PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, H3 How the of Actually Betrayed the Automobile Workers Story from Detroit that Blasts Spiking Lies Printed Green Class Collaboration Policy in the Daily Worker About Printers Election AdEn Bankers Control Relief To Reduce Standard come tools in the hands of the coma mass meeting of the at pany officials. This honeymoon bewhich bureaucrats of the of spoke, he advised the presamen tween worker and master cannot last long.
to join not the but Local of s Dilemma 61. As opposed to his of Now even the of is awake tbe patriotism tbe founders to the danger to its hide. It secs declared for a policy of gendine orBy Special Correspondent Green, surely must act in the face been taught to believe in the possi itself being clected out of business ganization as the only way to budge DETROIT, Micb Less than of this sham and defiance. But nobility of gaining their demands The leaders are forced to eat their the of fakers. Only Indeyear ago, Detroit was in the throes Hugh Johnson, still NRA dicta without a union through unafiili words of last year and repudiate pendent effort will lead the unity of all printing workers.
of a crisis. The automotive work tor, was placed in charge and ated representatives.
With mixer the agreement they signed. Presto Under the misnomer, RANK gained one of the very few among Those who built the but est paid mechanics of America. postponement.
uing, they are riding toward dis from the Auto Labor Board And FILE PRINTERS WIN UNION the unorganised punters in recent were voted out by a pack of nonwho for five years had silently suf The season was drawing to a musion; tropble is brewing at the protest against renewal of the code. ELECTIONS. Solomonick and years. In the Dally Worker, they printers Stalinist fingers all of fered unemployment, cruel speed close; evidently the strike was to bottom.
The of was forced to reHarticld replace discredited Trot say the Trotskyites agreed with the stated at the election meetA New Attack ups and constant wage reductions, be negotiated to death. But the suddenly revolted. Paralleling the workers, inexperienced, were still fuse to participate in the plant skyites. the Daily Worker erects the boss that the Negro pressmaning that the policy of the Stalindats The manufacturers, seeing the elections or be bound by them; to its customary fabric of lies as a should not get the same wage in was to bury the either by inmovement in steel and textiles, they hopeful, itin did not see throngh repudiation of their company union repudiate Richard Byrd, its repre preliminary to the destruction of creases the other workers to action or by some raw denl with flocked into the of federal the tricks of their leaders. scheme, are trying a new attack. sentative on the labor Board to the Independent Printing Employcelved. In the Executive Board the of fakers. The printOn March 20, the day before the Elmer Gustavson, company un demand majority rule in the plants. ces.
unions hy the thousands meeting prior to the election, Har ers are warned to be vigilant Last Spring new deadline, the Detroit Free ion man, chairman of the elected Dillon, who recently conferred What is the truth concerning the field charged this to be a betrayal agains this wrecking crew and By the beginning of 1934, the Press blazoned front page editor Cadillac agency of representation, with Green In Chicago regarding election and the organization? This slander was flung back into be ready to steer the Independent feileral locals in the Michigan area in Don Wreck America The has told of plans to organize a Fed the assembling of the National tration came into office but a crew tive board meeting by the Negro conixation drive among the unor1. Not a rank and ale adminis bis mouth at the self same execu Printing Employees back to its unBy March, grievances had so accuit smugly assured the underpala Employees, to parallel the of Workers, is lending a big organizof handpicket and incompetent worker Involved, who had urged a gniad. The signal for such acmulated that sentiment for a strike workers, difference of opinion Ing campaign in Detroit, Flint and Stalinists. They won the election compromise so as not to Jeopardize tion has been given by the workers xwept through the industry from over an economic political philoso It is not clear whether most of other centers; he is forced to dethrongh the importation of a dozen the settlement as a whole, which of Aitum Press. By spreading this sity to city general strike was hy. No matter which side wins the una filated representatives are mand that Roosevelts agreement ringers, whose illegal ballots deter le considered considerable sort of action and by that alone, threatened at Fisher Body: the Hardly month will the Big Six workers and thone plants at Flint, Pontiac, Lansing will remain the same.
then it alle and the hours blinds for the company unton or be abrogated, the employee repre. whitee the outcome other bra menly achte vement.
Next day, March 21, the presi lay bribes and flattery. Some wentation elections volder and the voted down a motion that only later the boss again fired the Negro of the other locals be made aware whether, once elected, they are won and Cleveland overwhelmingly But the prompt action of of their duty to their unorganised Those with membership in the union worker.
idea board abandoned.
passer strike votes. The Hudson went announced he would person of how they work comes from Gus Unionism is at low ebb, and the at least two weeks prior to the the old executive Board and the brothers.
plant at Detroit, the Buick at Flint, ally take charge of he negotiations, tavson: The 16 member of the reputation of the of so bad clection be permitted to vote. Not action of the Altum shop committee At the the Chevrolet, Hupp, Dodge, Cadil and asked Collins for a postpone agency met in the council room of a few strikes may be the only one of the ten politically unconnec forced his reinstatement lac, Chrysler, Packard, Plymouth inent. Green Wired Collins to agree. The Callilac Administration Bulld. inethod by which can hope to seed online des presente voted for the thon exception Altun workers: WHAT TO ATTEND walkout indefinitely!
deliberation. Their wages went on the situation is in a state of flux; of real nk and filers present, with so called Trotskyists and two of The arrogant executives of the Capitulatka no. voted for one then soak Portal de les care two Minneapolis, Minn.
National Automobile Chamber of Five days later, March 25, the in the shop. One result of their ward any existing union. The over ministration, the discredited Trot Aiscussion. POLL leaders capitulated to deliberations: They ratified an ar whelming number of workers em skyists.
Commerce for the first time in Feb. 20, Wednesday at P. What is the program of the years had the jitters. London the administration, agreeing to the rangement under which mutual co ployed in the industry is unorgan Lie No. A year ago a few new rank and file administration Open mass meeting op Two Years of Roosevelt. Speaker: Hededitors were bombarding the Decreation of the Automobile Labor operation will be exercised in a ized.
hundred workers got together. The most conspicuous thing about lund.
trolt papers with questions. In the lord and proportional representar study of changes of wage and bonus Now is the time the left wing Out the hundred and you are the union election was the lack of ters, 631 3rd Ave.
At new branch headquarWhite House Roosevelt was spend must establish for itself a base at nearer the truth.
By the untiring a program on the part these peoIt is plain that these agencies, every point or entrance, must en efforts of these few Trotskyists ple. The says they will warming Party In new Feh. 23, Saturday evening Houseing sleepless nights and working the company uniou, and signed an overtime.
agreement which made absolutely Dane Today no provision for union recognition, no organization behind them be tnre developments.
hundred. The leadership of pig eye. Every shop they were the fell into the hands of a assigned to since the union was oring, cards and refreshments.
Today Detroit is quiet. The pahours, wages or anything else.
mission 15c.
pers gleefully record the change The strike was called off. The group of Trotskyltes expelled from canized was lost and the workers Allentown, Pa.
and point out the peaceable nature workers, many of whom were hayof the antomotive worker whening their first trade union experlthe workers, who packed the Exe peared. The Quality Art Shop Feb. 23, Saturday, P. 9th given the advantage of the secret ence, were left hanging in mid air.
cutive Board with fire of their fol. long Island with 600 men involved Ward Unemployed League Hallhallot to express his heartfelt de. The settlement came toward lowers Lie No. The original is one instance (Tomash and Har Card Party. Auspices: Workers sires. More than 50 percent of the end of the season. With the the workers participating in the raid of the press, the of members of the former Commun Press employing a dozen men is New York City vent Automobile Labor Board bureaucracy helped the administra1st League, one racketeer who was another (Golden Assigned. elections voted for candidates unafFeb. 16, Saturday P. Red tion create the illusion of the imsubsequently expelled, and three One of the most important Cabaret and Dance Germania Hall, filiated with any union. The partiality of the Automobile Labor Stalinists.
tasks of the new administration 16th St. and 3rd Ave. Tickets still of received only percent of the Board. Instead concentrating on The record of these Stalin says the Dully Worker, will be to available at ke at West 16th St.
total building a union and fighting for BERKELEY, Cal. In line with mittee of action to demand an air ists is as odious as the drivel of bring about cooperation with the Feb. 17, Sunday, 2:30 DeDoes this indicate that the auto workers demands, It shifted the California drive against militanting of the charges against the intes in the Daily Worker. One of printing locals affiliated with the bate on Which Program for Amworkers, grown wiser during the problem to lodging complaints with workers, employed or unemployed, vestigators and to protestereltet them, Golden, without notice to the of In a joint drive for the erican labor between Muste year, have become immune to un. Dr. Leo Wolman, head of the board, the administration is being cuts. Relief administration of organization deserted his post as unionization of the unorganized for the Workers Party and say louism, as the capitalist press would and waiting for a vote on repre reorganized on the basis of control chals refused to attend the meetine organizer of the with consid shops in the city and to affect all Lovestone for the Communist Party like to convince ns? Well sentation.
by the banking interests and the They want to scare us so we ll ac erable damage to the drive for ation with the of How Ry March of last year, 200, 000 After the sell out, the workers American Legion. Because of the cept the cuts for fear of losing our membership then on. The other, is this to be done after Typogra Jets still available at W. 16th St.
Opposition. Irving Plaza, Tickauto workers in Michigan, Wiscon left the of almost as fast growing sentiment for organization Johs. one man declared.
Tomasch, after months of sabotage. phical Union No. has closed its Feb. 22, Friday P. Forum, sin, Ohio and surrounding areas as they had entered it a few months among the workers, this change is delegation of 17 was elected similarly deserting the post of or books for the artieth time to the Branch 4: Program of the Workwere waiting for the signal to earlier Thousands were reported helng pushed but in the meantime to call on Relief Administrator sanizer. escamoted the books, organized and the Pressman ers Party. Speaker: Max Sbachtstrike, to battle for their demande as learing up their membership or until March at least, many re Jones. He refused to meet them, membership cards and all the other Local No. 51 has given the man. 20 West 120th St.
Feb. 22.
wage fucrease, 10 hour week, time porarily lost their faith in union, siren we assicuments and thus will would receive one member, Oden midst of its last drive Tools actioning another one of its rackets called shall the progresalves Function in ment of discharged anfon employees, to withdraw Collins from Detroit, weeks, Joves then went out the back way inist administration when it was collecting live spots from the inor Branch 7, 1281 49th St. Brooklyn.
xo great was his disrepute. And the Behind the drive of the American and escaped the delegation, brought to the attention of the ganized and giving them the fake Friday night forums at all other When enthusiasm was at its bons made a drive for the com Legion to rla the State Emergency membership at that time. Stupid promise of organization some day branches.
height, the of Lagreed, at many union.
Relief Administration of all comwas all Solomonick, the new presi in the distant future. Roosevelt request, to postpone the March 16, Saturday night Press The Anti Labor Board munists. which is, of course, being Why Progressives dent could say when the issue was Harfleld, the present secretary of Ball to be given Jointly by the New strike until after the hearing of the Por nine months, the Anto Labor widely publicized by the Hearst again raised in the discussion of the indicated how this was International and the New Militant.
National Labor Board March 14. 10: listened to complaints and and other papers, is a plan to dis Must Organize the report of the contgoing Execu: to be done a few months ago. In Details to be announced later.
Waiting tensely for this decisive reports of code violations and did charge all of the present adminisdate, local after local voted to nothing. In January of this year, trative force of the who trke ir a satisfactory agreement At last ll got aronii to plant elee are not satisfactors to the Legionalization that the. of bu wroug with this criminal action exThe havoc, confusion and demor his opinion that there was nothing March 14 arrived. That very day at the Canne Chevrolet, Dodge way to control the relier situation. movement mode a glartug example with sufletent skin.
the bosses, desperately, striving to Plymouth and Chrysler plants. The The ultimate purpose is to prevent in the strike of the workers of the Through their entire perhalt unionization, voluntarily andround had been well prepared by organization of the workers, to cut Kartiganer Co. manufacturers of lod in office they conducted only nounced the 36 hour week with pay the administration of some 40, 000 relief costs and to divert rellet Indies hats.
one strike, in a shop of four workSucreases Ford Bring Back the eligible to vote, 38, 830 or 90 percent funds to the various vigilante Day, screamed the headlines. participatel: 34, 273 voted for un groups sponsored by the region.
Last summer the mion declared er. Another half truth in which WHICH PROGRAM FOR And on that very day, the labor filiated representatives, 1, 847 for the shop on strike. The workers the most important facts are omitItoard hearing broke up when rep. of Land so for company at to a pound of rice a week.
AMERICAN LABOR cul some instances celiet bas been responded to the call. The shop to his strike Wearch was the resentatives of Hudson Motor Co. unions.
one food depot in Berkeley recently located in New York was closed beginning of a strike campaign. and General Motors walked out ifThe answer to the bosses cam when a group of Workers weten hostiglit while the workers. New was entered into, with the books still missing and without a single ter reading a statement that they haten for company untouism is spent 15 cents lu carefare received Jersey, bribed and terrorized, repenny in the treasury. The StalinWerre not connitted to accept any clear: the workers do not want 10 cents worth of rice as their mained at work.
ists now in office failed to appear For Communist Party (Opposition)
After a few weeks some of the for a single day to organize or do company unions. But after the weekly allowance, they rebelled and ruling of the board.
For Workers Party of Ach Hellont of last year, they have lost scattered rice all over the place.
bosses signed the agreement with picket duty, to help collect funds, HEYWOOD BROUN, Chairman The 20. 000 me awaiting the faith in the of La Fed bunk The California Workers Associa the union, but did not open their ete. They sabotaged the strike in order to down tools thonght that about the impartiality of the labortion must organize the unemployed shop. The union officials, seizing the hope that it would be defeated SUNDAY, FEB. 17th, 1935, 2:30 now even the die hards. Collins and hard for ten months, they have workers inmediately. It must re upon the technicality that the strike and thus discredit the Trotsky sist all efforts to make of the was settled refused strike rellet. is IRVING PLAZA AUDITORIUM, 18th St. Irving Place mere social organization; it This continued for seven months But, to their extreme must discourage factionalism; it when the workers Ju despair, went sternation, a partial victory was Tickets can be purchased in advance of this date at: WORKERS PARTY OF THE West 15th St. New York City and mobilize the workers against the shop, promising not to have lution. They put an ad in the ForRules of the Prize Content for In case of tic in any category this threat to their already low re anything to do with the union. The ward and the Day that the KartiAdmission 35 Cents Subscriptions cuplicate prizes will be awarded. lief standard and their right to shop was opened and operates as ganer shop is on strike and then Who may participate. All remittances must be payable right for better conditions.
before with the addition of a com they put a few pickets in front of The contest is for individuals and to the New Militant, West 15th pany union as a collective largain the place. But no strike was ever In order to be ing agency.
branche. Any individual, not em Stret. New York won in this manner.
GAMES DRINKS ployed in the national office of this counted they must be received on Act in Newark SUPPRE Today the bosses association A Job for the Progressives Tabliention, may compete.
or before or the last day of threatening that it will break the The solution of the problem is al RED CABARET DANCE How are prints counted?
cach month (for category 4a) or NEWARK, An overflow Kartiganer shop is not compelled will be able to win the confidence agreement with the union if the progressive group in the union that yearly second which will he drive (for the remaining cate mass meeting of 250 rebied workers to come up to the same conditions of the workers in this shop and Canting will be on the basis of on or before P. the last day of Dance Numbers, Singing and other Entertainment count as the point. Two half year gurles. They must also contain hearing on that prevail in the industry. The cope with the threats of the bosses (in name of subscrber charges against two investigators workers in the shop, emblttered by association.
Nils will also connt as one point.
Xubs taken in combination offers MUSTE, Master of Ceremonies were dismissed on five hours their sad experience, will not budge. b) name of contestant will be counted unless otherwise (e name of branch (it to be notice, without a hearing. The of. The union officialdom, caught be FOLLOW THE NEWS IN THE thus credited)
cial charge was insubordination specified.
tween two fires, finds a simple soSaturday, February 16th 9p. The discharged Investigators had NEW MILITANT. What are the dates of the drive Friends! Comrades! The goal said that 25 a month is an inThe drive started February and has been set and the rules given. They had also attempted to organGERMANIA HALL sufficient allowance for one person.
INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL will end on May 31. What are the prizes!
will make the position of the Party Ize the Investigators.
144 En 16th St. Dear 3rd Aro.
The mass meeting formed a comFirst Year Winter 1935. Beginning Feb. 18, 1935 (a) Fach month during the drive press the more secure will help MONDAY, 8:30 Workers Party Fundamentals Borkeson Tickets: 49e in advance at International Workers School, o prine of 00 in hook will be built the advance guard of the CROWD HEARS MUSTE MONDAY, 8:30 Organizational Prinelples Abern.
American il Warslel to the individual pending working class.
REFY ARREST THREAT MONDAY, 8:40 10:00 PM, Elementary English Becker West 15th Street, New York City.
in the greatest wamber of subs sending them now!
PITTSBURGH, Pa More than MONDAY, 8:40 10:10 American History Felix Morrow.
during that month. minimum of year 00. months 65e.
WEDNESDAY, 8:30 Marxian Economics (vol. 1) Oebler 10 subs will be required in this Special combinations are listed three hundred workers turned out WEDNESDAY, 8 30 American Labor History. Muste.
to the North Side Carnegie Library category.
elsewhere in this issue.
WEDNESDAY, 8:40 10:10 History of the Three Internation(b) To the individual sending in Por your convenience this conpon. here on February to bear Muste exposition of the program als Shachta.
The PIONEER PUBLISHERS the largest number of subs for the and principles of the Workers THURSDAY, 8:30 Trade Union Strategy and Tactie period of the entire drive will be NEW MILITANT Party.
Anees the publication of two new pamphlets a warded a prize of 00 in books, West 15th Street threat by the chief Hbrarian to THURSDAY, 8:80 Philosophy of Marxlam Grote. c) to the braneh setting the New York, THE KIROV ASSASSINATION arrest Muste if he said anything FRIDAY, 8:30 History and Problems of the Youth MoveComrades: largest percentage score in indiviabout Please enter my name for one added interest to the meeting. But ment Gould.
cual subs and hundle orders will By LEON TROTSKY the government contributed FRIDAY, 8:40 10:19 ABC of Marxism Jack Weber. The first time In Fnglish)
he awarded a prize of 10. 00 in year, 00: six months, 85c.
In spite of the fact that Comrade FRIDAY, 8:40 10:10 Fry of the Russian RevolutionName.
Muste speech called for the revoWm. Duncan (1) To the branch making second Address THE SUPPRESSED TESTAMENT OF LENIN lutionary road to socialism in no Ten sessions for each course; one evening a week.
place for the entire drive in the city. State.
With two explanatory articles by Leon Trotsky points outlined in (c) above. uncertain terms, the threat was not Fees: 00 per course, payable in three installments: at time Add 16e to above for sample copy carried out.
ot reglatration, and two 60e installments within weeks.
NOW READY prize of 00 in books.
of the New International Ted Selander, substituting for The International Workers School is ready to give any additional Faeb 10e General remarks: am interested in joining the Comrade Cannon, who is in Sacraclasse. a minimum of atteen workers request For further 000 per Hundred All books are to be selected from Workers Party of the mento, spoke on the work of the information regarding the school, get in touch with Joroph Carter, PIONEER PUBLISHERS the lists of the Pioneer Bookshop, NationalUnemployed League. Louis School Administrator, at West 15th Btreet, New York City.
96 Fifth Avenue, New York City 66 Fifth Ave. New York, SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT Breler was chairman.
Debate Jay Lovestone Muste conWin a Prize Who ex Start looks.