NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the PRICE CENTS VOL. 1, NO. 13 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1935 CAPITOL Cuban Workers in Island Wide General Strike NEWS LETTER Mendieta Sustained By Wall Street Army Alone has an average January yield during people supported it, Darcy, instead development that after a decade olmassage of the Security Buil.
Wall Street Priest Darcy Takes Ohio League Congress Holds AF of Busy The Stand In ImpeachmentOverGovernor Sabotaging By JACK ELDER ACCOMPLISHMENTS Sacramento COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 11. vention stayed in continuous șes Akron Strike Intolerable Conditions Result of American Sugar MILK PRODUCTION Action toward impeachment pro sion from 10 Sunday to P.
CORN BELT CONDITIONS ceedings will be started against Monday.
Imperialism, Cause of Permanent Unrest SAGA OF SCARCITY Organizer Testifies Governor Martin Davey if he Representing 128, 859 organized Leaders Fear They Are All Support to the Cuban Workers!
WASHINGTON. News from the His Party Stands refuses to comply with the demands unemployed from 63 counties in Losing Grip On New Deal agricultural front beFor. Reform! of the unemployed, according to Ohio, 380 delegates declared that Rubber Union Wall Street most important semi ions have been declared dissolved.
comes more ominous from day to resolution adopted at special the brutal indifference and crimcolony, Cuba, is now in the throes great struggle is under way beday. What crop curtailment failed of a nation wide general strike. Jtween the workers, professionals By Special Correspondent emergency conference of the Ohio inal neglect of the welfare of the to accomplish, the drought has AKRON, Ohio. Desperately striv Martial law has been declared. The and students on the one hand and brought to a dramatic finale. Sup Communist Party has fired its big and today. Conference delegates niverem willing to serve the in: befworkers Union here and to rell those offering open opposition on the other modundredsted people SACRAMENTO, MARCH The Unemployed League here yesterday Davey demonstrate that he is coming to keep its grip over the rub. death penalty has been decreed for the agents of American in perlahom.
plies of meats, grains, vegetables, gest gun in the Sacramento crim. were to see Davey today. The conterest to people and should be sain some of its lost strength, the to the government. The trade un under walles olare dairy and poultry products are, asinal syndicalism trial. This week Wall Street consequence, running short. The Sam Darcy, District No. 13 organimpeached. of is bringing those clever to shortage reflects itself in the con izer, took the stand and testified. WorkersParty Hit Sales Tax demagogues and notorious working tinued boosting of food prices.
class betrayers, John Lewis, Ark. Workers throw the sugar Trust cuban In direct examination this member The Agricultural Situation for of the Central Committee set the lackeys.
The League also voted to initiate president of the and February 1, 1935, an official publi keynote of what was to come by For weeks, strikes and bombings a referendum to repeal the state Francis Sends Letter Gorman, of textile strike have harassed the Mendieta gov.
College Is sales tax, declaring that the tax disrepute, to address mass rallies, cation of the United States De his abstract vagueness on all quesernment which in turn has replied is a burden on the poor to relieve Coleman Cleherty. of partment of Agriculture gives ations, and by his assertion that with a reign of terror against all straightforward and frank account. the power might fall into the laps To the taxation of the rich and ad bureaucrat and organizer for the In Danger of its adversaries. strike of vocating in its place taxation of rubler industry, told newspaperFarm stocks on corn (as of Jan of the workers. Then came cross teachers and students, spread from income of corporations and indivi men.
uary 1) amounted to 800 million examination: the stage was set for bushels about 300 million bushels this leader to explain to the jury the further unification of the year.
one province to the other, extended viduals earning 5, 000 or more per The following letter calling for This action resulted after a three weeks drive for membership By GERRY ALLARD to various industries and profes under the shortest supply prev and to the workers of California iously recorded.
brought but few of the thousands Common. sions. As this issue of the New revolutionary forces has been SPRINGFIELD, III.
From October to December 1934, dering the ternes platform in thunSupport was voted for the work of workers back into the union. wealth Labor College, the Arkansas Militant goes to press practically But there in the sent to the Proletarian Party by less than 680 million bushels of crisis, in the critical hour, the big the Workers Party: ers Security Bill initiated by the They had dropped out because of trail blazer for workers education, all labor and professional groups National Unemployed League. This the of Inactivity.
corn were used in the country, as gun refused to roar; the trigger is in danger. The state legislature in Cuba, including most of the gov.
provides for a 10, 000, 000, 000 a year Meanwhile, even the United Rub of Arkansas, a special investigating ernment employees as well are on compared with about 920 million was pulled and from tne cannon Proletarian Party of the bushels used during the same per mouth issued. social reformism! o John Keracher, National secy. ment and social insurance, and a of the rubber unions, and special other landlord capitalist agencies The capitalist press reportsitate iod a year carlier. As the govern The crass opportunism of Darcy Chicago, Ill.
minimum wage of 30 a week for tool of Claherty, passed a resolu are working overtime to wreck the strike is belng broken by military ment experts put it. That gives an idea as to how those who were expecting the worst testimony came as a shock even to Comrades: On December 2, 1934, the Com vate employment. Funds for the similar motions on union meeting ten years of a 30 hour week for public and pri tion to press immediate action. Inroletarian state product of terror. Its accounts are obviously work. exaggerated.
the feeders have tightened up. from a Communist bureaucracy munist League of America (Trot public works program are to be obtloors have led the workers to be The college needs no introduction The present outburst in Cuba of course there are fewer pigs which is becoming increasingly skyists) and the American Workers tained by taxes on incomes over lieve that a strike is sanctioned, to the militant labor movement. came as surprise to no one af te be fed. But me everywhere racked by the delusion that it is to party held a unity convention in 000.
are feeding with one eye on the be forced underground. When con New York City. The Workers but they are reckoning without the Back in 1930 31 this institution sent quainted with recent developments wanary and mows and the other trasted with tne revolutionary tes. Party of the United States wasployment insurance, the bill pro forestall any real action.
Of course, dents to black Harlan County, social base that Mendieta. once Pending establishment of unem Ingeniousness of the bureaucrats to a delegation of teachers and stu on the island. The very narrow Milk Production Lowest on Record Party defendant, Norman Mini, these two organizations on the prlate 5, 000, 000, 000 for immediate Unfortunately, the workers are diggers establish a union timony offered by the Workers formally launched by the merger of vides that Congress shall appro no public mention of strike is made Kentucky, to aid the hungry coal had, as with Machado in. 1934 hits feed situation upon the production are revealed as a complete capitu and Constitution which had been unemployed worker and sa for each will be called early in April, or maremea wabun tens of thousands the army role in this presented mera Again when the Illinois miners until his sole supports today are of milk. The production per cowlation to middleckass reformism.
formulated by joint committees and dependent. The Ohio Teague is that they can wait until then to against the betrayals of John Tican imperialism, represented by in January was 10. 88 pounds. This is the lowext yield which the BuIs This the Communist Party! ventions usly todo ed orgatlientions preparing to participate in the Car Pili a successful one. Progressives ews in 1932, Commonwealth Jefferson Couber When asked what his party preceding the unity convention Cuban Labor plunged into the struggle and per.
reau of Agrieultural Economics has wonld do when a majority of the We regard it as noteworthyfore Congress adjourns, to press sets in and it is an open question they were the first to be arrested, tion, the Cuban labor ber of al Unemployed League in May, beever recorded. It compares with immediately before the slack season formed courageous work. Though In spite of division and persecuof describing the road to power the end whether they can succeed or not.
the Commonwealth delegation per recently conducted a This average, it is important to Mini nad done) refused to say any Limtions should have set an ex past years of 12. 12 pounds. Even workers must inevitably follow (as Splits and disintegration in the reyohutionary movement, two organformed a role of solidarity with the exceedingly militant struggles. The note, was by no means sufficient to Illinois miners which the Left increasing poverty of the masses provide American children with the ample of unification on the basis of wingers haven forgotten. following the loss of the gains The question of the seizure of When the share cropper situation made during the Autentico (Gran quantity of milk required for health rower was the showdown. Where thorough going Marxist and Len.
and growth.
inist program.
popped up, right at tne door of San Martin) regime (Sept. 1933More than a million milch cows Comells would develop from sim. healthy revolutionary forces in the Red Scare. Says Henry Ford Is a Communist Mint had told how the Workers Father Coughlin Wins Fame and Fortune with Commonwealth in Arkansas, again Jan. 1984. drove them again to teachers and students laid aside militant action and revolutionary greatest reduction in the 55 years Cense into national organizations geney and importance. The mobil their studies to enter the fight struggle. New revolutionary conrecorded. Why such a reduction embracing all the tolling populaixation of the left progressive forces against the reactionaries. Desperspiracles and terrorist activities of in the face of higher prices for By DAN EASTMAN ter and destruction so that Christ ate wealthy landlords, the exploit the petty bourgeois parties and the of may remain king, and Fatherers of vast cotton plantations, were groups alternated with strikes of swer is simplest free prices have said no one word alsout the so the these in the basic industries or articles en Father Coughlin, Coughlin continue on the radio as quick to intensify their reign of the workers on plantations and in soared to such an extent as to throw iets.
Floggings, kidnappings. the mills. In some places the peas.
and of the unemployed, the waging delayed for a month for lack of his prime minister!
Wnere the Workers Party repre of effective strike struggles in the space. It proves timely in the workers agricultural out of balance the cost price ratio Sentative told about the formation big industries, the combatting of on which dairy farmers depend for set the proletarian militia that seism and war, as well as the Have Is any presestong ate of Pallines and thereatened lunchings antes de venda landed estates.
light of Coughlin recent burst fer? he asks helpfully. There are became the order of the day.
their earnings.
Lucien and into the news with a semi in plenty of them. We can start with Raymond Koch, The Impotence of the government The poultry industry we are izations and enforce the will of the throughout the world, after a per would defend the workers organ rallying of revolutionary forces dorsement of that other areh the leaders of Industry. We can Commonwealth teachers, were ar increased as the waves of the new ask them to better the conditions rested, beaten and thrown into jail. upsurge washed away its social had to tighten up its belt this win said: The workers and farmers for a victorious attack upon capl General Johnson.
trl corner debute with long and of their laborers.
The raiders had a noose with them. base. The general political strike ter. Nothing is said about the government might come about by talism and imperialism. the novel iden indeed. Why bother Horace Bryant, an unemployed or is but the culmination of a whole tightening of belts by wage earners universal suffrage.
to organize and strike? Just nak ganizer in western Arkansas was series of violent, bloody struggles.
who have had to discard the luxury achievement of all these depends in of chickens and eggs. Father Coughlin hardly had time those kind hearted capitalists who arrested and charged with anarchy. which open the way for new revo Mini told how the Workers large measure upon the building to settle down in his new parish shudder every time a worker Williams, a clergy man was lutionary advances of the Cuban arrested. Other laborites, masses. Crisis Regime The Mendieta regime was born Why hasn someone are being arrested and threatened with the year average number of people and would use the revolu and especially those wbich are al pointment he was on the air over thought of it before. daily.
in crisis and has lived in a state of the Central States was producing tionary forces to suppress and ex ready agreed on accepting neither station WJR in Detroit, Summarily a bill was introduced permanent crisis. Time and again Coughlin and Hearst 58 per 16 etes in January as compared propriate the capitalists; Darcy, the Socialist party nor the Com week, a modest beginning. His serwhen its life appeared threatened, As for the rest of the series, to tatives aimed to destroy the with 19. kgs per flock year in his turn, told how the American faunist party, the Second Interna mons at first dealt mainly with quote Ward again, Father movement in the state, and espe to take steps to prolong it. Among in the Arkansas house of rebor the imperialist masters were obliged earlier.
government might collapse and tional nor the Third, is dangerous church and Sunday school toples Coughlin continued to detalt for CORN BELT CONDITIONS by drawing a parallel between such hand, further positive steps toward 1920 he had influences enough to munism. An America he drew a plea fall into the lape of the workers and may be fatal. On the other social and political problems. By his audiences the advance of Com cially designed to wreck Common these measures were the renouncewealth College.
ment of privileges under the Platt With regard to Corn Belt condi an event and of Czar. this goal will have an electrifying secure a three station hookup, but ture of the red serpent as it crawled swer these attacks with a The labor movement must an. Amendment by which the United real (Continued on Page 3)
effect upon the working class in the it was not until after a series on from campus to campus. Father (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
The We present herewith copy of the early part of 1930 that he really always been on good terms.
Detroit Times, a Hearst paper, has Roosevelt OK Machine Gun The Red Serpent given him much favorable notice, stitution of the Workers Party of the United States for your imme. Let us quote from the first of this articles by the good father on the whole Hearst chain has carried dlate consideration. We believe series on the Red Serpent, it sets nationalization of women in Rusthat you are in agreement with this the tone for his subsequent career. sia, and other choice bits of cheap Formation of the John Brown of Bowling Green, Ohio, have proposition. If you are, it should Americe, he announced, Is hysteria. He drew a picture of Honor Society, with Tom Mooney formed the first chapter of the not be dificult to initiate a serfous taloted with the purple polson of the serpent crawling from campus from a column, Sacramento in Below we reproduce excerpts mediate danger, but one inspired by the San Francisco general as honorary president, to honor John Brown Honor Society, accord question of further unification of Catholte Church there is war to the name Bertrand Russell (sheer cour: What the good citizens of Sacra Between it and the to campus. He mentioned by the Sacramento Union. It reveals Citizens are not belog spied for the right of the working people The 58, all Unemployed members, the revolutionary forces, thus pro death. Our weapons are trath and ago. who was a guest at Indiana mento are preparing for workers is announced in a front page story were arrested January 19, 1835, for viding adeled impetus to the bulld charity. He goes on to quote from State etc. etc.
on or annoyed, except those who who engage in strikes and other are regularly watched by the fedin the first issue of Mass Action, taking over the relief bullding when ing of the wewt revolutionary party a personal letter have recelved. The series on The Red Serpent disturbances. machine guns, rlot eral government s, secret agents.
from Harry Jung. The hellish brought notice from several quar guns, gas. And all with the aporgan of the National Unemployed the administrator refused refer to and the new International.
The radical movement has always For Political Committee conspiracy fomented by the God. ters League, which has just come of the needy unemployed who were strikproval of President Roosevelt and been kept under careful serutiny press.
ing on FERA projects.
Fraternally When the less government of Russia, etc. None other than the ubiquitous the Federal authorities! MUSTE, Members of the 56 or None Club Sherify tried to separate the workand will be so long as it foments ote and concludes There speaks Norman Thomas who hastens from the Vigilante talk in the criminal National Secretary a patriot!
strikes or other disturbances. We ers by releasing 53 and keeping pillar to post explaining to capital syndicalism trial has caused sev have no vigilantes in the commu.
three of the leaders in Jall, the 56 Harry Jung, we recall, is notorists and workers alike that Social eral readers to inquire if a secret SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION nity. Just a reserve police force told the sheriff elther we all go SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT FOR Ku Klux organization is being lous as a professional anti Semite. sm is not so bad as it sounds, DENTAL MECHANICS functioning without cost to the free or we all go to fall They Watch the number after your and red balter, a man who has de charged Father Coughlin with formed in Sacramento to exterm taxpayer and organized as a prewere all released.
me on the wrapper in which dicated himself to raising funds serious misrepresentation of social inate radicals and stir up trouble. cautionary and defensive measure The national committee of the Twenty more dental laboratories from frightened capitalists, borte ism and of the socialist party, and your paper is mailed. If the The answer is no. There is no for service whenever needed. has issued a special button have signed up with Dental Tech Jew and Gentile, for the purpose a hopeless confusion of it with number after your name is the with red letters on a white nictans Equity, bringing the total of spreading vulgar, criminal lane communism. Thomas endeavours upe There is an official special chand defensive police force, re this timber. 12 same as this number 13 it background for all leguers who of shops covered by agreements to ders about Communists, Socialists, to polnt out the difference between pollee system being formed at the Within the law, and part of the are members of the John Brown sixty, in the first week of the gen Jewa, foreigners, etc. An ideal type the rosy beatitude of socialism and request of President Roosevelt mean your sub has expired and law is shown in another item, from Honor Society.
the dark horror of communism to and federal authorities.
eral strike of dental mechanics in of what Father Coughlin calls a this is the last issue you will the Sacramento Bee: reoelve until we receive your reThe only qualification for mem the metropolitan area patriot. a proponent of truth Father Coughlin, alas for Thomas. These special police are picked As yet, no disorder is reported on and charity proved unsuccessful.
bership is a demonstration of cour MITTLESTAEDT IS TO TRAIN men, voluntarily enrolled in a age, intelligence and solidarity by one of the widest spread picket Father Coughlin Red Scare POLICE TO QUELL RIOTS Christ Prime Minister If you will send your renewal corps that is being given strict The Ham Fish Committee in.
being arrested for militant action lines in recent strike history 764 several issues in advance It will One of the first official acts military and police training with League members in the John Brown laboratories in the metropolitan The international socialista vestigating subversive doctrine (J. the full knowledge and authority of Colonel Mittlestaedt NAVO work and expense in the are unw!
Honor Society are entitled to the area are being plcketed by the 1, 100 Coughlin ope and insure your rooelving Ham Fish is best remembered as of Police Chiet Hallanan and his when he assumes the newly crespecial honor button and are ne med members of the union.
the paper without interruption assist in bullding up a better the red baiting congressman whose department.
ated duties of police commissionon the National Unemployed League Negotiatione are in progress with navy and a stronger army to pro address to Congress, due to a very The purpose of these special er next Monday will be to InauNo secriptions can be back Honor Roll the Dental Laboratory Owners of tect a country where Christ is still appropriate typographical error, officers. is to create a special gurate a training course in com datod. Back Issues will be sup was once printed in the HerTom Mooney, labor champion the Metropolitan area and union king.
piled at the regular mutes plus defense organization in event of batting gang warfare and riotous who was railroaded to San Quentin officials are optimistle about the Protect the teaching of Christ, ald Tribune, in the weekly pet coldemonstrations.
disturbance by radicals. Their penge.
Please cooperate!
penitentiary by the capitalist class possibilities of signing a favorable cries the Catholic priest, protect it um under a large picture of a selection and their activities are Special aquads will be selected Business Manager.
for his militant action, has been agreement with that organization. with rifles, machine guns, artillery, guppy fish. meeting in Detroit in strictly within the law, and part and trained in the use of subunanimoualy voted honorary preal The Associated Dental Laboratories bombe, torpedos, gas and high exof the law. It is an emergency machine syns, plot guns and tear Mendent.
continues its refusal to negotiate. plosive. Mulions for bloody slaugh (Continuedu oun uPuago 3) arrangement, not due to any im.
as bombs.
The number of hens and pullets themselves to be the new govern in the United States. Delay in unibe was negotiating a weekly brond better the conditions of their preachers, of members, ete.
United States and throughout the Russia and the Red Serpent, in the Coughlin and Heart have united counter movement. Paper Announces Club precatione e pelo menos com For Jailed Heroes of Labor Squads Formed In Sacramento Stre nemal