CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

NEW MILITANT VOL. 1, NO. 14 PRICE CENTS NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1935 Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the CAPITOL Nations Totter On Cannon Rorty, And WP Progress on All Fronts, NEWS Brink of Another Tell of Cal. Terror National And International LETTER Imperialist War Marked at Ptsbg. Conference BIGGER AND BETTER BOARD Capitalists Profited Sacramento Plaza this Sunday evening, March NUL Blasts Trial Roosevelt Near End Relief Planetene aide inportante will touch on the aftermath of the Like Trying to Fight Wolman Democracy In James Cannon, Editor of the New Militant, James Rorty, author and newspaperman and Charles By JACK ELDER Malamuth, well known journalist, will address a meeting at Irving THE WORKS RELIEF BILL Membership, Trade Union, Strike, Unemployed 12, 000 For Every WASHINGTON, DC Organized 24 on Class Struggles in the West Work Shows Gain; Daily Paper labor, the or leaders once Death in Last again inform the world at large, Comrade Cannon has just reUp for Discussion has no use for strikes os a method turned from two months tour of of bringing employers to terms. World War was vividly demThe imuninence of the Second the country, including one month Yearly 100 active workers, reprenew Party and not of the old or Organized labor would much rather onstrated last Saturday by the in California, the heart of recent industries ganizations.
depend on law which guarantee action of Hitler Germany when she Membership Increases strikes, such as steel, mining, automobiles, ror, and the right of collective bargaining tore up the Treaty of Versailles and Judge Rules Case to war. HG textiles, rubher, gathered in the An increase of nearly 40 percent and on government boards empow. threw it in the faces of the other Active Workers Conference of the in membership has been recorded ered to put such laws into effect. European powers. Henceforth, an Continue Despite great San Francisco general strike, Workers Party of the held at The work of projecting the party So argue Green and Company in nounced the Nazi leader, compute the Sacramento criminal syndical Forest Fire With Pittsburgh in connection with the and its membership in the unions, Ford Illness defense of the Wagner Labor Reory military service will be introism trials, on his visit to Tom plenary session of the National unemployed leagues and other mase lations Bill, upon which the Sen duced in Germany and the Third Tea Cups Committee of the Party March 15. organizations is proceeding every.
ate Labor Committee is bow con Reich will enter openly into the SACRAMENTO, COL. March 16 Mooney at San Quentin, on the dueting hearings famous Agricultural and Cannery COLUMBUS, OHIO. Criticizing by the conference was that of the 18. The outstanding Impression left where Pass this bin, race for arms on land, sen and in The Sacramento criminal syndical great impetus has been given they plead with the committee the air ism case is coming to a members. If you don miss it, they close.
Workers Union, on the vigilante the Administrations social security remarkable strides taken by the to unemployed work as is symbol This announcement came at the terror, and (no picture of Califor program as an attempt to extin Party during the first three months ined most dramatically perhaps by Warwage earners will fly of the end of a week filled with talk adi Eetienlly the last two weeks nia is complete without them) on guish a forest fire with a tea cup of its existence in carrying out the the appearance of Mass Action, the of water.
handle they will become enraged acts for rearmament. And it came have been spent reading to the National uemployed and strike; and then what will be as no surprise, despite their publie jury.
come of the New Teal pretty little expressions of righteous indigna point of the trial came when a plan movement, and last on the of the Workers Security Bill which adopted by the founding convention ployed League, to which the Party significant and interesting the Sinclair Epicites and the Uto League has issued a tentative drait six months Program of Action weekly organ of the National Unemdream of class collaboration?
of the Party last December has given support and assistance.
rise of the Workers Party.
tion, to the responsible or to be torney Gallagher, in trying to show it is sponsoring. This draft is beThe stupidity of the of Lexact, irresponsible rulers of that the Communist Party would The fusion of the former Com The Party membership has taken James Rorty and Charles Mala ing submitted to state and local ing. They have had almost two the United States. That Germany without the support of a majority. York after their now famous expul put into final forn.
leaders transcends all understand France, Italy Great Britain and never think of enlling a revolntionmuth have just arrived in New Chemployed Leagues for approval munist League of America and the prominent part in a score of and recommendations before being former American Workers Party on strike struggles in every section of years of Section 7a and of Wagner has been arming ever since Hitler Suggestions which the formal launching of the the country, The Party as a whole, and esboards, Garrison wanted to introduce evidence about Sion from the Imperial Valley, should be sent to the National to pleted at the center and in the rochelly its califorroge section sabor boards, Bladte came to power has been an open Germany.
boards where they were investigating the employed League 232 North High Cranches Fundamentally, the probassumed a leading role in the labor boards, et al. The statute, on the secret for many months. The preone hand, and the borde on the tence that she was not had to end any bearing on the case, the judge among the agricultural workers. can see where Germany has incredible peon system of slavery Street, Columbus, Ohio.
lems and issues now confronting defense movement in the United other, have brought American trade sooner or later. The fact that An extensive drive to win publie the organization are those of the states in connection with the Sac said.
ramento criminal syndicalism trial.
support for the bill is under way ler choose last Saturday to end it unions absolutely nothing Com only illustrates the increasing Plans are going forward for the It certainly has, Gallagher pany unionism has flourished as lensi The destructive policies of the Comshouted. We intend to show that never before, the technique for kidtension be made ding wage earners out of striking The Second World War in Germany, where the Communist May to push the bill before Conhas been perfected; employers have ress adjourns an internntional issue by the WorkThus less than seventeen years Party was supported by 1, 000, 000 Violent The comprehensive will drafted Alliance in ers Party.
thrown the orders of the labor after the end of the war to end voters, the Party allowed Hitler to by the League is called bill to The Party print shop has been limit the hours of labor, to provide reorganized and provided with new President Roosevelt has condescend World War are now publicly tiro inger, because it did not have a Akron additional appropriations for public eqnipment and is now in a position ed to deliver several swift kicks in claimed. The death merchants majority behind it.
But most of the time has been the points to his Supreme Court throughout the world are happy.
to turn out regularly the party works, and for the relief of the unsystem organs, ite pamphlets, etc.
of Industrial relations.
The dollar a year boys are prac pent by the attorneys going Lilly Julius Gerber a crew of employed an. to establisa of unemployment and social insur.
What does all this mean to Green ticing oratory. And the war pey over the 205 exhibits of commun. Old Guard Socialists broke into the While the fulfillment of the pamBy JACK WILSON and Co. phlet program has tagged some.
chology making machines are being istie literature introduced by the New York Yipsel office late last AKRON, Ohio, March A Rig Not that guarantees of colleeoiled.
prosecution. Scattered excerpts Monday and took possession of all 30 Hour Week nificant turn with far reaching im what an educational department tive bargaining are hardly worth Meanwhile the conditions of the have been read to the Jury on al the property therein. Mit Cohen, the paper they are written on.
It provides for the 30 hour week plications was made by the Ameri has been set up, an International a national State Not that labor boards are good for nothing but sugaring the pill become more desperate. Unemploy. Social fascism has been followed wandered into the office during the goverment employees and wage with the establishment of an all established in New York, one or nient and destitution Increases by the Soviet Army, Industrial un raid was severely beaten up. employees in industry mining. ance between the auto and the more classes organized in practical of compulsory arbitration. Not Living standards of the employed ionism by well determination in the that trade unions must, glyen a These desperate steps taken by transportatjon agriculture domes: rubber workers untons to work to y every branch of the Party, three capitaliste society, rely on their either by direct reductions in wages ing youth by the Labor Party. Ab workers are being driven down black belt. conditions of work the democratie socialist gentlemen tie, technical, clerical and protes. campaigns for conta oh des sans fees and preparat were an outcome of the conflict wional services and all other o uition and the tions for the first session of a na own capacity for direct and mili or by the increasing cost of food solutely no attempt has been made between the City Executive Cum cupation.
in both industries.
tant action.
and clothing. Appropriations for to prevent coherent picture of mittees of the Socialist Party and The minimum wa. te is fixed at Suddenly changing previous plans tional training school are under Because Section Ta has not rellet of the victims of the profit communism to the court. Every the following the latter 30 a weck, with the prevailing to bring John Lewis, MW. Away.
worked, the of leaders rea system are curtalled while approp thing has been gurbled. confused. unanimous denunciation of the union rate wherever It is higher.
president here, the of had Doubled Membership son, let us have more of it. Because hlations for battle ship. guns, etc. disorganized. New Leader as an organ of the Aten billion dollar public works Francis Dillon, chief auto organThe youth organization, Sparta the law has been a dead letter, let are doubled and tripled.
us have a bigger, better and more Early this week defendant Old Guard promoting splits in the. provided th money izer speak at a mass meeting of all cus Youth League, has doubled its elaborate law of the same sort. what war means to the masses of confinement in jall had to be taken port of the young Socialists.
Yet the following facts, showing Ford, weakened by his months and as noworthy of the sup he spent within one year. This rubber workers unions here and membership, Issued its monthly or program is to include the bullding pledges were exchanged to aid each gan regularly and immensely imBecause labor boards have been in the people, have been repeated time to the hopsital with a serious at The Committee retaliated of modern low rental homes; an ihey materialize proved Its organizational set up.
capable of forcing anti union em and again. Comrade Cannon, the editor of ployers into collective bargaining.
Tack of poeumonia. In this situa. referring charges against the up to date, fully equipped county the materialize.
What War Means Thus the of was finally the New Milltant, has made a coast us upon the boards and redefine their young men were killed in the First fendant Ford!
The fact that nearly 10, 000, 000 the case should go on, minus deifled the candidates for city organ libraries and recreational centers forced to admit the close relation to coast tour. Comrade Muste, the purely theoretical powers.
izer and city secretary, in a pend. in every city and counts: rural ship between these two hasic in National Secretary. has visited World War, that 20, 000, 000 more ing election, because they voted for electrification, and elimination of dustries. Rubber tire production practically all of the party centers Section Ta, it is true, provided were wounded, and that prisoners depends primarily on sales to the an far west as Minneapolis, Daven the resolution against the New krade crossings the peychological push which staror missing humbered nearly BRITISH PATRIOT Leader, and called upon the Yip Nothing For War auto manufacturers and they have port and St. Louis. One other tour ted the great organizational cam. 6, 000, 000 does not deter the capital paigns of 163 in the iron and steel. ists for one minute from making rearmament move came on the heels sels to postpone the elections. At it is specified that none of this admitted that a strike in the auto as far west as Chicago has been industry, it begun, must likewise carried out automobile manufacturing, bituml ready for the Second World War of loan of some 200, 000, 000 The Yipsels defied these decisions NEW YORK (FP. Germany the same time the money shall be spent for militars be met with a similar strike in a special investigation nous coal and other industries. But Fraternal relations have been or naval purposes.
rubber 18 a tie up of the auto In established with the Secretariat of by relying upon the abstract rights wounded and missing in the last Immediate establishment of In addition to soldiers killed, granted her by Sir Henry Deter and proceeded with plans for the system of unemployment and social ustry would automatically close the in Europe, with the elections.
standarte raat boval, according to na self help, the of stultitied took total of over 28, 000, 000 exclusive story by Johannes Steel met test Sonday evening ae workers and farmers are to be true to holster its weak posl. lutionary Socialist Party and the Revolutionary Insurance by the secretary of Labor a This latest move can best be in Party in Holland, product of the its ability to profit from that ini among the elvil population in the New York Post.
merger on March 10 of the Revotial push. By proposing what is on alone. according to the Swedish the face of it a tacit bargain en statistician, Hersch.
cording to the wiped office with cared for with insurance equal to tion in the auto industry and its Independent Socialist Party of act the Wagner bill and you need only members attending out of a average local wages, the funds to rapidly weakening role in rubber Holland, and with parties and not fear strikes any longer the war were 9, 000, 000 children. War Left fatherless as a result of the 20TH CENTURY CIVILIZATION at they sittented the report paised by operament tax on by building prestige through this groups in Canada, South Africa, of prepares to paralyze the widows of the sitcommittee appointed to inheritances and gifts and on in vague united front It is also an Australia, China and other coun labor movement Cuba, unfortunately, at present, investigate the YPSL, doing so by a come of individuals and corpora in the United wild om 10. 00, doa bere mended are attempt toe diere in the range from tries who haverlo desc lands toine States, once and for all time. homeless due to the war.
THE WORKS RELIEF BILL civilized countries, has four or five sisting of Algernon Lee, Bela Law The insurance is in no case to be of thereby obtaining recognition Fourth International and stand on Direct money coat of the war for persons for every job. Pres. Men without resorting the same programmatic foundation strikes. Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
Successful for the time being. In all belligerent countries amounted dleta of Cuba.
as the Workers Party of the However, Dillon told the rubber their drive against high wages. Ad to over 200, 000, 000, 000. For the Many Important problems con workers that April was the date ministration forces have induced alone, during the two years, set for action in Detroit and this fronting the revolutionary move.
the Senate to knock the prevall the direct cost was over 22. 000, ing wages amendment out of the 000, 000. Total Indirect costs (prowas followed by a speech of Cole ment in the United States and Work Relief bill. The substitute perty damage, etc. amounted to man Claherty in which he said abroad were discussed by the NaBy BILL REICH amendment which was passed leaves about 150, 000, 000, 000 for all relief roll. The catfish are biting. THE ARTS AND SCIENCES rubber manufacturers would be tional Committee, the Active Work the whole mitter HOUSING: widow and two he was told.
wage rates, countries. The daily cost of the small children were found living Sally Rand, fan dancer, has patent given one week to begin negotia ers Conference, or both. These include the Labor Party, Third Party, for any practical purpose, the FOOD: Jack Dempsey eats 19 ed her new bubble dance. Like tions or a strike would be called.
in the Railroad Station at Allen times a day and keeps two cooks good businessman, keep a graph That the workers mean to take Huey Long. Coughlin, etc. develop.
means, all things considered, that by Senator Nye it cost about 25. Blanche Campia, destitute, crawled private home. Mike Nagsis, un College professors near Washing was shown by the tremendous apvlet Tinion: the war danger as 50 a month will receive official 000 to kill e soldier.
sanction es the government idea Who Wony into a freightyard and in a snow employed steel worker. was found ton, have formed a club with plause which greeted them when exemplified in oecurrences in the. of how large living wage ought of 12, 000 was made by the cap the Stotesbury But for every casualty profit richest kirl, weds scion of Coatesville. Pu. Starvation, said. Charley Chaplin is the world their speech and especially when the Socialist Party of the nited It was hardly to be expected, not italist class, acording to Lehman 5, 000 acre estate at Somerville, risen 11 percent in the past year. Rogers. University of Georgia Goodyear, Goodrich and Firestone pursued by the revolutionary party Doris owns the coroner. Food prices have greatest economist, announces wm threat of a strike was made. The states and the proper course to be (Continued on Page the Profits of leading American corpo roadway, a summer palece at New ture.
to the Prices are still too low, are increased. Cuban college try to begin www 3, 000 per cent and more. Eighteen on 5th Ave with ert treasures RELIEF: An expensive govern in the present rations ranged from 25 per cent to Port. a Manhattan residence says President Roosevelt.
students are solt.
a leading part with the mostrike present position in the trade unions has been threatened if manufactur and the unemployed organizations.
SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION leading United States companies worth millions, and a palatial es ment survey reveals that 89 percent BUSINESS AND FINANCE: Toers refuse.
The decisions of the National Committee on these points will be pubWatch the number after your increased their net profits of 74. tate in North Carolina. Her of those on relief are in this condi grant the soldiers bonus would be lished in this and forthcoming is650, 000 for the 1912 1914 period to husband family owns a home with tion because of unemployment. a national calamity says Bugene ALLENTOWN PUSHES NEW name on the wrapper in which sues of the New Militant or comyour paper is mailed. If the number after your name is the 1918. The number of known mil and requires 100 servants for its es that 28. 77 per week is needed steel Corporation, which profited to MILITANT CIRCULATION DRIVE municated to the membership and same as this number. 14it lionaires in the increased from upkeep. They also have homes at to provide a family of with the the extent of 49. 427, 000 on war orToday we heve news from Allen to the workers in other ways.
Rar Harbor, Maine and Palm means of bare subsistence, 31. 22 ders. Grace received bonus of town that the branch has set a Daily Paper means your sub has expired and this is the last Issue you will (Continued on Page 4) Beach, for the minimum essentials for 3, 600, 000 from his company. quota of one sub for every member Impressed, on the one hand, by revelve until we receive your reSOCIETY Palm Beach reports bealth and decency. President wonder if it wouldn be all right in the next two weeks. This quota, the numerous opportunities spring nemal NEW CLASSEES IN SCHOOL the best season since the depres. Roosevelt Public Works Relief to pay a soldier a day, he asks when fulfilled, will put Allentowning up before the Party and the If you will send your renewal Two new classes have been added ceived another 400, 000 from Wash week per family. The Wierton Steel Co. paid the officers. Florida begged and re. Bill allows an average of 12 per. Evidence discloses that the at the top of the list in the contest. eagerness of the Party membership Several Lasues in advance it will to the courses in the International ington ofr rellet, claiming it was Chamber of Commerce urges a of its company unton 26 per month Job. Bundle orders have increased about the Party and its position, This branch is doing an excellent and the workers for information save work wd expense In the Workers School. The first in elem broke office and Insure your receiving entary Russian, will begin Thun 000, 000, 000 reduction in the Public permitted them to meet on company by 33 3 percent and are paid up and on the other hand by the swift the paper without Interruption SPORTS: More than 8, 000, 000 Works BII, this permitting a dole time, and paid a 6, 000 printing to date, which makes them elegible pace of events both in the labo day, March 28th at P. under was bet Unless you do so you will inevit the guidance of Sara Weber. The during the racing season. Joe Philadelphia 310, 696 relief cases District Court of Delaware holds writing. By the end of this month. International arena, the National the pontes at Miami of per week per family. bill for the unlon. The Federal on the first prize at the present movement in the and on the ably miss some issues. No subother is a course in public speaking Green of Pittsburgh was fined average 50 per week per person, that the Wlerton Company union it the present branch efforts are committee authorized the Political seriptions can be back dated.
Back issues will be supplied at and Spartacus Youth League, to body on relief who bets on the person. Excessive relief prebation or control by the manage why they should not be they will which it had tentatively begun as for members of the Workers Party for betting on a horse race. Any Oklahoma 2. 50 per month per was free from intimidation, dom. Successful and there is no reason Committee to continue a canvass the regular mates plus postage.
Plouse cooperate!
begin Monday, April 1st at 8:40 races deserves to be fined, says the sents the gravest threat to the fis ment. Roosevelt is just the have a 100 percent score in the to the possibilities of raising a Business Manager. with Martin Glee as instructor. Judge. Gibson of Paris, cal integrity of the government, men we need now, announces the drive and can go from that point rustaining fund for a dally paper.
Registrations should be sent to the Texas, is given to buy fishing says Richard Whitney, President of arch reactionary magazine Steel, on in the coming two months, piling MANARANASAN School once at West 15th Street. tackle so he could be removed from the Stock Exchange. organ of the steel bosses.
Inp a really respectable score. Continued on Page 4)
people Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness Presidente solen nereticon. to The According to a pamphlet written tow the railroad Stations ton, Akers come into comes seront popularly the states raph these two organizers at their word mentes the recente se encara ngerer this