MARCH OF EVENTS THE TRUTH ABOUT SACRAMENTO Statement by Hurt Defendants SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE ter revolutionist of course. And now, according to the official pro paganda, he is also a stool plgeon. But what new about that?
By JACK WEBERE Is it not well known that anyone who disagrees with the policy of American Imperialism Arrives flict in order to step in and reap mento. But it produced hardly a the Communist Party is ipso face At a Decision the harvest at the expense of both.
Callfornia. As for the advanced police agent as well as a BOCA When Roosevelt granted recogniworkers throughout the country, fascist? Who is going to be stion to the his trove was Militarizing of the Pacife they didn even know about the Fifteen men and women are now on trial in Sacramento, facing pressed by this new discovery sa Meantime Roosevelt pursues the interpreted correctly as being aimed True, Mini?
case until a series of articles in the to 84 years imprisonment each for their activities.
at Japanese imperialism. Undoubt New Deal polley in the Pacific.
By JAMES CANNON New Militant called attention to That the trial is an onslaught on labor unions is proven by in. such an attack on one of the doedly it gave pause to the Japanese That is, he is completely militarSan Francisco, Feb. 11. The it.
tendants while the trial is going we clusion in the Indictment of the organization of picketing, tus speci militarists in the ruthless plunder sing the Pacific coast and the 1s. Criminal Syndicalism trial at The defendants were allowed to fie proof of criminal syndicalism, and the repetition of the Hearat Even more revealing is statement made to the Sacramento press lie that Mini made a conthe prelude to a military alliance, necessary foundations for properly come a central issue of the ad before the trial, despite the fact fession. implying that some Bee, on February 4, by Palomaros, manager of the San Joaquin view that was made highly plaus carrying on the colossal naval bat vanced labor movement throughout that ball for each of them was set Valley employment agency. crime was committed is a blow ible by the fact that recognition tles of the future. The preparaat the defense. But why should the country. The reasons for the at only 3, 200. Chambers and Was soon followed by the sending of tions involvo political changes a fallure are now clearly established Decker the leaders of the union. This trial is of the utmost importance to them (the bones)
because they believe the defendants responsible for the San Joaquin people who deliberately kept their military and naval attaches to the well as physical ones. Thus the and it is time to speak out loud are effective and popular agitator. Valley strike of 1983 the first serious one in that section history. own party members in jail for aix Soviet Union by the by the New Deal as applied to Hawall about them.
If they had been at liberty during months worry if they get six years If convictions are obtained in Sacramento, the next step will be fact that even prior to recognition means the change to a malnland Behind the familiar smoke screen the six months before the trial on top of it? The important thing a state wide and eventually a nation wide attack on labor unions.
the Curtis Wright aircraft concern sovernor completely under netrucot the Red scare. the prosecution they could have done much to Mint and to offer aid to the other prisoners We raised the ball is to deal a blow at Trotskylam.
had teen granted permission by the tion of the navy. Millions of is patently aimed at militant trade arouse labor and liberal support The Non Partisan Labor Defense was called in by Norman Mini, But in this case, also, think the Army (naturally with the dollars are being poured out to unionism; concretely it is an at for the case and to procure ball for one of the defendants. We dispatched a field representative to Stalinist generals have overconsent of the State Department) construct in Hawaii the largest air tempt to take revenge for the the others. But they caver had Sacramento and Albert Goldman, noted labor attorney, to defend reached themselves and that their to conclude a technical assistance base in the Pacific. In addition air strike movement of the cannery and the chance. 6, 400) for Caroline Decker and Jack Wamick, co defendants of attack will turn out to be a boon contract with the and to bases are being set up on agricultural and to bend they allowed to remain in Minl. By our appeals to trade unions and other means, we popu erang. For the accusation against Mini Is a frame up which has albote Only a few weeks before open which form the northern and the This contention was fully substan to procure ball for them? Non the prisoners with relief funds and literature needed by them for Announcement of recognition the safest approach to the Japanese tiated by the nature of the evidence sense! They had been in conflict ready called forth the protest of the trial. We have begun an investigation to fmpoach State evi Jack Warnick. And venture to predict that when Mini day la wards, Japanese seression in con simlar process at the first oppor throughout the past week of the with the party bureaucracy over dence in New York, we held a great mass meeting protesting court comes, and he takes the witHearst anti labor campaign and in support of the Sacramento The propaganda for tight trial which had the opportunity of that ball was withheld from prisoners.
nens stand o speak for himself, Rallway had undergone a distinct ening the military grip on the Phil.
to attend. The big banking and them and they were deliberately All this has been done by us without any general appeal for the blackguards who dechange the tone of Soviet diplo polos de entrendy modernen the industrial interests which stand kept in full for alx months by their funds.
nounced him as a stool pigeon will Now we must have funds Rush donations. Help smash the be put to shame.
attack of the California bankers on the elementary rights of labor.
conclllatory. Temporarlly the Japans interests in the islands of the mento are out to get Chamber own party while a whlapered cam.
When he was arrested last Auganese generals, faced with the pos discovery of Heh chromite de and Decker and their immediate palen of slander was carried on to raternally yours, ability of two such focs, whose in posits, valuable in war time. Thus associates. At the same time they over sealong and somewhat Indie ust Mint, then a member of the GEORGE NOVACK gave a statement in which he terests ran parallel only momentar it is clear that he under the are alming a deadly blow at mill creet Stalintat remarked Chairman, Provisional Committee wben ily in common opposition to Japan guidance of a President who, under tant unionism which the defend questioned about the matter: The openly admitted his membership in for Non Pertisan Labor Defense the and openly proclaimed hla ese sims, uniting against them. the cloak of liberalism, pursues the ants represented and carried into Room 731, 22 East 17th St. revolutionary bellets. He also an.
were forced to wait and move more ends of imperialism, is embarked on practice among the most opprewed party is keeping Decker in Jall to swered questions regarding the cautiously. But since then the in course directed aginst both the land deprived as the agricul ball We not due to lack of me do so by the almple device of in The representing Norman onary beliefs as ternational situation has taken new and Japan. War between fornia working party amiation of well known of section of the Call. discipline ber.
Proof that the failure to provide rerence on January 26 they tried to self evident duty and necessity. cials of the and their revolu of achtovement, and the Amer. Roosevelt the full opportunity to great working class movement and resources was supplied when sisting on the inclusion of thelr Min brought Albert Goldman them. This, of course, was a mis declalon. This decision to make and modernizing both the army this issue. Nothing of the kind tervened in the case at the request kot enough votes in this way, they tense and sought an agreement for for which Mini deserves severe perfectly plain to Japan that there and the navy, and in bullding the happened, and the responsiblity of several of the defendants. The sailed ahead and, in vlolation of cooperation between him and the criticism. revolutionist should would be no military alliance be largest navy in the world to carry for the failure which jepardizes offered to attempt to raise written agreements to the contrary, attorney of the LD. Leo Gall know better than to give any intween the and the out the greedy alms of world hege the defendants as well as the ad. bail. At first the prisoners were adopted a motion which drove out gher. The attitude of the formation of any kind to the police is unquestionably related to the mony of the American financiers. vanced labor movement in general forbidden by the to accept of the united front every non however, made even this coopera or the prosecutor. Naturally, the stand taken by England in support reste squarely on the Communist the counter revolutionary bail of Stalinist organisation.
tion impossible. The attor Workers Party, which had never of the rearmament of Hitler Ger War and Fascism Party. Indeed, tacts are already the LD. This was going a The Communist Party has said ney has never been willing to con even heard of Mini Inst August many. Thus the whole Internation An unforgettable lesson that the piled mountain high to prove that little too far, however, and Jack and written much in recent months fer with Goldman over courtroom cannot take a particle of responsial situation has become threatening capitalista learned in the last world the stalinista did not simply tall Warnick made application to the about the desire for a anited taction, to say nothing of coming bility for his statement. It reflecta to the Soviet Union. The signal war is that the ruling clase must to take advantage of the opportun Hils ball was procured front with the socialist Party to an agreement with him. the woeful lack of revolutionary for the war of intervention may be protect itself not only against the ity which was in their hands; within a week. few days later The State organization of the The conflict over courtroom tac education as well as the spirit of given at any moment.
rival imperialista abroad, but also they worked deliberately to play the took Decker out on in California participated in the tics, which at one point dlared into lettist bravado ot a young member against the working class enemy Atdown the case and to wreck every American Policy home. Por just as the capitalists attempt Initiated by others to put for third defondant. Put to Sacramento case with the ing theories of labor defense which our members al merently The question of the debts owed carry out similar policies of ex. the defense movement on brose LD. woke up and suddenly dle testimony of the Socialist Party of Our theory is that you engage court. It foll flat, there was nothshame by this demonstration the and with the Workers Party. The do not believe can be reconciled. heard the statement read. in by Russia to the played only the working class under proper Sacramento boot merely re covered that they also could raise California as to the cause of the lawyer to safeguard the legal Ing in it that was not commonly working class base. minor role in Roosevelt decision leadership pursues internal and in petition of the neglect and income Dalt they wanted to They do disruptiori of this attempt therefore rights of a worker on trial, to take known. The capitalist press blaz.
provided merely the planalble diplo During war in particular the work: story of Stalinism in the Sacramen forced their hand. They didn circular of the socialist Party of that he acted within his legal for the essence of Mint statement consuls from the Soviet Union. tgonistle to those of capitalism. are sufficiently distinguished; the one day after the had portance. quote from an official ties and to try to convince a jury was not in any sense of the word, matic excuse for Justication of aers are apt to learn the leason that too cane is a story of peridious behave to hunt for this ball. They California addressed To Members rights. This does not mean com. was that he had a right to belong For each an act will be (and has exploits other peoples the masse. no nation can be free at home that trayal of the Interests of the labor use it for six months because they under date of February 5, 1936: trary, in the courtroom the attack olutionary program, and did not boen. interpreted by Japanese Hence the capitalist class attempts on trial. On this point argument is didn want to use it. The Communist Party conmilitarism and German fascism as to guarantee its rear (et home) to unnecessary and superfluous, the Making and Breaking United Front trolled delegates, however, after dards and workers rights, the sur Western Worker, over anxious to a guarantee that they may proceed with the attack on the Soviet Unie wartime by suppressing all work facts which make up the shameful without the semblance of a united despite concessions made by the As stated above, the trial began repeated breaches of faith, and fering of the masses, the principles strike a blow at Mial, even if there ing class liberties and wiping out record speak for themselves.
and tactics of the revolutionary by a blow was also struck at all without fear of interference by Utheir Independent, particularly front defense movement. When the Imperialism. The German Tas their revolutionary, organizations.
movement for the liberation of the the defendants in the case, enor other groups for the sake of unity, Sabotaging the Caso eblatt thus stated that Apparent. Thus war breeds sclsm and the The trial began in January. Thue of the defendants who had left the LD. entered the case as the deliberately smashed the anified The arrests occurred last July. representative of Norman Mint, one of one. At the conference on workers all are clearly and sharp. mously exaggerated the import of ly brought out. Mass pressure. the statement and following the ly Washington Intends to demon working class must oppose both.
January 26, acting apparently on which is undoubtedly the decisive lead of the capitalist pres, declared strate that there is no military althe and its defense organisa. and joined the Workers Party, liance between the two powers.
factor in labor cases in the final it to be the most dangerous WorWashington feels that the interests tion, the had period of it made concrete proposals for the lated every agreement previously analysis, has to be realized by pon the railroading machine has PIONEER BOOK SERVICE six months to popularise the case organization of unitedfrontate made with the colores appels mobilize mass support and protest cendants to date.
means of publicity and agitation to brought into use against the deof American Imperialism will be we can secure any book in print. alarm the labor movement and set mobilize the mass movement in sup best served by pushing Japan Into Order all your books through a big defense movement into mo port of the defense. Under pres by Dr. George Hodley, of the outside the courtroom. For this, a That is false from beginning to war against the Soviet Union and tion. But they did nothing of the sure of the defendants the PIONEER PUBLISHERS and two of the united front and a mass campaign end. As a matter of fact, the statethen waiting till both countries On the contrary, the case finally agreed.
defendants who were present. is needed. lawyer soap boxment cannot harm the case of the have become exhausted by the con96 Fath Arome, was completely neglected and 18 The Socialist Party, the Workers polley frankly designed to her. co speeches in court cannot be subeti defendants in the slightest degree nored. Practically no publicity Party, the American Civil Liberties operation of any delegato wwlIl tuted for it.
except on one theory: that they in Was given to it in the Daily WorkUnion and several other organiza ing to accept Communist Party The attorney of the bas tend to give up the fight for the er. No attempt was made to enlist tions participated and orders was laid down man ultiSocialist committee was constituted on the the cooperation of proceeded in this case as though it of the deny memmatum. Thereupon, the were lost before it started. bership in the and deny the Party and other organizations on basis of definite agreements in controlled dologutes called for though there had been no hope of revolutionary program.
a national scale. Nothing was at writing. Everything was set to united front under the londership securing an acquittal, or even a Jack Warnick, who made an open tempted even in the State of Call build up a broad supporting more of the and LL. Having hung Jury. Consequently, he has break with the in protest tornis beyond the usual pertane ment even at this late day. Pros driven all non controllable delo tried the case for the benefit of the against the frame up of Mini, gave tory united front of the pects were good to organize a real gates out, they got it.
Calling on other members of the this sudden turn in trade union and its satellite organizations.
courtroom nudience, which con the answer of a revolutionist to the counter offensive against the capl The result of the Staliniat united sists of exactly 112 people when slander of the Western Worker Communist Party and the Young policy were correct, still nothing The capitalist reactionaries were talist reactionaries and red baiters front policy was predicted by our all the chairs are occupied, about Neither do think the information Communist League to follow them, can justify their refusal to recog fully awake to the import of the and to penetrate the trade union San Francisco branch in a leaflet, one bait of whom are sympathis he cave is damaging to the case or Ave Philadelphia comrades have nize the party members elemental ense. The opening of the trial movement with the appeal of the for distributing which our com ers who need no agitation and the to the revolutionary movement.
Solned the Spartacus Youth Longue right to democratically decide what found them mobilised and firing Sacramento prisoners.
and the Workers Patty. The new the party proletarian policy laway every day in the press against rades were physically attacked by other halt prejudiced supporters of what he said consisted of facta members are Milton Proan, should be. Then orders came from New the Stalinists on the night of Feb. the prosecution. This is the per which we have always disdained to Colton, Nat Cohen and John Brusthe red menace on trial at Sacra York: Break it up! At the con The Stalinist unitedfront verted Stalinist conception of hide. After we had been taught year Other defendants said the conference assembled on Feb. 10. mass pressure.
kin, all from the and Jed in, year out (1929 35) that social This is the way same thing in substance when the Davia from the democracy and fascism were twins, delegates were present from var fallure to organize a real mass It was a complete success LD. they try to compensate for their statement was read in court.
The Western Worker characterixIn a statement addressed to after it had been drummed into Communist Comrades, Fellow our heads that no united fronts ious elties and they never once dis movement in support of the defense. es the document as a stool pigeon agreed with each other or with the Gallagher even went so far in statement. That is not true at all.
Workers, these comrades protest against Imperialist war and fascism against the bureaucracy of the could be carried out with the trea tront defense in the Sacramento meeting. publicity campaign, The breakdown of the united reached covering plans for a mass delegates. As matter of antagonizing the jury and applying No person of integrity would sup fact, even the the Marine mass pressure in the courtroom port such slanderous accusation and cite in particular the cherous socialist leaders but only trial of workers and abor lead fund raising the barring from court Vorkers Industrial Union, and the that on one occasion, when wo. The very people who make it known change of policy on the trade union with the workers from below. aters is laid directly at the door of of factional issues, the calling of League Against War and Fascism man juror interrupted to ask him that Mini has repeatedly heen offield, the united front and the ter all this, the executive committee the Communist Party, in a state a broad supporting conference. cheered every decision to the echo. not to shout so loud because it fered immunity it he would testify buliding of a Labor Party without of the Comintern (and there has ment issued in Stockton, Cal. by The Communist Party controlled As for trade unions and other genu made her nervous, he retorted: for the State and that he refused reference to the party convention not been a or tree discussion by the rank and Comintern world congress of the the Socialist Party of California.
for seven years. wholly Under date of Heb. 5, the state delegates, however, after repeated ine mass organizations, they stayed am not talking for the jury, am all such offers and remained In Ale.
upeet our old united front policy. ment says, in part: On the successions made by the other gronpa talking for the people in the court solidarity with his fellow defandbroaches of faith, and despite con away in droves.
Stalinist polley which, for slx room. Western Worker, Feb. ant.
Cibe Lack of Democracy united front of the and erties officials, conferences began smashed the unified defense. Are we to honor the impotent gestion of the American Civil Lib. for the sake of unity, deliberately months, prevented the development How can anyone who has a decent The slander campaign against For months already we have of France as a model for our future weeks ago in San Francisco, re of a mass movement, has now regard for the fate of men on trial Mini is a shameful attempt to take witnessed the swift destruction of united front tacties? Never. sulting in the setting up of unified apparently on orders from New might have been built out of the ties?
smashed the moyement which support or acquiesce in such tac revenge on a young comrade who It was at this point that had the intelligence and courage to the chasten ble tatemente la de finde united statent of speciale tuna defende machinery including the York, they violated every magree. senuine united front committee in attorney Goldman, after repeated brenk with the Stalinist party and pert, and the robbing of the rank ele against fascism. It is a united. is, Communist Party, American ment previously made with other cluding the warnings against such methods, join another more worthy of the and ble revolutionary right to front from above! We stand for Civil Liberties Union, Non Partisan of units appeals by Dr. Georgestions. For this the will have associate himselt with the tactics 13 his real crime. For that they working Labor Defense, and several Hedly, of the and two of to answer sooner or later to the of Gallagher.
changes in the party line. class parties and feagues from top labor unions.
will not succeed. We will not let It was ruled at the last convento bottom, with unrestricted right An agreement was the defendants who were defendants and the workers of Cal Frame up Against Norman Mini them do it. We would not deserve tion, In the name of several hun of mutual critic criticism in the course more present. polley frankly designed ifornia.
If the Stalinist lenders here have the name of revolutionists it we dred thousand workers. the party of the fight for common aims. Go BOUND MILITANTS to bar cooperation of any delegate Defense Policy in Court shown themselves to be helpless ylelded an inch to such an infamous must conduct a sharp struggle back and read the records of the unwilling to accept Communist As previous editorials in the and impotent before the assaults of against any liquidatory tendencies, Fourth Congress of the Communist The first series of the bound Party orders was laid down as an New Militant, bavo indicated the reaction, and unable to organize frame up.
and expose the slanders and man International and learn what Lenin volumes of THE MILITANT euvers of the renegades who call meant by the united front!
now a collector item, with controlled delegates called for a cooperation in the courtroom. De display great energy in the crusade the New Militant will start Beginning with the next lasue for the liquidation of the The idea that the major politiprices ranging up to 25. 00. united front under the leadership of spite the deep and irreconciable against what, after all, they regard Questions and Answers departbecause they wish to strengthen the cal taak of the communists today is limited number of the following of bureaucracy, of which the launching of Labor Party series are still available at the all non controllable delegates out, the Communist Party we considered ism. Considering the case lost be conducted the Question Box they have become a part. came like a thunderbolt to us! We original prices (about the price they got it.
unity before the capitalist court a tore It started, and the defendents the old Milltant will have charge Without wiming, as if there have learnt from history that a of the paper itsele. as good as in San Quentin and of the new feature. Readers are had never been party congress, Labor Party la reformist pettyNow is the time to get your losing very little sleep on that requested to address their ques the Central Committee not long af bourgeois party what we once coWind be assured against a rise score they are concerned now to tlons to Questions and Answers find a scapegoat upon whom they department.
with a series of decrees (Dally Lenin once polnted out, all so called some of the most important arcan unload the repsonslbility for Worker, Jan. 26, 1985. completely labor parties inevitably become imticles by Trotsky and others on the results of their own Incompe The next lenue of the New Milreversing the unanimous decisions perialist (social imperialist) instru: the fundamental problems of the tence and perfidy. They have se Itant will carry Carine Decker of the convention. The comments against the revolutionary revolutionary movement which Speaker: lected Trotskyism for this role. own statement on how the Commands us: The existing revolu Marxet vanguard.
have never been published in any The fect that Trotskyism in this munist Party at first denied her tionary trade unions and their loc We call comrades who other form.
instance is represented by a de and other defendants the right to als Join the of or its unions are in sympathy today with our Series II. July 1931 to fendant who himself is on trial and accept ball from the Non Partwherever there exist parallel mass viewpoint to follow us and join Dec. 1932. 50. National Secretary of the Workers Party facing a prison term does not de san Labor Defense, and other of trade unions, or the Red strength with the rising ranks of Series III 1883. 50 ter them.
questions FA. Nete.
trade unions can join the of the only revolutionary Marxian Serles IV 1934. 50 Norman Mint, one of the defen. directly.
party and youth league in AmeriPIONEER PUBLISHERS Germania Hall, 16th Street and Third Are.
dants, quit the Communist Party SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT Even if the claim that ca, the Workers Party of the 96 Fifth Ave.
QUESTIONS ADMISSION 16e DISCUSSION and joined the Workers Party.
the objective conditions have forced and the Spartacus Youth Langue. That made him, forthwith, couc JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY.
a united Five Join Workers Party Protesting Bureaucracy on Sacramento United Front At THE TRUTH ABOUT SACRAMENTO MUSTE