PAGR NEW MILITANT MATURA, FEBRUARY 16, 1935 CAPITOL United Opposition REVIEWING Neededagainst Tighe THE NEWS Greetings from the New Manager Decry Attack to dominate and capture, brings in peper organizaNEW MILITANT tions, breaks agreements, in short, cannot be depended upon for honest united action. with which is merged Revolutionary Marxists have never been duped NEWS THE MILITANT into believing that Socialist right wingers, labor Published weekly by the Workers Party of the lawyers. trade union bureaucrats, would participate West 15th Street, New York City loyally in vinted mass struggle actions, In the course LETTER Phone: Algonquin 9058 of which their own impotence and traitorons charBY BILL SHERMAN acter would fnevitably be exposed, Intered a second class mall matter at the Post Oc. But it is the Militants and left wingers in the Continued an Page Continued from Page 1) chine, nor has it secured effective who must give an account of themselves now. They be (got) ready for the afternoon.
ald for organizing work from the at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
TITLE CONTEST END With titles still rolling in JAMES CANNON, Editor line with the P. Hicht where to these multicourten past the mom hele the line pending before the National Steel of The miners who attended the joint conference were the content approaches its conHARRY HOWE, Asociate Dditor Are they going to play a typlanly centrist confusion past the quitting time. We find, In the next few days Irwin and also placed in a hazardous postclusion. Feb. 15 is the last day.
HAWTHORNE WINNER Business Manager ist role which is in direct more harmful than the to add the final touch, the prac. Morris got the axe, and instruction. They had even less of an orAB in ap. or thereabouts, on of open and avowed reactionarieel Or are they golog tice of requiring men to report for tions were sent to all lodges that canized progressive movement with SUBSCRIPTION RATES: to fighe ancompromisingly for principled united work every day and sometimes attendants at the conference should which to combat the wrath of the Feb. 17, the court of editors wil In the United States 00 per year; 650 six months front for struggle waiting around for hours before be immediately expelled. Fallure much more powerful Lewis Fagan meet in solemn wenska to Judge all titles. It will be a strenuous Canada and Foreign: 650 per year: 766 six months. At all events, once again the crying need for the belog told that there was no work to do so meant the withdrawal of gang.
leadership of a sound revolutionary Marxist party is for theth. Unless the worker the charter. Indications are that No Compromise With Fakers Bundle Rate: Two cents per copy.
Job but the editors are sworn to demonstrated. Without it, there will be no clear and shows up when there is no work some 78 lodges are affected.
On the other hand, there was arrive at a final decision before midnight. What will the new Vol. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1935 rigorons united action in the many fields which need to be done, he will find it difficult committee led by Spang which evident in the Pittsburgh conNo. 10 it today to get a job when work does come attempted to see the International ference at times a rightist attitle be? Today none but the along.
officials was met at the door of the tempt to conciliate and white wash gods know. In week from to BOSS DIPS IN union building by a squad of police the of. bureaucracy which day will be the property of the Socialist Party Adventurism PAY ENVELOPE Bootlickers No sooner does the worker earn admittance. statement by were cannot advance the cause of a mill appear with its new malathead.
IN two most important felds the Socialist Party his wage, however, than the borsta Louis Leonard declared that tant organizing campaign. The We want to thank all readers who sent in titles and we hope that of the United States now seems bent on demonMEDK and humble worm. according to begins to dip into the pay envelope, the is through with the pro of leadership must be chalthey and many others will con lenged to get to work, to furnish strating that when it comes to betrayal of the united well known rhyme, finally turned upon to extracting little deductions here gresives.
tormentor and said: It was all very well to dis and there, for the support of group Attempts of the progressives to support front, mechanien! clomination by paper organizaprogressives; not tinue their interest by contribute ing items that will help make the tions and all the rest of it, they are not to be out semble your love, but why dld you kick me down. Insurance and group welfare in a hearing before the excentive tondled to in hypocritical fashion.
done by the Staliniste stairs?
plans. These plans, the report for connect of the Arts and how to make this commor och inget parte de tine and also representative of the enIni Alarch it is proposed by elements to hold The of Foxecutive Council seems incapable forms us, are in effect compulsory yet been suecessful, although it is this sort of thing as part of its tire country.
in Washington a convention to form a non par of showing even that much self respect and healthy even though theoretically volun reported that President Green has Latest unprincipled zig zag to the lisan national unemployed organization. Hach state resentment in its dealings with President Roosevelt. tary right. Their example should not As for the workers, they met with the committee. It is oborganization of unemployell is to have fifteen votes Roosevelt, as was pointed out in the New Millan have nothing to say about the con vious that the of big shots be copied by honest trade union Volee from Philly in this convention. regardless of its memberahip.
last week, rebuffed and insulted the F. of by duct of the plans and of their man will not give the progressives any militants. Txar Bill: It is very simple to Even at that the Afteen need not be present: one renewing the automobile code without including any agement, They do not know what meanre of genuine support. How Similarly, the red hysteria must get an interesting title for your delegale con cast the entire Afteen votes on behalf of labor amendments and then rubbed it in by mak. happens to their money. They con ever, it may be that this August be fought not as was done in the column. Merely reverse the words or the employed of his state! The unemployed ing publie statement charging on the basis of sider (these plans) a publicity de body will attempt to string them ll shurgh conference by crying and presto the title appears like have never even acted on this proposal, either in elections conducted by the anti union Auto Labor vice which the employee pays for along with half promises and much Do we look like Communists. but a Labor Party decision from Board, that the of had no members in Del Not only do the employers fall delay.
hy lasisting on the principle that thin air Renewing Your Viewn.
local meetings or in state conventions. The National troit. John Lewis, Bill Green et. al. howled with to recognize seniority rights the Job Before Progressives union man Is Judged by his union Unemployed League has repeatedly challenged the leaders who are trying to pull off this raw Tage, talked about the NRA betraying the workers, one sure safeguard against discrim It is obvious that the progressives activity and by showing that Tigne maneuver, which has not been and cannot be the etc. Indeed it has done in every one of the basic ination but deliberately pursue can only build a union in steel and Company raise the red care other Titles industries cover up their means of huilding a mully solid employel organown the policy of scrapping workers they completely wipe out the entire only to Left Jabe, Red America, In the ization: Within one week the whole Executive Council over 40 years of age and replacing Tighe official family. Organization inaction and treason Red, Journo Analysis, Butting in, marches to the White House In Its best bib and tucker them with fresh recruits imported will never be established in the The real revolutionist has and looking Em Over, Read It My Let us bring the bona fide unenployed organiza tions of the country together in a convention of deleand organized labor and the Roosevelt administra from the South and elsewhere. The steel industry except by a deter can luve no other program than self, Billoney (and that from an ton reestablished an entente cordiale. Roosevelt situation of the older workers, the mined and courageous battle. Mike the building of a powerful fighting female. Check and Double gates from the local leagues on the hands of propor.
tional representation, and thus form methone in honeyed phrases said he recognized the report tells 18, is terrible. They Tighe cannot and will not fight industrial union in steel and a check, Between the Lines, PerpeOrganization. will not stand on ceremony Ia as one of the great and outstanding Instructions are doomed to idleness. These men such a battle. Neither will bu atrike against the steel corpora tual Commotion. Political PI, in such case. Its ferees wbl merge in such a hody.
of the country. Green in equally honeyed language have 15 or 20 years of life ahead Green. The progressives can do it tions to compel them to deal with What What and What Not, ColThe elements in the memployed fleld will NRA but Erint those clothed with administrative they are from 40 to 60 years of deut, organized force in the upton stands for this program. The Cumn Lal, and a host of others.
not accept that simple and straightforward proposal. authority in the NRA.
age. Their savings may last a functioning on the basis of a clear which has pursued an adventurist OBITUARY NOTE Instead, in the most approved Stalinlat manner, they week to gather a few top officials, many representing What resulta Roosevelt and big business get out couple of years. Some of them may program.
and disruptive role in steel for this love feasting between the capitalist government be fortunate and have grown chil successful fight winst up years, with its is inThe Daily Worker announces only paper organisations, and to erectadual and the trade union bureaucrats was shown Couple dren who can take care of them. steel barons depends, furthermore capable, in the absence of revo that the IR now going to organization. Why?
of days later when the F. of FATO up its that The others must fall back on pub upon a united progressive move lutionary policy, of anything but be dissolved. The obscquies will for the prevalling rate of wages under the new publle le reller and, after a time, to the ment of militant labcr in all in the same adventurism and disrup be held at those funeral parlors at dastries.
Ilon now.
As indicated clxewbere in this issue of the New which numerous other corses have works bill, aerepeing a typical Roseveltian compro poorhonse.
Safety and health do not concern Militant, the Heems about to set up its own mise.
The progressives must realize What the job for the progres recently been embalmed, namely, No called Labor and Socialist Defense Organization the Red Peasants International, the Union officials who expel militants who try to or cannot leave thelr jobs to get med necessary spade work in the local the employers. Men on the line now that they had not done thesives?
in much the same arbitrary fashion, after the First and foremost is the task National Miners Union, the Dry and the Labor Committee of the party bad formally even when the latter has openly sabotaged ganize and Ikek the boots of a caiptallet pose of injury occurs. In many plants, formed an organization of their and united movement in opposition dustrial Union, and others. We are ical treatment for hours after an lodges. The militante had not or Inilding a strong, disciplined Pretzel Polishers International Ingoue ou record for a sound non artisan defense the workers to organize, and who then turn round the machines have not been kept own and were not solidly organized to the Tighe machine. Expulsions reliablyInformed that is typogra.
proposal and had for months been negotiating with the Non Parti in Labor Defense Committee, the ruine enpitalist hencbman, are the most dangerous cidents are more prone to occur. depended almost exclusively on in. Every attempt at red baiting by itled the important initials: and other organisations on that basis.
and whameful betrayers of the masses What comes in view of such outrageous actions, Let the honest and militant forces in the unions occupational diseases hecause of local lelges or districts. But, Many workers are subjected to formal conferences of leaders of that machine must be exposed and shed a furtive tear of the stock charge that a united front is imbut send 10 flowers. The rank and organize to smash the power of this pineless and the failure of the management to was ao tragically demonstrated in vigorously fought.
possible becanse the Communist arly always wants raitorour officialdom! vigorons campaign for rein. file Rabbl, Goldstein, and the rank furnish modern devices for draw ing off fumes of various sorts, par: June, this constitutes an Inade members must be organised. The at the ceremoniesi, insisted by sexthe re convened convention last statement of expelled lodges and and ble godt, Divine, wil officiato ticularly in the paint shope where quate and hopelessly undependable lodges in good standing must be ton Stachel.
the lead hazard is great. As for base. There must be organization won to support this campaign.
the ventilating systems, they are at the bottom.
The light to force the of Investigating a Company Union The confusion caused, of neces tament in laste number she forThe Tighe machine and influence to undertake a national organizing The Consolidated Gas Company paired at long intervals.
xity, by the combination of merging got to mention that she bequentbed can be destroyed only by develop campaign in steel must be pushed of New York decided to give their CODE IS and moving is beginning to subside; to me a set of records in excellent Ing a powerful, coordinated ma to the limit. This must lead to employees a union. Being a very VIOLATED (Continued from Page 1)
that is to say, system is being recondition and well arranged for chine in opposition. Failure to do general strike action against the generons company they decillel stored and the new business man efficient working. To the a Violations of the code labor pro this has not forestalled a wholesale steel trust for only in this manner to write a constitution, publish ager is able to take time out occa do not believe she forgot; think to the district attorney by Norman Visions innocuous though the pro expulsion policy by the Tighe macan a strong union be built. membership books and to muke things still easier, run the phon for the employees. Some of the write this brief greeting to a preciation on this score and to say the Communist party and a bellever hours per week (the code Jimit) and Kional meal, and, incidentally, to However, wish to express ap is declared himself a member of frequent Production workers are men applying to the Consolidated the old adage Beware of Greeks friends of the New Militant.
During the past several weeks field will cooperate to the same exthat If all you friends out in the in the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism. The existence of the when they complain, are informed Learing gifts. deckled to investiCarn Cook and myself worked hours tent, especially seeing to it that statement has been known ever exemption by the NRA High Send us a comrade who can fective leadership in the class gate the company wooden horse.
and hours so that things should be bundle payments are kept right uply skilled employees have been belp in the Unemployed Leagues struggle New York will be called committee was daly elected by They took an in good order when the fatal day to date, bundle orders increased lined It In. Angust. Mint was a placed on sulary basis in order We need someone to conduct elepon to supply a major part of the the chemical Dept. member of the as late ng De to get complete exemption from mentary education in our progres forces.
office in the company building arrived upon which she wonld no rapidly as possible, anul as many ember when he left it to join the hourly provisions for them. Pieceive the trade unions, can you enter of the International Workers their investigation. It wasn the longer be able to pronte her le new mulucriptions sent in during rate earnings bave been averaged busy in group. All our comrader uire With this in mind, the first sem printed stationery and set out ou parture. In her last will and tes the drive and thereafter as it 18 Workers Party.
McAllister offered over an entire pay period. al send comrade or two to act as School in New York includes such kind of work the company expected nossible to get, we will soon have Mini statement as a confession. though on quite a number of days organizer of the Workers Party courses as American Labor His from the nice spick and span new an even better paper than we have Attorney Goldman immediately ob1 up. The How; and think that is saying Sected, pointing out that the defenthan lng may have been less branch. Excellent possibilities tory. Instructor Muste, Trade union which they had the code minimums for growth of the Workers Party. Union Strategy rend Tactica, incommittee wanted to know who a1something dant is ready to stipulate that he As for the code provision which Need trained forces to take advan struktor Arne Swabeck; Organiza thorized the expenditures. They Defense Pact om with the drive!
belonged to the and believed permits the averaging of bours, it tage of the sitnation.
tion Principles, instructor Martin wanted to know how decisions were has denied reemployment to many In what he understood to be its who have been without work for come in regularly to the national tals, instructor Ben Borkeson, bers of the General Council.
These are typical requests which Abern: Workers Party Fundamen Arrived at. They quizzed the memIIAWTHORNE WINNER doctrines, but that he could not (Continued from Page 1)
as secretary of the New York Tabet confess these things since they to propose for the organization.
threats of summary dismissal di the growth of the party and the nomier, American History, Elemen ports to their investigation and This plan was twice endorsed by Committee, subsequent to the cap admitted the statement as a con rected at those who might express increased preparations for strike tary English, History of the Three pasked them around. They found tesston.
an unfavorable remark about the action in many industrier skilled Internationals, Philosophy of Marx the only sains to the employees of the Socialist party. It was in wing and the ousting of the MINThe Communists who are well to maintain the length of the walt demand throughout the country. ment, B of Marxism, and His Plan were: Six thousand little Executive Committee meeting of Icy in Annonnced at a time when used offers of Immunity (6 re one of the principal ceview by the enre room is invaluable for ef. Inst September and published in the the right wing in the party is ad ported several weeks ago by the which the boRSOS mother grievincof the Russian Beveiligion their Anal summing up the comopen this coming week, mittee denonnced the union as a party February 18. Registrations will Sommittee on the socialist party retreat. Claessens himself definestion to characterizing Ministates and complaints.
The tool, die, tool of the company and called on close after the second marion was instructel to proceed with the the function of powerful and er ment as a conteston. adding that is and fixture workers, and all the workers to set up a real union the maintenance employees whore Register immediately. See page work of the Conference Committee. fective Labor and Socialist Nation Mint is a stool pigeon.
ON TOUR the current losue of the New free from company control.
Maximum hours in any one week But immediately after the state the code fails to limit are worst Por six months on one pretext (Defense) organization as imafter another the dolls marty mediale nction in response to ment was read to the jury. Many off of all. Everywhere we are told Militant or send for School bulle tin.
Labor Proven Gratitude through its negotiators, Ielayed ac. calls for strike reller, emergencies of the defendants, led by Caroline that during the busy season they (Continued from Page 1)
That was the headline in a New tion. Now it is proceeding with the. arrests and preparation for theeker, Pat Chambers and Nork worked 70, 80, perhaps 90 hours to the convention at Colom holding workers mass meetings in gitt of ten thousand dollars by the have established the custom of York paper over the story of the policy Honounced in the New Lend trials and for appeals in cases of Conklin, rushed up to Mint to in week. And always they contend. bus last summer supposedly as the publie buildings. This was done International Brotherhood of Teamer. Although the has been conviction In short, the labor form blm that the statement was a and are willing to prove men who representative of numerous unem on two grounds. First, the workers stera. Chauffers, Stablemen and the Provisional Committee, it an is an efficient Organization on a was concerned. All expressed readnounced its new policy without presstrike relief activities which the ing solidarity with Mint and de OF RATIONAL WORKERS legalistie basis plus the present iness to sign a statement express EXPERTS SPEAK were the Pacific Northwest. He has built and maintained by taxation: Tobin to Postmaster General Farvious notice to or discussion with found it possible to leave the un second, this differentiates the ley to help pay off the Democratie the organizations which had en. is conducting. It is reformist bouncing the prosecution for calling employed in that great area to their lagres clearly from Ku Klux Klan Party deficit. It might be well to dorsed tbe plan.
through and through. That will be, this document a confession.
But what do the experts who fate these many months and to and similar outfits which operate recall that when Local Union 574 Does this change of polley signify as the thing stands now, policy At this point however, Sam Dargatbered all these data recommend busy himself in a vain effort to dissecretly and enables the League of that International was strugas a practical solution? The aim rupt Unemployed League in Ohlol to undermine their influence as orgling ably al change in the method of or any defense organization con cy. district organizer of the pllclty of their scheme was given the floor and indicated in the open and consequently can all kinds of Democratie agents, the against the Minneapolis launching a permanent labor de rolled by the especially today. appeared and ordered everybody to understanding, the and turn them into Councils. He ganizations which do not operate Chamber of Commerce, backed by The Socialist party appears to be Instead be feuse organisation? Not at all.
withhold their signatures. Despite one single prolonged seasonal peak that he was going to demolish not be for the interest of the mass only help they received from Tohin The plan of the Provisional Coming a Nectarian defense organiza statement over his own signature inual show of new models should was off on a typical demagogic ap most impassable roads party and The significance lien deeper. heading in the direction of launch this, Jack Warnick has ined automobile production, an Trotskyism. After one sentence bees. Tespite winter weather and al. was a stab in the back.
Lion. The March 15 conference is defending Mini and denouncing the be advanced to the autumn, thus peal for united front in the struc mass work goes forward.
ation chiet activities for the deling organized on that basts and slander campaign against him. Warm Finest Smile to accomplish that end. The somaking for two shorter seasonal Ble for bread which netted him Shall consistor. 3) organizacialist party is volating Its agree their disruption of the anited front expect from group of experts from half a dozen stooges he has Unable to divert attention from peaks! But what more should we exactly nothing except applause From Daily Worker, which Pittsburgh the last stop thonod And brought with him. And even these several hundred attended our mass the following: Despite Tighe for five years denounced BM Green ing broad mass of worker andliganizations. It is still further trying to center attention on ings, can blandly remark. an.
an pemonstrations. To make motements. It is sabotaging and similar attack is planned artist from the attitude of the rational happened to be present and Detend that the police would break it up Green again received the commit sympathizer in meetings and pub dividing the labor and defenso crusade against Norman Mini. The Impression we gathered around San Pollock of Toledo who meeting in Carnegie North Side telegraphed Insistence that the brary. Rumors before the meeting committee be denied recognition, this possible the plan provided for portunity to take a significant step Jack Warnick The Non Partisan. workers was that they a structure which incinded in ad forward in the direction of unity. Labor Defeuse is active, although more hopeful for what the free for nearly an hour to his exposition proved unfounded, though a few tee (Steel Workers Rank and File dition to afilation of trade unions, That is a responsibility which we laboring under great disadvantages of the code might bring them than not!
future of what united front is and is hung around the doors. wave of Committee) today. Green Implled local branches on a nationnl scale, do not care to share. As before. due to the slander campaign of the wated with any salutary effects The mass meeltag was followed repression and terrorism is sweep that they would be included in the along the lines of the LL. In It The Workers Party stands for Hearst press on the one hand and on their interests up to the pres. by a three hour meeting of the Ing Allegheny County, reflecting the Executive Council Organization good days.
brond, inclusive, representative, the Communist party press on the ent.
Win this be the policy adopted non partisan labor defense organ other aganist Mini. The Socialist Branch devoted to a serious dis the unrest among the unemployed, Is that the way to speak of an nervousness of the authorities over Plan. Green smiled warmly.
by the conference lannched and ization. It is ready to enter into party state secretary has sent out cussion of how a revolutionary in the steel mills, etc. When com outright! Fascist. Or does a BRONX OPEN FORUM controlled by the What rea united action to bulld such a move a statement accusing the o party funetions in mus organismittees protest to the Two Years of Nazi Rele tlong.
mayor, a change in the general stalinist son is there to think so? All the ment. Is the Socialist Party now disrupting the united front, and Speaker: indications point in the opposite going to rend Itself out of such a appealing to all branches to contriSingle Taxer, he fretfully answers: line also change Fascists into An Old American Custom There isn anything can do warm smiling friends? Accord direction. To begin with the old movement? Above all, what are bute to the LD. Sacramento LUDWIG LORE CHARLESTON, Va. Here about it. Why, the pollee stopped Ing to the same true of the Daily policy was agreed to by the the Militants going to say and do fund. resolution on behalf of the (Noted Columnist) the revolutionary party holds its one of my meetings once in North Worker Browder spoke witb warm tants when they were in control about the proposed betrayal of the defendants has been received from FRIDAY, FEB 22, P. meeting in the Court of Common Side Park.
brillance. Green and riding high. The new policy policy to whleh they have for Local 674, famous Hollywood Gardens smiled truckdrivers Pleas of Kanawha County! This warmly Come, come, this is too Is announced by August Claessens months stood committed union of Minneapolis.
1rd sk. and Prospect Are Is because the Unemployed Leagues! JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY. much.
e Action Training School Opens Fan Violates