BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFascismHitlerImperialismIndividualismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertySocialismSovietStalinStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE The Set Up left jabs ARE. Elevator Strike History In Newspaper Headlines Washington News Letter of salvation for them. It has, for the moment, saved NEW MILITANT and strengthened monopoly capitalism. Corporation profits have grown under Roosevelt, friend of the with which is merged forgotten mau. But in this period of capitalist deTHE MILITANT velopment profits can be maintained only by forcing Relahod weekly by the Workers Party of the down the standards of the masses. Thuy Roc8evelt Wekt 16th Street, New York City himself now leads a new drive to force the unemPhone: Algonquin 9058 ployed to work an average of eleven dollar a week. How can the rebellion of the man, of the By BILL SHERMAN Pabered as second class mall matter at the Post Office unions, of the unemployed kagues, be kept down Now York, under the act of March 3, 1879. Make it appear that it is unpatriotic to offer realThe New Tile tance, that only reds. foreigners, agents of enemy The column appears today under JAMES CANNON.
Editor powers, are inspiring opposition to the slave wage Its new title, Lett Jaba, sent in by HARRY HOWE. Associate Editor standards. Philadelphia, who wins the HAWTHORNE WINNHIR. Business Manager Thus the Roosevelt Administration tell, since it prize of a year subecription to SUBSCRIPTION RATES: will not fight big capital on behalf of higher standthe New Militant. We again wish and for the workers, is chiefly responsible for the to thank the many readers who sent In the United States 00 per year; 650 six months.
present anti union terror campaign, despite its here!
in suggestions for the title, and Canada and Foreign. 50 per year: 75c six months.
pretensions and despite the fact that it may be emtrust that all will continue with Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
barried by some of the cruder attempts to put contributions that will make LEFT down labor rebellion JABS the best column in the New Tal. SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1985 No. 11 In the second place, the International situatfon is Millant.
tense. Stick pin into the map at random almost anywhere and you are likely to hit a spot where My Contry Tis of Theo The Reason for Hearst war may soon break out. The mawe must be Dey We Communists yield to no one chologised and terrorized into submission to wyrin our love of our country. It 18 plans. They must not be permitted to stop the GREEN because we love vur country that howling for blood of foreigners and reds. schemes of the war mongers for making profits out we support the Workers B1.
Among whom one finds prominently listed in his of the manufacture of battleshipe and munitions. But Earl Browder, Dally Worker, Feb.
latest broadelde such pale plnks, with names that the masses don want war and they don care to 13, 1935.
alently reveal their foreign origin, as President Chase help the munitions makers coln profits. What is the of New York University, President Graham of the answer? Again, obvioualy. put the red or the Governor, Child Labor and Faiversity of North Carolina, and President Hutchins foreign label on any opposition to imperialist Bolshevism of the University of Chicago.
Leaders of the Agricultural and Cannery Workers Thirdly, a showdown is coming on the question of Gov. John Slatom of Georgia came up No th to speak to the Union on trial in Sacramento, California, for strike union recognition in the big industries. new strike President of the Federation of the aativities last year, and agricultural workers being wave has begun. The leaders of the of themshot in another strike a few miles away.
selves are compelled to moan that Roosevelt has Bar. The Child Labor Amendment Impoverished share croppers and their leaders in betrayed them, though the next moment they fondly was his chief tople, and the SouthArkansas terrorized by vigilantes and the courts. embrace him. How stop the organizing work in the em gentleman got blue in the face denouncing it It is hard to trice Sluteen members of the Drivers Union in Fargo baste industriee? How prevent strikes? How smash a difference between this suggesN. found guilty of rloting on the basis of pickstrikes when they break out?
tion and the extremist decreas of sting ineldent in which policemanhandled several Vigorous prganizing work and the strike struggles Bolshevism under Lenin, which de strikers, but no one else suffered a scratch.
without which the workers in the basic industriee atroyed the integrity of the family new barrage of injunction against unions and cannot get strong and militant unions will be carried and made children the wards of strikers in all sections of the country.
BI Green: An getting too rough, Franklin?
out only by the progressive, Aghting clements in the the State, declared the Governor.
The state of Arkansas, proposing to pas a law unicans. Pin the red label on every progressive and What can be said of this history? Our Hope and Strength under which the mere possession of a radical book militant, therefore. Try to prejudice the workers against them. Isolate the militants from the masses.
The constant use of the strike or pamphlet by an individual would subject him to a long term in jail, and its poission by a school This is the game of the wage catters who are trying threat serves one purpose, it helps Roosevelt is our hope and such as Commonwealth Labor College would more to force the workers into complete slavery.
keep the union in the publlo eye strength, says President Bill Green Its dissolution.
How combat the capitalists attack and thwart and gives an impetus to organize of the of Dan Tohle tion.
of the Teamstery Unlon presenta Billa in stato legislature requiring teachers and their schemes? The best defense is a strong offenBut! The same constant threat, Jim Harley with a check of 10. 000 even students to take onths of loyalty.
Bills in Congress to Anger print everybody. Bills Build the unions in every trade and industry! NEW YORK. The elevator Nov. 19 Sudden Strike Call Ex keeping the workers at a high pitch as a mark of appreciation of what of expectancy, can have the most the Roosevelt administration has to deport aliens.
Build the left progressive movement in the unions, strike has been postponed this is pected.
destructive reaction unless the done for labor. President RoosPrivate organizations such as the American Legion since only thus can the unions themselves be built the latest news, and has been the Nov. 20 Mayor La Guardia (the threat is actually carried out. There evelt new relief scheme calls for and the Elks openly organising vast propaganda cam. Build the Unemployed Leagues! Bind the unions nonths. short history of local the last three friend of labor) Bars Strike.
latest news is a certain point beyond which the wage cuts and provides a maximum rescas against all progressive and radical ideas, and and the leagues closely together!
Nov. 21 Arbitration Pact Signed enthusiasm of the workers turns of 50 per month per family.
wedretly organizing vigilante squads.
Strike and demonstrate militantly against wareers International Union is given in 82B of the Building Service Work(it was not signed by the union) cold, and they quit the union, if it Gawd, what ope and strength!
Against whom And what the widespread camcuts, for wage increases, for the 30 hour week, for the headlines: Dec. 29. Bambrick Threatens remains Inactive, as rapidly as they Bill Reich.
paign of terror and red badting aimed the right to organize!
Joined it.
Against Individuals and organizations which have Oct. 17 Tie Up Threatens GarBuild a great nation wide Non Partisan Labor Dement Center.
That time has come!
Jan. Strike Held Near.
revolutionary aims and carry on revolutionary activThe Cuckoo Clock its? Only in secondary sense; and any radical fense movement which will tell the boss chise in pesant presented Stalin with Oct. 27 Walkout Looms.
Feb. 143, 000 Out On Unauunmistakable terms to keep its hands of militant party which encourage the notion, as the a clock which signals the hours thorized Strike.
Nov. Strike Plans Put Of.
workers with music, as Stalin picture pope tends to do, that it by itself is the sole or chief obNov. Strike Called in Garment Feb. 15 Chy Wide Strike Planout in front. very appropriate foot of this attack, is playing straight into the hande Build the revolutionary party of the workers! For Center.
Feb. 16 City Wide Strike Voted gift.
of the reactionarie.
in the showdown there is no alternative but to let Nov. Strike Called of Under Over Bambrick Protest.
Religion, Moral Force The trade union motempat is the object of the the capitalist reaction eetablish Fascism or for the Pact.
Feb. 17 MeGrady arrives prevent campaign the stionaries. The doworkers to take power and build a new world.
Holy Mount Athos, a monastery Nov. Strike Planned in Fin trom Washington to Arbitrate!
termined to smash the unions et possible and in any There is where help is needed and where help ancial and Home Zones.
Feb. 18 Elevator Strike Set for a mountain rlaing 6, 000 toet from the Agean Sea, possesses more plecovers to keep them from getting footbold in the counts.
Nov. Strike Threatened in 10:30 in 1, 000 Bulldings. Continued from Page 1)
basto Industrien.
es of the True Cross than any other The answer to Hearst, the answer to the war Hotels.
Feb. 19 City Wide Strike Called 80 tar ineffective to prosperity. Nazl churchman, says God crnot of spenThe attack is aimed at the entire working class, Nov. Strike in Garment Area shrine. Dr. Reinhold Kraum, On After All Night Conference.
mongers, the answer to the Roosevelt wake cutting ding our way back at the farmers, at the professional and technicai sampaign, is organization in steel, rubber, aatom. Postponed.
Feb. 20 Six Months Truce The lunatic policies of AAA be against Hitler, he alone has workers, at the small business people.
biles, textiles, the onward movement of the organized Nov. 13 Strike Likely in Gar Signed.
crop curtallment, plowing under, God orders for the Fatherland Why has the attack upon the unlons, upon all forms mences of the workons!
ment Area, Feb. 22 Call For Walkout Mon driving sbare croppers from the. hurchesLadies Aid Soof progresivism and radicalism, broken out just now?
The Goodwin Plan by which Nov. 14 Strike Again Postponed. dey Expected.
soll will be continued. The De First of all, the New Deal now stands forth in all BUILD THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY OF THE Nov. 15 Strike Threat In Com Feb. 25. Walkout Postponed partment of Agriculture, it would cieties, etc. may raise money for ite askedness. The masses see that it 18 not a way WORKERS!
mercial and Apartment Buildings. When NLRB Intervenes.
seem, is slowly coming to realize foreign missions and preachers that the drought of 1934 ls driving exlaries, proposes to market in up prices to the point where it may 5, 600 towns such products as BYD.
duction, transportation and commu in common with his method or his leer of satisfaction, a vulture sens be expedient to desist from contin Northern Toilet Paper, Zemo Oint nication; the defense of the prole goal. We use force if necessary to ing a meal in the offing. Red Hynes, uing wanton destruction. But what ment, Champlon Spark Plugs, and tarian state against sabotage and enable the vast majority of the (beefy Los Angeles Red Squad the Department experts may Winget Kickerice. Becluded are open counter revolution; the role people to take back from a tiny captain) could not contain his glee. think will have little effect upon wines, cigarettes, poker seta, conof force in securing the will of the minority the property which that Sam Darcy rubbed his chin contem. the President and his inspired ad traceptives and bust developers.
ploiters and in defending the con it Available for the benefit of all pigeon was a very strange bird of the overproduction fallacy; to people against the will of the ex minority has stolen, and to make platively. By all odds this stool visers. They are still in the grip. BII Relch. Continued from Page 1)
gaze from one to another of the guests of the only progressive clan mankind, so that the race may ad Mini testimony opened with a induce revival you must starve Theory and Practice defendants with whom in society, the proletarian class. vance and develop itself and term brief outline of his life story. Bom wage earners and pay the farmers he has What will you do it a majority inate a condition in which millions in Sacramento, he went to the pab for performing the task. The polEducator Walter Pitkin information and misinformation stood solld against the state al objects? demanded McAllister.
to the views of the defendanta thene trying months. No, he anstarve while a few live in luxury. lic schools and was a member of icy has the added merit of driving that a knowledge of paychology is The revolutionary party will to religion, racial swered.
with respect Differs With the National Guard. He won an a wedge between the interests of essential for success in buslom.
questions and other matters not Another tense moment came with not consider the time ripe as long An interesting light was cast appointment to West Point in farmers and workers who might. William McDougal, foremoet directly connected with the Indiet the conclusion of the cross examinan majority objects, replled upon those conditions inside the competitive examination but was otherwise come together for revolo American Psychologist, who studled the hereditary characteristics which regult in the political expelled for anti militaristlo views tonary action.
ment. But he now ruled that Gold ation. McAllister sneeringly put But suppose majority of cap backwardness or even its most de which he developed through study. Foreign trade of 37 generations of rats a few man could not ask Mint questions the following question. more swindled of 20, 500 by oil stock the is of relating to the same matters.
Would Try Capitalista treaties of negligible import; but promoters. Bill Reich. Oh! You mean the three percent ucation which used, for example. Last summer you told me that complete neglect of one vast market Even where Goldman endeavored ho ask Mint questions concerning workers wouncil glve trial to three percent of the wealth Mini last nagust, when he gave McAl were ashamed of your parents tons might be carried on. Bank The Arms Traffic Committee of the And would the Sacramento of the population who own eighty. the foolhardy gesture Mini made while you were at West Point you. Russia where his scale transac Arms Control League of Nations hle understanding of revolutionary those capitalists who refused to ac shot back.
principles connected directly with cept the new government and That right, said McAllister.
lister an open statement of his be Will you explain that? ask Mc ing? Increased centralization of the matters in the Indictment, Mc fought to defend their property? their places, answered Min.
liefs and allation.
credit in the hand of a government League of Nations was holding one Allister interposed objections at Ho disclosed that he had never Sure! answered Minl. They dominated Federal Reserve Board of those endless discussions on It would, answered Mini.
every point. These objections, People Versus Property read single Communist Party are ordinary workers and the pro to the end that monopoly Anance draft was the subject. Fascist Raising his voice to shout and We ll just have to put them in pamphlet or Communist Interne paganda the officers fed me at West capitalism may function with fewer admiral said that italy prefers the combined with the judge rulings, waving his finger in the air, MCconstituted a steady barrage of in. Allister threw out a final remark as suppose they won tur over their Suppose they refuse to tlonal document until after the Point made me think that workers restraints. Military affairs? More, terruptions so that for the most he took his seat: indletmept!
are scum; so sometimes felt bigger and costiler battleships with 1925 convention because it propart Mini volce came the jury They don give trials in Roosh. The workers councile will use the witness stand, he had made it but now know better and am near future with Japan.
Before Minl stepped down from ashamed of my father and mother, an eye to Imperialistic war in the vides for the suspension of all of through a din of competing re la.
mark Judge Lemmon felt obliged to out the increase the workers are plain that the beliets he was ex proud to be the son of a proletar. But at least the Brain Trust is Mr. Wilson for the stremed Not until Goldman turned the label this crude remark miscon answered Mini the moral importance of the ques benceforth out of the picture. That writings of Meri, Engels and Len Was Achive In Strike witnes over to McAllister did Mini duct and to order it stricken from Suppose the Board of Directors in, before he joined the Communist Expelled from West Point, be longer be able to pretend that he nons just as for men. The French is something the President will notion. He held that birth certicates should be glven for canreally get a chance to voice hls the record, the theory being that ews. The fudge now loosened up the jurors would also be able to meets and informs the workers the Sacramento Telephone Co. Party.
sought a Job in New York, where acts on inspirations which come to delegate thought the birth certi. When studied the docabe experienced life on the bread him from on high.
again, letting McAllister go into strike the remark from their minds. council that it refuxes to turn over ments, began to understand that line. He then returned to Sacracates should go into the pre natal subjects which he had closed to Nod believing in magle of this kind, the property.
Goldman. Lemmon entire attitude That hypothetical telephone during these two deys has. comAttorney Goldman was on his feet company. Minlamwered. The gram of the Communist Interna clawles. After witnessing several did not train him for the practical birth control for arms versus McAllister now took up the pro Itary life and studied the socialist severest stilling. Min revealed such certificates required too many pletely given the lie to his earlier Your Honor, the improper re. Sacramento the embodiment of perfect Justice of the defendant Mini, ask that and never saw Sacramento.
laborious ender vors to appear as mark has been made and on behalf by boe Telephone Co. runtional, adopted by the Sixth Con instances of police brutality against case struggle, his self obtained birth certificates was debated.
that meets in Wall St. gress of the Comintern. From it unemployed demonstrators, he Perhaps the tensest moment of De be permitted to give his answer.
he read the last paragraph: Joined the Communist Party early soclalist education is not deficient. Nothing was settled, no conclusions Norman Mini day in court was He is ready to state what he thinks refuses to get out. Well, suppose the local manager The Communists disdain to in 1983. He was assigned to no The perspectives are admittedly reached, and the League of Nations Just after he fraukly stated that, about the question of trials in the He won refuse! answered openly declare that their ends can chills, and there helped to organ in league with couceal their views and alms. They work, but managed to go to Chow poor. prejudiced jury, a judge called it a day. Reviewing the venomous prose Crisis, 1929 35, by at the time of his arrest and down Soviet Union.
to some time November 1934, ho have ruled, said Judge Lem How do you know? asked Mc overthrow of all existing social against the Pacife Gas and Elec the the lack of a mass pro TU Death Do Us Part be attained only by the forcible ime succesful farmere strike cut on the leaded tactics of had been member of the Commu imon.
test movement, glaringly revealed nist Party.
The English Parliament has conditions. Let the ruling class tric Co.
Affirms Marxist Position Well, he will have heard what tremble at a Communist revolution. In responding to questions which by the complete failure of the passed a regulation making it ersMini Risks Contempt The major portion of Mini testi going on and he ll be on a boat The proletarians bave nothing to were in reality thinly disguised united front conference held in minal for dole recipients, of which Who were the other members of anony, especially under cross exam going places fast.
lose but their chains. Th bave stump speeches on behalf of the San Francisco on February 10, Jus there are 17, 000, 000 not to make your unit? asked McAllister. ination, was devoted to an explan Now what do you mean, asked world to win. Workingmen of u glories of private property, rugged tity ittle optimism as to the out jhonest efforts to find work. won tell yon, came the firmation of the Marxist Leninist idea McAllister, when you say you will countries, unite. individualism and system which come.
To save expenses, the aged inmates reply.
of revolution. He explained to the use force necessary? Do you Stands by Manifestar enabled Charles Schwab to No serious turn in the situation of the Yellowstone County (Mon Why not?
jury, in simple terms the concepts mean like a bank robber who wants Is this the part of the progom climb from the bottom of the lad can be expected during the next tana) Poorhouse were sent out to Because it none of your bust of the vanguard party: struggles to steal the money but won shoot you disagree with? McAllister der to the top.
Mind pointed out week or two. Were a verdict to be dle their own graves. None have me. for immediate demands; the cul unless somebody tries to stop him? asks.
that there had DREN great devel Blven today, there is little doubt yet dled BIH Relen.
Attorneys and court attaches, mination of partial struggles in al At this point Leo Gallagher Why no, answered Mini:opments under capitalism, but that that it would be against all the aware that Mint had put himselt general struggle: the conditions leaped to his feet, to object to the that the part agree with the system entered the stage defendants. Should sufficient pro WE NEED LARGER PAPER in contempt of court, gasped. The under which a successful revolu question. Attorney Goldman, who That right out of the Communist of deony. There must be an over tests come in from outside the Roomise of lack of synce Judge was visibly embarrassed, astion might occur; the role of work has throughout the long weeks of Manifesto by Marx and Engels! turn or a collapse into chaos, he state, things may brighten up a number of Important articles had he apparently would not have rel ers councils; the idea of workers the trial striven to steer the defense Mini added that the appeurs added, and only the proletariat bit.
to be cmitted from this seno, to Whed the publicity and protesta control of production the crisis of Aght along principled and erective to tegard revolution as an earth fed ve human elvetination. Whatever happens, the working cluding tho third installment on which would have roulted, had he the paralysis of capitalist state Iines, informed the Judge that Mini quake, to be predicted rather than med whether he had ever heard claw ean sure that te Norman Should Revolutioniste Bulia dited this young revolutionary for power; the kelzure of power by the would not object to answering the as an historical occurrence realize of a thrifty class, Mind answered Mini, It has an incorruptible ad. Labor Party? by Hugo Dehler, He intervened with a workers councils in the name of question. Gallagher mumbled more able under certain conditions that he had. in connection with vochte. We must do everything in and second article on Father remark designed to save his own the majority of the people; the objections, but Mint went ahead as human bein echt properly in het leve McAllistere made repontod but vain co defendants trom being nail articles will appear in the next our power to prevent him and his Coughlin by Dan Bistman. These taking over of all state functions follows. Suppose put the question this by these councils; the proclamation The bank robber, like any other preparation by the conscious ele endeavors to get Mini to state that roaded. Should they go to San vay, he said Were any of the of the new onder: the promulgation capitalist, is engaging in an indiments for every aspect of the he favored having the workers Quentin, it will be the duty at SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT ity of the defendants in your unit?
of its first laws respecting the er vidual act for his own benefit. The struggle.
seize Industries or banks in ad working class to launch Norman Mini slowly turned his propriation of the means of pro proletarian movement has nothing McAllister turned away with avance of the revolution. Under the fight for their freedom.
Mini in Court Reaffirms His Views as Revolutionist Fabrit