CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMarxMussoliniReform PartyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 NEW MILITANT Why Join the Workers Party in a al. Militants Forced to Cover Up Right Wing Labor Defense International MARCH OF EVENTS Notes By MUSTE ations which have grave political By JACK WEBER Fellow Worker: Letters to a Worker Correspondent differences. Membership in a poliItaly Colonial Drive ly interested in protecting the race esting questions.
You have asked me some interWhy should and in certain matters of prin. workers, only if the vanguard ele not on the same basis as member Communist League of With French and British scules of employed workers. The soln the Workers Party: What is ciple and tactics. They asked for ments among the workers had a ship in a union. union is a mass quiescence, Mussolini bas found. Senate had been warned in advance the program of the Why the right to state their views to correct outlook and philosophy, and organization rate which will be long China Hails WP safe outlet for the war spirit that a measure containing this pro was another party necessary the party discussions, being willing this meant being organized in a revin a given trade or industry belong the Communist League of China at From the Standing Committee of waving of the sword. Emulating President.
rabidly fostered by his constant vision would be vetoled by the loan we not remove the evils troth to carry out party discipline in ac ſolutions looked about for such a Taxers, Workers Party, Shanghai the National Seeretary of working class party. Republicans, Democrats, Single the fable of the wolf and the lamb, ing at all to avoid the loss of labor revolution. Hence it cost it noth which workers now suffer without tion, it this elementary right of the When 11 Duce is not to be placated even votes in the coming elections by members of a revolutionary party party to which they could belong Baptists, Presbyterians. Prohibi the Workers Party has reWorkers have every right to ask were granted them. They were and bring the workers, they did not thonists, etc.
It does not follow celved a letter hailing the founding bon desestones on ele pere on the res making the gesture that would sat these questions of us. No worker, refused the right and expelled. And it in the or Orany that you can put the same Repub: Workers Party of the United yasiniene. He is determined to be the motives back of the entire indeed refund considering and with some getiren faction of the open the fall of 1983 they also came Prohibitionists, Baptista, etc.
make Ethiopla part of the Italian maneuver was undoubtedly disent derstanding our answer to these and attempting to correct their to the conclusion that there must political party, and have labor World over who are striving to respiration to revolutionaries the colonial empire, in accordance with isfaction with the high handed questions.
the secret treaty of 1915 that won manner in which Roosevelt has une, hoping to reform them and be a new party and new interna party, much less a revolutionary store revolutionary principle, rens Italy to the side of the allies in handled the vast funds placed at to them in as straightforward and the former LA. that the Organizing Committee of the Am The revolutionary party does not semble the shattered and demoralthe World War. Gold and oll (the his disposal. The Senators would simple manner as possible. evils to which they had pointed erican Workers Party, am going to give our answers get back in. When the comrades otional, and set up the Provisional party.
latter recently discovered) are not like to have more to say concerning bope you will discuss these letters were not corrected, but aggravated, Thus there were two groups, medinte issues of deal merely only with im. Ized proletarian ranks, hurl back the only lures drawing Italian im where and how this money is to be with the other workers in the shop and when they saw the result of which had come from very difer conditions of work hours and the tide of reaction and bring so.
It deals with cialist victory to a tortured world.
perialism on, Italy has an unfav. spent. They miss orable trade balance contributed to control of the pork barrel.
their former and in your neighborhood about these evils in the complete collapse ent directions to the same conclu the problem of the economicThis whom you wrote me.
by the need for importing food sup was shown clearly by the repre nothing except a careful considera Germany before Hitler Fascism, entered into discussions asker of the Communist Party of ston. Soon the and the scene dedeman deconomie: polits: creation of the Fourth InternationWe and on be changed or abolished, revolutionary party must, The of China is dedicated Mussolini hopes that the new Afri measure was passed by them with conscious workers. We believe the untrue to the working claws it they thing, when we talk about a new therefore, have a philosophy, a to the task of establishing a new chronie wynallion to connect this out demur. But they were opposed result will be that they join the continued trying to reform the party, we should be building it to theory, a program If it has the revolutionary party in that counchronic condition of Italian trade. to having the money administered Workers Party ranks. The heavy heritage of ideo Besides Italian economy is in a by Secretary Ickes who failed to profound crisis and capitalism satisfy the politicians in his dish.
HOW BEGAN olutionary party and a new inter the thing, however. We decided moment it will fail and betray the logical corruption and confusion First of all am going to tell national must be formed. that we must not fuse politically, masses.
left us by Stalinism, the backwardthe economie impasse except to re House refused to pass the mensure coexistence; for that in itselr tells its part, was the outgrowth of the on the fundamentals of a program. There we had a great working class menger material comblour ces make unless we were really in agreement Take the example of Austria ness of Chinese culture in general.
sort to war. Unable to bring about until after a conference at the something very importante about conference forte protresti e Labor Lacking such agreement, we could party, the Social Democratic Party. white terror all combine to make the recovery of a decaying system, White House at which the leaders what kind of a party the is.
fascism is forced to turn outwards were reassured as to control and The was launched on Decem. in 1928. 29. It was composed main Nuus but political merger must be tically all the best elements in the ous. But they are preparing them Action. The Wats formed still work together on concrete is it had no rivals. It had in it prae the task both difficult and dangerbeyond the national desperate attempt to start the five billions of dollars. One can help 192. 41x, touto spene, caleaby Berdeli sme til indupen even months discussion went on likewise powerful trade into the revolution while doing all took 49 Sung Kusupuso ST20 sately predict that a compromise But this is the case only it you dent unions. They fought against At the end of that time a joint movement, closely linked with the inssible by our conscious work creation of the destructive demands will be reached, that sacrifices en judge by the calendar. u organiz. Sngsterism, reketeering and au committee of the two organizations political party. great cooperative, among the masses to stimulate the labor to bent of the previous attempt under the proper phraseology, giv program, the begins its liteed for a militant policy as against and a constitution which were ad made by Italy to subjugate Ethio ing Roosevelt precisely what he as a mature party.
this mighty and united movement ment.
pla in the war of 1895. But the wants. This will be accomplished the class collaboration coopera opted at their conventions and collapsed before Fascism. Why?
Commenting upon the message of For the did not suddenly tion with the bosses. policy or the which constituted the basis of the Because it was based upon a false, greeting from the Chinese revolution leave the backward negro na of buying Senate votes by satisfy up out of the sea. It is not the new organize the workers in the basic of the Workers Party of the United program. To the consideration of Muste said: We are establishing odern methods of mans destruc by the simple Roosevelt expedient descend from the clouds or spring of officialdom. They sought merger and of the formal launching Social Democratic philosophy and tlonists, National Secretary tion utterly helpless to meet attacking the proper politicians with their sult of a bright idea in the brain industries which were utterly neg States.
that philosophy and program, close fraternal relations with the by an advanced nation share of the booty. The question of some individual. The lected by the of at that NOT HASTY DECISION shall turn in another letter. Suf Chinese comrades. This is another remains as to what Roosevelt will came into existence as the result time. When the depression con It is clear, then, that here was tice it now to point the obvious evidence of the International charJapan and the Chinese Consortium actually do with the funds appro or the merger of two previously ex Thoued, they took a leading part in nohusty, irresponsible decision to moral: the working class does not acter of our movement. The Chine and Nanking, in which Japan practually go to workers, how much had an honorable history of some states and in building the National The workers in the CLA and How murder of it will sting organizations, cich of which ursaning the unemployed in many wo and launch another party want the khud of unity that lends ese comrades need our support. We tically renewed her infamous twen tu subsidize the construction indus years in the labor movement, both Unemployed League. acted in the most careful and any more than it wants the divi support may he real and strong. y one demands on China, have tries? Under the demngogle guise Wationally and internationally. One FOUND NEED OF NEW PARTY responsible manner in dealing with sioms that lead to defeat at the aroused the greatest anxiety among of wo will go not to workers for American Workers Party. the other the former carried on their lutionists should relief a large portion of of these organizations was the While the leading members of the problem before them, as revo bands of Faciam. An army moving the other imperialists. Will not he unitedly in the wrong direction Workers Party orgthe corrupt Chiang Kai Shek for wages, but to capitalist corpora the Communist League of America, activities mainly in the economic The does not. however, cannot get to the right place! anized in Panama the sake of a Japanese loan, for Lions to provide the materials for popularly known as Trotskyists.
tield, they had a revolutiomary out trace its history buck merely to What, then, is the philosophy and help against the pensant red arm the work. Roosevelt has no inten The CLA was composed of rev. look. They realized that actions the former and The program of the It Is not Another step in the international ies and under the threats of evention of spending five billions toolutionists who were expelled from relating to the immediate needs and members of these organizations something brand new, which we revolutionary movement has been greater attacks on China by the provide work alone. Rather he the Communist Party and the Com grievances of the workers could be has been active in labor and revo patented yesterday. Our Declara taken with the formation of the Japanese militarists than have yet will pump profits into the coffers munist International. They differed carried out effectively and help in lutionary work, here and abroad, tion of Principler says: The Workers Party of Panama taken place, yled to Japan? It of the financiers.
this occurs, China will become to with the line taken by the the eventual emancipation of the long before the organizations them of the is founded on the great previstonat national committee of all intents and purposes the colony elves came into being. So it cume principles of revolutionary theory ihe new party has issued a manlahmut that in the founding conven and practice stated by Marx and resto and is preparing the first naof Japan. No deeper feelings of righteous and moral indignation tion of the here were present Lenin and tested by the experience to convention of the party, But a few of the founders of the of the class struggle on an interna While probably destined to recould possibly be aroused in the and workers who had al scale, above all in the Rus main one of the smaller revolution uver breasts of the American and Engbeen active in the Soc ziun Ievolution of 1917 (the Ocary parties (the whole country bas lish capitalists than at the thought in the days when that was a proober Ievolution. The bile million inhabitants. the that they were to be permanently excluded from obtaining their share New light is shed on the labor give force, workers who had carries on, in other words, the Panama party deserves, in view of national committee referred to hwy to the labor movement, and (2) it of plunder in China. No wonder defense policy of the Socialist Party August Claessens, to the Plan did not contravene the agreement tion, workers who had stood firm the modern working class. To it fullest support of the world prole participated in the Russian revolu great revolutionary tradition of the key position of the country, the that Ambassador Lindsay hurried and especially on the role of the for a New Labor Defense Organquickly to conter with Under Sec leading Militants in the ization which the Socialist Party on to organize a conference and War, who has taken a leading part sky, for we are not of those who tariat of the United States, whose retary of State Phillips and with correspondence just released for of America is pledged to carry lannch a permanent defense organ in the labor struggles in the US have read him out of the revolu ruling class practically owns the the French Ambassador in order to publication by the Provisional out in conjunction with the other ization, but was even designed to for the past thirty years and more.
tionary movement. To It belongs little republice.
arrive at an understanding of what Committee for Non Partisan Labor organizations mentioned above. facilitate that agreement. The workers Party is rien in tra which the one workers state, bent parts one Panama, after reviewing the Workers joint action could be taken to hin Defense. Last week New Min We would appreciate a comOne day after Baron wrote his dition and experience.
der Japanese plans. Formally they tant reported and analyzed the vio munication from you.
reply to Morrow inquiry the New OUR CREDENTIALS con light of inspiration to the the world situation and the comraise the question of the violation lation by the Socialist Party of its Fraternally yours, Leader. February issue, an Aparty needs more than tradi workers of the entire world, was plete dependence of the economie of the Consortium Agreement of agreement to cooperate with the (signed) Felix Morrow nounced that a conference would tions, however. You and your felbrought into being and political situation in Panama 1920 according to which no loan Provisional Committee, the Commu Secretary be held on March 15 to launch low workers have a right to ask As the revolutionary party of the upon that of American imperialism, was to be made to China except nist Party (Opposition. the Worka new labor defense organ whether we have credentials from American working class our prim and after criticizing the reformist with the agreement and participa ers Party and the Il Martello Group Baron Reply tion of all these powers. Naturally (Italian anti Fascists led by Carlo ization and that delegates from the working class today, what role ary task, as the Declaration of polley of the Socialist Party and Japan is fouting this bandits ag Tresca) in organizing a conference days later on February 1, Baron ternal organizations were expected movement and the vast struggles of the capitalist government of the to the terroletariat, set forth its The letter speaks for itself. Three hundreds trade unions and even more care te pola dan men veterurging the enemy at home the overthrow to create a revolutionary vanguard reement, seeing her chance. In this to launch a permanent, non parti replied: As it turns out not one of the or of the present. Our answer is that United States ganizations with which the we do have such credentials. We Thus, proceeding own program interests of China and her masses New Leader of Jan. 26 announced Dear Comrade Felix. In reply to your inquiry reare completely ignored and play no for the first time that the Socialist It is necessary to re group the about this conference or has evening convention of the the und Leun, we will use the revo the working class on an internahad an agreement was consulted point to the fact that in the found from the basic principles of Marx part. Nor will they play any role Party was building its own defense garding the recently created 80been invited to it.
Intionary potentialities of American until the Chinese workers are heard machinery Until that issue of the cialist Committee for Promotion leaders of the National Unemployed tradition and bistory. adapt our tional scale ontside of the influence At the time that Baron wrote his Lenguee the strembisted of amigat tactics to the concrete situation and the manifesto declares. The final once again in the next revolution New Leader appeared there was no of Labor Defense, wish to state of the two existing internationals, ary uprurge.
indication that the Socialist Party the following: had changed its labor defense pol The Socialist Party of the been decided on: a break with its come which have come out of the the order to inspire and goal of all our activities the Roosevelt and Prevalling Wage icy.
United States has not by agreement entered into in good depression, the leaders of the great end the American working class the proletariat, the establishment Toledo strike, the lenders of the How serious is the struggle be Morrow Letter to Baron faith by other working class or pact, agreement or understanding tween Roosevelt and the Senate precluded itself from creating ganizations. The New Leader in great series of strikes in MinneaIn an effort to determine the improving and extending its Laover the prevailing wage clause full significance of the New Leader rint, and the construction of the dicating this break was already on polis, active workers in steel, auto sections of the population, to the of the dictatorship of the proletaadded to the work relief measure?
the press. Why did Baron, reply mobiles, textile, rubber, transporta building of a society in which he classless socialist society as the in announcement for the relation of bor Defense and relief machinery.
termediate stage towards common Certainly Roosevelt suffered a po the to the agreement to build Under the direction of its Nationlitical set back by the addition of non partisan labor defense organal Labor Committee it has been in the name of the National Labor We are an integral part in all sec of production will be used for the with an appeal for the Defense the McCarran amendment. But engaged for some time in such acCommittee state that the new tions of the country of the working benefit of the workers and moves of the were designed to class movement and the struggles the profit of a few.
of the Soviet Union through revo would be childish to think that the the provisional Committee sent the topitheitteestate and local abor lutionary action and the creation forced following letter to Murray Baron of arry out the original agreement. the masses. Comrade Muste second letter Let me go back for a moment and through the amendment were all the Socialist Party on the 29th of throughout the country. Their or the Fourth International will appear in the next issue. proper functioning is intended to or this change of policy? That is the result of a merger. For ten Could Baron have been unaware emphasize again that the is The immediate program of the January.
effect more durable and satisface to say, were there two policies, one years and more we have seen splits party. while presented in outline Bankers Hear Dear Comrade Baron, tory relations with the organized in the manifesto, is to be elaboratFinds Like by the National Labor Committee and disintegration in the revolu This is addressed to you as labor movement. Already a great and another by one of the New tionary movement.
ed by the national convention the representative of the Nation measure of success is being atRecognizing the importance of fork committee Baron is carmen seemed as it every week produced Roman Church Committee delegated by al Labor tained in that direction.
the revolutionary party to the small it to cooperate with us in carry Local New York, under the tee. He is secretary of the New wonder that you and many other Caribbean nations in their struging out the Plan for a New Labor direction of the National York Committee for Promotion of workers felt discouraged and even gles against Imperialism, the Work When big bankers get together Defense Organization which the Committee, has set up a tempor Labor Defense. It does not matter sometimes disgusted. Here at last semblance to Roman The today bear marked reers Party of the 11. sends its they tell the truth to one another.
National Executive Committee of Catholicism. greeting to the where the policy announced in the Workers Party of ary committee of party members we have a case not of another the latter Throngh some great error this the Socialist Party at its Septem in harmony with these plans, The New Leader originated in the Na party. not of two groups where through the Catholte hierarchy cantical and organizational support.
teaches that only Panama, and promises it fall politruth appeared in the Herald Triber meeting agreed to carry out jurisdiction of this committee is tional Labor Committee, the New there was one before, but of one truth be revealed to the layman, bune, but the mistake was quickly together with the other organiz confined to New York City. It is York Labor Committee, the Social. organization where before there and rejection of this The proletariat of the largest corrected and only one edition (out ations accepting the Plan. preaently occupying itself with ist Committee for Promotion of were two. Here is an example of to heresy.
tantamount and of the smallest countries in the six regular editions published Our Executive Committee was the raising of funds on behalf of Similarly, to remain the American Empire have only one Labor Defense. The responsibility revolutionary unity. This we sub within the Comintern, one must not enemy. Their struggle must likedaily) carried the story astonished to discover that the Ward Rogers and Stanley of Baron is fully involved. mit, means more than just adding question the authority of Almighty wise lie one. Jointly for the overAt a dinner of the American Socialist Party of New York has Glass.
Bankers Association held in the formed its own Socialist Commit This work is not in contraWhat has happened is that when one and one to make two. The es Stalin Waldorf Astoria, Lawrence Han.
the Militants were riding high in tablishment of a unifying center tee for Promotion of Labor De vention to the Plan for a New As oranizer of my throw of American Imperialism!
mer, manager of the pension de fense. Also August Claessens Labor Defense the Socialist Party they committed marks an historie turning point in Celluloid Industrial Unit. ex Jolntly for the victory of the world Organization This pressed doubts as to the correctpartment of Johnson Higgins, Secretary of the New York Tabor which has been accepted by our contained the fundamental prin example of unity will be as conta ness of the line during the San Francisco, told what he really Committee, writes in the January FACTS ABOUT AMERICA and National Lathought about the President 28 New Leader that good pro bor Committee of the Incipled basis for a genuine non par glous, we believe, es was the exam last decade.
sham liberal security bill for old gress is being made in the organtisan labor defense organization, ple of splits in an earlier period. No attempt was made to answer sixth of the entire populastend it is designed to promote the subsequent advance of the The fact that the former and mo. was accused of expressing tion of the is on relief.
age pension. He described people ization of a Labor and Socialist the eventual emergence of such right wing and capitulation of the AW. were able to begin this pro counter revolutionary views. was eligible for pension as woru ont National Defense Committee an organization upon a basis Militants gave the right wing the cess of unification is proof that summarily removed unit organ. ployed workers are out of a job. fifth of all formerly einhuman machines, He stated that with local committees in every much broader and more powerful represented healthy, vigorous iner and threatened with expulsion only about balf of the persons large city to begin with. We do opportunity to reverse the labor de they than might otherwise be possible. tense polley. The Militants capt responsible elements. That if did not recant my opinions. 3. third of all out aged are above 15 years and eligible for pen not of course know whether Au Fraternally.
they may work with these elements refused and was expelled.
slone deserve them, that victims gust Claessens is authorized or (signed) Murray Baron, to further the crucial job of unity ask all other and Two Afths of those on relief of physical defects should be given not to speak for the national or National Labor Committee To all appearances there is no ing the revolutionary forces is one members to get at the implications are children.
charity ganization though the tenor of Socialist Party of difference now between their policy big argument for workers joining behind this. Party democracy no Nearly half of all Americans As for the restbah.
his article would seem to indion labor defense and that of the the longer exists within the CP. The do not get proper medical care.
is no room for these, even in cate that he is so authorized. As The crux of the matter is clear:right wing. But to the Militanta UNITY ON WHAT BASIS! bureaucracy which usurped power Millions of Americans live in Utopia. Let the future hold for was assigned the job of getting out for the New York committee The Provisional Committee When we speak of unity today over the and extended its homes little better than hovels.
such as they are no more than formed we note that it includes quired what the New Lender an of the Jam as best they could.
to understand clearly control over the has adopted Even in 1920 the workers the poor house or the prison, and In its membership the representa nouncement of January 26 signified In the story of the changes in what we mean. Unity on what the pose of infallibility in order to average annual income was only with the passing of years, their tives of the National Labor Com. with relation to the attempt to the policy on labor defense basis? Merely repeating the word perpetuate its rule. And foster no 1, 476.
namber will diminish.
mittee delegated to carry out build a labor defense organization organization are profound lessons unity or united front will not illustons. As the mistakes of the In 1929 the annual earnings Mr. Hanmer is to be congntu Plan for a new defense organiza together with itself and other work for those socialist workers who accomplish anything.
bureaucracy increase, so will Its of 18, 000, 000 workers were under lated upon his honesty. Capital tlon.
ing class organlations; Baron, really want to come to gripe with Political unity, for one thing, is repressive measures.
ism, he has truly stated, has no 000 eplece Our Executive Committee, writing for the National Labor the paralyzing control of the right not the same as united front. Unlt There is but one thing for all In 1929 the annual earnings use for the faithful outworn slaves therefore, requests that you write Committee of the replied (1) wing and strike out in a revolu ed front means united action for clear thinking and of 28, 000, 000 workers were under wbom it has wrecked let them go to us, informing us of the reis. the organization outlined in the New tionary direction.
specific purposes, against wage members to do: Build the Work 1, 500 Aplece. From Rellet Admlo.
to the poor house or prison, so that tion of the local Socialist com Leader was Internal party machiocuts or evictions. for the defense ers Party: baild the new, Fourth Istrator Harry Hopkins Chicago they will die quickly.
mittee already organized and the lery to improve the relation ORDER PAMPHLETS NOW. of labor prisoners etc. by organiz International. BERNARD ROSS Italk, March 1, 1935.
any ing to the Provisional Committee tion, the public utilities took part. tural resources and the machinerypist society. The manifesto ends and not for Plan For Aged abor. and There in.