ImperialismLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionStalinismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorkers Party

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1935 Organized Left Wing Task of Real Progressives inSilk Workers Union Strike Vote Sabotaged Fargo Rallies AFL Starts Drive in Akron League Wins Relief Fight By Delay of of With Anti Strike Ballyhoo fact Worker Opposed To Union Policy to such petty fraud as might have been perpetrated under the circumstances? But more important sem, how well based as the claim To Aid Strike the of the reactionaries is due to Kel ler underhand tricke. Continued from Pago Continued from Page 1)
By FELIX GIORDANO tion of the machine lond.
Every silk worker in Paterson (Continued from Page 1) them that You have to tell all HAZELTON, Pa Three weeks to achieve a decent level of knows how discredited Keller 18. ed for adequate legal defense, both. the Ise this jobles over perlod labor boards to go to hell. While five children. The work to organConference of silk Workers. This enjoy any amount of security on union, the Plain Goods Department, sentenced sixteen, and in the trials thing is done. The other two big company was hiring in thugs. months was almost heartbreaking, conference went on record calling the job the sllk workers must win the Keller clique a few weeks ago of the remaining 44 men.
unions at the Goodyear and Good Rubber workers in Akron and but the reward came on Feb. 15.
Leaders Pleked on for second conference in Rhode the 80 hour week and the closed called to elect a single man to the Sam Pollack, vice president rich plants which combine with throughout the world can only obIsland for Sunday, Feb. 17, and ap shop Every worker understands executive board of fifteen. Keller proved national strike in silk the seriousness of such a struggle strength the union does not BI Cruden, president of Local Prestone to make the basis of the tain their demands by striking and the Ohio Unemployed League, was which would not be handed over for In the face of such a serious amount to the proverbial row of 17. of Fargo, was singled out as rubber industry, have lost over halt tho quicker you realize it the bet sent into Anglaiso county, at the settlement to any Government strugglo how are we to estimate pins, certainly not among the mill one of the first sixteen. 80 was of their 15, 000 membership, and ter you ll be. He shouted to the request of the League in Waynes wild applause of the audience. Of fleld, to help organize the demon board. The second conference was the course pursued since the Altant workers who are in the pre Secretary Austin Swalde, and Hugh dues aren coming in.
Most important of all, all three course, he is rather young and in stration. When the unemployed not held but instead was suddenly lentown conference? It is a man dominance as proven by the elec Hagbes, another union official postponed for a week. Thus the outer of the leadersrip to cover up tons and the victories of the miul Cruden will be one of the speakers of the big locals planned a strike experienced, and doesn mix well Bowed into the town of Wapak, the to onll on the relief officials, nobody entire activity of the Allentown its unmilitant and unmatic pol. ment. The reasons for the deteat strikers on trial consist of printers, mergy of the workers into tu The Willoughby strike is the be wanted to stay behind, everybody conference remains on paper. icles which play directly into the the silk Industry has altered con euvers will continue so long a quite so simple as the pre ployed, as well as truck drivers, in nores the fact that Akron labor by workers for their most elemen court house. The relief officials In the meantime the situation in hands of the bosses. Such mee. In the union as a whole are not carpenters, bricklayers and unem elle campaign. He completely 16 ginning of the open battle in rubber went with the committee to the cluding the victorious milk strike dropped out of the of betal demands. The company was were caught with their pants dow siderably, and not in the workers strong and militant left wing is not conda favor.
consolidated in the silk industry. The reason for the victory of the drivers who won their demands of cause of its inaction and that it about to give in to demands for Not knowing what to do, they in leadership would flock back if strike action During recent years silk haus be nationally. We must guarantee reactionaries lies in certain poli higher wagts under the granting of seniority rights. ing and adjusting individual grlovcome perhaps the most abonat successful strike, and the existencecies, or mther lack of policies par of this same Local 173 last fall. was taken against the arrogant aboution of the company union and mediately began distributing cloth However the Associated Industries, ances.
Industry in this country, with the of our union, the American Poder sued by the present dominating Jules Amme. Secretary of the rubber barons.
State Industrial Commission, and The Willoughby Striko periods of slack and Inactivity betion of silk Workers, by immedi group among the mil founded 25 years ago and guaran. Today, as a nault of this first Bob Cramer, editor of Labor The militant strike of the Ohio teed to break any strike. stepped suces, more Leagues are forming coming longer and longer, while ately crystalling such a left wing. No Clow Cut Program the buy seasons grow aborter The Paterson Election In the first place, the present Review, also will speak this Sun Rubber Co. unlon at Willoughby. Into the picture with the approval in the county. Bill Grott, special day and shorter. Three weeks ago our Last Saturday the silk workers left wing is in reality a loose Ohio, about 45 miles from Akron, of the Cleveland chamber of com organizer of the OUL, is in charge.
Industry was at the peak of one of in Paterson elected a general man bloc with no clear cut program and Meanwhile the Fargo Central is having an effect here. There 400 merce. Cleveland is nineteen miles PITTSBURGH, Pa. Mass meet 1ta buay periods. Had a strike been ager to succeed Bu Keller, the policies, a bloc that place stress Council of Trade Unions passes workers are facing 450 scale and away. Since then, the citizens of Wings. and new Longues. This called at that time, it would have progressive who was forced to on catching votes rather than on resolutions. It does nothing in the 200 gunmen directed by the notorin all probability of short save his face by resigning three crystallizing a genuine left wing way of positive action. But that is sous strike breaking agency from oughby have seen thelr streets the formula for succem, to judge duration. In any case, the chances weeks ago; they also elected four movement. As a consequence the more than the American Federa. Cleveland, the Associated Indus swarm with armed thugs, many of by the experience of Local of the have been all in favor of the work. The left wingers in the union elements whose function was tos a member, is doing, for the The brutal beatings of 12 strik raw the strikers get clubbed and Mass meetings everywhere, includ.
The strike, ing school buildings. Butera boonuse the bosses needed the succeeded in electing asiate of serve as a screen but who in real. is in reality botaging bilers, the terror caused when strike gassed unmercifully.
workers and the workers could three organizers (the fourth be, ity played with the Staliniste for being conspicuously absent. It is breakers and professional gunmen which is now in the second week They Got Sosplelons have commanded thelr own terms. Sam Sheber, deserted the rankos be their own personal advantago, as even rumored that Green and To threw tear gas bombs at school Appears to be entering its most ser Ben Graham, superintendent of Slack Sonson Is Noar The scabs (most of schools, got splclous. Suspicious fore the election and went over to for example Sam Sheber, who was bin may try to act against the children in a playful mood, not tous stage.
only two which is backing the strik out when the strike was called) susplelous. Also of medicals. The the populace of Will them were workers who didn walk of radicals. The School Board got ob But today ablecerehe, pero todo elect their candidates to the once and who at the last moment ce te is perhaps noteworthy, that ters, but caused resentment in Ak want to leave the plant where they politicians, with the aid of sube of intense activity is on the de of general manager.
among those with have been Imprisoned for a week, stantial people, suddenly started kons of any strength except the ron.
cllne. By the time the complex In Keller place today there is Shebers are After Claberty and Shepler lett but can because of the thugs.
machinery of a strike oan be set in Williams, An outright right winger whom the Stalinists are maneuver printers, and during the present the meeting, misguided but sinan organization called the community Councils and the school motion a few weeks would with a none too clean ing?
motlone stew, more relations Philikan, Textowing candidate for at the same time, the best the permis fonin diried to the owner Hose George Roberts, who le load WHAT TO ATTEND buildings to radical organizations strike the leaders of these printera cere of field organlar, board decided to close all school workers will be at the beginning of general manager, was defeated by neither wind nor effort to discredit of printing a strike leaflet because If It could.
the slack season.
Obviously, strike call now some 800 votes were cast. He selves in the activities of the Unit Now the Drivers union alone has and aroused the rubber workers schools Meeting in the same into a fever pitch when he told would mean a long drawn out was the candidate of the largest ed silk Workers Club. who as a 400 members.
New York City where the PUL meets, the Commostruggle, with the chances for sac department in the union, and very matter of fact did yeoman service Fear of antagonising the police March 3, Sunday, P. The that must lectures and popular nity Councils operate on the theory es uncertain. Moreover, the very popular in his own department as in the fight against Keller, who has disappeared in the city of Par Thomas Quits New Truth About Sacramento existence of the union would be well as in the joint board. His were expelled by Keller, and who go. Even the back biting, reac J. songs will aid all classes in die paper, the Leader; May Split Street and Third Avenue.
Muste. Germania Hall, cor. 16th Holving their differences, and cause put in pravo jeopardy. Along record as a left winger and a mils were kept out of the union at the tionary, rod baiting struggle under the best of condi tant is clenr cut. Yet he was de time when the Stalintata were ac Fargo Forum, being forced to the workers to forget that their March 26, Monday evening The children are hall starved and will tions, with the most militant and teated. Just a short time ago Kel. cepted. Continued from Page 1)
Secondly, the activities led by the tone down its open strike breaking atre Party, The Black Pit at the continue to starve.
trustworthy lendership, puts a ter ler the take was elected and the Civic Repertory Theatre. Tickets rifle burden on the workers. When right wingers did not even dare members were concentrated Local is fighting to retain its the possibility of demoralization run against him because of the ob primarily in single department, Stalininsts Attack skv. tendency to play a ree the Right wingers hold the often from Lilian Bord, at District of achool meeting want action. not hat In hand, but by existand such a possibility can vious left tendency among the the Plain Goods Department. This not be denied in view of the last werk, defensive role has in turn worke Yet the right wing in this short sighted polley, whose goal March 2, Saturday night, Supper Tho old locals of the PUL are been due in largo degree to the and Dance under auspleosk of Cen growing and new locals are formed textile striko defeat might well election was victorious and rolled was to get immediate results, could they themselves have notrul Branch, West 15th St. Third every week following mass meetbreak the present organimtlon.
up an impressive vote. Why?
pot fail to isolate the left wing The line of strategy to pursue is cleat consistent position. This has floor) Jazz band, and tend to weaken it.
Why Militants Falled Ing.
again been evident in recent discus clearly to prepare for a Thirdly, the sentiment the Stal Los Angeles strike The Daily Worker, which broad. Inists primarily cultivated was a which should be called and put into cast in its headlines the victory of negative one: against the Keller stons among the militants on the International Workers School TO ALL BRANCHES AND effect at the very first signs of electing three organizers out of the clique, as it the entire problem York Food Workers Industrial tatorsblp, some for workers de question of the road to power. Joseph Fox, member of the New some standing for proletarian dic clases commencing. At 1789 First PROSPECTIVE ADVERTISERS real revival in the industry.
Street, corner Boyle: four for a department, alurs over could be settled on the single sve Valon, was slugged and beaten op mocracy, without defining howSecurity on the Job Mondays, P. Trade Union Please send all copy and definito the enormous vote and the defeat The industry. We repeat, has be of the election for the key post or Keller. The lack of a positive by an organised mob of Stalinisteerer, what this means.
and Organization Principles. In order for Insertion to the Business alignment of militant force 1. after Inciting speeches made Manager. No advertisements will como extremely seasonal. The the union by claiming traud in the lustrated in the fact that the work: Kramberg, Beal and other officials favor mass labor party organe by At present the majority seem to structor: Sam Meyers.
Thursdays, P. Marilan Ecobe inserted unless we have inform principal objective of the silk work victory, and by blaming Keller forers in the Plain Goods Department ers must be to make it more ates the enormous vote received by the gave the Stalinista bloc as big as held on Monday night, Feb 18. the ground that the alternative to At PM. Imperialism. Peeble for payment thereon. Rates on Rp.
of the randon at a membership meet. Ited on federated baster, same on nomics. Instructor a Everett. ation as to who will be responsible dy. This can be acbleved only right wing.
900 votes in the elections for the through the establishment of the 30 Row does it happen that a strong department executive board, while Business Manager.
Because comrade Fox speech a labor party is either armed InsurFridays, P. Fondamental plication.
hour work, and the definite limita left wing could have fallen victime the elections for organizer the was enthusiastically received by rection or taxelem! Some favor Party Principles for the youth.
The New York Central Branch highest candidate received the great majority of the rank and a labor party with a minimum pro. Instructor: Rae Ruskin.
Toledo, Ohio some 650 votes. drop of almost ale when he pointed out his postgram of socialization of basic in Is glying one third.
tion in favor of trade union unity dustries. Others assert that it is March 3, Sunday, P. Toledo DANCE Results of Policy and against arbitrary dlesolation of the business of revolutionists to Workers School Hall, 322 Ontario Saturday Night, March TN APITE of a bad start due to moving the ofices the New Militant left wingers were defeated boonuse In short, Sarkis Philian and the the union, 4mob was organised build the revolutionary party not St. Short addresses on The Trado Union and the Progressive Move2 West 15th Street Refreshments out of the hall and slugged him on Thu on top of the cleavage be mont. The Youth Movement and Jazz Band number of new bubs sent in and the Central Branch in New York City Phillian was endorsed not by the head and the neck. One tween the old Guard in the the Workers Party and Freelam second. Davenport, Iowa stands highest in percentage of falliment genuine left wing with a clear cut member, Lieberman by name, and its opponents, fresh cleavages and War. Questions and discusof quota, having already reached the 80 percent mark. Philadelphia reactionaries were able to expltal ened wore violence to Fox if he ter. The most crucial question for program but by the bloc. The member of the trade board, threat develop immediately among the lat alone.
WORKERS is also making noticeable progress toward the achievement of its goal.
Protect Yourselves Against the There are a number of branches from which we have not heard as yet. or the unlon still remember the ize on the fact that many members attended another meeting.
the future is whether out of these ORDER PAMPHLETS NOW Haarde of Life, Join the Akron, Buffalo, Charleston Va. Cleveland, Detroit, Fort Wayne dual and splitting tactics Mineol, Oukland, Plenty wood, Salt Lake City. Springfield, Staunton, the was the, torchbearer opplcable means of terrorling the standing on an uncompromising SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANTWORKMEN SICK AND DEATH of The officials are using every den developments a substantial element Marxist and Leninist program will BENEFIT FUND OF THE you in the next week!
1884 1935 Certain branches are doing an excellent job on bundle paymenta, Itams received a great many nega solution policy of the The crystallize.
basis for unity, comrade Fox pointPHILADELPHIA BRANCHES Organized, managed by And for Todawanda, Cleveland, Dickson City. Allentown. New Castle, North him were votes against the comput, must always rest on our 574 BOYS SUPPORT SPRING DANCE workers with only one purpose: to fight for the adoption of a class ALBERT LEA PICKETS render protection to members and ampton, Salt Lake City and Rivervlow. All other branches should munist Party, and cannot be interstruggle polleys against class Several of the men who helped and thelr familles, and to support all mako immediate arrangements to settle on bundle accounts at once. Preted otherwise.
This is vital and sour bundle will not be counted in the circulation grous because it gives new amendeavors and struggles for the collaboration and unity of action of make labor history in Local 674 The defeat is all the more danall the workers in the industry. Truck Drivers and Teamsters inEntertainmont improvement of tollers.
drive unless paid in full.
About 50, 000 members organized in And now, another week of concentrated effort to achieve our goal munition to those militants who Against the proposal of dumping ternational, far reaching strikes of SATURDAY, MARCH 16, P. 350 branches. Reserves 3, 400, 000 of 10, 000 circulation by May 31. Send subs today! Bulld up the bundle have long howled for the Indepen the membership Into the Dutch last summer, were in Albert LAR unders!
dence of the Plain Goods Depart. rade Pox moved in favor of nego the picket lines which surrounded Death benefit graded according to 1933 35 West Girard Ave.
age at entry. Sick Benefit payRULES OF PRIZE CONTEST FOR Please note change of hall. Distri ments from 360 to 900 to men SUBSCRIPTIONS 196 Fifth Ave. New York, hopelessness of achieving any protiating directly with the Interna the Potter foundry Who may participate?
In case of tle in any category within the union as a whole. tional on the basis of local auto The Minneapolis picketers were bution of premiums will take place and women, according to classes at midnight.
Monthly assessments from 45e to The contest is for individuals and All remittances must be payable firmly the craft divisions in the maining the bona fide basis for the ry Wilson, Frank Hall, George Admission 360 22. 20.
branches. Any Individual, not omployed in the national office of this Street, New York. In order to be muddleheads among the figureheads ers can only look at such manifesto the New Militant, West 15th local And there is no lack of such organization of the uporganised.
Brethren, Lee Glynn, Clifford West Doors will be closed during per. For further information apply to Revolutionists and sincere work lund, Hank Klose, and Glassen.
formance of program numbers.
Main Office. publication, may compete.
counted they must be received on in the Stalinist bloc. They certainly were a lot of tations or hoodlumlam with dis help to 18, declared Frank Blis.
714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, How are points counted!
or before P. of the last day of genuine left wing ts needed rust, as aid to the enemies of the There wasn the slightest bit of Counting will be on the basis of each month (for category 4a) or and must be built yearly unba, each of which will on or before P. the last day of We repeat what we have sala working cless, the bosses doubt about our picket lines whor. P CIA count as one point. Two halt year the drive (for the remaining cate time and again: the basis for the ORDER PAMPHLETS NOW. duty. They knew what they were ever these strike veterans were on For a limited time only!
subs will also count as one point. gories. They must also contain left wing is a policy and not a yote Subs taken on combination offers (A) name of subscriber doing and how to do it. From the THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION will be counted unless otberwise (b) name of contestant be bullt in the unlon WHOLE SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. Austin (Minn. American BY LEON TROTSKY (c) name of branch (If to be and the industry a WHOLE and What are the dates of the thus credited)
not in a single department. And Voltimos INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL drivet above all: BEWARE OF ADVENThe drive started February and Friends! Comrades!
The con TURISM!
Reg. Pride 10. 00 Our Pride 00 First Year Winter 1935. Beginning Feb. 18, 1935 will end on May 81.
has been set and the rules given.
Order Now What are the prizes?
MONDAY, 8:30 Workers Party Fundamentals Borkeson NBC RUSE FAILS Remember, each sub you send in (a) Each month during the drive will make the position of the Party NEWARK, barrage of MONDAY, 8:30 Organizational Principles Abern.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS prize of 00 in books will be press the more secure will help missles smashed truck windows and MONDAY, 8:40 10:00 Elementary English Becker.
96 minth Avenue, Now York City awarded to the Individual sending build the advance guard of the a number of scab drivers were MONDAY, 8:40 1010 American History Felix Morrow.
in the greatest number of subs American working clas Start rushed to a hospital here when the WEDNESDAY, 8:30 Marxian Economies vol. 1) Oehler during that month. minimum of sending them now!
National Biscuit Co. attempted to WEDNESDAY, 30 American Labor History Muste.
WEDNESDAY, 8:40 10:10 History of the Three Internation10 sub will be required in the year 00; months 65c. run out a fleet of trucks loaded als Shachtman.
Special combinations are listed with dummy londs, a maneuver of the (b) To the individual sending in elsewhere in this fasue.
THURSDAY, 8:30 Trade Union Strategy and Tactics to break the morale of the strike, Swabeck.
the largest number of subs for the For your convenience this coupon. now in its seventh week. The manINTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL THURSDAY, 8:30 Philosophy euver failed.
Marxism Grote.
period of the entire drive will be FRIDAY, 8:30 History and Problems of the Youth Moveawarded a prise of 00 in books. NEW MILITANT Gorillas are paid a day by 1789 First Street (cor. Boylo. branch getting the West 15th Street ment Gould.
the company to take care of scabs Annoinees the commencement of the following classes: FRIDAY, 8:40 10:10 and trall NBC trucks in high pow. ABO of Marxism Jack Weber largest percentage score in Indivi New York, MONDAYS, 8:00 TRADE UNION AND ORGANIZATION dual subs and bundle orders will Comrades: ered CATS. Picketing continues FRIDAY, 8:10 10:10 History of the Russian RevolutionPRINCIPLES. Instructor: Sam Meyers.
Wm. Dunoon.
be awarded a prize of 10. 00 in Please enter my name for night and day, both at the factory THURSDAYS, 8:00 9:00 MARXIAN ECONOMICS. Instruchaoks Ten sessions for each course; noe evening a week.
year, 00: six months, 65c.
and in the markets. Many local tor: Everett. a) to the branch making second Name. merchants have discontinued sell Fees: 00 per course, payable in three installments: at time place for the entire drive in the Address. ing NBC products, due to the pres of registration, and two 50c Installments within weeks.
THURSDAYS, 9:00 10:00 IMPERIAJASM. Instructor: The International Workers School is ready to give any additional Feebis.
points outlined in (c) above, City. State. sure of the boycott which the 250 For further prize of 00 in books.
classes a minimum of fifteen workers request it.
Add 15e to above for sample copy strikers have spread through the FRIDAYS, 8:00 FUNDAMENTAL PARTY PRINCIPLES General remarks: of the New International city.
Information regarding the school, get in touch with Joseph Carter, FOR THE YOUTH. Class in Publle Speaking Especially All books are to be selected from am interested in joining the Thirty strikers have been arSchool Administrator, at West 15th Street, New York City.
for the Spartacus Youth League. Instructor: Rae Ruskla.
the lists of the Ploneer Bookshop. Workers Party of the u.
Contest Note which Washington and Waukeran are on this lat. Let have rome word from to a very few months ago. WII. membership Into accepting the disspecified.