PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1935 Choice of Name Biggest Achievement of Unemployed Meet ASocialist Party Congressº Fur Union Must Move Carefully for Building Union Protests Virginia Delegate Unity; Cannon Advice Still Holds Leads Toledo FERA Strike NR Speed Up and Police Brutality Hit in St. Louis learning filo convention composed of delegates democratically elected by real and functioning unemployed organizations. Basie units or locals of real unemployed organizations By Special Correspondent son Trojar Trager Cook Lieberman would not be given opportunity to By Trade Union Dept. of a correct appreciation of the con The proposal of Commide Cannon On March to about 120 people combination. He approved of the elect delegates to the convention, was Unity of the Fur Workers of dition and needs of the furriers, was correct a year ago and though illustration of how not to bulld it was a step in the right direc manipulated from the top by Lasy. in one organization seems. but by the hundred and elghty de the chances of successfully carry sor, Rasmussen and other socialist sured. The conditions under which treo turn in the general line. to ing it out are much poorer today (Continued from Page 1)
fighting national unemployed organ tion.
ination. Delegate Bernstein from Party minor functionaries for the such unity will be achieved are an come out for unlty under the It is still correct. We only wish be set up with equal representation Rev. Myers Speaks purpose of securing control other matter. The Industrial Un Richmond, Va. himself a member of to add the following immediate from the Building Trade Coanell On Sunday atternoon the conven the organization when formed. ton after a great deal of squabbling Proposals of Industrial Union proposals that should be made to and the new organization. Nego characterized the procedure when ers, of the Federal Council of followed (fifteen to each stute resing openly with the membership or rather its stalinist leadership What does the Industrial Union, the International Union: he said on the door: Churches. Rev. Myers made an ap gardless of the number and size of the ways of accomplishing unity. 1) The election of a committee tation and other committees to be It seems to me that have atpropose? leaflet isted by the of 26 from each union to discuss set up in a similar fashion.
tended the finest Socialist Party neal for the religion of Jesus and its bona fide unemployed organiza This step, belated though it is. Par Workers Industrial Union and plans for the merger of both onthe prophets. There was applausetions) would tend turther to make a correct one. That a general mass meeting convention that ever heard of.
distributed in the market this week ions into one organization under is to be held Tuesday or Wednesday We came here for a non partisan Mieres in democracy Ang econo non rank and sle.
when he said that real religion be the convention undemocratic and Conditions in the fur trade are rete forth the following proposale: the of for the further consolidation of the convention. Most of the people in Active, millmic system, said Myers, that desteadily worsening An open conference with the (2) All workers of both unions organization and to set up a funcAnthony Ramuglia, president of tant members of the Industrial Un council, to build one union uniting to be accepted as members of the tioning strike machinery.
It was plainly evident that the prives a man of the right to work the and McKinney, ton, barred from the shops, are the forces of the workers against merged union. This to mean that leaders of the convention were the is immoral. We are an immoral editor of Mass Action, organ of the walking the streets. The chalet the bosses and contractors for jobs, every member of the Industrial is officially declared, Ireluding all a FERA terested chiefly in setting up an or There was a great deal of this were present at the conven task of the remnants of the Inter wages and conditions.
Union, from Gold to the last work FERA workers.
ganization that could be safely con sort of activity but it did not seem sured the convention that the Union. The latter, isolated from criminal, bloody battle. The or An immediate stop to the er in the shop, will be accepted. 8) Elections to be held imme Protests against the recruiting of Unemployed Union of New York, necessary to put in time and energy now as ever stands ready to partic the main body of needle workers, sanization of unity on the basis of diately by the fused union, with all strikebreakers, to replace the FARA Alliance, Trager or the peopler kon on the real active problems that te loyally and enthusiastically crippled by the fight with the in a union program assaring unity to members in good standing, In both workers already out on strike, by social service workers, also were employed League of Maryland. Lietlong. There was a tendency deployed organizations on a sound back and forth with each shift to race, nationality or political affilia. 4) That all arrangements for made by herman of the Unemployed Citizens spite much talk about class con any part in any sectarian attempt no position to defend its member basis, but would refuse to have the correct Stalinist line. is in the election and the control of the At the same time County Relief No discriminations No fused organization previous to the Administrator James Thompson of the Florida Federation of Unem real good could be accomplished by to impose an organization on the ship against the attack of the clique dictatorships. Complete guar bolding of the election be in the sent to Fred Payne, president of bosses, The Illinois Workers Alliance, e President secretaries.
talking to congressmen and the unemployed from the top.
It is now forced, not by antee of the democratie rights of hands of a perity committee. the letter urging the every worker. union of the The bureaucrats in charge of the skilled workers to return to FERA genuine unemployed organization workers and for the workers.
Industrial Union In 1934 denounced projects, until the new program is with over 100 functioning locals Selecting a Name The Lovestoneites are opposed these proposals and suppressed any started from and a large membership was put on Much time was consumed on the to our proposal and program: No discussion of them. Today these made every sort of appeal, from the same level with the insignifi selection of the name for the new are all other dishonest demagogs, same bureaucrats say that all dis, the sentimental one that the tubercant Florida Federation of Unem organization. Workers Alliance of ployed Leagues. Illinois had 15 America was finally agreed on.
riers are for it, and that is what fakers oppose the proposal of un (so that the workers underfed votes and Florida had 13. The 15 There was strong sentiment against counts!
ity. That statement applied in children will have a place to go.
Florida votes were cast by one man, using the word unemployed in Three Thousand in Mass Meeting We are ready and willing to every word to themselves in 1934. Mr. Thompson. to the practical Benson. Indiana cast 12 votes de the name. Rasmussen said that join with the Council in building Unless the conditions outlined one that Toledo is losing money spite the fact that the delegate re the name must be nation wide, By Special Correspondent led for Feb. The union esked an of union. But should above are fought for and put into because it is not using its FERA porting for that state admitted that powerful, easy to symbolize and it had only a few leagues and easy to go on a button.
ST. LOUIS, Mo. Goaded to the other unions to help swell the mass the Council refuse we sball be effect, unity in the fur trade may allowances.
forced to continue with the battle only mean a restoring of the rack only between four and five thou The constitution provides that breaking point by the speed up un picket line.
He promised to make every effort The police force outdid itself as to the finish. And we are confident eteering controlled organization of sand members.
only organizations can become der the NRA and the mion smash to get budgets increased Benjamin Approves members of the They must ing tactics of employers and police, strike breaking agency. The offi that the militant furriers, who have the past.
The furriers must be on their Toledo workers are guard. They must tolerate no un how to see that such promises are According to the Daily Worker not be affiliated with any other or workers in St. Louis finally made cer in charge of en army of blue won every conflict in the past for March 4, Herbert Benjamin of animation having the same pur their protests heard in a mass meet coats was Captain Wetzel, who had years, will not fall in this one.
Writing editorially in the der cover deals between the bukept through mass pressure.
the National Unemployment ing arranged by the Central Trades distinguished himself by battering pose.
Councils, was the dominating figure ing the national executive board to resolution was adopted instruc Council held in the new Civic Au in the heads of reller demonstratant, March 24, 1984, almost a year reaucracies. Nothing but a demoditorlum.
tors last December.
ago. Comrade James Cannon cratie union, with officials democra it this convention and got The immedinte cause of the pro, But the workers were beginning proposed that the Industrial Union leally elected and with the right TO ALL BRANCHES AND big ovation, the only ovation given all conference not later than test was a strike at the Forest City to rebel. to understand what er should immediately start Cam of the membership to decide on PROSPECTIVE ADVERTISERS any speaker by an audience who three months away of The paign for units under the American policies, can be the basis for a Please send all copy and det beard among others, Norman Tho tive committees of other national Mrs. Co. a garment making plant pect from the new deal.
hite order for insertion to the mas, Socialist Party leader. Stand unemployed organizations to dis where police escorted scabs from rank and file forced the Central Federation of Labor. He said: united organization that will really First, it can demand a charter be a weapon in the hands of the Business Manager, No avering cheering, the delegates greeted cuss procedure for merger and the Ahher Detective Agency Trades Council to pay attention.
On Feb. 10, Mrs. Edith Phillips, from the International with only workers against their bosses.
tisements will be inserted unless we have information as to who unity. with shouts of We ll fight the to work for the amalgt rent patrol wagons and police an organizer for the one condition: that the local rewill be responsible for payment for that. They blocked the aisle. mation of all temployed organ scout cars to the homes of the arrived. have heard of the labor tain its autonomy and the right to If that WHAT TO ATTEND thereon. All copy must be in shaking Benjamin hand. David izations and to sit in on conferenc strikebreakers, then arrested nine movement let see if it can move. choose its own officials.
by Monday morning on the week to unite the twe local organizations Laser. came by and told Benja es and conventions of unemployed workers on the picket line, most of she challenged the workers at her refused, a proposal can be made of insertion. Rates applicamin. think we are moving in the organizations. The leaders of the them young girls. Appearing in first meeting.
Call Mass Protest into a single hody affiliated to the tion.
right direction at last.
convention were, in fact, forced by court several days later, four of International, and consequently, to Pittsburgh, Pa. Business Manacor storm of protest the workers were charged with aswithdraw Marvel of marvels, they acted!
March 16 and 17, Saturday and So distorted and non factual was sault and battery! One of the girls when Charley Blome of the Mold the of L, with ofcials to be the report that Benjamin the next resolution which assumed that they so charged weighs 110 pounds. ers Union moved that the Central elected in a supervised election of Sunday Active Workers ConterArne Swabeek, Chairman of dny submitted a statement to the were building the national organization of the unemployed.
The Usual Story Trades Council arrange a nass che united organization. Third, the ence.
convention saying that he was sorBehind this strike lies the usual protest meeting within a week to left wing union can declare its in. Arrangements Committee.
ry the Daily Worker had published Position On Convention NRA story of inhuman speed ups protest police brutalities and to tention to campaign for the amal.
New York City Calverton such a reyde.
and that correction gamation of all the needle trades The National Unemployed League in the garment industry. Last year omke St. Louis tot het for. Alunions into one industrial organis bership meeting, New York District.
March 10, Sunday P. Memwas invited to be a part of this the employers evaded the code by Abner and all other rats, the In a Series of Lectures on Following out the new turn convention but declined to partici putting all work one piece work motion passed with a mighty vote. ation afiliatevi to the of At Party headquarters. Discussion THE LITERARY WORLD to the Right, Benjamin capitulated pate on the ground that. If such proposals But when Secretary Brandt of the known to all the furriers, and comor task basis. In order to make made on Active Workers Conference.
TUESDAYS, 8:30 completely to the Lasser Rasmus It was not to be a rank and the minimum wage of 13 a week Central Trades offered The Vagabonds a worker had to be very fast. Many ment to combine the protest meet bined with a widespread agitation March 22, Friday, P. Imsiris, unable to stand up under the ing with of President for unity throughout the needle pending Strike Struggles in the Basic Industries. Speaker 88 7th Avenue terrific strain, lost their jobs.
Bill Green mass meeting Feb. 18. trades, they will awaken a hearty Suste Grand Central Palace, 86 Sheridan Square, This system was all right in slack it was unanimously defeated, Three thousand strong the work then the sagging morale of the Clinton St. Auspices East Side 17th Ave. Sub Christopher St. Branch No. Dancing Refreshments Minneapolis Tles Davenport on scores of 30 percent in the fulan. times. But when orders began com wing and put an enormous March 24, Sunday P. Mass Admission 40 cents Subs ment of their quote. Congratula ing in faster the bosses were faced ers came to the protest meeting The soft lighted civic Auditorium, pressure on the officials of the InThe first month of our contest tions are certainly in order. Keep with a labor shortage.
To reduce the task so that more built with city money but seldom ternational including their love meeting on The Class struggle in stonelte come ons.
the West. Speaker: James Can has drawn to a close. Results have up the excellent work!
not been The Stalinist bureaucrats in non, recently returned from the overwhelmingly good.
Such: record gives New York girls could meet the minimum re available to workers, seemed far something to think about.
New quirements, meant a loss of profits. removed from the bitterness of the charge of the Left wing furriers const. Irving Plaza. See ad in this Neithes has the month been withWORKERS out results.
York has not yet reached the 10 Instead, a special group to be class struggle Fitzmaurice, astute labor politi, strategy and will try to suppress union, of course, will oppose such a isue.
March 25, Monday evening. The Protect Yourselves Against the No prize has been awarded under even the score. Brownsville branch was employed. These workers were clan who scented the militance of any free discussion of it in the un atre Party. The Black Pit. Civle We will start with the bad news mark. It will take some work to known as privileged workers the meeting, denounced the police, Hazards of Life, Join the But these ideas will make Reportory Theatre Ahner, lon.
Lillian Bord.
section 4a of the rules for the rear has not been heard from at all. not privileged, as a naive reader WORKMEN SICK AND DEATH son that no individual sent in more Harlem and East Side not enough. might suppose to be paid the mind the open shoppers, West Side a little better. Central mum wage whether they met the Judas of the workert (he form their way just the same.
They are chairman of ticket committee.
than 10 subs during the month. In quota or not. They were privi erly belonged to the Blacksmiths stronger than the apparatus of the Friday Forums at all New York BENEFIT FUND OF THE order to make this drive a success Branch and Bronx best to date.
1884 1935 there must be more intensive conHere is the record of some of the leged to work for less than the Union. And then he suggested bureaucrats because they minimum of 13!
a federal committee to investigate pond to the burning needs of the others scientious effort on the part of the Forum at 1776 Pitkin Avenue, Organised, managed by und fer silence workers. And, in addition, they Hostile Akron The Forest City firm not only the conditions! indicate the only way to save the Brooklyn, under auspices of Branch workers with only one purpose: to commdes and friends out in the had greeted this proposal.
Allentown violated the agreement it field. Anyone, almost, who will Curriers organization from the de Edith Phillips reached with the workers in the Boston burning of Branch headquarters. render protection to members and concentrate his efforts in this diWatch New Militant for notice of their families, and to support all Buffalo strike in 1933, but it hired a nation Exdith Phillips, whose experience sections of the Industrial Union.
rection can qualify for the section Columbus ally notorious strike breaking agopening of new headquarters.
endeavors and struggles for the 4a prize next month. Pledge your Chicago 394 ency, tbe Ahner Agency, and observation in the class strugNEW HEADQUARTERS FOR self here and now to get at least Improvement of toilers.
sometimes known as the Industrial lombave turned here that the rear NRA Batters Charleston BORO PARK BRANCH 10 subs during the month of March. Cleveland Research and Engineering Co.
1359 43 Street About 50, 000 members organized in Write us that yon pledge yourself ist into a militant trade union Scab Agencies Work Open Forum Friday, March 15 350 branches. Reserves 3, 400, 000 Tetroit to this task. We want to know Gulfport Operatives of the scab agency workers, Are you going to sit still Death benefit graded according to how many can be counterl upon Kansas City were put into the plant. for this new month Remember, by Mass Meeting Sociace at entry. Sick Beneft pay Los Angeles P. on March 31 you should union girls were not even allowed while our unions are broken up one by one. a thunderous No! anPARIS COMMUNE NIGHT ments from 360 to 900 to men Newark (Continued from Page 1) to go to the washroom two at a have sent in at least 10 subs to the swered her.
Speaker time. They were threatened with New Castle and women, according to classes, New Militant office.
10 One of the speakers reminded the authoritative on the subject of unMANNY GARRET New Haven 10 of employment and even with police who lined the hall that their employment, show that 11. 900. 000 10 Monthly assessments from 46c to Next comes better news. Several Oakland Editor, Young Spertacus physical violence for joining the last pay increase came primarily workers were unemployed in June 20 branches are keeping well in the Paterson SUNDAY, MARCH 17, P.
running on bundle accounts, their as a result of labor agitation, Philadelphia At last the conditions became so For further information apply to 1983, and that 10, 800, 000 workers 12 (But do not be misled. The radi were unemployed in December 1934. West 15th St.
accounts being paid up regularly.
Main Omce Pittsburgh 194 unendurable that a strike was cal calization of the American working The total declinepalse be to the entertainment and dancing after 714 Sena Ave. Brooklyn, thus qualifying them under sections St. Louis class is far from complete Huer new deal was the magnificent Auspices: Spartacus Youth League meeting: tc and Los Angeles even goes Springfield further. It is paid up ahead. New Long name received vigorous number of 1, 100, 000.
San Francisco (Roosevelt 15 York branches paid up to date are cheers. Toledo invariably speaks, making the fig8 What were the actual results of ures up by wishful thinking, the Central, Fast Side and West of Washington, this meeting?
Side. Others are Oakland, Boston, Winston Salem 4, 500, 000 re employed. Sunday, p. March 24th Irving Plaza Worcester, Newark, Tona wanda.
Notwithstanding the fact that no Worcester Real Wages Drop 10 Cleveland, Allentown, Northampdefinite gains can be pointed to, it Total labor income (non farm) ton, Salt Lake City. There are a (Contimied from Page 1) showed that in the St. Louis workYoungstown which was 2, 300, 000, 000 in June ing class there are mighty resourc 1933, had risen by December 1984 number of branches from whom we There are entirely too many es that have not been tapped. to 2, 600, 000, 000. The total gain should bear on this point. Among zeros in this list. By next month of up to now to secure better them are Brownsville, chicago, these percentages should be climb conditions for the workers is not 300, 000, 000. Measured against Springfield, Detroit, Columbus. Toing well up past the 50 mark. Now likely to inspire confidence. JUST ARRIVED: Bulletin of the the increase in total of workers On His Return from Coast to Coast Tour ledo, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh. is the crucial time. Sincere party to crush any move toward organThe bosses are on the alert to try Russian Opposition No. 42. employed, this gain, per capita, And now comes still better news. bulkers should get out now and nation. They are speeding up proContains brilliant analysis of the comes to absolutely nothing. AlTwo branches, above all others lay the foundation firmly by as duction to the utmost to get through an article entitled Where is the ment in living costs, per capita Soviet Union by Leon Trotsky in lowance made for the upward move wth Speak On are taking the sub drive seriously suring the party press a wide cle the season before trouble enn de Stalinist bureaucracy leading the purchasing power has positively and doing some of the vital spadeculation and adequate finances.
work in building our party. Those start sending in subs today!
velop. Although there is sentiment as well as other declined.
branches are Minneapolis and Dav. It is up to you to make next doubtful whether it can crystallize Also Received Extra Copies No. 41 for unloplantion and strike It Is shorter Items Does this proposition seem inenport. Already they have reached month results better!
credible? Then consult the NRA soon enough to produce widespread Devoted to the appraisal of own estimates. In June 1933 the atrike struggles in the present sen events in connection with the national income, adjusted for coat The Aftermath of the San Francisco General Strike NEW MILITANT son.
Kirov assassination of Living, stood at 5, 700, 000, 000 Criminal Syndicalism and the Sacramento Case West 15th St. New York City What is needed in Detrolt ta Indivkdual copy sells for 20 cents. In December 1834. adfusted for Please enter my name for one year, 00: months, 65c. group of trade union militants who Bundle orders 15 cents per copy. dost of living, the national Income Visit to Tom Mooney Xame are not bound by a cut and dried Subscription rate 00 per year. stood at 5, 000, 000, 000. These en formula, but approach the problems Order your copy now!
Agricultural Strikers and Vigilantes timates are extremely conservative Address of the auto workers in a realistle from Sara Weber, co New Inter Conservative as they are, they show Eple Planners and Utopians City State.
fashion. Only such a group with national, West 15th St. that the new deal to date has a fighting class policy enn lend the Russian Bulletin Orried by Plon towered living standards which The Rise of the Workers Party of the Add 15 to above for sample copy of the New International way to the formation of a power eer Publishers, 96 Fifth Avenue, were already shamefully low. Not am interested in joining the Workers Party of the ful Industrial union in the auto in New York City and other leading all the apologies in the NRA bag Tlekets to Advano 15 cents, West 15th Street (3rd floor)
book wtores of tricks cha wipe out this fact.
wonld be are Contest Note corres branches. 0 leader. When she appealed to the Labor Income Green Views Auto Failure Waukega JAMES CANNON The Class Struggle in the West