foolish and as fatal as the belief Relief program is a beautiful exas a declaration of war should status quo.
slavery and the profit system am applying for membership of that southern preacher who ample of the progressive intellec make it imperative to establish In the second place the court acmore formal relations with sister tion, like the NRA, is legal recoginto the Workers Party of the nited States and now advocate the poisonous fangs of a rattle PWA got going as a grandiose properties and groups and to set up nition of the decline of capitalism.
On His Retum from a Coast to Coast Tour the necessity of a new, Fourth snake.
sect in planned public works. The more definite machinery at once. Capitalism, based upon commodity International, as advocated by Leon Just so long as capitalism lasts government was going to spend its Meanwhile an Internal party production, requires that contracts, Trotsky. am convinced that the there will be wars. This is the fact way back to prosperity thanks to bulletin which will deal with inter. Le the right of the commodity program of the Workers Party will Will Speak On that workers and the peoples of roads, tunnels, bridges, dams, power national affairs, particularly devel owner to his own property. be lead the American working class to the world must learn. And d the fight plants the like FBRA got go soments in the international revo sacred. The repudiation by Convictory.
to destroy capitalism therefore, is ing as an equally grandiose project lutionary movement, bas been progress of the gold clause in con the only fight or war in which the for alleviating the evils of unem vided for.
tracts was a partial cancellation of masses can win. That is their war. ployment. The government would The placed its stamp of this fundamental law and the deci (Signed) LILLIAN MONROE.
That is the war for humanity, for see to it that every unemployed approval on the work of the Secresion of the ourt that such repudia Itariat and the Political Committee Iron wau illeenl hnt that it conta Monroe Clears Further devance to be carren egitura arte tenue has been done force od est labore believe the president out to itse representative of the boss the increase of size of the weekly debts would be increased about Up Press Blasts Roosevelt Second World President are spokesmen, after all or where JAMES CANNON Sincerely, The Class Struggle in the West