ACROSS THE COUNTRY NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the SOCIALISTS United Opposition ence by Visible.
would represent a hundred percent hon has been pushed up to wohnt Francisco and the state Criminal levelse socording to the conceptione conference the significance of the atter a reconvened convention held in their eynindera. come la borse budete Merry go round For Akron Labor With Cannon And Muste VOL. 1, NO. 10 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1935 PRICE CENT The tow Is over! Comrade Muste reports herein on the final meetings and his impresion CAPITOL Attack on Mini the whole tour. Comrade Cannon; during the tour, was called NEWS VIOLATE to Cafornia and is now in Sae.
Decried in Sacramento ramento.
LETTER AGREEMENT By MUSTE SACRAMENTO, Cal. Feb. 11. That the prosecution immediate DAVENPORT and MUSCATINE. when one meets a small Roosevelt Held up Auto aim in the criminal syndicalism trial do the crushing of trade union on Now Take Steps to Launch Lack of Preparation Brought Present Progressive porte imate one sees mewt clearly, Labor Report until Code we crystal clear during the fourth week of the presentation of the Sectarian Defense Movement in Steel to Disaster perhaps, how thorough training in Was Renewed state case. As the fifth week opens, the state nears completion of its Organization revolutionary theory can hold xroup toget ber in the face of the testimony and evidence.
By ELMER COPE By JACK ELDER Kreateat obstacles and discourage During the first week of the trial the prosecution utilized CommuWith cynical disregard for exlst.
In deflance of an expulsion threat made by President Mike Tighe of ment. If other branches made a WASHINGTON, Acting ra Ing written agreementa binding the showing in proportion to their the principle of sentence first und ist party literature as a smoke screen. Under this cover, it now begins Socialist party to united action to the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, delein. tion, the appears now to be conference called to consider step toward the organization of the steel cago and Minneapolis would get renewed the automobile code one successors, since the union has been smashed by the terror.
out a thousand and New York Tive week before the Henderson Lubin thousand.
report on employment and labor pigeons, sherits and prosperous bring to such a trial. One of the Socialist imitation of the Industry. Similarly, about seventy miners from Western Pennsylvania, At the Davenport meeting we conditions in the automobile Indus: farmers (ie, employers of migra jurors openly erltfelted Gallangere The New Leader of Feb. An Ohlo and West Virginia, in face o ouster action by their ofcladom, The nounced that a conference to launch met in folnt session to plan united action with the steel workers.
The call for the conference was issued at a meeting held five weeks an American Legion anti Bolshevik the report has been released, tabers and Caroline Decker, unlon fact that the complaint was une permanent labor defense organ.
propagandist, gentleman who easy to understand the Presiden Leaders, openly advocate the use Justified is less important than the nation will be held March 15 in the previously, attended by regularly elected delegates from three dissought to pin the destruction of suppression strateky. Joint product of armed force in various strikes. fact that this and other furors are headquarters of the LL. and trict organisations of the Amalgamated Association. At this meeting the home and bloody revolution of the researches of the NRA Divi and provoked violence to any of full of resentment and antagonism that call for that conferences the home who did not. six International officials also at.
pertinent when we pointed out that the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the and Cross examination shot their Gallagher openly declared policy clalist and fraternal organisations. Pended their policies they estab Mel Moor of Weirton and others capitalism had robbed the workers study demonstrates plainly: testimony full of holes.
of their homes, had murdered mil(now contormed by the Western The announcement did not state by Not one solitary antage, Stool Pigeon Testimony Worker) of not talking to the jury whom the call will be issued. The lished the legality of the confer began to rally the progressives for lions in the World War, In White large or small, has served to the The testimony of Harris, a but meeting Guard and Frent pogroms, etc. automchile wake slaves as the stool pigeon who had been in the war to the 112 spectators is plainly Impression one gets from reading for the Febre8 to issue the call the nation wide organizing CRMpaign which the officialdom had the announcement is that the call The Londers completely abandoned.
At Museatine the workers in an consequence of the labor provi. Communist Pan who soon after tual counsellings and warnings Socialist Committee for Promotion movement are by and large the Ink rapidly. All organizers party was also featured. Having, after a series of inefree will be issued by the New York The Initiators of this progressive The new locals were disintegratunemployed union seemed not a bit sions of their code This may or may had shocked when told that under the Let the report speak for Itsell. Joining the was made secre publicly dissociated himself from of Labor Defense.
tactics, Atpot Issue the call. Some other bodykime militants who took over the heen withdrawn from the feld and new Roosevelt bill project workers To begin with the speed up. vietary to the section organizer, with Gallagher man of the Nonmay do that. number of organ. 1934 annual convention of the the locals left to shift for themwould get only eleven dollars per tous and unrestrained, is the unl access to all party records, is con torney Albert week. After the meeting learned versal practice throughout the innected with the Associated Farm Partisan Labor Defense is com Izations trade union or fraternal and forced through program for selver, The steel trust began they were getting only five or shedustry. There is no set spee for ers (le, mortgra holding banks, pelled to sit back generally in su. may sign the call. All that is general strike action over the pro now offensive of terror to streng then the company unions. The dollars and figured that eleven a conveyor ne evn after produc the Industrial Association of san euce while Gallagher proceedo e important but not decisive in de test of the Internationalsocials National Run Around was hitting Increase regarded a. Workof the Western.
two months later had under pres in which the Tigbe bureaucrats The announcement of this confer sure from President Roosevelt and had placed their entire rellance, this has the proud American workers, wat present speeds, cannot go Leo Gallagher, International Lathe jury a vigilante Jury.
to the toilet and cannot even get a bor Defense attorney, has made no Ing class been reduced!
Mini Statement ence follows by a week the au Bill Green of the of re Pailed to deliver the goods in all drink of water. The fear of lay headway in wiping out from the nouncement of the formation of a seinded the strike action of the major ches. In Weirton, Duquesne, The prosecution introduced last Socialist Committee for Promotion previous convention. Last fall the McDonald and Warren, the union Crowded Hours In St. Louls off is always present in the minds Juror minds the prejudice which of Labor Defense as a step in the movement took a new lease on life became entangled in ST. LOUIS, Mo. The standard, of workers) even if it is not defmiddle class provincials inevitably (Continued on Page 4) direction of the formation of such and under the leadership of Clar. court action, morale was shattered, prolonged not to say classic, Stalinist mimeo nitely brought there by the forecommittees in other cities where ence Irwin of Youngstown, and and general confusion prevailed.
graphed leaflet distributed at our men. The speed up is thus Inberfor a class conscious worker gly the Socialist party organized and William Spang of Duquesne togepublle meeting gives the new line ent in the present situation of lack Ing any information whatsoever the formation of Labor and SoThe Feb. Conference on us, at lenst for that of stendy work and an army of im Warnick Defends Minig to the police. That is why Nor cialist National Defense CommitIn an effort to And a way out day: the workers are warned to employed waiting outside Raps Western Worker man Mini should be severely conbeware of ultra revolutionary par. BITTERLY OPPOSE tee. The conference, therefore, approximately 400 steel workers demned for his statement given mus! be considered as a part of came to the February conference.
tles such as the PAYMENT PLAN at the time of his arrest last Au this polley.
It is not known how many were conference with workers who Pass to methods of compensation.
Ed. Note: The author of the fol.
want to discuss the details of the new workers are paid on straight lowing statement is one of the 17 prosecutor, in the Sacramento gust to Nell McAllister, chlef Plan for Labor Defense Or.
officially delegated to represent program, one with a group hourly basis or by individual plece workers being tried for criminal criminal syndicalism case.
ganization was drafted about a their respective lodges. The fact year ago by representatives of the that the bureaucrats, after first inof progressive trade unionists, two work. The typical method of pay syndicalism in Sacramento. Arres. However, any attempt, such Non Partisan Labor Defense, the AKRON, Ohio, Feb. 11. Areso dicating that they would tolerate thizers, a business meeting of the which method the workers are bit by the Non Partisen Labor Defense as is being made by the Western Communist Party Opposition, the lution was passed here today by the conference, launched an attack Worker, to characterize the stateBranch, and a publle mass meeting terly and unalterably opposed. be after the LL. ad let all the de Left Poale Zion, the il Martello the United Rubberworkers subor outlawing it. undoubtedly kept are crowded into 36 hours here. CAUNO of the simple but to them Pendants except one rot in fall for ment of Norman Mint as a con Group, the Workers Party and the dinate counell wheh committs the many delegates away.
fession and the act of a cowWorkers in St. Louis want to be all conclusive fact that they do not six months.
Socialist party. The plan specified Goodrich Federal Union to another It is significant that the bulk of ardly, treacherous stool pigeon. organized but the Federal Auto know how much they are recel Warnick is twenty eight years how the organization was to be bout in the courts and farther those attending came from lodges must be equally condemned. launched. Conference Committee class collaborationist monkeysbines. where unemployment is high and ship. There is no one to give direction is a secret, known to the boss worked his way through the Uni am convinced from my close of representatives of organizations Following like action by the Fire working conditions most desperate.
tlon. young officer in one of the alone, who keeps the books.
requintance with Mini In Jall Even versities of Washington and Callendorsing the plan of the Provision stone union, the Goodrich workers The lodges with signed contracts, tre locals tells his experiences: if the method is understood there fornla. In 1933 he was San Jose and during the last months, that al Committee for Non Partisan LA are to Aght through the thrice dis mostly in the tin plate divisions, Mint did not give the statement An of. representative was are so many employees in a group secton organizer of the Cannery bor Defense, and leading trade credited regional labor boards for were cool toward the movement with evil intent. am certain unloeists was provided for. Its the removal of the company blue and had no significant representasent in to our Loenl. He made a and so many shifts in the number and Agricultural Workers Indus that he nelther attempted to save function was to organize and carry eagle for failure to recognize the tion at the conference.
speech. thought it was a good from day to day that it is impos trial Union and was active in the himself from a prison term, nor one. Then got home and my wife sible for an employee to figure out cherry and pear striker in the consciously kave Information Persentatives onde recently contenten un comeinuation of this stupid and terence, klthough the theme for it. com asked me what he had told us to his earnings. What is more, the Santa Clara Valley, the Hedwood against his fellow defendants. tions as are interested in the plan tutile polley which has to date ac delegates came from the Pittsburghdo. thought and thought, and group bonus payment plan acts as City mushroom strike and the San Neither do think the Informe then woke up and realized be an incentive to the workers speed. Joaquin cotton strike.
as here set forth at which confer complished nothing for the rubber Youngstown Canton. Weirton area, tion he gave Is damaging to the hadn told us a thing to do.
Ing up one another. The men are Warnlek recently critielzed the ence the defense organization is to workers but the alienation of many expressed the dissatisfaction of the revolutionary movement. What St. Louis Branch has added driven to earn bonus and after Communist party for its actions in be set up and then publicly of their fellow workers from the workers in the industry with the he said consisted of facts whileh launched. In preparation for the union was made possible by the Inaction of the Tighe machine. The some members and has some good working for weeks to reach a speed smashing the Sacramento united we have always disdained to hide. conference the committee was to domination of Bill Green through conference Illustrated that the job prospects on the list.
which would give them a bonus front. Now he speaks out against The rest was merely his personal draw up a draft constitution and his henchman, Coleman Claherty of building a real, national prothey find the rates out so that a the Communist party attack on a opinion.
ILLINOIS MINE FIELDS. bonus is out of the question.
declaration of principles. formu The adoption of the resolution ingressive movement in steel has comrade who stands in the shadow Norman Mini made a stupid Shacks, dirt, poverty. Here one Workers must come to shop as late resolutions upon policy. car dicates that Claherty still controls just begun. The vitally important of San Quentin. His straight for mistake. But it is not a fatal realizes again that Columbia has much as an hour early to prepare ward statement is crushing anry on preliminary negotiations with the union although the beginning Chicago Gary district had one repmistake and he should not be organizations and ontstanding in of serious organization among the resentative, no one attended from crucified for it.
town, members on strike noon lunch interval material must der campaign against Mini.
dividuals, in order to draw them rubber progressives is already evi the Portsmouth, Ohio section, and (signed) JACK WARNICK and over two years still believe in the Warnick Statement San Francisco added impetus from this fresh be out a spokesman.
Pearcy Keck Plcek machine in the (Conte on Page No brief or excuse can be held Feb. 10, 1935. Continued on Page 4) trayal. which applies them with Resoluticas The steel workers can not deabout fifty cents worth of relleta month, and regard Allard, Pat Anspend upon Inbor boards and other federal agencies but must rely upon bury and Jack Battuello as unlontheir own organized strength, read wreckers. But that will not last the main resolution adopted. We here confirm the reports which have Prevailing Wage Clause evelt.
wages would be, as under the ori, President of the United States of of Helpless; Strike of the and the of been received in the National Office recently to the effect that the preDefeated by Order Roosevelt Opposes It sinal bil, 175, 000, 000. At the same this great Democracy, for, of, and Action on PWA Only which are principles of struggle.
tige of the militants in the of Roosevelt How does it happen that two time, since the work would be part by the people, is reduced to bar.
advocates of cheap relief and ten time, the cost of materials would gaining like any common little Course for Labor is rising rapidly tablishment of a committee to seek the cooperation of the executive Meetings in Gillesple, Pana, Bullpitt which takes in Tovey And KinIn order to understand the action and recated nexpensive rolled only be 80, 000, 000; the total sweatshop boss!
The President admits that the How they would welcome the op boards of the and of the cald also, and Springfield. The GAI. of the Senate Appropriations Con. And why does President Roose slightly more than three per government is nothing more than a portunity to pay 12 per week in of for a general organizing year!
gloritled sweatshop, whose first and stead of the present scale of 12 drive.
espie meeting was held in the mittee in amending the Roosevelt velt greet this amendment which The Three Proposals principal consideration is not the per day. detailed program of action hall. Here for the first time on Work Rellet Bill it is necessary to receives support from both camps the trip the turned out in understand the financial implica as an amendment which defeats What does the unemployed work welfare of its workers, nor even the called for mass meetings, publicity, And the y. of recognizing (who will force. They should have spared tons of the amendment.
the whole purpose of the rellel er stand to gain from each of these welfare of its taxpayers of the that the bill threatens its very er linernployed relief committees, lad.
their pains, for their record in the bil. ponsibilities pay the extra billion) but On Thursday, Feb. 7, the Rooseamount of profit it can squeese out istence, has hastened to make it les auxiliaries and supporting Illinois mine fields has thoroughly velt Bill, which provided full time make its committee of Hberal and profesFirst to take the problem of the The best proposed plan is that of Its eltisens!
teeble and ineffectual protests. To atonal elements. Another resoludiscredited them.
In both Gillespie employment for 3, 500, 000 heads of agreement between the cheap rellet for full time employment at pre While this argument reveals the quote the New York Times, The tlon was adopted petitioning the and Springfield the most serious families at 50 per month (30c per and the expensive relle fac vailing wages. plan which would complete degradation of the state fall force of the of La rep. executive board to liberalize and active workers turned ant to hour) at a total yearly cost of four tions: The fact of the matter is cost six billion per year.
our meeting, asked numerous ques billion dollars was introduced. that the amendment, while it pro The second best is for part time Wader the capitalist system, it does revented by William Green, presidues payments and provide exemp, tlons and urged the Workers Party An to send an organ to Illinois. Adams, providing a continuation of essarily cost more than the origlat prevailing wages. plan which which the President elings to his was brought to bear on the Senate order to meet the emergeney.
That call must be heeded.
three billion per year. plan. There is another reason which Appropriations Committee in an efTighe Goes Into Action the present home relief at a yearly nal bill, and might even cost lear! would coholce is the Presidenta he doesn mention, not even in afort to have it write the prevailing cost of two billion dollars was de The original bill contemplates The third Best Politleal Meeting Yeth Hardly had the conference adCOLUMBUS, Ohto. The best po Adams amendment represents big heads of families at 50 per month at 30c per hour. plano Which 30e per hour instead of at prevail Roosevelt 1, 800, 000, 000 work re fourned when the delegates were feated by 10 10 tle. Senator full time employment for 3, 600, 000 proposal for full time employment whlsper, for preferring payment at wage requirement Into President llef program.
informed that Spang and his Duing rates.
litical meeting yet beld in Colum business sentiment, as embodied in (300 per hour. On this basis total would cost four billion per year. if the President is willing to The Federation President de that the attorney, Ogburn, quesne lodge had been expelled, and bus from the standpoint both of a resolution Why does the President the National Man wage payments per month would be plan which it is because he does not dare men program without the McCarran the Duquesne case which was then tions and discussion is the worst so far as the workers Dick For months ago, for cheap government cost of materials, according to the (prevailing wage)
Amendment rington was on hand. For months and a balanced budget.
estimate of the Budget Burean, are concerned and which is only tion the real purpose of the bill.
he posed as a non partisan in the would be 160, 000, 000 per month, a second beat so far as total gor Legalizing Scabblog would wreck the prevailing wage Prevailing Waco Amendment (Continued on Page 1)
unemployed organizations and came (Continued on Page 1)
At the same session of the Com total of 335, 000, 000 per month, or ernment expenditure les concerned The bill is intended to drive down scale throughout the country.
Against the first plan, it is true, the wages of all labor, employed The Outlook mittee the prevailing wage approximately four billion per year.
SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST TO amendment was introduced and The amendment provides per for an appropriation of de billion ganized, to drive all wages down to ent writing the Senate Committee he may argue expense, as It calls or unemployed, organized or unor As the matter stands at the presNEW YORK WORKERS SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION!
passed by a 12 vote. This amend vailing wage payments (80c per Instead our four.
the slave level of 80e per bour, 12 under pressure from the President, ment provides for the payment of hour) but it was nothing about To the person who sends in But even leaving the first plan per week.
has voted 14 to reconsider the wages at rates prevalling in the full time employment. This leaves Watch the number alle tue locality where work is undertaken.
the largest number of subs betwo possibilities. The first, which out of consideration, what arguWhat other reason can the amendment which it pessed last ween this date (February 18)
mume on the wrapper This was calculated by the Budget attracted the proponents of expen ment can be advanced against the President have for Insisting on week. There can be httle doubt und March the Now Militant your copy. When the more second plan, which actually wili Ws plan, which is lomat want that the President will finally suewill Bureau to be 80c per hour an ansive reller, is for full time em award number on the mathood free scholarship of the average for all localities and all ployment at prevailing wages. This cost one billion less than the orlgeous for the workers, and only ceed in having the amendment to consisting of three courses in paper correspond to it, you sorts of work to be undertaken. would involve a total yearly expen ginal proposal?
second best from the point of tally withdrawn. The ineffectual subscription is expreg! 11 the International Workers The Sweatsbcp Argument The vote for this amendment, 12 alture both for wages and materview of taxpayers in general bleats from the of officialSchool. These courses may be issuese number.
8, is rather startling as it shows lals, of some six billion.
The argument advanced by the Plong MVO u the expense and His purpose is clearly recognized dom, if the past is any indication chosen by the winner subject to the. the capacity of the classes. Ten bother of writing you specially Adams amendment (10 10 vote) as tracted the proporrents or cheap re that under the second plan, al for the Building Trades Employers There is only one course for the yearly subs or équivalent will about your explration, and te us Fc or 00 about me the cheapest method of taking care lef, is for part time employment though it costs one fourth less, the Assn. Norman, In pleading workers, both unemployed and em be the minimum in order to of the unemployed, switching to an at prevalling wagen, part time such government will receive in return that public works be put under ployed, for both are threatened. quality. In case of the similar ad Business Manage amendment which on the face of it as to make the monthly payments only one halt as much construction private contract said, The con and that is to organize militantly scholarships will be awarded to Is even more expensive than the total 50 per worker. Under this because workers will be on part tractor is not averse ta using labor for strike struggle against the ateach typing contestant.
original measure proposed by Roof plan the monthly payments for time Instead of full. Thus the from rellel rolle Not avarie! tacks of the Administration. Relief Bill Will Drive Wages of All Labor to 12 Minimum