Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunardsCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismLeninMarxismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

LEFT. JABS HUEY LONG The Paris Commune 0000 SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE straight into a swamp of confusion, into an allen Will They Make Them?
By JIM KARL NEW MILITANT with liberal politicians, into a by path which can end only in zero results, as did the Federated Farmer with which ta merged Labor Party LaFollette adventure of the in THE MILITANT 1924. Meantime, precious time and energy which Published weekly by the Workers Party of the should go into building up a genuinely effective revo2 West 15th Street, New York City lutionary party in this period of Insurgency among Phone: Algonquin 9058 the masses, is lost.
Our answer to these proposals of unity with batered as wecond class mall matter at the Post once By BILL SHERMAN anybody and anything is. Unity of the revolutionary New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. forces! Build the Workers Party!
Oh, Deah, Deah!
The Pacific Weekly. sole offJAMES CANNON. Baltor spring of Sam Darcy, Communist HARRY HOWE. Associate Editor The Socialist Party Party organizer in California, and FAWTHORND WINNER. Burdinens Manager ECONCILIATION will be the major note at the Ella Winters, reporting Stratchey San Francisco address, gurgles SUBSCRIPTION RATES: National Committee meeting of the Socialist In the United States 00 per year: 68c six months.
Party to be held in Buffalo on March 16 and 17. The He spoke of the class struggle in new and delightful ways.
Onnada and Foreign. 50 per year: 756 six months New York Militants and the Old Guard will both Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
go there with the aim of winning to their respective Race Prejudice support the reformist groups of McLevy, Maurer and Vol. In reporting the gangster attack SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1985 No. 13 Hoan, Aggressive moves are avoided by both the MiliCGMLIN of Ben Gold (Fur Workers Industrial Union) thugs on members of tants and the Old Guard precisely out of fear of the Joint Council of Furriers, The Hooey Long Way allenating the McLevys, Maurers and Hoans. That is why the Old Guard at the eleventh hour seated of L, the Workers Age (Lovestone)
says: Collenberg was attacked HOEY LONG sage to the press Organize the delegates from the branches it had suspended at Share the Wealth Club and elect me President. the recent New York Central Committee meetingby an Italian thug, not furrier, Then you can have a house, auto, radio plus 2, 500 after the delegates in question bad gone home!
on the payroll of Ben Gold. This a year. Everybody will admit that the masses in However, the nine suspended branches have not same Italian thug was involved in this land could have plenty and security. The big been reinstated. The Militants have called a the crippling of Joe Ferber some question is: Is Hoooy Long way the way to get months ago. Appeals to race premeeting to protest the high handed action of the Old them?
judice so strongly and correctly Jim Karl condemned by Lovestone when made Hoover said, Elect me President and you will The appeal for the meeting is addressed: To All by Stalinists in Local 22, have e chicken in every pot and two automobiles in Comrades Left, Right or Center. It is accompan every garage. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, led by Norman Thomas open letter to the members are apparently in the fur market. Hoover 18 a wash out. Elect me President and you of the Socialist Party which endorses the will get a New Deal. Militants protest and meeting.
Reviewing the Crisis Hooey Long says, Roosevelt is a flop. Elect me Thomas concludes his appeal: ask your support TOU SOS FDR NRA. AAA President and you will have a house, car, radio, etc. ML in order to save our party. This be it remembered, What guarantee can Hooey Long give to the masses By JOSEPH CARTER is an issue independent of, and infinitely more imthe Paris Commune, only proves tem of fines for workers was abol. PDQ SOL.
that if they elect a clown like himself instead of an portant than any opinion you may have on the De When the Commune was set up that the bourgeois of our days con ished, night work for bakers was Building the of oyster like Hoover or a perpetual smiler like Roose claration of Principles, or the United Front.
in Paris after the war of 1870, we siders himself the legitimate suc prohibited, plans made for the takFrom the Swan Song of the velt, he can and the woes under the cayitalist sys Unity above principles! Thomas repeats his old know what bloody work had to be cessor to the baron of old, who ing over by workers associations tem! The answer is, None.
slogan: this time with the aim of making the most done by French soldiers to rescue thought every weapon in his own of factories and shops abandoned Dally Worker, March 11, we quote: Long plays the capitalists game.
the capital and the country from hand fair against the plebian while by the former owners.
Long also pre of the rift between Oneal and Waldman within the the deadly menace. New York in the hands of the pleblan a wea The standing army. which stood It is no accident that where pares the way for Fascism, for the ruin of the Old Guard to win over sections of the Right. Wald. Times, February 1934. pon of any kind constituted in itself apart from the people as a power the unions were most masses, because he distracts attention from the one man may yet become the common enemy. Be thn for its oppression was replaced by active (coal, garment, textile and way in which they can get freeedom and plenty as it may In these words the spokesmen of a crime.
marine) the workers were most Forget the Hooey Long palaver!
the American master class right How true this is to this day! the armed people. The Commune able to build mass unions in the There is a clear Left Wingsroup fully consider themselves the heirs The march of Pascism in Europe, abolished the old apparatus of sovDo not expect him to give you the factories, the of mines, the houses that you have built! Prepare to the elements in control are not adverse to comprom of the butchers of the herole Paris the growth of the vigilante groups ernment and replaced it by an adIt is a fact known to all that take them!
Ask Long why he helped to smash the longshoremit The Socialist Call is intended not as the organ years ago. And four days after against the trade unions, the Hearst received the equivalent of the aver the denounced of the centrist. Militants alone, but a rallying center his editorial the bloodywork red baiting campaign, these are the age wages of the Parisian workers, the of Lonton In cachof men strike! Why he keeps the workers in the Lane of all Socialists. that is, reformists, centrists and against the Communards was re acts of an outlived, but desperate in a word, they rid themselves of these industries as tools of Wall Cotton Millentope Build the Unemployed Leagues!
revolutionaries The probable compromise at Buffalo will settle peated in the civilised Europe of parisitic class which glories in its the reactionary government and put Street. Fascistis. stool pigeon in its place a truly democratic agencies. White Guards. etc. etc.
nothing. For it can take place only on an unprin soldiers of Dollfuss against the Build the revolutionary party! That is the Only today, by the reletionary. Fascist Paris Commune traditions.
proletarian government.
Under this barrage the workers Way Out!
cipled basis. Discontent among militant and revolu Austrian workers.
Deadly Merco to Whom?
This was too much for the para were most able to build mass un tionary Socialists is certain to arise. The Commune was a deadly sites who were accustomed to live ions in the of It thereThe need of the moment in the Socialist Party is Violence against the oppressed, menace to the old world, founded by the labor of the masses! The fore appears that the Stalinist turn in Bloc with Reformists? a clear cut Left wing grouping which will conduct against the masses, that is patriot on slavery and exploitation, wrote national government of France is not a change in polley but a principled struggle against the Old Guard and re ism and justice; but violence of the the incomparable leader of the in could not suppress the rebellious tactics. Finding that the more they the Communist Party preparing to make a bloc formists and those who conciliate with them. For masses against the handful of externational and Russian working workers by itself. The French o attacked the of the more with liberal politicians to form a Labor Party? this is required a revolutionary Marxist program on ploiters for the purpose of building class, Lenin. Provoked by the rollonal patriots did not hesitate to the workers supported It, they have To make not only a zig zag to the right but a leap the basic questions of the revolution and on the ima free and human society, that is actionary national government, the call upon their yesterday enemy decided to give this will drive the the of out into empty space?
mediate problems controntiug the American working treason, deadly menace against workers, supported by the small in war, the Germany of Bismark, in the hope In New York it is participating in a united front class which all means are justified, shopkeepers of Paris, established to supply hordes to suppress the workers away from it anti Hearst meeting with representatives of the Re All this calumny, which the their own government on March 18, Paris Commune, murder French publican and the Democratic parties! Presumably party of order never fail, in their 1871.
workers, destroy Paris. And BisFrom the New York Herald Tri.
this will help the workers to know their true friends.
orgies of blood, to raise against In the seventy days of workers mark willingly supplied the aid. bune, March we quote: The In the mento criminal syndicalism trial, QUESTION BOX their victims, wrote the founder rule, the church was separated from Once again showing the interna move to glorify Stalin was begun Darcy. district leader, testifies that a group of the modern militant workers the state, education was taken out tionndist character of the class by his colleagues in the Polburo of left congressmen might set up the new govern.
movement after the suppression of of the hands of the priests, the sys struggle, which knows no national and spread rapidly down through ment to deliver the masses borders! B, BRONXAn excellent lesson for the Communist Party ranks until An editorial in the Dally Worker for March 11 the workers. today it behooves every speaker at comments on the organization of a bloc of liberal Question: Where can find formulated the idea a political meeting at Moscow or congressmen in Washington. The test which, ac the increasing misers of the masses under capitalism?
Toll of the Bloody Work the provinces to pay glowing tricording to this mouthpiece of the infallible revolu Answer: of The bloody work was successful. bute to the dictator before taking tionary. leader of the masses, the workers must use on these Tiberals is whether they fight against. Capital. vol. The greater the social wealth, deredabout 45, 000. delegates to the recent Roosevelt war appropriations, for the prevailing the functioning capital, the extent and energy of its some executed, thousands were ex farm congress fell into line easily.
wage on public works, for 2827, for civil rights. growth, and therefore, also the absolute mass of NEW YORK Franklin Roosbearing debt increased 10. 962, 000. Hled or imprisoned. 100, 000 victims Here are a few phrases selected If no. this is only a new trick to gain the support the proletariat and the productiveness of its labor, evelt once talked of driving the 000. More than 75 percent of th was the toll paid by the heroic from their speccles. Delegate Sid.
of labor with false promises.
the greater, is the industrial reserve army. The same money changers from the temple, was absorbed by the banks, the rest Paris Communards. In this way, oror Our dearly, our warmly beIf yes end a liberal might easily vote thus are causes which develop the expansive power of capital, but today the federal government going to corporations, institutions the narrow minded and short sight loved Stalin and our beloved the workers then to accept these liberals on the develop also the labor power at its disposal. The and the nation bankers are more and individuals. It is obvious, ed reactionaries thought that they friend and comrade, our chief, our recommendation of the as making trustworthy relative mass of the industrial reserve army increases closely tied together than at any however, that the nation widows would once and for all do away Stalin. Delegate Pilipenko. Long and not false promises to labor? Are these liberals therefore with the potential energy of wealth. But time in American history.
and orphans have not been buying with the threats of workers revo live our dear leader, our darling then to be included in the mass class federated class the greater this reserve army in proportion to the So large a proportion of the up recent government bond issues. lution. Stalin. Delegate Masonova Our struggle not reformist not revolutionary highest form active labor army, the greater is the mass of a con government debt is held by the The Federal Reserve Banks alone What an illusion! For the devel shock worker, our best best, our of united front Labor Party which the is solidated surplus population, whose misory is in in country banking system that the accounted for almost two billions opment of capitalism itself, bring. Stalin.
verse ratio to its torment of labor. The more ex picture almost looks like a chart of the bond totations. The reserve ing workers together in large face On this showing it must be adThe with all its prestige and apparatus, after tensive, finally, the lazarus layers of the working of a holding company system. Now trunk records show two great spurts tories, mines and mills, creates the mitted that the peasant delegates six years of crisis knows the masses have no confiThe first came conditions for renewed workers are one up on the American Stalindence in it, will not respond to its call. Therefore is the official pauperism. THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE billion dollars worth of bonds, the in the first half of 1982, at the struggles, for trade union and points in this international servility this Labor Party cry must be raised. Some typical GENERAL LAW OF CAPITALIST ACCUMULA banking system has a close relate the second came in the second half ary action. From the defeat of the nexibility of back bones and knees boring from within other organizations, especially unions, is to be pulled off.
workings by many circumstances. Emphasis they don actually own voting of 1933 during the early days of Paris Commune the workers learn plus the readiness of tongue of such The workers, if this trickery succeeds, will be led in original. stock in United States of America, the NRA.
the lessons of their future conflicts. leaders as Olgin, Browder, Mike Inc. the nation bankers do have The theory behind the reserve The Communards had no strong Gold, etc. are sure that they Begins Writing Letters the financial control and the power banks buying spree was that the trade unions or clearheaded, can catch up and surpass any and The Socialist Party is starting to enforce what they suggest to money poured out would stimulate trefned workers party. The Pari all contenders before many moons Washington.
campaign of letters to its memprivate trade and lead to credit in san workers of 1871 were in the have passed.
ilation, business activity and pros main artisans or workers in small The facts are revealed in a surget into vey Just released by the National perityse The 1982 attempt failed factories. The development of cap. Olgin, God, and Father Divine the Indiana Unemployed Union, Industrial Conference Board which because trade was shrivelling away Italism bad not yet reached that The New York press reports that faster which has its base in the small a expen. of. town of Montezuma Most of the bank holdings of government se of forward to socialism. writes in Pravda: Two hundred unemployed never heard of the curities during the depression years. 1983 similarly falled in its purpose. They had little experience of past and fifty thousand ignorant, disease INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. state place. The letters come from Las (Continued from Page 1)
Who Huys Bonds?
Banks and Security workers battles to go by ridden, poverty stricken Negroes convention of the unemployed is ser, Porter, Rasmussen and other In the year period ending June That In the year period covered by why the Communards did live in Harlem. Thousands conplanned in Indiana, following a ism in Russia in 1917 and even The basis for this organization the state by Arnold Johnson, sectrip through the eastern part or is a fuetional fight. The Socialat Went so far as to assign the setting 30, 1934, the government Interest the survey and ending in Decem. not understand the need of concen sider Father Divine their God, and up of the new government to a ter, 1934, the Federal Reserve trating the political power in the James Ford their political lead.
hands of the Central Committee of er.
retar of the National Unemployed Party of Indiana has withdraw group of left Congressmen. Where the reactionary campaign against Banks had accumulated 2, 430, 211, the National Guard, starting an Hailed before Judge Panken on from the Socialist Party, and in League, and Robert Birchman Talking with the unemployed in the turn has been suspended by the Mini said that the workers would the reds continues full blast. The 000 in goverpment securities, which immediate offensive against the some charge, Father Divine was Important centers, they were urged National Executive Committee state and destroy it. Darey made 10.
assets. Member to bring the in to help or The Night resulted in rump conven: absolutely no mention of the clase Sacramento. Defendant Jack War in the Federal Reserve system held taking over the national bank, be to answer. No, but thousands of nick ganize. They visited Fort Wayne, tions, referendum, then another nature of the state!
stumbled upon a group of more than nine bllion dollars worth for the Commune.
fore proceeding with the elections people belleve am and like them Muncie, Marion, Wabash, South and squabbles of all sorts referendum on the first, threats to think so.
them drilling with pickhandles last of government bonds on June 30, How the Uses the Counts Russlan Worker Learn Lessons Sunday. When Warnick tried to 1934, equivalent to 62. percent of James Ford were to answer Bend. Kokomo, Huntington, Hartof Commune The Socialists can organize truthfully the question Are you ford City and Indianapolis.
Not satisted with opportunist take down the Weense numbers of thelr total luvestments. All banks Conditions among the unemploy themselves. a former militants. betrayals of Marxism, the Commutne cavallers cars he was caught, reporting in the survey indicated Drowned in blood, the Commune the politieal leader of Harlem P. leader remarked, 80 now they e Party 18 turther the creating his notes were destroyed, and he their government bonds constituted has remained an inspiration for the Negroes? he would have to answer ed continue to get worse. Anulare sending us letters from all di the trial by using the capitalist was threatened with a beating. 143. Treent of their investments.
employed man in Kokomo said. rections on how to organize the court as a rostrum to denounce its producing manises the world over. No but some people like to be system As the first example of a workers fooled and Olgin is the boy to fool them.
Ization here, they have begun to Unemployed Union is just a way has been let slip for Introducing Why doesn Warnlek mind his seem that the administration can to the victorious Russian working ent is down again. have six in for one gang of the In this into the proceedings the maximum own business?
my family and get 40 per week state to try to get another gang amount of Stalinist III afford to cross with the bankers. class.
socialism. On the basis of the exfor everything. That means we are out. argument But Yells Trotskyism This situation is reflected in the They built their revolutionary periences of the Commune they sucslowly starving.
against the Socialist Party, the administration swing to the right leadership. the Bolshevik Party, ceeded in warding off internal counHearing of the victories of the Workers Party and Organizo or Starro And what is the Communist since the convention of the Amer with a clear understanding of the ter revolution and imperialist inN. Indiana unemployed wel Whole pages Lovestone. Party doing about all this? It is ican Bankers Assn. in Washington tasks of the revolution.
tervention. That is how the present Muncie the unemployed had come the news of the plan to or Against Comrade Muste and the intensifying the attack on. Trot last year when the money fraternt The Bolshevik Party understood workers state, the Soviet Union, a strong organization, but its life sanize the Indiana Unemployed former have been drageed skyism! The latest issue of the wy told Roosevelt what it wanted that the old state apparatus, who was established.
to Western Worker announces in the The huge accumulation of gor ther its form be that of a monarchy Commemorate the Commune sald: We had them organized bat Birchman is staying on the job, read something that called Com. front between Hearst and Com funds of the banks is a potential to be smashed and had Build Workers Party we didn know whether to make with others from the state, whtlo rade Cannon retty bourgeois rade Trotsky. Covering belt of the source of credit inflation should in workers institutions. Out of the of the Russian revolution must be The lessons of the Commune and the unemployed into temporary Johnson has gone to Kentucky for careerist and so on.
members of the Socialist Party or the first convention of the Kentucky back page is a statement. writ dustry show any desire to borrow. Russian class struggle arose the come part of the living movement not. While we were discussing Unemployed League.
In this barrage the capitalists ten by the Western Worker chiet But if administration policies lend Soviets, the councils of workers of the American workers. In the this, the organization went to as real people and not abstractions hack, Mike Quin, signed by most to an ever greater government debt from the factories, soldiers from the present period, the need of a revopieces PITY THE POOR OWNERS. Calit. Packing Corporation, As of the defendants, repeating the as now they do the government barracks and forts, peasants from lutionary organization which unites Marion has had all kinds of or We have before us the instance sociated Farmers, Bank of Ameri stale lles against the disrupters. credit rating and the value of its the fields. Later the Soviet form the most intelligent courageous ganizations. now they are all try of a father, with a wife and seven co have been completely forgotten Jack Warnick, Norman Mini, At bonds may fall. The banking sys arose, also in Western Europe, and experienced workers on the ing to revive. In Wabash the Un children, working in an apartment since the first of the week. The torney Goldman!
tem will expert every kind of pres showing that it is not a purely basis of these lessons which form employed Council was taken over. over four years, receiving 65 prosecution and the court have con It is by tactics like these that sure to prevent that from happen Russian phenomenon.
an integral part of Marxism, and and smashed by the American Le a month for 70 hours a week, and tented themselves with playing the the Communist Party is bastening ing.
Under the leadersbip of the Bol puts these lessons into daily prac.
compelled to live in part on charity merely passive role of ruling out its complete collapse in Callfornia. On the other hand, the 22, 000, 000 shevik Party, the Russian workers tise, is greater than ever. The true Indiana unemployed have gone from several directions. They are of evidence almost anything that In the meantime it will do its best on relief will fight any attempt to and peasants, organized in Soviets, commemoration of the Paris Comthrough many disappointments. but proof of the increasing distress of would go to show what the actual to disgrace Marxism, to make the cut away even the bare subsistence overthrew Russian capitalism and mune is the building of the Work now they are ready to organize building owners. From the report policy of the Communist Party ideas of communism the laughing that they now have established their workers govern ers Party of the United States as again. It is organize or starve. of the New York real estate arbl last year policy. 19.
stock instead of the ideal of the It looks as though a battle royal ment as the first stage of the world a section of the coming Fourth Tothey told us in place after place. tration committee Outside the courtroom, however, California workers.
is in the offing.
revolution to usher in internationelternational of revolutionary tabor.
Banks Increase Control of the laws of motion of capitalist society sursa follows Gov Thru Bond Purchases 30, 000 Parisium were brutally mur. His sent picked group of pensan Unemployed in Darcy Takes Ind. Organize bers from at least four place. The Stand In Out of the SP Sacramento do was the angamazing virement este diture could counteract. The halt be suficiently developed to unoqui. Communist Party Jewish daily leaders.