NEW MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. NO. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1935 PRICE CENT Roosevelt Kicks Bill Green Downstairs Fantastic Evidence Used Judge Trick Mass Meeting Leaders in Dilemma by State in Labor Trial Approved by Calls Hearst Union leaders LaborEnemy Still Cling to UnionPledges Solidarity to 18 Framed up VotedPending Referendum Tbe down.
when the House aggressively tlon CAPITOL NEWS LETTER XACRAMENN. Feb. Mort of this week Nextion of the trial Labor Bureaucrats Howl as of 17 defendants charged with criminal Myndicalism has been taken Stay of Injunction Gains Audience of 2, 500 Indicts By ARNE SWARECK Roosevelt Disregards with testimony and POS Imitation or 70 year old willain Hanks Labor widena rift with Rooneve It, announce recent capitalat Dew stool pigeon hired last April by Prawneuter McAllier le frame up the Time for Bosses in Millionaire Publisher paper headlines. This, of course, refers to the official American FederAuto Union antoni Waterfrort Fight And Red Baiter ation of Labor family. It appears ibat William Green usually so sott By JACK ELDER The prosecution attenupt to innke capital out of planks fantastic spoken. together with the more belligereut. John Lewis has made The little of the New York WASHINGTOX. Por once in claims that he had been driven out of Xaramento in September the William Randolph Hearst, multi there, the bureancrats or the point of a boy persons le lieved to be communist was turut tuto truckmen und lusslorenent against Inlilouatre publisher, arch. Jingo some strong remarke on the action taken by the President in extending the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce ist, and friend or un munitions the automobile code Advertised by the Federation officials as Labor Me by Hanks thick witted remarks at the Merchants Association he makers, war indicted as Labor hope and strength. Roosevelt now turns around and kicks these labor simple tenth when they bowled that the newest version of the automobile that lie bad tren intimidatest.
Ilank declared he didn think it was herens relah lukal rank lod Ale strike forced Justice imously adopted by 2, 000 workers. Agreement of March 25 last year pur the manufacturers on the offensive to notify police just begun. last week one day Enemy No. in a statement unan oficials to the pants. He fetele he can afford to do so. The automobile Asked why he didunt cole had been Imposed. not on the authorities of us plight when le reachel Omba, Nebmaka. Hanks Humphrey to postpone decision on students and friends of labor at an while tho automobile untone still suffer trom the demoralization of the inployers, but on the workers Did the President consult with there. 100.
replied: Well, there communista the threatenel lujunction restrain anti Hearst meeting at the Central polley pursued by the of He decided, he said, to organized inbor before extending stay out of town because there was ing collaboration of the two unions Opera House, New York, last sunExeentive Council until this Tuesday. The injunction day.
the code for the third time, without bis commonlst convention in Sae.
The meeting was called by Silk Strike Is Dilema As fully handed down contains the provisional committee for Nonthe formal protener of a blle rameuto September 20, and didn Stay until an appeal can be made Partisan Labor Defense The Erecutive Council faces.
Taring in March to the Appellate Division, know hut that night be hurt Speakers Included labor leaders, dilema. Organization of the un He acts as if he Labor Advisory organized under its leadership has More Defender Halled This stay Krantas butely notb college professors, noted liberals Bound executive arm of the come to a stop. perfect egallHive lefendants were ballet out ing to the truckmen 1A nothing and beads of student organizations of is simply did not exist ibrium of cooperation Labor, Inun tour day by the International more than a trick to give the mer who had been assalled in the Hearst Did the President accept the labor Defense. Only one defrodaut dustry and government is coming chants and shippers time to mobil prons for subversive activities.
tumbling down over the heads of vice and counsel of lls National had been previously ball out hy Imalustrial Recovery Boxed MINNEAPOLIS, Mlun. The infit the union; to wave the They denounced the stool pigeon ALLENTOWN, Pa. Continuance thene labor officials like a house of The LD. It was only after the By a vote of to the Board Non Irtisan Labor Det had redate of the workers and you to lvlux them breath against them, made clear the anti ot unbearable conditions in the cards. Tistead of striking out bola.
scrapped rather than renewed bcants Jack Waruick and Caroline mento on charges or violating the one to postpone action until the purpose of his attacks, showed delegates from 36 locale of the the favorable mase sympathy for the basis proposed by the Automo Decker, und was about to bail out criminal syndicalismlaWA IH de rukad nie are demoralized by clearly his pro Hitler and pro Mus American Federation of silk Work organization they stall and sabo bile Manufacturers Association Nora Conklin, that the bulled manded in a resolution passed by the attacks or the busser, by the solini sympathles and revealed him er ne Penor valeNereco Jersey take in fear of the consequences of Now these crven Did the President ponder uponi live ont, including Conklin.
have been let the joint report submitted to his prisoners to be lojall over alt the of Coples of the reso ly the long wait, the uncertainty in the prosecution of the 17 labor en industry wide strike if approved souls feel that they leaders in the Sacramento criminal by a referendum of locals Dangers threaten their powo disinterested experts. Mesra, bereuler onalt Bingham, are well authorities.
months. Eight others, including tulution were sent to the California and confusion attendant on an Aplocal wnions represented all took sition from two directions Headerson Heereb and Plannin jail. The funds loaned to the peal The way will not present for syndical trial Obviously the Denoming California employers inement le Wholesale laying off En Labin (Burean of Taler StatisAmong the speakers were Profce pert in the 1931. textile strike.
Thr government moving toward some form of comNon Part Labor Defoe for for thelr attempt. under ewwer of of inton trucknow which has been for Sidney Hook, chairman of the Is afiliated with the UnitTheir report, he blithely informed were withdrawn.
pulsory arbitration in labor disConklin were carnarked for her and red ware to crush the Cannery king on for the last month, wder Departmeut of Philosophy and Pro ed Textile Workers.
Delegate after delegate at the putes while the rank and Ale union he prixx at large, had been lost and Agricultural Workers mon, ihe mere promise of an injunction. fessor James Burnham, professor of in the shuttle of pipers on his deak.
George Hedley, director of the the solution continues: Louny Plot philosophy, both of New York Uni conference, beld Feb. 3, riprese membership is showing increasing Professor George One readily Committee the American Civil Northern California Civil Liberties The membership of 1974 in The ternis under which the state of educat. Count disappointment over the outcome of signs of discontent and releases Teachers the 1934 strike and bitterness that most clamping indletment of the the of lu leaders in their dis Litxerties Union, that sents letter conviured that there 18 en anwes granted reveal the whole wusy College, Columbia University. Luiglene Winant report on wagen und of La oficials is contained in illusionment and dismay. But what to the Western Worker, protesting women are being arth did Mr. Green and Co, es! its lies about the break up of the for their jolitis pruecute! Hor plot is to be operative. said Autonini, vice president of the In hours, due Feb. and one of tbe the rather trauk statements publicbeliefs, not forbe New York Times, only during ly made, that in tbe inner circler had chance to ference, has not yet been made of the administration it is felt that Insert the line of laborante united from last Saturday. The cany crime they may have committed, the Breul behaviour other terunt lonel Ladies Garment Work reasons for the calling of the con bul simply waume they have alvenants. Coler the terms of a man of the American Civil LiberOnly realization that the time is not the of cannot organize the tomobile industry last March pudiating the call for a confercuce their best crrorts to ruizing the remairement the plain the Union: Heywood Broun, news yet ripe prevented simmediate baste industries steel, rubber and Tank endile workers sigue Janiry by the 50 ler. The meubership of lacul 374 min ronel and the unlules erre and Mouro Sweetland. Organizers to get further support for wtrike unemployed and the cannery warki Hot 10 enlarge their non paper columnist; Morris Mulgrim strike all. regional concerence automobiles.
were pring for a nationwide cialixt rty of California, the Militant Bureaucrate rike.
Workers uity. the Non Partisan is well aware of the attempt of the not to molest non union we al of the student League for Indge action will be held in New England Dewaring of obtaining a bene Pace to free with the threat of Labor Trefuse the communist bornes tu sine polls to invoke the dy at work.
trlal Democracy: Carlo Tresca, shortly.
volent hearing for union recognition Strike sentiment is growing and from the powerfully entrenched din mask action, the President party. the. Will Hedley re Actr. to threaten the militant What a Parer! The stay on the anti ruscist editor of Il Martello; was ready to deal with ihe Airman.
Insted the CP. Isla union members with the crimin to narrowhunilall remain in for long Felix Morrow, secretary of the pro1t is evident that lu any 1830 silnopoly chalsts the Federation ofl. He del so well, assisted by down asam ultimatum fut the only syndicalism 1x the bustes frain from nring visional committee for Non Parti strike the workers will not abaudon Otheils are turning their attention Green stupid Intrayal, that the call for the conference must be a brother. Happy Blolstein They were rum. If they tire unettomu ann Labor Defense. George Novack the picket linee until explicit was in the other direction. And these workers have been kroaming ever earlier one issued by the LL. and able to accomplish their ends to stay is in operative and the in or the provisional committee was hour and stretchout couceeatons are despairing iklalk are becoming lure under the burden of work siktet only by four controlled be of the Holidarity and supcion comes into force chairman militant wben they What a Victory!
Proportion representa organizations, of them non part of the trade union movement Telegrams of greetings were read promises and the ineffable Wohnun face the large scale rank and ale of Minneapolls and the inA telegram was sent to Governor rebellion they see brewing on every If the merchants try to break the from two of the Sacramento prie Roard. Rather than drop the class tions are continuing in their efforts cluding the shipyard Workers Un.
pelleboration ideel that famous to build a campate of organized sou tu san Francisco who passed in the court will punish them or Jack Warnicke and Norman Elderleme pe mye van de demanding hand. It is o secret that they were among management, lahor to the Sacramento de resolution hacking Loa 174 it Its by. raforcing the injunction Mini.
The ludictment and at the Indicted in trouble at a millin toying with the idea of coming to In other words the court says to the struggle.
kuwerumieni wud labor) the of Pendants.
lumbia, Pa.
An nukreement with Roosevelt pro1. lenders sold out the strike. They the sale spirit of solidarity merchants. You take that meeting road art. We, 2, 500 workers, students posed industrial fruce or no strike THIRTY DAYS, SAYS BUFFALO Only the open shop and company ntered the agreement of March 25. MANS MEETINGS BUILD Whilih other local uniotis demony. Canse if you do take il JUDGE, INSTEAD OF FOOD unton employers demand too much.
1964, with their wide open.
fully sware that the President PA. UNEMPLOYED LEAGUE Ntrate iu supporting us. Local 574 we will kve it to you. This is a friends of labor, assembled in mass meeting, accuse William PITTSBURGH. New locale hereby Kos ou record as supportin e tyre, president of the Randolph Hearst of being. Buffalo, When Mary Jan Thoy demand a complete surrender cal route for the nited Automobile Ange in Allegheny County are mento brought to trial through the the unions alt hall as a victory sufsettlement complete tacti or the Pennsylvania nemployed our 18 bruther workers in Sacra:LLA. And Mactiuire, attorney for emy of labor and eukare. Like kowskt, was brought before Judge and the Federation officials cannot his fellow magnates in Europe, Peter Maul of the Buffalo court on remain vomindful of the pressure Workers.
a vagrancy charge, be asked her, from the ranks, so they move into Have you any money? Have you action, not in reality against the teadusk. that sell out by its meetinks Ieing held all over greater sociation and the agricultural grow. Helent to warrant calling of the Hugenberg of Germany, the hoto leaders, the of. has lost Pittsburgh The wasingers associations, bitter enemes of strike la home To quote Joe Ryan. The most England, he is using the power of employers but against the rebelmost of the power which it once war on a relief eut. No, she replied.
11on in order to houd it off.
commanded among the robots whom This cut was hidden behind and Arm supporters of the open pleasing part of the stay is that his press to make systemetle at Ceneral Motors, Chrysler und Ford change from the despland commodi shop.
while it prevents is from making tacks upon all that is progressive At this moment the otherwise Where do you sleep. In bor car. answered Mary.
in American life. We call upor any demonstration until the appeal soft wpoken officials are preparing And it convenient to employ. To ty relief systems to the relief, for That no place to be sleeping to reinforce their blast against all day the federal unions in the auto which the P. has been fighting thy to the 18 franied up workers We extend our brotherly sympis heard, il also guarantees that all members of working class and rs in the practime of discharging unlon cultural organizations being in this weather. Thirty day. Opposition and against all progres mobile industry are pitifully weak, for three long years. By arbitrar Sacramento, Cal. and pledge onr employes will have to be stopped in thls Indictment to the attention ordered the honorable Judge. Andwives, whom they label reds. with low in membership downcastilly establishing a lower budgetary selves to do all in our power to the Interim.
of their fellow members la order 10 Mary, who recently came from a campaign of expulsion, begin moral, torn by internal strife, the eficiency standard, the relief wd work for thelr immediate release to broaden the struggle walost Toledo was asured regular shelter og in the very fortress of the fle Labor Enemy No. 1, William Ran and food for the next thirty day basic industries, In steel. All local for offices and emoluments at the Wende prinon, average family a weekly cherk of vielons laws under which they are presented from demonstrating he dolph Hearst.
The President, after all, is 50 lodges of the steel workers union Leing procuted.
1x pleased that the merchants bave that went delegates to the recent consuminute master of Realpolitik. guaranteed not to discharge unPittsburgh progressive conference Why should he pay the least attenton employes, hy the guarantee they threaten with outright oxpulWhy of the very injunction they applied ston. Make no mistake about it: should be disturb for.
their next step will be outlawing the benefit ol gboet?
The bosses and the inion leaders of alrikes. This is the most serious We can leave Green and Co.
are following exactly the same tacfeature of the present situation.
their agonies. They have the caples which broke the auto strike, The Auto Agreement acity to discover, but not to learn.
which broke the steel strike; the What is more important, is that Ry DAN EASTMAN with algual depravitsele upon lu several respects the automobile Tacties of hesitation, compromise the rank and Ale workers should be able use. however, it is Father Coughlin, says and hold in common all that has Agreement of last year entered into wcontro che dopo They have 15, 0m) years to be sowo Utoptan can ever wave Hugo Phone or tablet at the time ward, one of his apologists, moon Deen acqutred by title of lawtul in the Federatton omelala became to rely on but organization secret, mysterious process?
harder than the bosses. There is no And force. They can squire what The Utopian Society, Incorporat some doubt even whether they can board, the impartial Appel his social and economic philosophy heritance (Libby Holman) through furning polot. It was a blow to the whole trade union movement.
on the liberal encyclicals of Pope Intellectual (William Heart)
late Court is the machine used to Plus XI and Pope Leo XIII.
is worth ikhting for, only when can tell you how almost. The uphold the constitution with a crush the strike so break the noor manual (J. Morgan) labor It Advanced the automobile manuthey are ready and able to fight toplans want to change the eco much vigor.
Pope Plus XI, the present incum or economy of living (Andrew Melfacturers into a position of being There is no hope for them in the and end poverty.
nomle set up of the United States All it costs to belong to the UtoThe truckmen and longehorensen bent, who wained his knowledge of lon)
New Deals professions of belief in plans 83. And if you know a lone in the grentest danger politics and economics whlle scal. These monstrous views they pro against organization of the unor they make it easy.
thing or two, not even that Unless broad rank and the moveing mountains (be is the author of claim in publie, uphold in bookleta, kunized the taste industries octal Justice. economie plan All you do is just realize that The Easy Methol talent. well organized. is started a textbook on the Climbing of and broadcast every where through This Agreement provided that any ning and the redistribution of plenty is possible and swear alle les hope for me torte is there is set to cance to the constitution of the method or overcoming this eveniles, peroleh kerana the legent controler meg trorate the banke timonis Inta down (hallowed in the blood od 128, 000 ed in conferences for collectivo barin the encyclical of Leo XIII, On Communardo dignity and gaining with the employers.
Messrs. Green, Collins, Dillon, ste. a mystle number to be known by the ideal state. These terrible eneers, strike set to called to throw Social Evils.
And by fooling around with the by 133 by 71 and asked to bring mles are to be vanquished forever the whole question of injunctions, On December 28, 1878, seven short such odtum on the part of rebellious pany union and put the trade un apparatus of official labor boards, your friends. Everyone raises his by userting to the neighbors, thats, gentlemen agreements out years after the hallowed heads subjects that evil minded traitonlons on the defensive. The trado to strike.
paralyzn tacked on the wall in a room with small plece of paper in tin boxes. smashed.
whol down twenty dve thousand against the very beads of states blittles of embracing the great mejority of the workers and becoming the blindx down, and swear to ir you live in a elty where ther! Truckmen! Longshoremen! Act men, women and children, Parisian (Hitler, for example. the recognized spokesmen of all the workers, because they dared to support the Constitution. The ri are voting machines, the procedure, or you are lost. With such doetrien spread SUANCRIBERS, ATTENTION!
workers in the Industry. Due, how.
tual respectable. You are even is simplified, all you do is sh abolish night work in bakeries and far and wide and such Ileanse In blindfolded by lady.
eight hour day in the ever, to this treacherous agreement Volee button and pull a lever.
Water the number after for thought and action bo no wonThe Department of Agriculture. lustitute an speaks from behind a screen. Whisder that men of the most lowly away, as the recent elections in the mame the wrapper of 1Xr8. Mystery. Awe. It done! ble it all Utoplan.
No struggle, no bother, no Ironso reports run. long just discovered name of socialism seven short your copy.
condition, of hamble home and Detroit Automobile plants, conductWhen the serial that the program is divore years after the cold blooded slaughThe topian move has jumped But the leaders lowly wortoshop, should fx enger number on the mathead of the specialize in ing thousands of share croppen ter of the Paris Commune, that kindly shepherd. TO XIII, pro eyes on the shodes and fortune how ed by the deepleed Wolman Board, Torwart aruin by creeps and sounds, making this easy. The secrecy from the soil.
paper correspond to th, yo Not Enough Flag of the wealthy.
beription The Result and the old ballot box and flag An army of special Agents ba duced his famous Iteral eneyellTH The effort to end poverty the easy lustone would have delighted Hout en xent into the held (Arkansas Cal. Let 18 quote. They (stil the Socialists)
Issue les number In the electious conducted in Leo Takes sides kood mooth case not from asserting twelve way may be retarded, however, for dini. And the teaching of the lead and other stetry) to go through the different planta, Plome sve on the expense 60, 000 bother of writing you especially there are no factories to makeers, that plenty through social rev. motions of investigation and ad In short they (the Socialists. that all men are by nature equal workers were eligible to vote.
spurred on by greedy Dankering stand hence they contend that nelther total of 58, 771 ballots were cast and shout your exploration, and send Commerce and the American Legion is not the way out of capitalism to Nalve ax ever, the Department of ter thlugs procent, which to the honor nor respect is owed to pubite the voting gave the following roen ble or 00 about na de la achine must have ft. Also the bankers the new society this must sound Agriculture suspects that some root of all evil, which some coret authority, nor any obedience to wults: Votiug for unflitated top and industrialists are hot for flags. sweet too, like the oath to the Mag thing has gone wrong with the pro ing have erred from the faith, they law, save those sanctioned wecord resentatives, 40, 143; for employees But the cotton industry should and the Constitution, to the END. Fram to make it bear so heavily on attack the right of property, no boom, and that may belp. Serious YIES of PLENTY.
the poorest of the tout farmers. tioned by law ethane. IN. le Continued heatre of a burocratie seremble ministration is now able to send the abd for the immediate repeal at the What is Ryan pleis about? Hel ou to a neglibile quantitser for Want Plenty? Nice, Easy Secret Way. Its Utopian Father Coughlin Adopts Popes Fake Liberalism for it.
IA (2 jument.