NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the Plans Caravan to Washington Mini on Stand Gives Lie to Stool pigeon Charge WP to Hold 16 Sentenced for Riot To Get Out Conference In Fargo; Labor Aroused Nat Paper For Jobless et: Thomas Quits New Leader; and force bis determined opposition AFL to Aid SP May Split City reactionarles who fou be more Leads League Relief Fight Fight Reds CAPITOL NEWS LETTER New Deal Is Bankrupt.
Wagner Labor Bill. VOL. 1, NO. 11 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1935 PRICE CENTS Social Security.
By JACK ELDER WASHINGTON. It is easier to understand the Roosevelt legislaWive program or 1935 than it was understand the programs of 1938 and 1984. The New Deal is intellectually bankrupt. It has come the end of its rope in high minded social experimentation, in absurd pretenses at economic planning, in the diversity of quack stimulanta to keep production for profit alive What is more, all the romantic 11 Iwalons and the glamour of fervid idealism have been stripped from ft; what remains is a series of legtelative contradictions superimposed Further proof of the degeneration of the leadership of the ComThe strikood Drivers Local 173, Furgo, D. which has been It is hard to hold back a CallOn the inherent contradictions of currying on against Norman Minl, one of the 17 defendants on trial monist Party is the campaign of slander and vinification it is now fornia delegation from trekking to on since Jan 22, is still going strong despite the macht diabolical legal capitalism in the la Sacramento under the criminal syndicalism laws of that state.
Pittsburgh, writes Comrade James trickory on the part of the bosses law and order machinery. Caravan to Washington in The proposed Work Rellef bill Mini has been labeled a counter revolutionist, a renegade and a stoc Cannon, for the Active Workers Local 173 has developed some rather unusual weapons in de May, before Congress adjourns, to represents the scrapping of the pigeon by the Communist Party prese. His courageous testimony in Conference of the party to be bold latest fight. On Monday every highway leading into Farge was pledket present its nine point program em high wage, mass purchasing power court has been deliberately falsified and his character has been pretense of the NRA. The govern attacked in the Western Worker and the Daily Worker in such on the 15th and lasting through the ed with immense signe reading: 16 FARGO STRIKERS HAVE BEEN ment, under the guise of carrying manner that it must make oven a William Randolph Hearst feel like 18th the National Committee of the SENTENCED TO 44 MONTHS. DONT TRADE IN SCAB TOWNIM Ls announced by the National Un forward public works, intends to a piker. will also be in plenary sesTo raise funds to connue its flight, Local 173 sending troupe employed League from its headdrive building trades wages down What is the reason for these gutter ethics the Norsion in Pittsburgh. All branches of Union boxers and wrestlers to nearby communities, where perform for the caravan are getting under to the level of 50 a month. It does man Mini is a member of the Workers Party. Ho left the Compaunist not too distant are sending two ances will be piren sotenal nights this week.
so in the conviction that what holds Party to join the Workers Party. That is all the reason there is members to the Conference. Au The also announces that back revival in the capital goods How much longer will the honest and decent members of the The Special Strike Bulletin continues to appear on Furgo streets Party members who can get to Industries is high labor costs. The Communist Party permit their leaders to slander and yillify such Pittsburgh are eligible to attend.
beginning soon after March it will despite Judge Paulson whlnes that Statements published in the ssue national weekly paper for the answer: deflate wages upon the courageus revolutionists as Norman Mini! How much longer will Reports on the hot situations strike bulletin. werel in deflance of the court.
pretense of giving work (which is they give their loyalty and devotion to a party that forters such of Fargo, Bacramento, Akron, unemployed, in accordance with a a moral tonie. rather than the leadership. Ed.
steel, rubber, automobiles etc. and By ROBERT WHITCOMB poned pending the arrangement of mandate from the last national convention. The office of the paper dole (which is a moral dope. to SACRAMENTO, Cal. Feb. 15. consideration of the growth of the ST. PAUL While sixteen of the adequate defense.
the unemployed.
Defiantly countering the efforts of loyalty to the cause of the working Party during the first three months 60 Fargo strikers Indicted on the Adequate defenso will come only will be in New York In Columbus, the has PRESIDENT IS CONSISTENT Special Depaty Attorney General class, since the merger of the former erime of rloth have been found from outside the strike area. DeMcAlister to Leap slander and As soon as Albert Goldman, noted and CLA. will have a pro sollty and sentenced to from two to start the ball rolling. provision 300, 232 North High Street. Calltense meetings in Minneapolis will moved into new headquarters, room standing against the prevall misrepresentation upon the revo Socialist and labor attorney reminent place on the agenda.
six months, the strike goes on with ling rate of pay amendment (apon lutionary movement, and equally tained by the Non Partisan Labor National Committee will increased tury, bigger picket lines, formed ing meer oor en We President is consistent with his pain of slender against him being of Mini, first and only witness onvelopments which are taking place tense meetings are being pushed, alons and Farmer Labor clubs. The the League urges all workers inbecause it paid wages which oper and Communist Party prese, Norsyndicalism trial now in its seventh the significance of the agitation for Hall, Minneapolis, Sunday, March starting here, is being Interested in movement to communicate with the ated to man yesterday expounded. defendants gath a partythe drift of the Myles Danne will speak before the case, in cooperation with the office for details on the probottom was later cut out of the perior Court of his native county ageous stand.
wage set forth in the codes. The from the witnessestand for the sea ered about him to pratsientis cour: Roosevelt Pened min store ticht and the 13. Minneapongemerlabor econe American Civil Liberties Union. Agram of action for the coming siz bearing on the trade union and un vention the same day.
Chicago lawyer has been approach months FRA relief payments for the very the revolutionary program of Marx Protests against the administraAgain when McAllister, wrath employed work of the Party: inThe Bosses Make a Mistake (Continued on Page tion attempts to kill the prevail.
der the terms of the Work Relled) and Lenin, and affirmed undying fully indignant at his inability to ternational developments; and othtrap or bulldoze the witness, com er problems.
The greatest tactical error on the ing rate of wage amendment to bill, must not compete with prithe work relief bill were sent by pleted a four hour cross examinavate employers in the labor markthe to Senator Carter Glas This means that the governtion, the defendants hailed their commented Pilte berechten dieta wed police, banks and Chamber outcom. Mother of of the Senate Appropriations Commerce all connected with the Twin comrade.
ment must relinquish the one and One openly expressed reports of his trip to California.
mittee and other prominent senathe hope that he would be able to only device which might concelyThe tors.
574. the bombing League, which has express with equal clarity, dignity ably force employers into complyof the Union Hall two weeks ago 1, 000 branches in 22 states, warned bag with the code labor standards.
when tear gas was aimed at men, of the coming Caravan to WashingAt the same time, however, the to the capitalist system and the women and children by a mob of ton, by men and women from all goverment which is its chief adPresident requests Congress to reparts of America whose patience 18 ministrative arm.
Akron Bosses police and deputies, in an effort to new the NRA for two years. Con By Special Correspondent WAPAK, Ohio. All thelr efforts fast reaching the breaking point Workers Demonstrate Solidarity cretely, this can mean only one terminleaders. The women and kids were to get clothes and other necessities because of the apparent thing: continuation of the cartelThe Socialist Party is in turmoil. On the courthouse steps after the piled into the cellar, but the gas had falled. On Friday, Feb. 15, the ation on the part of the government ization tendencies already long op. So far it is still the Right wing session, workers crowded about forced out the men, who were lined Unemployed Leagues in Anglaise to destroy the American standard erative before the Recovery Act, led by the New York State Execu Miol to shake his hand and voice up on the sidewalk and marched to county literally swamped the rellet of living and reduce us to Chinese and to which the Act gave the off ship of Waldman, which is on the the salesman of the Western Work tive Committee, under the leader solidarity. Not two feet away stood By JACK WILSON the county jail 95 of them. offices, presented their demands.
coolle conditions. burning example of what work This stirred popular indignation The main ones were. We hold that all persons have opolies; more price rizing more offensive, but the militants and the er, organ of the Communist Party, ers can expect from the current against the authorities more than The right to go to any phy. the duty and right to perform production curtallment: more al Lofts are beginning to fight back. which has proclaimed Mini, now and much ballyhooed of anything else in the history of sician, at any time for medical the letter continues location of output quotes In short, Initiated a referendum to re for his loyalty to the revolutionary industries was seen in the great raids were going on during Some days ago the Indiana State facing a long term in San Quentin unionisation drive in auto and steel Fargo, even more than when the care. Granted)
socially useful work, under decent working conditions and for adesystem the role of the Code authors pudiate the Detroit Declaration and cause, to be renegade and stool offensive drive of William Green and after the war. All sorts of trôm Feller Jobs(Granted Free to and qunte wage standards, with sub ities. On really and truly raising to withdraw from the national or pigeon.
which began in Akron Sunday, Feb. workers were present during the cient working hours to maintain wage rates; on really and truly Sanization if it did not similarly Immediately after Mini cross 24 for the rubber Industry. gas attack dance No discrimination on any ac decency and health. We hold that belog held the repudiate this declaration. The shortening the work week, examination, Attorney Goldman Green son in law, Willam and news of the police terror count against any worker. Grant all useful members of society are President is altogether silent. As of the took charge and departed for Chicago, inasmuch as Shepler, attorney for the rabber spread among working people of ed)
entitled to adequate sustenance reorganized the state. The Right the next few weeks will be devoted unlons, openly told the Akron rub all trades. Now the public of Far Publication of a list of all without the stigma of charity: that for Section 7a, he contents himself wingers have now incorporated us to presentation of defense testimony Der workers et a MSS rally whicbo is predominantly in favor of a available surplus foods and imme it is the first duty of government with a brief plous hypocrlay.
alate distribution. Granted)
to provide for the health and hapWAGNER LABOR BILL The Socialist Party, Inc. The other by Leo Gallagher, LD. attorney started the campaign, that tho strike for the first time.
group is trying to get an injunction Goldman will return to argue of knows it can and will help Outside of Casa County, militant Immediate distribution of piness of the people of the nation.
Senator Wagner newly intro against them. prohibiting the use Mini case before the jury. Before management keep Communism from members of the Farmers Union and adequate clothing to all in need.
The Caravan to Washington duced Labor Disputes BI which of the name Socialist.
he left, several defendants had last rising and that industry is slowly Farmers Holiday Association are (Granted)
the outgrowth of the National UDwould outlaw the company unionWithdrawals minute consultations with him as beginning to realize it.
not only with the strike they have 18 not an Administration measure. Direct rellet to all on work employed Day demonstration last The California bas placed to their tactics during his absence. High praise for President Roose asetsted in spiriting strike leaders relier until the first check is re Nov. 24.
When the Demonstration It could not be an Administration the question of withdrawal from (Granted)
Before court adjourned yesterwelt followed the attack on. Commn: away from the police, especially celved.
Committee presented demands, on measure, for the President is the the national party on the agenda day, McAlister admitted he had nism, Shepler saying that We are the Minneapolis leaders who are last man in the world to expose of its next convention. That no one be required to Nov. 27, to Secretary of Labor Perkins and Relief Administrator presented no evidence linking the fortunate in having a President quickly spotted and tracked down. work for payment in kind that is, big business to the pressure of genuine collective bargaining.
The Oregon has left the na defendant Luther Mincy with any whose government we know is on Myles Dunne recently made such payment in direct. Supplementary Hopkins, the casual reception gave new proof of the necessity of BS activities proscribed by the crimi the side of the workers! This, an escape, when his life was in or surplus relief. Granted)
III, so far as It outlaws the company unfon, will not pass. So far, shortly issue their own weekly pa case against Mincy was dismissed. of which Roosevelt made The Militants, it is reported, will nal syndicalem statute, and the despite the open break with the denger.
But the unemployed are also with while the need for rellet exista, to The nine point program for N«8. No one to be cut from rellet pressure as the only means of obhowever, as it clears the path for per, the Socialist Call Norman Apparently unaware that the stal when the auto Industry code was this strike. Having no dennite un be determined in every case by tonal Unemployed Day has now the progress of compulsory arbl Thomas has withdrawn his column inists have proven Mint to be continued recently!
tration, there is every reason to be from the New Leader and presum stool pigeon, the prosecutor failed Coleman Claherty, special or ertheless have persuaded the unememployed organization, leaders ner thorough investigation. Granted) been incorporated into a Workers Heve that the Administration will ably will write for the left wing to Seven additional demands were security Bill, with these four points move the dismissal of the canizer for the rubber Industry and ployed to aid their striking broth made but not acted on. The eight as the basis: and certain features of it worth weekly. Militants are now leard charges against the lone Workers close associate of Green, then urged ers and the first signs of an unem demands above were granted AT saving declaring a split is inevitable. Party member on trial. ployed organization is making its ONCE. It was the first time the The 30 hour wook for labor.
SHADOW BOXING In so far as this indicates a rec The examination by Attorney of and quit being dumb by appearance largely because of the unemployed bed storme the eller A 10, 000, 000, 000 pabile ognition that there are real laex Goldman was constantly hobbled remaining in the company union. strike situation. Unemployed men offices.
works program, with work on the or other more about Socierin Security within the e. which must the Diy Sadge Dal mo. Temmon, who has In other words, he blamed labor are helping on the picketine, even In 1934, prior to the Columbus basis of the 30 bour week at 30 the legislative min of committee settled on principled basta, this bitherto been unusually careful to for the deliberate betrayals he had unemployed men from Moorhead, convention of the National Unem. per week.
hearings. These bearings are mere 18 a sign progress in the devel appear to be without animus made in the past.
across the Red River in Minnesota. ployed League, there was one lone Unemployment insurance (the shadow boxing. The President and opments within the party. against the defense. Lemmon had The Firestone local, containing Meantime the trials of the 60 League in the county five lone Lundeen Bill. hlo advisers know what they want! The Militants have in the past earlier permitted the prosecutors about 2, 000 members (formerly it men indicted from the 96 arrested members. The driving force has Proportionate cash relief and are determined to get it not been weak because they bave let to present to the jury all sorts of had 8, 000) has threatened to split which started last week and have been Mrs. Katie Miller, mother of for all unemployed workers and security for the unemployed, the resulted so far in the sentencing (Continued on page 2)
ged, and the sick by levying taxes (Cented on Page Continued on Page 2)
farmers prending establishment of of sixteen of them, have been post (Continued on Page satisfactory social Insurance upon the rich, but rather compulsystem.
wory saving by which wage earners In announcing the new paper, the are compelled to pay for the hazN. explains: Competent reards and laks inflicted upon them by a capitalist system.
the administration relief program, Despite all the President loose HONESTLY, we really don believe in miracles, the notion became steel and Iron hand labor involving twenty comrades who should be out rules and regulations governing the The moving van drew up to our new printing bome. boosting the party will be eliminated by this machine. It admistration and distribution of and income. no plans for changing Lets start with history. That the best way for a The riggers got to work and holsted the whole business folds the New Militant down to mall size. It folds the reliet, decency and health standthe present taxation system are be writer to get out of a jam. When the idea was first ad through the window. They loaded all the parts on the nternational. It folds all pamphlets.
ards, who pays the relief bill, ete.
ng contemplated. Neither ineome vanced we were somewhat intrigued. But we must admit floor and for all tre world it resembled a pile of yunk. And that not all. stitching machine has been pur so that you will have facts and and corporate profit taxes, on the that we were also somewhat skeptical. Yes, to be sure we Not for long, however. The machinkets got to work and chased which will make the labors of our shop complete material at your fingertips to meet ene hand, nor Inheritance taxes on needed a new prers. mountain of literature to turn out.
before our very eyes the blasted thing grow up. When it and turn out our work completely a Anished product. all opposition in your light to raise No other, will be raised; at least The New Millant every week, and that wants a couple of tot to the detriment of the Mellons, additional pages. The New International every month.
was done it stood up three times the size of our old model mechanical saw run by electricity to eliminate the ridicu the living standards of the unemAnd built for action and plenty of punishment. Here the Du Ponta, the Grace and their Yowe Spartacus just as often. raft of pamphlets and lous efforts of our printers who until now have chopped ployed in your community.
It was. grand thing to look at.
and chopped on an old hand saw sometimes hit and mostWk. If we can expect anything new God knows what else our ambitious party leaders are But no fufce. The power trust was sabotaging the times mise. That all over now and we can do the job SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION. fiscal polley, we may shortly cooking up.
revolution. What is the pony power trust to the invincible in the good old American labor enving custom.
Watch the number after your expect a reversion to the balanced There had to be a new press. The old rattletrapod power of Marxism, Maid the manager and the fulce All right, catch your breath. The story is almost over budget Ideal. When this comes it bless its memory It did its work faithfully, if not so name on the wrapper in which will mark the final retreat from the obediently for five years. It gave birth to an issue of the streamed through. Now we could see what the new press now. But stick with us a little longer. The most impor. your paper is malled. When the could do. Its fast rolling cylinders could turn out the tant part of the story is yet to come.
number after your name is the Militant every week. Trotsky immortal pamphlets were paper in less than half the time required on the old paper.
The dream has come true. Coninued on Page 4) coneelved on it. From its sturdy bed the Now Interne this number. 11 samo It could print all four pages at one time. It could cut But its really not ours, because we don own it. And tional saw the light of day.
It means your sub has expired the paper while in motion. An improvement? No, a mir!
because we have to pay a raft of debts to get it running. and this is the last issue you will TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS! But that all reminiscing. It the warm glow in our acle!
This is where you come in. We ll give you a bigger receive until we receive your roDie to the moving of our print heart tingling in retrospect for the old master. The cold Better take another slug out of the old oxygen belt, paper with a new press. You give us what it takes to newal.
lng shop the February 23 Iesue was and brutal truth is that every prers, like every dog, has because we re not through with you yet. The old saying put it out. Fair exchange, eh?
If you will send your renewal omitted.
All subscribers are as its day. Now progress demanded that it take a back seat. that it never rains but It pours is really revolutionary Machinery debts, rent, electric bills, rus bills, paper several issues in advance it will iuxed, however, that they will not (How that for mixing metaphors. Mathematically In case you didn know. We have some more machinery bills. Our past is here to plague us. And our present sayo work and expense in the wie in dena Thenant one will computed the old Jonk, running at high speed could only to knock the wind out of your sails. Filet a Ladlow ma.
troubles to hold us back. The new press is indeed a new ofic and Insure your receiving lebembered 10 sato avoid con produce 1, 000 berpressions en dor. At that rate our over chine. Just a technical name to you non printers. But advance for the revolutionary movement. To make it se the paper without interruption fusion and thus your present ex worked but complaining pressman would have to keep it means mountains to the boys in the shop. All our fa curo, to hold on to it we need your assistance.
No subscriptions can be back piration number will mous headlines will now be set by machine. No more Crudely, bluntly and without the trimmings we need dated. Back ice will be supextra Weeken here subsciptions will then the work wouldn be done. Taking all this in account hunting for spaces or brasses. No more worn and busted money. So shell out generously and immediately.
plied at the regular rates plus help us get the paper out earlier in the party brain trust got together and decided for a new letters. No more waiting for forms to come of the press Dig deep into your pockets and your purses and send postago.
the week.
press. Yes, but how? Where were the cocoanuts to come to find a missing letter. The Ludlow machine means the your donations, your collection lata, your fulAlled quotas Please cooperate. The Business Manager from? Since Moscow had turned cold on us and Hearst twentieth century has come to our printshop.
for the party foundation fund pronto to the New Militant. Business Manager.
had stopped making donations the doubting Thomases said Then there is something that will warm the heart of West 15th St, New York City.
Use the renowal blank appear.
JOIN THE WORK TRS PARTY. It couldn be done. But the imposable did happen. And the layers in New York. folding machine! Two days We ll do our part you do yours.
ing obsewhere in this se The Itional party.
The New Press Is Here; We ll Do Our Part If You Do Yours!