PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1935 Roosevelt Gives ofL. Cold Shoulder on Auto Board, Codes, Relief Leadership Progressives Administration Getting Ready for Large Suspended Scale Wage Cutting Drive Against Unions Can Be Trusted From ILG reply: נווו py With Vanderwoude Decision pendant personer med den we will quote Foster Little Brotbers of the Big Labor Faker. 1981 (np. 5 The of is an employers tool.
When unorganized workers undertak to organize and fight they can nose the of The By ARNE SYABECK yet witnessed to exterminate the mobile workers to a campaign of of leaders will split the un The rift between the Roosevelt trade union movement.
organization cannot be expected ions rather than let the workers administration and the of What Is Being Done? until the unions break off completeWrite Former Members to Comrade Who capture and use them for fighting The necessity for a unified pro leadership has widened, all Indica The most serious questions now ly from the sell out tradition 08purposes. This was declared in Asks Them to Come Back to Party 1981 and culminated in the famous gressive opposition in the LL. tions to the contrary notwithstand arise before every active trade un tablished by the reactionary leadC. annoncement (1934) that it is emphasized by the suspension ing. First President Roosevelt, de sonist. What is the leadership of enship. It may take a few more spite the vehement objections from the movemente coletto e existenco velt administration to do it, but we We print below a letter of in role of the of is a strike. is necessary to build an indepen of two progressive members of Cut the of officialdom, extended to maintain it was to defend and kicks in the face from the Roose ters Union Local 10 by the Central the automobile vitation to rejoin the Communist breaking one. The experiences dent federation.
will not be lacking. the company to prepare for a serious battle?
What must Party received by Comrades Tay of many years have shown the inThe end of 1934 and the begin Appeals Committee of the Interne year, which lec Sreement of last What are the organizations doing may rest assured that such kicks organning of 1986 again brought a re tional. Oscar Signer and Willam union, and extended the life of the To the of Executive follow next must be an aggressive lor and Terry of New York to ize and lead the masses. On veral of the Stalinist policy Zweiborn, members of the Cutters Kollman had been consulted prior Council is credited a powerful lobby policy of organization. The very gether with their reply to the in page 28 of the same Draft Outline suddenly and without discussion. Welfare League Progressive Sloan of General Motors and Wal in Congress. Its success to date life and existence of the trade union vitation. The reply should prove we read: new and revolutionary No 10 and no more than the li group in Local 10, are the members tee Chrysler together with Locannot be said to have been very movement depends upon that.
Woolman had been consulted prior startling and certainly it holds out of particular interest in ander system of labor unionism is neces quidation of the necessary inde suspended.
At one time we In an appeal to all members of to the extension of the agreement, much less prospects for the future.
The loxecutive Council has detrade union polley. Note. Compare the above with the fol stated at a leading fraction meeting the the Cutters Wel but the opinions of Bir Green were so long that it serves merely as a lowing quotation from Willam of the building trades that the in fare Logue calls upon all progres not solicited. And except for the shfeld for the actual failure of or cided that the automobile workers gracions reception ganization and struggle it can only are to have a separate charter for Dear Fred: Foster pamphlet. Organize the dependent Alteration Painters Un sives to fight against violations of subsequent given at the White House, permit have fatal consequences to the an international union, but it is not Won you please read this orer Unorganized. 1926. Our goal ion must enter the of to democratic rights The basis for suspension of Sisting Bin Green to introduce by movement. In reality that is all to include the tool and die makers or the maintenance men, nor is it whether it doesn me your own izations and to bring or maintain ments within the Painters Brother. per and Zweiborn, the appeal points name to the President each one of this lobby is today.
The Executive Council has decid to take effect until June, that is, action along the lines which you general labor movement, the Am branded opportunists Now by the Cutters Welfare League of Council, nothing was done to mended that it will not now undertake not until after this season is over It This alone should verify that the and have always thought neces. erican Federation of labor.
sary and desirable a great many party leadership is throwing the noticed purpose of pushing the lo with the real grievances of the au. is too busy with the automobile in strike vote now conducted by the Obviously between 1926 1929 Alteration Painters Union into the cal into action on behalf of the un. tomobile workers.
William Green has even automobile workers federal unions, old sectarian notions are being the party leadership changed its of Of course now there employed. This was early last dropped and it seems a shame you trade union polley and tactics. Was President Roosevelt next an made a tour of the automobile cen with the actual call for a strike, and Jack too can get in now this reversal of policy arrived at but the attempt is made, and in is nothing much left to throw in winter. when unemployment was at nounced the tobacco code with its ters and in his public addresses as however, left to Wm. Green, can when the work is beginning to show after party discussion and with the manner that will only further die Zweiborn and Signer were charged 25 to 40 cents an hour minimum of does not intend to strike only one of the straws in the wind results. am to you?
with dual unionism and suspended wage, and again over the objections the plants. All it asks is a fair indicating that the Executive Coun TED. Any honest party member who In one and the same year (1934) On appeal to the General Appeals of the of official leader deal. Such a message does not all is determined to resist any move will tell you that the new trade we are told. 1) to build an inde Committee, the suspension was up ship. To the impassioned criticisma sound very inspiring to the automo for industrial unionism. All its reTheodore Weeks, union policy was handed down pendent federation and 2) to 11 held after a nine months delay. made by the latter of Clay Wu bile workers. After all, they have cent meeting the win, Mino and Smelter Workers Union appealed New York City and that all criticism was labeled build and strengthen the of born was manager of the Union De Industrial Recovery Board Prest likely learned by this time that against a decision to split up the Dear Ted. opportunist.
Jack and have read your letter In 1920 the party leadership in a represent does thiudeest water sonderse committee of the Dress dent Roosevelt answered in his nothing can be gained unless they workers in the Butte copper mines with great interest and here is our sisted that In reality there is no to the right! Are we guaranteed change in policy. What we have against further nigzag to the right ing him that the former chairman ings of BI Green were not very main only semi skilled and unenlon.
MISERY STALKS FASCIST In De skilled workers to the mine of the notorious open shop enthusiastically attended.
You write The is taking is a further phase in the develop or to the left. To ask this AUSTRIA Reynolds tobacco company was troit less than two thousand work John Frey of the Metal Trade Dereal now action along the lines ment of party trade union work. question after what we have indi which you and always thought this work must correspond to the cated above is, to say the very devoted public servant. Howeverers showed up. which compares partment, supported by Arthur VIENNA. The number of Aus soothing this may have appeared to very poorly with the great overflow Wharton of the machinists and by was necessary. Is the party deep going radicalization of the least, naive.
trian unemployed receiving public Bill Green, it could mean only an. meetings held by of leaders other craft union chiefs, succeeded masses in the third period. Have This leadership swings to the reliet has risen to 337, 333 during other kick in the faceSo far as sell out agreement had been signed trial union jurisdiction.
last year. But that was before the in thwarting any attempt of Indus change of trade union policy and you forgotten the famous third right or to the left but bas no tactiles ft so, when has the party serlod erwhiteboacilitate the swing independente no guarantee against 3, 000 people. One sixth of the popu cerned.
February of 1935. The monthly the administration attitude to the hy them. Now the automobile leadership pablicly proclaimed this increase amounts to approximately issue of union organization is conworkers unions show a serious drop change of polley and tactics?
to the left by the centrist further changes of policy by the lation of the Austrian capital is de Finally, the insistence of the In membership despite the fact that TO ALL BRANCHES AND Have the worker communists in the leadership. centrist party leadership.
lower ranks of the party discussed In the this wig zag from pendent upon public relief. 51, 000 Roosevelt administration upon a 50 there have been many indications PROSPECTIVE ADVERTISERS of a sentiment for organization Please send all copy and defComradely yours, this new action and has the party right to left expressed itself conhouseholds with a total of 130, 000 per month maximum wage for amongst the workers provided they ALFRED TERRY Camily members report an income workers on relier projects will nu are shown how to organize and how nite order for insertion to the leadership changed its trade union cretely in the following formula of Business Manager. No adverJACK TAYLOR questionably receive the unstinted to get somewhere. The of of 20 schillings a month.
policy in accordance with the ex the party leadership: The tisements will be inserted unless support of all the magnates of 11 periences of the worker commun1d. We must build new a company union with fas.
Ists who are in the trade unions?
nance and Industry. With that will campaign of organization does not we have information as to whe cist meet with great response. The augo an effort to squelch the so called tomobile manufacturers are of will be responsible for payment Teachers Must Not Rest thereon.
In the 1929 Draft Outline of the revolutionary unions. Any All copy must be in labor lobby in Congress.
Monday morning on the week pp. 22 23 24we read: worker communist who opposed The so called Muste opposition from parts activity or expelled. number of other measures are course, opposed to it. The Wollman this formula was either removed Board tells the workers that if they of insertion. Rates on applicaaims at reestablishing the prestige tion. But you will say a great and organization of the discredited many old sectarian notions are beit anything, tend to widen further Join the of It cannot help Business Manager leaders. In this period of By Teacher ter of the capitalist state Institu example, the 30 hour weekend or nothing except its replacement by rationalization and speed up of ing dropped. Not so fast comradicalization of the workers, the party leadership openly proclaim Commissioner of Education Cole derstand what is involved, it must ber of Commerce and the Manufacing the union under these condirade! In the first place, did the decision handed down by State tions. To teachers who do not un numerous occasions the Cham Board The inducements for jointhese changes. Of course has compelled the New York City appear that an abuse was corrected torers Association have voiced their tions are slim indeed.
SOCIAL NOTE ON BOSTON BRANCH serious response by the autoand The Boston Branch of the Work that the Communist Party leader the city public school system. This to draw up legal documents and Roosevelt administration sees eye Is it not obvious to you by now 100 qualified teachers to jobs in that is required is a capable lawyer It is well known fact that the DANCE er borty is now well established its own and thind the sales team comic decision, the commissioner reply justice will take its course. Then to eye with them and the hopes given by the at 12 Hayward Place, situated in to a What is the necessity for a union? pinned by these labor leaders upon WHAT TO ATTEND Spartacus Youth League headquarters, consisting of several is a necessary condition compelled Entertainment. Refreshments rooms are open every evening and by conflicting social forces et of the numerous economy prac. movement. This result might have union organization are due for an. Minneapolis, Minn.
Fun Galore he Sunday afternoons, with a party this is true and it is then what tices of the board: namely, forcing teen avoided and positive steps in other blast. Thus, there neod be no member in charge to welcome and we are dealing with her han teachers on eligible lists to serve the militant education of tenchers doubt that the rift is brought about March 23, Saturday at P. SATURDAY, MARCH 23, p. West 15th St.
unstable party regime that has no in existing vacancies on a substi tekem, hodo homary legalisht by the initiative of President Rods Card Party and Entertainment to The weekly meeting of the branch independent policy of its own and tute basis.
welcome the return of the Branch Admission by raffle 15c takes place on Thursday evenings. consequently cannot admit changes These teachere had to work at a pressure thing real about it.
delegation to the Pittsburgh con These meetings are divided into two of policy. This inability to rate considerably lower than the Role of the Union Serious Problems Ahead parts: the first part elven over to it expresses itself in suppression moreover, they were deprived ership of the union and the Progres the recent events in Weshington headquarters, 631 3rd Ave, Jointly responsible are the lead. These issues which stand out in ference. To be held at the Branch party business is closed; the second of party democracy and the rest of the tenure, increment and pensive Group, one of its left wing foreshadow the serious problems mission 26c. Fefreshments included part which is devoted to education nation of its best fighters. Do you son privileges attached WORKERS regular roups. The leadership of the un that the trade union movement will Philadelphia, Pa.
Protect Yourselves Against the members. The branch membership party. and to such leadership. board contribution to the econo main. Its suport is in the higher the breach between Roosevelt and appointment. This practice, the ion is right wing Socialist in the henceforth have to face. In fact, has increased by over 30 percent. For the sake of completeness of program of the banker and salaried teachers. Its policy is the labor leaders is merely the pre Hazards of Life, Join the Regular Sunday evening forums WORKMEN SICK AND DEATH realty interests, had been applied limited to lobbying in Albany. It lude to a wago cutting campaign at Branch headquarters.
BENEFIT FUND OF THE so extensively that in some of the is not interested in the condition on a large scale that is now in pre.
largest high schools substitutes and needs of the unemployed and paration. It is signalized by the New York City 1884 1935 comprised fully 75 percent of the the partly employed. That is why proposed 50 monthly maximum Thursday, March 21, P. Organized, managed by and for Big Gains in Middle West Chicago, New York lagging ton, Cleveland, Dickson City, Fort of this plan as a method of using of these teachers, and finally look But the issues so even deeper. ing of the Recent Developments in render protection to members and teaching staff. The effectiveness it could ignore for years the needs wage for workers on relief projects. Muste will speak on The Mean workers with only one purpose: to Forging ahead this week are land, Paterson, Salt Lake City, other into submission is evident.
Wayne. Aineola, Mt. Carmel, Oak one group of teachers to force an on placidly while another organiza They will raise the very question Chincinnati, Davenport and Youngs Springfield, Staunton, Throop.
tlon conducted a struggle which of life or death to the trade union the Auspices Bronx Branch. their familles, and to support a town all tying with a 40 percent Washington, Winston Salem What of the Future? the union was duty bound to lead. movement.
Friday, March 22, P. Jendeavors and struggles for the score. Minneapolis comes next and Waukegan.
The Vanderwoude decision, defl It was the duty of the group nitely establishing the impermissi. which claimed to be progressive to correct when they insist that two cles in the Basic Industries. Aus About 50, 000 members organized in of course, the labor leaders are Muste on Impending Strike Strug improvement of toilers.
with no gains since last report ouisville has achieved 20 percent to take up the matter of the drive work as substitutes in existing vaComrades in branches are urged bhity of compelling eligibles conduct a struggle in the union wage levels, a higher for private pices East Side Branch, Grand Cenin the first week, against this leadership: to have the industry and a lower for govern350 branches. Reserves 3, 400, 000.
with their literature agents. See canles, is a victory for the teachers. union take up this fight. But itment relief work, cannot Compared with these scores emain tral Palace, 86 Clinton St.
Death benefit graded according to that the drive is put on the agenda The labor press, in its jubilance was not its duty to build an organ tained. percent of New York and the of branch meetings and that definite has failed to analyze the nature ization of union members and forced down to the lower rate. At non Mass Meeting, Irving Plaza. ments from 360 to 900 to men The higher rate will be Sunday, March 24, P. Can age at entry Siek Benefit payvery well. More concentrated el to achieve our goal. Send in re serious teachers must not be con bership outside the unton, and make are dependent upon rellet will be The Class Struggle in the West. and women, according to Classes fort is needed in these cities which ports. You are interested in the tent solely with winning conces this organization the leader of compelled to work for the low rate. speaker: James Cannon. See ad. Monthly assessments from 450 to Economic experts will next get delphia is doing a bit better with want to know what you are doing the result of this victory in terms Yet this is precisely what the busy and manipulate statistics to atre Party. The Black Pit. Civic For further information apply to 20.
Monday evening, March 25 Thea score of 16 percent, but even that But don wait for branch action of building a militant movement Progressive Group did. In the fall show that workers on relief pro Go right out yourself among For victories which do not at the of 1931 it set up and has led ever jects get by on the 50 monthly Repertory Theatre. Lillian Bord, Main Omce: Plentywood has achieved 20 per friends and fellow workers, Come and Worcester 10 percent. them to subscribe. Send your re movements can be wash awal dans le tappoint Mew More Association of maximum wage, that they can keep New York district office, in charge 714 Seneca Ave, Brooklyn, Considering the difficulties involved ittance directly or through your morrow.
these scores are not to be censured. literature agent.
is now reaping the fruits of this that the family budget can be But San Francisco, with only 15 yourself be sure to mention (a) teachers are affected immediately. Struggle within the Union If you send it. Let us analyze the victory. 700 polley.
shaved down to that level and that percent certainly could do better. your name. b) your branch, if are assigned to jobs at the regular there is, therefore, no valid reason Sunday, p. March 24th Ivring Plaza So will All other branches have a score connected with the that rates of pay. But several thousand in the union it wagus a struggio try. Wage reductions will be on Progressive Group for paying more in private indusless than 15 percent. It is time you want this sub credited in the similarly situated teachers are not with the right wing Socialist lead the order of the day in every in that they get busy and put in some drive. d) full name and address actually nearer to getting jobs. erahip. And strange as it may dustry and it stands to reason that real intensive work on the drive of subscriber. Note that subs wil Moreover, a number of teachers seem, the axis of the struggle ac one of its inescapable accompani Especially should Toledo, St. Louis, not be credited unless this informe. who were working at the substitute cording to its own analysis le prements will be in the first instance Pittsburgh, Newark, Boston, Colum tion accompanies the remittance.
bus and Los Angeles be able to On His Return from a Coast to Coast Tour Subs on combination offer will at all.
pay rates are now without work cisely the question of the leader well prepared and deliberate efforts make a better showing by next he credited only if remittance is ship line of limiting its efforts to chain the trade union movement week rayable directly to the New MillPurely Legal Fight almost exclusively to lobbying and to a system of compulsory arbitraThere are still some branebes tant.
The fight was conducted on a legal Alghts, versus the real progres tion in which strikes are outlawed.
WiH Speak On from which we have had no subs purely legal basie. The Toachers sive line of mass promet plek to follow the most ferce campaign to hack Falling in that, there will be sure And now another week of ofte at all. They are listed here as a Union of New York participated in up the lobbying and fort! Let get all the pereen reminder. This means that it is tages up to well over the 50 it only to the extent of contributing Yet the victory which the offspring time for you to show some results: percent mark 50 to help defray legal expenses of the Progressive Group claims all Akron. Biloxi, Buffalo, Charles Deonth! by the 15th of this It stood by passively, while another for itselt must strengthen the reWe can do it!
WORKERS PARTY organization, the New York Asso formist leadership against the Proclation of Unappointed Teachers, gressive Group. Such is the result MAY DAY BUTTONS The Aftermath of the San Francisco General Strike NEW MILITANT pushed the issue to its conclusion of the Progressive Group policy, Criminal Syndicalism and the Sacramento Case West 15th St. New York City The union has about 2, 00 in its essentially factional.
ranks; the Unappointed about 50. Visit to Tom Mooney 21 Cents Each (Postage Paid)
Teachers should repadiate such Please enter my name for one year, 00; months, The union has prestige and influ policies. They should demand that for Orders of 10 or More Agricultural Strikers and Vigilantes Name ence. The Unappointed is gener the union fight for the interests of ORDER IMMEDIATELY ally unknown and has very little the teachers; and by fight, we do Epic Planners and Utopians Address influence not mean legal Aghts alone, we Workers Party of the Since the fight was won on a mean primarily mass pressuro by The Rise of the Workers Party of the City. West 15th Street purely legal basis, the result must the teachers and the labor move am interested in joining the Workers Party of the tend to strengthen the illusions of ment of which they should be an New York City Tickets in Advance 15 cents, West 15th Street (3rd floor)
the teachers in the just charac organic part.
the heart of the city. These new from right to left and vice versa finally halts one of the most odious construed as a rebuff to the union turn for their miserable failure of AdContest Note JAMES CANNON The Class Struggle in the West State