CapitalismCommunismFascismImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxMarxismSocialismSovietStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE THE UNITED FRONT AND WAR of workers Soviet Union can come only from to the inicldle class and to middle the November issue of Lavoro Fas Should Revolutionists Build a Labor Party in America?
MARCH OF EVENTS WORLD IN By JACK WEBER By JOHN WEST alyses of treaties, conversations. possibilities for united front ac who are prepared to carry it Roosevelt Open Offensive working class, employed and unem. Ed. Note: This is the last in armaments, war games. exchange tivities, and these should not be through to the revolutionary transREVIEW Against Labor ployed, into a mass movement of Comrade West series of four and tariff struggles, border encoun neglected. For example: If a rev fer of power to the workers can Nothing restores the feeling of protest and militant action against articles a war. strength and confidence to the cap this open offensive of the capitalist naval races, etc. must be given by the question of United States interposes, furthermore, a tremendously FASCISM DEGRADES ITALIAN Italists so much as the flow of proclase, the bosses will succeed in The firm understanding that the the Marxist press, in order to make vention will be immediately raised. advanced working class, ripe for WORKERS TO FEUDAL SLAVES Ats into the tills The American their plot against the winions. Here night against war is the fight for clear to the working class the exact It is quite feasible that a broad power, and without this would elruling class was willing to submit is a clear cut issue on which all workers power and a socialist so progress of the war danger, and to united front, including both work ther evaporate or go quickly down Int bombastic declaration that MILAN, Italy. Seither Mussoto the inconveniences of the NRA workers can be united. Our Party clety is the key to all the anti pierce through the fork of the ing class and middle class organ in the uselessly spilled blood of the the long amounced Italian corpora holding out illusory promises to thening the unions of the building the Marxist, participating actively statesmen.
the capitalistixations, should be formed to fight strikers. The imperialist state, tive system has finally been usbered the despairing worker, only so long trades workers and aiding them to and constantly in the class strux intervention. Or, in the case of a staking its existence on its great in, nor the creation of numerous Such agitational and educational war between Japan and the Soviet est gamble. Imperialist war is new fascist organizations has imdangerous period of crists. Now for long in advance by the propagenuine and effective Aght against against war. Nevertheless, none of struggle to prevent the sending of cept defeat from abroad because of logman.
as it was necessary to tkle over a resist the concerted drive prepared Kle, who is carrying on the only fforts are all part of the fight Union, united front might well scarcely going to give up and ac proved the lot of the Italian work.
that the bosses scent the possibili ganda of the contractors and con war. All the fine phrases and noble them includes anything in the na munitions and supplies to Japan. pressure at home. unless the presAt the end of 1934, Italy bad tles of an upawing of business, struction monopolists sentiments and even the deep sin ture of united front against There would be dangers, however, they have exerted the utmost pred cerity of meltints are powerless war sure on their government to sweep New Methods of Unemployed Work against war, when not actually of war jarticipated in by several par might be utilized to support en defent and overthrow the state.
Even a conference against even in such a united front. It force which is itself prepared to Unemployed agricultncul sure at home is a revolutionary more then 200, 000 unemployed.
increased from 118, 000 in the sumaside the paper concessions made In this connection our whole taskaid to the war makers.
ties and organizations is not a trance of the government into to labor and to put the workers among the unemployed assumes a mer of 1933 10 144, 000 for the corBut though the unitel front is The knowledge that this is true united front. united front is con the war, against Japan. Since the back in their places. This became new and more concrete aspect. By is hard for many, even for some stituted when several parties or u. would enter only for its own thus strletly Ilmited in the fight responding period of 1934. Due to against war, narrowly under the fascist trade union regulations perfectly clear when Roosevelt its present tactics the capitalist Marxists, to accept. Surely, they other groups set up machinery to imperialist ends, and could not proobeyed the voice of his mastera state, through Roosevelt, offers ns reel, there is something important carry ont certain speelfle aetivities perly defend the Soviet Union, stood, the analysis of war shows of 1926, which safeguard the em(Ford, Sloan, Swope, etc. and a means of uniting the employed in common between us and the non. in common.
ployers, wages have sunk constantMarxists would be required to op that actually every successfully blocked the attempt organize and the unemployed in a common revolutionary millions from both earried through united front is an ly to lower levels. Collective barWe have already sen that there ise the government in such the unorganized workers in the struggle. It becomes clearer than the working class and the middle 10 such thing as a programmat an eventuality as implacably sin advance in the Akht against war.
gaining means in practice only the maes production industriennateel ever to the employed workers that cluss who oppose war. At least we went tront, either ragautost in This is the answer to those who regulation of wages by the state.
autos, machinery by legalizing the it is necessary to secure coopera agree in our opposition to imper war or on any other matter.
company union. Roosevelt was section of the winemployed. The emlalisi war, in our realization of its onded In his attack on independent ployed workers must, through their barlurons cruelty and borror, anded front of any kind can be consti capitalist state.
It is moreover true that no unit the working mare, not from the class ininded workers; and conclude cista the average wage decreased untonium hy the class collaboration unions, offer every help to organize in our earnest wish to put an end tuted uninst war in general. This therefrom that we must bulld paci 20 percent in 1927, 10 percent more policies of those lackeys of capital the unorganized in relief workers to it. Can we not all unite on this follows from the fact that only the be properly formed on other occaUnited front agreements might fist Lengues 10 publish pacifist litin 1928, and in 1930 a further per ort.
ism, the of bureaucracy, unions as auxiliaries to the regular basis, leaving other erature and make pacifist speeches But the next move of the capitalist untour. Our answer to the attempt aside? Thus we may not only have against the whole social institution whether of colonies or of all groups with their own Marxist regulated on a country wide basis, differences revolutionary party is actually sions to support colonial struggles, Ry no means. Marxists approach Mine Wages Decline Since 1930 wages are no longer government in its attempt to bring of the bosses to destroy the build greater forces to defend ourselves of war and it cannot have a united others to prevent capitalista program intact.
about recovery (of profits) in ing trades unions by utilizing as against war and its destruction, front with itselt.
the basle construction industries, is tools the unemployed in the form but we will come into closer confrom alding the imperialist home them, where it advances the cause but according to the needs of the directed not against the extension of relief workers, must be the comtact with these others and win them APPLICATION OF THE countries. But in a major war of the workers, in common action employers group in the various of unlons into new felds, but at plete organizing of the unemployed gradually to our side on other ques. UNITED FRONT crleis any united front would in Unibed fronts to defend civil districts. The organ of the Federation Italian the very heart of the old of as well as the employed to secure tions.
Industrialists, evitably be a narrow one. At the liberties, to protect workers Is any sort of united front pos start of a major war crisis, the rights, to resist vigilantes, to free Organizzazione Industriale, states Fanied building trades workers. In militant strikes of relief workersinistaken.
L, the unions of the once well or higher wages for both. The recent Unfortunately, this feeling Issible in the fight against war? The capitalist state is at its strongest, class war pris. cers and defeat hat the wake level in the mining Whatever the appear truth is that the application of the seeming to rise above internal con accordance with the general interin Arkansas for higher pay urdustries declined 23 percent from lynchings by courts or moln, to 19 ances, Marxists have in fact noth united front is more limited in the ficts and sweep the whole nation force through a workers security 19. percent in the building Indusnal reorganization of American Im excellent reason to believe that our ing in common with these war fight against war than in any other into its embrace, as at the entry of program, to build an effective tries. The reduction of wages has November 1930 to June 1934, and perialism with its drive on the liv. task is one that will meet with opposers. The reason for this is phase of the revolutionary strug the government into the last ing standards of the entire working ready response. Already the organ ihat the war opposers do not really sle. It could not be otherwise. The war. The strength and very exisnon partinan lalor defense league class, Roosevelt has now taken over ixations of the building trades oppose war at all. They do not fight against war is too dendly and tence of the state are bound up been greater than the decline in. these are united fronts broad living expenses.
the task of restoring profits to the workers are seething with revolt because they do not oppose the Mbarp. In the face of It only the with the war, and an act against are honest in their protests encaugh to include all groups who Retum to Feudalism building contractors by a drastle against the direct blows aimed at causes of war, and are not willing firmest Marxist position can stand the war becomes an act directly against the excesses of capitalism wages of the workers them by Roosevelt.
Agricultural wages even in the in this feld. This means an attack to take steps to remove these causes up. The last war proved this beagninst the state. The act against and their desired for a better so most fertile centers are so serthat is, take revolutionary steps. yond question, on the very existence of the unions The Workers and the State Before the war war is almost automatically a rev elal order.
able that the government has been in the building trades.
It is clear that Roosevelt noore, is the last analysis only a trrnationalists and the pacidet est party is consciously prepared to happroaches to the middle clasciowe Under the system the lande These, moreover, provide in accompelled to create the ComparteShall the Unemployed Be Used longer finds it necessary to even screen to satisfy their consciences, organisations but the great Social to advocate a revolutionary act.
appear to cater to the of Against the Employed?
bureaucrats. When it becomes necAN ENTRY TO THE Dennocracy itself collapsed. Any The method to be used in this essary in the eyes of the capitalist MINDS OF PACIFISTS compromise whatever with the captiveness of the slogan, a general the illusions of a middle class pro and seeds. The worker tills the This is the reason for the decep at the same time capitulating to over to the worker, with implementa and in his free hours, and keeps italist state and only the Marxist strike at the outbreak of war, put sram. And there, properly underdrive is to pit the unemployed class to make a drive directly foragainst the employed workers. ward against the of unions, story There is one advantage means weakening when the state flats. general strike at the outHowever, this is not the wholomition does not compromise forward by socialists and even paestood, like every advance in the one third of the crop. Two thirds Roosevelt proposes that there shall the of leaders. only yes which even a vngue feeling of opis confronted with a war situation. break of major war would be a are real and genuine actions in the workers movement toward power, 50 to the employer, who has no be no more direct relief in the form terday sitting at the same table wage obligation. In other words, of doler, but that relief is to take with the bosses and their govern. sincerely held, glves, and this is of maltion to war, so long as it 18 However, there remain certain revolutionary strike; only those fight against war.
he corporate state has brought the form of pay for public construement representatives, are uncere great importance to the growth of about a return to a feudal system.
tion work. Under the thin disguise montously shown the door. The the revolutionary movement. It In the political arena, opposition that the worker is not to be dis resulting outery of Judas on the provides what might he called a reaching far into the ranks of government officials is evident. Organemployment, it is proposed that the understandable. But the workers tween Marxists and non Marxists.
couraged from accepting private part of the labor fakers is quite wychological meeting point beIzed labor which fought fascism wage rates on public construction face a problem more difficult, but in the resolve to end Imperialist tooth and all for more than six he considerably less than prevailing more educative, than ever before. war, pacifists and Marxists share years, is not dead, as is clearly rates in the different localities inshown by the steady increase of Their enemy now becomes the comvolved. Actually nifty dollars in common an Idea. This gives political trials before the special bined force of the capitalist class Marxists, if they make proper use month has been set as the proper and By HUGO OEHLER Fascist tribunals. During Oetober Its political expression, the of it, an entry to the minds of pacis bound up with the question of our class in order to stem the tide the terror trlbums were in session rate. The of has met this capitalist state. The bullding trades fists. It gives them an audience. continued from last issue)
menace In Its usual style, by at workers will themselves more a chance to say: You believe you tempting to use the backstairs and more in conflict with the state are opposed to war. Very well. we must be considered within the forme.
The question of the Labor Party Let us consider the question of re it is more profitable to fill with almost dally. Many socialist work kindness than to kill through terms for their efforts to resurrect an working class organizations white terror, providing the position old political organizations and disto the Roosevelt proposal so as to government must take on a more are opposed to war, you must want or parliamentary action. If we hold claiming to fight for the class have or the bosses enables them to carry tribution of illegal literature.
dance Unless this combined achieve the bald and undisguised will show you what the causes are capitalists out of office then a Le greater or lesser degree. Ontstand pressure determines in the major by shells and ammunition, but the with the rallying of the entire aims of American Imperialism. And Marxists can go on to bor Party may be the ideal instru ing in the Marxian camp are Dety of cases, the practical needs comparison does not hold water.
demonstrate how real opposition to ment to senk up on the capitalists. Leon and the which, un will be direct from the bosses or Because a material gain even in rewar must lead to a revolutionary But since this is the height of folly able to find a way out, just threw from their flunkeys or from the lation to the capitalist is just so position.
the Labor Party falls from grace. the whole question of immediate class itself through correct leader much spent, while in relation to Many persons have come to On the other hand, it is not dift. demands overboard and denied it ship. Reforms can be said to re the workers it is a material gain.
revolutionary position after start cult for the ultra lefts who swing all except in the trade unions. But sult from clans pressure but class Let us see. If the vanguard of the Ing with feeling against war. to the other extremne and refuse to since practical needs of the class pressure without or with wrong workers moves up and Intrenches Toplore the optional trend. com Perignals comente delle loro 3, 000 And many more will do so, if Marx participate in parliamentary ac today are material things and not pressure of the class vanguard the class behind the material gain This leaves another 2, 000 to be collected to the remaining period.
the report listed below we have received close to 000. ists make an intelligent and clear on, to dismiss the fator Party shosts their denial was to no avatt. means disproportion in the rela. reform and not a spark) it is alapproach to them. The logic of an with one stroke of the pen The to this day, following tion of class and party, ready a NEW PROBLEM and esCAN WE DO IT? YES! PROVIDED THATanti war stund, in carried out, The growth and decay stage of Decially a totally different struggle The revolutionary Murxists util the footsteps of the on this Every member of the organization must lead to the revolutionary tred parliamentary action only as vital class question. Both of these capitalism will cause a big variance in the captalists try to retake what Every friend and sympathizer of our Party gets hury NOW.
movement. Too much should not an auxiliary activity and to win organizations have taken a negative in this disproportion. In the growth they gave, and not what we won, Comrade Myste who just returned from a trip as far west as be expected. economie interest, the backward layers of the masses to position while the P, swingine age of capitalism, the objective it is no longer a question of reform Minneapolis and Chicago and down south into West Virginia, gives a powerful propaganda on the other the process of exposing the enemy to the opposite direction, has trans factors favor the capitalist and re in the sense of immediate demand bopeful pleture of the possibilities for quick growth of the Workers side, will, in the majority of cares, and their agents in elections, etc. formed every struggle for immed forms while the decay stage gives (offensive struggle) but a problem Because we work in reactionary ate demands into reforms of the the objective factors to the revolu of defensive struggles of our class.
How many material gains (reThe immediate need, according to Commide Muste, is a new capable full logical conclusion. But not in unions and help build trade unions worst kind. In the Communist cnr tlost to a far greater degree organizers The Beld.
all cases. And Marxists cannot af of the workers, some draw the conreuts, sad to say, we find them This brings to the fore the subjec gardless of how they came) were It we collect the balance of the 6, 000 we can tulon our Program ford to neglect any avenue of apclusions that we can help build a handling the question with klative factor, the vanguard as the retaken and are being retaken by Labor Party. But there is no com Kloves.
vital determining factor of the the capitalist in the present crisis?
of Action.
parison between the elementary MAKE IT TO DAY!
WAR ISSUE We Marxists cannot borrow many problemas. Trotsky rolnts out, not Any thiuking worker can answer Respond to the circular letter sent you a month ago, If you are a BASE FOR AGITATION anton oranizations on the econo dictionary words and use them to only in revolutions hat also to the this fairly well. In this case it the sympathizer.
mic field and the Labor Party on define things and conditions in the struggle for immediate demands. vanguard does not measure up to Thu the war issue is correctly the political tield. It is important class struggle. The word reform The degree of class pressure does standards we can may, the greater Complete payment on your pledge if you are a member.
to obtain a proper relationship he is one such word.
not always determine the success the number of these gains through Don delay. Let us prove that we are able to make sacrifices for a powerful base for Marxist educatween the elementary economic orIs there any difference in the of reformism, as the above will in reforms and social reforms, the our convictions. Pineb your personal budget. Make a small loan ir, tion and agitation. This is particuganizations of the eless which are material gains or practical needs or dicate. The state of capitalism we easier it is for capitalism to retake larly true to approaching Intelleeto rise to the occasion and complete our Arst task.
flows, and also its uneven capitalist material gains as wparks toward the middle class, whose alliance and and the political party of the bosses or thelr labor leaders of development, no abstraction in revolution, the harder it is for the with the revolutionary movement RECEIPTS The political party is the instru won by our class in struggle?
Previously reported.
the class struggle. In the growth capitalist to retake. 483. 50 New Castle, Pa 00 often follows more from paycholo8. 50gical and moral considerations than ment of the vanguard and its main every Marxist we know there is a stage of capitalism, erumhe in re One only has to look at the sick Prom Individuals fundamental difference for our class Los Angeles, Cal.
Our friend who promised sponse to class pressure were the coal Industry (favorable to the capMinneapolis, Minn.
25. 00 from immediate economie interest. Objective is the struggle for power position. Only by understanding 1, 000 it we can raise a simiChicago District 75. 00 Afactory worker who wants secur only a revolutionary Marilan party the class forces and causes for the least evit for the bosses, because italist) with past gains primarily New York District. 188. 20 its and a better standard of living purpose, Labor Party can only terial gains from day to day can ho in the decay stage reform austries (favorable to the workers)
the very expension and new mark lar amount from others comthrough class struggle and compare ets more than made up for the it with other healthy capitalist InAt Muste Dinner raised for pleted her payment and sent the balance of. 600. 00 Party Fund. 300. 00 state can provide them. teacher be an instrument of reform.
we (after explaining) use the word are bitter concessions from the where gains were mainly reforms Mae Allen, Ky. 00 or writer honestly against war can Frlend, Moneapolis list 19. 00. 2, 958. 95 be shown how only socialism will The question of a Labor Parts senso. This understanding on not only to the class presente but the two. comparison will show. on eliminate it.
ables us to label the kind of ma more so to the policies of the van reforms are relinquished easter Weaver. 00 It is, therefore, correct and neegain to denote reformist or guard.
Workers Party of the than the gains through class batA. Youse. 00 West 15th Street Tor.
It capitalism grants reforms ties unless the vanguard right or Rall. 00 Kle for immediate demands.
in Conferences against War. beats us to our point of advan wrong policy alters the problem.
New York City 00 Herman Dudeck, Oblo.
Their business at such conferences It the practical needs of the day lage) this has its ideological influPelosed find. for Can we lay down definite plans Bruma, Northville, Mich. 00 is, of course, not to form permaare given by the bosses or their ence upon onr class or section of to prevent our action from follow(for polnt 10 of Program)
the Party Foundation Fund.
nent alliances against war. not to government they are reforms: If the class as well as a negative or ing the reformist camp? We can Jane Hartford, Cal. 00 Name. tell pacifists that we are all en NEW YORK Arrangements have they come from the bosses labor canizational result, scattering our lay down principles in general, but Anonymous, Warwick, 00 Address gaged in a common fight. but to been completed for the Nite Club leaders, trade union or political, forces and at the same time driving it is impossible to lay down a line Friend, 00 present openly and unequivocally revue to take place at midnight on they are social reforms and if these these class forces into some form of march that is fool proof. Each Dan, 00 the Marxist analysis of war and the Saturday, Feb. 16, as one feature of gains are won by our class in strug of capitalist controlled organiza concrete struggle must have its tacL. Utica, 00 fight against war, and to show why the dance to be held at Germanlarle led by its vanguard they are tion.
ties formulated on the basis of Alexander, Leonta, GOT ANY LABOR BOOKS TO all other analyses are wrong. It is Hall, for the International Work sparks for revolution. Practical Such prevents the crystallization Marxian analysis. line of deJean Paul, Camden, 00 SPARBY WE NEED THEM likewise important to speak anders School. last minute change needs of the day for our class can of our class ideology and unless the marcation between reformist action Weisbroth, Coney Island. 00 write about the Marxist position on will be the appearance of not be abstracted from the class vanguard is wide awake and cap (reforms) and revolutionary action Allentown, Pa.
war as widely as possible, before Muste as master of ceremonies in struggle and the organizational and able we lose even the possibility of can be made in every struggle but Bent. Dunzer, Ashland, Wis. 00 ideological position of the class. Tt retrenching ourselves for the next every developing struggle will have We are starting a workers 11both working class and middle class the place of Max Shachtman.
Fritz Jensen, Easton, Pa. 00 brary here and would like the audiences. For example, this la There will be three Spanish num we could abstract these immediate struggle. In this sense, as a class forces and action of both. It is up Woelfel, 00 Assistance of all other branches often an excellent opening for the bere by Anita Case, Russian airs demands or gains from the position problem and not as an abstract ma to the Marxists to move these Stutzer, 00 of the Party, or of individual statement of the revolutionary po by Fred Nash, violinist, a Mexican of battle of the class forces we terial gain our class, whkh only struggles out of the channels of Friend, 00 comrades. We can use old pamsition before meetings of trade peon dance and Siberian folk dance could say all these gains are re learns by experience, bas lost by REFORM into the channels of From Branches phlets, old books, papers, every union or unemployed league mem by Sylvia Stone, songs by Einar forms. But such an abstraction is the bosses coup and with it the deeper class struggles. simonNewark, Roberts. 100. 00 Oftedahl, and three gypay numbers false while other abstractions, such vanguard lones.
thing! We are starting weekly Columbus, Ohlo.
pure struggle (made in the office of 14. 70 classes and can use outline ma MAKING MARXIST by the Settlement Dance Group as are explained in Capital are with the capitalist coup in re the bureaucrats) is fust as wrong Cleveland, Oblo. 12. 00 terial for teaching these classes The dance musle will be played by not false.
forms, the class line re forms with Fisolation) as to enter movements. from br. 83 from Keller)
POSITION CLEAR The workers are flocking into Ozzle Caswell and his band, Waukegan, Ill.
We know that reforms or social the bosses at a more advantageous which are organizationally part of 16. 00 the Unemployed Leagues. We The Marxist position, moreover, starting at P.
reforms do not come from the big position than before. material the enemy forces (Parliamentary Washington, 200 Treed lots of labor books!
should not be left in the abstract. Other features will be gypay for kind hearts of the bosses and their gain given by capitalism as a re action charity organizations, etc)
Philadelphia, Pa.
31. 60 LAWRENCE OONWAY It is the duty of Marxists at all tune telling, card tricks and a chess flunkeys. We know they are grant form is just so much labor power the latter will not be isolation Davenport, Iowa 70 233) Kanawha St. times to expose concretely the war and checkers table. Supper anded from above because the class controlled by capitallam) spent as trom numbers but will be isolation Kansas City, Mo. 11. 00 Charleston, Va.
plans and maneuvers of the imper drinks for all the hangty and pressure from below compels them it would be spent on the battlefield from the role of the Marxlsts as Pittsburgh, PA. 48 lalist governments. Immediate an thirsty.
to relinquish this material gain for in destruction of the enemy forces the vanguard of the revolution, The Party Fund necessary. Make it possible for us to announce that we have been able als professionals and others from the instruments for immediate de the day for our class given by Hire in as well as its ebbs and them and those that come to us as Total.
1o FeatureDances City 00