BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerMarxMarxismNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Why Join the Workers Party Criminal Syndicalist or Renegade. of olated fellow defendants conWhen Looks to the Future Of the American Revolution Satkera parege throw the state and abolish the MARCH OF EVENTS capitalist economie system altoge.
ther. Then they establish the Workers State which functions through By JACK WEBER By MUSTE Letters to a Worker Correspondent strikes which in many new governmental instruments and cases inHitler Unntasks German distinds or destroys the old agenLLLLLLLLLS SS volveci directly only a small numcles and forms of the capitalists lesser evil. that is to say, the Fellow Worker Rearmament politics of meeting reaction hall My last letter pointed out that happen primarily because the work whole economic and political mater. When a general strike oc military forces, etc. Then and not That disputeting open secret of way. Even before Hitler casting we workers annot obtain plenty oes have been reading statistics of chinery of the Czarist regime was curs, even on restricted scale until then, under the workers state.
European diplomacy, the rourma of of all bounds that prevented and security, deliverance from mis what is happening in the industry. broken up was causing to function who decide whether milk shall be the masses can use the productive ment of Germany contrary to the the formation of a conscript army cry and war, by trying to reform or because in general they have be: altogether. The soldiers wanted to delivered to children or the light forces to provide plenty and secur Versailles Treaty. has finally be to be hurled against the Soviet the capitalist economic system. We come radical in their thinking. It quit the army where they were be and power kept on in the hospitals ity.
come the accomplished fact (fait Union, Soviet diplomacy strained have to abolish it. And we cannot comes because of grievances about ing slaughtered like cattle. The The mayor, the city council, etc.
the start. The. alliance with France to maintain ary method.
are not concerned, the way in which a fore. The the CAUSED: land ments of capitalist government canhowever grudging and unwilling the status quo. French capitalism going to retire gracefully and with man trent them, a wage cut, in which was in the possession of the not function. The workers Strike At this point, another important revealed by the British and French rutered conditionally into this al out a struggle from the scene! attom of the box to syneeze more wig land owners.
Kovernments in the recent negotia lunce as gunrantee against its in your answer you said that the work out of them. Such grievances You Committee, or in some cases where facter must be emphasized.
The time had come when in tions, created for Hitler the proper external foc. German capitalism, workers in your shop kicked about pile up. resently workers who food is involved a farmers Strike know that agitators and radicals do order to exist, in order to prevent Committee, decides such things. You not cause strikes, as the kept press inline subtitre dan to the foreign diplomacy. Hit proletariat. The of France way they are being speeded up and regard themselves as thoroughly carry on their fight, ever more functions of government. This weety of experience of how at cerler weighed carefully the conse is thus ise to uphold the Flandin the high cost of food, but that they conservative, strike and fight. In the broadly and intensely, and at can see the possibility of Workers tain times no amount of agitation yhences of outright denunciation of government as the lesser «vil to did not read any serious papers or trike they learn a great deal about last against the economie system the Versailles Treaty in regard to fascism. The French fascists would books and were against any radi. the economic system, the banks, the which served to maintain that Councils emerging, the instruments can cause the slightest stir among with which workers carry on the the workers. Rotten conditions the arms clauses at this particular instantly break of friendly real theories You added that role of the government. Many a economy. Thus, under the leadlight and also the instruments cate the workers to revolt, partitime. No doubt he would have tions with Soviet Russia. though they growled a lot they did worker has become class conscious ership of the revolutionary party, through which the yovernment of cularly when they see a chance of preferred als open break with The Staliniste pose the struggle not show inuch fight and that you and been started on his way to a the masses carried through the the workers functions after they doing something about them. But the other Western powers, even to basis to maintain bourgeois demo did not think they would ever be life of activity in the labor and rev.
the extent of rejoining the League cracy. In this popular front in ready to make a revolution revolution to overthrow capital have taken power. The Russian you know also that when list year ism and establish the workers me for councils is Soviets. That the intent increased in your mill, olutionary movement in this way. Nations for equality of armatended to diffuse and weaken the If by this you mean that you do WHAT THE MASSES state.
meuts 100 dangerous united front of the not have any hope that the masses FIGHT FOR is why we often speak of the work it was yon and the other fellows All the details as to how the job ers state as Soviet power. have been writing to who got to.
But the string attached to the proletarian forces leading the mass of the workers will become stu The masses may be stid always was done in Russia, or how it may Thus the picture unfolds The gether, talked things over, called a regotiations of his signing an Eases the stalinists include the bour: deuts of economics and government, to fight for direct and simple things, be carried through here where, of capitalist system, though the devel meeting at Bill Roberts house, sot torn Locarno act guaranteeing seois radient and radient socialist will understand and accept the for the right to exist, for a better course, the conditions are not exponent of productive forces makes a lot of workers to sign cards that we need not go possible, cannot function et they would goitia union it and when metrically ait variance with the in. The truce government of this tal, and as a result of intellectual revolution broke out in Russia in into here. But we can see before rectively any more. It presses the hall the mit was signed up later vowed objective of Neuxism to ex shrewd politician meantime pur reflection will determine to over 1917, they were not moved by a our own eyes how things may shape standard of living of the masses called a mun meeting, set up the od castward at the cxpense of sun policy, copied from Roose throw capitalism, you are perfectly conscious determination to build up. We recall how last year in ever lower. The expitalist state union, sent for a charter from the the Soviet Union at the same time volt of constant promises to right. That is not the way things new social order and a clear pic Toledo, Minneapolis, San Francis also begins to break down.
just a constant betrayals of the happen in history, ture of what kind of an order it, and plenty of other places, tens workers, in order to exist, have to a few others are the officers of the The International, etc. You fellows and Talism to crush the workers state workers. No flagrant have become You know how it is when a strike wonil he. The slogans in the fight of thousands came out on the Night on a broader and broader union, yon serve on the department Hence Hitler cut the Gordian knot the extreme right policies of the occurs in your mill. It does not were leuco, Bread, land, The streets and picketed in support of front. Presently they have to overcommittee, you were on the strike and saved the English and French rent in the SPIO (French Socialist Stalinists that the left centrist cur committee this impetus to the speeding up of ticize them from the left. The In other words, there was a leadEuropean arming and decided to ership. It consisted of the men who all the blurt of the victors of the beginning to gain ground and to Trotskyist function in the SPIO are had read and studied some, who last war.
By NORMAN MINI knew more out the labor move exert some influence, tending to One of the Sacramento Defendants From a Statement of Norman Mini In Repling bail must first be raised for ment than the general run of the The comment on this unmasking clarity issues for the militant soNora and Loraine, think is just workers, who could organize, who of fascist Germany preparations lalists.
To the Slanders of the Stalinist Press On the orders of the Associated that an escape. We long ago In this process the Trot Farmers and the Industrial Assoagreed that Nors should be set bad courage and lighting qualities, who could look ahead and plan.
ting out. The fact remains, howthe English press, proves that Hitler greater contlict not only with the charges me with being a criminal Into labor imions, and also for judged the situation correctly. No right wing of the but with the syndicalist. am not guilty. am Besides, you acted as a group, ra.
body thinks of sending troops into Stalinist bureaucracy.
ratulated me.
ever, that no one is being hailed ther than as individuals. The time out.
also Germany to enforce the terms of a The Darey indictment Builty of helping to organize the legality of all workers political parties to hold and advocate their charges me with aiding the prose do not want to take issue before when the workers wanted to treaty that now goes by default. On Danger of a French Amalgam working people of the Sacramento do soinething, but everything was with you now on the and views. To make such a fight, the ention through the policy of my at and San Joaquin valleys into he contrary. Hitler meets with Ved ly this fellow Jackson, a good the union. m not prepared view involved must be expressed torney, Albert Goldman, the Chica There can be no clearer explana: union to fight for higher wages and distinct encourgement from the re tion for the denunciation heaped improved living conditions. For and defenled, not hidden or disco Socialist who was for years the fellow in many ways but erratic to say that the criminal neglect and a freelance, everything went actionaries who draw the same on the Trotskyists as police agents that erime may have to go to still do of the union by the District Com guised. stood by my views and LL. lending attorney in that mittee was opposition. Elaine wrong. The same conception holds city. It falsely states that Goldman no for the West and an Fastern mer call openly, in view of the am ready to go if must: moin.
says it not important for us to good for the entire revolutionary aid our de The Threy indictment lies in say. has done nothing Locarno.
be out. m definitely resigned to struggle of the working class, Thore ben isotus for the dangerous situation in France, for tunin any right the right on an ing kept the interview secret until tense. To sign their mes to this Sowet er mere ominous for the the arming of the working class to workers, to organise labor unions, Me Allister produced it in court. It chargeDecker and Chambers must that now. So you see here THE REVOLUTIONARY Soviet Union am in jail. ostracized by my PARTY in the Sacramento forget the hours they spent with combat and disarm fascist forces, and will not be terrorixed into Win August, and the other de. Goldman getting counsel. The Darown Party. feeling myself that the Stalinists lead the socialists in abandoning that right.
prens That is why we way that the Stalinism In France the Party is not sufficiently utt.
lizing the case.
to the trap of calling on the Fan on the orders of the Communist iendants and discussed it in jail. cy indictment states that Goldman basic instrument of the workers Internally and externally Stalinin government to disarm the fas Party, all my fellow. defendants ex gave the interview, had has sided with the prosecutor in in the revolutionary struggle is ism pursues the polities of the Icist bands. There are only the bars to the revolutionary party.
cept Jack Waruick charge me with been in the not a few months, attacking Gallagher. This is a true.
When Gallagher for the third bat against the gray walls to question and a stone wall as far The working class as a whole is being a renegade and a stool pigeon as the Darcy Indictment says, but am not guilty. am guilty of dis almost two years. Far from an Ime squabbled with a juror and as my letters of Inquiry to the not homogeneous. It is divided by agreeing with the Communist clating with the Workers Party declared in front of the jury (see con mumny Interests. Many sections are Party, of being a member of the then, had never seen a member of Western Worker, February 7) District Committee are backward. It cannot. as a class, remed.
am not talking for the jury: am of the United it Decker got out on bait because directly plan and guide its battles.
States. For that erime. my de The did not expell me for talking fo the people in the court.
fense is being cut to pieces by the giving the interview. It expelled room. Goldman publicly expressed she applied to the for ball Just as you found in your mill. a there is none, or if its basic poliBy REVA CRANE Again, am me months later after had quit his disagreement with these tactics and, as she knows, because the staff, a vanguard is necessary. Spartacus Youth League function Communist Party.
Today the is the youth as an independent youth organiza ready to suffer the consequences: it and joined the Workers Party that they should know that some all defendants to accept no coun. fent and disaster enn result for the con of the and endorsestion which is politically subordinate maintain my right, the right of Then Darey decided retroactively renders the verdict, and it is good structions of the to her and cies are wrong only confusiou, de its political program. It has conto the Workers Party. By exchange all workers, to disagree with the that had been a renegade!
Communist Party, and will not be solidated Its forces and is now in a of representatives on committees, by body in the court besides the prose ter revolutionary ball. ax Black workers. As our Declaration of The Darcy indictment charges cution is concerned with what they called it. Decker letter fireve Principles puts it, this is the revoposition to challenge the existing a careful survey of the needs of terrorized into abandoning that that gave the interview out of think. The contes in the court this when it styx with reference to lutionary party. It embraces the most advanced, the most militant, Year of a beating, hope of leniency rooms 112 seats (hall of them. ball money: youth organizations for the leader the by an active interest in ship of the tolling and student its life, the Workers Party will The statement in the official or sheer vengeance. All the empty lately) won affect the ver Gallagher received a letter the most devoted workers, unites them firmly on the basis of tested from Gordon denying permission youth of the United States. In demonstrate that it can build and Communist Party Dally Worker and defendants had to forget that, dict. That is why Goldman Sest addition, it has connections with lead the Spartacus Youth Lengue Western Worker of March bear after the interview was read on privately, finally publicly as well to accept the ball.
principles, and welds them together youth organizations of other count and that it defends the immediate ing the names of my fellow defend. February but before Darey had toly etendubieland their die time to give them orders, they in friends And Decker lus repeatedly said in rigorons discipline.
The party does not impose its (always privately and that the action of the tries through its aliation to the and ultimate interests of the work ints (except Warnlek. Was animously chose Mike Quinn to therefore futilely) tried to get Gallone compelled the to sud lendership on the masses. It wins International Bureau of Revolutioning class youth.
tated by Sam Darcy. District Or.
ary Youth Organizations for the ganizer of the draft for them a declaration refut lacher to behave like a militant denty produce wad of bail and their confidence and support by its formation of the new revolutionary llophus. to distract people in the prosecution claim that may labor attorney instead of like a take out the other prisoners whom devotion to the interesteret hele youth international coupe Pet roup boxer who can see his and they had kept in jail for ix masses, its comme pour tout commediate criminal mismanagement and Chambers has to forget that he cuce for the blood in his eye.
Only under the leadership and guidance of a revolutionary party wrecking in the Sacramento case signed the following statement af Who Hurts the Defense!
The United Front struggles are carried forward effec.
the Darcy machine broadcasts the ter the interview had been read can the youth organization fulfill yarn that the prosecution, which is Not only has Mini made no its tasks and serve as a true rallyNo. am neither a criminal syn. tively ouly where such lendership The Darcy Indictment accusa dicalist nor stool pigeon. am plays an important, if not a leading rying to railroad me to San Quen such offer (to turn State evi the Workers Party of disrupting us innocent of the charges in the role.
ing center of exploited youth.
Lacking such a party, the youth ordenee, as reported by the lying tin, has my cooperation. Continued from Page 1)
Whem, and only when the revoluDarey Indictment as am of those ganization must fall under the in If sold out. If am a rene Hearst press) and no such con until January the avoided the in the State indictment. Tam tionary party, as the crisis deepens Alnence and control of non revolu. and Adrian Gambet demanded: fession, but he is repeatedly re building of a united front Sacra cade, why do still stand in the shadow of the penitentiary?
tionary and anti working class or fused McAllister offers of im mento defense, and disciplined party simply a worker who helped organ and conditione ripen, gains the (1) That the YPSL rescind its munity in return for tuming ganizations ixe a union, who believes that the support of the majority in the members who advocated one. Workers rule alone can save human Workers Councils, o rwhatever the statement on the New Leader even This question can be answered.
State evidence.
was forced into one by the NonToday, however, there exists a though passed unanimously by the nor does the try to. That fact Partisan Labor Defense (the society from increasing misery, op mass struggle organizations of the Another Prisoner Speaks party which is capable of leading YPSL Executive and approved by alone shows the falseness of its which is defending me.
pression, war and decay, and who workers may be called, establishes The whole question has been set fore the united front committee the revolutionary youth, of guiding an overwhelming majority of the charges.
does not take orders from the Com. its leadership, can the revolution it politically and aiding it organ Central Committee (That the Had it not been for the all tled by our fellow defendant, Jack could take any public action, the munist Party.
ary struggle of the workers be car.
izationally. There is every oppor. YPSL call off the pending tlections, we defendants might today enjoy Warnick, whom Darey has not yet. introduced on orders from ried to a victorious conclusion, tunity for the Spartacus Youth which are being held subject to the the active support of a great mass dared to call stool pigeon, and New York) policies which neces.
HOOEY That is why it is so important League to grow and develop and to approval of the Party Nectas Inovement of labor. As it is, the who has had the courage to dety sarily drove out the the What is this? Strip poker? that you and workers like you fulfil the tasks of a youth organ. That Harold Draper be expelled whole policy of the Iucludhin Darcy and write.
Workers Party, the Socialist Party Originally Huey Long wasn go should join the why on the ization. Its membership will be from the YPSL in spite of the fact its malicious attacks on me, 18 The characterization by the the American Civil Liberties Unioning to allow anybody to have more one hand you should contribute come two, three even ten times that the matter is now before the jeopardizing us all increasingly. In Western Worker that Mini is a everybody who rejects the autho than a million dollars. In his reply your strength, energy and Intelli that of the Party. From its ranks Party NEXC. 4) That the YPSL the interests of an effective, mbl cowardly, treacherous stool pigrity of the to General Johanson he raised the gence to it and on the other hand will come trained revolutionists for comply with these demands by tant, honest defense fight, am go eon must be condemned as an at Consequently the defense is split ante hy setting the upper limit at receive from membership in the the Workers Party. In the coming March 25 under the penalty of reink to answer these attacks and tempt to fame the boy, and ruin today. The growing working four million dollars. Last week in revolutlonary party the training, struggles, the will be at the organization. In the interum the call on working people and his reputation for the rest of his class movement which the Darey speech in Philadelphia Itooey in discipline, comradeship and enthuside of the leading the Amer subcommittee was have full friends of labor to rally to my life.
indictment says slander is power. creased the limit still further, to slast which can come in no other ican working class and the youth power to act.
The subcommittee cause, which is the cause of the The Darey indictment also at less to impress prosecutor, court or nine million dollars. If someone way, and without which we cannot It will show that the theoretical acted.
whole working class.
tacks my testimony given on the jury because in reality it is merely doesn call pretty scon Long will accomplish the colossal and urgent conception of a fighting, militant witness stand in my own behalf The Me Allister Interview the its phony affiliates and add on a few more million just so task before the party, before the That vime nite the YPSL Exeyouth organization has been turned eative rejected the demands. The When arrested last August, The Western Worker of February handful of liberal innocents who as not to keep Henry Ford and working class here in the and into a reality.
The Workers Party has a great mediate session.
Party subcommittee went into im. gave the prosecutor an interview. 18 had this to say about the capi represent nothing and nobody. And Andy Metion from playing throughout the world!
responsibility with regard to the On inquiry, from To talk to a prosecutor may be analist press reports of my testimony: the movement my defenders are official (A Fourth and final letter will NOT THIS TIME Newspapers reported the last trying to build is knited by the representatives of the even greater blunder than to let youth movement. There is no other league Bela Low and Adrien police get hold of letters from pro two days sessions by completely Ileadline: Cubu Will Seive all be published in next week issue Who Bailed Out Decker!
of the New Militant. Property of Labor Unions.
Gambet indicated that no action create a movement that will keep would be taken that night, Low stat Darcy indictment charges that mony. Reports that Mini confes. The charge that the has This is one time when financial the youth from falling victim to ling that a decision would be reached my interview helped the prosecu sed a plan for violent seizure of done nothing for the defense is just and sugar interests won demand ORDER PAMPHLETS NOW.
falsebst demagogy and militaristle the next day. The ipse Office tion. It fails to specify how be power in event of war are based another of Darcy Iles. His indiet American intervention to safeguard property rights. From Post. SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT In the ranks of the are One of the most vicious lies many comrades who were the foun. Socialist who walked into the office the prosecution. That is why, after Quotations alleged to have been made by him are entire falsificaders of the early revolutionary while the old Guard henchmen McAllister read it to the jury, sevcreated and spread by Goldman tions. Immediately following yeswere there, was beaten up.
and the Trotskytes is that the youth movement after the war.
ment declared the famous interview terday session, newspaper reThe National Yipeel office has to be a flop. did not bail out Caroline THE NEW INTERNATIONAL Many of the played leading parts porters held a consultation with Decker and Pat Chambers.
in the life of the and these empowered the YPSL City ExecutIn the interview stated only Parker, publicity director comrades can be of invaluable as ive Committe to go ahead with its such facts as were common known for the Associated Farmers, and because they were not supposed MARCH ISSC OUT TODAY to be in sistance in gulding the In work. special subcommittee has ledge (for example, Hougardy line, wer in agreement.
with the Party he dictated the distortions they those cities where branches been appointed to help it. The en connection with the or as should publish.
Contains articles on. Labor Party American Trade Union Prob.
do not exist, it is the duty of these tire matter will go before the Nat e considered it shameful to hide. shall answer this by quoting a At that time the Western Worker document neve kems. The Rocerelt Regime Abolition of Bread Card System to before published, comrades to aid in the establish ional Committee meeting of the Soc. also expounded my Marxist be admitted that any testimony made letter written by Caroline Decker the Soviet Union Where Is Stalinism Leading the Soviet Union: ment of such branches and to give talist Party to be held in Buffalo lief in the necessity for a social McAllister squirm. Today the to a member of the Workers Party. After the Spanish October. Archives of the Revolution Book booth political and organizational their endor the new revolution to which the vast popu. Darcy Indictment contains the same on December 18. have had the Reviews, etc.
Buldance to the young comrades oftents are supporting the tar majority, led by the working distortions as Parker die original since December: when the It is the duty of Party Meanwhile several Socialist class, will use every neccesary tated! The purpose of the distor Caroline Decker calls me a stool comrades to study and understand party locals have adopted resolu means to overcome violent re tions is to make it seem that made pigeon and pours Alth on the THE NEW INTERNATIONAL tions calling upon the to resistance to be expected from the fantastie. wild, criminal state to whose ball she owes her the needs of the youth o solution organize the New York State organ exploiting minority now in power. ments on the stand. While it is true freedom today. do not hesitate to and to participate in the WEST 15TH STREET of the problems which confront the ization. The National Committee did not then know that the that neither concealed nor hedged answer her with her own words NEW YORK CITY League. The joint work of the of the has already notified the wanted to keep two sets of as Darcy did, said nothing fan m convinced now that the two organizations depends to N. State Executive Committee books, to talk one way outalde and tastie or criminal. explained my District Committee has definite Subscription for One Year: 50 For Seven Months: 00 Kreat extent on the relationships that it should show cause why the another way inside court. ideas without conceniment, and Camda and Foreign. Single Copy 150: Bundles of or more, reasons for not getting me out.
existing between them. Conscious State organization should not be thought it shameful to try to that is what made McAllister Elaine (E. Black, LD. organ per Copy. 10c.
attenupts must be made to have the reorganised.
hide my opinions. My Aght is for squirm. That why, when fin fuer) escape on the matter by way.
Class Struggle In the Be