CapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyItalyMarxismReform PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 Relief Investigators Do Detective Work Letter from Inside Tells the Wretched Story Blamed forU. Break on Sacramento Desporu pointe vat teint the amount Two Important CP Members are one in Week Join Workers Party rocar donession Judge Nields has his facts twisted. The prevailing NEW MILITANT American theory to date, the theory generally held by the of. for example, has not been antiwith which is merged capitalistic. It has insisted, however, that if the THE MILITANT workers are thot to be oppressed they must be organ.
Published weekly by the Workers Party of the ized as well as the bosses. There must be what West 15th Street, New York City Judge Nields describes as the economic balance of (Continued from Paupe 1)
Phone: Algonquin 9058 the power of labor against the power of capital. work in a Home Relief Bureau of course it not your business to are poor, with over crowding, lousy The theory which Judge Nields advecates is pretty in New York City. am an inves tell client. Let him find out lighting, no supplies like paper, ink, Entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office close, well on the way, to the theory that prevails tigator. An investigator combines for himself and get a letter from a clipe, etc. you are chronic states one of the most discoursat New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. in such countries as Italy and Germany under Fas the function of a social worker doctor. The dieticians will then grumbler. and you have not got ing Incidents in the always discism. There the independent unions of the workers and a detective.
take it up It may take a couple a professional approach to rollet tonaliem. It is a charge which JAMES CANNON How that?
have been smashed. They are now forbidden, strikes of months.
problems HARRI HOWE. atautor not even believed by the people who Editor are illegal, etc. Relations between worker and boss Well, verbally, the emphasis is Favoritism is rampant. kow. make it and constitutes the triumph Most of these people never had HAWTHORNE WINNER. Business Manager are supposed to depend upon mutual interest, un upon social work. But actually the anything most important for an tow derstanding and good will.
work is detective work. After a Investigator to remember. and lunch with your aids and eventually of a tactie over truth. In a po SUBSCRIPTION RATES: the party line on this subject, Jack Marxists have always contended that the diver long talk on the welfare of the their living standards are higher with your superiors. talk nice statement given out in defiance of In the United States 00 per year; 650 six months.
Warnick has written: The chargence of interest between workers, on the one hand, ellents, we are told that we are now than ever, especially these nothings. show them your main Canada and Foreign. 50 per year; 750 six months.
aim in life is to have a penny for Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
and the bosses who own and control the basic re handling the community money Negroes.
is with the taxpayers don Join the acterization by the Western Worksources of the nation and its productive machinery and our Arst duty is to the comAnd ifer that Mini is cowardly, treachatter about the mental health or employees en asociation cherous stool pigeon must be conand operate them for their own private profilt, is somunity which means the bankere the clients, re vocational training you are the right color, have the damned As an attempt to frame the Yol. SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1935 No. 12 upon suspicions fundamental that the worker cannot deliver himsell Concentrate from oppression and misery without destroying the cases and close them out! The reintegration into the sconomic right accent and the right religion, boy and ruin his reputation for the 30 the superiors like you, you have rest of his life. The so called Unity of the Unemployed?
system and building in its place one which he con more cases you close the better your life of the community.
trols and in which industry is not operated for pri chances for promotion. The Spy System a chance for promotion.
contesston consists of a definnt Here is family that lives in a The psychic terror utilized by the vate gain.
Speed Up for Typists statement of his own beliefs and of 20 a month apartment.
Our bu relter administration is so appar Other employees are not better facts known to everyone, made by ployed convention held in Washington March 4 What are American trade unionists now going to reau allows only 16.
Check onent that even the most naive are off. The typists, beeldes poor tech Mint at the time of his arrest in failed to realize the ambitions objective which they do? Accept the theory of Judge Nields and of the how the family pays the differ impressed. Everyone knows there nical equipment, work under a August and headlined at that time Het before themselves that of setting up an allAutomobile Labor Board, leading inevitably in the ence. Perhaps someone has an oda is a spy system special investiga speed system. Their work is check in the Sacramento papers. It is embracing, truly national organization the unemend to Fascism and the destruction of Ill Independent Job? Perhape a relative is help. tore to investigate the investige ed for errors, they must turn out well known that since his arrest ployed. Under pressure from such rank and file eleorganizations of the workers? Try to organize on ing?
tors! Ever so often a field worker the quote or get out. The same Minl, who is a Sacramento boy and ments as the convention contained and others, they the theory that under capitalism a balance of power Our Health Service is told, You stay in today, we have goes for the ticket writers and popular in the community, has retad to pass a resolution providing that in three between labor and capital cap somehow be worked Maybe the needs a doc some other work for you. You bookkeepers speed up. The petty fused two offers of Immunity.
months out? Or organize to take the offensive against the executive of the Workers Alliance of America (the name chosen for the new organization)
capitalist system which, if it is not abolished, must tor. First have them try home reare under suspicion, and a special tyrants, the straw borsest, keep should meet with the executives of other national press the workers standard of Hving further and medies. You know most of them is looking into your load. that sharp lookout.
is, the relief clients on your list. Commissioner Corsi, who has the LILLIAN SYMES, CALIFORNIA further down and in doing so crush every semblance free: if they were working, they comes in the administration en paper given us full privilege to of: Organizations to discuss unity. Thus they confessed AUTHOR only want a doctor because it Perhaps an anonymoue letter list of all aliens on relief, has on the justice of the charge which the National Unemof resistance against slavery?
Om February 15, another noted California writer, Lillian Symas, would hesitate to call a doctor. If courages and checks on all anony ganize.
ployed League made against them, namely, that for an essentially factional purpose and on a wrong it a case of dental work, the bu mous letters) saying that a certain used against us, however; nothing sent a letter of comment to Now basis they were trying to set up another national organization when such organizations were already QUESTION BOX waiting list is filled for six months! client earned a couple of dollars at slips by. How much time we take York, from which the following excerpts are taken: in existence.
Yes our superiors tell for an odd Job and has the investiga for lunch, do we weaken the mor The situation out here has been an undernourished child we allow to reported? This method is used ale of the staff during work hours What organizations will really affiliate with the especially against active state by agitating for a five day week incredible and has just about after the delegates have gone back home and 25 cents bl weekly for cod liver oil. members who are organized into and an increase in pay, do we make wrecked all of us who were trying special diet can be obtained, but the Employees Association. DETROITreported about the character of the convention and jan error in the rush? wo catch to keep the united front going. how much power it can develop under the loose form Question: What is the difference between the No Kicking Allowed hell. Our friends are warned not Lave been through many nights of of organization adopted is still entirely problemati price system the prot system?
The hint is broadly spread that lunch with us and so on and so on this kind but have never seen.
there are plenty of qualitled workAnswer: Certain schools of thought, notably the Our answer! The Employees anything quite so dirty and outers (which is alle) to take the Association.
employed is carried out in a loyal and realistic man maneuvers in We are building the rageous as the Technocrats, superficially designate any mode of per, important results may yet be accomplished. The the Sacramento situation. Three places of suspects on the stafr. association production in in which money in one form or another unemployed desperately need a powerful, non partiLater will give you more news members who went up to wan nation wide fighting organization. All the forces exists, as a price system, thereby indicating their of work required is tremendous on the relief system, but now Sacramento for two days to obcapable of helping to build such an organization inability to see beyond surface phenomena. The ex(twice (Continued from Page 1)
of any private welfare have to write up a couple of pen serve the trial came back almost istence of a price system, or money, merely means should get together without a moment delay. Those hysterical.
agency. that working conditions dings. Goldman got that the production and exchange of commodities is Arat chance to who fail to do so in the crisis which at present conof the genuine united front de sufficiently advanced historically so that a single act in the case when Mini went on fronts the unemployed are guilty of the grossest ir commodity, the money commodity, which functions fense movement, neglected by the responsibility.
as the measure of values for other commodities and bureaucracy, were the repray of light in the whole trial.
The National Unemployed League has repeatedly as the medium through these latter exchange, has resentatives of the same Mini was splendid and between stated the basis on which upity can be achieved: and the evolved. There are other functions of money which them, the jury and the audience. Bring together delegates from the local unem6. The in its prom agiwe do not mention here since they have no direct for the first time, was given an ployed organizations throughout the country in tation, and for criminally narrow exposition of communist theory and bearing on the question. The existence of money, convention which expresses the will of the rank and in itself, therefore, in no way tells us more than minded factional purposes, played Two active and important mem fstand the tasks of a revolutionary a dignified defense.
Ale and in which representation is proportionate to right into the hands of the pro this about the mode of production, and money ex As something of an outsider the strength of the bonafle carganizations present. Isted while production was based on chattel slavery secution by denouncing Norman bers of the Communist Party in the party in building progressive, dem must say that the the west have withdrawn from that ocratically controlled unions.
In a fighting organization set up in this way we will confes(eg. Southern United States prior to the Civil War. Mini statement as LD. and Goldman have all acted party and joined the Workers Party unbesitatingly and gladly submerge our separate exsion. which was just what the Because of your criminal saboor on feudalism (e. Europe before the 19th cen Lillian Monroe of Fresno, Cal. who take of the Sacramento criminal macy under very trying and diffwith amazing patience and diploistence.
tury. and exists under capitalism (wage slavery. prosecutica tried to make a sp We endorse this position. We urge all unemployed This is also To call a system price system, therefore, mons pear to be but which everybody has taken a leading part in the syndicalism cases, slandering the cult circumstances.
to designate a mode of production, taken as a whole, dants who signed the latest ley and Lloyd Lassen, who was ing to raise ball until you were have been fairly close to the situaelse, including most of the delen struggles in the San Joaquin Val important comrades on trial, fall organizations to adopt it and to act upon it immedithe attitude of several liberals who ately. Of our comrades we ask again: Why by only one of the characteristies upon which it is statement, as just the organizational secretary and it forced by the Workers Party to tlon and who are less prejudiced do you refuse to accept this simple, straightforward, based, or which exists within it. However, systems opposite of a no prop director for the state of Ariso, falling to rally mass support in their favor than am. The accorrect proposal? What are you afraid of? of production are characterized, and this is basic, by Despite its surrllous agitazona The Unemployed Councils (Communist Party con the CLASSES upon whom the dominant mode of make statements condemning the ing in the formation of a genuinetion of the In this matter has trolled) are so weak generally that the Communist production is based: e. slave owner and slave tion, the stands ondemned for its bureaucratie policies united front on the case; and then disgusted all elements but their by two groups Involved in assist own fanatical followers.
Party in most localities is proposing to liquidate feudal lord and sert, capitalist and wage worker.
ing the defense which are not and for its tactics in the Sacramen when the real united front committhem just as on the trade union field its revolutionto trial, and the Third Interna tee was set up and this is the GEORGE HEDLEY, CHAIRMAN The production and exchange of commodities 18 connected either with the tional for its ruinous policies.
ary unions are being liquidated. However, Herbert not essential to the existence of either feudal or or the the Socialist Party last straw you broke it up.
Benjamin, the leader of the Councils, was at Wash chattel slave society: such commodity production Comrade Laissen, who was a memUNITED FRONT COMMITTEE and the American Civil Liberties ber of the Socialist Party before ington to plead for united front and unity of the and exchange (and therefore money) which did ex Union (both in Callfornis and On January 21, George HodCAPITOL unemployed organizations. In fact, to judge by the ley, director the American ist played a minor role in the economic life of the nationally. and by the Nation, affiliating with the Communist Daily Worker Benjamin of the was the domiParty, further protests against the Civil Liberties Union in Californ.
system, and existed alongside of rather than being liberal weekly.
nant figure at this convention! So incorrect NEWS program for the formation a component part of it. The capitalist. pront) Carcine Decker Position is and chairman of the united was the report that Benjamin bad to apologize pubfront committee, in reply to a system, however, is based upon commodity producThe fact that Caroline Decker of a reformist Labor Party. and licly for it in the convention, with what outward (Continued from Page 1)
tion and has as a prerequisite for its existence that found it possible to append her for making the shift in strategy news story publisted in the Wes.
smoothness and inward rage we can imagine!
tern Worker captioned Trotsky ites Splitting Tactics Fali. sent In line with the right swing of the Benjamin money exists. But this is not enough. In addition of archs schonoree statement mon with a real democratie work Association has taken what is, for organized labor in the United there must exist, on the one hand, a propertyless regret to us, and our sentiment willing class party a letter to the Western Worter, flattered the leaders and speaks of their occupying a position far in advance of the leaders of the mass of people (the proletariat) who have nothing be shared by every responsible milComrade Lassen has wide infiu States, a surprisingly advanced at which he asked to be published, in which he said: For the mechanical maneuvering from the to sell but their labor power (labor power itself beitant. While we are aware of the ence among the agricultural work titude. At least it has taken this The vote against sending out top by which the convention was set up Benjamin comes a commodity. on the other hand a class of terrific difficulties of her positioners, copper miners and other work attitude in words, if not in acts, has, of course, no rebuke. The believes in people who own and control the means of production, and that of all the other deteners in Arizona and plans to form for Mr. Harrison, the chairman, the call already drawn up and doing business that way and no doubt is ftattered by to whom the proletariat must sell its labor power dants. and of the cowardly pres. Delds.
Workers Party branches in these has declared: Tens of thousands signed by representatives of the of acklitional railroad employees NPLD, and by the imitation of certain ltes.
in order to live, and who derive their surplus value sure exerted upon her, we cannot The Communist Party just having deliberately. profit. from the fact that they pay the worker justify her signature in any way.
In the San Joaquin Valley, Com must not be driven to the breadline the writer in his capacity as temSmashed a united front of the Socialist Party, Workin wages a smaller value then he creates for them we cannot believe that the state rade Monroe has great prestige in order that the railroads of Amporary chairman of the joint comers Party, Communist Party, American Civil Liberties by laboring ment she signed actually represents among the workers in the agricul. erics may continue to pay a dole mittee, meant actually that the reUnion, International Labor Defense, Non Partisan The capitalist system, therefore, is one which is her views. We know it does not tural selds, trucking, of industry. to idle capital The les ciplents of the call signed by the Labor Defense, etc. in Sacramento, though this may based on commodity production, a money. price. It is no great secret that Caroline creameries, railroads and the un selative program proposes, instead, defendants would have no way of mben prison sentences for 14 of its own members, system, but commodity production and the existence Decker has expressed herself id employed. In her work now in and the six hour day, full crew and knowing that the Conference on February 10 was supported by any Benjamin unetuously offers a united front and unity of money) is not necessarily capitalist production. ummbiguous terms about the con around Fresno she is being assisted train limit bills, reduction of serin the uployed field!
certain am representative groupe mentioned in Question: Is it true that in the Soviet Union the duct of the bureaucracy, and by comrades from the Los Angeles vice hours, various safety and to but the very miscellaneous and un From this corrupted source no unity will come, endments to the Employers Liabil one paragraph of the defendants profit system has been ebolished but the price about those very questions which and San Francisco Onkland branch spection measures, but insofar as it still retains any influene, only conare dealt with in the Stalinist state es of the Workers Party.
system retained?
Insion, disruption and defeat.
call; specifically, that the Workers Comrade Monroe who was at one ity LAW.
Answer: By expropriating the capitalists and land ment. Our convictions about her views are not based upon hearsay, time Fresno section organizer for NEW DEAL LEFT WING OUT Party, the Non Partisan Labor Delords in the Soviet Union the workers have done away but upon ample documentary evi the led the big Fresno grape The pious hope that the New Dealfense and the Socialist Party, the Balance of power. An Illusion with that class relationship upon which capitalism, dence which is beyond dispute. It strike in 1933 and was prominent is capable of engaging in social really significant divergent group the propertyless proletariat, and on the other at the present time, it is because, strike the same year. As leader of virtue of the recent dismissals from Lenae committee, were thus elimi Delaware has ruled that a company union or class possessing and controlling the means of pro. unlike the irresponsible leaders of a well organized relief struggle, she the Agricultural Adjustment Adnated. The argument that the employee representation plan is legal under the NRA.
duction. The present class relationship in the Soviet the we have no intention, in was held in Jall for 30 days, then ministration of its so called rad sending of the oficial and agreedIn making his ruling he set forth his idea of the Union, e. the dictatorship of the proletariat, is a face of the situation created of released for lack of evidence. icul wing. These radicals were upon call would have caused sonIn her statement to the Commu dismissed because they advocated: fusion is too absurd to require ne 20th century American theory of the relation between the worker and the boss.
talist and socialist society and therefore has ele moment when the freedom of 18 nist Party Lillian Monroe adeuses (1) a narrowing of the spread befutation; the actual effect would The traditional old world theory. according to ments in it of both systems. This is reflected in the workers hangs in the balance in the of falling in its worktween the prices pald to farmers bave been that the recipients would have learned that the Workers currency which is unlike money in capitalist society capitalist courtroom. The full reck among the small farmers, to edu and the prices charged consumers Judge Nields, is that there is a certain divergence (2) strict supervision of milk dis Party, the Non Partisan Labor De.
in that like Soviet production itselt, it can, within oning with the Stalinists will not cate them to their class position, of interest between the worker and the boss, and certain limits, be controlled; and it is like money in be avoided by us, but the interests and is between farmers and work and tobacco processors, etc. 3) entered into close cooperation with tributors, packing houses, sugar fense and the Socialist Party, had that it is necessary, therefore, to have en economie balance of the power of labor against the power of capital through independent labor unions. Accordtrade and on the free market, legal and illegal, it to us postponement of the ineviters was deepened. She also points the introduction of labor standards the Communist Party in the interis subject to the laws of commodities which deter able date.
out that the completely 1g Into agreements and conests of effective defense and effecing to Judge Nields conception of up to date Ameri mine the character of money. It is superficial to can theory the interests of worker and boss Warnick Stande Firm nores the necessity of organizing tracts; and (4) protection for the tive mass protest.
practically identical, depend upon mutual interest speak of a price system in describing the Soviet At the same time, it source and doing trade union work among tenant farmers who are being driv At the time Immediately after Union since the existence of a currency is but a of deep gratification that understanding and good will. and can, therefore, be the Jack the workers in the factories, ollen from the soll thanks to the adjournment remarked well taken care of hy a company union flanced by minor aspect of the social relationships in that coun: warnick, although also a member fields, trucking, cotton gins, cream. curtailment of cotton production Communist Party delegate that try: The ownership of the means of production by of the refused to lend bi erles and so on in the San Joaquin It is the practical minded men. considered the motion outrageous.
the bone.
the dirt the proletariat.
name to the contemptible document Valley.
farmers who never see no reason to revise that printed in the Dally Worker. Like Bureacracy in the Communist farmed, who now are in complete view.
Their pro Note: This letter has not yet been Capitalist Press Lies About Mini everyone else concerned, be knows International is scathingly con control of the mitted no crime. We are fighting the truth, the real fucts in the die demned by Comrade Monroe, as de gram the simplest imaginable: publiebed in the Western Worter.
Scored by Chambers and Warnick the Communist Party legally to ex and intamy by adding the signature are well from the given by Com aldies are to be collected by the Lze in anions and for the right of credit to document of falsehood many countries.
orean, Pute, and he has declined to slvestructive to the working classes in Telple s job is to hand out subsidies for the wanton destruction Copy for Bill Sherman col.
Further reasons for her with of nattral resources. These sub um, Left Jabe, came in too late to be included in this issue SUPERIOR COURT, SACRA to turn state evidence. The Sac we will not abandon those right this courageous attitude has earned rade Monroe: MENTO, Feb. 7, 1835. The Hearstramento Bee carries a report that in return for anything McAllister him the venomous attack of nn Bent use you are guilty of de fancy theories of social control PHILADELPHIA BRANCHES it has also stroying the only union you have which spring so lightly to the lipe ment that Norman Mini has offered this case. Both statements are concerns the working class as a brought him the Oxaminer of today prints a state confession has ben made in may offer. This is an issue that principled traducers, and ponever built in California, the Can of the Tugwells, the ranks, and absolutely false.
whole, and we will continue to radely congratulations of all sob nery and Agricultural Workers in the other Brain Trust luminaries SPRING DANCE Not only has Mini mede no such fight until it has been won.
est workers and their renewed dustrial Union, by grabbing the man go hang.
and WATCH FOR THIS FELLOW Meanwhile. signed) JACK WARNICK offer and no such confession but of Labor Bureau pledge of solidarity with him and control of the union out of the PAT CHAMBERS In response to inquiries, he has repeatedly refused McAlEntertainment his fellow defendants. His stand hands of the workers and placing Statistics suports indicate that food NORMAN MINI Muste, national secretary of the lister offers of immunity in re 16 an example to follow.
it in that of your bureaucracy, by prices continue to shoot upward at your bureaucracy being unable to a diary pace, with no letup in proe Workers Party, states that Carl turn for turning state evidence.
INSULL FARCE give the workerts the Dewary pect for the near future. What the Leathers is not a member of the McAllister has been peddling his Sam Insull, conviction proof REVOLUTIONARY DANCE leadership in times of stress, by production cuba began, the drought 1083 35 West Girard Ave.
Party and that no one answering offers of Immunity for six months your inability to organize the agri has completed and the wage earn Please note change of hall. Distrlthe description of Leathers in and he has been turned down by Greek tourist and ex utility manlGROUP FORMED the party. Responsible comrades Mini, by Donald Bingham who a state charge of embezzling 68, 000 cultural workers into anything ap er gets the short end of the stick bution of premiums will take place Classes Every Week. proaching a stable wion, by your as usual.
regard Leathers as not reliable still awaits trial, and by others of at midnight Do the farmers, however, benet?
Get information from Drake. continued we of tacties already sed workers organisations are the present defendents.
proven disruptive, by your fallure Ask the farmers whose crops have Admision 360 We can only one spectator showed up in wed to take note.
and ask no immunity the Chicago courtroom for the juS.
make no confessions since we com dicial force.
to admit mistakes and correct been burned out, whose livestock Doors will be closed during pertheo, by your failure to under. bas been killed off formance of program numbers.