BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismLeninMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStrikeSyndicalismURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

MARCH OF EVENTS Why Join the Workers Party The Pacific Movement ment of Agriculture or lives took the nickel in the pants PAGE SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1935 NEW MILITANT CAPITOL NEWS By MUSTE collective bargaining under Section (Continued from Page 1)
By JACK WEBER Letters to a Worker Correspondent II Ta of NRA. The militia is called Dangerous Alliance the clutches of the capitalista Fellow Worker: out against them, not against the tions in particular, we learn: Things might be better. Plenty crisis is not resolved; It gets worse. bosses! Radical parties are kept In my last letter wrote about An item in the press recently, in through an apparently working Farmers in the Com Belt In But 1935 will be faced with widely There was a time when capital of the ballot. big movement is connection with the General John class party which is in actuality how the workers Party came into and security can be had.
son Huey Long controversy. re third capitalist party, the vanguard existence, after many years of even if the American working ism was able to make concessions on foot to deprive the unemployed varying relationships between clase were willing to accept meekfeed and livestock prices. Feed to the workers, better the standard of the right to vote.
veals a growing line up of forces must din control of the movement ical movement, as a new unifying the afty percent cut in its of living, without cutting into pro Under these circumstances, to scarcity in 1934 reduced the numfits. Then the gradualism of the rely on democracy. to say that ber of bushels of corn equal in ker to the working class. General program of proper immediate de center for the revolutionary forces. standard of living since 1929, it Smedley Butler came out in hearty mands. concluded by stating that we will not be given the privilege.
social democratic parties and the we will gain our ends by electing value to 100 pounds of live hogs, unions brought certain results. Now a president and a majority of at farm prices (the so called support of the two lions Long. To separate immediate demands base our party on the teachings of Capitalism will foree the standcapitalism maintains itself only by congress pretty soon, is to disarm corn hog ratio) to less than twoand Coughlin. Here we have a from the revolutionery tasks of the Marx and Lenin which have been ard lower and again lower. It will lead the masses to slaughter taking away concessions. wage the working class while capitalthirds of the long time average triple alliance of three demagogues proletariat means to foster illu tested in the experience of the insions in the minds of workers.
relationship between corn and hog rates, social insurance benefits, etc. ism arms itself to smash us. That ternational revolutionary movement unless they take things into their It who supplement cach other in the means to hold out the hope that of the working class and seek to own hands. which it once gave. To stick to is what the Social Democracy has prices. Spring pigs farrowed in possibilities of building up the mass Thus the workers become con gradualism now means one re done.
1934 were 26 percent fewer than basis for an American fascist move the worker can win security and a apply these principles to the rulivinced that capitalism cannot be treat after another for the workers.
in 1933, but com production was ment. To History gives us no instance of a o the forces of the Delta better life by fighting for conces ties of the American scene.
When we speak of our party as reformed, it must be abolished.
Furthermore, democratle meDictator, Father Coughlin brings slons under capitalism. This is all ruling class which yoluntarily 41 percent less; hence corn prices thods acomplish nothing. For gives up its power. It took the rose more than the price of hogs.
the cold clerical reaction hiding the women illusory in this period of revolutionary at the mean on the welfare the most part, however, the under the pseudo radical guise of the decline of capitalism when the tionary and on the other hand that conviction have been under the incapitalism itself destroys every English Revolution, the French, the (So long as this disparity continsocial justice. and Smedley But bosses, far from granting more vestige, every pretense, of demo. American, to smash feudalism. It fluence of the Social Democratie lard must move upward in price.
ter contributes the strength of the concessions, are actually wiping we believe in the revoluts that philosophy of the Socialist parties cracy and maintains itself at last took four years of clsil war in these es, it should be noted, pork and method. We do not believe United States to smash the slave. The unfavorable status of the cornmilitary arm of reaction. The real out all the previous sops granted the masses can be delivered from and the Second International Ae by means of an open, brutal, Fascist will holding aristocracy of the South hox ratio holds back the farmer by demands made the Morgan interests to bribe him into rallying the workers in struggle tion, war, by any reform of the gradually replace capitalism with Why? must a new class had. sends beleading and organizing a fascist for the purpose of teaching them capitalist system under which we socialism and we can do it by drive the standard of living lower been elected by parliamentary fore they are fully grown; the as movement here, now becomes clear. at one and the same time the need live That system must be abol peaceful parliamentary, democra all the time. In face of this, it methods) and to put the new capl gregate of meat moving into and Butler resorted to a clever bit of for revolutiomry action as the only ished, wage slavery must be done tie means.
the masses have any freedom at all, talist class in power.
out of the packing plants diminishRiding In Opposite Directions any union or party no natter how advertising to permit him later to real solution, the effect will be to away with altogether. The workThe capitalists will not quietly les. And the American standard of act completely in the interests of disillusion the workers with false ers most own and control the ma What has happened Germany conservative, meek, legal, respect and over their power to us, fellow living receives still another body cpitalist reaction under the halo promises.
chinery of production.
and other countries since the war able, peaceful, they will offer re worker. We cannot use the capi. blow. of a great lover of democracy.
We do not believe that the workOur task is not to traffle on theers and their allies can overthrow abowy plainly enough that this phi sistance. They will fight for mere talist state, system of government. Only half as many tall pigs were danger to the proletariat Ignorance and backwardness of the losophy of Gradualism means existence. Therefore capitalism whose very purpose is to maintain Farrowed in 1984 as in 1933. Presfrom these elements can hardly he masses, not to attempt to win them the capitalist state, sovernmental ruin for the workers and their wipes out democracy. smashes capitalism, in order to overthrow it. lent estimates of the 1985 spring pie unawares and by stealth, but on system, and the capitalist sconomic movement. The idea of running a every trade union, farmers organ. We have to smash the capitalist crop indicate a further 17 percent exaggerated. They are the symbols the contrary, to enlighten them and tic. peaceful, parliamentary meth and non profit, system side by side ers cannot save themselves or their its place. Then we can begin to Ings of last year. All this should heralding the conversion or transsystem by purely legal, democra capitalist and Socialist, a profit inution, political party. The work state and put the workers state in reluction from the short farrowto terrorize the working class so to take along the road to power. revolutionary road to their goal.
formation of the capitalist offensive as to stop further organizing of the Shall We Compete with Fascism?
on two horses going in opposite cautious.
wage, the lowAn Example of Reform unorganized, Into a fascist mass directions. The capitalist system Right here in the today (A third letter will be published est income groups. It serves to movement. The white terror of As for curing the ills of the work remains under all these Socialist workers are killed in strikes when When it comes to immediate de ers by reforming capitalism, we housing schemes etc. and so the they try to assert their right to tant)
in the next issue of the New Mili. into its true perspective the the bosses is intended to prevent inands as such, divorced from have just been living through two New Deal claim of having ang the workers from fighting to regain hope to compete with the fascist which was to do just that.
revolutionary program, we cannot years of the Roosevelt New Deal mented mass purchasing power, ir lost ground in the matter of wages demagogy of fake promises. Our you know only too well what that it has accomplished nothing ele.
and living conditions. The offen. answer to the demagogy of the has got us. Salvation has been And MORE CHEERFUL NEWS!
sive is apparent the recent court The drastic reduction in the decisions against the labor proy. Hney Longs and the Father Cough provided not for the workers, but number of cattle in 1934. to som sions of the NRA, the Roosevelt demise not different brand of for the cupitalist class. Factory tinue, makes likely relatively Wage. the drive for company. cerning the meaning of events. To dends and profits 150 percent. The prevailing ear revolutionary answers con 1920 level, for example, but divi.
high price of beef for several year.
Japanese Imperialism Stirs Up Race Hatred in America (Still more cheerful news for the fons and against the of Le compete under present conditions average wage of the American By SIMON WILLIAMSON 1904. In 1905 Japan was victorious, fought on the basis of color al wage earner who luxuriate in the the Hearst anti red campaign, the with the fascists on the basis of worker who was lucky enough to Western World has been organized nity from Tsarist Russia. This ances class solidarity, the unity of drought areas, even the breeding The Pacifle Movement of the and gained Formosa as an indem llances, but rather economie alll benefits of the codes. In the worst Sacramento criminal syndicalism rainbow hopes, is to bring about have a job at all last year was in the United States by Japanese then is the wretched story of Jap all workers, black, white, yellow herd has been sacrificed. and ciune, etc. The answer to this often the inevitable defeat of our class around fifteen dollars week. The agents and Negro nationalists toon first victory over the White and red in the struggle against all shortage of foundation sive and to the incipient fascist Instead of building a bridge from citizenship paper of millions of create solidarity among the darker Civilization at the expense of capitalists, stock movement will be given by the in the labor party to the revolutionary the proud American working class races against the white race. China, the Darker Civilization.
Japanese, American, seems imminent. The situation has created militancy of the working Marxist parts, we would build a song and daughters of Washington, Seeking to establish itself as the to regardless of their color.
become so acute, that the Departclass.
bridge to fascism. And it is The Friend in Action adviseg: all The Laber Party Fallacy cisely this that Bingham revealed ticket which entitles them to nice Japanede government is endeavor. whose people greatly resemble the And once having gained Formosa, Wall Street priest keyboote skoolde he maintenance Nothing reveals more clearly the Coughlin were stealing a march on social workers have made sure that American Negroes on the basis of older and higher, did Japanese imand building up of breeding herds (Continued from Page 1)
utter fallacy and bankruptcy of the Fermer Labor Party (which there isn an extra loaf of bread color relationship. the fattening of livestock should those who call for the formation of might be substituted by any other in the closet or an be limited rather than to sacri.
perialists seek to preserve and to an American labor party, than a labor party. As the New York flee foundation stock.
speech by Alfred Bingham, Farmer Times reported: The pocket.
located Branches of this movement are further this culture and insure the July 1930, called on Father Coughmovement Laborite supporter and editor of for a third party under radical where everybody could have a de ing daily in numbers and influence This takes place in a country where Negroes reside. It is grow. They most assuredly did not.
of the large cities growth of a Darker Civilization in to testify.
Although the police chlets of SAGA OF SCARCITY Common Sense. The contention of progressive leadership that is rising cent, comfortable home, plenty of among the Negro masses.
Japanese soldiers were sent to Flint and Pontiac, the President of To continue with the age of the labor partyites runs that the in the West is in imminent danger attractive clothing, abundant food, For Japen finds herself in a cri suppressed and an era of terror was the Detroit Citizens Committee, and scarcity, how about wheat? Farm American tollers are beginning to of being optured by the demago educational opportunity, money for tical position: Her natural re inaugurated. The natives were de Formosa, the native culture was the personnel manager of General Stocks of wheat on January deMotors, all testified that there was clined to 136 million bushels, the tho bourgeols parties and to resort long and Father Cougalin, it was were not standing tale, food being tunities for expansion are blocked shot down by the thousands when realize the need to separate from gic movement headed by Huey travel and amusement, if factories sources are limited and her oppor. nied educational opportunities and lists (and who would be quicker to these data became available in nothing to fear from the Commun smallest quantity for that date since to independent political action in asserted last night by leaders of plowed under, and so on.
their own interests. Owing, how the Farmer Labor Political Federaever, to the political backwardness tion. And to fight the demagogy promises the workers to fix things her American and European rivals tality to the Formosans was equal alone testified that the red menace onts and barley. the same story: There is always some one who world powers. She must undersell their awful state. Japanese bru.
by the imperialist aims of other lever they tried to revolt against bolster red scare than police 1926. Market stocks amounted to chiefs, citizens committees and per 91 million bushels. the smallest With of the masses, resulting from his of Long, Bingham proposed a simisonnel managers. Father Coughlin gure since January 1928 torie conditions, they are far from lar type of demagogy the drama every pot and two cars in every market, or by demagogic maneu. In her treatment of Hawait.
ip. Hoover with his chicken in to gain monopoly of the oriental only to that of the United States ready to join any outright revolutization of the appeal of Plenty enge. Roosevelt with his new vers, entrench herself so scarcity, scarcity, and still more was acute scarcity.
tiomry organization. Hence, rather for All.
so as to make Bingham speech con Deal.
than permit the workers to fall into tains his own refutation.
With an eye to publicity and More recently the Japanese enHooey Long with a house, Europan and American Butter production? The total economie 103 million automobile and radio for every aggression in the east impossible sered Manchuria, shot down and perhaps to his own welfare, he December production body. Isn it about time that the without a serious war. However, slashed off a part of the country charged that none other than Henry pounds was the lowest for that slaughtered thousands of natives, Ford was the man responsible for month since 1929. Cheese producworkers realized what Marx taught thus far it has been impossible for and formed the buffer state of the insidious advance of commun tion?
The December total of long ago that it does not make any Japan to undersell her rivals. Manchukuo.
ism in Detroit. because he had million pounds was percent less difference how well meaning these Friend of the Negro capitalist saviors may be, there is Three or four years ago, Japan signed a contract for 13, 000, 000 than in 1983. Wholesale butter no way out for the masses under of the unrest existing among op Britain and the United States in Thus Japan has taken advantage became the competitor of Great with the Soviet Union! prices in New York have reached Why did he pick on Henry Ford? such a high level that for almost capitalism. Continued from Page 1) as an inspiration and example to Hor example, you tell employers nations, and, through her agents, market. Never before 1930 had brothers, who all sit on the board substantial quantities of imports pressed peoples in other capitalist the South and Central American We can only record that four Fisher the first time in American history, States had, since 1901, reserved the as well as those of the other Latin one is to get below a certain minican Negro. In this new venture, Panama. The quantity was small member of Father Coughlin flock. of 14 cents per pound.
the workers of the United States that we now have a New Deal, no poses as the friend of the Amer Japanese commodities been sold in of directors of General Motors, are from New Zealand and Denmark legal right to intervene in Cuba at American countries.
the tarif barrier As for stocks any time it At; and the Reciwages so the masses may have the government, and oppress the nance capitalists.
In August 1933 the general strike purchasing power to buy the out Japanese workingman, hide the other hand, realizes that if she is sign contract for 13, 000, 000 with 1, they were 11 percent lower than procal Trade Treats, signed between. General Motors, of course, did not of eggs in cold storage on January Japan, on the last year for the purpose or saving mee however the same ramenerentes then turn around and telli the bees cloak of Friendship for the Am: chict power of the Orlent a year earlier and 35 percent lower time. it will have greater that he business at On October 5, 1930, as a reward than the year average.
Cuba and Mendieta for Wall Street. laiteulty in accomplishing this alm. profit in competition with other the Negroes to believe that al jective she seeks to win friends Communism and the Red Sainst wonder then, that egg prices have a. want In order to accomplish her ob for his stalwart battle Serpent, shown considerable resistance to Mendieta a short breathing space Wall Street: the forces of Ameri necessarily to put his prices up asers like slaves long hours, mir rivals She seeks to fool the Am from a small three station hookup from the attacks of the middle ean imperialism are was promoted the usual seasonal decline.
can nationalist elements, while of the present government.
The New Deal course the second promised a small degree costs, including his labor costs, as tions they really love the open the basis of color friendship lumbia system. His atralrs began the effects of the drought would of economie improvement. We must be alert and prepared low as possible. Thus all the chis pressed Negro masses in America in order to build up powerful sup to run into money. 750, 000 be much less severe had not the These two concessions were Cuban workers. Our slogan must under the codes and other New ship.
struggles of the elling on wages, the speed up, etc. with whom they have a color kin port in America for her imperialist Shrine under way, 200, 000 per Triple program of man induced trade treaty also reacted in favor be: Hands off Cuba; All support to Deal rigmarole greed, turning the Negro masses year for the hookup, perhaps 100. scarcity been superimposed on a of American exporters whose Cuban the Cuban masses in thelr struggle It for the moment the wage rates victory over Tsarist Russia.
Japan points with pride to her against the capitalist government 000 more for publicity, mailing re good, stime dose of natural searcity.
She of America in case a war between plics, secretaries, etc. Where does Capitalist economists in the trade had fallen off five sixthe in seriet andre formele enemy all are maintained the boss looks for teaches that this was a conflict be Japan and America occurs.
four years, and the Platt Amend Street and its lackeys, Mendieta, some other way to squeeze out tween races, rather than rival im The failure of previous labor he get it?
have long professed to be scornful ment bad outgrown its usefulness Batista and Co. We confess we don know. There of Russian agricultural policies: profit, as by putting in labor say perialist interests, which served as movements in America to interpret is a story, a sort of fairy tale goes that is forced collectivipation and and no longer fitted in with the ing machinery and putting work, a prelude for the overthrow of properly the economic causes for the rounds, that his listeners, mil liquidation of kulaks. pacinst policies of the State SUPER RED BAITING BILL TO ers out on the street. The steel White Civilization and for the the condition of Department. Thus the Sugar Trust KEEP TRUTH FROM SOLDIERS barons have a new process with establishment of a Darker Civil Negro makes his plight the more business with contributions, a few for grain shortages and the de the American Hons strong, support his colossal clee, it is argued, were responsible and its political allies tried to stom which 1, 600 men can turn out as Ization in its stead.
the once more rising tide of the of all the flock of red baltin every 3:20 now employed 304 cantion to the history of the birth and The Negro working masses must Coughlin has never allowed anyone ing.
much as 32, 000 do now. Ont of severe. He is left at the mercy of cents here, a few cents there. We struction of livestock, to the detriCuban revolution.
bills that hover vulture like over However, let us us turn our atten. all sorts of fantastic ideas. can deny his tale, for Father ment of Russian standards of liv. Single Product Country Congress and state legislatures, in be fired and the other 18 do the development of Japanese imperial understand that it does not matter to look into his affairs. However. These economists can now rest Bat the general contradictions of hungry anticipation of the feast work!
capitalist economy are inevitably that war or Fascism may bring the ism in the Orient. When Admiral whether they support the greedy it we don know where he gets the from their labors of Red balting. It General Trend Today Perry entered Japan in 1854, he aims of Japanese or American cap original capital, we do know how they have scorn to lavish, they can sharper in such single product bill to guard soldiers and sailors countries as Cuba (over eighty per from labor propaganda is conceded period of decline, the general trend feudalism, and for some years after, tinue to be oppressed, terrorized involved in a nice little deal in sil. gram of 1933 1935 will go down in Under capitalism, in this its found the country in a state of ialism, in either case they will con he tried to increase it, how he has lavish it at home. The AAA procent of Cuba economic life is best chances of early success. It is toward greater misery for the Japan remained reluctant to accept and lynched. Oppression of the ver, some five hundred thousand economic history as one of the mad.
sugar: eighty five percent of the makes it illegal to influence a sol workers. Capitalists make their Western capitalist culture. But Negro is a result of economie con ounces, whch might have netted dest orgles of capitalistie sabotage capital invested in Cuba is Amert dier in almost anyway, said Rep. profits by paying the worker in once having accepted Western in ditions. It cannot therefore be him a neat profit.
can controlled. Cuba is equipped Maury Maverick (D. Ter. It is wages a smaller value than he dustrial methods, Japan took over with a highly efficient and modern another bill through which you can creates by laboring. capitalist all the features of vicious western sugar producing system, capable of drive a 10 ton truck and do anythus gets what Marx calls surplus imperialism with a vengeance producing between 51 and million thing you want with it. But nev. value. It is the only way profit LIBERALS tons per year. The government ertheless it is a bill that is wanted can be created. Under modern con China.
The price of her victory allots it a quota of approximately by the military minded in the additions expensive plants and equip was Korea, which she gained from (With Quotations from the Authorities)
million tons. These are the fun ministration, and they are getting ment are increased, but the work China in 1895. However, by 1900 TIBERALS are a sensible breed, And bring it safe to port.
damental reasons for the state of most of what they want these days. is done with fewer workers. Thus the Chinese peasants joined hands Well tempered and soft spoken; affairs in the island republie. When National Guardsmen are they must be exploited ever more with the Chinese bourgeoisie in a Truth in the middle is their creed, If one would ask which ship of state The chain of American imperial used to gas and shoot down strikers, fiercely in order that surplus value relentless effort to drive out Jap And the peace that never broken.
Or which the proper port?
ist economy is today strained to or when the regular army is ready profit may be squeezed out of anese averlords. It was here that These questions only agitate, They view with calm and liquid eye the atmost and is threatening to for duty against them, as in the their labor, the only possible source the Japanese imperialists showed And they furthermore abort break at its Cuban link. Therefore textile strike, it is patriotism ap of profit.
The smoke and storm of battle.
their love for the darker Chinese it is the foremost task of the Amer parently for the powers that be to At an earlier period capitalism peoples by drowning this revolt in Wretched millions scream and dle; The movement to pacificate ican workers in their They see them dle like cattle, This raging social sea, struggle All the soldiers minds with wildest found a way out by getting outlets blood.
against the class enemy, to extend distortions of labor aims.
But for surplus capital, possibllities of But if weak, backward China And coldly talk of what they ve seen Torn by greed and racial hate their solidarity to their Cuban fel let some of the worker brothers and exploitation, etc. in so called back could not defend hersell, Tsarist In terms of the sum and total, And partisanery.
low workers so that by the joint sisters of these soldiers try to tell ward countries. But as the situ Russia was not going to stand by Considered through the golden mean For Violence is the Major crime, efforts of both, a really serious them on whose side they are ordered ation grows more tense in the ad and see dear friend China of the dead Greek, Aristotle.
And Peace the major goal; blow may be dealt imperialism. to fight in these labor struggles, vanced capitalist countries and the fall into the hands of Japan, since They deplore and find regretable And change will come in God our time The Cuban masses stand alone and it will be sedition mder this backward countries also become imperialist Russia also had ber eye in America, as masters of the tech bil, punishable with the severest industrialized, it is a case of bigger on the rich booty Japan had capThis epoch wretched madness With Progress of mind and soul.
nique of the political general strike. penalties.
and hungrier dogs fighting for few tured from the Chinese. The quarThat for convictions most debrtable Yes, Liberals are gods of common sense, In the respect, as well as for their er and tewer bones. Terrific and rel between Japan and Russia a Cause all this cosmie sadness And so it isn strange herols and great sacrifices in the JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY. awful wars break out. We have quarrel of two greedy imperialist struggle against the common eneAnd call for a moment thinking That wanting change without violence, had one world war. Another is in nations over colonial spoils culmi or just and impartial sort Toey ll get violence without change.
my Wall Street they stand out ORDER PAMPHLETS NOW. the making.
nated in the Ruso Japanese war of To keep the ablp of state from sinking LOUIS BRETER Mendieta Sustained By Wall Street Army Alone Little enthe side